The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 1, v.h,ta't:t7 •tIlt „ • '1M1 • 4,44,,,,-4,4•44,4440,14,,,44-4.44,1,744•414,4414,*;,44, • 12.00 A YEAR -$1.50 IN ADVANCE -504 EXTRA TO U S A. . „ • IPEOSPAL....-AUQUST 5th, 19 O Fatal rawanoSfl • _ , • - George•-„Naylia, Aged. „ 65, , Critically Tnjr.ed In. Motor Accident Lnst •iwednefoay Died Some Three:HOure ,Later4Wm.::McCOol.,-bt Wingliam ••14Y01..v41. In Division Line • ekagh': I . • On theway to 'assist a I -neighbor e • ,and Within sight Of big "oWn home, GeOrge Naylor of .....East Wawanoeb Was So .seriously inured in a highway - crash: last Wednesday afternOon, that. • his death oacurred some three thour, later, , • ' Mr . ,Naylor, who owns; the -fir.,t Iatm east.'o f th D'vision Line On thf SPECIAL AT LYCEUM • .4196iF411ed3i:•.r9ligareer IrOn Avenue", Theatr,e;:heict Monday, Tuesday and .WC(1-no4ciaY• • 'Pi:4 'R.F*ell and • *Mel'''. !line' Calton ,•are co-stars '.in this I:ture; SuPp,orte# by„Alice Fay,. The I'41:it?•IIPrethere-and:etheri:. 'SOe'..thq *#1 Lor details ,ofthis picture; as well as I the western romance playing this Week, . • Minister 01 Agriculture“ For" Ireland, Visits Here Who Withl• His Wife Were Guests Of. • Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Anderson-I" s eets Large F ax Acreage Of GI' erson Exceptionally Heavy Crop RADIOTIERVICE .HAROLD *: GREER • Please leave order S at Sitifth'e.,Garage , r. R. L TreleaAn DENTtsir . TELEPHONES 49 - Office 53 W. Residence:53 J. .Win; Fowler PHYSICIAN & BuitcrBoN -office: Honks: _ . un'„7- Or By.'•ApPohatiment.. .• • "Phone 86. • TO, RENT4.- A Comfortablesix- roma. house to rent • town water Temple Clarke. • .P'ERSONAL- • ' MEN! GET.: viO0B AT 'ONCE! •.NEW OSTREX: Tonle Tablets; Attain raw eester invigorators and ,other... • stininiAts. One dose Pepe up_ Organs, ...glands. If not .delighted; Make/!:re • hinds: price paid -$1.25. Call, write McKIM'S DRI.14:"-STOBE; . • • . , •NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George A. Brooks, .late of ,the Township of Enron' in the County of ' Bruce Retired ',Farmer! Deceased. . 'NOTICE is hereby giken...pursuent ' to the Statute in. that •behalf that all „. Creditors and others having clainis or demands against the Estate of the said George A. Brooks, wiio died' On OrrTiteia-thi--TWilifieth day-07'....Sep- „ eipber Aep:. 1936, ;are required -on - or 'before :the Tenth day or August 1937,-to:selld-hrY__P_oet prepaid, , or deliver to George F. ',Brooks. R. R. 6; .Lucknow, Ontario, or Joseph „Ag- neW,•Lucknow; Ontario, the Executors of the last Will and Testament Of •the said deceased, their names, addresses 'and descriptions, the •full• particulars - of their ciaime, .a .statement of their aecennts, and the nature of. .,the. " se- eurities, if: any, herd 7-b-Y7fheiii duly, , 'verified' by_afficlakit; , • • • _ AND take notice that "after such ••:,_•last, Mentioned date the said Execu- .-ziors-will-pfciceedAo-dietriblite the as- sets , of the saiddeceased among the -±persone' entitled thereto; • having re; e , gard -Only; to shall then hakelnotiee, and that the ,said executors Will not be liable for • to any • person or persons of, :Whose ,claims notice shall not. have been re- . •, 'ceived bY .thein at 'the • time of such .." distribution. • „ - • ' , Dated this Seventeenth day Of July George Brooke, , •• R. R. No. o, Lueknow; "Ont. ' Joseph Agnew, , Lueltnew,• Ont: Executors. Lower Schoo1 esuks -•7..icroc- ese- The f011eiriag candidatee ,wrote the. DePartinental•LoWer. thooi:EXamina- .tions...cincl.Were "itac'eseful in, the sub- jects indicated after 'their names..., ;PernaI: 'A1ton-490100g .r• Marjorie Arith, .• • Zeolegy. ' ' . ' Madeline • • Brecklee .47." Eng. Gram, : Physiography, ,Arith., •A.grie, II. Audrey Campbell -Botany. Greet" Campbe114.-Br. Met, ' Arith.; Botany: ' • "-• ' '• 'Kathleen Carruthers -physiography, Eunice Carter --Botany. . Bertram' Curran--Arithulet.ie: 1 • .. 'Orville -Elliett-;Eng:.: Gram., Arith„ • Agriculture II •• tf. , tridirok• Acc FRIDAY .° - • july eddingv • PASSE AWAY MONDAY r.,„ and Mrs. 11.1.arrrY‘ teem, After n lengthY. illness, the death 4. • ,•,• - • eidellf' .thO.-1401c4Ovit-AV,.410Aalz.r444 CharMing gard. en: •Wadding' waS. , on .4110,pdaY. FaA,17. cast,.of .NP*Pcin*.011, ;Oat that!: Or Katherine.: •Martyri;,. ; daughter' rternoten:. :Leaving t4d roadway, 4Y, rei liociarick Mart and the late known here was ill her 7iftte year. 'The -„, ..eak; into,a• deep : five-footdop litra24 Martyli -!of: -:And mkt service was heldat herlate :in:.front.of • Ken, Pen .4' Mrs., T. Altan'. re410g,OeeLot 20, Coh. 5, Kinl�ss on fpgr.;01p014'. the. Alto Wed,Oc,sdAY'r 'APg140,. ;the' air' ?`There viaS deal ; of which. ;.place., 9 • aiurifaYe..4tily 411-1ITif041. '•"' • • 'damage dello,. :including 'Shattered ''3ist,•at the hohome'Of the bride's lath-, glass. but both .peOupantS, eeP1P- er, RiPley • ' • .• • 04,-; •practically,, :Of.. ini01710S, .r_oor,ccromou7,jn,t.r , natural:. , arch ,Of wee conducted me"ving . 'the ear, ' and extra help had Rev. Dr„ Short, of Barrie. to be taken the, 'sceno,,liefOre the: her Car Could be. gotten. (int ,the ditch. fi.itIlhh•ear,briri43de;Fhievetiiapglyr,rgiaegw,eilebdY • • • , , . „. white ,net over satin; She: Wore'• AppOINTED.,S111,ERIIN'TENpgNT, , Aoiilder length 'veil Ycaught With ,•• PP STRA ORD: PLAN orange blossoms and •carried a boil; Smith's wrecker had "difficulty. in re- • • • weeping,. birch; • . • . The Minister of Agfieillture • fiir Northern Ireland, Mr. J. W. Megaw and:Are ,,,,Megaw,, were guests' in Ltie; kne..,y at the '.hoine. Of "Mr. and Mrs. W.' I. Anderson the first of the week While'. here Mr; Megaw Made: a four of inspection of the fax fields Of G. Anoerson". & Son? having'pr.e- viously visited their flelds, at Sea - 'forth, Mitchell and Tavist061--which alltold, total soine .twenty-one hun- dred .a -res..- Megaw was very .fav - °rob, •.,inaptemed by the - excellent •Th'ffir*Iglity---0-thise•-large4acre- age Of ...flax. 'So heavy is the Yield this year that: binders '•are almost useless in harkee-' ting• .the crop' and mowers are being' ' used :some cases in this community to cut the Crop .while • at other centres, the, Anderson firm hake two hundred, indiaris employed pull- ing Ilax. So .:exceptionally heayy. is ;the'. yield; that one of the big Orel)... lents- is to know how tothandle On display' in The Sentinel Office; is a sheaf ' of 'flax, "grown, on Archie: Maeltityre's4farni at the 4th ion.- and .ti•hich ineasiaes four , feet; and over in height. , Whilethe entire' field.: ' is ,not ...this 'height:, it nevertheless at - tallied quite an unusual growth. • ELEVATOR CO. MEETING : 'NOTICE. TO: CREDITORS ' :In the Matter' of . the.' Estate Of. , :Alexander McKenzie , Of 1116'11oWifsilill of ,Kinloss , in ", the County of , Bruce, ' Gentlenclari; deceased. ' r" ' . I• Notice is hereby given pursuant to the ' Statute • in ' that ',behalf that all . Creditors and othershaving elailils • or demands against the Estate -of the said: Alexander McKpnzie;.:•who died ., on or a out t e . ventY, . •ay of ' Jtine 4.b.•1937, , are required on or • before ' the First .day . (if §epieikiibei. - .A.D.: l'.p7,, to send bY .pot ".prepaid,• or ,deliver to Angus : B. McKay, R. R. No. 6,,LucknOW, Ontario, • the executor .Of the last *ill and Testament of the „ . , , , : said dpceased,,their"narries,-addresses . and d , riptione,.•-the hill -particulars Of thei cliiiine, it statemsmali ent of their • eleeeplite, arid:, the iiettlre, Of . the ee. ., token lo Luels, ow Lodge., . You `:have been. a itieiOar Of Luck- Maities tif ..:Aii5ty' held by thein duly ' ", noW, Lodge for over 4.5. Years and we • 'verified by affidavit. ' "" `. ' ' l'faje tenight elected;You a Konorary --And take • notice . that .after ' 'Spelt AAA Mentioned date the said executor MI eTbar, 9t Luelni"‘4: L. II L. 116. . . .. • • Of .the said deaeasad ,arpong the ,per. aged§ 428; in ,redogilition. of: Vent: 'many Valitable services to the association ' :Will. proceed to distribute the ,sons entitled thereto, having 'regard 'qa@ils-a-;t6liell: of hig,hnefite'thit'"iiii • , which you are, held'IbY the *others. : Only to the ,elaims .Of whieh, he shalt ' , , . • . . •'• ' . 4 4". 6'oe'il. Mlitiiilriiia•rftdeViet executor Willnetbe liablefor' • then have "notice, and .tinct the . Said • a ' . . , Bald As'aeti. or any Part thereof `,10 .,11‘11Ytt,),. ' ;ii:etirr.15:42.,,111,iiidaAci.'i,a,,AtittiPg reP4tJ • any person or ' perSoria of • Whose, ,""" '''''''' ‘.1.""": "' '''' the Y6:‘itere elainashOtice 'shall not have been re; '10, 4 t.a47 Itil".'11'' . 'The annual Meeting of the Luck - now Elevator Company 'Limited will nesday evOiiirig, 8 O'clock, I 'at . which the 'annual__ Statement will be '. pre- sented, election of directors and other business ...transacted.. James Hackett, President: , • :Local Orange.: Order' Presents Life Membership , . Mr. Thomas .: Henr A.:.•;.ItlitiQuirb:r I 011. • Luc L - Than _ Forty -Five Years Presented .Life-Membership..:04...Thureiday.:Ev. ' the fact that :Mr. Thomas Henry Of Kinloss : has. ':Ibeen • it mer.nher, 'of LticknoW O. L. No., 428 for. more than forty-five years, ' ,fittingly reeognized • bY.. the preeentatien ' JifeilieniberehiP:::ertificate•,lait••, Thur- sday evening. Messrs.- 'Jack ,•-; , _Bert , Ward; Cecil Mullin, and John Carter; officere of the. radii .tedge,.'paid surprise visit to the Heiirir_hPnrie that evening, to:do• honour to One of their esteern• od and, .Neteran'inenibeg "The 'boys" had a good. chat for a time- with Mk. Henri redallinjniany 'interesting. and some In,: ident'S, of ,by. -gone days. ;Before the riarehinent ,Was 'presented,: the . 40yong.„...addiesta&4ead,4400i3.%- Bert Ward" as , Mister- and .Cecil Mut- lin; recording., secretary: ' • • . „ • • LuCknOW; July .29th, 1931:- • • • We the officers of Locknew ,Orange Ledge, 'Caine out " horIe ',tonight to ,pck, you..9, Brotherly .visit, • to talk, • over olden days of ,the 'order and to pre- sent you with , the teinpliments Of , the' .• Orange „Order'. as 'Well as: ,with '. this Donald •Finlayson4-Arithmetic; , • Edward -Gilmore-Eng: Gram., ' Zoology. • , Harold ,Haldenlly4-Eng. Glam..; Phys- iography,' Arith.. Agriculture 11. Jim Hunter -Eng. Grain., Br. „.„4,• „ Geography.• , • • . Pauline' Inglis -Art. John Leith-LEng: Gram., Arithmetic: Golden 'MacGregor -Eng. Gram: , Robert Macintosh -Art:- , .0aiLtr.::ealerri,ore, , formerly 'of tiiw, aid. for More than two years -at -the and '.teld-StO"tage,- deP:artmeote of° .Silverwood Dairies, Stratford, . has reeeiVed‘r:-fi-oirc-Itead--.--Office;-London; the •nhouheenientof his •prOmotio'n to plant s.uporintandent. of the Strat... ford firm; wluch new dutiesb.as . , --last . . . Grace ,MacKinnon -Botany. Bruce IVIcLennan--Geography, Arial., RECOVERING FROM; 'INJURIES _Grace MacLeod -Br.. Hist., • Botany. Greg Leith of Peterborough, -is- at ',Maclean I MacLeod -Art, Botany. : his ;benne here 'recoverring from injui-- 71Tilitlal-i,...4,77.7PhYIIirgiWiy;-. 1,04.ftreeeived-iii-,-=a•-•-motetne-f,clacideritt.-Wor. 'Arith, Zoology. • weeks Igo at Reaboro.. Ilis curnpan- Doris ion, 'Mr. Clare' •Seellard ‘snifored 'a. Mildred MeClenaglian•--• GeograPhY, fractured sktill. ' and will lose the use 'Agriculture L: . of his right eye, a newsPaper, diS- Kathleen McKendrick 4-Arithinetic. patch :state • , • • , Joan ' Parker -Eng. raphy,. Zoology. ,Dean. Paterson -Botany. Gladys• Penrose-lArithnietie. ' VVray GraM., PhYsio- Oiled Or Injured By Dogs Compensation For Cattle . . • . •• . r , • . • graphy, ZoologY.. thariei purdon Geography, Arial., Owners Of Both -tattle And Sheet) Arthur DEI odRR• i t ade nsh -gHe -GGgeor gaPr ah Geography)"i A . . Art. NoW. Entitled -To. Compensation When Animals Killed .Or Injured 'By Dogs -Until , Last Session Com-. icul- , pensation, Applied‘.0nly To Sheep • All owners of cattle sh erI killed ture 1. Robert J...-Ross-4GeOgraphy. • Raphael, St, Marie -Rt. fliat..,:" deeF-: Or injor6d by dogs are entitled..; to ' ,raphy, Art, • • compensation either„.by ,the dog own- _ Grace .'Weatherhead.;41r: Hist: ' • els or bythe'•'muniCiPality;.• according Jean Welikood:-.-43ri Hist., Geography, to igioati90 sponsored Iand. piloted throog • relwead-Ge#08IP,11Y,e 'Ph.572- the last •.ISes'sion bY tbe :Dancaty • fpgiap•by, IZoology. ••Mnishall, 'Qnterio Minister of ,Agri - Harriet' Whitley4-Zoology, • ,eulture. "Initired" C. • Dobson,.'• ‘plieS, to Injuries' .caused .1)Y wet:1011'1g: Secretary 11. S.I'kritratice • Board: •\iitiiir .4.• • ing terrifying- or .pureuing • Up Until•the-last Session; the Act apPlied. 'moo ficiated 'and Mr Statile St eeiVed • hY.,, hlin, at the, time- otrifieh diatributieti,• 0ated.,the Third of' Auguat, • , -6AKOK144, PARTY The annual Garden Party of the girdotigh Anglieait. chureh, will he held On FridaY evening, August StiPPer served frovii,6 to Good Pro- • Special ;bargains . in •Men's and Boys' 'Socks and Summer Undergar- ments. -THE MARKET STORE. • I - DIED IN CHICAGO The death Of Mrs. MacKenzie, :wife of Dr:. Duncan MacKenzie of Chicago, he, a', native 1 of ,Culross Towilship, occurred in ..that_city___Mi7JSiturday after a- lengthly illness. The funeral was- held in. Chicago on Monda d '40 1;44 Read about -the , •premium „coupe) offer on the ;back Page of this iseue. •Coupons always good at • THE • MAW: KET STORE. • •' D. McLEOD, RIPLEY PENT'S% GtiBB TO sc•O 1lDr. *W. D. McLeod, who for ' thp past siXteen. years has carried on :successful dental practice in . Ripley, left last week with his ;wife and two. little . daughters,' Roseinary and Bev- erly "Alin, for "Sault Ste. Marie, On- tario, where, in the 'future they will Make their hone and: where he wilt 'Carry on his 'profession.' Numerous ' presentations were made -M-rt-and-Mrs-.LMacLeods--prior--te-their- departure. , Mpg. *McLeod's- Sunday. School cities Presentedher with book ends. Business men- of the village presented the esteemed, couple •with , an upholstered' throttle plated 'easy Chair and eetlar chest, 4,while the choir �f Knoxl Church .presented Mrs, McLeod with an end table • and lioWer' dish. .• • McLeod's successor Is- Dr. A. McDcinald,fral native r of the dis- trict, And a graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry, Toronte. Univorsity. B--and-1 Meeting Fridai Asked • BY -Law Be Submitted • Aleeting Flavors *7000 Issue 'That Would Practically ',Fully • Complete Building ;This Fall -Ask Council To Submit By Law At • 'Ear les Possible Ditt alley, Her ',sister, Miss Amelia' Mar- A Well • attended 'public nieeting tyo; bridesmaid; wore :Pink, net over held on Friday evening in connection satinT-witirwreatht-of4pink-2-119-weis,-witIv4hepropsed.......arena; concluded and carried a bouquet Of.,bltie7latit-' With the following- -motion -being ap- simr and ''whitetbaubardia., The flow- proved without. a ' dissenting ..,vote: .61,-."gill,"3111S-S' Mice& Fee 7MarYtn, by :Robert -Rae and seconded of. tbe, bride, in e blue- crepe ankle length 'frock, and matching bonnet, carried a nosegay of sweep . pea's. Master ".• Roddy ,Martyn, ' nephew , of ' by Ternple Clarke.„:,that the • Village' sobmit„,• by-law at the earliest ,poi:. g, ethle 'a- t • for seven thousand :•dol- lars • for the purpose of building,a the 'bride, was ring bearer attired in community : hall" and- arena in . Luck-. white' flannels. "and* navy Coat. ' •The .now". . best man was Mr. ,Tom Alton, of Tor.:. .. From • figures availahle. there . is , ./. . • , onto, "brother . of ":the y.groom, Mess:Fe:: „every indication that such n boil/ling Anyidi.4-.4alan •: and. Donald ".:Ma'rtYn,- van, be 'erected . and i Prectically:.coni-'• r;_t b. ',bride ., Wer_e_iishers.: , •leted this fai ' wt ' a $7000 issue and - The wedding music was played by the -meeting .Wai agreed • ig•was-t `e• • , , , . • „ Mrs. Eugene IVI,artyn; .and 'during the Soundest POlicy :Upon ,- Which to Po - signing 'pf .•the ... register; , Mre'.... Ross 'toed with the undertaking. m4..tyn dng..,, ,,,i ;.106,‘,e you Tiniy,•,., • ,'' The meeting was preeined.bi,ei. by, 4,it;.1.1;eaeri;tyinoui::'e,Opneivthi41...ianyn:ib'i.ufoell,fio;uerd; Reeve' W. B. Anderson :and' attended The sheer and 12.4 inotiiht:ili,iii.rt.abCclaescaorli.aeciiet• bt§liteii., efia!plYni.:te.tel:Oc'etiri.,s-Pbeinrnetk4;.ii.nv,telf,,e97fimiiiii.-7.Athi.:tef_hsei-ol'jt:idi- O'ver taffeta; with : white accessories. .P3tOes.i6d 1?inisel"f as Para"r.'ailY ray."' wedding trip Mtrrip..,ildnoti: Mt rtsh.e,AsIt4ognueleiif:ymainlii c'i*lg .an I arena; but , outlined the diffi'. etiltiei facing the council in the 'mat-. , , aniroounind;,ath,,beiuGea:sspheettset•iibtx.,ilvdtiitra.wieheiltttizieornantt a..;!.1..ii:1Pgrh' sible:•financial 'obliga- evOlVe on the .taX.,. accessories and. wearing .the gioom's. payer, ' • : .. :,. ,•.-.. • 'i.- ,:. giftahahandsome Wriet-Itteh.pr. Netoo ep.ok.e' br•ielY,a... nd . e On their return thywglesidoivealed he is stilt a youth in spirit- .: Walkerton. ,; . * , When he eniphasized -: 'the ' physical moral and social, aspects of such : building. • ; 2 • : • Jack Canipbell,:- formerly secretary - treasurer of the arena in Hillsburg, "ouiRned ,'ol .400 '.perions had" built a.niodern rink"; liakrit7frie.-..-odebt;-!andtwast.elicting:up BITRNS--REDDAN " • • Inn wedding Ceremony ',Which took Once in Eaton ...IVIernorial on Saturday, afternoon; July.31et; Miss 7Ma...geret----Leinsof Mrs. •Redd,ali'. of:'Terento and the .late. -Mr., On, the right side Of 'the, ledger .each C. : GranCReddan,::. Wile 'married' to season. • 7 ' Baroi4 B. Burns; Fort Others Speaking briefly .were Rob*S01I of Mr . Y4; :1‘Ifiters. -•TP1.1: :ntal.• .B1 Albert.rns G. •}!: 'dance' entered. into. the discussion..:., : , o , . • only to sheep. e new act e Dog !plaYed the 'Wedding, musie.-. • Tax and Like Stock" Protection ACV.% The 'bride wis gowned.,in 'forget:, -clearly7defines-,-;--the--responsibiiities:. of dog Owners ••• and line;:, with hat to .match; and 'carried caje: where animals are killed or in- a. bouquet of, orchids -lily-of;the-val- , You Can buy all spanner under- garments':".fer Ladies Children atTIIEMt KM' .sToltE, -CHRISTIAN , FELLOWSHIP „rt. "flow to be 'saved and h� to know that yon are svedu will be the main topic at the -Christiin Vellowship jiired • • • " •,' . • • '..ley and "'Butterfly roies. She vias-euri- • • Whether or not ,the. owner of. aPY. attended' and' was ;given marriage deg.: killing. ,1We • stoek,';•is kli9W11," the by' Mr.: 0.. J. A:. liendereen. Mr. Stew niunieipaiity 111 which. the • like stock art Burns-ef.-Deficiit,:hrether:not-the were:killed OF injured shall be: liable 4...4.00-111.,. was the usher Lo he live tAoCi.ktveNvireL- f Aftertheearentony----a±reception was' held at ,Dunwoods, York -:Mills. dont of damage • as ascertained by like ...stodk ' Valuer's appOintedby the municipality . • " In order to. collect the owner must netify .. the manicipaiity within 48 .holas• lifter', lie . -t12e. The bride's Mother received : in 'cor- • onation , blue chiffen and , net with Matching hat , and bouquet of Rich. - Mond roses. She werCeeisfed by the groom's; ,mother torqUoieeb1Pe, . '•, ..• • . • •'0 ' . , ' Seek To Sell OId Railway Right-oI-Way to Province Lake__,_Shore Municipalities.. Met In Dungannon Last Week To Discuss Matter., With Government RePre- • r eentative.:-Ashfield's Share Of If& ...„-hentiires_Nlataring Year Is $125,000. .•' t• Uage.1ax ate e ReMaIns:Vnchinged. From Last Year • But Provincial • Government 'Sub- , ;eidy „Effects' One MW Pedaeti"#' • Past*. Motion ' To .•Sulicalt $7,000 By - Law TO It4teParOrS.,, For''EreetiOn' •" •Of 'Ogallau,nitrY ' And Area* Thestriking of .the ta rate and the decision to. :salmi:lit' .a $7000 by:-Iciai to the 'ratepayers; Were the •high... lights ,of the August meeting, of the lage Council with Reeve W. B, Anderson and Councillors Ferguson,. , .McDiarrind ,and ,McNeb' present.. In connection With the proposed ,Coinninnity hail-and:arena, On .motion of Councillors MeNab. and McDiarmid W-1/1 ft- Z-••• ••••'t• • / r by-law for $7,000' bearing 3%.% , , ..,ferest 'payable in twenty equal Tina] instalr,nects of-princi • al . an i , Present at ,the 'Meeting :were Mes; .sr,s. Belp-ert. 1Sroith aiid Dr. It, Li Treleaven. The metier of ap.. t Pointing a 'committee ,of. Seven mem- bersto have charge, Of this proposed • comniphity • iniilditig . was .".'left over, • for 'further consideration. The Board... would ' include • two members of the Council for a terni of one year, and . ' live --other : members. .appoiated. by •the Council fol .a term' of ,two .years.. ' The, inipertance of: this ,..being n Iiiurcapable •sed as it was pointed out it will be ' Phe aim . of this '.Board of Directors' PO raise :theentire annualciebenture payinent; so .that it .may not cost the taxpayer ufive. Cents". • . Tax, Rate Mill' Lower The Villa.ge:tax..,rate was, Struck at, , • 42 ,inilis. This is• a One. Mill reduction Made possible by the:Provincial Golf-, • erriMent subsidy of a 'mill. The :"rate- , is .niade-•`o'es felinvs: County : 6:3.;., • Viilage 11.6; Street • lighting.; •Schdel 14,7.; LibrarY. 1.3; • Relief :6; , Debentures 4. ' The:_Clerk, was instructed :to 1..writes the Imperial • Oil : Company . to have • them remove their,•sign at the Street light in front of the service* station operated by jack Thompson: '• UPC, • request the • balanee . Of the ' Library Grant • of 8268 was Ordered raid. This grant based On poe per . ainounte-to $518., the &inflation be. , Relief ;bilis* Presented for payment totalled $15.70.. • . . . (It.IIDE CAMP AT ..KIN'tAIL IS . WELL ATTENDED:, ;,..'4r.7•;. ••• 4., . . The firstdivisional Girl Guide, CaMP fel.' Grey. and ;Bruce, opened at Kintail • the first of the 'week; with , °lop, in.attendance•from Owen Sound, • .Goderich, ,Lucki-tew; MeifOrdiLOndefi, ,Ancaster, Norwich, Palmerston,'" Lis-•,' toWel, Walkerton' and Hanover. , "tt,.7.-- eentinues:-.1111til Auglidtakt,h- • Mrs. Rettie,;:Hanoker, .cein; .• • niand..pit. Other inenibers of the staff NegOtiations •for: . the, sale. Of 'Ithe .are :Mis's ' Xenia :."Kneelitel,' Hanover, righttof-way of the defunct Ontario' commandant and nuree,;, qUarter.inee* Veit. Shore kailWay betweert„ Goderi, .ter • "vireA. E. • :Mckim ••• tuCkn iv.... 111 ich and Kincardine' • Were '-opened :last :district : commissioner and .I-carep ad-. . ,killirig4.OrF 'it,ijurjug, 'and : the carcass 4arge white ,hat .and 'corsage of , Je_ Week, . when . rePresentatives ' Of • the viier,, fer: ''' the ,: .north -Central • area, :niust •not ..be destroyed until. 'it has hanria• .H111, : roses: The 'bride, "..and municipalities affected Met 'at' Dun- nurse, Miss Dorothy • Richardson, of • '' been seen. by, the valuer for the mun*. ' -.43 d mo- : gannon With' a rePresentative of • the. IlanoVer• eivinireing instrUctor " Mies 1.ci.ipali.,y, , , te';',;:ipl ittel',1,,e4tue.bge a:n.d. the ,Lani.-e-n_ Department- of : iiighwaye, which ' is J;tilia,--.Wright of .Torotto;;:specialiste; - If " the ' 0' fl of the, -rtninieip,al• "iin,n,,.. th. fernier ' 'Wearing'. A nay- Y- a PriiliectivetrInirhakPr; ' ; ' : • '' in tyr.00ddi3tift.; .1vfis'...1....HeT.14e.'*01, of „ •. the .line „extends along ' the • Blue-, I.Pclknow; iii.leY making, MisS TaYlor,•,. council is. clissatisljed ,-ivitl.i..the- rePoil hl • ue• and Whife'eneemble With inatch. of the Valuer; they maY:: appal - to aecesiories. On :their .return' wator taken over "-v.er fii'at aid,"-airtea and gen the Miaister, of ,Agricultore, the lion. Duncan Marsh.all,,'Withiri .thirty days of the award. This appeal must be made in writing accompanied by a *25 dePosit; • and the Minister ,may a" urther investigation. The rePor.t of , this, kal; tier shall ." be ,final conclusive as to the witent. and' amount • of the, damage' done. The nicIey retntii-, 'id if the appeal is .,successful, but forfeited if 'the .appeal is .16st: lf rii;) likestock, valuer has been aP. pointed by the or, clerk . of any munieipalitY,the "Minister Agriqulture,. on • application_ of the owner 0 live stook, may ' tjiig il(iVrs'l3tr)sNvl'I'livbitFort \ViI- )Ylw'Pr.vT4'.:4.nd'wher.s6niete- eral g•uide".N1.kiMtSi'tak:rie ainGueets'Were'Preeent parateriZor1etiouV?%is begIgoidcor7$Caieker ad;jss trPit, Felt Williztm, Listowel, .Loc4...• carried' on-, tti iinProve that road. The Marion Johnston of 1.:tickri14- now and .Alhainbrci 'Cal • ' •' Tight-Of:way Is considered of coneid-• • , erable val4 in this .bighwc4 inaPrOve- • ilitagaty•AINT_LL*.z,* nient work: p . . . • ' • •fille ,Departinent's re a resen a we A quiet wedding: was eolemnized at,i'nad.etji atf af• :i4.00, an acre, which tii‘e" Pite"-Yteriari. Manse, Windsor, was not accepted " by the nitinkipal with Rev. Mr. Paulinafficrating; wheirI committee. An., engineer, is being Miss" Vera. Elizabeth Ryan', formerly , the 1111 itt Poti t:'earlel;; .d in to s'trieY beaniv points niong the heiLOiM1*. George HenryHenr3vh 'Orin -qf Wiqsdr'i ;11-keY''nere'41tiehdt'a interviett;;414: Departinent at a :later 1w3rOl.Me.•1:11;dol!,nri:-.:nflittfiiIeeph!s.-46enolgfttlihe;wbihIlled the Outskirts of Goderich. to itice, I with matching.' adeespories. • • itiotapi ifibt.ef:4i4ior • inefodes Pollo wing the ..cereniony, 4.he.happY eonie tWentli,,One- :art ac; 'reage of that niuch,, niore;'. from 'there, to- Kincardine: :ether OSe.,reliOrt ifiall,be:fitial and _ le,•ft on ct•w,edding, tr• ip td conciusive the council'being liableleauPle., „. , . _ er:,the es.t .of ,ve.hietteti •tt. • 'Angelea, ann. Crane 'Canyon • upon ,ranolitlt of tt.wattl.,7 .kepotts, 'at th.. their return they Will, reside It 1651 award will he fiirwardcd to 'both, Dougall Ave., Windsor. Where live stock has beeirhilled ' injured .territorY. without 'thintiel- The Marriage 'has been: atinoune'ed pal nriatftation, . the; owner- 'of the ,..9f kiga .ifeth ,Duguid, , daughter of 40i ,shail, .be :forClaiiittger',and '11?fr. and 'Mrs. F. Duguid, Ottew4Y - - . it Will net,' liedesSarOto tii!Oye the Loitdoiy,, and.aor., ivioidopif C. dog Was vicious tie014inie4, to toting Of ,Waterdown4. 'SO Rek. :Chit...this."--1C1C10--Obbillgi,'.W.e. trust._ :100.1itY, live StCidko' •• an MVS. 0.1.4. Young of iitiekhoW, that itloge; .crowd of young • Copies .9Pthe .Act US Otithiled abeve -The rerernent was-1).01`ternieti' last Peet& Wilt be present to bear this by writing fo, The Week at kii•Ox College Chapel, Tekettio i7it01 althjet '01i0gadd., Please bring filtreat04: t?tittelV 'Ont. DePettUnnt; to. t6tti •tir, and . Mrs. ; YomogareyOul . 71fired And he, -oti-thrie for the of AgkipOltur.9,',furtisinerit, Buildings, gradupfei of the IttilvefAor of Weat-, „ • The failure ofthe 'Complany buikl- ing the; line, left the .rnunicipalitieS of Gedetieh-,, Huron, •and Kincardine, saddled ,With ,'of ,$,400,000 as a 'rest% of giiitrantee- ink the • bonds of the tallikaY,,`,whith never becathe operative. • attb.9‘igh,,. tang Woie laid As, tiir as: Kintail,-.and a Work train did haul 'some 'Coal to Points, along,the itnc, as well,as Jnwl- ing One eonsiderahre; farm , produce. Aslifiehr.s share of the guarantee Was .$185,000 barn by ratepayers, 111 the -four western polifng subdivimn of "th toWnthi ir to the ektent of a tax rate:ef a" 'fraction more than 6 mills on :their' aeseesinerit, ThiSlhas i ttheepT'..:ivsnisniiiiin5,g,‘„rfund: to. ith ccro.ued inter- estof 'roughly *•76,000 to Meet, the de- benture ...Which, falls due the first of Jul,•, next year.' Thc Procedure. then 'wili. iilkelY to issue -.debetituree for the. balance, Which Would qee the entirc . debt yip.. ed opt within aboutanothertell yeatS, we learn, front • a'n ailthOrStiVe; • SoUrCe.. • • "'Other „ intmicipalities , are assesSed. as• follows:. Ooderich • *150,000; Huron “. „ "kincertlint *66,0(10., Maybe Your. Eyes 'nothing nt aii to d9 with :Yoor.,.always'-tited , feeling, , yet, they MAY. All that is .stiggeeted• , fere, is that It would be a good it1C & learn if You see as nearly normally as you 'etlietild; - F. T. ARMSTRONG'S „ "EYE 'stairr-stitylogi., Llicknor, At 8.ehmid.ka. ,iewenery. Store' Pao, Wottogd4sr 1%14-$4444Y •• • ••