The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-24, Page 8• �?sAda BIG$'1:• w+✓.tn.wFa.+mw K—r;..+,. ...Mi•^..Mm, Arammommono— • ca PEARI;l1VIAN'S• 11AYE RECEIVED° , M-AI4 ., NEW= DRESSUS JUST PROaTORONTO = •C ERE. PRESSES --,These: are' '•n 4h.e new, Suedene Crepe -mat! .;tetitil which: is washable, The ; materials , are floiVered. or stred and in summer' olo rs; These dresses2 95 i -, c floral, .'l.hea ..chiffon dresses are 1n fan y ._ ,,... CeIE•1,'tFl�►N .ItEsSES, r.T-, ,.. �,,.,.,-., �,m.:,T.�-::..•T.,:�. .:.; IfeL.. i :�,., _ �'sii"t' 'lite "7CoaUil'il. , .'`""•..:.:. ' G , d`estgna• and �n :.coTou s X a ,,,: ,•, . � . trona' 6 and '• all sties om: "16 • o' � �1 ' ,a t fbr only, .. , .,, . T . . , • ,. . , •• • • ,r0ER Is. ALSO A .CO•411 ETF,, STOCK' OF• ',BETTE DRESSES •FOIL -'SUMMED:',:: LITCKNOVY,; ONT. 'PHONE' :55 • FOLLOW.' THIS BREAD DIET PLAN I • Th,D1PIau t gt yes• about '16110 ,.,. , Colorise, IS day ; the, reducing *Variants 'of the average' woman.., •':rR KF*ST' , " 1, toast fruit 'juice; Small ,serving ,; meat, naher eggs;.2 SLICES TWAT es' 1, aq. botlticl.l cop coffee Islam) 1 tsp. sugar •' *LUNCH OR SUPPER: Mod to `_6 n. !n0 meat 5i. or iwi .ggi Average slag 1 g� veget- able;2 SLICES BREAD,1 sq. butter; , Average earring frplt salad;'Y glee! •,. milk. NN ..:.Tor. frultor•tomelo Juice;:Gen- • 3S alas. e erotte serving•,meat, Ash,, or towi;; • Average serving' 2, vegetables, '1 ' 1. , green ;Small ierdng simple dessert; 2 SLICES; BREAD,41 sq: butter; 1.' cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tsp. sugar.' .. ENTIFIC- discoveries prove that bread proteins, help ° burnup fat while you are'-:. • , reducing •• Bread itself is not fattening. It B a g. jut a istr . food—but Is notasa . , . c1iY .at •, ' ,sof :.- ar .o dr __ on h• blaatl �,.e 8 Coin �, �..x � .. that 'give..' You” ;energy.. ,and,,'an effective form of protein.1. : eapeciallyr. ... and Go' On the' new Bread Diet = stayspTendidlYenerge wNile_y o u__L-. reduce•=instead of being weak. • tired '•• and irritable:: �f Bread' :Diet hel s keep The P x •. Ex- treme.o • muscles treme' diets: often breaks `sues.' 'The down ` vital , tis Y should never -be taken with s' advice. out a:'physican UE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • Webstfr" .Plcnic The . annual„Webster '•picnic- alias; ;Y held; o> Saturday,. ;June 19th at the United Summer- aeheol grounds,, with •an attendance of around two hand red: The weather hein'g, favorable,. both the:old as well as the yo)f g generations::thoroughly enjoyed them,- selyes, in the: regular routine. of hear- tyi greetings; sports;. of ah',kinds, ;and. h '•' a petizing, meals•. T ere Were not as •efrrk�j'�'y_` "kci3'yyr� ��irxr.:w;w..e'.:a.r�y.:yh,_ ear ..as , i revius - ears. However • Y as >� . o �'. they � ere ' n t',, 7isnouraged ,on this: Y•.,jK' o , one' occasion, ^and ;after' the busibess. , 4 a: ,be " d'is, of this.. yrear s ..picnic • ,h d . en, . cusse` plans were; made for nett. year'so„p1 nib, `. Girls, 5 yrs. and under•Jean; Mc Kinley;.Margaret:. McClymal ,Boys; b years 'andunder:TommyConsitt,,• TH0AS , CRAWFORD Tommy Webster, • who is' .conducting' the midsummer Girls 10 yrs 'and under --Myrtle examitiations''•of the 'Toronto `:Conser-' McKinley, Doris •Reid. Boys, 10 yrs, vatery'of Music in•,Lucknow, today and under—.J C. Alton,. Bobbie Mc- and Friday, is one 'of , the ” most vers- arid stile members= of the T. C. M. faculty, Hoer—Fertt� Al -ford has late y ;s mguts e t Kinley a d Harold Barrington (ties): pl churchi or'g5nist•of ante. 1Vir: Craw- Girls„ 15 Yrs, and.lt 1 d t h d'himself' tonir,gttihrine.Turner. i.beye, J5rs:;yas:4 #Qr 3►ts '.nroductton df Gilbert and and under Clayton Alton, TOm', Pat Sullivan light opera.: Mr., Ciawoatl is wen -known , an Idngland, having•`' tton� .`for any._years'assistan organ CI. Girls L-iegged race—,•ern .'►lion & 1st a,- ' 7 iilastot Amey. n LOCAL and GENERA Mrs: Richard -Stoner ef-Toronto-iso Visiting with: het- sitter, Mrs, FlynSa;i Miss Grace MacPherson a verton; spent;' Sunday visiting with friends in, Lucknow. Dr, Grant MacKenzie ofS,t, 'Mi cheel's Hospital,, Toronto,spent. the Weekend at his home here. • g ' nsar d • ' tl.. Mr.•,,:: T��� . cr >S�#, .l?ac x'rtsaa:ta� .ht+�.e +,.,.n-k',-e.••..,,�,.«.,:.: w. -.rte �r„+,«,x>wn•-w'-`7'f>..-moi r.v -1 V . � s s 'n � aloe' '-of-'lane>-; "eft r a �?: tY g Dert''IY n. River' for the -past two Months ,' ' Mr„* and -Mrs. :Harold' Burns of Detroit, were roeeek- with, e .ndvisitors•... his parents, Mr and Mrs. T ;H. Burns. Mr • Ciar` nee oGreer of L London as •Spending two -weeks' ...lyacation w it. h e his parents, Mr; and IVIrs. J. M. Greer, • T,I.1 t,R,9DAYt, Jl Janie Alto ; Muria Solomon Dor-.• adran muni a k J e. n, M , ¢i othy. Alton. , Boys: 3 -legged race'-=' r lecturer, Clayton, Alton & Gordon Keyes, Tom 'Patton, and Alvin Alton. +.- •Boys, wheelbarrow, race -- Jimmy ,Webster ".arid Harvey Keyes, : 'Alvin Alton and Tom Patton: '.''• Young ladies! •race,—Dorothy 'Alton, : Fern' Alton., Young 11, en's'1'ace=Mei vin Morrison'• Charlie' Anderson.' ce`- ordo 'e ye '•'&.+I lt- ' Cos .ra G n K s Coat, y. l: crane Turner, Alvin AIton& Ettabelle Webster , f c l circles' .he as nown as a recitalist, compose, : ands •conductor. just. Plain Selfishness Creates :Highway . Mena . Superintendent ' Finds Wonien More. p. Courteous Than Men; 'Although ••Generally Not So, Competent 'At 'The Wheel '•' • 24TH, 1987,,' Couple • race Bernadine Alton & :.' •"Just plain, everyday selfishness; Melvin .:Morrison,,:: Fern Alton and ;en the: part of motorists is respons- huge ' h e r � ''Morrison: ' Vent s g Go. don .. :`,-' ,,••:: ' �'' ble for 16...per- .. — r 1.:. s' yin.: E t Married Ladies', race: ' M s. a . , , . • , .' . , ... ' : nide . _•.. eco: ,.'-...: _—.'-c ._._ rr g Keyes, Mrs: Archie Nicholson.' •'Mar- the opinion of Jos: 'Ii9 King, . supex- +'. lad , s-. ri • , "Men .. -race . Go don '' Kt k n , ob`1"•and• ca . ed s . r...... .• ,. •.• tli 'autom i e antendent of ,�. e : Joe . Freeman ranch of . t e Canadian Unde'r:: ualty b ,r M , t r 'Throwing the- oiling' p n . ., ovation When' mo 0 writers ,Ass y` o . Alton. 'per, A ch Is 'and Archi N o Sn R a tis e Y bst n 1 P. u ,. w�a,s _ists__can sho _ � � ..... ; a th . accident and manent :decrease • n e• death rate•on ', our streets . and, •high- , reap ways; they. 'will unquestionably e P the benefit. of their •careful efforts in• timer, insurance rates", .according to a statement :made' yesterday by •Mr: Ka n' g: Re g:r> Referring, to the current. "Try Courto s "campaigngof the :LOntario; , y" ... highways department, he. remarked that ,it .objective could,.be• the means that:its ofaxing, tette-.of : thousands 'of dol-- . •lar§ for motorists: who carried' insuir- an an ` 'dr; . he' thought;: My are ..' : drivers; pay ilea yin ,°a .heavy• „pride: for .selfishness and' 1, k of courtesy in their insur-, ance.premium's�orhoeing''. Other no- ts t rY grist' o.car the burden;for them. Kicking ' the slipper — Mrs.. Joe' Ffeemari,' Atfabe11e Nebster. , • Tlrow%a •• '' Girl - F, ern • Alton, Muriel Solo mon. Bo s. Char=` lie Anderson' 'Gordon Kirkland: Throwing•the:' bat-'--C•harlie, Ander- re a. so • .Jo � F tem n n e If youare overweight and el, fo-. want to-. reduce Tsai` y, 1 . , 1 diet and . eat,' bread ' .•_ Low th s , : as' the main. your : Part 'of energyf QQd. UNLITBRED 'PHONE,. 36,;LUCKTO'W: RAPID 'CITY • ''Mrs. R." McQuillan. Sr., has return- ed .home, atter visiting her sister,;•Mrs:' Robert 'Stephenson, Varna. . '. Messrs. Frank and Jim : McNeil : and �. '.�j Ston spent, ' o Weston, Bill:. Siamson, Jr.,J r.l e , P t. tha week -end at "their` homes: �, Mrs ;'Will Reed, Jean, `and utnce,, ,est :wee ii .. ,... . .: - ....; : Macintosh,. Jim e b r'.•re-unionc`neat ;: ..a cadent are all d M Charlesy=`itobert ' att Hoed the We ste in• has. opmaon, many. c sFall dad. l�orwach, and ,ori. their re ; S . Dunlop,Saturday. �.-in :drivers' who:;crea-• Hamilton • a, .S Y caused bytilt u were accom ani'ed . by',.thea, turn R the: race—Laura Hamil; • . '•Mr: Hiram Blgom, Mrs. Sills andr;'te • circumstances'for: a mishap': .nephew,Jack Kenn-edy" of •lvorw3ch. Young• ladies' • ' e • ._• d. '. ,i . . •; • .. , MarionCam „Lorne, tlwere. visitors with Mr.'. and'', o not. attic ate in" it .themsel hvisiting.with them. for a few: ton Marion' Hamilton,. p _but. d ... p aP:.. ,.. w o as _ , :: `' bell. : Mrs. Chas. 'Thomson, Sunday... yes; . and 'usually.. ;ansast. belligerently Y da s. • We, can supply you with Congol- i,: tum and Linoleum .Rugs' at prices ;. that will save :you. tnonej:;, Ask' use or ask your friends. THE'. MARKET STORE• Mr• and Mrs Gordon"'Webster ar d ecial.: , ,. ,;,..19. STRING. DRESSES--Sizca 14, 40, Sp .... + Si� SfrRING;' '2,PIECE S)JT:l„Smart. styles, Reduced to ,•, -$1 e5;.. •rM,.sx;,.'P +$°^gist.. +«w.a�•wc..ar,.� .�.f+"'.fe x-v� �a?w. �a:. ex,*wa..ra< s .sa,•Y•::;wztya q✓. a:+Y+evrez. ' ;'Reg.`$$ 25; • PETAL''' CI 'E'.: RESSES-for :Children, Sizes 3-6 yrs.,' $1,„ ti:'. tEl'... D Sizes '8-14, y ,, es. , , $19$ ti All new tinted de- •.�Sl OItP .DR1;SS�ES—In: Pique Cordell . printed ,., signs. Reg $1.95. For, , . , $1.59 DESERT CLOTH Dresses,Rick rack. braid'•trimming $1,95 • VO'ILg .DRESSES—Neat Fioral . pattern. ,Sizes 11 11. Special:, $ ti .,441 •, 1. • Eunice and Bobby`of Port Credit;:I spent: ;1"61-1-14* 'J wZ ti V to ► ' ' can: su l you ° with • Congol-; President Of Association ' . sister, s here., We n. PP Y . • enna• and Linoleum Rugs at: prices,• ' ' You tnone T B: ,Ta lot:• of ' St: Helens ave Y u Y was re-elected president of the Har- rison: _gathering, ^which _held its sec- • Mr. and 'Mrs.'''.'Roy Bradley” and that,. will; s k 'US—Mr, y, children Mary •.and John -:;of •Harias or�ask-Your friends.—THE M ton :'spent ''Sunday 'with Mr anti ,Mrs. ST°R4' 1• r: diff • Aitchison •'1 '• ARKET paramount Community. ;end annual family' reunion list' week at' Goderich, She event having:been Messrs, John. McQuillin and .S E. , : established' last year to, Mark•.. the. Robertson,.:were 'in' Mount Forest Held Annual Picnic one-hundredth• anniversary oft the" .•, las' eek'. attending.' district:'agri-' arrival in: Canada; of .the`; •first ahem , �' d r' al'. AllDa Outing •, At Pomt 'berg of, the family„ .Mr. an . Mrs. culQuxal meeting. , . Annu Y '..settled:.'a't . . .. ,, ., ., ,,: '. • es• Harrison,: � who. Saturday Was Enjoy- lame H ,, Mr. 'and :Mrs. Joseph'' Sondak, of Clark On • Goderich, - New. York .City; who'.. are 'on, -their, able Event Wedding 'trip, have b ten visiting n g with and Mrs `B •.Pearlman. :: - The :Paramount Club's annual all Women's Auxiliary. Mr..and..Mrs, .F` orb e' s N M4cDetialil.... da •tonic was' Meld.•oamt. 'Point7bClarkmeeting . • Th June me etin a`Mrs .• Ar n1 _ and sonsJ 'Jack and"WilliamoSaturday• ,wa:pooP1esttong's'.,gaoup•'aas.heid -on friday' :` --- 4.4_.Y __'-L -•t � ikT resent a d 1 hilt =this-rwas- .sinal eriionn at the Tome of Mis Al . , M' t a�th `their P ford, g is are visa to w =ler attends ce'than usual, the outing mer Ackert' With a good attendance; Stint and uncle Mr' and' Mrs• Thornes : ". heless, a' .. en'o able "one. 'present Meeting opened, , '.b •singing `• Boat h. oyes revert n .... ] Y Pre. e M g .P Y A sports program, •and softball' ,of 'hymn, followed. by Lord's player , • ' Mr. and • Mrs. Isaac Andrew' have ' a' leeth os..z.,ghhlY •tm'he,_,. :activities ies of_athe sday win 'unison: `Minutes of ' fast. meeting' received•word thatthere is . encour- w`re amproviment way t.pacckersa-i,wereread •and, adopted. The':group phedthemselve at' dinnerand •ul- wasfavoredwith a quartette front,: - of theirson, Ir.' John F. '.Andrew,.per, makes thisfeature worthyof theHolyrood,-school",girls andalso; who has been 'seriously ill. . -'bingincluded as one •., f the, chief theFallowingnuribers�wexe much en • - ' • ” , r"g s,.:H .i. l : .. 8 Y d �,• . .'.c. e 'o:y_..ed—;,; a.', ` piano ':so, lo o " RVor•bs i: n' s Do_n r. . • . Tharateesu ts wereas follows•fowler, s.vocal duet 'bbyra: Albert Dora and: Andrei Harornisoann'd Little and Misshhza were Sunda• ,viitors•diG Ja_apianosolo' by Miss. Jessie: ; Mac at and' MTaylors, 8 rand"•under=Hen-Kenziea pa er byI'Hazel .Webster; Helens: • dersynDoYigslas MacDiarmidyn, Alvei.,a• by ^Jack`Ackert: and .t: talc hY,Katharine .Robinson.„;Meet The sacraaent,of.th :i•Ord s ing..cloced by Miz ah bene cition Per wi1Lle •observedanthe United :12•years and under:eln Church 'this 'Sunday Pre- ;Mackenzie, EileenEileen after 'whach a ',social' hour was -en- ParatorY service; will be bhe1d Henderson joyed,, friday, daY. ni ht+ with. Rev.Turner.... Boys',..,,'•, 2 yrS,' and iltder.=Doniia ,,Dungannon, preaching. Rod MacCharlesS. 'Jam- t *see.. ,Mr;` and Mrs.James Harrison, Mr,"activities.- andMrs:PeteiHarras" dMr° a n d MItr' sa• tThomoras n tRoach • avgi saia ia—and• un der= -Sand MrA • , ., aCn h ,isrt �. ' •._,.� •. _ .'- • ,�- afueA eni1!l. -;1.. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP • CLUB Qn account of ' epaaforY $ rVeS the'United Churchthis,Friday • ening the ChristianFellowsTip Cub. Will notBold its regular meeting . • tel' the ,followng Triday, July 2 yoUnge Peof high age and over. are invited to come and.enjoy tntshour ofChristian lowahip' and, inparation- different program at everymeetin�,, provides sp`1 ndtd.,_Portunityfor taaining in leadership. At the next Meeting the girlsof-the'club Will have _charge of tho Pio ran:Tar Bblstudylease read secondchap- terof Acts and be sure and, bring yourBThemeetingwill open .. MacKenzie, Station St., Y e n oth i n g , '• a te .v e • Th e. c h u h he in MYoau n d M m e ne ns ' ar aceIc — G O: l i. vCe..a rm p, Mb ea l> c l , JessieMacKenzie, R.N:, inattendance Church :Marks Anniversary '' .:. a ; o MaInis,'AHamiltn.is: very ill at present,withMiss with at., • MISS GERTRUDE HAMILTON •_ ..' . •� t o . a K.I N -,: O S SA lv .r . wi h aGosPelBing Song -at m PR NCIPALAT CLIFFORD sh i .'^Dont,,for et' to invite your friends, 'Clifford ,boardhas engaged` 'Miss Gertrud Hamalto sPtinea aI SECOND CON , Mr: ;andMr. ' Jas. Zrwan and Mr. andM'Frank Cole, visited onMoa-' 'day at Lloyd• ,. Mr. Adam McQueenhas •purchas ed' new chevrolet sedan. ' A numbefrom here attended the reception, for Mr.. and Mrs:: Hamitoron Tuesday n ht. We ex- tend Con xtendtorigratulations, Mr.•and 'Mrs. John Wiles Walk-. erton were week=endvisitors at'D:A MacDonald's . . ., ., of , the continuation 'school,. at.a sal aryof $1,100. MiesHamilton;;adau- gtter of Mr, andMrs: Andrew.Ha n- iton, Holyrood,,has been assistant teacher for the past il,o' ears ', ' Card f,Thanks • KF rrish`aad'fanrilY Wish to thank`theirman 'friends 'and neighbors for 'theirkindnessand sym athYduring"their recent sad . • : • - t'c .'i• . ' 'sa -c . He painted a vividword=pietara of I , • several'; hundredthou.sand motor' ve-.Lsendicoens ats•o;hmanartlwkeeaktsBotlhdtirn' tie,tsh caana-l:'•Chles",Ale,May,Jack.Rend r- hicles swooping down , simultaneous_y •roversary. Rev.'Win.,A`.Townshend.son'. on the nsofN aPanee,'Newmarket I�• Wheelbarrowrace-Andy Ramal r . . an Til sonburg .and-killingor maim- forme]Y oBervi Pa sh,sbeentonn KAd msrA1exM cNYand . e g' ..'". ' w h •r.•. • , . • 'Redeemer. , ,` ,j , i` 'rector of thischurch' for the Past • ng every, ' n 1e'inhabitant—nearly •' Gordon Ca e, , 31,OODmwox%en andchildren. severalyears.. Yourg ladiesr „slipper kicking= • tor,'- North- ::Laura� Donald McCharles Mr. King,.0Yetevery•ear' largely4,, and"•Vks. Eldon. Johnston left: Doris ;Reid ‘• th ou h solfi nness and lack ofcour•• onMonda by motor for Lard r Lake Marriedladiesslipper kicking= test';wareallowingthis very thing re the .. intend to make.their Mrs.. Oliver MacClarlas, Mrs. Orland l`oh�' . . • ' p` ... , . , - . to happenin Ontario. . How much ;home foran extended period at least. Richards, 'Mrs.' ;J:'MacIntosh • are we going.'to'let this an Mi, and :Mrs.Johnstonrecently`re= :Feeding cfickens rsJamieson: Hua1 massacre' corntanusv turned 'front mof r trap,:rthrough••' Cou le race—HatYeY• rooks and :,InheaperBence women'are•out- the, north, and being impressed ' Marion,: Campbell, Ronald Henderson 'standngly" more courteous behind the:prospects this country offers;.and 'MrsO; Richards, Alex•MacNay: thewheel-than-men, Larder-1.ekejs_ a:..andMacDiarmid. may,not:genetally be as wad dmver:few.nileseast; of Kirkland. Lake. The. Mens high Jump—Ra mond Ri "But'''. he added icoumtesY wall clo aresadence.of Mks. T, Smith, which ards, Andy Hamilton.' , - ' . . . . ' great dealfurther an preventing ac- they haysoccuped for some , time; � hot Put.- nY iamiltori, Angus bereavement an the loss. ofa loving cidents than agood driver who seems is nowffera for sale or rent bv' MacAulay, Lloyd Henderson. husband and • father. • o think he as on aracetrack."I owner. .9YBnda uPCthein rankSue xsJF r 'B1BLE>iMEMORY coNTST , . : test .will,.be .' :d June. 29th, --the, B"a bl e . M e,rtr.Y Ca oi -aiwnnidlol,• �_. • .'. . ' • . '.`.' •; . ' ,I = .• , o 7.• Since sFhoof.e.no:c1ose. until postponedfor a -few inordertogive the boysand: irls 9pportunityfor'reviewing the' Bible verses: We trust that' both teachers'.` ••IIand parents all. thex,'can •to encouragethechildren hi the mem '• orization of the scripture verses;• , Which ,are ,able to 'make them wise unto Salvation. Anorganized-attempt by theCommunistsn'Canadade- stroythefaithofour Canadian boys.' sholld- to uPto.aggres sive 'effort to,plant the Wokd of od in these little hearts before it is top late; -'Will the• teachers'Please send 'aonce :thetrained ofthos - who -= 'haie learned 5 50, 75or100 ses.This Saturday afteriiooii,at2._ o'clock the boy§ an , irl •,NO; aae gong to s,e.••at 'the -.demonstration meet ,forpractice at theLuck now, Tomb Hall 'Please be on tine;— BORN ' i- A is eel . ` G T-=- Ho R N. In , �St. M h s . sp tel Toront u ' a y th o , on S nd ane 13 Mr..... and Mrs. .. a to a M :P.:M:' Grant 'a d u ghter; ,Norma Ruth. - aVem u miner • i• 'V s at Oine. is Aril ors an :on►oleurn e Yeo eu an �r.cesJP.Ask Your Nei 'riends. About Trish • • • I ' �l I 1 i pl I p'it i•I i • .5 ,! ;4' • - u