The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-10, Page 5,.t THURS]A • UCIi NOW SENTINg. • tPAGH 'Flint .'. • • If •ou believed .a all ll thepropaganda ou' you woul3hunk of •?.eBrewing Industry •,a,kt,,the ,T.. ri confessed ' � �a d active, foe of.temperance.. ': ever, ;the opposite'is.true -For althoug h'', • we are 'in. business, the fact that we'cont contribute ate , b. lnateriahyto the economc'welfare of this , Province and Dominion, : surely accords us in a British communitythe, right to' state' our side '4f'the 'cage. The cause of True Tem er • once ' or moderation, is . the ; Yonly, conceivable olic for the' brewers: y P and tliat for., entirely. . Qb�riqus: reasons. We , share the same ' principal foe, the--bootle r"•-- gge. • the: s me- - ob a tions � to: o e 'and corner: consump��. • hn t othe same.:. -desire' •' ; � ,' to foster respect for'•law and order. :We submit, therefore` that. the folly Of trying to ,makepeople sober by law. has been:'so clearly :denofistrated.alread that no sane'.' person . , Y, • could ..,•. wish to try that:'experiment again. i. ,.. • We believe that a careful cons><dr. e atlon of the facts -will csonvincethinking people that much of the presentpropaganda a ainst be vera ge rooms iisdefinitely mischievous because, 1f successful, It •:- 'would"defeat the objec_ of true e temperance • For true temperance can -never pgo�' hand-in-hand 'With p lI y that a assists the bootlegger:.., . This `adve•rtasehzent. ,is inserted b•ar.. the Brewang:': I . in thein to rest of'a 'Lette.. ndustry. . to . r public understand . • cts i of -certain�•as ec ofr . the obleins oftem 'stance' n8 P P, . P and local• opfion ; .1.20 • ZI01N Miss Ellen Andrew '.was a guest of Elora friends •on Sunday. '. Mrs, Geo. Hunter andMr:, 'Bill. Hunter, Jr., motored to .Stratford on Tuesday. Miss, Eheda 'Hunter return- ed home, with; them after completing her :term at the, Normal school there.' Mr. Eck Wilson and son Harold of Ogdensburg, N. 'Y., Were guests over the- .week ;end C,with Mrs. C Ritchie �.Lriadilffii:'a r +err' a Mr. and "'1%1'"'::s.',Earnest Earnest Gardner, Cecil' and`Marion -and a:rd,Mrs, W,''T. Gne ' a . , were in G'oderich onardrise tHaroldo 'spend' thee of ternbon:with,Mr. Sid' Gardner,- who is one •of the -ere* on the Frank B:. Baird Norse. S. ;Ship ,Co., which; loaded $6, 000-bu'shel"s of wheat at Goderich for Montreal'. , • . . ' Miss Elsie Ritchie, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm.:"Ritchie, who has been ateacher'for,the past year. near ,Varna,has� been engaged for the com- ing year with a, considerable • 'raise in salary.; • Miss' Daisy Ritchie spent Sunday with 'ler parents,,; Mr. and Mrs.,:Wm. Ritchie Mr. Alf. 'Ritchie/ has been engaged to work Witlf'Mr ' -Harvey Ackert, Kincardine. ' HOIYROOD Mr. and Mrs Fred Armstrong of AllLuekistnowerH, were Sunday guests •at.. Mr. ug Mrs. Keating of Walkerton was• a recent visitor ,with Miss S Purvis.: • •Mr, and Mrs. Richard Elliott and family spent Sunday at Mr. Wes. Whytoek's, Teeswater, ; W•e,+wish to: extend • our eongratu nr�d T inn Ty F. *„m �3.n.i ;ins nee 'Vera"Jalinston) :vKhho were married int Wednesday of last week Mrs. George. Harriston, and Ed. ward' of ,Clarks, spent a -';day' this, week •• with MissElizabeth Pierce. We".wish to:"extends a •.welcome »to Mr and! Mrs. Watta:•.and.:daughter to this community. Mr.: Watts is as-. s'istmg;" M.r Richard "'Elli'ott,' Mr :Sari Nicholson. of Tucksford,: Sask., renewed 'old ` '• acquaintances here while, visiting his sister in-law, Mrs., Thos. Roach, 6th con. • Mr. and Mrs.Melvin.Greer . and. daughter, ' visited Mr.' Sam.: Nicholson; at Mr.. Thos.' Roach's on Sunday:- • • Mr. and Mrs. Austin; Legge and. , • Leonard • spent: Sunday evening • •' at Mr. James Baker's. • :- Mr, And -Mrs: Harry Jewitt spent Sunday, at M:r. James Vala'd's... r, and Mrs, ,Joh an,... ami , r'an.: r rs:. Y'. m. (' a ie- and family,'. Mrs. Eadie," Glenannan. 14Ir. • •and 'Mrs. Chas; 'Cathers, , Eldrid 'and Evelyn of, .Wroxeter. spent. Sun- day at Mrs. Rachel ; Culbert's, • 10th Con. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson,; Isahelleand -Stuart, spent Sunday. at Mr. Thos. Harris'. were •in',Toronto:`,for a "day recently: (Intended,'For Last Week) • 'erson• ' visited with . Zion friends over the we,Mrs.ek-end.Nellie Andof London, A Mr. and Mrs. Gordon: Kirkland -.,and Mr and . Mrs. Isaac Andrew were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Daisy.; 'Mac-: ' Charles,and Mr. •a d Mrs..Oliver• Mac - Charles, Lochalsh. "• • .,. Miss. Ella,. Hunter of *Toronto, Mr. Alex ' Hackett'of Belfast called on Mr. and Mrs.• Ralph Nixon Sunday ev- ening : ` Mr. an Mrs. Geo. Hunter•,and Mr. Will ,Bunter were visitors on Sunday With.. Mr. Vernon. Hunter. ' Mrs ;- Wn►. -Ritchie was:tlae guest an, Monday of her sister .Mrs..Thomas: Blake,-Mafeking:- ar Mr, . and Mrs. Richard. Andrew • vi5�:' ited •.on :Sunday afternoon with. Mrs. Thos. ,Henry, $elfast. •;Mr. and Mrs.�Marky 'Gardner ;,and fa`of'm, called, on, friends in. this burg -during the past week Newlywedmily: Presented .. : • 'In ;honor. of their recent _marriage, Mr. and Mrs 'Robt. Helm ' werepre- sented',with ' an 'Aladin lamp and sil- ver `. dishat' a gathering. • of the ' Zion ',Community lir theOrange -Ball on g _,.. Friday evening, latst , • ;ar urgently needed in Ontario- Unemployed M en• ReOste>e with the / Employment.Sery ce of Canada. ARMETell your. needs to the nearest RS'• Employment p y ent pffice, Relief Administrator or Agricultural Representative.. MITCHELL F HEPBURN, •' Prime Minister and Minister of Labor, r ' Parliament Buildings; Toronto SPECIAL' .PRICES, Baby 'v T�1ENTIETH, YEA1 Breetlllt g for Size,'Ltirge Eggs, Heavy` Production and 'Vigor. 'All , Blood Tested The following are [the prices - for Baby Chicks, ,Seated Pub.' :'lets -• &• Co+ekerels, respectively • White Leghorn, t7 15.!.'.-.1% Itarired 'Rocks .8 12 5',. 'White Rocks + . .. :8. i41: 5 : New •-- -. Hampshire Reda 8 ' 14. 4 After_. June_7th=t1n '' n , 7 e Ce . t Leas. Month to -five months • old'' Pnillets at Reasonable Price§. 'Write,.'Phone or, tail CAN ST. HELENS • Members of the Y, P U. had charge. of the service : in the; United, Church on Sunday morning, when Miss Isabel Miller, the president, presided. ' The scripture' lesson was'read by 'Gordon. Miller and the <, comments: on .it •'by.; Cuyler- Ramage.. Duets were rendered ' by • Grace and Dick Weatherhead and by Vera and Murray Taylor. The ad dress' ;was', given by Mr. . Mochrie on "The Acts and the Apostles". .'Owing to,°the; Whitechurch United, Church anniversary, • their • will be no service in the 'church here next. .._Sunday_ , • Mrs. E J. ; Thom, `Mrs ' D. Todd, 'Mrs. Ewart McPherson, •Mrs. "McKen- zie Webb, Mrs.` Jas.'. Gaunt, Mrs. W. A. Miller, Misses Annie Watson, Etta, Swan, Ver4 Taylor; and • Laurine Mil- ler; attended the district annual meet- ing of the • Women's Institute 'held at, Auburn last. Thursday. •Miss Ruth Ramage of Toronto was' a week»end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Anderson and son Lionel and Miss Elberta Leisure' of Rudyard, Mich., ,were recent.guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Cameron, and called on ',friends in the village. - - 41r. -Anderson-is-a-son-of-the-`lat `;Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Anderson of oSt. KORNER (BY C.. W. T.) Marjorie Solomon , had her dwri.ht sprained lest. • Wednesday'atschool when she, was hit,with a baseball,.bat BIR.THDi\YSt- Ronald Johnstone: The students of • the Public school rc�oiced over' the •fact ,that they -:ie;, ceised a ' holiday yesterday on' the celebration :of the birthday pf Our Xing. • Owing to • the illness of Miss'• Mae Callum, Sr, i1! spent Monday" rnorn,- iiig, iii fourth • roods and ;Jr. 111 in second room For the• 'IAA composition 'Witten in, each of the .public, school rooms oh. the Ratite Study hike held two weeks ago; scrap :hooks Were award- ed 'a s mires. The Urine et *on et4, ori , " 'Chin,'third,rnoitii, I,Ta, • viol; , stet, secon t r om; and 'Itary LLorrainWee whir t e' Johnstone,•, first room.• Joseph Gaunt, a' Helens: Mrs.,,'Wm ;Jansen spent the week-' end in • Toronto With, Mr: Jansen. Mrs. Wm. McPherson, Miss Marion; McPherson and Mr. John McPherson. of ' Laeknow arid Mrs. Will Ruther- ford "anal Mr. Gordon McPherson ,at- tended . the .funeral of • their cousin,. Mrs. Duncan 'Ross of Regina at Chesley on. Friday. The 8th and final 'n eeting of thee. Girls' Handicraft Club' was held on Monday evening with Miss' 'Sadie MacCharles in the' chair,:. The roll, call was oded to .by the• showing tof`"One thing 1 am proud to exhibit" Arrangenunitei were made for; atten- ding the. Achievement Day at Clinton on •,Saturday. June 19th and •for the demonstration of their*work ,at the Institute meeting this week.:Instruc tions 'for' the' shoe''ppacks *ere com» pleted.• At the conclusion, ice' -cream Mid cake were 'served.. Mr. Ted ,Hoare spent the (w'eek-end at Toronto .7 A Schweider•-;maple -tree, a-eo'ron' ation' gift from :the • Township of'' West W awanesh, raltoJeeri planted in-=th '-Communit 4. a ' ,. e Y � '1 laf4rr :and 'i§ growing nicely, Mr and Mrs.') Wi bean of :Inger Boll were recent ,guests itaith Durum and with Mr, and. Mrs. John'. Cameron.' k envier's.. sister Mrs;' 2ND: CON., KIN>t OSS 'Miss Mary •Irwin• is spending a 'fe`v; da• Ys at.. her, home here. , •Mr..and 'Mrs: Harry Levis and ' Jim- mie were' SandaY visitors Red Campbell's; ' Miss Winnie • Thomson;' of Goderich spent the' week -end at her 'home: here: Mr rand' Mrs,, Jas England visited on Saturday at Harold ;Stanley's. Mr. Bobbie •Cam pbelliv_isited with' friends; 'nTor""onto'dur`ing; the ',week, Carnochan and Miss: Bessie,'' were recent visitors., with, Mrs. Mc Innes, V fEL1EPIi.ONE TALKS IN. Tli1E TSON fAa[xLl .. • ' TECHURCH;. Mrs. 'Patterson. 'of Lucknow and Mrs. Fitzpatrick of Ashfield, visited last 'week with. Mr.• and ' Mrs. Albert Patterson . • «. The1 a d' res'' of the . Presbyterian church had a' quiltingY inthe, basement of •the ,,church'last' :Thursday after- T. �x , - - oo'n'""ar►'tlil'ted-three :_m quilts' t hey also had three other quilts donated. • Mr: rand Mrs, • Beit Thompson.: and' his .mother Mrs. Thompson: ,of East Wawanosh, .:visited on 'Sunday.' with. Mr. and Mrs..Thos. highs Mrs. Toynbee. Lamb and two child- ren , of Goderich, visited on :Sunday with her: parents. Mr. and. Mrs: John Kennedy; The',' United rc "�'' Chur,h are .having their anniversary ' ori Sunday, :Juns13th..Rev. ' Mr. M hene of;, Briisseh will preach.: 'Mrs., Henry Patterson,:.:Messr,'s. :Iohn-•and Alfred Patterson, Miss gnes ,,'Patterson .and ,Mrs. Bert Reid ttended' theraduatio of_'form= g nthe er's daughter, Miss Catherine Patt- erson, . nurse • at Stratford Hospital; ;MARRIED -On Monday, -'May 31st. at the home of Mr. James •:McInnes, Mrs. Caution united was u ted• in marriage: to; Mr. ,Wm: Roan of Teeswater. Rev. ,John Pollock' :•officiated Congratula=. tions. •Mrs. ' David Kennedy and ; family motored to Goderich, on Saturday and met -their,' cousins ;Misses Marion unl�.��.. op .of Toronto, .Florence • Dunlop and Beatrice Dunlop. "of Brantford .for , A4 J. _ Q....4 s • J. Old: Mrs. 'Watson ' lives with her ;q ` Tom. Vet her . only daughter ' Mary., miles - away, is with.'herr too;, for Mary.,• thouglanld-fashioned in Many ways,'ni definitely telephone minded and never, fails to call her Mother on Long Distance at least:'once .a week an inexpensive and siiprenie pleasure: for both;.of them. As , Toni'. Watson puts it `.`though.- . our , family's scattered, ` we're never really ..fart apart °— with' the ;tele hone" re you acquainted with. th4. cotn`foOr.t convenience and U• • low r. o c s I:on' . Dia'tadru�e: ,g Low Night Rate. begin every sveitiag' ` at •seven, en, applyY it� ! o stirl :• ;A.SHFIELD, NOTES Mr and; Mrs. , Will•• :Hunter and family , spen't` Sun ay with=friends-`in Tiverton: Mxs: cKin on and Jean' returned with them to visitfor a few days: - • Mr",and Mrs.' P. Copke 'visited' with:' Mr an Mrs r • oss .o arida Mr and Mrs. Alf Ritchie of 1St.; Helens, called on Les. Ritchie's'. Sun day; evening;, _ Mr.', and:'Mrs::Jno, McD'onald'spent' Sunday evening with R,.;,N.elson's. and • Mrs: Jake Hunter :called oh friends. in Brussels on.''Saturday Mr. and: Mrs.'.. Sam• Gibson and family. visited__;With IVIr. an _•.:Mrs:;, _ d -Robe:: Iletin. Mr..a nd. Mrs Thomas 'Helm _ .and the.first_ 'brine All had a ''nice picnic children of •• Be1 rave' visite but' usually one boot, is on, the aecel• g d Ashfield M dM' WillBO on y MONUMENTS at first-csi Having - e9DDsd our :facto -equipped awl. ,� the most' I, modern,_,machineiy :for -tire, execution ,of high class' work,. we.:�k' you to see .the: largest display .of mon. uments •. of any retail,'factot7 in OW tarso: All finished .oby'.sand blast mw chines..We i mport • all our graeitM: `• from the Olde. Coun ` 'a uarri 'a ` air• ect, in the, hough You can.; MY. 1Ef , local 'dealers';' agents' and: middleisaa profits. by seeing us. E. J. Skelton : it .Son At West,: End. Bridge,-WALKERTOM ;Men : still die ''With their. boots on, together. on. Sunday . fr"ieii3s era or.. INCE,;,you bought your present car, Chevrolet has stepped,'wayort ahead in everything but the money:it costs': .' f to, buy :and 'rung» . • Today's :Chevrolet brings you; A longer, •ar�2'1/ -i'nchwheelbase:,;, '.Big, attractive: tJ nistee, Turret -.op B. -. _, - , Fisher, the ;,safest known..:. More powerful' tt * Valve-in-Head:engine. > lnequ'ahed' comfort,;'due to the` exclusive' .„ Knee= Action gliding ride.::. Matchless safety, thanks to I-Iydraulie Brakes; aI1'-steel` cfflistructi'on, and Safety 'glass through='' ' outs' .. ,'Improved Fisher No -Draft Ven- tilation And 'for all its big-carsize' and "stepped up"' perforntance ':Chevrolet costs .you: less than ever beforeto, operate .'. Less, for gas, lese'.for oil, • less fora upkeep!. So you, see why it's Cahada'e'fastest-sell ing automobile.' It's the only car that brings you all the finest features at the • lowest prices,. and without' sacrificing • ' pt?,ak •economy'! •Osr1{itter be'l:uzb Madel,, •}, • PRICED PROM: RO- .. for 'ete'noraical traits portation • 'nate" 2-P4t,engri Satinet% Coupe' ' 1,liveretl It faCiory, Orbewe,w- GonOrn,nent taoos, 14•tdte awl' N•od.LttogN; (Prins;• torr• io thank, without notice). Cour � ,monthly pwyntentt ow the Generwf ', h '`- • AMoto,},Bs., io,-tptair, -°• 4,