The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-06-10, Page 10— f•• $zoo A YEAR= -11.5e IN ADYANdE-50c. EXTRA TO U. a:A. 0,t'r st. • '41INE,•;i914..; 1947 •Treleaven. • :. TELEPHONES' Offica 53W ROldenee; 53 J. :'s 0,* ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: 0010 Eanrail; ". 7.007-8.09. P.M. - SnadaYa.L.1.30-2.00.; P.M. Or ..Hy 'Appointment :Thane.86. . • C. :EVELY VETERINARY• suitopoN 'PHONE.. 115: • LUCKNOW, D 000 '4* .. • ome IMprovement Plan. •.i .Gathering *Impresied By Explanation „ „Of0! 'David Maclairen; Who Outlined. , The Way The., • Plan • Funetionea:. . Way Of „Doing••Dnei- -.Pegg," ,Ife CleimeThe . • a ,; r way " 'the Home ImPrevement. Plan functions and its possibilities,. were eleatly,oUtlined ,by Mr: • David MacLaren of; Toronto at 'e ineeting here on Friday evening: Sonia twen- tY-fiVe Or more- attended and .were generally 'impressed bythe clearer understanding of the working. of the primarilyestablished to make Possible, long override improvements and to pet e0;000 men back -to Work: it is riot something :that ...is just here' for today or tomorrow,"itt • the e Coupe. -N. Winteretein. • . FOR RENT -Comfortable six -room holism,' toxin water -Temple • (Parke,' ; ..Foxi, !SALE—Quantity . of aPple. wood $20O per cord; also feed oats: J. W. Joynta• , • , , PIANO TUNING . ,Expert piano and organ tuning and repairing. • Leave orders at Schmid Jewellry Store...44C Yost Hanever. • . FOR 'RALE :OR RENT-Comfort- 'ahli frame house With, 'garage, lard and .soft' water. Apply to S. E,, , Rob,. „ 'ertson. • ' ' Prompt seivice .111, all lines %of. Plumbing. and heating. Repair ' shop, . in rear. of Massey -Harris building.- - Allan, ' MacConnell. ' , • • , , , NOTICE _ • Having taken over the Supertest ; Service !Station, 'I will continue to , carry on the repair department as before.- ' CLAIR AGNEW. • „ AUCTION SALE -Of farm stock, • mpleinents, etc., at Lot. 71; Kinloss Twp., ' 1% miles West of '. Lucknow. Tuesday, Jime. 22nd. See bilis for 'list •.arid iterms. Exceptionally good . line . . of stAlt; Absolutely no reserve. - James T. Webster, Prop.; Matt. Gaynor, Alia. ' • PERSONAL MEN!' GET -VIGOR AT ONCE!). ;NEW OS'I'REX.,TOnic Tablets, contain :raw ..oyater .invigorators - and • other stininianti.:One dote peps up organs, . glands. 'If not delighted; maker :te- fund price-paid-$1;25---Ca11---write- "-MCKIM'S' DRUG !TORE,- t•• TOWNSHIP;.'"Iiir ASHFIELD 4 Tenders will, be received lir- the undersigned up to 8.30 pan. on-.Junc ' .21st, 1987, .fOr ilas.Copstructirin of concrete as follows. 9 feet sprinbridge. •on•sideline 6 and 7, Con, 10; 8 feet ePan_et_Port . Albert; .a' retaining wall at Harris bridge;, and Wing on bridge 'on Cori. 5: Township .to furnish steel. ,41.. marked' 'cheque •for 10 per cent .of ,..tender,,te'. accompany tender.. Hera Curran, ;,,Aceid. Supt., = ' Lucknow, C. E. McDonagh, Clerk, R. 3, Lucknow. The. Public are cordially invited to A • *CORONATION TEA" • • on Wednesday. June 16th", from 3. to, 6 p.m. at .Mrs. , Tucker's horine. Pro- ceeds for the W. A. ' ' • PA - Dance 'in , , • Fridak.,J 6 -piece o 15c. Gen s 25c (tax included). • 'GARDEN PARTY Whitechurch United Church Garden Party will be held- on Tuesday, .June 15th. Bluevale Y. P. Union will 'pre- sent their ' three -act play, "Clover Time." .Supper • from 6 P:ni. - 8 P.m. Admission 35c and 20c. Came one - come all. BASEBALL GAMES • , cenowae....next two home games are this Saturday and next Tuesday. -Owen Sound plays here Saturday, at 3.30 ;o'clock.' On Tuesday, June 15th Allenford provides the opposition, the ' game starting at 4.30 'o'clock. Ad- ' mission 25e. Don't miss these two games, • • ' PLAY • "Mother • Mine"; a •comedy -drama .will be presented' by Ripley A. Y. P. A. , • . in the Town Hall,, Lucknow, Friday, June llth, at 8.15, under Lucknow „ Joint` o auspices. Admission 25c. This play is; termed a, drama that • grip▪ s the heart. • MOUNT DANCE , he-a-ParamoUnt-Hall-en- e 1Ith. Music by llogarfe stra. Admission : Ladies - MOST OF THOSE Who see COnifortably%haie eithe teen fitted witli:cOrtective.lenses or have had their vision checked to "leakaalf it i3.satisfactory. one den4deterniiiie ,this. for hlin4 • • 'Beg:: • , F. T. ARMSTRONG'S •.EYE •81161114; stRvicr .• • • • Will he at lila old stand f in trieknOW 'eadli. I'VedfitieditY and Sattirday. Make appOintinonts at store or .'Phone 92, w.„ 4.1 FORMER RESIDENT WAS 1 FORMER GROCER ;INJURED Wm. J. Fisher Passed' BuRIE.p. xugspAy 1.; IN `• HIPP/WAY, ACCIDEls1T •• ,tt.t Clireitina 'Agnew Daughter Of • The, Late James, Agnew? Passed' 'AwaY In • Clinton • - „ The death Of :Christine, Agnew, oc- curred in Clinton on -Sunday. ' The 'funeral was held' from her late .resia dence in Clinton, to South Kinloss Cenietary on Tuesday' afternoon.' Christina Agnew was a • daughter of the late Mr. .arid Mrs. James Ag- new. former "residents of 'Concession ,8, 'Kinloss, west of Holyrood, and later of. Lucknow. For forty years or more, Miss ,Agnew has lived • in Clinton. • ' - Two sister „survive. Mrs. John Sny- der and Mrs. John Jarvis of Clinton. Mr. Joseph Agnew -of Lucknow , is a cousin. • • ; • REY: CRAW. L'tark Cassels- In Serious Condition F'rom Injuries In lflghway Acci- _Near Owen'Sound . • ',ThrOin :throagit : the 1,00: his .ear when- it 'turned in theditch aboet,•five, and e half aalles",eett. Of Owen Sound. on Monday of last.Week at 3 p.m.,: Mark Cassels of Matkdale formerly, ^of Lucknow, was seriously injured and was removed' to. the Ow- en Sound, hospital. He. has .coricue, sion of the brain and ether •Injaries. The unfortunate man% Wag proceed- ing eastern! toward Owen Sound; when in some manner he lost con- tra' of the ear and it Stvvung into the. ;ditch, turning oyee ,filte tines and tearing a :hole through the 'top Of the ',auto, through which the driver was thrown. He was rushed by am- ny, • "to_., , hos la where...11 . ; Mr. MacLaren.• ii A e LLOP::covereVeorisciou,sneas. but pen , Lengen,.." in,- • ,. • , . . tion was 'regarded as serious. •' charge of the:emplOyment office at Stratford twas present.Also and spoke • . mi.: MacLaren ' explained how the Ikea was backed by the Government and operative, through chart - red • banks. Fifty. million &nierswas available, •with the banks • protected up to fifteen per cent. against !lessee. Half a million . dollars • had..been.' eub- aerilied,' by interestedfirms to pub- ilcize and ;put the -plan into opekation, at no ',east • to the government: --. • •Loane Of from one hundred to: a niaximern of $2000 are available to those :whose. 'moral credit" is goad. This' simply means that those seeka Ing a' loan , require 'a goo s-71 that his incoree. weuld.,'Perecit' him to pay the.inetat- merits at arrariged• either on a -.mon- thly or yearly basis, or at any per- iod as might be desired within the ..Mr. McLaren explained that on' a taco loao ' the beirmeet „would:receive: 196.75. The full, 4100. would he be 'Paid' ba,ek in Convenient instiallinents; working, Out in tirnpie interest to ' a rate of .0.3%, 771-16 pointed out . that ,aeizaket-,bra.suits'-am-;-;eueh-togne can, - not' be made, and that iinproVernents 'made, do net -affedt 'tone's assessment for a period , of three Years; . Mr. MacLaren enumerated. scores • iMprovements that. dan , be 'Made to :honse. and farm hanies, buildings and. land, ,and urged, the local advis- lry committee of Which ,Reeve W. B. Anderson,: is *chairman; to protnote thepleb. and endeavour to iinforin the lieoele,.-of_ the:. domniuriity.: the many advantages it offers. - • • • • ' •Mr: MacLaren was- . A pleasing qp.eaket, who in. ' intetesting may McKillcip charge, ,near Seaforth, comprising ' the congregations of Duff's; ; Bethel.- and Cavan Churches, has called Rev. R. W. Craw, of Dor.: chester and formerly . of Lucknow: Mr: Craw has accepted. • Rev.. G. E. Morrow, who has been pastor of the charge ,for A: number of. years, resikeed recently to go to Thedford where he' has, accepted • a, Call.' The change be, , effective •auly 1st. ,.. • • New•.undergaiments for. mroinen and 'childten. • •Cool, seasonable, Vests'," 'panties, etc._ New C goods. THE gmkgT, STORE. •• • • •• CHRISTIAN liELLOWSHIP -CLUB Rermonettea by -three of the. Young men will be one, of the attraetions at the Christien Fellowship Club this week. All ‘. young -people' of High. School age.... and over who ;have no poiritments in their' churches on Fri- day evenings' are cordially invited. to come and enjoy this time of Christian fellowship ,And inepiration.sa. different prograin every night gives 'ample op- portunitr and .talent: This .Friday • evening we are beginning the study, of the Book of Acts. Will those who, plan` to coine please -read the first two chap- ters, If you like to sing sing be ,on time for the .Siarg- Sling of Gospel' hymns at 7.45 pm. ,sharp. Be,. sure to 'bring Your. Eib).es, and a„ friend. P. E. IL • . • GET PRICE , ON FIRE TRUCK. • A ccanniunicitioa from a fire equi, pinent company, wa received by the talked to his rather small, bu larg- Lucknow • Fire Coinpan at their ,e,r_thhari,..expectedh tudi6neer_itifto....,_re_ month y meeting Monday, listing eived an tatoge her different on.. _a- We -truck_ ,entl AranpmerilYorLsale :eption ' of the: It Fa then ' they at $800.4,The,CemPany decided to . get' :more information about the outfit, previously understood. ' When the_raritter will receive further ' GOSPEL SERVICES DURING SUMMER ;MONTHS. Gospel services: will be held in the TOmlei residence 't (LoweY'a) every Sunday evening at 7 pan. and Wed- nesday evenings at 8 par. 'Sunday, June ,13th, Messrs. Wilkinson and Hopkins of. Kincardine, will 'conduct, gospel 'services: . • TAXPREPAYMENT • Take notice that all ratepayers of Lucknow, who pay any „pprtion of taxes for the year 1937,aup CO 75% of the amount of taxes paid in 1936, betWeen „the let of May arid June l4th, will :receive 'interest.; on same. from date , paid, to Dec. 14th,1937at the rate, of 5e/a, per annum.• , 'Gets ProMotion, • • Sid Gardner, • who has %eon deck - ink on the Frank B. Baird; .has been -prornoted to watchman. Sid 's • - boat - was in ;Goderich on Sunday,. When • a number of local people mere interest- ed in watching take...on a load . of grain for Montreal.' ; , • LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ' HELD, ANNUAL MEETING • The annual meeting of the North Huron and and 'Huron -Bruce Liberal Aa- aoCiatioii was , held- in...Winghitie • on Tuesday, With C. A. Robertson; M.L. A.; and R. j..`Deachrnae, .M.P.; chief speakers. - , ' • ,cecutives elected, for the connag year are for the North Huron -Bruce association: Honorary presidents, Morgan . Dalton, and John Johnston; piesident, -Dr, D. A. Finlayson, Rip, ley; first vice-pree., Mrs, Robert Dav- idson, Dungannon; second 'vrice-presa David McDonald; third Mice-pres., Oliver Hemingway; secretary, Eugene Martin: treasurer, W. T. Booth:- • North HeronaaPkesidant; Hugh Hill "first .vice-pres., Dr. Shaw; second Vice' president Hal. MacLean: secretary, Nelson -Hill;" treasurer, R. S. aaeth- eringto. , We rieknaWledge with, thank e ,,tub- sctietion PaYinents ftbei euheetilext at” A • •distance, ,-, „whiqh. Area& ',been ',tea teiVed in recent weeks: Wm. Moise, Exeter; „VandettVelq Mit; Jriniee Cook, 'Toronto; Fred, Ctuinp, Relgtav.e; Mies C. B. Goi.ddii; Ottawa; Dr. D. ,MacKenzie, Ohmage; Mke; J. G. Matilda.; Tettiiita' MittdOch,,'Zea andi.at. ' A. Blitatteire Toronto; Mae McMahon, TOrtintO;. ,,•n..3,.. witifthatit: Stanley Bathe, ,Tereilttil. as "A; RebertSalif, Mdtilt leriteett 'WM 1 A. Finlay, 0e0rgetoWil4 . :Charles ..,,Me" Olarideboye,„... C. G. .McNay,„ Westboro.;• A. V...Murdech„Tort.' Ottot, R. F. Elstowi..•D; M. • . consideration. • ' ATTEND' FUNERAL MargaretRoss, agea 77; sister of the late Dr. Hall of Walk - erten,' passed away- in, Regina - On Monday, May 3ist. The remains were brought to Chesley. for, interment in the fanaily plot: •°. Angus Macintoeh.. and „Miss Macintosh, °Li-Icily:rood Were inatten- de:lee at their .aunt's funeral, le well as Mr. jehri and Mies Marion Mac- Pherson, Mrs. Win. McPherson, Mrs. Wnf,' Rutherford and Mr. Gordon Me Phersen; who arecousins: of the 'de, ceased. ' • MM. Ross was the mother of D. • D. ROSS, treasurer of Regina city., and Drs. Richard and Walter Ross , as well as two daughters, who survive., NfYSTERY. . HOUSE - -Witha light appearing on at diff- erent intervals in a local residence, temporarily' unoccupied, neighbours became disturbed • and notified Con- stable Moore. Who believes 'the solu- tion to the "mystery house" is a loose electrical ,flocket, Injures Shoulder Mr„,.. Jack Carter,Suffered. a pain - fel inpley- to hit ,right' shoulder, on Saturday , Morning, - that tectuited, medical attention and Which will Mr. him off Work for a fete' days.. Mr; Carter had gone to the back of the field. rit..getL4thelortes .arttLre_celiKed, , the fall: as he. 'Mt:tented . the. Animal. :to ride hack to the barn. 1 derioni Purchase ForMer joynt .Evaporator •Pui New • Steel Roof.' On Building Which Will Be Used As Manufle,- taring! A, Plant -Old - -Woolen Mill Building Will Be Used As riarri „ • A business transaction of local interest took' place ;recently when J. .G.` 'Anderson '& ',Son purchased from Mr. John Joynt •Itr Son the apple evaporator ;building. ' , . It is A ,substantial dement building. which the the netv proprietors has hut, preyed by the Addition of A new hip roof of steel, erected' by 'Eastern SteelProducts,. The. new ' building i Will e due time be used for the ITIA11-; ,ufacturing of ilea Proaaetk. `la 'Pre- ferente• to the present frame build- 'ing -which is ' the fernier woollen mill btiilding, and is SitUated`r-jilst:acroes tho, river. After the niachinerar is re- riieyed, it will be need: AS. a Storage barn. ' • Tho evaporator has nOto'bden in operation for e .iiirinber of years, raid With apple does greatly eut dOWn .by winter freezing, .,there Was little ea au likellaaod of it .eVer. operating , • • LARGE CROWD. HEARD 6 ,PIPE BAND SATURDAY Go ,To Kitchener On Sunday Ar- range For Going To Camp End "Of . This Monih • ' • • Lucknow Pipe Band, ' assisted by a quartette of Kitchener Pipers, made their first Sumner appearance ..9n Saturday eight, ,when . the. band of Some • twenty pipers and • drtuninert, , was , greeted •by a• large crowd. . " Early in the •evening, the village Wee. lined With cars and after the street; parade a dense - circle 'closed areen e p ayersT-At am. House corner, where , they Wete en- tertained with. ,an flour's program Wring which the ,little • daughter of Jimmie 'Irwin of Kincardine perform- ed Scotch dancing. Plans were , made that evening to have. the,. local bend return to Kit- chener on ISrunday,,to take Part in a decoration, -serviee, .,that will indlude a Parade of several bands and num- erous organizations. in .that city: • . Details: 'Were also completed • 'to. have--severalofthe'bandsinen- join the :Fusiliers 'during their week in camp the latter. Part of the ;month. .' . • „ . . • .• ithialgo*ed. To Lucknow Only , About' , Two -Months Ago Prac- tically ' Completed • ' %Renovating EOme When Ms" Death t Occurred. • 'Death intervened ' ,early ;SundaY, morning, and leizuke days that Mr. Wm. *.J./Fisher would, soon have en-, joyed in his newly 'renovated home, in the village, are not to he: Just about • two Months,. ago, Mk. Fisher, moved to, town to the . resi- dence of the late Mr. James •Boyle, which he had purchased: Here in re-, cent 'weeks, he, has - been busy while tradesmen transfigured the home; and had the work of renovation prac tidally completed. , Mr. Fisher's daughter. : Annetta, had planned • to 0— 0 0, 404 0 1 1 0 nealth 144. life- pi eats Health -9.v1,(-7:49-11,19,7440Atonlr'. Ow' sgRvIcE' .. SPECIALS .j• , 'CREAk" p.UPFS CROCC44,ATE.' EATER CAKES; ° PIES- . RASPBERRY TARTLETS. , • • 'SPECIAL MINS DOUGHNUTS 'imp( Soas .SUN SOT BREAD ,•• UALITY BAKERY • • , riadsuriuner and keep house for her father,' But now, all this is ',changed. Mr. Fisher had 'Seeker' of not feel - ng well on Saturday Afternoon, but that evening- was dawn street ' to blear the Band. . His daughter Was 'home for the week -end, and by eight o'clock.. 'Sunday ,morning, wondered that she did. not hear her father AP 'and about the .house. Upon going to hit room; AM' was shocked : to find that he had passed away. She had heard her father moving about . at 4 a.m, and; it is believed he, passed away shortly after, returning, to bed about :that. hour: • . .Mr. Fisher Was 63 leers • ef,- age, , He - was one of seven children of Peter Fisher and 'Ann Dunlop, . early pioneers •of McKillop Township;„ near eelifor---tar,W-herr W•-; ster, the parents ,inoved WaWan, Oeh; settling on-, the 'farm , of 11,114. David :And ;tack He tvi;is edu- cated at Murray's School: " When a young man,; Mr.' Fisher -went west, returning here to • marri Mary. Gillies daughter of the late Alta and ,Mrs. George pinks, in .1904,„ The young couple went west again; shortly returning to take • up the farm in Kinloss • an the boundary erisCof the village, Where Mr. Fisher. has, farmed fOr--.4some-7,twenty•five yeaes,-"and Where he his been ances- teemed and. hard working neighbor. Mrs. Fisher predeceased • her hus- band twenty-three Yeart. age. A son arid a daughter. survive,: George of Lobo, and Mks. Leonard Knight (An - 'mita) • Of :Linwood; : also one sister, Mrs. David Kennedy Kennedy and two bro- here, Dune.%) and 'George, state ;Vet-' etinaries in -North Dakota. .- - The funeral -service Was held. at his late "residence on , Tuesday!' sif-: .,,terneen, coialleted .by Rev. M. Young, with internierit in South Kin, loss cemetery. • . . ' • „LOCAL MAN HEAD MECHANIC • ON CONSTRUCTION :.JOE * • Mrs, Victor Durnin, left hist week for: iaakville to join'Mr. Durpin, who'. is master, megbarik„with..the Duffer - in Construction Co," now Working at Oakville,' and of Which: Mr. L. Dv Geer' 1 superintendent. ' Mr, and, Mrs. . Dijrnin have Purchased ' Frank Cole's, cabin trailer ii whieh they---)will-TApend-the--Summeri--TheY' "VILLAGERS IN REVOLT .1 HAND OIRE .CART" The abd'ee caption.: headed, an art- iele appeal -nig in the Toronto Tele- gram recently, that by its inaccur- acies was made quite antusing. The Article 'attracted ' the attention of : a Fire Engine Companytwha -immed- iately -submitted, a rather enticing proposition to the 'Clerk .of :the Vil- lage and lo • tha Fire Chief, regarding' ,a fire truck. . The . article . read: , ,Lucknow.. June 4 (SPecial)-Resi- :dents. Of this village are-pgitatint- foil' a ;fire truck to replace: the head tart 'pied at present to transport the hose -reel. The agitation has; . been going on for • sometime, ' but has been. •steengthened by aii: experience ' The, fire alarm rang' and •three of the village's four fireman grabbed the ;hand '.cart and started the long push to the blaze. But the three -man -pow- er cart Was Only; half way . when • it - reached a heavy:0'1We, and, help, had to he, located. Three: husky visitors -froth the northern part' of Ashfield •ToternshiP lent a hand and the truck got. eventually to the scene ., of the fire. But the 'chagrined fireinen ar- rived to find' that while they., had been laboring Up the hill, 'a bucket brigade had extinguished the fire. exteed_a:. Welcome to their friends in tips community to visit with them , at • Oakville .at ''.15kowniel their cabin CHARGED WITH SLOW DRIVING Recently Constable R. J. Moore has been called Upon to serve summonses' on two motorists ofthiscempipnitY -on ,charges of driving top slow:. on the highway :"down the, country'. • In one case the offender was ,recently ; served papers . for speeding,' and his change ofgait now leads to a slow driving Charge. . " • - " • MAILING LIST CORRECTED , The .Sentinel mailing' list was , corrected up .to last Saturday morning. Theyellow label will tell you the month and year you are paid to and if. ' incorrect.. -Mildly advise us at once. . ' 'With .practicallyeverything. used in publishing a paper,' hav- ing advanced greatly in Lrecen.t______ weeks, it is more' neceiniar$, than ' •.ever to the publisher that • sub- , scriptions be paid promptly.. If. , you- are in arrears, please attend . to this matter At once.. • ' WEDDING BELLS HODGINS-JOHNSTON - • A pretty hitt quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. F. C. MeRitchie at, the home ;of • Mr: and Mts. -Meek L. , Reg. Griffin16, 'of Ingersoll,' was FINED FOR NO PERMIT. 'assessed $10. and costs ,of $2.50 for operating a car without* a permit. Johriston,. Kinloss, on Wednesday, The charge was laid by Constable R. June 2nd;_when their, eldest daughter J. Moore, .following'h collision with Vera .Murdena, was ;united in mar, OcA":-.Welih's car at-VdMillare's coi- riage to Mr, Maurice' Elliott Hodgins, Iner. east -of town. Griffin , paid the son of Mrs. • Adeline Hodfins,,Con. 10, levy without 'appealing in court. Kinlosso,and the late Al red Hodgins. The bride; Who was given in,marriage by her father wore a gown of geor- gette over satin and tarried ,a bou- quet of ,talipe, lityzof-the-valley and maiden hair fern. The gibein's grand- mother, Mrs. _Cox, .acted matron Of honor, robed. iteher Golden wedding gown, ,with hat to match and carry -4 ing a bouquet 'or ‘narcisus. The, wed& ing march was played by Mrs. SielOff sister of the groarii. After' the cere- MorY, a buffet luncheon was served. The, wedding cake was passed on a silver plate that was used to peas its, 'sixteenth wedding cake. •Later the. happy couple lef0. on 'a inoter trip to Detroit,' 'Sarnia and StrathroY, They Will, be hOlteto their, friends after the tenth of lune. • MARRIED AT. TO,110N410 ' "1"' • ..Miithera Burgeiiti• • Mr, and ''Mrs. J. Davison: and Wile§ May Davison attended, the • wed- ding .-45f4 their rieite; Miss Ruth Riikt gesS, youngest daughter • Of Mr. and Mks: Geo. ,Mt, lathes Mathers, at the bride's home, 70 Ros- lin Totoriee,. on 'Saturday 'rif- tettietlii:at .3 pot. Mrs. 011ie J&vdtt itec'ompatiled ,tifetti tAtici WAA 6 , iltefusals. To Sign Arena . ,Petition Are Very Rare. Committees Find Ratepayers Sir(ing• In Favor .0f This Community Hall, ,, Undertaking Opposition • -Practically Nil -Expect ,Com- plete ;Canvas This Week • ' Committees f Who have been at Work ,eireulatinepetitioris in Conned-. tient with the arena and community hall, have found iaetpAyers favoring the undertaking, to a .• degree, IRA dreamed of. Refusals to, sign the Pe' tition are se rare, thee opposition to' the undettaking din be regarded as almost ni• t The , committees are expected to complete their canvas this week. G, 11. Smith and Robert Rae petitioned the nOrthieast - ward :---Borace-Altdlii,- Son and' P. MI Paterson did the north est seetion and A,. E. McKim arid in, Patter -ids' the -south Amberley Tann Deer" -Gives Birth To, Twins "Elizabeth" and "George", Likely, ' Names ' For Euek And Doe Bern . To Widely Known Tame:_Deer Owned BY John Campbell Of Am- berley , ' "Buster! the tame deer owned by 'Jack Campbell of Amlerley; is again very niabh in 'the' limelight. Ten days ego she gave birth to twins„ .a buck And a,dde, a feat Which is extreniel rare amongk-deer,. it is • claimed., A Year ago "Easter", gave birth, to a doe; which not , long after, escaped by. leaping haat' the barn and 4isfo?- yeavan, -- The new arrivals iney. probe* be named "Elizabeth" and "George", The beak', is, Muchthe larger, and. lath are as yet ' a bit wobbly their long ship legs. While "Buster", the ' mother's name, is not altogether appropriate; Buster she :.reinains, ' for , that was what she ,Wee named: not king after .Mr. Campbell discovered' her some. five years, ago in the Point. Clarke swarnp. She Was then 'about ten day old. Permission to keep, her was gran- ted/ Mr, Campbell by the Department o Gernes,, andFisheries, and in the intervening ''years "Buster" has be- eome, so domesticated that she *en- ders.. around the hamlet and in the woods at, Point Clark at will, never failing to return to ` the sheltering barn at. the CaniphelL Buster's escape from the hunters' gunshas been remarkable, but .a 'col- lar and . a, red ribbon serve to mark her as a 'Pet and Aa • far have ..adeeed to protect her from injury. Buster .and her *hie: willnow proVide.ana:--greaterattraction-thare ever, and 111 'tlie:.;past -hundreds of meterists have stopped at Ainberley to yiew and pketograeh her. The; babies, with their fawn • bodies flecked with white, spend much ' of their time, ,burrowing into the hay, and reee& little attentiong fron the mother, Untilthey are ;brought out to pose, when their plaintive bleats. bring "'Buster" scurrying to their side• , GETS THREEO, 4u0RMONTHS' TE NINFRACTION „ Theodore Heave of Lucknow, in Police Icourt in Walkerton on Tuesday -- ::: -- of jest week, was sentenced to . three Months' in the County jail by 'Magis- trate 'Walker,. on a, charge Of ille-„ tally' selling liquor. Accuseed, admitted; aCeordirig • to ,the. aValkeaon • Herald -Times, that he had .gieen, liquor to two .friends from the ,West, who, having' been 'drinking,.. came ta lie home' and aroused him out . of his bed efter. midnight the' previous' Saturday. Persuading"; him give them :Some which he did, it -Wes clairned they insisted he accept a dollar as ,reinueeration, , • 0: E. Klein, KC'-., counsel for .pleaded for the minimum sen- tence 'Of shay days, but the Magis- trate's verdict VA's three Menthe: Underwent ;Serious Opeeatien „ Friends of Mr. John Spindler Were alarmed 'lase week , when it was learn- ed that on Thuredei he had been rushed to Wingharin Hospital to• un- dergo * an operation for bowel; abstrucc' tiOn,' But possessed of a rugged physic in- spite: of -h15 S1year, Spindler ' making a.• reiriarkable, tecoveryNral.• the ,first,At the Week he was believed pest the danger Point and on the road to 'rectivery.: • . "ROSE MARIE'' .A'r LYCEUM. A THEATRE, THIS WEEK -END t.hQA,1; Pe pi cutttei 6,Y0 o Ail 101 vl onde, eyr oe picture "Rose Marie", the special attraction at the Lyceum Theatre.- Wirighani, this „wdeklenti, Jeanette MacDonald and ,Neleon • Eddy are co-stars In this biggest .mniidal thrill of the Year, a .triuMph for its singing, "stirring •ro:. panee, bit eangs and spectacle. • • "Love Is re NeW", a §:nett comedy MAMA, le the feature the first of next week width ie another of tile fine Pietiites being,Shown nt Tho LYcelim thie seasoa, , GETS TWO .YEAR sigNTENtE Appearing in Walkerton; on charges ilf-.tlieff.'-jillegar.iii-l'iViTheen com- mittod in tucknovit and eicipita, Cas- well ..1.1ackett.-Wrie• sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Ile else aPP‘rat in Goderich to face other *trmit Not • • • bhaViraa, ' r • ' A trick of PISSET'81 tee 'Cream for desert, aesotted flavors; at Cool Summer Underwenr tOf Aff6ii •44,94,10*-ilitti.11,047§4,N der ,gOobitokt,Loltatiii4 day -window :Specials. THE MA`Rit.OrtTUREI.„ • PERMA-NENT WAVING :$0o $5.00••:.— SHAMPOO, ' FINGER. WAVING' ' st.A.RcEL, Make Ap mtments, At , • e AZEL CULBERT'S !PHONE 13-w: omELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Designed Exclusively For Tot Only in this *ay it is possible for a, fouadation garment to be , ennalgetdr satisfaetory,gimingayona--4eifect,,M 'and lovely style., ' See Mrs. Jessie Mackin* ' Corsettiere Liebman ' --EVELYN.NIXON'S •Beatiti Parlor . Rernianent. • Waving ., a ..11)acialItY. Creg. • Wavesr SPiral *aims; Combin, ' ation 'Waves, $3.5.0 and $6:00; also Finger Waving, Marvelling, , and: -Shampooing. 'phone 19 for aPPainte Ment. • ." •,, Public School Reports Room -IV ' Jr.' IV----Hon.-Betty Taylor 84; , Helen- Orr 83, Sao Chin 80. Celia Wilson .78, Eileen Geoghegan 78, Bill- Treleaven '77. Pass -Jean Hav- ens 13) Catherine Johnston 71, Jolmie Dahmer 71, „ Kathleen Reed 69; Sam McQuillin 62.. Tom, Patton. 62.' Kath. _etina-ftes_t_.4.6,2,....__Fred,..„._Webster 62. Keith Collyer 61: Below 60% -Ross Paterson 58, Earnest Button', 32, • There is not a Sr. -IV report "On *32 count of their 'Confidential report examination being held in' May.,A • K. MacDonald. _ Roam' Possible 500; • Hon: 375; , Pass 300. !Sr. III -Hon. -Melvin' Ori 394; Alan McKim 391;, Norma Ritchie 386 - Helen Salkeld -382.: Pass -Lorne Reid 368; Doris Wylds 354.; Russell Whit- • by 345; Jim ,:Harinilton 344; Jim Pur- vis:, 333; . Jean Bushell 315; Dorothy Paterson .312: Carmen McQuillin 310; Marjorie- Solomon 306; Russell Arm- strong .301; Lloyd Stewart 301; Stan ley Prest '300. •Below Pass -a -Donald • MacKenzie 261; 'Ross Henderson sent on .actount of illness). • . • Jr. III -L -Lorraine Ferguson :411; Reggie Ferguson:406;,'Pasea-Norniari MacCartney 365; •William Chin 362; Verna Dahmer .358; Georgina Geog- hegan 357; 'Jetta , Alija 352; Doreen Miller 352; Ronald Johnston .351; :. Mabel MacDonald 344; Ronald Me - Innes. 344; Jean Webster ,343;. Ken- neth-,..-Webster,--338; Esther Patton 322. Below Pass -Kathryn Agnew 285; Donald Johnstone 273; Warren ' -Wylds '252; Jack Wilson 251; Billie - Button 222: , • . M. MacCallnM. • • Room 'II , Honours -Jack Treleaven, Roberta Shirley Culbert, 'Billie -.John- stone, Lalae ...Webster, Ruth Winter - stela; Doris Taylor, Venni MacCart-' near. Pass -:-Jimmie Ferguson, • Alma :Solomon, Patsy Treleaven; 'Jessie • • Reid; 'lois. Henderson, Mary. Mac. Quaig, • Allen -Billie 'Johnstone, Ivan . -Eloird.-IteloWtPau--;41)1F-AgneW;Pat- • Sy ',Miller,. Roy Havens, George. Tag:, , lor. Albert. Chin, Allen Stuart), Billie Allen, Ellen. Armstrong; Gorden Mul-4 lin, Winnie MacDonald, Lloyd Gallara... 'H. G. , Sherriff. • Room 1 . .Sr.' Clase.;-Honors--Donalda. Nick-. olsori, Mare Louise Porteous, Mary Lorraine! JohnotO___„n Paas - Carrie', Milne, Rey Aitelfisori: George Chin Wilda.. Irwin,' Helen MeCteight:A Elaine -.Irwin. • Belo*Pasa,--Riehard kett, Turner, Murray.•OraHenderson, ht GordonGenoldlaerns.'on. . ni!- 'Jr. Class - Honors -jean Taylor,' Margaret Treleaven, Laurence Salk.. eid, -Betty Jean MacDonald, • Ruth Dahmer; Joan Me tie, t Jackie StuartI3eryle '--on, Geoghegan. Pass...46a Reit, Wil- fred . Black. Jackie Forster, George-, S'fafthYi ' Batty 'Marie Griffin; ta' 10 . 'MdCartney, Gwendolyn Stewart, Vel- tria Bitarileyr -JOY Johrinson,' . Billie 1:73Pntt Mullin, m;leta:tittit,Mc0rEielietli Wilbertglttir!irvio, • HAL _ Belost,_,Paasean. Treleaven*, . * absent a week or more. -'- -• ' "'. - ' -HAM Mlirfite, 1 • , HEAR hEAR. s Hon, tarl LAWS011 M.P. wbo,, ; Speak at' the annual meeting Of the AUron-Rruke Conservatives' A!isoc": ire • Juno 186 ' • • tott 4 A 4 * •