The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 8• permaneiit :repair jab' done apeedily'and at low'coat that's the service we give.. Don't throw 'away your .in- • jured tire, , . , it's worth . ; money to you. Let us examine it. Well give you ' honest ; advice:' • • A Goodyear materials Y only . . ` and: Goodyear factory methods. Every, repair ..we - make is a guaranteed repair.. _. a. tK R . P ,hone 146. w • t. THE LUCT(Now. SENTINEL; H URO I: NOTES O BI'TU R United Church W. A PresentedFrnal •Entertainment Mrs Fishers' group "of ' the 'W., Aal beth 'Jane A. mstrong)° • died at • heti of 'the United Church,, presented• the home in: the.,Yitlage of Ethel 'on April, third 'and final .entertainment of the 1b0th, 1937,, abed 88 . years and 8 series o rids eve .in months.' She was thea daughter ..of, F Y It g when; the Thomas •Artnstron school room was. conlfo�;tably filled g• and 'his wife, Agnes Lucy Switzer. Mr $C:,.•Rathw,ell, .capably •pre- «Now'is the seed tiine;aGod alone:. sided as .chanman•,• and ,the progianr. Rt��tsxxrR ..e1,,. seed t m vu�Fk .t��il,.iia••' ,Yi'Il:>:.(,te{"•,••..litltPt .41'u-'�''"WV• . greet you'all" by _a. dumber of young glxlso „who ',later -sang. another • chorus "The._ Woodpecker". The:.girls'. who• WOO., in approprrate. astunre included• Betty, Mabel MacDo}, •ald .,yerna,. and,/1Zuth u Di3honer,' Mor-: ;lna Ritchie; 'Jessie•. -and 'Louise' 'Reed MRS. :CHRISTOPHER RA'`YNAR». Mrs,, Christopher 'Raynard, (El''za'• PASTOR RESIGNS: • Rev, l:' Ii Allan, n}inister Of Knox Presbyterian Church, , Teeswater• for the.. past four and' a half' yeara: has received ;a calx, from •the Boston Pres- byterian Church, Quiney; • It is understood: Rev.; Allan cepting ;the' call, and will, tender his resignation to the ., Presbytery of Maitland, which`"wih be dealt With Tleho1ds11e'end of :what is sown, .The 'harvest time is hid with *Him. A>}d•• he•,'who Blesses most;is. blesse For God and man shaft own his Wort Who ;tolls to'llave as. xhis , bequest;; An added beauty •,to the earth'+ r)' :Eloped . 4.).".. A .,PLEA° FOR NR*.$. - r- Ifnyoner` rias-• , �' :Died, (Whottie •' ''A ivoinan of. the highest integri and, Shirley • Culbert,.. Jack...Wilson and and the most sterling qualities, pas Carman ,MacQuillin sang a. duet d ,,"Lona• Long Ago," and little Grace e •to the regions, of:.peaee. Mrs. •Ra ••• he summons of h Hudson sang two: solos, "Daffodil" Meterhand arcs an end ', Nursery' , Rhymes", accompanier! ; a her.. , went carryon her sheaves wth.her.'Livang a lin h_ y her .mother. A."recitation' by `little ' fife of useful and laboroous..torl, s„ Betty MacDonald;. was•'followed, by a` had.erred theright ' duet "Beautiful •1`sle of _Somewhere," - i i g c e go.:. She had spng' �liy; Mrs., •nToru►an _.Wilson `and, ; inherited a.1. kindly, cheerful disposi= Miss .Belle , Robertson with: accom 'a t_ tion. and a font} of h}�mor from:. her P � !Trish 'ancestry, . �,. i ent . by . Mrs Newton. ` tr s Ma• t yr Married;; , n, • ,> Left": town, y.. Had a fire; . er. Had .a baby,, • ng ' Sold a farts hey Come to town,. Broken a limb, Bought . a home, .Committed murder, Et;; Etc. Etc That's News -4 -Telephone, 36. rison gave 'a seIection on the. month tilers. i s cn' . oui'ro organ..and.:guitar__and•.Norma_'Ritchieg , d: six chilaren. Hof . .. ., ally/ran;hvm an'• s are Mos., Jno: Maxwell of: and- Doris . Wylds sang a.' duet In 'Winnipeg; •Maxwell comical •;costumes• "The: •Beanville g' of hal, Mrs. �4Mrs. Harvey Dobson of Ethel; Mrs. Choir;. of 'mixed ;'voices sang' ;Old Sol Hickr Mrs. 'Winifred Lucas ' of Marshfield .> WiS,.; ;.Norman• Wilson,. Mrs. Geo., Bernath, di/ceased;' Mrs:: .:,,group ^pianist, played, an' 'instrumn, : C. - Congratn Hol rod- : 'anal tal. An interesting:. one -act comedy, Y d 1VIrs, E. Ackert,.:Holyrood. ' Her descendants number 58 Her twin brother, Irwin, predeceased her' in "1933. husband' 'died Oct., 19, 1929, :in. his 86th year: Y The ,Dotable .Dece .tion" was reser- .#? P tad. by Moss. Atidrey Horne, .Mrs. •Sid- ney Decker,.1Mr. 'Gerald Rathwell a Ld Mr, and .`Mrs.. 'Cam b 1 P e i Thompson,. The concluding,number'was ` .sac-' _a red pantomime "'resen ' . b p ted Y: Mai v Fish Cali r a. 'Wilso 'Arne ta' c , n t Dah- mer, Luella•' Creen, -Doris Ritchie, and u jean i .. e wlii , c '• Miss _ . t, • .n , h ass -Mai: t; ret MacCalium, .aa soloist, -sane', Blessed be: the •" Ti . • 1t. e that •Binds. a Jim i .was�hen •''sery • 1.` S. No. 3,, •Kinloss South Kinloss Y. 'P. S' ' : Sr IY. Grant Eckenswiller 72%; 'The 1regular meeting of '.'the South F�ilPar Johnston 'co..:vin-- "--- ,.., Kinloss -- P. -• Melyin Johnston 48. , ; ening April '23 • with' a,.large. nuinber jobiistOn. 63*;. 'Ina ;The topic fer the evening. was the .Tr. IV--•--Aluriel McBride 70.. • present. ' Johnston 56; 'Weir' E'ekensvvilier 46. first six • chapters' .of Nehemiah; The „ 'tTr. III -Beth .Johnston .56.9; •Don- discussion •'on. ;these chapters centred ald Ross 45.8; • ., am/hid a "number of questions made Second -Veronica Murray 76.6. out by Wirt,. G. Young, , had First -,-.Eileen Rots'. 93*; Frankie..preVioutlY been ' distributed to the Prinier-David Ross*:' • members. Mr. •J.1 D: :Ress directed lessons were learned. We should•IMild Jews,. tinder the leadershiP' of Nelie Maitland :° Presbyterial 'To •Meet At'Whitechurch Program Arranged For , 23rd1' Annual Meeting - Luckn W 4 Auxiliary • . To 1, a ke. •Parr•- . Expect •' ..MissiOnir .From`Japan:e A Guest Speaker • �,�.. ; ..�` Thez��Ul''ttnciPal• Council' of ; , , ;�• hail' Kinloss un-, i ••m noes ,.in e;.alon'Mo da A .. , _contained a' picture�•of-- h rl . ' � , , . ,Y, Poll 12, o e Lor• --"1-93-,.. ---111. ' _" Y`-' -�memli e" THURSDAY. APRIL 29th, 11937., LOCAL :anal GENERAL, Mr:. Lorne : MacKenzie. of I)ungan, non, 'delivered'; a new Oldamobile' to: htr N. 'E Bushell on' Friday; • Mrs,.. S T,':Tucker spent last week; in Toronto 'e!itli," her .daughter, Mrs:; R, E. -Rossiter and: Mr Rossiter. Mr .Torn AIt'an of Toronto tcoriert Andrew of Listoivei, spent `the week end at their ..reapeetivii3,4 homes; here, • PEA RLMAN'S have new sur 3' hats, ties, sox, shorts: and ,,huts, tAsk ° to see 'the , Forsyth; Shirts; ` w}th the l. :entirely; new:'•button:,d wn:.collar.; • I ' In dropping 'through an' iron Brat- ing on main street,,°one..evening last week, •Mrs. F. .T. Armstrong. suffered •a painful _leg injury; 'but, fortunately escaped fracturing ° the'limb See the' Connor • Electric Washer at W. G; ANDREW'S, before buying; They' carry a 2 -year: guarantee on, NOTHING' TO .BUY. • SIMPLY: GUESS NUMBER UNDER parts and service as well as a• •'12 SEAL. CALL HERE' AND GET YOUR. R;.. ENTRY BLANK Fear reconditioning' guarantee. s • INGOLfUM uess ; y Starts SaturdayMa t, •.:. .1st Ends Saturday Mai 8#�h. at � 12 YNoon YOUR, GUESS MAY WIN THIS 'GENUINE GO CONGOLEUM RUG,, x 9' LU SEAL, Anniversar y :'services will be' held in Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church; ; °•• on -Sunday, May: 9th; when Rev: W, F E. Kelly, M.A. of' Listowel, will be the special• speaker, at both services.! ,..Spring.. _ 4 P is ' g .BU^'. Y O R SUIT .. . N Have. it ready ;when• you is-.•. card. youri top coat. All newandU - _- UP TO -D Samples. : ; Prices,- ices •: ; ' 16: b 0 C Council 18Up.-It �! • � .00Minutes , : j20 00 ' : and � TEMyj, I,E • ,,;, .. ? vt'e'... _ Mrs. Ravnard was . 'buried,' in the ;. Friday s Owen ^Soon 4'S T' et"' ' A 'meeting of much i th h f -' interest ' to t i es P --'-cenxetery, Pres. feria , .. .. • . y :. n women. ;ill h - . s will. be , held in tame, little daughter p assn tax �an ini ressi ....• i e' cure h Tues- , were casion of the tw t e th' "d after p ve church service g, ter. of. Mr. and Mrs • hal n C mer 'hut h Wh't ' h � • meeting minutes'' of .and last r David ' mershall' regular M shall` of � Luckn" ow. , Mr: , were .. be ,. e oar e read rand a rove o ieaiei• s •:. an flo r Marshall is the -mechanic at PP ie Os a; r t n �. ..:.• , .. .., ,. ,-. ,. G ,..ham and 1VIc e. .. , •: K nzi der. e. s gaga e , - . conducted b ;n Y Rev, Barnard. The palh..day May 11th This will the' ' d weh beakers ,,• n y-• tr annual giandsons:':Th` 'eho'. e r ' an Saf a g . e In m set " g ,the Maitlan ` Pre d sb ter- T h Ar Y e ,6 ms e f J s ,..and .a lin e u a t.,1.• .. � . • ial , of the. Women's. Missionary' f l t So- ' am c3itiUe Y _�1. _d>•�I,aav"ill„ sin �,'_au.�• _:. g y a- ciety `of tl'.bgte lari''Chnrclrin song of 'that ''Beautiful; Land",.was Canada s g '' •, Mclntos h Graham, that the clerk Bill' Webster, wholas s been. a a=' writ the . •Compensa io Boar m"i o`deriieb ass i a f`o . almo st Ma-ArneAccident .Insurance on town eight' months With a 'fracturedleg ship roads, '11. isimrov' sungby Mrs., •W: , Joynt of. Luck -I `'-' , in : Followin t improving slowly, but. it .will • b McKenzi - g h e 'ra e e Ross e`' r'that no__._,- sung prayer s vi o Y e c f_donation Where parting iS unknown, A whole,. eternity Of leve. Forined for the:good,' alone, WIND DID DAMAGEI•`' • Gales' o last Wednesday,: f . .•that dis • iu ted • . h P dr•:s o Service, did . consider-. � ; .. bleAginage..paficulazly in ibe ruz-alp 'section: Barns stood thebrunt unt, Of ._ storm; with 'many,; roofs having shin-'�• -gles' . and : sh satin torn n ff..• g o n' . Ash-,, e fieldba;�,:. rn .had :metal` ;ro 'f ' • . o ooi torn:' g loose and badly twisted, while • the,• ,. �id�of anon . hexes-•b;rild•i' trg•-was ?spot edd: to be blown in, There ' Was • ' h v. '• a ea dem • and• • Y for :shin 1 • ..- __ ... on g s ollowmg the 'storm, the; e ..` • " a ew . months Ye ' ,before. •h � _. o ., Mein,. - , finl1, altho e may be f, $5.00 .be iv xecutive:'at .9.45 a.m., the _ given toh .morn � , _:�� •� •- - ._ :. 'Hospital, -.._ • n , _-e War. ._. .there_wa . able to ^leave°"th`o...msti :Ling session' wall Begin at °i0' o'clock; ration. • orxal Hospital; London; Ont. from Goder ch Sayingin ema despatch •� when ;devotions will be conducted 'by Miss Gretta Campbell, returned tuI Ross -McIntosh,• that � the; , •clerk' impossible to purchase shinglestlf'was hei.e the L•ucknr,a,A�r;hs;,., '�wr... ,...... �•. .. th .,. 1t..- 0 -village on ••m night. after .... wlit,a. tho�• f�inrir of the. T.: _.�_ • mein '. of Whi4clitirehl.Will octend 'the ., ePeefli.ng , • for the • return of : Official Bonds for ' .Iii 'the • 'villa th t i' ' ' . eicome to: the visiting societies and , CatiAda. Miss Calii0c11 w 11 ' s deposit -With MUnIni1)4.1' 'clerk. ' ... littered With branches Of Arees„.. le • fficers 711 ..be received, . uXiiiiiry Will ..oplidliet : thn',." Worship, Johnston. of SeVern 'Bridge,- spent! the , rood WOMenfa institute, paid by• them, The 'Sentinel .-goes .to„ press Wed-. The. afternno9. ,nnse;04 'win: 9pen , Mr.. and. Mrs. RarrY ..O;Tntt.' and l• 1 Oraham--,71VIcKenzie, that we re- NOTICE , TO . CORRESPONDENTS .: , eriod Tr; • resident', Mrs, x *e_. Weelc-end• at ' the home :of Mr and for use Of hall.. • • nesday . aito.peen. .N6vt, 1.14ppepitg:-..§.--- ean of Wingham; will deliver.'her Mrs: Oliver ,lohneton... Mr-. JohCzt9n, . , •McKenZie -- Graham, . :that orders -_Of._?, iMportance ...that-aret-..teo-late----.-to -:- 44ress 'am.' mils ka -.. F. i ' Who hai been ill for' a lengthi- Period. - be -issued in.•payineriCa-alt.bills. and' catch the Mall in time te reath LUck-'' f Lorne will render a. vocal solo. continues in irail health. . • • 1 accounts paased at this meeting. . now on wines ay morning, should . , ,, , F . s.: most, o natti .4isa .3•argaret . Rae :obtained 'a , ..m.,CintozhROas;.. that ' we ,dO nOw he telephoned to the entinel .Office....., ,rit. at the afternoon .meeting, Miss is year in ,,exPeCting to have ,rota- tiarking of '80 in the inniOr ' vecal.. edj ° t° meet again:. ee leeedel ,) any: :, tiTe b.!fcle. .1"Kten.,..''''Weanee'ley. .' ary .1Ellen 4ndersou,,.. oo furlough clakai at the StratfOrd ..musical :Fes-, the. 25,th :der. ef, may, '1937, ' at . thet The. Sentinel phone number is 35 a- 4 '-. ge "regarding her „work ' in' Kobe ,1 et1h4g37.ead, Alban: of. thi Ficultk ce.Askensment Roil, iheginning• at - 1.30 :Accide,4ts„ Deaths or , Any ..neWa'' of • tival 'held there last week' Mrs G A uSiiaLtime.'end -place; and that we we ' *ill- aeeept thei, phone charges.' And faith beholds the dying here, ew Translated. "to, that haPpier sphere?' r p rt ' f 11' tar' • d • her duties next' w a th 1 Ross= acIntosh, that the Reeve Jack Campbell, local barber ha 4i/dater (WhO. not .popular . in the a "Oh„ well, I'll just come in and sit They had a mind to••work, they were ,'"Ye needne hother, it's oot tee." se RAPip CITY . constant in 'prayer and -they set _ : r m om JaPan. She will bring. a ines..!fsTewum was aCeonipanist „. Arthur hOld. t4P Court •of Reviaion on the' Any news suCh ires, DrownifigS, • . tvateh.. SO ' yo,e- and.' he .ready; dealt with' hr'14r;'..itoy Hudson.„ Miss fr •Jini and ..flarelil, .,"D'oc" Stewart, at times 'defend •ourselVez. Kathleen, tarrUtliers -and Fern:''Alten sa ..left Sunday ,for •Gederich:.te.'sait'the..'against •thelanghter, sarcasm s n- • season sailing on the George R. DOn Mr. 1VIcgtzillin, viSited wit his. sister, Mrs.- Haines . at Wingha th le dere, coinpromies. etc, of tne chnrchs' Violin solo; Misses V •nal !...lenemie• Readings were giVelf.'W-Bohl-arid ' Arlen ..TeWitt sang a du h' TA...ark/less and Gerald. Wagner.; Sev-, the Mack:ndrick quartette gieva m oral ,thok' part in: the Prayer cirdle. 'other •'q mber. ave .a wbere., she labors a•S' ; Missionary. ward Thei awards to the- Mission ,. Bands; and' -.-Of ,prises' won in the -varicoini compe-: '' the ,firit.'of the, week.. . . - '.! 'After the last hymn, 'Rev, G.• young ., , The Guild ha's aceepted an, invite- '• ,In a evening • it 8 ..o'clocic; there Mr. 'and iiir. itos,'MiteMillan and,;'•clocd. :the,' Tnet,ing'. wIl?......praye..., ' .; . tiori. tO visIt. the' .1(9.9ng PeOPIa. .' of 'will be anether Meeting; ' Wii,o. the Mnrs,:.visit6d'' 8tindai With 1‘.1i•s; Mao': ' - • • . . • • ' - • • .iiince4ne next . Monday..,evening, • ' .'youiii womews. SOcietiea mid Ghia - ', 'Mrs. II IL .Alten and kiss:,',N.L.Tvier; .. 'the Musical COMMittee baii-,ebarge ,I-Thited;;Chllrch.. - ,..`:. - . ,. . annual convention. At this .sessio' , • PhersOn, Yisited • Mrs.' Will Reed •. On Of ,the ,Guild meeting. On Monday' eV- Th. ' Y,, P. S. Mee 'big On ;Monday Miss SaraK •MaeLean • of'' Wine)* 'Ttiesdair • ' • - , „ . ' : !'' : , ' .ening: ' After . the opening hymn, night ..oilened., with.. the.' us,ualidevot:.will---sing-It'SOIO''an4 the'liqiiieial *neat .. ...Mis_s, MYTtle.......MCQuillin2-has--1,:re...- teoirard'MatDonald-fied the' Scrip- ional period., ' The .1seripture -lessen sneaker' mill he Mrs.: H. At. Coulter turned --to ..grs..,. ireei,c. .yfacintosh'6' tot,"e • lessOn.: The'..muii,cal"nuni'bers iti-.' was read'.:•bY 'Miss 'Helen ,E1VraeLoodl,', Of' SraMptini, 7 'who:. haa. 'been :secrer.. .4,, ParaMount,. 'after ,being . !under : :the 'Cluded the. follo.Witig, veCal dyee..hy interSpersed,:bY, singing ,.Yersa„,,......tit,tar.-Y-Of-I,Girle.--OrganiSatieni-lor;'41F --f-,,,' • Miss Jean Reed' Waa .0 re4ent V.,,is-'.. • MaeVicar;. a ,,trunmet' :sela . by . Reid be.''' thp: husinese pqio'd,',•fallowed, • '' DelegateS ..to .'ill, 'Of `the . meetings .''' iter• With : Miss, Freda 'McDougall,. 'Mckim;• ,a.' vOcal solo' ;by. :Mr. Fred. antl'an interesting letter from :Alex.. ;will coine, froni..Aslitield,' linieyale„ ' ' Mr.., Ciifford : Mcbiall is aSsisting .. Wain Wright; a ' 'quartette by : :Helen . SMith :waa then :'' read,. :Ikis, Margaret :Balinere, t!nssela, p,Ivin, .Cranbrook;' r..• ,Frank ititehie at Zien for • the. bii-, Nnre • Jewitt,', Lloyd SteWart',and '.1'•Miiodallipii, gave; ii' reading ..and'' Di. Dunganaon, Eadies,' Ethel, Gorrie, sinnmer... ,.. ':', .... • ..... . • : :. 1 ' •Roci .ort; a guitar soro bir Mr; 'D.' C... Jellies. Little, a i1oiin .solo.... The topic, kinektdine, ,.. gitilongic itangsicie, ' j' The :Chap who .kisseS a girl' these IKendriek .qUartette ..Of Lochalsh,' The'. -ford: .0stiand€77played .an ir.istruineii..,ti', Seuth .'.ttinlOss; : :-Teeswater;.. ' White- ':ilityS is tisuallY a -.marked man.-:: 1-tain4 .. "The '..Mennonitest' was 2.ably tat .followed .1.)y the'.,cloiiin eierciSee. 'church and Wingham, .: ' INK ‘1111111111EMIRE1111111r. 11111M as Cotton 00 tipili Ovei. 'Site - . ; • • • ; ...'Wt/Wanosh . Ins. Co:, , Ins. on ' hall, gTitikE AT winTEcitijitai . piddle vvors. department, ''o ',the red - telephone $2:45; J.' ' R. '... Lane,. at ..Whiteclinrch; "When' einidoyees nf.' Thursday i*cenneetion with .the new . ;postage and supplies $3.00; A. •',. Wilson's :.piill. aeasesd . Work as a 'de, sti-- ' R. Baker,- wood to hall $2.0a ." Was quicklY settled with . sorne three: .. for more Money. ,The trouble ..: , The need of a ,public rest rotim iu 'pay 'list i2, 06.'74 ' Rifisell Gaunt. c> •' • 1,ucknOW• was' eniPhasized..lait week, pay list ' 1p; ,$7;20; Geo, J.Lockhart, - . Iiiired• at .The 'Sentinel . Office' where. pay 'list 15, $12.30; Hugh 'Sutherland • Money must .be a little..more free .. she might find -rest reozn: acconne-: Pay list 16; $7,101 Roy McInns' DNE:ty in the rural seetions, Or elge the" far - forced to , replace ••• some 'equiPnient ' Me r hae. trenched .,•a point where he ip • will be taken care, of either in the; * . J. • L N.. ,'f . 7, .Murdoch Morrison reports that he San of a Judge, Yes, sir. Thirty dispoSed 'Of. more whitlietrees to 'date, , New Curtaina and Draperica; 1 New F Teicher-L-ia it pOgible to have a than any Other season since.1928 end *Old tow Price. -- THE' MARKET : ' gheetings and Pillow Cottons at the sentence without a v •Ii ? . , Dean McInnes states that he '', has ' tirtains, Curtain To*els:i :ave. These' • 0*::.•:,,Pitc4.0;.., iA