The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-29, Page 5I Z. 'POP 4 T-IF1 7, 'T r -r- '_ , - !7 0:4 -A .. ... ... FV &-7 TE.OPENq n, enjoy 0, Pt K "A'ble tinie,was. AOUND Ry WE VD. AM _,T 4 NO KIDV� T R A. A I . , 1 1. 1 ..." I . I SP�0, b�,.a W r And 4, Alfred� sh�f ; : (BY C� T.) lAigia, c owdin, -the ComMynity Hall,, S IFE04L% a - i ICE 4, ..'Warph T Xprray of, �r� Friday, eyening,�. �hefi h . , " " I , -W . . I . t., 6 ei spent day he following Ar iele, und ._er Nly, with, Mr,.,4nd t14 41u, �oa th id _e, 41 e -PrPillatic -Society'pieiented their Fpc�!a n 4P T e 43AV, gap VIap,', Iamile Ball Tea '.hold, their play P 1, in 4vo -un er the, QW114 - 1ta ell fro 1!ic v ky. Chit, k orst, V A41 t. -i � . , the Paisl�y A :4 7 OPS000al of the W.Omen',g. in'stitute. Visitorq*. -wit A Mro, And Xrs. Jame y. 4 FOR MARCH 'the W �Abp OVed highly' ' t, ut, 90 miles. weA' of the clty,,pf gy, �,,wjlj I pr Mince i:word .94.0irtai . ning T., W b#@r, Over �eri�?� lemning i White -Leg orns,. Jim VII via: �qr transmdtted�-over: high t1an B _piak h . 1. 1 T ., , , , _. , . ' �and " " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' . .. I . 1 1. . � - �'% 11 Ptw� h C Ard sistek Betty -of $Pok,a4b,' *A�L� Abodt'260-miles 'jin - ' -s., by,. r - en. the motorT.5ti,, w t gets,. quArtett. _.hO, T':- -7 r,.,Are,in t at -­�! e'R d' "Pg� - ac,, her more ,eleqi ricity 18. int -demand w.re. a race tzic H I . r.,� tifff, Wo -'s Ari Wr.' and White .00 We;- 4--,va, endipg.�*.sph -b 0.94ver and r�lille -Ti n, wer 9. it d 4 tt eermg, eat. of iby r. k: a eT, am # mes Uff The dammip'k ot.,th�'s 14SIZ 1 -thq* dioce wa e, s It:wlll light; li,�at �iild f 9- furni4hedf'B b wid h I Y- of Ambotley,�- MISS: - Myr 'up" �-4t TArd' on Ap.ril,.9th,.,j "ghorn� C�oc rge is POw9r. by Mr. a e f U -­ �- .­' - - - . L. 1. , . 1. Ty .14r;aine and a st river, in t Unite tie 9tati. 'st qq! 'lit d, q to myrlad,; indu Ock.8, Red CoCketell f Underwood: n' Mr.­41iq Y _ljvd; 'Is- not' A.', -feat which, can. 4,.,jed mp. rles'. o: 0 p0guhjr: meeting -'o f, the.", ....,s very 8,,.0 U C e, ail l4n'of 2" NO `q 'Wifi Alit III Ei ' ' - ' b Moto Istfinky 9 IOU Mao,; t numberless T d a Vas inst�jitl' �i' nd its. *Ay �mt ru ',a 0, to nt- 6r,t ck�a's,th �bo 04 d ikbt*.,. h, t pen4 1 16ss chinn6i "' * f` ' " vfAs �, 1. Or�,'.,VIOAY evAningi',w-� !Tj�r ek., Old, t 6 'coinineive." � : e, Th 'd' rs! -�Charlle. Thomas of )p�r4qd:c4rg: The ii4 8; and" M -aut frbffi"bA` Add �w o.. C e P-5.9 .-"I8qbel Mi ler' in I Wo W-cieki D 4 Add FNia,e is,sai jo�be that as. �to( b h T School- M�6gical. P k' bi . : .: -' ". Sunday *itb "Ei _aiiget,,, ii, prepara -f i ik lon, orthe, Wiasj: Br.t. q Aousness..'J I id%:prepidiint, �m" Y gt4ggeAsAhe 6 :� �' � Spent 4 % fn,',K­­ , a ion 1he ebair.'',Gordo Oncar,. dz �-Ae� river, - h ine,. no, iller r6s S�' r w WAS di­­ ur aY'.­tbe,,,PU . .. * - ; I Ga.. nOr $#Oley� t d r e" th h t", find 'Laurin' 'M �on -person, ifi - nee *`Tdnd,the4ritck`d d 6 it A :4 ., I . d' f all b 8a . b4 o �crjp ure, jesso: Iving 1 giop ,, rough whic go* without 'it.,, thi li to, e I] Mips, Rhoda, -Cook is af a,,-rqasonable. rate,' was -entitel�.'; Chick pro Fed PTeopntas_ b14 I -held a short griam''on' Mo'p4;xyj_�ivey, runs has,jt V�der�qlly-. intIaj­ -Th' - gave. -the; Bible cliaract ni�. -Blood. I grea.. e ' ' Is, Pro t ilevext elesstber d, sw - - �, W meq$s-1hii h T We basement- this t, be]. T_ ing, Mrs.: in. Alton, ..e 'Every in z ' iext -object, Qf di Hoare d er. Qn.Cain an on Mill ;remains, e. 'fact' that -A Jnn6centl M III Church,,' bei�;' the. Presby �eri�n 6sting history. Geologists 'te este& Stock.* itatch' 11 iis: t kt 'Scheme is that or 11rrigatio 00 ;1y; re .4 , small.. audience. 4 One, timej i paisy., Rifo4o th, nillionk;- of years- a n. With vore., with duet. The' lei Reid, 919�trltic pump� - driven, top*, Young Ife wai. ��uffed' out--just.an, ed t, ­ . . ­ .. ­ . � p - James: T.," 'Ahe'r tiag d i, -T 6 e or, acted as Master, of eq. erhiPs, this' go" hy0aulle. "Whith6f the 'odern Tag call and Mr, fcK Arew w s semi :Wall,, tropic or �electrieaj, energk,.-. of Mi"s- Mr.' h In 41 . . ­ *ater, will . b - Webpt i' e Y'.Of'the'mot6r'era elnonies,. fdr the - progrkim. Sam 50 inAts ph e sions"' �wa I e Ca :, d . - I .. 41� ASP ct more like the ' I' ' ' , , . . s. taken by Rev. it. s: on Sunday, evening. and rhigit'i'n this c me stq, ents e s e he 'heights., h s -warned ..evated to t olumn f6mvLuckn�' vy k -;f 4 ­ I � I , I I above. the Wright, �vho: als6Aed the dis6sS . ion., rv.11, iiiehArds . , ) I I I on "th :,t 'Mr.� ...W. 'ill,ta 6part -the 0 AUNCAN'KENNEDY Afnaz' an, a ppi dam *h C. at iu�t-'Su Cie be stored, in Te of 01 A 'ch hn,'acei.dent was. liable tbiiI' f6sthlai sqr- . , elmipth-.. Schi�' Guel n )n. the' north iklmeridan cofitineht it, WI . I ; . . . 1— 11 il. I nk r',. Of $ttatr the yacs �h,'Ag` spendinj 0 Appian e �3�, ueen street airs anal -from :on- War own At a later perio -11- thence distributed: -ford' and,` Q Irene-W'oods,: of 4S .1 Ome on the. bound wblve bedn, ridiculed m MIS.% hr h OnA of yea s, Wa ifid .through channels t6 thi thirsty land sFy; Ji mi -confined h and in 16': Hamilton, is. 6ti Aer aps; the great C 8, erloo' were, recent visitor t We,.;Mountain,�- -a r. 'Mi.$s .'Myrtle- aniey -!apghod a w bed with a seiio elow,, Many-, a us case of bron' ured e earth., them One',6n�dr6lAnd t.b, b' Mis.� Y' members of the coufi rupt' th on,, Wood WE - - ------ for Jin in i bar-, If r. Rob- with, Mrs,_ Jam a ..Vri - tin little, hag 44'OURCH res Ivu bO-.n.dohe .�Aa. ..�,upwafd the alts Attained a _rIer,,:botw.6 c6ep­ [,�iingonv Woods w -r. h . ... . en,, this: semi -tropical area, Ing', wit, ere in, .qderich oat hitIpodro"zn" .e driving li predictions, the area served ilding, 'the meelin ID S f ind Ome' of',* !our A,.�uil.ting �Vas held ame a -the the egr4' h "Rock M I�t er 6BERVIE :'Ind- the -wegiern'seai his Preveiited, b uesda dh Seller 1 I'T Hii�on Pres of 1 sY ou, Ain un. y ery. Smart of. rs. -Frank H nry byAreams I t . e .000tedly:bbo the most 11urisliffig -and rY : kitirrik h �S, as by .,Other ,half A 'Pailsh meet in' ir westward Y ect z 1w S. of. the.W. 'S. d. 04U]reh Ing was held-. On nar& wealth 9 'a -t as'. retur t ,that t ol ga.5:bdgg -,thP Uniti I n in, ies around" the nedf. London,*" where. she ed M s tho.,'thia A�rg-. Henry donated.. the. 4ullt �Orming. a. inlan'. e en.ke "tioi. '&om Monday. afternoon.' of "last eeik ;it' reat, Sea.. which attend .,Dn,a isma. Iler sch e e Pr6vincia 0�- ;trOtched'-from' the I , " i, lich" dama ad ip y :th6 riciory here, to Axrange ' .� r - ilipp 'I e t- "' ' ' �11 I ;. I . ge. is report -the m e in M race ,AGregor S ntain.- g of hie,'.W thi$ vi l4ge, str 6ts 'a �are eve sc"follOwilij,,the �ale; O_ last race, track peeding. cut�ln Te6q-w for 17Y4ere, to be' t. is S driving; Miss 0 iCh f ... I -With heri'. s rian, ureh-! Wednesday; "In Just Plain d �epairi0g.6f ths; n� Northern, Califorfilik �t6 the'Catibou, ound-in thi .'of the.-Presbyte re. ory., tate�* The far water Is rn, fool gjunj� vis ting !oun 'ry in iIo4,s..YAkimtA,'i Valley Win. buil ings beinig-Partially d I d mother, Mrs. 'M4cGreji�r­i AS or Dur eri., ue, 0 Ana k� n. Q. the Steering wheel. o1welli ffl limhe3�s blow f " 1. 1 1 -C e k on 'MOWO W u ge in 0:Nry 'day by these arp -t. -di' t British Columbia J �llf A' one instalie'd'4here, the desert 1 for,-Toionto ansen on the: faini "of �trlpped Geo. C .. .... enturies ]at d ''t ther'up--, om wherie� hie. -will wP ham- Road, b off,,.'­fen4 Para ti con.� een reclaifiied'and.-vAiere.�th ces, a4�: trees meAast ks, 'was. eaal nChan h ousands oil the... HighwAy. ievelled.,: and �Jamifii;. 306 'month-old" chic ge inj 'e,. earth!s, our- d 3 ason a ter this Pap Mr. Hubert Keisvviter' is 0 win owsblown.'In..'Th fo' r Months" th, t race an outlet was for -of A. e windmills On ned hired f6i have fqunfl,.a Paradise- --.Xr'-Joe­HY4e Jilderw er had 'eamp t6 a' t e farms PetgL'Qook ve. e summer �work. ..,mysteriously destroy- ed- b cbd' thr�ugh, a wher ci�d wa. A* aw ap. Y fire 'early 1 6 Plenty exists for hilf a mil- 4 v adm and jas� of e CoUnci nthe C6" i6itLo kill -bio did.- g with', the W 'morn n PeOPre_:`wh_eFe be,ore the country 'OutTs r 6aidiiei - __ or ers Hy Wrecke1 tlii��;.chief that ars er,. ,G 'rn.' were reat-COlunibia'was o� de. was tbt 'R 11 U e, spee ihk storni on Ifitursda .,d ed I it y CUM d must' Is, Attie e, �liiv. d" 14 stop, And it Is Th ififitted, for liti Ad- dv. Air. nding tho. on- an f that.' an 1'n' ion. is-laike:or inhand.sea which hoyv, C man habi' V. Ming rs..': Ewart, Taylor siderable �A of Wait and, Mitted amAge.' to*,. Knox Chuidh -titutep'the Xt6a A'.� ItArm e f-, the s, n,�, t: ce ..of. 1936_:!.B or ut- �BORN��In; �HAMilton, 'zo aS Of- sue'h-' a'co]6.ssal schbmtIa Lau'rie''l, now, lfbilced iAp rg67ol2'.the ambitious* e nnuA meeting,,O Jack I h -r-'e' -�fece ft f the Colum Y; ind M is In situ -were,. xisi ors with.: Fred 'Newman, e 1, chVrch.' :,, he Wo� 4W&Snd�� 11 nes e� t ai re, 'at'. r.. br A te 'will be: held. �the M an a dAug te�. lep L!c Weal h rp. Ge. atJheir,;old stunts" lVeWmita- ii.0'iwo -;ehildiizi a inCe then the great river' go phases e 'of . Mrs. r Our H e,,,.on, I, if, they Ar e itiad t6 P t S.L de lY -into the t h ev. Mott and M6jj . . , S' �ifi I - I on, 'un r and thukida�. - af M , , 4, '. b qn stedf r the . . ubda V P. SiM UP ormerl§- mothe* on I s -situation, Mit this mii�t �iove ternoon, May r. the eek-ena in, Ha W f i nU mber- of occasi I -0t 'Roll an , d rs. os[.` Freeman and is: mo ed ca aying - 9 T Iasi! - and down Queen stj ;chang edious and.. ii .,n , . ��i P iTisatisfae6ry. eet at -40, mi es OU�ge. There�, are pie`nt f e y1 1, -Fisher, -There 'will be $PPhit, Sunday W'lth.. r An�. hour Ind',out of, tra lip and-bulb� Gard ving, . 1, . Ue 01 gh'tiemndous gor- is, Mikhti� UrsdaY even rig a huni erford duri gthe,_ Ae, posil I an e to-'edt in Pu on a se"' in iQ 'kn "ek Kin.JOSS Play� y of e dences act'remaills. thiii M rs; per. as theit.'O.ea'siziad brain- dietat Th t, here oh )f itL. Now thr'du bilitie§, of, xdhatlge f Seeds, S" Will is ' Th :4 it " has idoit6d r- "Subject harge d -',�ev Miss V- I es; then., On a u 't good, but.ow�. I �iii 'ente in, c io et.. eta III of'ill h6a th for itself, MI. Ritchie is ass Ate that ' ist oniobody's.ehild.L. ato ki,.,VJ,: not Hostessei--M r 'g ing Ing to,- the e..,_ "t Wrlght.�, and rs Geor 0 as.,ndt.larg 1%7: 1. vWS area, still:L­fi6,;jS .' �1' LC : , - gd. AalPh'Nixon 111111g� We -h re en ted. Its idva j" this: wee e , oody id crd§h�d h9p a M to e: th bl, all III r ve e or, a' '' - - , .� .. 11 a. t one spot it Cali in r6 and' attended.. ' -` '' ' 11 . r; , t P ages to. futui'�ia jehira_' Stuart Ylay 1n. q rs. TICtI u (Intendiad'o L 'Aubdulblb' T the se A h in Y- e and for; Pharis, Afathers..., ory, ssl le to drop.. a peh�j .'from one, cas` t_. dt it' hApPn Miss Emma'. Hewiti, 'Norith 11 n',4i PO'�, N b ast Week) ba 9 Mdmb ofi,e:re- In 1..he ligh as. exper MI SfOp L OSe ience.' %p yp. ss Yrtle: Ri b )f. its. roci erp,! i i0ois is ,'able to M M " e out againi k'r0l:IedS1deg into the'water -Were c le spent 1ew drivill who insis 'on steppiii Sts.; of, th-6 Whitechurch:, Ith er sist' M MAfTAIN Many Are the tunicl�le- cliaract�arjstic 4,rue days I t* .4 st, w6ek -w i i ' - G� thousand i.fec th . is g- Society er, , rs, It bel�w. High :o'n the S instead'' 't. aving e Ross,:',a'nd :b. 'the, hiake' ind,rock rfihmed� ridges, deeply iutt' ni 9 lan& '*,6re ,I* Lochalsh : ' through on. Moitday ye r.'�Iz6ss of :ga reat.regioh. Dri Will Mr 4RObt. CGOW�fi of Y ic, 'gofges. extinct the,A& Harvey W6 RUliES.' CORNER -it! in Mid, - s'Umme on the' high6viy c6rge Mr.' and ce�,u program. 'With vo one, a c an' W4 bb BlYth� hnO D , children. d io ca 4 , I . . , i , I , .. I , I 1 7 a' An Ruth, ipp sees ever' h ging 'M'a. ditio' Murray. 11anora zi� of- a duet by Dr; R084 and s6i�. of Edr" 3'unday.. with Mr. oi, i3rop6rtions n - I The - geo ogical, And Vei nto.n; Were., 'LOWER .70 lIq rs. - Firankt. Johnston, �F And t finitely ayl6r,. the gT I, W nd,' rs., Thomas, -41th -history is'' cre pro a I follow aAnd Mrs. An hd' a pic ure not ! . . t a erion..' 't d stamped oil a most every mile Of thia h' t Used,'- for'' the regular drew uti Keith §een- nywheie' Y'Sit'Ois Vitli and -,Mrs.. n Canada �tinO `,'Aeld ng the week Viol: e with Mt.. A -,.found -elser e I. am e Wa�'h6ld and.,Mig.' Will.' k Prayer,. meetin Andkew�- Orler of.,dodetich, 'recently, it d States -i . way, It's:.plain ar �Ast stretch 'of ere, ari'.Ianjoyibleif Mr.'-�,JohzI Gardner hpld M I i M where. in" the Ud e es visited games, a q very gdc- at the h6rrie. of -�Mrs.:,Hawtho -)nL.SundaY. At the ho 'M Mr. and Mrs....Jim �Little -and fani_' sand and. volcanic', ash, at fu oi in the' til a rewn,, wit me WAS-Spn I v world.: t jip. t r Which 6ess I c6tt;e 'Sale. on"Tuesda�- rn.e. me,�of r.,,� arid. qrs*. -George'-'And age Week -at the' Airs. isltid on, Uhday, with. Mr. and, sea a.. e iclous �.lu S wi the, United S b �grease w6o- f r wi- Lucknow. d & &afd� rs. n" brush a s. Reed TUre -will be.,.no S tatias #ei * : , on tails Mm, :Gor, on, Miss;: mith o 6m Tid n ab�ted -by Cott b Mr�t: 'Sunday S hi I rC 00, tih.6' dam'bu"ilding. usirios.§., RUthiar- Th6s., Ander ofi.,6fi. agm' returned' :honne S,;. -on unt-af-,Sa a C,rafllebt-4- W at� acke tt'j. ch., grouse and e, s a 3eivke rablbits i*iife si -sage rat S all h unda and G� on Johnston , j '- ' ' ' f6rd 'M' g. ord' e It I I ` MgfIakin 'visited ith' . s, �construc dani, acroi� eL P IS - . Mr. And Mrs. Ro eft a rs. Durhin', js4 . i -g.ad'to reprt, b sage,, h ns, kes. bFI Mill' We are spending the 7' relkt� koe of this' ' Sa * muel. 'ge Y11 er and,'Mrs.. -Mill' CbUr er, river A ed., is Able to beiinths;' with!he d 'T.' M: MCIhncis,.�ioE, Tebswai k raising its 'd e A 141k, e'variety it is true but-th httended'the Huron r e a"- resbytbrial- O'fl ughter, Mrs. ay- y, W -h6 has spent ai up level Over, 400 feet:a0d.. backing th Again. d' (In'tended For -W e i al. POPU, atioft' is sma I in the e. af b or a Cou- or '2etiand inas wo, years w h . I t, the -'in GO& ith, eek) -�ater �Up: in"Ahe channel to for'rfi. a �pf' ric s�sts er I k several A 'card at y 'and danc was belf ',:kff0m,Af`te_r qftp.ct§.,.of-th A treme. The !act is, lit on Tuesda'' P16"of weeks T.4 which n Mr -L A 1461-ne, and t-eo'. 6reeh 'I Arv7 pe grows, tipo R. Alleh, of: Victoria 13' in the Club Hbu,b.:On: I S �riilay leveriin-e Saturd n anima may fe'e& eft home ay: evening Mi. SI& 0a)rd . ner left Oil �n P. Motor sud- Mr.- and �Xrs A of is Fri' da y, nd. ,ago, P ap!,3,,. ur.ay erg, zes for'+ highd3t. higher I'm: to 4 E' ert Alton, wktiari.at TrAil B` will -"be,some Sat "'d wihn Of -the' I' C feit , h fiar6dL eA lb' ..were M A. rIl 9 for Buffalb,: whe h ry' Igo EOith 'Johnston-' for ladie some -,r CC, falnilY, *;P�nt IWO all dain. upheaval of Aight�'iint A' re, joined InPortn P bnday �aft6ljoon, it A Mr. Earl" McDonald �bfianged ihe 160 "the er( 'L Fr for Of the B uise 6filie: Columbia j-�- R - B. M -'John But the' building of:Ajo-vain and IM: I i4bardso.w, ank for Maik.,-'QA�dher: �Bldke'M of:t. e prizes f6j',66by �-T itSel b ahis s i-k4an- Alt6ii Th6. winners of. �season' ;Glennangn, i Iss ern-, ...... L a i's not _QjI e w of e.. r is welL defined e 'st. th n -th-` �e­ek-en �af his h0ln� -and All' mi' McCullotldh neI. sklf7a Throug reme Marie d, new MOO. h t i- m _k Itis cohra Mrsa' Plak thy Drefina f' I'di- e. am n, or a, leg A�d 11 a -river -fdr erly fi Appelle,' Sask.,. spent da 6 fo ew, of t ran. a dei2 Culbert:.f I !IS M'ighiy, river bas,beent a dream ys I or. gent's. e� is kfibwn;asA4e, h of: Mr.�Vm. McQuilli O -t. pa t years'. Im- he! fifij� jday eV en feat dt"lly tion,and,at least fb g.. cian r,s., Bill; I?Ixon �visited raild and MOses, Coulee. I $d eemiderit engineers The, de Club, 'will h4ldtheir -*ith Mki and - Mrs v6,,'be called in-, two, g, 'orne Parrish, Ons arer not 4irectiy' mt! ng tQ colisultii Ur.pres Dan'cin` vin. aynard - and Mel' Connected geoglog� tA" -be thia;enter IhMent:,.:,.,. identd of th Ists te I -us. At- one wil', Wifinifred, visited. with Mr' an' e. United Stat of, jD, Over the'grotm,, that they might de- The Dtngs.ide� ramatie JameW Dr�nnant reCeiiti iid d Mf.�� es, Mtv.e-been time they oarrie-d1be.imighty d 1k, " - ociety irep y MSq Ybs,'th' the Colum ed% thoik, play �Hig in a6te., poriod.: �tegeni Cide for the obe'feas I y of . . ..... If and' David,�LW16 t- [GrToda� th 'lower 'end. t I ie' e, Niece" in e -iIilie the� no and do S ast Friday 9.0 ise -on Manda,�, - g for -e ,t -and &-Dfin of. 'h -'couffin. sity. the gigantic' qes Ile a, ii th Pio�ect�afi��detbri e tended the 1,uneral elf on sigholoning Mr. ,job ; mion. zi worth, in. III erso I that' s . worth goAE 9� many ifillbs to' on �fihere is nyt�ing,lftore -u- see; the Q' -t P evening, of the: t�efitly'nee edAn-Amis parl ul e a nunib 'coulee drop a ee r n Un -sh Tourist (hay.1' 10 . ed §tAt t g akeil­ 'hi es -a insure, lit %!IratL 'bad the ioofs 6f,� t eir e r Avt-sdrfac&__auov --a th'e'b&t IS: ),pP6ftu. 'bifildings. mjjlus,�ghi q Utle �4Mewe made us ot, been -of A' tQni ..thd, 9' UIC gles int-th high e viti !brinl�t d �f ". .. . idth. of �ym s or the past eW. 'stupid; Mistake. I tipped,'his r s a,uq 'tAble'landi- 4nd 11imitle found.- th a, ]a Prairies Y.� . ........ ...... ... ... hat, cation'.61 e: appli- Over hich A, cat"arActonce, foWe a I M, - Pi kney� at Several 'thousiInd f shiP 0 3rou. th in Dungkn�, ea er,. o qpn,. sperit'thel: week-e'rid Butler -w -T �n: Abundance of wit- tj WA er, sai t( S rin t emt� into, gardians.*, of. Y get -it A t -b -f t' th, fri' as, . ...... 9 a ward 11Y.Ii of -now. - transf6 o -at en an iagarai beauty, and 'utility 'A, th Xr.,: 9 Ater,! th tan fdIa.� 0 d'. ,re 'Usan: minor Ni -thought of it I.alll sii . 11 very' Optqm�'ti jbo. exper very staggers 'the im_ n Mrs. Win. Rdidli, iments, hav6 proved the extis ag. plant rs right Of,'East wan�sh, ine -un- -history of this area, this was itad U.t. the ty, 'of ina ion,, ydt,: a I -me in the thst', *edfi�i&y, -with ''Mr ure. fertili Sthe a.... . ............. h n aPPY, ornes n Simi ar qn w y o you. Oak Th ­so'w6rred? ufiibiared h gThouiiand§ of'-tobrigt find �ifiii area4 at -77 ect of. ni6vi Ustifted. -niy , of -the'Most aweso d 6rk'hiis am not ce'r I test, the.wisdLam:-of the entiar- ta' n optimism is me an curiouq prise� ng eeh- the r on tut erminaole delay :sIg on'their; t ip, aqr6 Pic re ent4 A�ter,' iht bt a! go ih�,e iffient ....... . . . throujh6ui y nete, e c rer- eaa It tl,�. cbmple itav�- blo"' k TIampe. Ille tu -hiefl' by: finhheial itifeie8ts-�,-Wbose the .. country as ey jured. Y Its .90� h Mon C 9 mount, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . higher, and the' rlvbr'i� nk' up t 1".1161I.Ce mJg tbe in PAD rje do a a p b thia fertile- areas beloW.thb. 14st bee'ohling suble It. CeSS, the. work was bedl -ch .16 Q the ill he� t' ditebei' Will ani the,hoPes; of -the na:ti6 of beer, whi n 'as a reh irriga ioll hk are,,Iv 34;,-a. meAsuire hich,,eventually n axe..N be dri watered. trw' th e, 1wat6r.!,. of in n aud� the a dr6ds' of -happy i i.g sl I gAven emp oy a A M ized� I ment to a ds -�_Th e_L �aafilo mor- si bashmentof, u Temperance Lectutk&--�"A, 69ta tnt'th Is n o the Yakima, gives -one but ii b=in Atent. ouris I" sur --i 86 k Ately, there milhong,:mor a -1-136cause is an ass UltIm- 91iinp e. of what. may be acconilinsfied rlver'ln' the eoun'tr where S St g I Um 'a AsIll. 1�6686velt Admini4ratl6n,. s�be_* re, e-eftain! the. I . . . . . b I.Veys are. beilig Inade' to as ia�- , I y The n the COI Ing erb grown by g -milli or o -and, immaries - prell and' when m a- prbsp�vty- And -health' to! -ded up 0116 1 #eoplZa: 1, P t ps, ns, Obtalft-V Of �qwet� uni oyouaeec 'G Ire ev to ak�. for 'futu 61ov- onat, least a.'milll Th ducts ment., 'Thb Tenessed. Riv-6 r t Ion more 6i st�Aed- -the, s e Oro IN ba e t en a r I one ginIberitig. of tfiis� great. Area,*ill� find "their' way -the Sources of Power which, efitdrprige othis present cNilizatin t WenL Ing, a fi-at th onient 01 e arKets at the world e in oon Y is it the, groat4 14' Of' apple' ut k- $,ard Sent f`6.dhina,'AUS.j and -it Possible' that' but jt power -may human- Un er. a ing, a time, tralfit to EufdPe'�ihd- the shiploiid' tr fruit tOL beat 6M SeAttlej and' 'be 'genekatCd i6re- IhAnjt6l�, elsewhere by'.efioii h' is 'I greater U light�*glid f"rifilgh StIfficien thin&.' -bdore Attiamoted; both canned' And Ir w to p6wa for, the -ent' Ike ihdu§til briefly te gorge`through�'wfiich Livery an on ic Point the' 'river kAin§. A this . df the. north Americ "ti, wh, h. is tfi Utary tb,:it, 'WE CAN S over Continent. A. �hciugan& f6ot'NIap gesi thisi huge dam§-. And' aftj-� is severa ini o.�' When` the,. C Basin, SUPPLYANY olu I diAt. reservoirs- h�e "bound to be !rom, po6k to PeAk, And is 'se, eff- . .. . �4:: YLE in the, tche M" v 6 ;06 ST ecti. e I 6ral thous ad eontfol Jbgt I anin . e�, �na ct e PdOPle begun,6t Years M brink, beh Complete, Ae Ott CARBON LEAF � PY Mhieday,. th t s650' IL high - itbove- be& took, t6o� Wijt­�&­gij 'feet,' at Usla'-6 -ri y. w Ic but, th'it ......... ........ CAR13ON B S It a lid ACK e t long. jf,� am., -h e wMee Uc M6 AdMinistr J, 1,. 4366'1 e I U and tbd, nAtion by. hd tb 'hg, the 4evelap. d, -Stkuc- et, -BEFOR, -at this tio And 'along, this line. fbbst knowil YOUP ROMPHO fi4t, of �6oncrdtd, Or, ovej tVv6 s If ga n project, ed' e I s.6611'ed'M6 The '.Ofthd 'Cau ba: geefi� hbt Ali iliows t , �'01100114 by, plqjng� U -S, ro P PRICES, ha' 11 f t in'' h , , is hoped',ther til - �iq in d, 40 S1 uc "as Was 0ed wd ter! in: n'l I p, 4 t,d , I t aimd&'� Jdading' �Oto,l ne, a P" , , el th4t, gath , tji 8,190 'At the 146f6l U AD e 1101:611ffla6bi All 96 ou er 'Over, the Con equan, 1 0 -bid fitim,,: 8 i�­i g a oat tll,h �ik�p hu �4a in Co I L 9,Odas.6 JbIaht. he fadilitfoo Foe ig.n 0" U gd. the Rohl, th6i lrjan York16 fot 811S ty,06 6rCJJi48tfj is ft� mita. t6d -5 e6ii. a a �ftt thq, 'JjIjjol� total _h6i X19 the Votition 7 tw' t. ) vd,'.'t b foK Plfstj� the gehofati6h go"t be,46 treat wail 4 ofol Cape of h6t6 'of It n. Ont d, 1, . �.onergyi., iant Wdetfic, �hltbihe§ In I 111flipa 00 del&, 6 dlo of \t&� ersAn t iIL(Sg I oliftrtS t ch Aon this, -664st f I I U1W 45 ht (� � I , . . . . . . . . . . dul6d o -Th- -A t It hotol" flote.1-1 r3ra rcoontly`a_orc� .00