The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 8P GE :EIGHTY .' . , No, g Fols;,., 2. cans 25c' G. $ Cor ,, .25c a,2cans 2Y2 T .matoes 2 cans25ci1 Pumpkin, 2 cans ; ,', 25c` till Choice Q ualit . Y 1 Free 30c; ' Palmoll ' ;; Soap, : cake • . ' ve , ;4 s r. Shaving. Cream • `1 "'Tooth • : Paste .23c 3 'Oti' Orange' Marmal ade , 2 c • ..':O:.'Cherry o"rPeach f 29 ' Sweet` Mixed Pickles ,25:'• Libby'$, P.. .& °'Beans, 28 o Cans .25c ry • Libby s Sauerkraut, : ' •: ' 28'6z., ?'cans•. ..,.25c. Ctsrk' ` Soups 3 ca Red. Rose Coffee 39c SPEEDWAY Genuine Good ye . ear S Y peed-. waytread tires at lowerpricea.', Su ertwist- 'od'—1 Y P b Y ong- wearing tread. Other sizezf: at equally low prices:. ,Y. • , THS •LUCKI�TQW ' EWTI1�TE RU'MQRED PUI CAI MARSHALL' Old Timer Tells 0r WIh.L CONTEST BRUCE R]1111�G• • � ':.::Strenuous Rone�r Dai, The rumor has .persisted -the past. 'few•'weeJis" that Hon. Duncan Ma r l MOOWf Saskatchewan :s a11, Minister -of And Former est awanosh' contest 'Bruce riding at th, a next !Pro-.' Relates 11Iethods .. Of Erectin g" vineial ele.:ction.. What truth, there: is •• Building s, AlTillingSoil A nrnbin th rumor we 'are notPlepaxed o state as we ere ,on •the outside look- Thee Stumps .. on as. far as' the,strategy' , in h , ..., -.....s ^board'., „----r. ;: ,• . ' . g A short �' e atime ago, . of; the ^Lib rel party rty is concerned; g , we published ;an Io'weve,, it is..' generally conceded,: ,:article in which John it , G Sm h f 64, T I5% SD ii Y;° APRI L 2211D, 1,93'f , FORMER:'.A$HI4IELD RESIDENT 'PASSED AWAT AT WIARTON• _ The: death. ...af' • Josepi►i `•Alexander Hacke .. tt. inondon o Tuesda .m r It n Y . n in,.emo g,. �' v,e di en,' and hi�hlY re 'apected Citizen of Wiarton district Mr. . MIi„ac kett, who, was in his 2nd'' year, was; born .in. the Twp,: of:.:Ash field;; .i;Iuron ' Count but had Y, lived •Wlarton torthe` as••a ... P . t 48 a rs. Wife died, about, 'twenty-one years CiOCAL and GENERAL. Your o r co•petition' ill making' this'• column, inte;eating will be. appreciated. Pleaee' send, r• bring or 'phone any items • ou ,...... „YOU of, to this, ofcg., .L•PEARP A ....... M . N S• have a full , stock'' of Ladie'i.% New S ilii � oa p b r C ., Vis', Suits,.. 0 g ouses ,. .._. _. ,. Gaol• ♦, '� +.?T.{< 7 +1 - -- Ti .xR .:.a' a� �e:�t;,-_..�ha .-.;r—....- a o.- and three children, teases an r ,,, . •..: w. ► ya "Passing; 'on .:ar.,_, �...:. ..:,;. f.uiliice'. oi* ne�8" re-eteeLet,. 7n the. feel' ,. :, , .... .8, gy . e.. 1'eray,:.; .1VCrs.; rames� 'Webster' :..and, . • ... of building the .o .lo ho o .,> ... Miss: g , bid .. 'uses f the i T„o.ro to '•.H• a h Ti . h �% :. n . azel: inar xdmg . w, ere Tinn. Tho Kennedy, , . W ton and Haz web .. s, .. _.e Y, , , �.• , , . el ,stet s .e t, week: end -,np n the. .week end pioneer. settlers. ,, , ,• • ,, :. , (Ethel): ,M , former Minister, of A ie r :.. settler*. . j Mrs.' Biernes:.. .: _ . # e ui utheGue h ' wi M_.. ,._ .., g � g, in :, ... , . of1p th :relatives._ in,, Detroit and! oc _ : .: h ee , 1s,ter slab survive r :• ,, . Conservative: 'Government, has : ,bee 14Ir.: Smith ,was a,; son.,•of. t e• late. , s M Wm, est r.. 5' : ,Irw n Mrs , , . • , ,• . , aures Srrrr h ,an 1 . m. u w nominat tinder , ... t -. _... d .wa bo _. ,. W. � 1e ;• a ., .. ed u the nservative .. . s . rn nth , . � g y , n ...Mrs., Mr.. J. H • E . .w I'iel E. BICKim es :hill din . • re that t so .it: a ,logical o'. surmise t .. , f of• lot 1d, con , sion `12 g~ s .: deliver}g� t :x., of a " tie v w C role ' ' . . .. , a .. , and . , ,, .T.lie• # eral •. , :.• „ : h . seda . a .. , ..• • _, :West��Wa1v. n. s and a e.,se is ' _. ,. .., a .. t n oh,T ,. 'da :- • that •the f,rber l Governme t is.: an 2 . h, ... re, ent letter , . a , . I'v .e was on .Thais ... lies..._.. , da: from VP afternoon,, d ire �L. R xious;^:t -find What." they ' consider.• a :,.5, . b.s .other. building and�fa>•min ,�`. • conduFted b ,: Rev• w .. , m .. , , ensre. o#.Dun a tvhi:Ref, safe;seat.f ,' activities of those earl • 'da s. ' King ' of the ' Penteco to :Ass , gannon:' -, ' Also the act, that Mr. , • . .. Y � The , .. . s .�» , sembly, o h R buildings'.a cev, •Joh c Marshall.. the•u -included. logbarns 1 .. n M Kzhop pastor of . t •' • " � • is a native of Count, , Q8 , he Miss Mary lt¢acKenz Mi. , - raha United Chur m, Ken: tie h }fill: naturally enter Into shanties.- and log houses. G ,being enable to at•, t,eth John o ist n, Mr, Jameson and: Miss tend,. on account of illness. Whether the sitting member,'. Mr. • J. Mr. Smith's father hada tog barn , Jessie A. AlIcRae; sPent,the week -end W. Sinclair would agree on hi. far • i „ W , w9 d to .such . an s ..,m, with a mow in each end with Mr. and. -Mrs John '. • „Ora. • MacRae. ' � . arrangement is' also doubtful, In coil and m .which 'o coup put T0..GO TO .0 I "' . d a. machine: HNA "'Weekly y�i 'venation. with Mr.• inclair on .Mo - and' thras . It took 'a ga ' Mi ' ° half holidays, that:contin' Sn g ng of men to. , . ss' Dorothy McKenzie, Of Kin throughout the next few months- will , . day,,: he would neither deny nor con•• Put up. these • buildings. , There were, sardine ..and a member of the staff r • firm:the rumor. -Tara Leader. four corner -men who had to: begood' of Hanover'-'`High•'''Sehool ?will' go to commence •two. weeks from today, l ,u ;with an ''axe, for, .as the • logs 'were 1 China:in July for a -three year teach - Thursday, May 6th hoiste8;'thev had._to-min-d_s-pP-in teziri-can�th�saohanadza da . a� �-s— tm )LINTY MUSICAL FESTIV4L' em .to ,fit the corners. When these, School for :Missionary Children at ENTRY DATE EXTENDED sere hoisted : as "'high'' as ,they 'Could,West China': The `appointment• was be by -hand"inoolies"` • were used..made by the.; Board of Foreign Mks Ties, Tuts' and' Garter Sox. ,Spring , Suits in all new styles and materials. There: are also new Shirts,? At'a Meeting ,• of the committee in Moolies were:• sort of crotch: shaped sions .of the: United 'Church.,; charge of arrangements for the Bruce limbs,• in: which •a hole was drilled, drilled; See :the Connor Electric `Wash Musical •Festival..held on April 17th; I and a Pole inset ed: These were used `• New season Mn'es and Boys' { Ov- st W. G: ANDREW'S, before buying. it was 'realized that 'many .centres had failed to; „,send in': entries'.. ,Owing' to this situation the date 'for entries to be xeceived•has been extended 'to May The conirriittee 'invites' the ;cooper ation of all:interested in. •music in •Bruce Countyespeciall' toward. the p Y enc urs ement •' of entries, • tl g s �Yn le Choral, quartette ;and string ;Seams ions in -skidding the ...ti bets...up to the "eralls and .Work,,,, Clothing' :at Old They carry a„' 2 -year guarantee on'. • parts and ,service;as' well as 'a, .12- Workmen. . „ I Prices.—THF., MARKET STORE. Not'. only the' election of buildings . Year reconditioning guarantee. • ' but 'clearing 'and tilling ,the..•land.' off-' • . : � � Wm Bar Ire .Recalls : • • , ered a,'•problein. After ,'the ' logging:. ,, , .,. •bees,, the •brush' was burned and ,, ' limning Of St. Helens - the'. ground,'..over . . ...-•-', . g .. g gone a 'with: hand' .the 'rahe a: You m y .wonder how, a crop; Hamlet Was' Laid •Out In '18.7. •And soul d be 1 put in: among these scum c. Was"TAe^ Capital„ Of �rWest..:�4'a- said 1v r.; Smith as he roc eded , to : s' : ‘,,i:,.,,_..:,___`..,„,,,-„,,.;,..'.,•,...,.:;,:..,, - of 'rhe syliab "A';'two da m' _4. , .•ern;_,•One ."of",,the:.im Terre -., s vt�a ish _ ... .. , y" .• •. :, p. Brits used .. .. s . has.,been arranged and it would •seem�'tiva a., drag' harrow,. a .crude titan u= � : ” '”' • " • : : • -.,, 8', •Recently. William' Baillie, of 'Godo-; , a pity if ;this' could not be: filled' sat -„lar shaped apparatus with iron: teeth: rich, .who is the: elde•st. est• J. ,P in she' .'isfactorily. The•'datee'have' been set , to this Was' hitched; a 'team='of oxen, `C .. ..,..Count ,. of Huron:.�; • ' or'lastin•_ . .arid theroc Y ,. celebrated his; 84th f the week.. May ;and the set , • p , ess• of twisting , in • an.d-: birthd'a A'l vice. of''Mr.'J :Campbell McInnes .as, out•:anrong ,the 'stu.m s-: be n: "T. y most 60':years ago.lie.;re • , , • .. .'.. p..w�, � ,, lien c , : eived:• :his°°'appointment""from`'-1Sir: adludicatar is•`assured " T ' • ollowed seed• ti d •h•i v "t •' d• me' an, res , Ana • Qiiver Mowat, •and since that time •it' 'when ^' en the cr was .read i •' .. ,.a. '`�• . Y,.,it:way; ..., , oh ' _ was•: taken from his three .times and. harvested; with :a cradle , a'n bound- d, TO OUR`!DEAR' T hand• Whe''t returned each time. TO ., . I HOMELAND, Y, n, here: was '.ha f . talo. Y, o ..� ? Hisether w ' ; off, it` was cut: with"a scytthe and; , father a� "the !first : settler in the portio f. Wawanosh Township 'The following: poem.. written by, ran g•athered.`with a':fork'' and hand Falco. Which'was 'later called: West; Wawan=• aged' lady of' the village,''and a' native And Mr.'.Smith corfcludes by re-' os of • ,the :.Old Country, is. possibly' some extent, inspired. by the, approach of '.the Coronation While it, is not a poetic' classic, it''sincerely expresses her.'loyality to her King,' and' Country and'''her ld've: for;;her Homeland. •' Loyal and true we: think 'of you; Though we •have, gone to, stay, `Across --the -sea• • to•; other lands, Thousands of miles- away. The ::flag'thatt flies h the, land.we left Does;;surely ' fly right here, n, I� me municipal history , of: 'the marking• that those were days of hard.',•to\vnship, in.fact, begins in 1852;' the: labour • Nb doubt' you•ll 'agree.''a :ear. of Willia n„Ba' • ' ' birth. • . y m. rllie s -'He was 15, when; Confederation came into' WORKING11eing.' 'c -i ON: CASE' . • St. 'Helen's he r`einembers .as :the "capital" of' the township: It was Huron County,.;police--were-in-towm built' along. the line.. between,. the•' 10th. fast, week working on the• Lase in: and filth concessions .On ' lots 18• and connection with': the hold-up of Joseph ` 19y -and was laid out ip~•1857 by a Coulter,. '65 .year-old Blyth , resident- governinent.: engineer" at:, the -request Coulter was' robbed of •:$800;, after . a .:of : William : Gordon 'and :';Henry Math- brief struggle ; with tip. masked men , , `the former of •:,whom; .named it who gained entrance'tbhis home' by after"hi wif s , e, Iielen. a , u �. As o • , , un a man :: h Y e ....i g was tete t ed• in municipal aff_airs�andu as he 'r , e And .to aswethinof th n unlocked' k 05 .' bac do e; we loved d k or A shining ob- n s Drops many 'a'• silent tear.jest was pointed at Coulter, which; . .,,.._L -- he . recognized `as- a. car door : a'financial • • ... h ndle ;members it, the•'financial 'condition' We reach' our hands in truth 'and' love :; , : : of. r and. refused to -obey. the:. demands of. West WaWari: T�o'. those, we left '.behind' ; ' , . ., - . ; • ;.. . _ ,. .. : ,,,.. Baby a, `was • even better' , . the hold -u •,_ ' p .mens 'with a tussle to than that of.:her .sister• townshi Many have, passed since then, I know`. sultin `' p to , g. the east. It• wa•: ' 'r ' ..: •:S..'•..And ha� . •. ...� ' : .' s, enti el out • '� debt JM a.c KEN; N Z 1 E , ..: , ve, gone to a better land., i I. ; Y. of , , ... _ „ . -:.. ._ .. Whether or not the.:1?ohce . learned;:'an � h d , , • .:,_ d a : a balance of $551.70 : at,. the . yet' we reach our hands to'' fliose :who; anything:'of value; while here Was not; beginning ' LOCknoWr : ,' .: Phone .1;,46-yv disclos d.. ., �. ..' are:- _ e " e . . • ` •. ofgth�� municiha year 18130: Its share Y Coulter; it• will'.. re curb' r. e. And as brothers and.. sisters calfP' p 1 loan fund sur• las ,.. ,.b ,m a ed, was; was •, $12,511, less :a pro ortionate. e 'Int -faith and -unity, to stand : . "rolled.'• ;ab.out,•a year. and 'a half ago shat P, "and. e i!o 'Luck' 'for' territory. taken .. .... .. • :and relievedof �, 2 � Together'. one •and•. all. . $ 500, .which resulted.that:i . • :�: . • , . .., , .. • _.:..out of Wawanosh by, ,village and Observe W. , M. S.Sunday • , ,: r in Clifford':;Grimoldby now: serving .a .th � . • ., � is was applied to, the_redein 'tio �of �-_-_ �- : = — We 11• rally round. th_e-Union Jack•,, - 1 threc:year term. i : Kin to p n The Rev. SffT. T 'Sermon preach= '''-.7-T''-�......_ E , n, outstanding' debe ' is , . >i.. Th . a to 1 ntures issued rn. aid ed,by Rev: ^5:. T. .Tu'cker • e � g' we ,,ve to See,;,.,..:..... :.: �.:•.: "' • .',:. , 'on: Sunday And,11 a .: of the'• Grey and Bruce.morning : was muchappreciated ,we keep her. flying ,at full mast; . ,. - . , :g,p ecr' by Bout . _Railwa. , _.'��herevermay TO. START WORIC'S'00' + :•T eb� h y' -.The.- amounts•oi'--the •niembers•� of -Mission Band,,�Pveri7rig` we - be. d ,entures which were l'originall is- Auxilia T N men's Missionary, `::. ' : • u ,: .. . Wo Y ry .and •" � The: flag of truth .and liberty, -- ,sed was • $18,000. Societ wh Atte • • „ . . •... ;:• � . Y , ... • ' Y, o tided the `service in. A.... _ T,he:..Towland. 'Consti,uctio .. k. n . CO., , • He Hwa a member of the fi"rat •Mas••.a lion Mrs, ' Tor which, our fathers died, � y J:. W. , ,Toynt• 'gin' •a We'll .do, the'', same if we 'are, 'celled, which he's the contracts forbhighwav onic.'lod e: , ,member - district'- i . ► g; ,, , s ,.and ha ,,,solo Christ.••.Is All,, arid the.choir ' And defend= it.with ,great ,pride... Y and'• Winghaan • been .a member, for :50 - years. ,He be, renderedthe nth ' + xvork; between Bl th a anthem • Thee ;;Whole and.. near• Southai n tonplans t m lievee ,.o o v ...th , e a ,y s a ' ::;F,ar•` ' ' _ ltnre is the Tresis Wide World,for.'Jesus Southampton:. .. , t circa, those we love in the .Homeland„,mence werk'•sbortl y, as soon as' roads interest of Ontario: "I am'vitally in ,. Mr, .'Mac 11f acLennan, buttermaker it Silverwood's,":who 'has :been recur- • 'rently i11' With. the 'flu, was the lattea " Part of 'the •week, aain. ordered b c g ak • to bed. ' o Mr Donald Macl`ntyre Of;I.isngside -..pent the weel - nd:.in Detroit; and was accom anie , ho :''b y P d me his : dau iter Y g. .:. Margaret; who, :has 'been , `working there for the past few. months, Word -'•was receiv ed : on.. Monday, YIrs, +Harry Champion, that lief moths er,. , Mrs: Ida : Sills ' was er ticalT .'ill ... Y 'n a 'Hamilton Hospital from Gompli-''.' cations': developing from'''the : 'fltf Mr. and Mrs Champion (left: that 'evening.I Fore the• •city. j, v ' ri' • +ftlln ., . _ d Radiator: ' Cap W. r S:. ;Reid, who lost. two radiator caps ih recent weeks, had one'of{theni:' • retui tied ; the end' of the •Billie 'Alin! .discovered the •cake 'in' 0 ()NATION: � SALE .. OF............... �� . ;. CURTAINS and: DRA .E . Curtains:•• • . & Curtain. eta' -.. _ ... _ _ N. Mad�aJust s Arrived. TU C S A :_ ... C. RTAIN�S--G.god patterns, 2 ,aids ion Sal . Pric e 89. . ,Pai•r • . �,-..., NVi 1 i.rY.• f , • _ ... rc ,: _ .... n Gold, - .Rose, e, B ue, or° Green:: .Wide Width. Ter Yard . ,; .. „. R FF`LED GUR.TA.iNS•-�Ap. assgrtr►ieni; •of Ana, quality finished with s frilled heading Pair CO TT' G ET.. ..,._T! S 0-;V'e y, suitable for' #fitchen .or ,..�''. s Bathrooms,"Pair H; .. I,I O. E' ,.. M P S UN DRAPER°!E —46: S ,wide. Pere Yard '•..:„• 29c- CRETO NNE-2�F •CreC,onne for. ,Dia e ' fi _: .. P ,::Cushions .• To s etc' p .2 Yardsrub , C for .,.•..,-. COME, IN AND SEE•!,.OUR CURT•1IN$.' CURTAINS FOR ; EVERY ROOM:. 01 ul N Lir�e. an Noe EDS AL SO LFA LF �1 A A ND RF .D M,. IXT URE' AND; TI lv>`OT H Y AND. A LSI E MI I3; X• TUR E a or P erm an en P ' .. _ a�sture 'INCLUDING' MEADOW :.FESC UE, •PERENNIAL 'RYEGRASS , CANADIAN' .BL • , UEGRASS; •.KENT LICK ' •_ - - _ , .. Y . BLU,EGRASS,: �' ORCHARD 'GRASS; WII1TE'DUT CH CLOVER • A FEW BUSH1 LS OF''HOME ALFALFA; FREE 10F... PRI MARY GROWN GRADE' NO 3. NOXIOUS" WEED; SEEDS, garden ;on • station street, where it had ' evidently. been thrown' a%*ay. Successful Muskrat season ....The muskrat= 'season ::'dust 'closed �'- appears ',to ' have; been. a profitable one forsome at:•"least. One trapper " reports.' securing 112:ratsand with 'the ' pelts worth' about °$2.00, apiece; makes . • the•"business'a lucrati've.spring.. pas,.• time" - A carload from :L'uckno •we r .t. tit to Teeswater;.last:. Thursda Y..to�,;,hear� a; very fine address by . the Ver Rev. George C.'Pidgeon, `D.D. of :Torontd.: Dr. ••g x -.d geoz4 : spoke .troth afternoon and evening in the United °:Church.' Those ' from.here included Rev. S. T. Tucker, :Mr. F. D. MacLennan,. Mr,. Andrew ;Lockhart, Dr G. A.. Newton,. and : S. C. ' Rethw+ell• Eitective '`S U• N D k ril 25th,.. .1 37' Full 'information rom A rents:' • •a.n d@ n: 'WITH'' THE'.: • Hear :and'•See the "''remark- able Travelogue • of ' 'f' Toibn to Univers' sty: Students who thumbed I their way y •. rou nd `` the • World. "The Most' Thrilling Travel Sthry Ever Told'. in Atrerica" i. T n� h te '� T nr .. w H I - ' al Ck190W Under (auspices of the W A:° of the United Church h on:Th. ur s d a nth Aoin.irs 25c.. CiiILDIfEN 15c. � • - • . :. 'Car work d O h ...., is getting .underway,. .Many f T auks: • i• farmers f th 0 os hV� wr e oma.. earee s t w never; be.,ba to h o the y h r ,u bin �. k c. are dry, enough. Some sixty. men: will terested din outh - 1,P . g n g where land fir the i n tress ends p y, y movements, such SPRING • WORY{ BEGUN condititins •peiinit •and.• seeding' in ` a and neig tress :and ;r God 'for -Kin and Our Country be' em to ed on the pavernentr job as' school fairs. .It is on actions•. such ' g n born for the kind „ x'.11 :be true to the Uld Uirio `Jac G --•.few •cases a ' ' syrnpat.. hnslio • n k. I near Winghatn and about thirty ;near. as . this that the . future of • s •even .underway. One ;far- Y , wn ns during the illness : Western: With: spring •weather revail n mer ': -reported • •and: •• .. - , S. R. Southam ''ton. '. � r •. . , .a . � - •... •- .. i g, at Glenns Hill is •to - deet f '•aur loving -son 'and oro+ •.. . p.. Ontario is founded ' althou h a : coldWind ts, farm have his seeding o tier. Mr.' and `'Mia, WilsonFamily.' Wa11 •and: Tile we ,; are altering . he ''interior oF.;the. Store we are. -Mf indin man ■ Mri@S '�h� • t vote are placing: °on the Bargain Counters. � • .Code 'in ani look' Them over . w1 • • ,,. ick now,