The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 24#1f 71711171 M, . 71 . . . . . . . . . . 7 7- v 7 A -7' 4" % 14 "gas.. AhtrpasW. - --- -- Q "�61 U 4004 ty �'Na i ht Tit J3, *10 yo., Lb Jted� a n,, & Dair�, a f Poultilk prantj,� 10 Iw4gO Of: nearly-2,006-pog A in; WAk9§ ly, 0 49NI)ON',77�Ttie-. gverggg v�Opk cated. ord Pell ... .... At -9rY, worlcera: iibln;i census' trad Wit Oman, s 4nd,� qvillt, lip, a fact, 17 Of 1 eompl go�.­by t e co 6th the y li, ft� A IPPSI ry, -p , the t4gy kop­ abreast f of- L b 'a Or abOW4.� Am kkvv� e, tablished 'a minim' um- lr*q� of. Ong the'r AM t 04 Per, bQur� for, male 4 CXtjjp Wust�les� p o.od*a.as much. I - many OTTAWA a week, in k' V%�. per hou le: prilp #'),osolutitili i . . I . ;,Por for - .44 ". I �­ 1 - - 4A Ioye� * ' , 1.1 7 . p:ue . .4flier women to, �h P-1 Oct that lf� AL,mo h a, '0 Cal. n4da-�O.QP'TC& the, r InQv 1 4, of all, dls0- id, an, equit-, -e alsQ �dstabljshed �hers mjjke� as little As ;11 q ft I ' ' pJnning'A 0;,.and- hem ek e pmpl(?yee4 oc. Mat erq,'. a- imi d. p9ii Average. $13.75 a. we' Ili- Ot ratif. abl.9, iffdrenfial J S * P. � 'k 400o of irpiiirrl lying skifle ., ; . oy,,41 malif"'M4 eO women. I n the, -no textile, grOtipi W, 10 tbC, ]land' but the -wage, a Thq rime N I;ap roof of the Pud e P r 4. d�qq Roll.. W Liw.i, Orked 64t,be Of a�ll, *qrkeys. vqntallno ro. 14irinkle: wit� ;in be incridase were; t �.70017 la�mlly a like in 'ot the jy-gr4ted,- ch to, by lt blapkeilzip Tho, t � I 1� 4 §CSq,� ailit,iiti I reoQlutloii,�� IU- tlhi� i " 11, ­j..'� �.7­;­ 1110" ihe n, the, wapmf�­ TIR114 is, ww, I tirll; C 414 U4 8 t 1 '4�. �CQIUPO$Oid -b rgpllesontpltj��' 4 ecte y fho�� employees, .,,e e., of t tit liul urd; -!as o salt; i don. aPomtqd'b3f he. man �ad Talipiece or. A r rating withtpo ietizof QUstiog W jcfi,� --jS! thok hope. ht on op� t laVL ereast of .;the,,tjm� nIa utlobe4fi 'tI;C United Oil* ave, pi,ppared. Ud- C in, 0 t, �30 'Wit4% COT 0. A eIr t ra, h- -as I Oe'. o tii-e d h Pt� �'Of G N 91n��nlen and' wolnell,oin join e Ile co c ere, co internationil,' t brts' td their 'I a ers, he en i 4 ition of rleh,, fla -grea nationality. otmarried, wom6 and: iickpticklets;. yoursome VV hat1hey would want to.�fl co.jifid n e e, 114 so t who chocolate the Air, �nls to ina '!AtAhe. Hague, Natl6hqlity -6n ke all 'the dif- hen, llalls. Ven� their, :r'40. bauls. They JIB Were expectili dh b ihe..-w 0. and, 'woodwork avA. 0. 00 toNictoria-for a few days-� e �comp orld III the taste- and- quickly,,Pe. a -116h at a hoqke aine lh� Seattle, nde'r a str c WaUh Come. tit !in .4930; Canit-da throu ay,,g 40Y. kept.0 ti a W;reii 0, 1 t 9Y, 4 For cleanliness "I L No eke re; the credited rep 911115; to. Settle the nlattirl� give.. ;lc!okin�, Aesseil th. USGht. Nor )r1jeesi, Iri- Die 'Id one *111, fu laudi S, you, lovely. Dick. lfif6riatea: resen.atJv6s, Q ad ovedr the h Of this Wallade Bqrn.all,' ilofi-, r.,ay:ta 'tell. hIM, that Ahe Ill)' UP' tr elr 9ses at,this recommendation Y04ng, uMber- Fshould'b F -Dread; P Ing, -but they Job Is. Pis., but whe;'y the t leg ;nens.'. ell 'colat,p , a kind' ta wbi.eU grease bonfereniae 0 Marry her,'To,9jt.' udd not hold, EixameMs th. 'that -a certa il AaA 'oomes Por'neft am ov,eliniess U)ne er freedom. be afl� rnan,�who wants t 1:,, r Ac' n Utira Pass -their plate MPire Untold L 'glossy o' back for More. -be -a urface brde,d:.to Wordoil rll�rrylnkl at '.g)lck* OW of thls way -*ahace It"s a. wbolebome, n0urishini "de' I It. Hurt by, Clat p at foil f a Jok in on.q of his, lurrber� ogimps g e'lhalttr of 'nationality - and' tliat to. keep twork ssert ll e ej,.Cli 11.3 h, C her prom Dipk accepts, Borne and"good� iiicir' every �rhemhe -fa Th -a re-p4ipting a' kii:l lSpi6ciffed -PItirnbla. Claudia#., meani. offer, He the luni'h­ icamp, at in eve r of the' top t, . her,, I A d1pilbilitios fiit W r fAthep t tyo ges ian �uqdoisl, he' n the un, , t to Incurred in, 0 'h' DI o gwe Is' to clean,41le . Walls uc Ck Burns Lakpi �tqd a"r i f9inqe, this re an' ecQnow woodw ik. A d a job In. hia Office.. f shor", kime. later, he he . ow ver,,they, 'dear 0 -1 thp Surface' Anoved,,�ll of w�fiicb has, since been sert,.get:th �Ioat,c I r I . ..'' r 41acQvers: that, thii� Born6fl ino I., S. QL U Kit-. mpa..ny h coldie. Ygi.4 ell pick Icau. ch, Up. CokPorqted, In' ail amend insli i.L'f addock foii alig a lon� Put. he a' Ole 11' II, Pold ove'r. Caoff and the ".Xt doy jlz�rtj Qd-.. Ith rt1n.* Weii; yfj u all lk'' ,ea, 0 W LAt, they aiIr, ar v4shing soda.Bolutiop,,Or wlth� a e a.- '111111Y UTO �Of' ammon 4'aild w . 4 lltish Government t l, tt, uIF e., ha c., night, Igs .-for,-Settl Dick, a OIL1-t."­pUddLI m9d:- tli4t-- ri I t e er to.,Claudrai., .,.J)FOV t e I has o(ficiall "if t4o' Old surface� Is gio 49, glOSS Clar6d tselfilit:favol. of the r6nio a14S.e� �sy "th' :�Illust .-be' dulled-. CHAPTER, V- a e Bread Pudilini, In order that the 0 married Women Ill new paint ISw0ert b6othte matters bf .'Squares Ill may holit Thi' b �Wheo Claudid, T6*nsend'. retp ell( Is. carl e'done nation4lity'4titt, Wat in arned, fly rubbiligr WI �.L CUP to. Pieces; 3. cliPs Cold MI k' , , ' fail: As-li'ati0114litY. is 6ficerned Seattle'frovi Victoria an paper Or Steel t I con. she was, bUoy-, , t6aspoon:.sart, , 9, egg, A ashing sp(ld',Sollition wilF 0 derai -at. a married e w Ull bi Out aitly happy, S�he had CUL't 0 e manag d, to . ar4� slightly beateJd; I �teaspooO. vanilla,. I%, fil h oSition as 4 man nia, rahge-Ahe joli for DI`Ck �- and' she tele., Wf e�n Cupai 1/2, inch vubei, . was 44g.sola, Or stale breadl� or.L a -biii ed her,fat ek's- office i,ffinip or, any singid Phoned. ocolat 0 to milk -in dP'ubie-b6II: een )roll I gh rili-* 'to 'Add.' ell �.cbefillcitl has b h woman. A*'. for -Atill Wfia Ion sing, ould, follow to take er and eat Whorl, choco,if(t- off ail"'Afte. "We respectfully request tlia 'ed; I e is melt-' t I -b US �;Jgr a W beat.,wjtt traces'. Painting should not'start'Llintil ma4. Cie.'.. d Th er !,,No, Mi.. Wha h h ft Claudia this as'senibly­ this office . le blended. U Qpkesentatlires,-,from ail pdrf & the.- ater until, -all: the all f unbellev- salt -and r itceA* are W-9 'a -She- thOroug y ory. r -egg re,' W -7- d —11rItIsh-EM e. 1 "teas 10, ire ell Claudia lie -'a �d varpil the JrqlnOVL 'disab Y� 1§,,11!111119� Ivigorb at , Canada �"desireo ja Of al 4 ', L " 168�'.Of the Place., bread In '6'eAsed b in (100 Citinad marr f i6ling �Jja oil up; never' turue ns ell, in ma tors Kzi�tu TO 0 ive the job he next over ng -it. Place:AI6b,:L in. a, ro - 4ah the: -of hot�',wat�k.:an`d bike 1 inod. n nr nr ul�L on uleu:anci h% Ch 0 U "te T ILI to 0 AgU C'. d., a resi ents are' hot h �'i ' �q . , . et !I'M-. I erve to. Great, Britain, thi'.rye' ". '-i haleb: 'the pudalfig its' ana ian ble Uffl trpM e� -d,fer Xr. until likely, 6 m Sensi u a Cot; ar "main.y,�.. on 6 Av ippe(I cream or cold b halen ell wt hr Creani Ut mOt,-WbOl]Y t6 -the Coron tio eglEcil. Out u ur. t an bibrfil 'thd d" 4&' .-was: the: aiiswer Q, six.. t. adds new Passports- for INbate: dFic'' JW appearance ,USan 'pt,three yr ere� of ..thd PuddingAlf 'fritim',two U'Vd 3;OLOO She Said bx"todl em were in Februstryll.r id 16 M Sholi!i, MUoh t )6,612iU16 of' th tables' j -'r, ., 6 1 . r d ere ill bef in arch an or �tuce 4,000 thii,:,.M6 over !N111CY aM 4eft n6t,addredii' will th' 00 7' Poe( cream is'Pl9ced. on th6 'top: nth Present, in- Bli 4ic4tions..�Th ' 6 , year] er.' Com ort B04t r; Whalew Of th6!puddip ' Jus -b f Rr4 b the, clefk told. her.' UH CUTWO g v 110 yj e Serving. ; Y issue s CtweOn Jul send P '61V Wa� II e told heid' K PEACOtKS �a .,address latei 7 AliiitE g4 000 and.'25,00 77' .. .. -- . 0 and'thy'are good, -Claudia "*ii iickl. with- d-sapp Int.. 6ese, and- pAghbttIL'— Ofiver Years. A With Chieiie' A deock,,L his tail spreadi. inspired' 'this xeg4d, Pe h one, --!':.after all the, BileAk. u pass -the thing :for sChilf on 0 0oit.'eafi'llse, it no, h VANCOUVER just -9 ' : I - ., W wit dut the As, dinne.e,clillth, ellgii I .,11/z',Oz Spaghettt Into a sinall-pieiah Gcace I n necessity of coming' b -sets, or pillow mad aftiir all, ShO Years. t Mi itheyllad o' come, yowil treasur6'-the and' si t 'e writer who, never' a( orned with.. this or half an.,b. for an in x 2. teaspoonfuls i1buil-atid 34` c ildhood days in PrOml ex;. our. asahis had, lnens You ack. here, for -r-' 1�dd �-I:6 do 14, - quisite., dut�v6jk I�Ojif It, e beh 11 ' ' , r .,. r ne*a orr CC alf sim0le to do, Mainly.' ! L�. ': 'th Without - bais—and. ara -bad-left not' a N toaspoonfU L mustard, wJt :-::St6rj-,.Jn ThL P ttern '1145 contains neroz.-grated , lid for her a Sma er.aCCOmpa.nyink:-des1gns',ai%e ideal.' for,. mapkini,or toweli. Could, you ell patteth, of �j m6jifs 9 % i C eese."L rovince about'. spbltg. t e egrami, %�X W6 SeAsoti: *ell, with , . . d It Will Aria 0 of he f an �bouiv. stitchOa U on r s� o rininds 'V a t. bgportanv, S' d 20, itienis ,in coin ised; color suggo - molihora* WhOL wish' to' ke ay? it is stratio I ns, and.L. Cook'' for AYB Oi was" delivered to bit. Walen on i4i two motifs 6 %,' incfiels;L a ympathite :ech Inches $",/&,,inches 'and four',nildtifs 2 alt lid] in linaterial ribq nehts; Illu Wren P. L. -0 Pu 'pnttern� to diddleeiall! t Dept. -Che0s� -Aird'ir Lid -cea$OnL� Ibleira ep up with "Yes, 'Ma., en thij, 4 catne the.,Ivol& A. W ilao &Wesi Aqlelaido�k ornato, Salk n,;e, hidail�lit6iaa even - if" h few ininutes' lat a, t lOgra!' walx"'."L , or to. 'ri II r t PATTERNI! or W to olaial cheeg :P .,Cyr re 'ev nediuItt-sIzQd tomat9oSi'roo 4tpaid al',,T- esie-' a- Pr LOVE; a -0 -78oning;:�sala sm ir qUMBER, len M)E.,� ay ettuce lid eveni OR 93111'an as- he OSSO h Grate� tk6*-cheese f1iiebil then, n price­20e- 11'for'$fol; w . alkcd the- lon a shock left Claudia tile hiiia4 And chOP 'UP' the -tomatoes an 'MONEY TALks;Lke 9t of thestore, pu'lled,� tri d:h,6r best to' mix' to v g. ob lqualy, she: told .4eils4lf, DI �'Oh, do you d a 'Out' ox that Ck *h. forget'him. wan to see Mr. With t a e Price- 20i: 8L b fiaiitbeen de acbrated len -blaid6li wit1j,'ber, d,L' ell V",the' girl sked ding Season. for had Alaused ngrto taste-, Sir*e thC'nckIjt TROUBLE COMES. TO Tow W -Match the,"will, ithi., took.'"out' a an MeanwbI16­ Wdlilw:e, ",iQ'Ifien N eg., e'Lpricer 26C.4 gonr life without, gi� sued Put in. Ure on n 85d sill word,: .,hii� adventure. dv 4. iurritiunding,.w h let- ;2:1,0, :.96''he ivould.!Sor�e U I lati e as -'with' ever efoi leave,-. -Lliej�' 35e r pur 9 A sacred chaliee I ' " , L , . . '�Siile Price 20ri:. '.0 for -S1.50. :� ` r 'L , '. came a - foldlt:� he': Dr WHEN SIN `RIDE911IG11 t f had b _ eren-F j3ett6 `0 �liave lston 'b lllijki�,tli� Salads with t I ner r. I : I . back -and bAia r. ey I it hifel r ed. it befor d-decor.111-- Tic e 8 fee''not toIt. litt a 256- e CC,- me MAAftl�-�Reg. ted' Sale pri.�e 15c -1 for $1 - 10 as You now that" lilt h 4r right,,",. jjjA, a all,pleceii, of. toingo, a IS It"r SaVou S. Wh I:Y- prea - seaton. ect 't Was "a' lay closed Alie' d co a lidle Ap each,, 70c". a or h 'as.. Wel -say yes now,! Buy'. ;hd, Of .-And� left heir alipaj'� 1-- -or elle6se­61i imaIl'' O Ido0i ��Cnr and'eirt4r toL. g6t Y&I Oye Walt, here.1li The girl Ch zkyo-und ith aj�jli tbtl, d n t 8 bil 1 rounds of ug oj'j' L' -' ' Claud ia' tried, Arden .1irlous Outer ffleel' 'Sat own to, red with- a ry. over. -wan e.d 10'askl nstead I just Stared.! Claudia to3 the, Idea. Hoke W ePkev OUSIY cooked, short� alt Rj6hin heart'and fi6t had been' A. Maynard more.' t to was a Man A6 love round.,o - omato son at, racted r lckr t C�ii t it. Hq­ 11,191 it it 'dow D madlyi wair and of -'in-ayou too halefi,'than a. dasL a,, could hear - '128 - Burtess Avo.,�. Toronto F, B. "d th b ihlmeneely�,ilc ad rid sei. and X anY othel�, man she hall�.Leverl met.,.,' inner h with a' Isilee of ol , I�e., pubn� -inally jed it. �alt6g ac eth'er ..,we I known ''t 'Plate In hitra - was anan.: -31 1937' we - In ove: with bi look6d.' -Shi�h�d fallen' LE :e 0 famity and e re4lized � now I , t at' CLOSES 'no", other. back t' Ut y: 'the t lookip me e told lie�jelf '8L m4nd t would . 6t or hen. chairs niove .. ........ little ;;odlei, friends. be.- an excellent 'Eekb hey Were: coming 0 all T' a4ke. he -w The - quid Do'siibl gap ft. Py him arr )f� Oula t hiindle tuinl6d; fto ad �d to to her. r, open 1%. 9ck Aii'.Francas�Drake might h' lb ck. how,�if -he came, (he 8ortL of ave, worn.-, Y d" then �discreotly the, man lot �kne A .,crack still re. of- little.'sliis, -ddy' rieg, all JA- as .,not ithe glH -to vqsh6d�" It to'. again Light brown With er -show how nluch`9h6­bad, Im ai i7t l, ',P�v Y Ono She been hurt,by deA ppen,enough t --fAste d ao - allow-Cra Be together, itli bo h ell Ao tile nall-who had-9hubbedilid *a. e r; No* she;- i isan t c t to hear Wha Art* who' e 'threw 'herself Into' all ifie exelteilloh t )hone 6 call, bimi t. as being'-sald., mad, Allen. �down at Zire t vident]. a s ays stened I dly :.and then 'tied t, changed. her, f., t 'all invitations She if raomtit irs , an Un - accepting WJllIn9.-,-,e4vesd ­ - ag up. her. car. to t 'if', Ld ;I I 09DL nd" �ontintial onely'driv opper red ze . , . She reacL,, Iledicts, a. viMi whirl. 19on l- -over.. LUC' talIC 'Wag serlono and' f, Are% dolng--io& c4refully, refrained is*- Clanq nuch"I boil overpowering - Ede 'from. aikifig 19" Ithe.kirpW�.w ere abntlil. Then cghone thA ii Winell hyL dort�t ridn D ing me soil] c - gone'. 'e ihe name, that u per,. thing m.1th',a sensible h661 strength P&er' -depeijd4bl�q Ybu -go: 'Banff forl., the; wintep.' Dick WW"figlen ' h She k,ne por s with, the that al niost, in her' b* ih'a m,�ns -�gsoii ace had knowL ear and sh�,-satL rfgm leath r, h' S.Up -Ro�al h --LAOAv nill'Ch- e �W;t an.. ar�ll not . want :to. 1�, ey had� I een tdgethbr,,. An d 'she. -did , i ifstenIng­*4 every nfrve omes' ..ave h L.. Seatt_re, vith t once' 111,)l'o ried reconceal bk throu b re4l6mble.-M bierolainy's sto r I e., i'lierself she. t -46 th Wai. Saying. ,ko�s won 14, 116 he4vY *, on - MY '"And 4-hile I. waiibd' I ah' 1!9 Pil 901119 On. Even tci� risk 11a,sarcastic saillo., con- pper—, securel y to i:ir6tedtid fro"Irn COW4,minatibil her. Coming'. -PA g lown sue had g' ot,hat's coming 0,111"in all right for sta'�Ing hOPd that to' oaso. tile bUfldIng':whI0 housed kinds of. ilioe Boa ngjnto -thing Word :fnight,�,6 Vod C I I -qu4htics insur rom Wh I a t at ain't'll1i; ou i buy-,'.' thebdtol thby,hiq Vt:JVyUqY Or. Chukch... yeij -b �ovr�nmen .,,Then'. wl ere,q C ' 61' She', hai -*heii L' ru up,, 'Parked her ear. Sh6,- Would' - 14411y. �.e.'Oe'Nod lid-- Ac wd,'ru L- t- Smiled and - and- b' 'Iness. Whalenis jdst'the'oort i6 turn Pme f a ell. . At the 13ornl6iil Lubi er Compa: busi eith a n house no Wi . Vies tbday'pteif I lier Dick's, Address er Royal ah b unibla, She had no we be.?' ver, sand, see Valideef In �braon 'Asti 'h�;ird they' bake ' with a:: dfy .,. ye or Burns! Lake.'" I Claudia to, Straining. hot in fild They, biotq it's, dep'tth,dAble! 'Ar: 040e, liek"L ven- 41446 up now,. Straining -to hear 'tile, a ate, in the 4f 11;16ino0n� and, 9t Moro bitter to, %fielt.'*iords. M d" settled so *4 t: wa;, I a 0 �6ars, it been"..'the f�n�- -a In We'd be Called out know. thht h.4 t. P lAblatidla. m6t':tbe,'jtehographer ]era I v ng- 'braddo a e d dtite'r� do­ ana c r6iie all Our'. 'holdings" e V the U Ilel. 'b B t,'N- 0 uyline df highest: Sh a an ng outhokises is eci 'With, 6ILLIETils'' in## that countryi- *Ci d be rultiodill" irhl' risk f Sy .With fa -'It VO CC *0orriell'st- and It, sank OU so t iril� too QUM d D' Also Object q y, yeasts . AlwaysAt... hitlailsely, -an the last 'words, , '11� r.ly:. it �Av 11'0*qy odoisl6so"' Melb S. -to 4�rl 0 pen o a-Gef rid of him—.And quick! 'd encies Cli Ajs :40,1c. -e r, B irE7 epS,.OU S Se ' 6 1 ng to park ne,�r J 0 diltasy 'enough Id thek neo Alla* u, per unitornz results in bre,,Ad man's voice aide- d 11101nont � later., "'there"s I I - -bakingii: is, lUily aoL So PrIVId S ed the cti Toomant to keep ablonty' UP therer With �a grud formI6 the Conditions Set t ge h agalnst-Mlialeni; Ono specially! forth o n newly ejected �tando,rds� -And,' and Icleait: hd n Ahi ns,,. ve� got abinot Ing on The "Royal J;east, Ci Sa Make Book!' him. stand, mo,t ilej ey mayrylot, Y Instfuctl6hi, lot anything corn of Ol; all �l . I P, de 8, thei tpi. f dough. iacei' Olii d , yilir'6�tho e, e t '�'.6ddjlegd tfila� ver ait a .Upon foi. �"I've: 'safU'l a any Jree copy 'of the �00k4 way—oiiee tow Stones fecives for. tated b ol b tOmPtifig brC-ids, horrY up,abbtilt it!, C.oria'PlunicaiO W pall, a,. tirk of Gilleft's pu'rb 1[' or "me, by W tdffedcakes, 64n8 till AM* J11e find rcl)8, a lftg P Word Vlakelyi6: OvOr 'tOtitentd bill cbpt 6z thn 1� i"I'll to it") 011 ve anyw 101*6 6V -dbg,.' CA06tt. It, Ha6, a with tlio� co�m ng out., Ans E oroughly Awida Goo4�11 ie.y wqro quic oabounding 'With�angorr. ail kl diiatttb�s an, ng with then r O'n Ttri dire' 6jlijtles not:. ty case. They 'sblo6p Or kodto nib rias�r Aye.Ac Libeity -W S 11-90 forontoo ont, F RST r Suspect thAt'81115 Iad fidaftl I If 'it ilehl d-118' POWOdUl' Y . W AS sbUkety, Me the fteo Aoj%l. jL e llblse.,r, (jr, 0i fillkin about4&4h6n dangi d WMAIIC6 di., sound .... ...... Please itn cm -D f6k WhA16A '.they lid d .: "I ; Pei C10996d THOS V� WHOL lay n s r dirtil 6"aVeig you ont hdddI, ole(To �De' -C fi stu�6bolllil. ROL driad& F EE 1110OKUN' — dil- 'may, ru eso Lye, Brlaklk tens h6,h jise thl -7 W ys, on an 'h d ow 3 e r dozefis ot It 'Only jor 10 ead Me �ii filtib 4660y to, 11.1a�dd,,, Bialid .., . ad le - a' I to tthilshiot bli'. bliginoso, Praiet A*�., the d§L ($g�) rom' iV6 Pbun ounton n D S a r2 *""" Ak