The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 1r.- . : .1200 A YEA -R.:$1.56 IN ADVAINE-50e EXTRA. TO U $ A.' ' CK149W; THURsDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1937 ••••• • •• •::DENITST' • 'T:Et,EPIONED 3 'Residence 631 .m. owlet- . . .pxysi,ciAN & SURGEON Office Hours: 1.00-3.30- P.M. 7400-t8.00 • P.M. Sundays -1.30-2.00 P.M. • Or .By Appointment. 'Phone 86., " DR. C. C.; .EvELY. VETERINARy SURGEON .'PHONE. 115.' • LUCKNOW. • c . • , ., • . johnPattison . . . Radio , Service 'PHOlVEWINGHAM, rGISTX., . , . , • IN LUCKNOW WEDNESDAYS.' . Leave 'Word ,4t .Armstrong's..Jeivelery •• Store 'FOR SALEStrawherrY Plants, 4 varieties; "31.00, per hundred.-Wm Reieh, R. 5,. Locknow. • FOR:SALE-Yellow Blossom 'sweet Clover and Kane :Alfalfa.:=Richard Johristori, 'Phone,. Dungannon .774,-10. , -. FOR ISALE4--LibertY Ilulless* Seed 11?.. ---1.l _.Q1a es ' , • ,. _ Leaver, ' Con 11.- Ea:Pt Waiwanosli; 'Phone 614445 Wingham. s FARM FOR SA,LE orRod • , 100. acrd 'farm, .well Watered,' in ,Kin - less. Two., about 4 mil 9s from, Luck: now.: PosSession at',once: • Apply. att Sentinel Office. • WANI'EP: •Mari ,for Rawleigh *mite, pante Will be Permanent if you . are a hustler. For . particulars Write Rawlezgh'5 Dept, ML -271-103- .D., .Montreal, Canada. • • • c';'' • MEN WANTED -Anyone in Luck - now or district, • wanting work - On .highways .construction . or :on "farms thiSe=seasonTOP-e requested- to register • , their.: names .With Joseph Agnew at the Town Office inl•Lticknow. • • • S:E E D 'Grirefpment.S4ndarct NO,: k grades, . Tiothy, Red,, Alsike, !Alfalfa, , :Mammoth, T. White 'and ''Yellow BIos 'som Sweet Clovers, Orchard ang. Blue Grass for sale at. W. G. Andrew's..„ CLEARING . -AUCTION.: SALE .Of farmstock, implements' and household effects,: at Lei, 20, Con. 2, Tuekersmith Twp, -* 2 ' miles west .ot SeafOrth and 1 mile south, on Fruda, April 30th; at 12.30 pro. 'sharP. ; Andrew 'Kirk, Prop. Geri. IT Elliott, :Ade. PERSONAL. MEN!' dEt ,VIGOR At 0140E! NEW OSTREX Tonic' Tablets contain mw QYatdr inifigPrators and othei. stimplants, One dose peps up- organs, glands. If not delighted,, maker ' re- fund 'Price Paid -41.25. Call, • write McKIM'S DRU'G STORE NOTICE ' Marked tenders Will be received by the Undersigned up teYriday the 30th' day of April 1937 for Crushing '2000 • cu. yards of gravel for the Township of Huron. Also price per yard, ' per' • nine, for truCking same' On -roads in .the Township, each contract : to be , 'tendered on separately. Tenders will be „opened Saturday,. the 1st . day, of May, at g 'o'clock 937- " Donald Mackay, . Ctrirk of Huron Twp. • p0tIcg :TO :HErpriroit 'INTHE ESTATE' 'OF ;JOHN: D. ..MCDONAtia, late :of. the Township Ashfield Partner deceased ' NOTICE IS HEREBY‘Glygil that person having clatiale 'against the „ •iataof ...Iohn .1/ McDonald,. late, of 5.Township Of .,Ashfield; •• deiaso?'"ld,: who died. on' Or about:the. s r Aty of April, A.D."; 1937 are 'te, quite& to fortriffird their claims duly prfciVen" to Ross 11. Martyzi• Or the ,Un- • dersigriectExecutOra on Or before. the ..:Twenty-first day of May, • A.D.). 1927. • AND NOTICE, is farther ;:given •„ that 'after the said date the tnnder,. Signed. BxectitekS Will. Prbdeed to oie. •..--tribute-,thelatate haling -regard 'oniy. 'to such claims of 'which, they :Shall- • ; . then hate, had, .aietide:, and that the; Eikkilt4S_L-Will_PO,t; be. liahle-,tor,,-4,,liq " Said Osaka .e.rialto'sliatC.tkaftot any >pergoit whose elainis" they Shall not then -.DA'rED itt Riple, Ontario, this . Istoittioth (kik of April, AD. t937. • Hoe§ H. Martyn, Eipley,,Ontario. Donald' A. McDonald, R. 1. ge Lick- • rib* Ontario: , tkeefitefit. ' 1:211, COMING ...EARLY IN MAY ection Worker MOnday *4441* 6141 br''...**S1 :VOW. • , ,Female ,Dear ,Reflisel TO. Be Prj4h..t. eried Off And Showed , Fight 'A She, Chased Roberti' McNiII, Who Pad* ' . lloriflani ;.;:lJisappecip4 .10, .. Diekie'd, SWinip. " • • • • ' ' - ., .',While'Working. on 'the 'railway ' sec- tion west of the .village; in the viciri- ity of , Diekie's. •Hill on •14.leticiay,•.,Rob.. ert • McNeil:Iliad.' the. unpleasant 'ex- perience of being, chased by big; *frightened -off;and - ' it was a(se • f .2 o black. bear. The animal refused tO be, fight or.. run for ',Mr. ,McNall,' and he Wiselychose the latter course.. ,'In 't.-hiS 'waY_he-eluded__Mi:s'--Bruinhrt-w then ;made. off. •--' It:was-Tate by surprise that 'my: .meNail. eaine"upon the: animal Which had . wandered out of. the nearby v!fa•ln, p The. aniinal;; it was 'estimated,. would Weigh ' about . three hPradrecl pounds and miparentlY. angered by the surprise meeting,. appeared to.. be in anything. but ;a friendly inarnier," Mr. McNall triecis•to :frighten her off by banking a pail..witha 'tin cerit. but the ariiinal only snarled and made ler him. Taking ' to his: 'heels; Mr. •• Mc - a I pat seroe distance ,betikieen's be. and ' the ' bear, which. disappeared.hi'4 to ,the ,sWainii. , ^;... • . ..: , , • • 'Beats. Appear' to 'be4;iiiikii,''Iriqre coihrnori:lii :.;.this district,,frem Where they had totally disappeared. fex• solli4 years. 4Alielicer c''.1 A rill' ,sightecl .in the Bruee. Beach Area: some time ago, and two Or three . years ago, one :was: shot on Mr. Rodger Corrigan's -fan* : rill .Brothers, 'Reund • The World Reveal Their Exner-, • lenies.1.,:At An Entertajnmpiit I1'•t • s , CORONATION BROADCAST CKNX To. Be InCIaded In The Broad.' cast -Of The, *Cerenienies And.Other• Special •PrdgrAms:".;', • : '., The., :Canadian :•13rodcleaiting Corp- oration now has completed arrange - Meats with the 'British'. Broadcdsting •CorPoration. to Rieke available for re. transmission in Canada all programs Of importance in connection with the Coronation on May 12th ,ofsilis MO - esti, King. George VI, • : 4CBC, On behalf of Canada, likewige., will participate in the special Em- pire 'hoinage program :whiCh.will pre- cede the message -4P _Ns mente. Tliflf-a.festY following the Coronation service. iri.*estmanister..Abbey.' Ev- 'VerY effort is being made for. complete coverage of the eeremonies„ both prior • to and After the Coronation .itselt:Se that "listenera-in this country will he .brought as close as possible to the scenes in London. . The national network Of the ',GBP? it"fs. expected, Will be opened' between four and five o'clock 'ia tlie Morning • and will remain Open throughout the day. • ' •:'' .•'-.-.'e,„ffN,T-as1"yinghem has, been gran- ted facilities .and. will be included . , , th roadca,st of the Coronation cer- emonies and special' :Ptogtarlis thru out :the day; Of May 12th.: : . I • •MA iiING-EFFOIrrirgt BIG FEATURE ATTRACTION •.FfoR JULY IST CELEBRATioN. .If present plaris click, Lucknow will have ' an outstanding 'attrateticiii that ;will permit: a celebration" :being held. bete on 'July 1st that should 'Path 'em in. Details of the preposition are rait Yet ready for publication as"„cenfiriria tion ,of. "the 'matter is being awaited.. Sufficient to .iay at present, 'hoWever, is that :if it cart be arranged, and it: seems ,More than likely if eon, the. sticceSS of „the day is .practically as- sured,: .The proceedsof the daY..'„Would be turned eyet .t6 the. Arenit-Fund. • its Setne time since had a "Bit .Day",,;hrit is • should be a' ceinparatively- easy ..task. to ,Arker14.6 a mighty interesting celebration this year if those.•.'behind the Present pro: positieti, are • seeeessfuLiiiliabig„.- up the 'big feature' which . they haVc!„ "bp their sleeve. : • On May 6th The ..experiences of Ellsworth and theirLRe Y. •vv:aTyelal,tpuwnhd.ileth.etbweyo.rild",thwuimithOb: yividly retold here, by word and pic- ture, krone, pf the brothers, ,two weeks from tonight (Thursday: May in• the Town Hall. These two brothers aims of Rev. S. L. Toll, formerly of. 'Earlscoart Church, Toronto, and • now retired,-. ,are 'graduate§ of Toronto linivefaitY, -1:-WPIT-theirratluatio1r mined JO see the 'world, and et out witli a. fewdollars each, and witha camera .4s their only valuable.' pos- session... Right 'round the world. they 'wen over a period .of .a year, across twen- ty-seven' countries, , a distance 01 30;060 miles with .their .transportation bill . almost nil.• • . Many colorful pictures add interest. to their lecture and experts consider their 'Picture taking -effort's fi as; a Ariumplin.-.-eiliatehr-4-photography:' Everywhere' these' brothers • are at- tracting eaPacity . audiences and it seems Altogether :likely 04,6-tifie Town Hall Will be t ed. Upon their viijts here, • • . BASEBALL, CLUB,. TO STAGE - ' DANCE NEXT THURSDAY Oast of 'HolYrood. tH0§E- WAiirinv.0. • woHH:. ARE ASKEIX.TO. REGISTER Anyone in- the village or .district. -wanting 'enipiernent'l :on • ,highways conStruction at • on farms; are :asked to register at the office of ;the village clerk,. Mr. .JesePh:Agpew: Aceording to George, It Langan, poperinthialet of the • Employrnent• SerVice p .-Luchnow Baseball Club, reorgan- ized. on Monday, has laid .01i14.1s- for 'a dance.. to be held ifri..the Town • Hall, mitt Thursday night, April 29th. Fund are requited" for equipment to' start the season-, and : as . well ;there's .some outstanding .debt that, the Club Would' like to see . Wipeds.'out.' Me- Cartners .pepular orehestra will pro, Vide the musia... The Club is also 'Planning to sPon- or a play in.:the near' •future, svhic ould: be well received as there has t -been 4.,lrieer talent .playpreS:ented Luckno* since.' last 13ranch sh at Stratfercl, there "will'be o-deinand_4, .for WorkersshettIyand all rinem- ploYed Who register a 0Yob lik 1 t • taken tare of during the season:: • BIBLE MEMORY cONvist • : Just seven more •wees 'left for the .Bible. Meniety Contestants, We trust. that many' Of the 325 Pupils "'entered , will -complete- the' hat • of 100 verses: Prizes will he awarded according 2.tei the number",47-vetses-nienbatized Per- feetlY-. First prize "to, those : learning 100' verses, second Prize for 75 .7erseS, prize for 50 verses and fourth prie for verses. • The tl!.dents. learning thes.highest number of verses will Compete :for thc championship at dernonatratieri in 'buckno,w sometime , in.. June. ;Please rezneriiber ,that the Verses Must .be quoted fcctly, or will. not be : accepted. ' For further information; call 'Pearl .. Hen- derson, LucknoW, : , .INDIAN PAIR GET STIFF TERMS AND .LASHES 'teenard, and Chauncey., Bernhardt, Indian ;cousin's, • , were Sentenced to Kingston" PeriitentiarY for hibi. atlit -fie 'Years' respectively for • a " series, ,: of crimes throughout' south...W.'estern 'Ontario, which ineluded, the theft of Rev. J. :Caley's cat,: Whielfwas asecl in abate of their robberies. As Well as the. term, Chaneeyis to re- ceive 12 strokes of the strap: six in the ...secondMonth "and :, six. : in the fourth. Leorip,41.is to receive eight in thezseconOnonth-,--and eightinthe sitiel:Au EVENING . Plan to ,attend the entertainment in. the . United Church,. Friday April Prd; presenttl;&-by .Mrs. risher's. group , of the Woniele.s. Association.. Program %in.:chafes a.' one -act oplay. ••Adrifission-Adults .26c- Children .10c:' family tickets 50c. PL,1t11:8a DANCE 'kr ST: HELENS*, Lingside Driniadc Club will pro - sent their play "His 'Uncles ,'N'iece'!,' in the 00,,trinninty Hall, "St, Helens, on Ptiitay, 'Afitil 23rd; under auspices Of the' Women's Institate. AdrniSsitin .25.c and 10.c.,',Paileez • DANCE U Oli:AXGE 'HALL There will be a dance in the Orange Hall;'Luckaio*", Thesday, April 27. M- inission, Gents 25c; Ladies with lunch free.Iletee a .datiee You don'ts waiii to iniss. Everybody weleoinea, ,PARAMOUNT • DANCE In Paramount Hall, Friday; 23:4, Hogainfs- Orchestra.. Gents gte; ' 1 • PROMINENT ORANGEMAN • --, WAs' 'HERR YE$TERPAY Mr. ,L. H Saunders, . of Tor,oristo Grind Organizer for the L. 0. L. ad- dressed meetings in Lucknew yester- day , in • the, Orange, Hall, the liftei--.• . „ . moon, he-cc:Ai:Meted- a meeting atten ded •hy piasters, , primary • niasters,. -past masters ails!county misters of lodges iii ,the: district. In the evening he Was scheduled to., address 4. publicmeeting in the' Orange. Hall on the ''Separate . Schools question. ; TO ORGANIZE UNDER 11. IL P. _ George H. Langan,. ,district organ- izer for lInroii and Perth, ander the ,Home Improvement ' -Plan, has .,been tough with Reeve W. B. Anderson, ,with a view to 'setting PP :a legal. or- ganization. This. would erabody an advisory committee Of seven ineinVers .interested in the, prometion of this idea.A Public Meeting IS likely.to be; held in thls regard, to he addressed by one fully versed. 'in the Plan • for the purpose of informing the public hew to take kdy'antagri• of the .act and , the, possibilities it offers. • Prominent Speaker To. Address Men'ilally evt Manson Doyle To Speak .. At Three Services This .Sunitay-.--Triple 'T Class Of Winghain To Attend And: -Assist In Afternoon Seivice Manson' 'Doyle,. p:p.;, ,cefieroi, :Secretary of the Young poopie,s.'•DO. paitiriebt, in the,I.L.thited Church, Will address . •Meaks:,;.Rally in th Luck - now United Church this Sunday af- ternoon, at. three o'clock..' '.1Vierribere ofthe TtiPle V. :dais .of Wieghani,. have expressed' their •in- tentiou of. being. present and as- sist in' the serVied,..,,Thete Will he a inea'S choir ;for the. occasion.. Ijoile will. Speak on ,•!thrist!an, Von*, :-3:ror1407 address from ' to ..atilitteht an - author- ity youth Inevements,, promises .to .be well worth ' hearing. and • anjnyit, is titended•1°. to •a14., .to .attend 1),'. Doyle will, 'eljOak, alse:‘,at•• beth the inetilitag and' eVening. service that aok.., In the inerilitie hiS'ISeriiitni will hi in ,keeping withthe,8iiriat,ik,gOloOl. anniversary' itha in •,,thei. eveninghe will :speak paSlicUlarly to the iyating MARRIED AT LONDON- . , • . , A quiet . wedding was soleinnited in Londea. on 'Saturday' Afternoon, when .Constance Law; ''dinighter, of Mt. and. Mrs: E. 3. Law,„ of London,, became -the 'bride',Pf Mr. Rey Agnew,. son of , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Agnew• of that city and formerlYfif I..!ucknow.! Rev. J. A.. Agnew of $t. Mary,: uncle of the groom,' ;officiated.' , • tgtEIONAHlr.' AitgwEs. • ' 'Dr. C. c.: EvelY„ veterinary surgeon Of Ouch*, has • -OPeried a :practiseLin this Evely took up; 'quarters :the first �f the Week in the• Reid building,'". adjoining' H. Smith's office., : ' A Lang. Wils after :Be and ,Mal :Most in ,go home ture„ tOrro two ;b at, he and One b seven ,f 'home' 18th,• atives SerVic "Beaut inent OBITUARY GEORGE' WALL pad .glooin.."*as cast over; the side ,earnifrainity;:?.wheri ' Linceffi ; 'eldeat, sori Of .Mr., and Mrs; on Wall, paised Away 'Api.11'16t,h,?; a brief. illneSs of six weeks. although never enjoying the nor- eirerigth which is hestoWed on Young .People, was usually od health'. Lineoln Was of :4; very kifidly and cheerful na- and will lie.sadly. Missed iby his Wing patents,' three Sisters and I -Others: •Holiez Gorden and Tie' nie,' Mts. Bert Moffat of Bervia AtrS Wraith "6f Lucid -low. rother predeceased , hini years,. . . uzieral sem/de • was held at the o t),,li,'"'e.iparente, on, Siincla4 April *it .41iieh' a large. eircle of rel. and friends' Padiindlytrilmte. e Was '..eeridiikted: by. Hey. k .of ;!:Langsicier and-- bY-SpeCial"- t' Mr: Fred thortipSon.sang ifnl .Beckbping .1-taticle"," Eutor- was Made„ in ,the TeeSWater • oil Should ,Coronation . Day Be Marked, ere? Has Been -NO', PehiVie Plan Decided On: .jtegardfiag Mangier . In,. whieh, 'rkaY: Shugld. Be Observed Row should Coronation Day. be. ob- serve • In Lucknow, is a question that IS being considered, to, some extent by those who are 'mere: er less COn- cetned in whatwould be a suitable WaY, to recognize Such an iamortant event. ' . The fact that the radio will carry a wOrd. picture of thie 'event ap' well as special featirres through s whether or not any local public gathering would attract many •.people , during. that day. •• ; However, . it might be . Well to call a meeting, .of interested citiiens discuss; the matter, one committee at least, could be, aisured sioMe.• .vvOrk, and that would be. a decorating coin; NO doubt, many homes and most ,business places Will .be decorated On this 's day and thadd to -the effect it tO: decorate- ;the Main street to sonie extent ' It is likelythere will be a• •danee in the: -Hall that night; . in keeping , with . the occasion. The :Guides and Boy Scents ; could carrY-,;.obti+theiTaild-cirlterri;--ef7iir". 'Milling the crowning of .a King, , by lighting a• beacon -fire. Bey..8cout leaders, in Canada have been ealled, on to take the initiative in arranging for a coast-to.coast beacon chain lar to the oiie. that marked the Silver jubilee or the late King George V - : In arranging: :the fcoast-to-coast beacon' fires,' Scout leaders will 'again select' Ceastal heddlands, mountains - • , , and hilltops fer, sites, from :Which to Press . their: messageofloyalty. There are. nicaonyi higeh points the tnkb used. to advari- tage for this - • 'PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSICAL ' • PESTiVAL :NEXT WEEK • A new inevatimi in this s district, a ,maajeal festival, •, Oen public "sehools. in, South ` Bruce, will • be': held „kincardine Church,' Batiar- tlay, May, .1st, With session i at.30 a,in., 100 and, 7.30 pm. The 'feature of the Livening will be a two -hundred Voice choir,; under the. direction ' of Mr:. G. .goy Fenwick, supervisor • lot Music for Ontario,: as Well as num- bers lortbe "winners' of the various classes. A' 25c admission fee covers,. :the entire, day's Program. , - • THE GOSPEk, , "And by Him tto.t:belieye are justified , froni„ things, ftoin. Whieli Ye could net be justified by the 'law of ,Moses" Acts 1:•392 Mr..; Wilkinson And Hopkins of Kincardine .eonduet ;gospel, ser-: vice in Orange. gall; Sunday; April: at .7 pm., ' -•. . • ATTENTION TENNIS . PLAYERS • . There, will he , a meeting of mem-, bets of the local Tennis Club and eany, one interested, in the Terilii, 'Hall this Friday evening, , April 23rd, : at "8 O'clock. •There . is, important Misiness, on hand . concerning the iinproying. of the tennis 'courts "dpd a full atten- ilanee requested. FlUrartiow_nshiP_Graii- TO' feed- English, Pigeons Grandson Of late , and Mks. Peter Clarke Of :1 St. Helene, Is Another 'Student To Attend •;Color- • • ful. CritonatiOn. eeteitiOnieli 1, drain from Huron' TOwnship! will 'be fekto pigeontria .gt: Paul's square, London.,..Fngland, during the; Corona- tion.' Marvin; Farrell, of that town- ship, one • of : the Ontarity , -S,eoeiidar:$7, Scheel •piipile to :be. Seleeteed, for the . , trip,. will take: aleagi-soine gtain, to fccd the hiMs Whielu. are. etiel.a, fam- iliar sight in Old Lond�n. putilior lonJ iltorost- 'the' Cor- onation Ventre's areinid, theannou - ' • .44,4 . . " Ine Bread of Health 4 The 'Breaci of ea OUR MOTTO -=QUALITY AN , p 4•ERvIc. iWEEK-END SPECIALS , CREAM. rupis SPECIAL BUNS -cH000LATE LAYER CAKES. , DOUGHNUTS PIES , I "• JELLY -ROLLS ;RASPBERRY TARTLETS., SUN" SOY BREAD , . QUAIJTY ,BAKERY B Enjoying European Tour Interesting Letter From Former Ash-' field Girl - Received . By': Relatives Here • Tells Of „IiiterestifirPhiail Of A Euriipean • Holiday. • •Mr. John .Kilpatrick, local" Massey - Hattie agent; has :received an • inter- eSting letter from • MS: sister, . Mrs. Herman yoaden• (nee Violet Kilpal- rielc) 'Which wile. of Some of the high- lights ,Of e tour .1of ; Europe. and Mts. Voaden, „whose home is in Tor- onto, are on the • fourth their7tour,",f hey-aiiitend to return: in August. The following .letter, which we publish An part? :Was,' written ii Verrieeat the Hotel Marconi and We are in the fourth month of triat trip and is you will. See by the: letter- head, are in,.Veniee.; Sp far we have had three Weeks:in:Paris, eight weeks' of. sun... and. ,,:warnith• on the south coast of France and one weela rnore---lin Italy. To-niotrow morn- ing: We leave for Germany and hope to , Sleep,: to -morrow night at Ger- aniSch Paittirkirken in the Bavarian; .Alps. ' 'eXpect to stop for a few days' :skiing:, And_go_en..to , :.Munich; where • soling • should well advanced One of the. beauties of. Europe is:-.-- tei%izte: nionined;•:Lnjahss.t. Tt,e!h!,dayvaintiet,...414i,eiTafe One • can. scarcely' wear. •a . „. . vELyrsi,. Beauty P,arlir peti,anent Waving a' speciahty,, Crag; *eves; Spiral :Wave, Crribin- Ation"WaVes .$3;;50; and $5.00- also Finger Waving; Mareelling and Shampooing/ 'Phone 19 ,for'. appoint tnent.: . New7curt4ins and7Draperies,, New, Sheetinge and PillOTW' Cottons: at the Old Low Price, -- THE MARKET , • RaiseFor- . At Coronation Ball' ExcelWell Arranged . Buffet Luncheon lent :.Music, Gay Decorations. And cloak • Room ' Artang,illentii• De- ' .' lighted Large Crowd Who A4ended Dirie' Of The Season's Smartest 'Events • Last . Week " . . •• . • The • Coronation Ball, staged in the; , Town . ...Ball last Thursday. evening,. proved to be one of - the •. smartest dance: events • of the 'season,. and -the . key. crowd that attended; to Make the event ELprpAtabie one, didn'thesjtata. eipress. themselves as delighted with everk. Phase of the evening ..,MOCariney'S eight -piece -orchestra was at its beet and left nothing to be niorrew..night.we'lt be •••irt• -Yea desired the'will "dlince •.° can all Winter'ip the equivalent Of . out .own " spring 'warmth, With grass • ,flowers, fruit,.• bloom, etc,, but three hP*O7h37-i-iit'6.-fai you high enough. •iii'lhe taionatAinS.'„tO 'Wade. in Sno,W, over ;the .knees. Venice :s ‘'si'ery fascinating. , ' You: know ' of course,.. that; the streets are %canals., and the street. -cars, , boats .71•Iere are,..nri..:autOS„'and. no bicycles, Motor -boats -.Cot ' gondolas :if. you ::c.:sp affOrd it).; take 'Yob. to and ire. There. a4rn.red:nl'a.46ndY.,calrtl•Cahtiedes'" abatiddglea:!9:Vvei-4..11.thl: cepalS, for pedestrians. ' • " " ' !Naturally : since the ':, seventeenth centbry:the":".huildirige:, have •Puffeted. some ", delapidation.., ::the :fronts.. are not always's: iiiiiir:taive..Eat when you enter.. one of theSe Olic palace-4'reil'he gin to .,:he• •properly ,astonished : arid .to .get some idea Of all the magnificence end glory that 'WAS Venice,. The .rooms' are myriad :,.and enorromia, . they have marhie. floors:. WAIL. aioneAnist-.:. e- **ortl-i-tOrtinies:. The deceratihn and furniture. are- beautiful.' Ami npstairs. :they have presetved, 'iTiriple costumes of the; ,I:7th ..century r In the; •intisie recoil is: ',the 'old. Spiriaret.an0 ..a. Whole colleatiCin ' ei- inualeal inatrunient ...of the fahrily..who. (*fled the -.Palace. I airy not Surethat you are gr'eat• 1-5;, interested in olds-:biaildingS;,:archi- tecture etc., : So , Will; realeime_iiither, deSeription .iir4i1 'I come.' •Mone, ' It *mild,. take e abinth ' sto i see.' Venice' properly ' anyytaY, and ..*-e have only three de...vs here. jiist. bY',Way'ef: cont.„ ti-ast,'Vve saw Murano, the glass-biowl- ing .centre. It was ugly in the, Way. that any factoty. centre MP f be. • but very interesting, 'We .000- home on • the,.'same. train -boat With 'the, Wotke4 .at closing thire-just to See if .Fascist heviWao;71:..ieerr: Actually lTt'tke°It, .1,th, ItaliansOdaif different 7titx iihle YI.,':°:neevi.1;61iydr :•happy iipOpie AnyWay.: At $o in the Meriting theY,'.are., Still going.along the street, singing At thetoti'''of their Voices. No one za"SttrpriSed, and the,y. ttC)slliittlt:n?ctT44:il vela& .., - -. , : • . . .• • •4 . 'And :' the& kindlY, '.,hiipittibte: _ _ .... and'.....cleati'.Lthe,„.f4lag'ei,-.-.aitwe--ltnn eetrie-terY--viltk-''.01)Si'lli'4Wallh''''Qatittin.hia.'nfr-M7Iiiii-t.ti.Thia(87.-i,Pii48:', Ilit11,; .d6w not Sient to live in 'Italy. , . .;#... italdenb'y, Wesley . Young,. Chester i noiwent, in 44. week's' issue, that Yon have to. go to Ter'ciiite or New Pinnell, .Harry Wall ati& tate', Goble 'Donald. MaekititOslOs. aliOther ifigh York to Au& .fili* ..• . . ' , . a§ ,pallbearers. , ' ' • : . . geneol" student to he Present at. this We' Manage, language fairly , well. ...: ..: • . .. : , the float tributes consisted of four t event ra world wide intereitY Donald &it Prencli ii,n4o;eit very . ration in antaye &in • Illetheii ':'4Patheii''' trid is it,-grandSonf'ot th&,,late. IVIti, ;and 'Otte Inontbs.,..of haviflit:• to speak it, gh 'aba ...,tohil '''4'.1ilthi. Stit' I:.'e§''' ';ii i4 q66otia teit. el ItOV! Ati4 li'ffIS: liVeen, th ' tW- ' ' i Varnily,, 'Mr; and Mit, Bert ',11,Ieffato, :.1Ir-8,_. Peter -01ark-' of ,',8t!. Helens', lie Itermaa :0600 some.'Oetitutil and tO'' , , . . forthetly Ailsa blast:11 Misies Verne Steward and ''Arleile , , Jewitt. sang vocal. ainribers with the orchestra. The orchestra • platform . was ..gaily decorated, :With colored.: lights used effectively. A garden scenefornie&. an , appropriate .haekground With ' hollihocks „shooting up 1)411111cl sa stone • wall,. painted by Rexford Ostrander. Mise: Eva Greer. assisted. the commit- tee by providing .the .fhiwexs. " Flags and ' coronation .decorationa, and draperies .ccirmileted the scene ,that -'-inedethe ball, roost; • attractive.'. In the Council roora.belovv, the crowd in: turn,according, to: the Triepth Of theii birth, *as served or: ta,thers served theinielV„es to a buffet lun7'. cheon. A, long , linen .covered table . Wit s attractive with Silver Plates of sandwiches, 'cookie's and pickles' and,,, silver coffee services' This feature „ , , was a departure • from the usual • method of serving ." lunch. 'and was .carried off; quite nicely with alinn: dance Of refreshments for all. Coron- ation „CuPs, and saucers were deflated for the occasion by R. H. Thompson. tiolhe. akrol-401:ni.,4r3rwiha°nv rsacelcsPerle:ideidnb.Da for the ladies eoatsand with a super- visor in charge during the 'evening: .1'hi3 preepte.d any., disordet or loss And was:. a feature which also pleas!" -ed'-theda-ndera. Net Preedcls. amounted; te almost fifty donate; which is to be entirely used to 'assist ;the; Arena. Fund; The: , event Was ''`SpOnserecl by nutn•bo/;. Of young , :Men , of the village,, who have 'redentlly. organized,,.' but as yet have not tretictod: coon a, !Mine. This group is , enthusiastically behind'. the'. arena and any project' that Will pre-, niote the: interests of the village,, iind will continue' to, be, Active from finie to time. It .is „probable that the Ctn., Oriation Ball Will . beecnne, an. Mihail event. i. -There' trete..ne Compljitentaty.: 'tickets' to anYefie; and .the...fellowing tahroe_etvhee„Iritiog%eep..,tizeetii!toit,e:p_eaalittfre's " Admissjon fees •...„ • . Expenditures: -Oft:he-gra; .Cloak Aeon" and Other .assiatente r Decorations,- postage. and ' Printing Lunch Atii4geireld* 41t 41444,:444.1.1.441444.14.4.444,.$ 9.35 „ Total Mest EuropeanS ',stieaking ht 'least two lelignagese.• „ AL•44444•44.••••44 64.1