The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-15, Page 3I* V • s••• •.. . • °pied By PimpieS •714, ship's name ite-liaked_. with. the' niemorY et three ,,,ef the 'world'a feral (1,1j c;ema. ,ntioet'Arctic yenttarere Pridtjot.Man, Or- er7, en e - O. P- ' ‘•:;"49. mPlearcin Unbleinished after • , Six' Weeks of Kruschen - s . . • 'Tor: the p two Years,' writes °- shard, pimples 4 red •blotches, and 1 el .women, "my• ce WAS, covered With 'also had ecieina, on rey neck and forearms. I tried Iotions, cretinie and eintmentS,, without the slightest • • KV: r lv,IIP f30, vil0F,,..4444._,VQ.041114tehr ,,,,-.; -::::-.,..--„„,..,‘,.,:ii-r#:,-troxi;-, crth- . t * ti " with - In • an wi ,ou any exaggera en, wi - in six" weeks my face Was Without a • blemish, and Ihave. not, had a sign of ec4erna since. I take,KrusChen regu- NOY, every Morning; and '.would net --he Without it."--(Arrs,)J.A.• " Pimple's and eezdmaare frequently, ,.tlye to impurities " in. the v'hleed-41ir- iitalit . poisons WhICh:. altikgNli "body organs are failing to expel from th'e• . • system. Kruschen Salts help to keep the body., organs functioning normal, lY and healthily, thus preventing. the aecnmplation of impurities in the • Weed- • I. .0 A Famous Ship Stays in Port Boat lOv.erS, who lament the. break. Ing up 01 a ...fine ship at the end of 'her" • Career will •find comfier iii the case of the " Pram,„ 'Vessel' of the e' famous Arctic explorers. •Th ia stout little .eraft„ instead ;Of :beifig., Consigned to the, ship -breakers • has been given a • , , - ; waterside museum home. , • . ben„ Roahl..4;41144.4801;014 Otto' Sy; 'drup. Arctic ''''experiences and ,ebs !aliens; as a young man gave Nano Many of his Ideas tor 4to Unique d 084 of Ple• ',Fra41,. and he Was ,bit. for h18 polar 'expedition .of 1.3934 itecially intended, for duty in lee, Sh is the produrt.of the, wel1.7•4091;FA'shl .huiider, Colin, 'Archer. 'Retired from,' active .liervice,th 'Pram...Jay ine.seriie•ret;,-- .1,7 7 "tieeided" to mak the,...fatno,ue.,ohip the lo,oar point apectal aleselint"ef Arctic: .curipelfies 'Aet1vit4es. began. in. th, spring'nfo 1933 .When a.generiii invite. .,tion • Was: laaued toNorweilan • arch' terte,toy participate •ilf" an•, honorary 'scomp,etiticitt,,etere • suitable for liciesing flie. ?rent. :Among the .03 .arehlteote who 'entered the ,divard was made, to. Mr.. Elaine Toien, cal- Id-9Or the building or a. sinalt W.904 ..and ste.el-,41f4ti•,",steeplY •PitChed •aptl" amply''sity-lighted. A suitable . site, :lianclsonieiy, Wooded: end 08. .the Island •:_af Bygodoy, in ihe, harbor' of Oslo, was • donated to the Committee; .4141 Pram Hattie was erected at .4 'edit ef 000. The boat was drawn hi place and the building 'erected" areund 14 atecLAactricallatt-,*-149=VOtite--- "r-lated„ Frain House Is 480 feet long, 85 I'leetliigh and .75 feet :Wide 'with a 1 walk allthe- Way '• around.; inside, .se, that one can study the 'boat froth:any- ' eagle- As hie4Y of the Frain's' learn-, Inents as poesible 'have teen restered and much ot her hiatortc equipment Is 'Intact. Christian' 'Science' Monitor 'Magazine. •' • . • - 107CQRTI,ON;LtSIVIrr, • • , 0„. Grass'. seed may' be cOinpared 4o • advised to rake' one • • . • •• • ..good tobacco. The, besk,t3ee.d- IS a mixture Or .blend of different gras- ses. A Proportion of those' Mere' ex- pensic stovver gerniinating but permanent ,grasses ;. bk.', mixed 'With a„;certain, quantity of cheap,qpiek-gr9Wing seed. It is the formerwh1Oh ,forin the • fine:stemmed; deep ,green *rent turt'whichgeeepa improVing with the years. A certhin **Mount of the cheap, quif..*-growing . kinds are needed tesbelter and nurs fitting the others for the drst sum- mer, '134 "stiWing these alone is not: 'sufficient for- a .permanent .Hence, :a .:Well,balanced,. (1.0a116Y,. • Mixture is recommended. "'SOW LAWNS 7EARI..."Y Crass • makes its ".growth ' in ' cool • weather ; 'therefore, sdiving, N • advisable. . ," , • •.: . The ''grotzul should be ;allowed .to • , • aettle, after , digging' or plowing; an thenileVelled, again. If :tliere Is •,:tiine it is'Itclvisable to repeat this procesi'ieveral times. • The top •..:-.'Sheidd then'. be raked One' and the grass Sown.' at a. liberal rate, 'Once • acress and onee lengthwtse:'• This 'double sowing insnres .an..eyen ells- tribUtion. •• For° ohVious reasons seed • SoWn on a day •when:!there is 'ho: wind. In 'covering, the ,g'arclener .is waY, only..antl then.,firmthe Soil with a heavy rol- . , ter or pounder. • . The drst :actual gardening opera- tions, if the, ground is 'ready, and free' from surplus ...Moisture, will be , to , plant . those extra early;:flOwere•. like 'Sweet peas, cosmos, ' triarigOldS, ' and other hardy; annuals and almost any of:the perennials.' "This, is also • .thetime, authorities advise, to , get in grass : seed. : In the vegeta*..line,.. ;drat, sowings of lettycie, spinach,. • .carrots, beets, and even: petatoes, -• w11A.1;41:‘d;,*.a41t°0%...e iOd to tnake" smell Owings and- so Spread out the harvesting season; Then, if'winter return again after 'these first seed- - inks are ;made, the, leas will be only • trivial. Seed, after all, is the rheap- est , thing about -gardening and one of the 'few:factors over which the"' , . ,gardener has absolute,controi. !On_ .these einkits, alone, it is highly' Im- portant that only the. best Seed !rem reliable Canadian source.s.ahotild be. used. Everytbing°7-elee.""c"iii,"-WiTstedT. soil; fertilizer and. labor if , the loundation "'seed is not VIAL' .Conditions now alining, nations peint to, a war of . wars that mai deSP'ey present civilization." • • ; —Manuel QUezon. ' No Matter how much you luitend paihig for tires drivain'te. your local Firestone Dealer and lei film show • YPIF he give you tnost -value for your, Money. •Hekas a 'complete stock of Firestone High .Siieed(Oldfilelc1,1Sentinel and'Grouncl Grip tires that will give' you the longest mileage at the lmvest. cost. Drive in andlet him serve you... " • • • •^•-- • 7 ., e-valtuaY: - religion is his MondaY's 'behavior, , A girl asked her -father": • ("Dad, don't you laelieye that. two canas ,, Jive chenply as one ?!' certainly do;'.' he answered, ',What's more,' right new, your mother and -.1, are; • 'as.feheaplY•ao you," '` ..• .T ere are •pleety of men who are :wifling to work 1,1,11.01their. tongues •• hang out if they get -what they call fun out • of it instead of money. —0— Young Pride (looking in windo* of $eweiry. stord)---=;:george, 'I'd lee° to have that laracele,t!' qehrge-:.71 . can't airod to. -buy for you; dear. 1• ' • woUld, .wouldn't •.you? . George—j'1 afraid not. 'George --- It isn't good. enou dear! • Bride—Oh; • You darling!: .:A wiee wife i the one who her husband believe he.Is'th • of the house when he IS real ,chairrnan of the Ways and tnea . mittee. " • ,,. • . • , Mrs. ennington7,-Hew - ethe-sainpte4f.7-inr,(FW macs e head. ly only na: porn- Sent Your - ,Jarnieson,:e-Was •that:m 'am? , Oh, den,r',. Pm' So sbrry neband is poini it for stick/ SPEAKING $10,111N,.. OETTER. • „AND:Tim.. ptuo...:kAsTs,..',N., • ••• itcors, Regret nd Also Reject - , ' t"fhe Votpi.l.. regrets • that. he • does' not See his way to melte use of the enclosed': cOntribetiOti„ 'Which he re- turns. Oh: compilments„ and •thanka. . th pa7ielylit(.1 the c ilte::e.lOvin'edli;a:;i0.1!4;1%4",9.71.4P4BY4c-' criticisms 'ef the Writing.'t „ wrlters hMoat npeTTI.r.Pk.e7c:P:irvin4n9.4. tifiziclivatarr,ltrof these 'slips ,on. which •thiett tientimente. • • . as those expressed.' abtive Are:. Written; ' di meet be adteitied that We Are'a COM- , . . • •, • 1101SSehr of rOlerti011 beCa.U80 We have a- drawer ftiIi. of them.. We. .have , pink slips, blueslips, yellow slliwand:• Plain "White 'lips, all sort's, all eblors.. ane 1I sizeS. Of rejection:plies:at:id in; evienry "f.aecat4.ie inttipegalzi3idnitoofe,oreit.golirest,s,o.. tip to the "WordS •print.ed. Oh these' • -enr with a cold .and p"enetrat,: Ing"eye, ' that. -is :if they . even . deign More .than to . glance:, at the ' BlailliSeriptEl We, sUhinjt.• TItt-t-r-tyarse-d a4seciet magazij edi- thpaitst.'edAway tv,h,lethb `trtibeeniO,f ..whci. Stand 'betwee'n .us „and. itartfortal-;•'. • ity (atul.perhapa a Yittle reedy cash), • away with:then:0%4ms; earth's founda‘,; ' •• tiOns. may ,:shake, but. the' ,editers re- main. One tan imagine theni:,on• the• • ' Judgment Day sticking theif 'final quo- ta of ,rejection „sups.' which will never 'ber.,, read; into nianuscripts that 'Will never he'rettirned. Stireli\ theyyysiii,in7 uliOn_laaving their last fuJi mea- • •• sure'.ot.rejeetion. , . , • 'Fipa.11Y, hOWever,..the, literary Worms. haie,.tUrne'd. A ' att:heen. patriot-IPlv , MiphaeL.,..lciSeph .eentain- Ing , e.i.titoke Unpublished:Ebert, stories. :11 v been • . 61: •7a t :no4o.uef..e l eerbest.- ::tI;ai1oeetdko;:0iBrophy, aoMa:rier, A. E. boPpard and :i. , , . B:. • • • Aditore.:ppt,'• that In. 4,7otir: pipe an smoke; itd tieteever,•.eneugh of thrs...We.,haye to, her-Yawapno* and send. out a bunch o! AnanuocriPta..that beve:".been''Itahging around • an. old.. •:dra.*er at home. fOrmoriths. After thie;... stirely • the ;editor Will no -dare to; re, . .gret.' • ° , . THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco f: • mends , thaf' the .Meinliership in ,• the college : shall be. of .the' members end fellows; thatthe-affaira •ot the college • be governed by neounell tliat all. wbo are members of the 0,N.A., and regist- •ered their,Own prellvinCeS-.*illi auto- matically, on payment of fees- iteceme itterabera when, the regulation is Init. lated'and•enbsegeent to orgapliation entrance will be 'exaMitiatien:andthe payment.. of fees. 'The ; fee would he 1$45".. • • ' , '4•WO .ere teday, looking lin 'to the tiinatplitysteti,wpa.erros..,etn6,iii.I•n. I; all am place inthinking ite-'4. way Merl arenot doing today' eakt ,pr.:..Rohert t!. arrow -Wallace, principal. Ot Queen's ,UniVer- esity.,.!Efitigsicin., • :• ng t.'ne ;CustOrrier—ive, trie,'sOme of that prepared •erthoceetylsalicyic acid. , Druggist -D9 yen. mean asPirin? 'Customer — Yeah!' I nevei. can think of that nettle. • , All of ,us know ,some pei•sons who Spend their 'energy • in tellc.• , 1 c 'a 11 e 'a ..." •it :. ._ Si in Th : ..._ili': .Te PO - till int •T ;it's . On not C•14 '0!):e by:i Man, ' • • , • Stout.' •LadyWhat, 'do you Mean • 'by following ine?:: "• • „.,. •, 'But. the man, . Withoet ..replying,. her vitilk;; she spied ,the mail' follOv;,, stipPed away. . , '''''''..;-•.' ,:.:: • • 1- Then, when tie' stont ladirreSunied irig, herlogain;'and agaill:Ohe4acCost-! 1 ed hint: ".; • ' '•' ' • ' , .. •-•::'. She a I'M °Of ., fainted .„ vviten., She ' got ••• tii-NIsaine-7.-PIPY9:54 b' eri7‘'I''s ': 'sake, . ItidY.,..'. don't eall.a Cep ahd eltase; niC aw, air. • YOU are the only, shady.' Spot in. the, whole. park,. ' , ,'• . ; ' ' A.' salesmall visited arge,,faetOry ,and t.old the boss Jie buld pick out all the married 'in:in• truing thd employeei.: 'Ile Stationed' itnself at the door, .and as the men inie from he 'pointed to hose he. thought *ere inarried. In lmOst every chse 'he;was• right. •Tioss,' (amazed) ve ? ' U.: .00; '-'tra.141141g.. nhzin—Oh,: it is qtiite mPle,•,•qizite simple. The 'Married: en .all wipe .thOir feet .on the." -Mat e single Mee do- not. ' Read it - or note, --7, • . In • North Aineriea. recent figerei. owed. ,..A.84;383 Sunday schoo. actierst and.'officers 2;t97,4.00;: and Piii; :26.647,65Z . . A. parasite gets unnoticed en, he heingsl•, stick his ',tentacles'. o our 'bank , . . • hat 'Settles thata-,:"I don't sup, you don't know of nobody who 't want to :hire ;Pebody to:. do hin',,:do you? • , very stent ladyt'etalking through ark during an rex&einely hot day, rved that rhe was being followed ."713,7"•'7 Hard \riaric and no play, inav make: a dall boy, but he Usually has money in the !:nc. • .'fahnny.-fiBull• 1have some S.erY large 'birds in''England.. Why, once, ;While .r wag standing in A ;ZOologitat, garden; saw a man cepa) in on an eagle. ; . • • Yankee TouriSt—Prothel.;• `that's nothing! Once, while standing in ball` park; I saw a player eD out on a fly! •• ' . • r. Setting 4 gooci exanmie is muc1! better than giving good advice. Urses Approve* -Registration Recommendations Made Annilat,Coovenhott t, LOND,ON; ONT,, The Plan 01 1)4- refilitration oti.tutrses and the foritrifitin of '•nyOtniadian College of Nersing Was APPreVell by the Regist., ered-Ner'see Ao8ociation of Ontarint o ThereCTAY'lf SOSSIOn Of their' cenvem Oen being hog here. ' • s , Istt;e Nctt, 1.0 i(3/ •• *A•,41`, • DeeWalinee&fhelletertirentrtelle et 'Isf not • Alan cie .;gener.51. ,education; for; the, Puree.- 4fid, ' therd '.are many:adjiistinents -tb,..be •Made.ie the'ettrrichluin for nurse .edu: cation. 'This.. profession io,.one...:Ot the last: AO .free ;itself from he.aptientice- • ship. system, byt. the Itendeney is in that directior0, the speaker .said. An eight-hour:: day , academic work, :fon: etv• Oairs. •••Weele and.:a pereIod, ,•Of 'emhtniniitY' serfice nu.rsing ';are cuto.n.g. tlio changes.. 1.•6•Ommeildea: '.17'he• standards at mialif4tienTfOr, the teaching, of tritrOes 'Sheitld". be 'raised •:en.d mpch, attention -should. be direct' ed to the personality cit, •tho'.'nui'se .and. its ' develtinnient„, -,'The 'personality , of 'the:nurse .has ,:treineridous: influence on' the patient;" Dr: Wallace.stated-•• More carefully 'Selected; atudents,:, bette.z•Onaltf4:ed•teecher4 and MOre•••.ef-; etiveOrgenitatichi,of teaching , and• :simervision, are- a'xivised by Miss 'Linclehttrgh',•;3vho. is ' the.: ConteitOr of° 'the 'earrieelintet.cOmmitiee or, the..Ca';. riadian 31yriles'!Aseoplation. • The.;PrIM0rY.concern, the,:ceinin •tee •has.'been-the individual nal:SO.4 'fraining,.-Mir eon:cern ' not he She itiade to ••inte-th schenie cif.'hestiltal7",itursing,".:serile and thetimiciinum: load" the t -..carrY-::4-Overi•a-;.thteelear „contrast : the potentjaIj • 'ties of theatinienf„, and tri. what el,-.te/11 can they be 'develened,"4ilea • Linde bergb stated.. . • • • , : -"Private Duty • • •• Only rive Ontario .cities bare 'eight; hoiirsdaya, CertaN •heseitalseforthe .private dtitY...'nnt•ses;: the...PriVate.DutY Seetion..Ot. the Itegistei.ed,:,Ntirics A. '-noelation: , On.t#B.);,,Wao: told.: The '•eitees are Landon; -SI: Thoinas,- Sault .,Ste. Marie Siincole: a'ne,...Toronto..Pive other. 'citieS :Hamilton reteit.9i.,ough,. .Bofeyilie,..t..cailio,lhes and Kingston 'h4re hoonital staffs; Ayhieli:have VOteti111 favc,iir , of the."neW,lieurs:Ottawa, . erz`3clieeted to VON , :in •this 'donnection seen: The eightlehr. clay :wns. thrited.' clown - in • Eastern , Canada • Sineeithe'initialion ef,'Ille,Piinthinien larn..feecling p011ey by the Peileral De. , partment:' •ef ' Agile:011re four.....q.afp '. 40, there ha e been a .titeady increaie'• ' in: thenuniber, . of farniere ' feedingi Llainhs-4e-.0.ntaricr-The,•Prillect: in Ikea. \ •possible'the 'ffeding:' and lattoiiiii'g Of' Western :range • lani Its dur14 'ea oh. and Winter erf".farriis lit Eastern Can- ada Where there la 'anti* acCortnnede- . , , .tion'in ferni litiddingS; a geod .Waterr' 'Supply, and , 4 pietii flu! stoek ef feed,. •',,ineltaliiiKeloven.and „alfalfa, and hot-4,- groWn -grains. :In the Pall ef ..i.p3,a 111.. terest in - laintr' 1060111k .epretal .frorti Ontario :to . Qtlebed;,. Where .4 number. of faitiers,•are tio**Anocillig three .of: tito 'donble-deek carloads etqa.hibe, 0- E411616.161 boa ti.. -in• Ontario leo ii y 'fill'. A • , . , . . , .:.WAKE :up youR . LIVER BILE-- ' .,.... 4.64:Ye:0'14_31triiip but of tied in: the • ". 'Morhingitiit.10' to GO '., ,t „ ''.. -The lfliei•'f)hdiihl"iiiitir11.t •ttio. oiltic de of •'• •..igintd bileinuithliieliotoela daily:: If thi?ililla ' . (8 riot flo 0: tag froth:, yeuedOod dOcen"f digest, r It just decay s _hi tho boWels. Gas tilciVA up‘Yout sbtoinaci,. yetiget 000titioated4 Harinful Dbisonaeo_into the body; end you feel beat '• " ' entilvandtlibLvOrld lookt beak: • ' • ' .' • • • it iiicrabeteeltiioyeiotot.doeen'ttitireYeitel . • : et the dattee:.VO# neCtitibinothing that worka . ' on the; litet as tve . tIliketi 'those good, old ft?..41, Catter'a Little', * r4, illS,th get these Vivo -. • 'Iliotitida of bile' oicitite :freely; and Make toii•• • feel "ift 66d, tilt . Berailtob /aid retritle, they • iiiiike the bile flow freely, Th' do thb WOidt 61'traotiiel but have tro trileinelOr innitentir:itt them. Ack for Cortee'ti Little' /abet Pills by , Itattie istebbottiliftetiiiiettilythibg bleb. aftet . . . . . ., ateltMateleileinabette 7inereioperating, tinder tliefeeder po-r . chase'd lambs outright. Dui•ing the . Pall of 1936 apProxiMately 50„000 wes- tcrn range Iambs were pNced on. the feed. in ontarie and. Queliet, Surgeon Sees `Hope For Cancer Victims Work ..is bringing' Mere complete „tin, et - „d ...standing of the ealise •of cancerari0A deeel4initit,;61.:rnore,erfectiVeinetli-'' "'Ods..Lof• treatifient,:: Surgeon ' General : Thomas Par' -an of the 'Publie,',Healfh” perVii.i.e. said ;this' week; , ••••• ' • ' '1'.1 think. we., may be, on !the.; eve of- cancer,.7and. • thereby'..eliteirratIng them,' .fieeaid., That 'belief) 4.. added, is 'inspired not by• the • discovery. Of '.ineth pre;.;_ ven Ong ...catice-P hitt, • 'Paradoiically, ' because many. c.iie'mical 'substance have been 'found :which' Prodnee "cart .hardly 'believe „it But glirnpeee sneh.AS these may lie the opening to. • a new *old," and. it.is this thing that forms the reinatice of being a :peddler • in,•magic „ . . HousEnoLD ARTicLE8 F4051, 5 200, eel -111"M); :Send for ;price list to• Small- • Wares Oo.; 179 Craig St., West, Montreal. Vr'c An y Andersen's Chloks81/2c; :* Tested big Edrr,ed Aueks for 85(1' c'Tor !erg': isr-rp-171,7B-gifin,toori Ensitsir • White Leghorns for Dke: Month 'old 'pullets' 35c: Day ,o'Id White *Leghorn MOoters $2.75 per. WO: 100 per 'cent live delivery, 10 :per cent with order,- Balance C.O.D. Andy An- . derson Baia WP • Eeseo Ontarit • . 35 • . `211e Hobby of. Wings '' Xua'rRALaArr LrnE, gookaistrina, Birds, Vt4torla, ivIcArihur, Jubilee, Air '- • ti'Ornip(mbratives., °25c. 13edworth; 200 Daveh' ort, Toronto o . • • • S . ..,- . , s WANTEDt 4 'D,DADY 'WORK ••-, EVEBY.,DAV; 4., PAY - : 'Day sunplyhig thons.and' fathiliee:. 290.. • Maranteed. neeiositles. Melte 'hp to $35 week - (3'. • Ne •ilak; 'agarlence unrfecessam."Fre• ci ' Catalogue and Details. Paisile# Company, 570 . St. ;Clement, Montreal. . • - • • ' • Ftea.v•zetf - EiTCOLOR:o' .... '.., .....,....,......_____I_.......,...______ cliuoINAr.;„ ,sexpA ,IONAt.,....., YhT 'irEltit ‘-.P. practical.9:ay or claYing plano; .filli4jr. and ukulele, .by matching *ors.: Canadn'$. own, but but the warIcre latest •.:MUSiCal 'smolt," Mon. No teacher ...or ., iestruettoti ,•neees4ry. 'Write* for • free, Bdoklet nett: RePrese &tires . you cm . ploy today the MusiColokWay• ' 'wanted, with' firt-class . 'references. Writc, .41111esPt.laYTorLo;insttrou. rz?"•,t's' .L"!rili'red! 60 rr911' 1E4. ' . .. „ . . , .-.- Some of ; "these -:shbetancei,, „Dr• Barran. explained, 'baveteen'deriveld. . •.froin COal:' tat, Which Jong :has been known to ' .cue .canC•gr, • are .elbeely relatedchemically to .normal .cenetitiiente• of, the body. ' •• This ',suggests, • he said, that it may be pOssible...tO. -develop other.'• subkances whichwill retard the,pro- ductieri-and growth of canc'er; just as coal •.• tar • derivativeS .Preiriete e - ' be found , • Sc ie n tilts' of the pulilic health ser. . pee • *belieVe. that the explanation ;of ,the:causOf cancer will changes vi'hitir occur :in the Chenfical • reactions:. of the bo.c137:: : Senate]; IROne,, Democrat, Washing- ton, and Representative ',MagriuSon, Democrat,..„..WaabWgtori,,Lasked-eon- gresS yeaterday. to. , spend • $1,001);00p, • i*or. _a ',:::goi,erninent "cancer " research prograni. „.. • : .• " • Only about 1.509,00.0: annually' has been spent on cancer reeeareh in all,. .,,tbe. laboratorie:s of ••,the, country. Dr. I.Pae;rea. said:, This. ineindes. the 'gov- - 'erhinent's; expenditure Of $.1.15,000.• • Traveler - •• The:. Working •.woinan, Mise born traveler; If inore tiehole .-„rea]ie it, much morecould- be . done by Way . Of., 'giving an • outlet to her. desire to move about, to SCO • fresh ...things, to ',make new ebn•;., and neW friend.ships, according 4. storyl.frorn London; ,England, in • the Cfiri4ib.h el'erice Monitor, 7• . , Mi.sS,Attdrey' slicrtlitr.ought to kee* ahoet .Sitah matters ,becatiseshe is •-.09 ' one ariti,,only woman; in .gytiod it 15 said whho, 111 engaged 111 ighin Ivant ii the way ofg:i: out traer 4aJWay:cna, pdtnofcolelfbe, sup- plying it whenever possible. .1t: is: the wdiking woman .in !i'vhinohe is n especially interested.. ,Not ,., cause the raiwlys edienany she serves has an- S.VOCial Predilection for working :" woirien,-but-beeatteMiss, lift' herself has grasped What•ii; means to live, in the peeree Parts. of tile .t6 kneW nothing beyond its • in- lc1injnable walls, its firit•ethitting war .with grime, its nOise,riti: restless Movement, and'the oPporitinity has 00111,6 to _her, to throw her energy in- to lending a helPititehand in the relief of onch.condit)ons, • ; • lfef: work c...onsista in interviewing the aficials cOnniles :factories,. and ' workshops, and intflti•pl,e' shopS, and iorgain'.zations generally, and -,-(ti • sell - ng tickets., all about it,and there .wOuld natitingl of to - whatever iVel'e it not that tii'c so1:01. pan so'o; • if Aci knows- hor to, -look, something •inore. in the transac- tion than „ the t•endingi Of 'a littleob- • long of -green carclhoarth....;:s.lie,„;caysno.- -.troito. by -bid nia :64' oitick .innigina. tion•; 'that an ohlong -of 'gueen • .;!;tti.d..-, &lard may be ttu•ned into' • earect trhen •,t1t,c 8 3' • )11q 81111'1.1.ift10113.*Ot how-, tio e.n.g. ago, she got the rchan..‘e of oqing 11 ro):ty of ePorneh don to Bourne- motith. iClet .o.he of flint -hal ever. • Sten the I'Vessetceetintry before, anal, She OttyS, the8,veI"eSi)e)11)oufld. Thy did not ktiole, the tayS, that 4K:11(41bl:el REMDDINS R. •ideGibilEy'S.,;ima ITO4 kiiifflpy. -.- ... biting; ....00. • itemptVi le,, Onto. .., • . • ' • . One ..appliCation.. stop's, itching, pink $2 . , • . . ., ..,: ...POTJLT.RY . •, - • ..... ,., . •magifyintitchery.; (Certified) , 298, MontmagnY, , started'. pullets at attractive ..'OriCes:. .• Mont, .coeltorers. at firty to seventy five. cents. lAlso - •,A - nortnern.:-bldod • .• front .heavY... laYere ' and ' .4tiigistered "'Slres.,'• Buy six • to „ten' weed; .,old •flato'vE,.... •-votirt.': • sroen • .-sy-',...ationeCT 1 BUFFEteven drakes, .20: Willioni : Wateibitry. I Picton, Ofiterin,._L. '!. -. 7 ' n ' .Onerx•drok"...6, cier.'c.s..., P..E,Rixs". AND.. . • • . 1E1' AR. BB]) „ pLYM-O-1.1- TH•7..MOCT•C- i.' B.REEDDRS Th:.1.' - -":-;'' :' • ',..; Cip,i3d.ruorT[.gs.‘,. .,, .. •-.7- -,Diesel ••EnEdneerhig -•-:--- • , . .N.4.,- Tioist:AL ScnOoT:,s, orptif../1imo4,-*••.." , _.. entIrse' In Theory end Practital tteiblog. wb have tridoed Men.; fir the. past '32 years and • ..Laro..:enuipped,to,•enablo Out studehts to catnip- -. IY ,Put•,. their knowledge to work to get ;better . •It, you. Are mechanically Melin'ed and -you he- yQU .ca:n• mit,lify then write ,to • A.. 2ii42'9To' ifnpc,•`• • NATIONA4." SCHOOLS , 320; Ellney Building.. . ..Dept M TORONTO I ev... Er UI fes ••• • ; . • THE:FAMOUS 'RUBBING ' LINIMENT. Rub pain , gone.. • get the new laigeeeen- Omy:• sizee-AlsO able in smeller, regular • . • sae: ' •• • • 117 'S YOUR STOMAtH? U, '; Vital • nerve • force • if . yeti arrow yeer stein.; ,•ach, te..distress,...you. Acid stomach, •:iiidi, ° gestioni• gas or bif- Qtl5!bQs -arid • 'cos- ,tivencso". eause • ;did . . ; bleed to be poisoned ' will cv'clituttily, tIcstroy !leak ms and , . rle what Pishtt ;•Ir 4 Saa font "I suffprol.:•tvitlr', iny moinetch, could cat btt. vety little and' that weald ealtse distiON I pew '‘keaker daliyAnd aufterrd 1 Om1 h;,:(t. , • tds 2 Cy' weight went ireint 1 PO. 1•14 pon'n<ig. , I took 15hDicv ea Golden Me<11•••aI; Irisr cvoy Ana \vas f..ion 'alde to tot nor- , 111,1111 1 gd.lited• -in c ight IOd stiength owl • oid rC.4tIMC• hiY ,: 1 1 he 'r;‘,..t.Y1,'Cry".., • ,tilOcic a t oil persoa Of me," 32uyacw*4 • POI$ONt1):KID:NEYS , Stop Gettinglip borrglosdy ihNh. •11,01,orit.; 'Am! 81 'd •kidno.s Ohltr correet. lotion, or hivh.for so -not' yzoi. i$•,1611 "gating up *Ids" goe tt494 t psckagrO. Of l'1O14 gaol Ilv,tr. rop.i,u1oA and. takv as ,diroct- :kl. Other symptoips • of bitmtd4 • 'tte8itti014•0' are Paltilft or sinattlit . ' . • ..:()Oportunity:.For. •,. • ..vroative. •Work •;•••*1!' • • . . • • More frniziiiittant:•.Thati, The •Finish. ed Product, Saye,;a • Cleveland •'. - .. • • ••• 1•013.0t079, Teaching ;of vAribeS • stibieeta,pt.draivIng, and ItiOtares tend. •:•••• toteard,a•naere.'orgatilied. : a,: •incire •inatteref,,fact-metliod7":Of'.' .teaching than the textheo.k.-WaY,"MrS.- ; Betty •Lart.1-1,cioy111; ' modern -edeett-L., tionist of 'the tio-elatid 'Mu.settin ot • "Art,told a -"large :,atidienee. at the Art:-.• Mu solipi•L'Op: • J."... ••• In the- subject of art, -it ;Is: net Afar; • ly. S9.iiinportant what the child aresin.• plishee as ...,that..'he perniitted drew, Activity .is the ;Main thingcaZ '..ne-the .C.11;ild Is colicernedi and it: •the Making Arai net the..finishect woidt.:„ • that •contits: the,. slip.alter ••itrgned; 1••• Irhasiting, too, that• the;re'acher .•°01 he vise • th . keep Within' the 1nteret1ta varionsTage I lin its.land 'the ity 91 •the child:to.' perform., ai far.a 0•• Skilt.18 elaiLitehtedi . • •,' _ slieleo' it wae.,oliown • ihaf 'ev.enhe-tite peer* re : • . • 'plaints end 'other • iildfokihIS• die laehr , • .;ipgfintiele ean:be' . 'bit's. Of Weed; 'COit411, and Other Ser4i5, 'end dyes made. ll'E'rriei;• bait 011- 1011 :s..:kiits 'and •:other 'things- supelied by .htittire:which..Will. give ehildren ,.a 'for'',,expresSibri.•thet liectis :ii eil:get in • •ti: cittvolenntent. • he'Hick 18 Gorie-. The Flieb...Toyen, ,"e'ene • :small "Otyhas the , big town has including. vire, : .T11: leS.,(.4'ir proportionThnt'S jU1st .01I0:' et: • , the . statements" :made ;by. :Stephen.. Bolleoe, editer&of; the ,lanesville;Dei,:..' ly •Gazet, 111 a:::•talk•• he Made •• Ch4sgo,lte 'Said thi-liffall fosvn po4 pulatiett .porcentage,•• 'of' lite'racy, : higher' than' that tet. be found in dny inetrenotio, There are no • echirects .Olerns',..4"the" pelp1e,.7 read the' • ,infirkee", and savinghank -reports and•-are,the bul*Ark Qf the natIert. :et them etill.'believe, the. . • tee •,ttenitriallcinlefil'S hare not Veen. • . '170Penled,' lie ;skid,. "Their fathora •• 'Were pionci,il'hO went into thi country, without,unything hut a IOW ••• 'hot(schod jgod 8grVat faitI, attd;.' , an. unswei•iii..,r dotgrnInt'utfon,.." Thestny is I. the .:..,41try......\\il1etli0rc starting 011 tho , shores, Piym LAN f3*Ij• • ,ending ot .t he,C 3 ti to., ,, , • Small to 111(1 ,the cotintry 1..6:2nd t in 'tho fromildeiness .to ,euitivott•d••fieldS, Wte„.d• built b those 'Who' believe 't.ltat• 11-, • • lite raey js„-,theititrzatost--.t.inefit,si-',- 'dethooracy or „lepresenetitcht •. Molt.. So there' * setnetfong' ti•olucu-' doblv ,fu in 51a 11t wil§, .s the :unquoaonovi tfoces:.ity. for ,:tbo stoble and sOntitt.2.an1l o 1)1111'461:4.o tI Sol ins t i go qraneo ANT ' 1•"PrOout, rovont:.4 v1'1011;41; 116e iatt; t't-ijd Lt thvy:, Aro, 16 tt. •• t-',11ishop , . ••• trel .1•Mot