The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-08, Page 27; 0 0� p, pt��-TAI r 7"" t��, 7-14­­�'-I-' �Pi,,AVV,11-11JI1�71.. z:� j. J. s. -7 7, TIT, . ......... '4 pop" A!" ....... ...... 7_1 U1 Al OL arm b M. Conductei 7`1 OWs 4flrali6 .09 0 ESSII:i I b o 6qr rd atic; NOIR 1464 Toat - P Pf Ae, vir;pus depar6�n oicita $7i934',",4I`I" r ra, pffq �p �Agric Itu I C 11' 'LESSori -jj g Y I . , I I . I ` ' ­ 11 1#1 � I �I!l i , I . . . - ST? iQX `0 �;Aall.#, 1here, wga,'*Aq , ­., I i�l 1 111 4. _1'. — 4,11 -, 1144,,Total! gr �'Tho, Sin 9f 'Adanii: and E t slightest, i "p. - I I " ' ' " `­ -, - r. V aid f hireat On the par Jo ponsidtatiti M the, Vq!tQd, Kingogin 40;lroftd, t of, to;' 0: ed, 't a b t but 'to. -Nowfoundliino .,gna;AcI 7 3t 1-li-4. 26' per Into. this S* _e4t-,Wrgy, to, bandl Onl& Is, llkewi�e.'Atilqble Pt mannVO lirge Priliteck To�tii�_ *3 " .... e.X out has to wait until the enapi 6.1 11 - .. I I so a4 to. -get. the OA44� the, eyi3s,.Of most orat, of it?, theM'bd h,wqxo. warM4, Up PAI_eJently 06cal. yeaI W Texl;�The soul: tb4t; �1' Someone, liavized". u 11.ior,'bays, 1 2,3& Unt, t 'glieneditilp ManUja ln' tli­ Sanq 30 i64'. ll�� 1 , � It r.. I . Q PAN0 theI ferial, actfqn,i�, 193 amounted' T_ 'as, far the W_a 150: of - Sh'tall. - W, P. PqpyAjFd until. H A J9411._0f_� reoort t IlSoqrU6�1 "0 con ON an au Or 44'4 SEZ ING -9 "'JApT., Sin real or,, An this, eair Crop" ;oAl, onia II1110, - `40 4 slo' ef, t a gra Vi -not knb;w-'ivbeAx, the aw dis- u n th% 'would bq:vwb4�SJAa,n"' '0 t 1.".41P�—WO, do Oovpted-tfib d pile wit f; of ouk�tarst,-PI -took, Jwa p -o' an : 04nb-� OAP :every day. all I)Urtag th d er;, review T 04�8- "Co mmo ere is _e, tiltg:'Are given ;p�- Y., 110A is- t traw Jrt I o roi e t' 14qr.qqae4 -6j. dp�j6xlui�. W r not an .1 1 ace. 41 Y f!And the k tbit' hey� b Pil,4 J rip All' � 1 Q.W Va -Iqavek:,to.! too, much to� 6 e� al Opp Ych "4 tabout 400 B,C, naked; gnd-#ey s6wed. fig 0 1 3's, on -we-, n $1,006 000, a,feaulft no U _i�. , .,Vel er�, qq AS, te, A as Aro "Or b6rro*.-� Mae, fvi�s-- to alrea, it e' �d acid in,,tbe I p' '0,;A"M, 6 "d Maya oth to, h ib 11;!::-A for,' A g9zne� far �C6161161 dove aprons 411 Of. sha*$,�,a cofiii'� lokiefit 11111 it Possessed - d: 4p'; VOW In �r JuAd,-, dAid k, e, an lk, 2 �bqt er: ociousnes of to drive a it: So is. worked I 't b0st, I,, '#::-Out, tbp damp oil, th Would - h* be able, 6k Of 620r, Gaticlen, pf gdon,. the wite' to 't it to-'diaw akn�W :nothi ng �but.,' requen.tly?iw�,.A�, ..S,.:" 0, 'loan �,CdfiaAffiii Uiik� �nnooelflQe,,' fore �exad- .1 6a of�­,w Th . had a -knowled rqQOMmend1t as'a to. p, &bssing -for -iiintecd 'by' the: 94ar!. tion ey 94, ..'o of ount Dd illoll, 'of Own, pe on I --of birl6ken 'Wheat. f "$625, , 0 , 00. kn Canada. PW iitei'sdi,peni Was never tQ, loave,.tbe It' dl- 2, :!1. have, known soils, ie' r6pe' Wai,� More uman lidait; Ording' the ban And never-. W11,I'lifitij. d - Witb ime, TI 'o4refaj. an. than any beast f, th'; Ing Of manare - es rt 4ubt!e jf� yq�! can ke stoi em',, to be ]a king no a field Q. re eeme ory. r -, I I P t, of pabile. rovenue 'an.,.,_qxpeuI fairly -the Ad, mnde.'� bat; JiA �Qt� �-. , . r., crops,. but jbi$� 46hovall' �Gbd T oi�ea Of`GOd 'arq� iii birn. ;t6ilAblo linita fo - . I el d 'And b of'th6r. manure, is Would. it, not PArtmelits giving 11�91zet thafi,, the s0rp1,6nt-"wa'S.-pres6nt, h6ar&�: t at-_ scL kpid hey d' usually tPe vase'.. God is. S'AlMsted b '-th walking ih,. t be well send 115 explanaf6ry. potes V. Q� tbe�,.ga�dbn' �etajfi th San largest nple of the and 6oniffient, hy Awl man. in,it. I we may cool iolF(ab Int) 976j at, oral and h- bestAt as ren 0 tell you. whether it'needs' The- expohditure., s'Co rise rjve� deied�,bertain, by is. wife 'hid,-, themselves, d At, hdi;ring lit line and 2.07, t e 12. 9, re't tb iirQsenv6 0 lipy4h: GOII Y.� Ai'doe* not. Mail the a"" �ep_�!f fairl S ni�ie flich d ul 615oi, . . Rve - am c q4iged. 'to. cap al voice Of -the T* to flat, �Sataift' al tibiliptei, is hich they -heard wQ,.s, � e �,r� ;3 epart 0 h in I.-, r 10110 f I'une. n AiTeatll��, will you. Guel It;' it Out ifi 41le 6pring-, a oo Ailly 0: surod. by.J h t �e: s it0 it 8- 44- '0( results by lijud4n* I ie c -You of, get go I at,� theI 0 t, ri 00stePs- (cf., Ley 2: '14:' n should Deut., 2.6-"14- 2 -,S'' 9 P settid am. 5: 24,) P1Q. here� s 0 c&trige, for dovelo ition . It fu 0 44' the Colonial: -hb festifi- .',1,O1JI of $1,0.82 600 the '�tliunddr' tb t -lie"", n accompanied ''his' 0 -QUr TIQN:�I� Wh�' $617:6 0. The� t6nipt6t addr6i Job..37- nEX. :9: �2�,i t 3. ','-'25-�o �voul( 90 -thp -went"" r top :would �,o' d: be ... 'bal- The dorle, .. .... y the* ecomme cirossing 9 d .Ihdo good li, more,,,��suscaPtible 'And'. 'UU_ the so"d of 'Fall 41 e It. roxcl. C wheat'01IS! (Fall aliplicatid' tl is a. iled, (if ,the pi�ing 'double- 2-11�_Tf6 It wo --ci.6�tii vr, 4:3 alvin .'and othe�rs� n slittle "highei ian w 'id res ot. 150-600, lch,.Ilo.iv' tand, at' a-11 betJAY-'_,.Una6ubi6dIy;'� the adIves', e is le 1'� t e: think; Or,' 2-12-10)4 -Whit� of v our."? And J a- llost ebono and ests and b, to. be- best themse h, Dr. Harold W-'- dds� p'e�;d 77Ajnxn6_phos C one, and, while.-tho tetweerr ya . namid many others, need"not'-. be of., the 'garden, be, ca u, .51 ent) Qf Princeton Qpiversl y, to Pojn ng- SWphat� to. od n . 1 .1 . , , a they �he,'Sna e.,. I; iciary be:*feaiied the iii-oposed- bf Aninion' of , , barle�r' on 'of tin pro gui tof preffie, 'Su- iaj. and Soda? .. - am, to d had. in ilim, to, saridyAo pt, tictio' V"rk toAt is. t J �d' �­ ' ' I knew,th6y; w om f ee. that ew,,& 'that- a: sandY clay' 501. ropt, pow, P r govern a e n mptat! a Ct6urt,chaing a rst at 2. Ij� ij poi 9� us., - ndisobeyed- God qW. -ap- ,,to*ai ailthofjta ibl, e 'proaching the loam."Mth. ]!me 'sto' cArt be, lbs'. C�a 'd Ines �,A:,.top, isal Ye shall nat_" and very' ]I amid to' kilit lackifig tii Alto riec s"' Thd A�Y, '0. would. -be', n call d;04n' .;Plant 91 Big: Metr6p t dire - s is- ter and said 0 egin a the righ t6 ree or. tbb,:g to th 'unt6'hJ c to 1t -,will At 'be! 4ptafib n*,' and t, IS a ivinjk'Sh6ws 3. 6rhiaYiently' haI;niful to� th r e �d - tP IQ Could xPec i under f N h6uld 66 atth to th 03t: 60 L" t air,, , bar'lei e. grow An. AY tul'i'..d few of - t .Y k*,', M­ 906i:I ae 'ye 'most Ore W U 746 nid f n a -net-, ra: e -:69�,ajtI6 clous verses or y. using .abdut' '4�.95;,Zu� in s-'Ycll0w; All& adde'd nit we_r� gal,den hor, Sdto fitit "Arid,,Ahe, i0ozA, 14, the B bar' ey in ible. It ij tb b queqtion,.'� Anywhere, near ..vai aro 0 rees a. an.tfoetcr in ftirtilizoi. on a goh a 'the 10fily" X I I -sand -clay loam; ­h -,light I I , ., .1 y, ahkwestera:,� 'rapidl­ ce has 0 -a tree w id, not ;know g Inii, 1.3. ope A Ong the, riVeAij o soil Y., I le . . I ., 'a. here aver..-. oused "are', cauliflower' h -,' . h not, - on Script and -.1t. It , d' pres, Ut (if, le OTTAWA—. the that -',God.. d �ex . of the' DePI t Yanam, carries '20 1 ..Grand'. C6' he' rni 11111ing crea men of Labor' Vey productive, I a -Rum- airal Palace 'is aIi,:yth'Jqg d;t`Of tures, Weke,. but that be y hem. to �etfif­ P Owed' I t -:,w ere,' DM line t&� bat C �I 9 a fles Pas S4 e- more., I l%,to�.. a, reg4lar 6d fi h 100 nitrogen, it -t 6 lb. "it: is.*'therer, but ing. ey ereo I e .1 th'. " - 1�ebI the 'Id e .-,,hali hot-eat,o it Might, get i entle -upward trend in- Inter.- To add nitrogen nd lbs', -ot 'e neithd be I I tr * of to - the Mustard" 1, le # jinCly Or!e e. te�'*ill show. inAts �T' egin, Op dross with'50' f' fid i . : ac 'on on Ah Imes SquAre a a Itriang e*.. th, C�anarnid.�, i'e with, Sat, i� 'wipe ,.of a,fami o., now, if ' this' would, Soil, !,WhjIJj' A h . ere, has been a p o"I to g� . mo Y,.'voicb ifinded Very lifir fi action on, the In 61 Polo Ar a y' do ing a She Would ilik :Sulphateiof Aln' tal;b' in arroui 14 the irdon, 90SS1P -.The::. exist' -per It' '�.SpOuld-'fiaver' dell And, was afraid budget of stapl k decidedly', AM in monia� -This. is'. the first - ovcUrreftq6' of , the e Joods, fuel,. iiiht- M ul , to thii� - bar ey.T: C t -awls Ong It Wi 4' YS,namid any advantage' CYAarrild D0kdT1JX ini. . an4� rent Was' a arm BroaAwa a in, th calculated -at Y., pi o Bible., lir be thr 0 n mpa're'A" to: $17.04. in a','. 'I Can, it." n, large qua titl !0 Al. d co Sul0fiat6 6f'Ammoni l_es witb tlperphos_ ower . lViduhattari, g One of he' city nai $1.6.58 for 6brdaty 19'36' rrcr�bsi,,thoro h ere ore,, tzn,to �God, brut an again as fiama h f again" $1712, as SiSf.t'�Ae n to mied with Sii�e� h h �de�fl te�V6 XtUri . . rp osphate 'RIP, lime 49 fAr* qUJSfwhOr , -if 'it '.YOU', As -iioon as: rom boave r . I 1 11 ..of the,C usica n : :f' or , is recdrdbd. But' th tdgai, Berg or�� turn e will,11hc rm, y b e Voice, Yebujry .41 foi Of'Sodd_'� Nitiate of' 804a" . a ows� have a OW girls a e� ate It ni !often thiough. qfigq!�, tp:, a*.rgue,. Wit On, t 6, JUr ba(lk �th I.'any -more has become suck a favorite h 1-0.31'and $92 -1 mediatel� so 'Phosphate' in� t the'ni�, t, clbs 1iv is 11 e soluble h �atati; ibout, jI and, ultim' i '#rt')ugh'- the Lord' R4dy*,. I �a loo radio. hbar, luble. A d '' ' 9, Mos, y, 2 for Febru be 'VV -theI nsolub!6 -of' them Orporo�; ear -not',' ondIerful as; 161p'qd ary "1980. ger that y6' 'Slllierphosphate d ril ately' Marl array.. of coMica", opera'. may o8e some (. :form. Coiley, island Is a bditflistil" 'Provldi�jj. 'the' f The *hdiksI it,"if heavy riiilis.' I I . . xed with aIngbrs 'an d Price:, in ex w im t..e 0', hich tie Pan ace�pts, 0419 gr*101ii, red ate' ord'. of i -36d,' be ZeSuI6 Cfirisf is, d,,In to the ng � l, $in Ant G Cyanamid can be- rill Febiruary,.. Pplied. Sulph wit out a Sorge, M OtIaset ioot' 101. er I of P,otasb' fi n )C6hen has'n am, dancers, �thht Sara Gold' COMPI atd,of Am. it t YVyn has, line UP, for -'his Go,ldwyn' e 41ft at tho ;gfid,�,Of 0. ec s.,, d _d to.: 81.6 at I ther end', of" J liiixl�', the otag� �'of the. 'tit "d ergqAA a skill as a ventilo.. anu ry Ani &7 Se. p 'jBec S( e -, saw. unto: the' ha-ke'd',* Game and .1 hid theatie, In m(ye, jil 'ten �rgely, to 4j'rl8o'JU't a Pkif-'e Of,L. a :6ot:Surely 116pe&_,�vhen� be: h' tr diia' Sad-.' i, qu st,was dRve is. . to: note,. 4hat a� Just ivtive-,�fitit li6 -a t6el, and,,certli yoE a. in- oh-fer- d., in It 'a word',t' 'G d y Jokes The Londo fi ni'afili! 0,,, 0 far as He'. Itied to Pla Um n HarMm, W Ich wia.: that section or psirtxhent !I,- .,.rous ­64tals, -Cleani '"th ivine- go .volc'68�,� indi ng te, fqteHdi� at rs' 'w CA 18, onework of, 'York set as, at Wars p r xII ely 4,2QO� I th d' rec�rd` -kb4fa .418, mother, ialakink . attail s,de AS. a' Je. call to1ier"from v"ariiiI p6 Sn r aslde�. for the Datch, nd rotig-,as, pos- Man 'did 116tAido himiself ,b' arts� (it he in' rebruary 193.6" 'in' e ral OCCUPI tmienty seca'ue Yo k ath' d rooln. �u yea I rs T V almost' 100 cow....colore ty 'd' e �'Wasl he worked' 63;5, in F :Iftually, lill nearly -h I L lese'':- iii -e port-' at d nake& for.h6- I wity One Alf of:t ions of the, on comPiletenesv : his brev wa ated ilib'dxpregsidn maj-6 14ked1"itind 6ft hroug] Northwestern Univergitr. �nd t takes 45 froin f a' ding th Iff nates to My 4933 03.9. in kebI are' fa e, at haven't, lieen� 610"d for a0 ege -parties. to. New York, -ohs the !��Zftra_ r en before his he had ry, a ar r t 'InAlicitids calls, g 600,. ea . ........... eFor oth,� knew' th'' hid oll.r.110 get t Wi-Gbd d thouglit ro .4o, airport to Titubi At, in :t 'a, j� Ing. 'Fuit4iiarm4ei, In pp"ale'zidy uare, -is S4 en -your eyes �Nanhllttan a. on yi,�authentic g Inni, e V U run y n �, , C'ess ''Of IS Jani-Golfti wn t'. e -he, signs Iiad devise' Pr dr -h6. ad A herd f en e, Was no shall' be" �opqn dl for c y'eyery in ed, and, Vo L shall be its ng.,! one: of ra t --ni It 10 bide III ti 4veiri, _Ote In' Ue on erta weden d Hei Vzi� gihte ti aThe futh. odI, And k, na, edn6as." for 'his rbIlit world C91apally. Over.-. was�,th4to it' -hid himseli ppea s to thcOwbma'n's because, he, In. LoiidIOa :ho -hai than' '26 nnd� Put. Vera- Zdfffid; at does, more Pridei ind- -sit the Sam . a time, bad. and was.- afr ­8111010688fUl'YOung,ball6r; -st fi UT sensationally leg ur: G town yo Iher..,'to alm6 he' "Would, not. ackhowleft 7 g� I'm. W "'And he. a Spe6diva hp g6ja. It a ticket4or speedii. eated her. of. Aidt; :Who t -ee that, tNt�he qppn her. Im,person, for ladt'yeai and _A0 touf6d, th Tait- �eath Avenue c M the. Year bkore` privileges: 84t�n thou Wast nitked?� 64D sit it two things 'if of.,the :tree e f she. would 6at,. .*hereor, I' -ad States pia� I commanded' y ng in one"hu! ed: thA 666 that thou all Ildied, .'and irectory calls that, thoiroughfare, sh U e W tb the Monte a' Caile bal- Eleventh Avenie- has no f She .6 upce poin t 'tablishtfie4i b tefi� cities t: her, �Ye , : dul&Ar: not'.. :open. And that- would" be T s.God 't ts,,td Adam 0 'she :won't Just, dancto Th a imates -i Anp etely typica New i d, �she Would, knovy -will most,,,c6 good tbeat'rue cause of his'nakddiieas and; PIbtUii0s,,':'but bad :fallen Xork-'h Siiitzin himself' God's, c�gnizazfce' of his:�, 1: groome 'as pr4y ransgii I lit spot 'is tabbed !,'The Rol- lYW'OQd.'11 LIM Y& -high p. ace in heaven h' t "NA sullf van treat AS populated. alThe, Woman hi A 2 14, 2 Thes's..� .4').' W orn, thou- gavest to 66. fth me lio.- Wither 6 2 Us area, any, kid-' to .the most pait by Italian& n pper to, come, her Thd tbafigi C And," In the .-,W6 gave Me of -the treI6 and.- I did'' a lub; Hatil6th's hottest man saw that' It use. around d iat- en -'seplan 6' t ii or 41nment addl Ion to fall (low.. n that'. jt�'Wai: 4,'del�ght to�.-Ihc eyits' for his It 0*Ardly"of Adam"ito!" threatening - hoe, r i,;Ahe -tree ea 61i'food. 11-� And as I ed by"*hfie f ving iiI th and, tha,thejr�e was,"ito :6 d if � Eve"is, gi t e, fr u*' it, �of her U ody-, 1, robbign rapeze' �Mbit ofJ'h e. the 'iree as artisti3j: any- reason �why Ada' �St aT e. x a's' a. 'etc., fatop. tit 'the 4otel, Am, spd. e ast of tj Ranger. Who slIould,,bavo paAI of it a brica. : ... �4 ' 'd Itiff OT 66 a0cj "Aiid Jeh lobk: the A, qvah Q6d sai ilri(� As. if, Lhe. could rout L Winter'a it u, Arden The woman;.', What,. this, an elbo�ato 1!11914-alr'�Ctboiing of Sys - One A d the. iVoynati saidi�Tbe'sor. 'ten; 0 aity'Ji Z1017Y (.1''John 2.:J.6). ..Thbi 'd 6ou � fiaA an gingfe- t6,: be fou pent beguiled' me.. h4rided,, hot'. father`- ne or tpe -,*good and 1 did eat vo ibsidentihi a: most the sec6nd' aroutid: L t' is Aticated", 0 b e dir cii-y citogs tb' in e and',he, '.t' particular Attention-Flie *d to n , A 'ideligbf, e 6ttie6f, fton, man sai Te t;,v 0, what the v�.O U- the 9 jig, her housd.�'sector/ I Jast in th ardi in aa ­at d6p e, phrase ',to ty cohlloto, one wise of ilie'favge 'fly this b L�' aeg�t'ed to make beguiled me. Lite., _-7 wal troet �bfo- W011C mean .ago oases have n n he ved,. and, Jine,- d' with h broad Street ad. more., 9 e red. die-, adby,�tb hrIsndi6te ifivol ed Wlth'er hi L be Ofr ht Slid had no her, IStreet is one t bbtaln�ed bv town"a old a l3b�eHy, hity �.106 ?X.rost4p redf, �ch. fi ... a r th, 6ba he ensw Di Vo�yrbod.y in 6� b�vyiirlg that, t1l P', Je V., IV t . U� TI fMa' no (10' A -for It st the t�e ii'�h a t '4c�' Every iiian ;c 'IIOT O"It, -the garden Jd -not 6_1quEfPtf6r,OfAIiq route' to ! di ]let, 'en ho s6i& unt Llia buttoil -Jost. UL 1z AVenue' aVIrOnn1cnt� and circuin- SII, R I 'd di A en. e.' n t1lou once, Jqsi to he see. t ednot this I . . . . . . . . . . . . . to ft,: arth dithiling TO, IC 1% _,n (lid 'I cu),g at rr abvly e(I to 'd every.beilmt Of the field 'llem(lity that I one thou .,go un _V hs�7 (16ed was �h(,-r DD§ A&b r,'ND Tallet Qay.nor -big 'gtir thy willUl CO -10 The ser'iient- is allo,wod no 'd thou cat.�all th r Sibld 4yz, o8100 out Of Hollywood and Nveint'to ,Aiate, theatre!4'., Ahe b It is ho.j a :are No* york for 4 vacat on,, and 110 This SatAn's 01'ever hasn, t b 6k 'tin, V wull L, f4ufli 5-entence, a literal applicd a tit, tit JiOS�'jo a And unto hoi 0, can play in. a, coinedy.,'. 0 h, 7' th6, Milslic B . ox Aor a 'allow c U.T. of the `.Or yed�6 now band 'Wit -h her', And he'did qgt,yo "Pont li4.irl EL More motias given o I now. ve ohstreet 19 oil the 2 'As Aaj "Ad' a9t . side, le P. I i that-o"t the'. 6th a in her, '6xb 'Ci -in 'Mail', pletuzies,' -has The Qoe�,M ts b9m ii big part is tbs.. gdq her T on I Adlam" and' titk�s'adv I III the R,t<�o p1dtnl!&. I n a PaIsf. vbes,,jot lli� Th. ofil -And. I- will.. put ontility �Iherlm�' the dust.'- (4 regard tot lot eacling. 41m, into the 8 nosbld-ffts can. ociety are V 'a pab the taIndhqt*o016' 'land() boad nhehjust indulgeJ` t1l ed And Th&d,wlj�..dvelv,rea�ori in thd Wotil(I thy heild , , .0Or,qnd-d0.0gn,o le'r,prfnt �808e Buildhij, as Sro on -r o'thi's to*tatlon" he'-wg not Pr011hbO -Of.Chr!,.,3� in the is '110bla, eant61164,JI16 ,test wofg'havd �ocl'dd to hcdl"' Th- � is ithe first, So _tell (ea� t b' any pro,.,;,io,uJ -habit, l6d6lg­ and,, �aq br,'A"' T 8er I Pai,k, a favoritq "1 0 oa It is 0 tit for romantid minaing in III vhq- P noto � do'w�ht :she did ogg), a do'. 0,6d officthtng' to do proph(, t; j�. to. libtal,li: aA41611 Came, 6.6- harletil. old t Thpit& i; in tic 0 �di An Iq t! ot, of f, Ova 'hal. 0. 8�1)ch prophooy,'olldq�J(, hsDro e heAdo 8' by Ja oj, r! A I -daught mft ell' t a abok7.0 tiq growing nbut of US. Pfitito a! efty Y -,c r18'efied gteht� rAd lbtfidt heo �e �g 11 � I -of 4 nk"oad o V a the