The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-25, Page 17Dr.;- R. L TreleavenDENTIST. , TELEPHONES' • Offito A$ Residence o 53.4. John ,W Pattison Y. • Radio .SerViCe l'pHONE 171; WINGIIA-M, ON'r. • All Tubes Checked Free Batteries, Tubes, Accessories IA/0, Fa -Wier , PHYSICIAN. 4i, SURGEON L- OffiCe Hours ;00473-Ogi 4•0:004Trak-ff Sundays7.-1:304.00,, „. Or ity• Appointment ,• 'Phone 86. ' • • YOUNG PIGS for sale.=-Bert-Tre, leaven; 'Phone Durigannon, : .1 • buy a:. child's :crib: Apply by- letter to Box 256, Lucknow. • LOST ,-7•A chilcPs brown kid glove, • lined. 'Finder please leaVe at Sentinel. •- 'Office sweet .....,C1Over•,,X,overninentmlesteci-.40074iner-7 kaalieL;AtifiVew " ' • 1. 'Luck/low; ALFALFA 4,SEE D FR Good SALE -- Geed Clean seed: Government 'tested,' $15.00:' Palnier Irwin, Lucknow; R: • MAN , WANTED for Rawleigh •Route of 800 families. Write today.: -Rittleigles; Dept 61L -271 -SA, 'Mon- treal', Canada., " • ' •FOR,:•SALE-in St..' Helens; good ••fraPie fierise, stable, 'garage, new hen hoirir .3 acres of land.. Apply R. :7. Yeire -SALE-50 acre.'farm, . with _ bank, . harp „1:14 .p.,pt,,T.,Qt 31, !Con.' I, , ' 'Hurol 7:4: Apply at Sentinel Office,' • -- • , , , . BARLEY , FOR SALE --.- Quantity, Of no -barb : geed barley'. - Ernest :.Ackert, HolyroOn,• 'Phone .i01 -r.,13,: , FOR1•SALE .•=•TraCtor • ' outfit in good condition, /Will sell • at a /Tee- . 'onable Apply at Sentinel' Offted• AUCTION SALE ' of farm Stock and implenients. at Lot 16, gon. Hiiroir Township Oit-Vilaityi'Aprzl 9th. --Oliver Wilson,' Prop.; Well. 'Henderson, Aue. • FOR: SALE -4930. Chev _Cotipe De Luxe rnodet •with rumble. seat, in excellent conditions, reasonably pric- ed for Immediate cash sale. -Apply '1kt Sentinel Office. • ' 4UCTION.:AALE_Of..,20_wOrk-rhers . es, all Ontario bred, at Cori., p, ,Nvre§t Wawanosh,, 2 miles, past Glenn's Rill, op', Tuesday, April •6th. See bills-. - Albert E. Jrihaston, Projx4 Matt GAY. • nor' Aue • ,. • , t, ••• .• AUCTION SALE -clearing "fartii stock and implements , Let 7: Cell, 8, Kinloss,. 1 4/lite West Of ilelyrood on Tuesday, March 30th. fie 'reserve. See- --•-• Richard:: piticer; -Prop; George Bell, Alai. ' CLEARING A.OcticoN 'ALE of household effects ad implements, , the Estate of the late Elizabeth' Tor- rance, .one mile east of Lin)cnow on Friday, :Appil 2rid. , Terms, Caah.- 4,43priipitrator; • Well Hende on, Ana:. , . AUCTION SALE -,-Clearing farm stock and Implements , and. household ' ,:•effects, 2.1/2 miles sonth of Anaberley • : on Thursday, April let.-Mre. Hun- ' c,an J. MaeLtnnan,. Prop.; 'Weil. lienderin, Ape. , • . ?ARM FOR AALE . 100' acre Farm of Good Clay Loam, mi from school,. rnileS frcrni Ript).W.airly welldrained; quantity .• of ..rtuo,, Good Bank Barn,„„ Frame House in fairly good conditiontai. gain ▪ qui0k sale. -- 'Apply Mrs. 7.Angus -McintoSh; Ripley. - .:E4Ratt,1004.kilLt 1.06 9,..C.Oiii,'4,,'Pairaaao., 100 :14ta, • •••5.• aeres'hardwood kith, 30 • litres tall • Ploughed, .5 tierea• fall 'Wheat, :60 acres . in Barn • 40' X,. stalls:7 lingiri one haif,'6Vvate'rin' 'Stable, Brick house, Well isith windmull. 1½ ''••• nijlcs from Sehea and ••2"i4 'riiiieS from -„Prfee. $4,066,06, Wiii• •, :Copt it ,Mortgage for part if 'S;has- factory, .• •• Tel. W. H. Logan, • 'reeawater. G, RT, 1.114L,H,- • •ki 42r . yrittf ..,titt`rt‘ttn.. . , Mr. Graham, formerly • of LuCknow; who, •is in: 82rid;i: year, during seventy 'of 4hich he been! engaged in the _printing business, Still active .and ' recently • achieved quite a no,teworthg 'feat. Mr: Graham, is, publisher of the Eatenia Enterprise Saskatchewan. Recently, he wi•ote, edited,, apt all the ..tYPe 'land and ran off 500 copies on a hand -turned Press,, to, ,finish a regular two-man job 'on, tine. . a-Ktt-LOrra-ham...*as--an 9n4P-loYee---ef- The Sentinel,' net long.. •after it ,was established:in 1873. ' ." trabdity, Insurance Aroproied. By 'Council' mooiiti. Vote Favored' Taking OUt• • Policy. Protecting Village Againe , , , Road Or: Street Accidents -Adopt Auditor's Report . . . ' At a spepai two-hour session. of the Village:Council On Monday :even:: lag, the Board, approved, by rn#- -WRY; vote, of ,lia-ying ap- -PIY-forli-: 711ability ,insurance at -717 .ig.e.,013.tri.e.001,11(41igrr•-4tlatutv:-4-11 wilt , protect the 'Village, Up -to' a,. inotints.,o4 $5090. .and $ .00% •4g4111'7' st acciderita on the .streets Or roads,: for vvhich .the inunicipalitY Welt he liable.; • , This motion by Councillors McNali and k`rrgusbn carried by• a .majority vete, with Councillor Bushell ePPesed: •Mr. 'Bushell 'Maintained that ...the. spo, could . he used tO better advan- tage in -..ree:Tring'-'‘ailds improving our streets,: particularly any •dangereus Spots,, and for sanding purposes: when ice :Conditions required this. ' , ; Council,' receiVed and ..,...adopted the auditdr's report •srilbrnitted by it.' 0. Cornish; chartered. accountant, . of London. One hundred 'CriPies Iveye ordered printed,.. which will be avail- able "id, the ratepayers ; •,slusirtly! • Mr.. Cornish's 'fee Of $100 was passed, one -ninth' a 'Which payable by the Schodl • Board: ..Corriplaiut receiVed. ,by Council, that_the .Cain House property, in its present. condition,' .; was • creating: a ntiaance, resulted in 'a discUssion. ol the. matter,. with th-e7Board dcidifi to get legai, advice • as • to the •,pro.7 .ceedure in . having, it. cleaned .Streef, light globes; in :place, of -the present Shades, were •proposed by Reeve •Aridersini,' as One •possible mean's:. of, ilriproving the lighting on main street. A 'Price on these glebes will be .secured: • ' Ciiiiei1rapproved of the. piirchae, of: 85000 .weitli of Hydre,Electric 10 - year bends with, an actual l ,yield .of 3.75% . to replace, bends no* held by the niunicipalitY• to the value ' Of $4500; , which the Hydro ".System is calling' in • ae•the end of the Month. . . • .„ • f!MAcs,", twitRoOmiisTATR: , • Ashfield:Preabyterian Church .pertshOWS' that'. .this • 88 -year-old congregation, the.. ``Macs"1, predernin, •Then 'it: tdi*Jie honestly assumed , , ate: ',They ntrinber' 53 in a.cOnkrega: that ' the ..arana tWould -pay "aorna. np- tion :of oVer,.„a hundred. ,. piernbers„ Crating,. '•profiti as Well as. a••;,aintill"- There-are 715 MiciktnaldS,••• 12 Mac- " -annti•al from. Agricultural Ketilia'S, MacLemia,. MacI.ernian'S‘ ,Society..;1pon being ;,qtrestidned,' Mr: and •4:. prest of •the • Bank. of Montreal and 'NAM." llacitntyrie '1111ricIntosh,,',,Mac- recentli ' of Elora, ':Statedi.:•• that . the Kay :and Atliletie • Association • Of that- town. 'Rey. K. •MacGillivray, 'the- (practically 'the saraa;size), had so Prekent pastor, but the, • eighth far. been able, . to ()Mate profitably• •, •• •. .• , enough tw.mOet.. ,annual: payment. on -, a deheilture Assrie of $5000, ihha :Oegtih the ra,tepayerst nothing. ;Robert `Rae,' president: of the Boos- Card Thanki • tor•Club, •0„11. Smith • •• Mr: PI R. •Mite4AY. and: fail:Illy are outlined .the ! proposition aa tinder the' *incerelY 'aripreciative. of the-kindilesS• ConimunIty • ti4ii.ing. friends. 'and , 'illation at hand .froth, the ...of Exeter, • Whore a $1•0,,00Ci:' arena•, Was built .past year. ReeVO: ,Ahilereda, expressed himself as 008OilijiY., 'favor of the iindertakink,' ,but point. otitit'iveuld 7not be fair to the village ttil a...whole ....to .8abetien nolo. expenditure•Withent subinitting ',it. to o vote, ,Dr,•..#4,4/,• IiiTiliatori'm :•OPinien, Vvaa. "organii6 and assunie,We':are 'going aliead"., ••Alci arona.-60Tlinlittft of Ave :them- witg 'inettiding; •Smith,'Itebert 'Rae, 'Dr; W. V.,. • • 1 • ' itrid•Canipbcll Tholnps,on.'lt was left :this .cOm- rniPe arrango, for delegation CO, piteficaffl,tre-MnifeTer :of• AIriCti); • ), BORN 011 .Tilesday.,';,Mareh 'p,grA,, to Mr, Mid. ' jeltit„ ,Oardneri: Ltlekz neiv„ A darighter, ' • I , • , , , . • . r`lril',. . .„Itivr,RT.TnIAT'•'M-Rirvi-,--------,-,.-- ,-0,11*,ii:. •1 . $ „,.-4„..,,,44,•,,,...„.4.;•,,,,,,...,!..... ' ..,,,..;,,:„.- .... • .••,,,,,..: NIGHTLY FRom ,ISIOW ON ' ., • 'Commencing ' ,riext, Nonday, March 291h and each ' week, thereafterThe , -. •,lJ , . LYcetim. Theatre at Wingliam .Will, ...ii" /7.'"'iu§k ' 'Ankles' Rise!.'•,s,d ' .4c: TOogi,' ..i.mVvEt., 'ROtitA.R., wip.o......., ... .:4Piltatr!..°0'i;v:',..,Y-io'twoteee..!:',:,;:itifeb,,,t15'4enS,e;ottLi: ' day Night4 eeting In Connection ' -GE,LEBRATS.'*2Tir BIRTHDAY' With The. . Proposal To,),3111;. Are....,ita ..ye.,04ill. eb• e. ka---,--h Lodge•,c,eieb,ra;ted ..pstiiietrt?tiq7).3.1:vviteaemko iii)iiat,h. i.4t7tIlexcorent /11 ed, and the •nightlf performance 'will' Here -This ,. °Summer ••••,--, Deputation. • - • ' . • -- .. . , ... . •. ' special 'iiv,•• ii -C. wa,-1.tic,con..-..p!,pvi,,nc.14,,,_.ili;o.i.oer, byiiit:li.424.th....13Iro.t.cliladlaleynirit:171; the me. /lob:: se picture for Monday,., Tuesday'. ' and . Of Agriculture -.Matter '146.17 '''-r(! room on Tuesday, which included an •Ykdriesday, starring Loretta Young:: .' Culminate' In :SribMitting It To . A interesting i program.. , , Mr. T, W.:, ' '.. Next: Illur.44144 Friday 'aill'Satth7-. !day; :brings to the Lyceum screen, at ;Itikiatiih, '' viiitit.h.e.puwriinnnge,'i' thief.' ..tehveriiRrige-,.. -'148:arunilai7n-r-g 1,)s`rhil-•°rTe, 461.1,,p.eire'•1;176, thirr ,-;thi.imiT_ Aii4: ,Charles Steward was presented ,' , . • With her Past Grand's Jewel by • Mrs. plea'!„Read :thead. , , ' • i'., , . . ' ' : ,,,• -.,,,• . ,Ternple Clarke,' . ' . , Higl -•c•-fftl' • *goners • at Cards were Mrs, . W. A. .8oliimon, and Mr; D. Huston.-hilt:On. ° •• The program included a Violin diief :, by Dr. Little and Jeck..McCall; yoehl- duet by Mr. and Mrs. Horace. .Aitchi- sen; piano solo by Mips.: Ddrielda Mc- Calltina;I: Mixed quartette of 'Misses .Arlene .4004 and 'Verna ..Steward, Elliott Carruthers and Horace Aitg chison; vocal: 'sole,. Bud Orr ..and a' piano' duet by kiss Perialda „Douglas ration, Nit'. i•Peter : R. ifacNey,.. and Rexford Ostrander: 'Lunch was '1.'4 ,served ' and. the, , evening . concluded -Pa.!ssg.CI . away on 111;rd47:7-149-f•h,' 41.01, chtheing.....,2 • "...••: '- '•• • at her home in Aahfieg;..1P the :Par', A.1)104:149.#mitoity.,:.„,,xt.g,..4c1s;r4y,„ : . had., been .ealoying,..goOd., health until R•',1.11,ATI:.-HI, .C..A;P:S,I. DISIAP. PEA. it ; ' taken in .ix...,1,reocs".*0?. during which byWhether its the. "junk boom" Crea- time. she steadily lOst., strength .:' It was.. during her illness .on .ebruary• • •.. ted ., the ,rearnminent 'PtPtr,am, oi.1+ 1.7th, that . Mr, and Mr$:-.;MacNay•;obi , Piet ,eleyiltrient . on the...Part. 'Of sOin•O iountster.s, . that's .to be :,t,raided:, served their ' fortieth wedding: anni- . .• . ., • ' „••, there,•has been a' local ePidenlieveraery. '. of radiator cap •••,. pilfering. . •.Just .'.tvire,' ,, kre:1 &acNaY ‘;tras •'for' hierlY • Alex - weeks' . age 'one Motorist lest. a aec,, laantdorina4i.e:nd Gxaheaint,„' Gbar.,...a.dealifidA daughter of ' tnhne, .ond Cap within te short time and. last Thursday, -Sidney „pecker c :had betii Toknie; 'Pioneer. Scottiah • settlers; :Who • . the radiator :and\gas tank .,caps - taken took' up,' land ....on. the _boundary east, from :' his e'er • while it Sat. in trent of of the :Village, . the ' farm now 'owned the • rink. '. ' . . - • , , ' . • • 0 ' ..,„ ' abnyci•r.iMnra.,„ Frankwas b.•odrtiralizrn4II•wyti_seirxe :yAqlgeix,s-.. , , . .. • . . . . . , . • - . . • , • "IfAPPY'!.. DAY',S: WIFE IS . ri.'0. 1 ' :. : :, ,.. ...•:',,,, . • * , .Nitc.,.t.jr..-.11 J. ,,MOORF • As a • •YeAng.,, lady, . Miss GrahaM. • • The, 1101e. of. "I-IaPPY", Day, Pelm- .Cameron's ••teilor . •skop,••.•:later .going ler captain ', of.: the .Toronto ' Maple, tO., North ;Dakets...,. Where she • spent Leafs, .` is it familiar' one , to •'21ocal. some tine with 'hei.‘ sister, mra, W. Sport fans, and others 'even net, so. iii-' :1-,:. .Forster. :, Returning , vo Lucknpw,•: • terested in, the genie.' Mrs. Pay '*is a: she', engaged in dressmaking..., With niece 'lot., Mr: ,,R..,' J. '-lgoore of the .Yq", ' her - s'ister; ...AIrd; David.: Sherriff, 1111.- 1 age. ' A 'recent . article.' abinit, . the : til ber marriage. •.• : '•:. ', • :, ., : •' .: IL', • ".`,11aPpir'-'"paya'"-appeared..in: the' Tot:- ,. , Mrs.•,.;...._ ,' AkacNay-tWasa' ,heme-lOving- e°InsteQw-1:11;erielet'in re and -a-Kind ',and attentive'. Moth-, '1.:11;i4 -S '1'.1altsiiicell.tiv..-Tii4blii511.-: Y!;1:-'' " f‘ • '' • • : ' . • .1.: ,er,• whose main interest was. centre( in he home , and ennlY, „ . . The • ft:I/JO-et „service, largely...,atten- qle'd, by; old friends.. and... ireighbors,:, was • held ,on Monday in • tbe••••LuCknoW Presbyterian ' Church,..COndlieted. ..by .her ...paStdr, Rev. C. IT: ,MacDonald. Meg'. •JoYrit and:Miss Belle. Robertacin' sang, a ,duet. Mrs MeNar was a life,, . • : , • • . „ • Church 'end .d farmer inernber• Of the ciehTiog4.....:97./.0be.r ,.,c, if. tire Preshytenan , , , , . • • . • „ • • • ' Interment wa,s, in South. .Kinloss eerhetery„ overlooking familiar acenes for. it wai it'the".SeCond Concession sCheel •thet Mrs, • MetNey . received her :education,. the. lengthly daily trip being made • eking • the reilwaY track. •Wel1-as-as-eighteen-liiilea'••atiet.th ". s froth.. her' •home 'east'. df the village. ' from 'IlltieValto 'Ilarristort. - eetin 0.191 Evening Note Of 'The Village • A short'. notice special meetirig, of the Rooster Club was held in AO, town, Hall, c'Tuesday evening to dis en ss the proposal tw.lirtrit LH -arena, embodying 'a 'corninunity .in the village, • A'reattendance Of about forty, exchisive of • ' Many- ,young budding hockey players,. showed that there is -growing wave of enthuSiasni• in the lproject. •• ; • ' • The unanimous opinion , of rate- . • . . Payer's, Present favored Putting. forth n an effort to 'determine the possibility of going ehead,with the undertaking and it appears likely that the Matter May culminate in being •submitted.. to e Vote of the village. „ • The •stumblirii block lit iinoreqlefinitirhead4iariat6.01'uesdaY's7 .. niaking meeting, ,Avai 'failure to, receiVe, any- thing, definite concerning an hritiel-, 'pate& Provincial . grant. , It was. hoped to erect, the building Under • the Community.....HalPs: ,•Act. which Would be used by the Agricul- tural. Society, as well as for .various • . .. • ^• . other community. purposes. • In '.1thii Oonnetion the • provincial 'statutes state that the Minister, of • ture •may contribute a sizeable grant to aid the Andertaking„ Application for • this grant was made and op Tuesday afternoon, a wire Was re- . • ceived from Mr. ..charles •IRoberton, I.P.P. for Huron,Rruce,, Which did not , atate definitely Whether ,this grant could or could, not be ,sedured. A • delegation- is to be appointed to shortly interview- the'..IVIiniater of Agriculture, The ;Hon. Duncan, Her - On the •strength of seeuri0'. Una grant it had been Proposed_ that the Village • issUc,. deberithresi, to •.the ex- tent of -1000. and the balance - be _raised ,by.::,:private •subaeriptions....„The' :estimate to erect the building eom- Plete,., with the exception of lighting is. . • • In event Of failure to secure the grant, a proposal was advanced by Dr. X L. Treleaven, that seemedto, gain .favor, .that by -law --be ,.aubmit- ted: to the ratepayers, calbni for the :entire • 1.1iount be yaiaed_liy_isauing :debentures. -. • - . , In Ahis case as in • ,the, case Of the $4006: issue, there Wonld Seine: as. aurance by 'Village organizations to reaponsibilitY• Of ' raising :lands to-:meet-atTleisr la* ;130= thin of the equal, ,ainirfaI payments' which spread over 20 ,,years Would amount to only. $294. yearly in the • -.4:tase-of-the.-$4000.„-isaue•-•and-Prepou-4,- tionatelY." greeter if the 'whole' a; mount., was, raised by. issuing, deben. inieterin tho Church's long history.• . . , . • '. •• • t• ' . 'HIGH.. SCHOOL CONCERr - . An open Literary, Meetingof the Luelmew High School -wilt he hod ifi ,tfi'e Town Hall: Thursday,' March 25 at 8:15. Program 'consists • of selee,, tions by, Glee Club, two 1 -act playa, tnueiCal numbers, etc. •Aihniasieri 25e .and' 15e; Vankilics 50ei, including:tax.; . , , • ARENA 'FUND .DANCE . , Boost the Arena Fiind by attefl(J- ing the ,Easter dariee in,' the Totur, Hall: ':,Monday, March 29th; ,'tinder. 'Fire' Co.' atisidees."Hogat6 orchestra. Gents 45ct :Ladies .23e, • Pius • •• PARAM:OUNT bAisteg: • taetr .11:Oliday . at 'Para- nirithit • hid on 'Wednesday Marih ,i,„.ftllate by 'Oteheti.W.'''A`clinissioii Gents • 25c fikidieS1*-1:5t;t(i*axliitttideit):' •,,:•PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE tikogresiNie euchre ,in the 1, 0, 6;. 1111, no thpraday",. AA1 'under. Rebekah RU8pices.. aarc4", 8.15- 'Slriiiji; 1.uiieh And totectipit: Everybody • welcome., • e Bread,- °. The Orouti.. • Of,: fieatth ' 6.f -Flea OUR MOTT lot A Bwis are Olie1101.1s., Place. Your. Order's, Early . CHOICE SELECTION OF LAYER CAKES, TARTS, COOKIES, JELLY ROLLS, BUNS AND ROLLS FOR EASTER HOLLYMAN'S QUALITY RA..X.ERT •• Peter, . .Afterlenghy.:1110eSS Was.. Lifelong Resident Of Commiiii- ^ 'fly -Funeral' Was Held . MondliY, 'Froin The PresbYterian Church TO • South Kinleas*Gemetery • After a • critical illness of son4;e, served ,an s apprenticeship in :Alex ProvinceTakes OverAmberley-EImira Road Also Assumes Stretch"' .Froni. Bluevale -.Tee Harriston'OflIc. • . :ial Announcement Made' Satur- . , LOOK. YOUR 'BEST AT EASTER 'Make Appointments Early For A PERMANENT WAVE ' MARCELLE OR FINGER 'WAVE • HAZEL CULBERT. a . • 'Phone 113-W. • JAMES . jOYNT The deatii, of James Joynt • occur • ed , in. 'London, , eir. Monday. He was .„ • 10 his, 00th year The funeral service was held privately, on ,We'dneSdazt, .„ the home of :his brother, Mr. John joynt LUckngei.' Interment was.. , ,Bethel temetery. E, GASOLINE .'11ANDLI/sG Rev. Dickinson, 1.1ifited„ teWarif Er Ohief'`itr-:^P•tfothha6"-'7.-reetil 'red ' Under. the ':gasoline 'handling 'act„, • iiistructioni 'concerning- the prohibit- ing of 'the sale or deliVery. of gaso- line, benzine, etc.., to , the Public in glass bottles, : or in any other con- tainer,•: except • approved safety • metal; cans: It also deals with regtila- , tions, „governing . the above.Srpund•.. Stora of , gaseline: and cdal , .• 'Rev.; C.• rickinson Fornierly Of Aslifield (ireuit, Arid' Recognized : 'AA: One :Of The I...eadirig.! 'Young Men' Of The United Chureh AP- peinted . General, Manager Of: .The .1' United Church, .Publishing ' MC:Recently. ;Accepted 'Pastorate Of ••'.'Centennial Church, . Toronto; , Prior To 'Present •Appointment • • Amiouneeirient. Was Made from the pUlPit, of CentenniaLChurch;'Totonte, on Sunday Rev,. C.:H.' (Heber). Dickinson i ,of Montreal, who had .accepted a :call 'to the :pastor,ite: of the church, had bOer,i . regretfully: Peimitted •withdraw his acceitance, as his :services', are to be claiined •by the General Council Executive ' of the United Cb.Orch:: ,for '• the pOsition. of Book .tewaytt or General Manager of the United '1..Church, Publiahing ITOUse..• - . . Rev'. Heber, ;Dickinson, who ,iS .1 .twin brother Of Mayor Hubert Dick:, •rneen of St.; illarYs;• :Was 'born on a farm at Anderson, .eight •west of 4.:,Marys.. He ,attended -Collegiate Institu:te_Ahere,--later-graduat. -with . • . il ions -Of .British. Subjects: Await May Coronatii)n, Radio Will Bring TO An Eager EM. :pare The Ancient Coronation Gera. 'mony 'That Will Fornialiy..Make George Vi King' And Protector. • , The British., Empire and. the World at large awaits with expectation the. Cororiation, ceremonies in Old -Loriden , eerlylin 414', that will formally make : - Kink George VI, King and Protector, The ' ancient • arid.' historic . corona-. ' tion• ' ceremony; ., that. has : crowned British king -s for.„..13ri.e. than___890, \\4\ti years; holds new: 'significan , 131.'•, for by means Of the, -radio, the..en;• tire, world Can participate; in and,-fiTtimilixon .high honors Vicidria 'College `subjects. ' • . King. George VI succeeded to the throne. on. December, 10th.,1936; upon the abdication hia brother,' Edward VIIL lip Wits then 41 Years of age.. The'.cor,opation:seereMiiny-Will•."felloW • •sliortly after :.the' Kink, •and edurteenth Wedding .''anniversary, for ••• it was.;•en April 26th, 1.923, ."..,:thet, Cedret, WaelficiteCI .martfage to, 'Lady Eliwabeth. • Bowes Lyon ',The •Itdyal, noW ''consists of. His MajestY the King, Quee'n :Elizabeth in. '-.Arts,.• arid: took • his '' theological stniiieS, ' at., .I„Tnion. . Seminary,..'., New :17'Ork.. Ilia first..paStorate;•Waa., at Ash- field,'' :near ‘.Iiiekno.W. ;Then ‘. he served for a-. tiineHna., -.associate-paStor ' one,mf., the, largest :Churches iri Wes•ti. tern Canada at 4Vittosejatv ,Sask. . A • • • few.. years'. ago 11.e. resigned and yol-f. ' OffiCial. ' announcement: • W. a s • unteered. far hOine mission •werk,L•kie- ,_ 'Made: „pit_ Satorday4bat-the:•Pre,: :w:as ,•given : a .pioneer field in Nort,heril, •, ' , . .. . . , -,- iiic,e . bad.. taken. tiyer, As • a .Pre- Quebec. .Froni '.tfleio -lie..'mias thortly ' vincial : highway,' the' road 'from. called, .• to the assistant' pastorate .of , Amberley to • Elmira, •• via ,- Liick- • , otfh,014. ,•6Arimire,:aici,a. n ii.pii..aetsebrybtee bOW,' Vingham'. and :LisiciWel. Si' Fela.'antlie.::Opha:torai,"!.... gahricidtxho,t1.66.•tl_tittioez:•.jeit j,rin. jciecos_hs,.4ELializatbh64th,. ".. , ..,• Three.. years 'ago.' . the 7tonore ation :ilia., Majesty's life iridiCatei. thet:•:he, • ‘,tiunti4ngo.i.:tt.,,h4coodenii.D•wiiiii,iln.fteh i:•ii•ii-ioEtollii,ri..t1s.4.rkdihrie;•Chtirch, leile'....liaia •finie.,'4Plire04tiell'. of':t,1*.8tail" ' ; •nuite 'certain ' for some: time, , iii- „ Although ,the ' taking , over. •tit : One of ,the roads, at lelat:•seemed, rignesththee.e,., hepnaagi:::egeaiiieie:st4s... ..td.,a, rrodnse:7f ' ' the home [and. ' d.ti, tP„ , tc:•• ,the : • formation 'on ' 'Triesdiiy.• •• of ' last.; sedated With. Rey. Dr: Lesfie,Ptdgeeri. •coiltitli.i't:eisiph'ilti•si,g4rneat,re.11',,'s•••'.irl''..°..; .*:.illi:aAll..: ' !1e. : •: '..;•.iieeir..WhAz to the effeet, . that it Rev, :Mr. :DiCkinson -thatigk'. still :in ''''w MIA:- -'1`li-' ' ' 'COnitierbi .. 1055+L.1087 •'• was definitely .expected • that hoh:. . his thirties, Is 'fdr,sA437.• recognized as Williami ••' Refue...,......:,....„..10871.1,0c1, :. . • , time it Was '",iidt ,quite ready for ., : : roads 'rvi'otild • be 'hichided.,,.At . that United,,Church .ef':Canada.. ..iast Sep- .stepheri• of • England '. ';,;...113.5--1.1.154,' One Of the leading younger' Men of the irei•iik.•:r ,of vnitatid„ • '. iloo_•_.•],l.:35 • , - publication1 .6 n t El Saturday. , ' When it. Was officially .announced COrisid'ered .for ''the''pOSitirin ',of :Geri- ..KlTiiiird-. Ir.:.*.t;.:.*:.........:*:...........7.....t.,...t.?.--....171.85•947,11:11,91'..: 1 . . .. . :teinber i.ls.. haale -,tvat ,proininently .._=• .-13Y Mr. :Charlea Robertson', MV.P,..- 'oral Secreta:ry Of 'the, I.Ttnited • Church: . Joiln, ,;,,..,-... , . .2•L..,•,..4,.....,11po.7.1.:1210:. . . ' for Huron -Brute in a 7 telephone„,•,; ,• ., • . . ' . .., ., • The . United_ 'Church. :. Publishing 'Henry .-III.,,,,,....,..,,,.....;.. . :`....: ................. , ,-,c,enVersatiOa""- with, Reeve -,,W,..- .13.. lidu-se•,-.4Otinded-iitA82.8--by-Dr. Eger.. :"Ecivrard--.: .T::. ... 4.4.1:.f: .. ,..,.........„...1272---1307. , . . . • -Anderacii..... ::. . • •.• • ' ton ' Ryerson, is one , of the largest ,Ecttivard II,...;..,....,.....,:.:........,,...1...i....L.S30,7.-4327.!;•7. cOnee?Os of its kind ' *611 .the ',Contia.7' EdWard.• iII........'::.-.....:,;:....4..;..t:„...,13:.2'1..--4:111.' ent. The 'buitclini., and,. Plant ' ,repre. ft,kligid, ..,jr ,.,. . ,:..... :... 1377---13.99..: ' • , , , , . . ,sents, .a.n• iriVestilierit, Of., a. ,Million and • HenrY„ iy..:.,....,.;,...,:....L,..,..:L...:,,,t14ig.,'2,, a. half 'dellate.,..Neerly thirty Periddi.; Henry•: V,. ' '• '. . ,,,: ;...:. ' •1413.1422. cal's , are ' issned ' with a 'Combined cir.,-. HentY, vr.L.,... .. ........:;,:,.L.,,..1,...A422H448.1. .-culativ of l,f.p,:itt 141111drd thousand .Edward' .lV,...."" ...,: '. ...., .',14.81--,148$: coPies< !TAiSt Year the House. had .4. El,dward .N.t,; , . :' ----April to June 1,483 * ;turnOler .0t1...,a,-,Inilliori three hundred.. Richard III....,.,...,..„.....Z..,L.:4-..1483,--1485 ., ,, thousand ' •dollitiifrom the , stile. ot, Henry ',.,VH. .. 4........„'....,„ . ..„..,...,......,,,14$1,24500 . Periodical:Ft, : beoki and printing:. tey, Ilenry. •VIll:.::..,..":......`4,,,,,',:....... ...... 1iit19r.1547,...• WOOD CUTTING ACCIDENT •Di: ,,Solatiat;: the last Book Steward. j I.3,dward. ATI...4.,.........:1,,,;,:: . :.,:........,•1541-1553. .'• . tArtAl.: TO••••,0!Zg$.0.ek .MAN died hitt sunnier.. ,gitidi, Septernber •MarY •;;•:,/i.,;...:..:,:.....:.; .. . . .4.,,.:.....:::.1,:15,5341558, • ... fast, the 'Publishing ;•11Onse ha$ .).?edii ,t.pialielh .......,....,,,...:::...........:....:.1558-4603 '' ellarlea . Oteile'vfilek, '.. 45 ' 617 dii'd.ted ;kY a darronittee of four, ,dOri., j'anieA'‘. I .• of :.England,,,.......,,1603-71625,.. Greenock - died : shortly -after being isting .Of Mr. tinier Davis, Kingston; diaries , 1......1,•-•.•••:...--;,...el'0•45•--.1649 '" .titlok by it- 4iiiile treo. in • pid6,1-....: piineipal RioWn.. of ViotOra. College; er'7,61.1rw&I COttin1011.NVOttli 1,6401,0;30 .ileV, 11e. Pritcherd 'ipt tOcitif 6 101& ''Olarlg, '' 4••-•',•,••'•::•'‘,.,;••••4,...,•••,./640-7A.685 • • • Card Thanks , i, • , 'dine ToWnship 'On Priday atterbeini: • liOrne redyy, S. ' MarYS.,' . . • . , , ,, .Tames .1.1•4...-.,,,,,".;,-....,,.,,.,...;„,„..,...,,,15$5p--158.9 :i.„; Ili& l'ArtilOy ,.,5'f'•the Ifi.f. Mrs, itoj,isri. Ilia two cOnipaniOnS, •tryin , 1.j1011ati. Winiatill Xit;.:;...4,;:.: '.....,.....1.6:...,..1.6,50 •-•.•1702 ' Cdre thanka, to the :. inany 'friends;;drui juries :ria 041.6140d erlon‘s,; . . thihter, 'Wish to '6,Zpi.6§A thoir:.• 611,. arkt Artliii,r • Cairiribell; , suffered .' hil, 1 1 • ;g1t/OttS.STTL '81116ENT...: tOrge ,, twiti,iii;Pai',..!,,,,E,,,.s:;,4;,,,..:1141 ,I,,.1 721 . , . Queen -Anne ,,,:. ,,,,,„„,.. ,,1,1011,-111.i. fg.Sigkilli:,ri.".1.*,ho„, ..Wet.c_.:•i$o_.:ltnti..,,LandH-...trlte--tri.tw,oi ttit*•.-46.64,, v.hor , 'andirgra---Itz7..,..A.,...Z.,r=f,t70 symprithetia*at ..the .thne. ,r4f the, ill.. niptVille Ag • rieUlturat College (leer ge 111 .....,,.:..„1,1,.,-,...:.-1.:,,, i1 6 0 he8a Aiid aoti, ,0 th'eit:, pitittiet., .,. a' ti cc tell fen); kho4iv 'th,ern to Ka . Atiyile liaVing lost rebel, hlarikets „hid, Relteile•Willer •'illed, a fewillititite3. StUdda 'in., the Senior .„tttriit nidelien4, tchViird :.*VIII.,;,,,.:.S,`::10()1,-.101(1 'ed to dot 111toka, itt once:kViit I ,C6.11;,, 'ilesPit.at... He '•in'il'ercd :SeVere'' head. in hi hal);qr, Making :•and .. had a ho rdwoq.-Vtlx,, jail 26 to..D'ec". 10, ;•10,(l . 'Stehle ,It,' J, Iliteore. • : or hotels spread' rings., are, rennest. after ' being. admitted', to, kincardine: ictfehtssr. Mr, Taylor .took first pried ' George \''..,..,., „,„A: ...,,.. ' 00-.403 , ... , . , . ." t4Oititt ' ,. • x . ..--,tmk wOutyti: A fouriltinenobe'r of thn • part'Y 'eac'ePedi,hjetiee, aocr Ainntilotidd, p.,"tkoor ,ot .$f,, Helens, vas, Mo., vtetoria .,;,;:..,,,,.„,i,,:,,,L,....,....,,,.:,,„,:i83.1.-1.1)PA, ' , • . • , . , held, firs tenth ainitiar, thew Y.eded1V,.. Geer ge,'. IV....,„,:,,..,:i........„,„*...::,.1.,.......1820.4.4.830 when ' Herb 'Taylor, son Of Theinat . ‘1, 1111(1111 /V.„,„,,,,,..„,„..„,,,„.„,,r,,:.::.„8.86-1$31 , „&t..1....Mit ,. "'ttar.,Q4aiwAi • ' i 11 .1. i 68 'kind a .1.#.0:411..,,Ig,...,,,,al,AI,P.Llilf._.,_ i',•:•014:4,01 -11: *' -e. A.M8":,:s:,:,. ......1, 0:001.44),-.A4 ' . . ,i; • ' •Mrs: icraelTaY. is ;survived: hy her. husbMis. • pavid• Sherriff ofWelland, and, '...ef':*Ottawa. and Alex of Aahfield. A. • .ae,'.i.f arid three sons, • Kelso,at daughter 'died • in infancy."Twir sisters home, . Graliarn of the Civil Service Mrs W. L. Forester of " Hillsbore, _•._ .. akota also survive , . , . . D,....' One sister, Katherine Graham And her, brether. John,, predeeeased her. Pallbearers were, Donald • MSLe▪ lin, James Barnby, Miehael'Itogari, Pickering,- Jimi Grahlani • and Duncan MacLeorYlo'Wer-belifei-'i-W-ere Little,. John McVicar; John McKay arid' Alex Mc•Diarmid. ' • Attending' the funeral from a dis- tance Graham. MacNay. ef Ottawa, John IVIdNay .and family of bs:rli:fMrsringmN t,hoiallene4Sy, and otiid S,aanda.‘tv,tlie.,,',se4fortll, • Mr. • Berwick Sherriff,' Lon- edaethciduring thank those . assisting la' Welland.' ' den ' and Mrs. R., M. MacLean; Of p the Church' SerVice. • Card pf ThanIs Mr. David McWhinney, and fiirnily Wish to thank their kind neighbors and, friendsfox the ',7thoughtfu1ness ind syrnpathi shown duringtheir re- ntsad bereavement, , alSO for the, beautiful- floral tributes, , Y