The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-18, Page 1•.. • ifec440-T-e, • Tgi.R74.4 r. •••- • 4.4-7 .• • 1.04.q A YE. -;1•00'IN ADVANCE -50c 'EXTRA TO,44..T.: S; A. • 4Now. UF$DAY , MARCH8tli..193,7' DENTA ••-•••• ••••••••,,,,•—•••• 111- • T ,, 7 -,........., . , ' DENTIFF . , 'EELEPHONES. • . Office 53 W. . ReSidence. • :sa J. . . 'A , •• • • ,,, . 1 . John Pattison -Radio', service _ P.,HONE 171, WINGHAM, ONT. • . All lubes Cheeked Free Batteries, 'Tirbes;. Accessories • Di. Wm. Folk. r • pitypicr-AN-8.,--SURGEON- Office Heirs; ' 1.00-3.30 P.M. 7.00-8.00 PAL Or Hy. Appointment : 'Phone 86. • --"huggy • ' Finder please leave at Sentinel. Office. • FOR siALE.7-go: 1, Timothy eed. ' Apply to Russell ,Middleton, 'Phone 264, Ripley. , ,1927 • CHEV. • COUPE,, "cheap • for , quick sale, small mileage. -.Apply, at 'Sentinel (Mite. • enabab•••••••W , :§E.;1) ()ATP FOR SALE — 10(R : bushels, test '40' pounds to the htnihel. . ., • • • BARLEY - ,POR,. SALE ,(4.intritity of no -barb ' seed barley: Ernest Ackert, HOlyritiod," '"Plume• , 101-r-13; Lucknow. - .Foit SALE Quantity". Of led , • Clever Seed, home grown: .$16.00 Per: .,. bushel; Cash. Apply to 3 D. ,Anderson LucknOW. • iksR SALE Tractor outfit • • , Condition. Will sell at '. -a reas- prrce Apply at, Sentinel . • ;.. :FOR SALE -New 1930 ;DO Forest Crosley Mantle model .electric, radio, , with sPray shield tubes; ApplY, at , , Sentinel Office:-: ' AUCTION SALE-:- Clearing -form: stock implements,householdeffect;, etc., at Lot 27, Con 1, Kinloss, Thurs- day, March 25th: Wm. J. Fisher, Prop. 'Well. Henderson, Auc. „. • ', • • . - . CLEARING -AUCTION- SXLEof farm stoek1and implements at Cep'. 6; Ashfield, 1 Mile ..weit of Crewe, on ...H._LWednesdaY,.4.111iirch-24th.....No_resery_e .as the 'Una is' rented:. See hilts for list and terms. Thea.. Gundry, Auc.;. : W. M. McConnell, Prop. AUGTION SALE of .14.. Horses, , Stock and implements , at. Concession on Thursday, March 18th. NO. reserve ' as the proprietor's lease hap; expired. Maa. Gaynor, Ana. ' omhienf Fo-it WdIam LITTLE "KIN'EAIL LAD ' • Lad•YE,'.-Laki,Tri Rest, Here 7 • - VICTIM ()111 INFLUENZA • • ' ••11fiss- Betsy 'walker- has .been spen- ding the last. two weeks Wild), riAs- tiVes':in Detroit. • ?". Miss Lucy -Munroe L. quite sick. We ,hope for •i!. ,s1?°ed7 recovery : • ir ' ,The•::Tr'CibY!rifth be 'held this :WednesdaYafternoonat, the home of ?Uri, Alex, MacDonald. This meeting :was postponed last week on account of the 'fln, epidemic. The. funeral of Alexander Howes,' his home, with interment . in ail isso Prevalent in the'cemetery. Alex was a victim the ,}Ithot.v.leisttlwe asson}!eolfd: Mcali."sap7tu.cdMayr. ss.f.r:)Ern• !flo whieh. : "se r Mrs. Robertrunter passed 'Away Last WedOes910Y.Was. An Eteem- ed Ashfleld Resident Who. Left AZ, Widow , With. 'A: . ;Yining Family , ..11.Poe The 'Death Of Her ".11eslitind"Oveti-,Thro Score. Yeara. Air 'esteemed and Practically' a lifelong resident ' of Ashfield, Mrs• Robert Hunter passed away at the home of her son, Mi., Jacob .Hunter, her 78th year, and her • death fol- lowed a heart attack on Tuesday, and the 'teeond within. about a nionth, -Six years. ago, Mi.s. itff It stroke from which- she had, made a favOrable • partial , reeevery. ' Eior near Acton in 1860, Mrs, Hun- -tee-Wtz,"-fornlerly"" Dora Catherine Fisher, a daughter of the late :Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher, who Moved to .Ashfield; .when Dora Catherine wad an infant., Followingher; Marriage to 'Robert. Hunter, the young couple took uk, residence .ori the par concession Of Ashfield, 'Sform. now Occupied by her son, and .where Mrs';Hunter .has. 'Con , MrS. Hunter ' was "a good. mother to her fetidly 'of. nine .- children;and p4mjser b'ph91114r,s - eonpara tively ' a. Young. woman,'fell.. the,. sole responsibility of of caring ..and provid- ing ,for her youthful family, upon the sndden'death"-Of her husband, forty., 'ypprs, ago, While .attending nelghbor's:. threshing.. • ' Mrs, Hunter was a member of the LuCknow •.• Presbyterian Church, A kind and 'end .obliging neighhotir..glie de- eeased had a 'Wide' circle of friends who Saddened 'Mr' her death. , . • •,.. „ • • , • The funeral service -• was -held at for: late -hoMe „on Saturday, condtic- 'ted by ' Rev. •.T. J. rattan and Rev: H. MacDonald.. interm'erit ,Was in Greenhill: cemetery, With James ,Had, kat,:• Robert:: Andrew, Ralph Albert 11, elt*,QhqrleA McDonagh and Will Gardner,. acting as Pallbearers. Meinhers -ot; the ,family. who Mourn their "Mothees',deatirLaro Mr's. Jarites: ILYOns • (R'Oe); Hurriplv., (Margaret)- of NVawanosh; Mrs, Alfred Sherwood • pIary)i. Mrs. Henry,' Gardner (Nellie) .of Ashfield; _peorger.'-,,:df,,--Harniltoii--:,-aird----Jaco'on- ; the, ;homestead. Elizabeth . died. in 1912 and a, Sim Robert died in p....0. in 1918.. Mks. Peter .Wation.:(Jennie) Plissed-e-WITrlittl•eninre than three . • years • ago. , Three sisters' and a brother also. survive, : 'Mrs. • Alert Hedley MM. :Donald Stewart ;of Luck:: now Mrs. •Saunders -of Michigan • and .Mr. 4Geerge.Fisher of Hamilton ;CLEARING AUCTION SALE of household effects and implements, the Estate of the lite Elizabeth ,Tor- rance, one mile east of Lucknow on ..• Friday, 'April 2nd. Terms, Cash. - 3. M. Greer; Administrator; Well. Henderson, Aue. AUCTION • SALE -Clearing farm . . stock and inaplements and household effects,' 23fi miles Smith of Amberlej , on ',Thursday, April 1st.... -Mrs. Dun- can J. MacLennan; 'Prop.; Well: , •' Hen- derson, Auc.. ' MAN WANTED by large mand- facture'. • household necessities: 'to .:cpmplete, Sales_ organization. '' • Must Ie industriotteiandwillinglto--eoriduee. • home service, .business. Hustler's : earn- $25' first weekandinctease rap- , idly. :"Write today. ,42„aWleigh'.s; Dept. ML -271,W; Montreal, Canada. , • . • ANNOUNCEMENT . Having taken 'over- the ageney , of Cockahutt Pion, Co., Implements, for Lucknow and„ vicinitY, ' I Would than -you -...' buy for, your ,'Patronage :' and ll tvii, . e, 'Stott: the best possible Ser- vice both for repairs and machines. 'ALEX .„ItEAN,IE, Alain 13194., , ' - LucknOW.. ' ! , , rom .topE SALE Lot 00 ' Con.. 4. Culross, :100 '.gcres. • , atter], :harchVoacl bush, 30 acres fall • Plouged;::' 5 acres: fall 'wheat, 60 acrea.:. in 1graas Bar 40b x 60, ' With lean. 16 k 60?;! centent stab-' .ling:' in • Otte %Of,' Water in; "..,Eitable, •Briek hoiise, Well with "Ivindrnill.14 , miles trona: school and 04: miles, from •Teesiwater. Price' 45;656;60, Will .tte, . • - tept,Ek Mortgag f» art if Ba- nterY. " Tel W.,IL Logat4' eesWater... . WARNING , The party who took the radiator caP' from Car No. 5-L-658 at the rink ii Thursday night, is advieed to re- turn same to owner or leave . at, Sentinel Ciffiee, and avoid further trouble. " , HIGH 8C1100L CONCERT . • , An. 'Open Literary meeting of the Lacknow. High School ,will be held in the town 'Hall; Pinrailliy, 'M4felt 25 at 8.15; ,Prograin consists of selCc- tions Glee Club, two 1 -act plays,, mneical •numberS, 'etc. Admission 256- • 4. 15e; Families 50e, including tit*. , , PLAY & DANCE AT HOLYROOD The 'II. W. 1. will ' present their plaY "lVly Little:Girl", on Wednesday ,evening, March 24th, in the Township liolyrood., Dance " alter: the: Or- chestra of London, between acts and for dance.' Admission . 25c. Play starts, 8.18: " • D'ANC-R., AT , KINLOUGH., . T.here'll, be another big dance. in KintOugli Ilall, next tueSday. even- ing, ..1garolf 23r4,• under auspieeaof kinidugh 'NP. 1130.. Ad- MiSSion:. Gents. '25c 'Ladies 1.00, in.' eluding tair.,y , • EASTERDANCE !The Easter 'dunce will be held in the .;.To*n..,Hall, LuelinoW, • Monday, March- 20th; tinder" Fire CO; 'auspices.• Regan's' orchestra.I Proceeds, lot the Arena rnn4,... • ..„, „ -PLAY AND DANCE ., , 'At EolYrood, under the ane'peda of the the Holyrood Cominunity CItilr; The tatigSide ritarriatie 'SodietY•', present their 'their &pular play " His Nieeetlio the, Holirroad 'Friday 'evening,' March ' tool: Per* fornienee' tobegin at libdY,tv.elconie; A mi mon to ay an - d''' dance Adults 256, Children 10etat included. - parts. RETURNS TO SASKATCHEWAN •Rev.,ancl A.4M. Nicholson and who have been 'Making their home in 'Eoronto,TroTi'lliiii-,•"Teive this week to return to Hudsen Bay Jtmetion,, •where i'Sandy". will act' as C.- C. F". organizer fox North astern SaskateltewOn. • •MUST SIGN ITEMS }1044,4Eit STr 0-ELEN-S-i RESIDENT DIED FRIDAY Sturdy Of JA:cknOw, Died Sudden, -1Y' From A Heart Attack• • ' „.3Ers., Levi Lott,„4 resident . of Wingham for `Me y''yeare and.fOrrn- erlit of the St. cOMmun4Y:,‘ .died • "suAlenly from:* heart • attack on Friday evening: Mrs. LOtt, who was in her 75th year, is a sister of Mr; Walter Sturdy of qf Looknow. 13Ers. -Lott; formerly' Elizpeth. Sturdy, was .born ifl Goderiell Town- ship, where she resided prier to'her marriage-- t� Levi --Lott at -St.- Ilelens in 1887. .' , • Besides • her husband, there arel' • • • surviving one• • Wing.; ' n gtRim,e-nieo,vAse- fBi eyrdo-el ta-e iit he n Mrs. James A. MacLeod,- 'Formerly Of, Kinloss, Died After• Brief 111, nees-Was•Butied. At South; Kin: • , • , loss , Last Wednesday Arni'd •familiar(icenes of her her girl'," heed,. Mrs; James was laid. ,.to rest in, SOnth •Kinloss, cente.;" tery last 'Wednesday,. after ,a funeral service in South:•Kinloss churchi'at:f tended by:manyold .friends and 'conducted by ger. H.. M. Young. Mrs. MacLeod Wei formerly Euph- , . ernia Mary MacDonaldand was horn on the 4th o Kinloss, 58: years ago: Twerity7nine. years ago she married Janiei A.' IVIaeLeod of t6 ..Gth -cesSioni .bOth families. having. been ftharemos. ti.gi.nal pioneer settlets, of these • After --their Marriager'Mr.- and 'qrs. •MacLeod moved to Foie William where they have been prominent cit- izens. Mrs. iMa,CLencVs death Sat- urday, March 6th; occurred ' 'after ..a brief' illness of influenza ,and pneu- 'inonia.', "She: was a Wonian:pf kindly nature' and charming porSonality, and -1,20: won .a Wide -circle of . 'friends : who were shocked and grieved to :hear ,of Sridden...demise " W,iIliarn 'Times -Journal.' • . '• ManY Years • MitiLeed had - am- --and=one--daughtm -1Y1m;7.1, °"- Leamington, , The, funeral was held • on . Monday afternobri, with ReV:: Kenneth. McLean in • charge.. The late .Mirs. Lott was member of St. An- drew's Presbytefian church. Inter - Ment Was in Wingliain ceinetery... . , Bump:, ON TUESDAY The .' death occurred ;on Saturday of Rachel Hamilton, 'rellet of the late - All news :items received by mail „Ja4son,' fernier „.-Lueknow, ..nrust' bear the signature of the se*- residents. Mrs. -Jackson `Was in her t • year. % T e' funeral., Service on. that these .are authentic an<reliable,, :Tuesday afternoon, wtis conducted nd prevent the, "chitP6a ef an 4e.11:1. by Rev. S. T. Tucker at:: the home of come. •all ,news contributions, but h".a?.t and a- half miles west of ",,Lucknow. please remember • to ;sign your jiame, InterMent Was in Greenhill, cemetery. or otherwise these items 'cannot he ; •, ,P'ukdished. • " THE BIBLE MEMORY •MEMOPY 'coNTEST So fat 300 boy and 'and girls..haVe reg- istered for the.. Bible Memory Contest‘ with a :number of scitOoli still to hear from. 'If for 'any „reaiOn; a tea- cher' does not 'Care to .have •his'm or her set-Tool:enter. the Contest, or it a boy or gill of public school "age is not attending ,school; opportunity. ;will he given , to any of .stich individ- uals to take part if they'will.,write for a list. of 'Scripture verses. at: "unce. As announced before, the, Bible' _Keinory-Conterit_is_.:np000Lall....boys and -girls' of p, hlie school 'age within a radius„ of :ten,. Miles 'from, Luck, new. For Anther particulars please write-. Pearl Henderson, Card 01 Thanks __L - lie f ort • Mr: Jaines? A. MacLeod o • williann,. Mr. john' • S. MacDonald .and. 31r.S.. Martin grate -tiny' acItirOvi- .•,, 'Eellertlirkirkiness and sympathy of Many "friends ,in, this community, at at the tit:Tie:of their recent bereavement, :• Former, District .Residents ' .Fifty YeartMarried . . Ir. and Mrs. 4. E. burnin, Formerly -Helens:-Arid,Creive-Districts Respectively, Observed , Golden 'Wedding' In The 'West • • The follOWing.jaccOunt of .a .golden, wedding. , in..;Melfort, SaSkatcheWPOr reefs, to '.)",,•E',:,Eitriiiirt aid ElizaMc- Connefl, .former reidents.. of ,pt... 'fIelens'. and Crewe vicinities, .rediiec7. Both taught :schOO) at Crewe prior to ,t, marriage; foliowing which they :went; ',Vest. ' "Kr: '4,40....4Fs,•:...*T± well- known old timers .of the MelfOrt. dis- trict, Celebrated: 'their golden ': wed- ding !'anniversary On Wednesday, March :3rd.• ,Mt. and Mrs.„Dornin yvete.tit'lionie to their, friends in the afternoon and evening, •over,:128' call- ing to .itai their respects in an ..e* change of arnenities'Ontheauspicions occasion. • Many 'tributes Were, • also received ,roni friends far: and hear, Who wereunableto attend. •• • • *tattled "In Athfielti: 'Attires E. Durnin and. .E114:"Me7, Connell, :•were Married., in •Ashfield, Anion County, "he' Rev. 'atori of DorigOpoti, Ont., on .1Vitirch 3;,' .1837; , and lett immediately for: Caisollop; poi:an; where they farn-i- ed eight ..years, and Where their two eldest thildren'.. were born- In 1902 they. 'moved to DAPPI*1.; MaP1'" tobtl, and ifl 1905 they purchased farm SoUtif of Melfort; to which the family moved, the .next year, They have resided. in•The Melfort, district ever -•Sinee. A fe,at`e • Of the wedding ni- versary, Was the presencc. of Mtd; B. Tate, a sister of Mrs. Diirnini and resident, of Mellott,. who %ago atten: cli4 the Wedding in 1.887. " ' Mt, and DitininhavetWo dau- ghters, Fiend:a (Olive) of Kettebert,; and Mrs,. E. Xi 'Llinliek' (tadie): 'find one. 'so* Edward d.:,•.(14,60 Of Regina, and eight' grandchildren. Many Turned Away: .` -At .Amatear, ,Performance Town Hall. Failed '1' Acco.modite, 04rilo.W.° Crowd -Forty -Eight ; proVide Snappy Three -Hour Entertainment 'With- . .. ' 39 .Pine prizes , Awarded Success- ful Contestants • , A , flood Of entries: and •then an at- tendance that the Z.O.rn Hall feli ane hundred or more short of ,aceorw, udating; was the--'"ireeeptitnr"-that greeted LucknOW'S first arnatehr con; test, :staged in .the ToWn•Hall on Fri -- day.. night • under : aukrices'' Of the Women's Institute. The event exceeded_all:Lerriiieta-_, tiOna„. and 'ProVed. a ',gig. ii,rOblem, to handle. Entries that flo.Ojed intot-, tilled over 'sixty, ed that :it . became .necessary :to permit only one. 'entry. from each home; and ,alao ,allow only one;; of the thirty-nine .fine .prizes: to each faMily. The *prizes 'Were donated by Lticknow „buSiness Men. SoMetintebefore eight o'clock, the crowd begani, to. :gather, and for a tiine was line1 up back to _the stieet • Bk.-the:tin:le the program :got under- way about' eight -thirty, there '•was•' ,not....standing...•komn. 'available and , Scores •were ',turned: away. . , :Owing to the illness' of • Rev, J. 1.1.• Geoghegan, the. '"Major .BoWed'', of the night, : Dr. ':W. • Y. Johnston took .over the chairman's' bin* .ta presido over a three-hour prOviram, that was cramrned full , of interestingnumbers that well :Pleased the audience. 'Voting was • done 'ty, the audience,. who were .presented "ballots", listing all • POrformers; With each person 'air, lowed to :V.Ote.'fOr their two faiOrites., The: McKendrick 'quartette .of Loch= alsh,'•ilDonalda-, Douglas, Bertha arid Mae, yi‘ron first place2easilY'rwith their. song, with •Dinialda playing ' guitar neeornpanhnent. Second place went to Wee 'Angus **bray of 'White- church, for his :violin selection, • the violin -Jo* about as big as Ahgus. Third place was wOn, by ..-Stally Louise Porteous and .Mary 'Lorroine" John - :pow in 41, ' Scotch . dance, With little .Betty:•TaYlor's • idle "rhalting a hit 'to - win. her 4th place and .the line.' "" ..• .In all. there .were tOrtsi-eight ;num- hers, ..twenty-eight '' of. which :Were juvenile nuinbetS: and ,..twonty. 'Adult * number, •'. ' ' . ' • . "' .. • . . • • . Awards , Were, as .• follows; along. with •.• their: prize fi diet fl Ons -..f Itl.ekendriek, .quartette, bushel Of. eP-, iiles, Atigui'...Mo*bray,. 'violin, bilSket' of ,groeeries; :IVIark LOuise"-,Porteons •and,,Mare Lorraine Johnston, Eight .iand, 'dance,magazine t4ok and .•biiSi. )iet of • fruit, eieil jean Taylor, . solo,' .bridge iiiitio.; '' Arlene lewistt • Iitidi Verna, Steward, vocal :duet, vanity •set•'and,:boncleit "SlIPliefS; Ok40 :64:16 :Lorraine. Campbell, :focal .; duet, six' 'Silvok plated Xoatliootis; 1311t:nyh.oitS„ TISfiiwel, $Wisiyoifelfef,shirt;' tott C�1lllore, Solo arid • WandneeatkiPtth iiiie:,, ' .i'llen `Old pencil seti, 'Ruby tont . etilo,*.•shoes.1.,.... Alex Hackett, ,fflontit 'Organ, 'And iguitar, stvetell. Mit. ;,'(COntintied on Page 4)• been one of the outstanding leaders Iri.','',ticer'',geliegalit':iazileit-•-hOlding SCV- eral important 'offices. , •' was past district 'deputy • nnd, *It her death was • secretary of Of her IOW lodge,'' and had held that pest for many years. In . St. Andrew's, PresbYterion, church,::' Mrs. MaeLeod was a ;devout and ardent Worker; taking a:keen in:: _ • , terest in the many activities of the 'wonien's ,,,,organizations, and at her death was, secretary of the Women's, MissiOnaty ,.Society. ' . . Surviving are , her husband, . one. brother John S MacDonold, 'and One ;sister, Mrs. . Mary Martin, both re,' siding On the old family. ! homestead in Kinloss., ' ' • ' : At the funeral service in Fort Wil, ham" •On Mondaynight, St. Andrew's Church was filled almostto.eanacity. In attendance in .a body :were mein-. be 'ilk of the W. M. S. ,, and other church •organizations, as 7.as ineinbers of the Rebekalin, Order. The -Casket-Was-Aankedrhigh--Witli-rthT, .many ,bOautiful floral, tributes.. Rey, Agnew H. Johnson, her "pai- tor;:paid Stirling -tribute to the excel- lent -Work of •the-deceaSed-and-ef-her ievont interest in church 'Work. Ashfield ,Conple Mark 410d. -Wedding Anniversary .Mr. and: Mrs.' Wilson Irwin Were Married In Goderich 42 Years Ago • --Have lieen Continuous Residents Of Concession 11 ' Ashfield • Since Then On Saturday,, March 6th, ,Mr; ond Wilson, 'Irwin ' of Ashfield; ob- served their, 42nd wedding anniver- sary 'which inatked a Marriage cer- emony performed in Goderich:on that date in 1805, : by 'Rev. • Mi.• !battle. .go.. Irwin was • forinerly; ,Lavinir• Plorendedenghter` of the late Mi. And'kis::-.1Ienry Caesar' of Concession' 6; Ashfield„, The -young couple moved to the ilth Of Ashfield, to the Irwin home- stead, ..which as Crown land,was father. ty Up's,iaxnd,s%lev;rnedytttb:e.a.ii07.0in.mr's ., irWin was horn in 'a little log shanty on that fnrm, which the ,saine• year,.• was replaced by the, present hotkse. .With the exception Of about, .seven years,' Mr. and ,Mrs. :Irwin lived :'on the horriestead, now owned by their Seri, Spence Irwin. They ate now re- siding with theirieri, pelmet. To , Me. Ail Mrs. Irwin, three 'sons were .born, Gordon, on the 8th' Con - :cession of West Wal,Vano,A and :Pi+. nfer .and Spence, .of AShfield. There are., Oire grandchildren living and one .:nclepridhe.er,o•ucs.c9ui celebrating hroiiln4.t.g,actni'ouLle received on thcir anniversary with , the: (wilily gather- ing for a .Suintittious. Wedding , dinner later: in ,theduy. . • ' . , NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY • • Mr. Alec 'Reavie Of partila liak• taken over the Cockshtitt• PIO* bi. iiiinlbrtient• agency ter Lncicric;W and ,p vicinity, and is now opetilen business it in theAlIii J1oc on the north side v Of Main Sti•det, Mr: ReaVie iS a ina.r.: 'rieti, 'inan, tint] Mail's. to take u iesi- I in the village 'in duo tittle, k fhe''Bread .The Brea. of (10Itti, • -4.-}fea1,0 , OLT- R MOT'ItQUALITY: ANli • SERVICE • • uns are Delicious Place Your OrderS Early „... CH01C*' SEY.,P•C`11. ION • OF LAYER CAKES;' TARTS, ' COOKIES,' JELLY ROLLS; BUNS AND ROLLS, FOR EASTER Q UAL 1 TT A K,.E.R 'PHONE' 36, LUCKNONV. • . ,•. .-Tornifinson Farmers' Arrangement LOOK YOUR BEST AT BASTER• Make Appointments Early For PERMANENT 'WAVE '1 • ' MARCELLW OR , • FINGER' WAVE • ,. • . • • • HAZEL c L BEitir PhOne 13-W. HOCKEY AND BROtIMB.A.LL (By Charles Lynefi). . Press' Gollerkt. i,,hp,rs, •d yyey.:Sme iirocfCo h i--iinthril, 01n9s9 37. . .., . . . • WILLIAM ' RAE , TOMIe/NSON, talentedYoung la*yerof '• Port Elgin,' who succeeded the late Hon, James : • • , There's4.0=toi.h' ,tnoorehui7.fuoli.i.a;bery,z4."plan*,97:10frn•1161cefirif;1,thrtan'idise this th I: ;si obi vel erei tietirki .d. member ncndtirsdiscussed fori edan rink when :the High Scchoono*tles7,43hthode:,: .3‘,1,.113M"17157iiiiel-bu:ingsept:ds e Hockey team are 'are ' Scheduled to do the. tourist trade,. the fiShing‘'IndliS-', ,;'• try, farming ;'•iind ; : inanufrMturing: 1-24powne:t:fhtolh."1-1-1L:44relimoStkbieftir.:. „erli'llightl,exn6:11.3.1b,euaglirfalinnoieti,"easwiliIali tbiliyot , • andaf e, I oWnegiip': . eLtiihukad.erie s..i:Isu20'r5i no . ene:°.9: t, oainlni;:sti:•ht. i:leoelf:I.:11.0•05:-8shtas12P:451"vaeosBIlui-al ii iul:-‘1: ....?. will take on. Wfngliarn in a' rousing • lar summer resorts in Canada: hockey 'game. ' , FLOYD'S : LEATE .4 • The Bruce member' was :strong in, . praise of the . Canada United States •trade agreement dclaring Otohaf. tfreole .Owfititetst!ifeschts towaSihtehe':ue74e0.1..' , , States to the Value .of, $2,009;000:: • . , ' Mr'. Tomlinson was was. -.critical of the . .Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Aqt• intend to:. show .What this act coot the .'tOkfittiers of Canada,"he- aoid. "The, Dominion ' eipendedfrom - the inception of the -act to March,,, 1938, $269,142.09. Buts therr:.we come „officers ,L..were„..appointed--throughout • to electiOn. Year, :When. numbers . of the Dominion. From 'April 1, 1938, to, March' 31, :1936,, the -.:adMinistra,' tion ;Of the, act cost $712,015.06, Tot hear mon. members talking aliOnt the . National ' Employment Commission having cost $87,000! In .mY:. own • county the .act was, , of course, . , juicy prOpositiMi. fOr -aC. few' of ,the old Conservative stalwarts'. On Sep- Cetliher-1,71934, .:when -311 -e," -act - proclaimed in Ontario, they aPpoint- ed. Mr...Snyder-11.ot WiartOri,.the preai- dent...of the,,,..tonserVative.'ASSoCiatio*, , as official receiver. He was to receive •" $1,609 a year and 'expenses. But • from September to td.the end of Pe- eernber • 1935; . he received 'a, salary of ;2,130, andexpenses of $627:07. A Luscious ,Morsel • • "Some other good... Conservatives 'thought this *as too- luscious a, mor- sel .for Mr.' Snyder te.keep to himself. $o a little, pressure Was brought to bear,OilbtnadineXdr.. nRowland, of NSrt,a1,c}fer; was appointed on -February '19, 1935.- , and held: office„Until December 31, , of 'that year. In that period .he- received, . a salary,. of ;1,746.23,.. and expenses of 8946.73. Why, Mr. Speaker,"he was ,rtinning around the country' selling , the sehencte: like, life insurance: ery time. he coaxed a farmer to take° adyantage:, of the., att be;. received a fee and travelling expenses; tt the • same time he'was doing- oloVoneeririg. Both' these . gentlemen. were active throughout. the the .pohntty, and. when: ,the, .Govertunent'. changed, on Octobed 14, 1935.- I, asked • theGove• '' tlriwlil..eddrityt to jitebsec.trni•i,tiotn,. 4,, theY were "Here is the Cost' since: theri. We. appointed one man ,in the town 'Of' Kincardine on January' 1, 1036: His • ,- salarY. to the end of Decetnber,' 1936. • :as S1,245, and. expellees $1•83:12, or less .tban',one,fifth of, Whit the for, mer government ,paid .for 014 Same services. And clOn't, forget, he does'. all the Work the other two ;receivers , • did' over the' whole totinty, '• As: say, it is lesi than one-fifth of what.., the former government, .peid, for - the same Work. Of course thatwas election' Year and explains the extra extra cost., That is the .sort of thing. farmers had dished up to them dur- ing the Conservative 'regime. . • believe it ;Was the hon, menTher. for Iluton Nortlit, Deachmati), Who said that, -54 per Ocnt, of:'' the people of Canada. 'live in the citio8; the rest in the country.. fl�w has toinit eoino about? Itis, easily explained. 1164 could you ask the 'young 'Men Illness With the 'with young Billie quite. sick Or 'several prevented the. ' Floyd family , from "leaving. the Village on .schedule' but on Monday, they bid ',Olen to Luck - now. .Mr. Floyd willcontinue on to Wale at once to take over his duties" 'as hank 'manager there, While Mrs.' Floyd and children will remain' • in London' for 'a • few days before :'sett- ing out .for ,their new-. home. • ; Mr. Floydis7-7sitcceSsOrr---31tr:-:LMC.--- Alpine arrived here early last week. ,GOSPEI., • , , . that:Christ died for our sins ;.according-tO4tliescripture..-and, that. ,Hc , Was buried .and:•:that fie rose .again the third day, according to the •scriDture." Cot: 15. . Kinardine, conduct gospel •.. • Mr. Wilkinson And Mr: Hopkins of services • in LucknOw, Sunday, March 8.39 p.m., Orange Hall.' BIBLE 'S!1'1.1DY every . Wednesday night, '7.30 , P.m.; at the home of Mr. Phillips. TouNc.„ PEOPLES, every Friday, 1.30. p.m., ' Orange 'Hall. • APPRECIATION 'The . members of the Women's In- stitute wish • to extend 'Sincere thanks. to the . busbies's. people. Of the ,Village; ,who so . kindly donated, the prizes for. the amateur :contest and also to the • • , contOstants,, and i others, who ,n any ,way contributed to the 'decided suceessof the evening. . , ; Mrs. :Temple' ,Clarke, • Mrs. W. :Henderson, . • . ATTAINE1)-41,Elt M. Miss -Elanelie MacDougall, - a PtiPil of Mr t G. Smith, was in. Toronto recently; trying her -final music ex- amination. at the :tornnto Conserva- tory of''Music. Aire, lias :stiecessfully passed ,the- examination-•to-attain_.er_ MT. C. M. Miss MacDougall is the 'daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Rod MaC- .Dougall of Kinloss. ' ' • DEDICATE 'SERVICE • • , Last Thursday morning's.; ‘Chnrch of 'the- broadcast over C X N X, presentedby the Ltieltnew United Church, was,dedicated by the pastor,. Rev: S. T: Tti, c'kor, to Mrs. Wm. Reed of Detroit, the. oldeSt. member e ' congregation,' Who,in August will be 93 years Of. age. : , 4 AWAIT ARENA INFORMATION iheeting of the *Agricultural Society. Committee held on Saturday. to dig:en:Ss' such important Matters As a hail and a . racc. track, resulted in 'a ediscussion, Of tho, sub:lea's, but the 'Meeting, adjourned for IWO Weeks enting definite information regard- ng .tfic hoilding of An arenii in the eitirriate, 'of ,qhe est ot Which is beitigiri*itifed prior publi'd meeting in thi and women of Canada to nye* on -the e,gard, . • • '(ContinniqUen Page 4) , • •