The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-04, Page 57 ­r� =77 r,;7 T 77 Wl 77.! a w d4k-FAI��-Zl� 5 &v F. A �.j �"4 -17-1 -77- r 49$7' a VIV x . ....... .. 'T Ft" ING' HE (Readie* D� -6fficerv'knp�w.tbat, it fe ges w inches, juls- 17be iliu* pi Sank from t 7 rj;lit 4t, 0o ""Id MAN77 tligre.t', Hairing piff W., to),,, an. Irish, fight t4rOw the fOphir, 19 in 9; 11141 Noos, 4", rep, TIN 914 Head, qf� naninob OsiObM R61,1)1n� .,in 0130 C oi Of.: RRRjR �Kinsajo,, Ireland;- Captain aen gad -witnoqo�'-bad ros he rolling:�� ept, it linkie.0w4rd #e,, lornb'of the grq!4t;- All wpo,, "Beca is �f a, 4i); e4t,:sea trage .7 npar� h.............. dy, of tha wiir,�ro� CU LIS in st MOderh 19 4i captain, �Xusfiftjl set, range. find . eis 0 for it -�elch w ed -on, o!. spot ing lfistrUnienta� h "a b" * '' ­' Ore with ad.', Now a. ifin figh, SUCCO ple 4tsindifir wliefi.'tha: - sid "That's,the p erWan d 0*111? k n; prl-lifninitry. or map, J2 of. k chaftired, On ik thieve tri- WM aof aLIUL urner -of L �p Art e4opq anq a, half, Squ are mi es. Itoptit, isital, May 7 191;5, 11 Or '12' Infles off ah Pin- on i;.a ore. Ruvsall� Th mister's �i marginal. n t -:r vek' e es� e. mediately mark 8,* or ea sho wag. - steering 'a zigzag�. q jijjd� jet to,L C rse buoys. work Which ended. �abiuptl 2'1 U inp ;it .. 0 P.M. S6 Ud weroL. takeA,..wltb t Re c order, a a," laco, 4 entry---�1;SiriidkP. h6 qiraltY.; Depth n UC64i apster of . modern ch niqdq &.0 tq, to L I C eigri.ette of that strpment 'inkrine -di fid' -itit',re, ning-:.- -Uh-ed"' b rect.ords., tur "R fine$ ske' i echo.on graphi Jf ;in. objikt.," a holih -'secip steward-,-,aboird'. t d gr , "rock for insta ris to sudden. il'Lusitinimi" now ehief­#�V�a r4d 6 Iyj id. 'do" me eat ing on - ----- 19AI ad"l-lialivened- 40,k -AV- th 'reaciio' Of 't from, a solid ItU ei F, a darting, white st�ekk. 1% BjuNd, adign. 'h low hull of 'rock an from the Can ish and Shellfish' 01 d niore d Wow shouting for everyone to, 0 rtih tO Your tiLble.' Benefit by, thc" -airly jr. ridmeas sharply. a. few days of jru eas Enjo thi EEL TURM TOP 'hit ' A I it Vi 1-UNIST amidish 0 t*he 'ship, listed jig y earch, a.marking:011 easilk Aigestid 'and fine t h Bud,. TheL aL gV MHER econ, torpedo i, a momats!, diefily old th POD . i� 1. . , , . � I am: they were"oier some tuting uleat. d make a saving inL holl, able. ow M&35L Or Liani ' acliav if, t 0ji, found. T. r. budget, tood, f in rk , be ins rum? kt'recorded, t that all, the boats, on 'the . 0orf �L aide hot thi&'obj�eg Foodsi through th, jhg qualities iard Ah I bur; led bick g2,glye Y LAC for ri 84, feet.higli. ver find, over a ad n. iq7 th.ey Crisserosse deck ed AM 11� 'Van- d,L that spot, chaekiv4 every cent.spent. 4, B. hii1cht, az *cWr*te C�ru"Ldian. Fish an �dokbQt, vainly atteniptin I . I � ' ly ng., ser�,e . . rescue d Shell6ith' length, bj ranginj buby while '�shouted WE V1 . riry'i 'Mr.. Vando-rbilti-orAt',will-1e t arKE-70NE iT--PR'10EDTW- iF slowly H mthed from, item.. to sor oed,-�d;ied or.' oked f6rm oo, eP sin, The - not Q me�, r LL " * z , L. . ' i whatever wgi� is, dcli. Vj. ,, OURI y yo! prckr both l6st'their lives. on; nm P-- S t A, Th ohly 'three or the, i ri solid- :Ore -were. a':second an=a g er, m q n b idge'.4pini 6 aw U F rialct if�, ays 2 n HE-VR0LEr.S-ngw-U- 3 wen, 0 0.0 Ctat 11' f rest were woman, an qp� .01 jai 'twl h6dy o...... inuwoy their buoys. Auj'Cip, This Alm"i i6i IctIll -I ge Voltime.: '�ce g ofte� tain Rusiell. bid taketi very. Careful worL They feature the f 1-4iR TEW dat wa's h Iii ssa 9 111 anfous, prot RAUM eeing :,ove.; jjS ever� d bee.ause e Turte 6p.- The are sank. 'I. jumped in� Ih,�.14 min' 6'from,tb6L it" , bearings an H.CHOWDER, 'h r T Thef., lid. start: of; the 'tt n search hai -'Safety oIteco �as in"! �dsed: He W glass, all :akound. to the stern. "d,,,with,.,th6 help his: in - jot' go 2 C tas­ 'gql w�l e,reached.1 r. r 1.9 'year -O d, boy, we fely, down ints made cupful -41 - 96 'of an t int asame r ing. 'atria1ionAurin , A 'Ji'L " .., '� f R t .4 Cot "d goe ithe' thin thato t�'gi�e, to, er we y', "on A/ roodod f safety 8 th, ter.. The,,. torpedoei. had, �.Cg d tim4ted 000 :YOU pe. eed, Hydraulk, iakes '�4e. tt wep ris n . g� 0 tjb�r boO of.-�Cafiada's.el- A firnashad 4h� engines and it had b' t Lerua1'1ndebt6dn6Ssr was.4-sutb. een, -over- Cha 2 Cupfuls, of fol9k.".' ly. faVo'urbi� record, Towers said a: more; pow4p 'impossible to reverse� 5 OP 8 1 ekoroof and 3.1 of, *ith g rful ence he 4vese was stiii,% ajainit t6o rap14' 14 'fleid, Engine for -lightning. a�eef6rau to t ide Slt aw al.66.uglu. 4arned. dri�ej� and...co, p for,-yoi#glf,��todayl, h t d Reiho�e the skin and 16usts t ot; 'lifeboat.was, �toed along; in- sti waters the the fiA and diuvinto &"I *66.� replacement V, ex erna� 'issues *it in are Gradti�lly Cook-thelsh the diced potat V; nds j)�yhbj6ln CauadViq.iiiqey'. anger, of eing, swamped. -Finally ig t grow faiii r. � a water if er, and the �� in the virateft for - 0, upe)�` AND .'LTP i4inbiss Co d b IS FIYL the jat Park retrn' oati& GdtVern na LUMMODELS40 'e-dan f itba�­ with 'd -and MAST&Zel he 'bOy an -cut, he daikei.,,. Th gar n . . . of: getting oulid crisp, remove'the, p6ces : * iinies. on 6f n OM sole ft' .0r;d at f e �sctoryo'Oshdfw -On 6jigh We, mitnted to-�� get.: cle-ar; The- ittl6 in t 6 wreck wag groat. One, d'the aud Ifie 0"Ok In the -is". vi -.73' -cook I , debl: is e5sonlial,,'alth e noted.', (Pfices �qiijeot.tohanje *,stho' W teDdei. Add, titi: fiour. stir an; or, final othe� oblijations h rititz- loAdeA". th' ;;)ad Voell blended sold ZU2; un tn!nt. taties, licoonse and: iritiffit 4oldWooroat. boat was'so ew At. thb cables. o .,a,,moo 4 WINDOW rn h' 9nip oyment' "to -when'the 'addure 11i smooth dded Go�er iun,iwa es rwere on y 6 r�a - 15 -to I 6iie it add the inflk. stlizifig lia ninental r6§pons inefies'a. ul had, d 11 p t 4 ifinbink, this. minure with the* S Oft Atagar 1)4�,,4me 4fode#.. AFd thick.' b6ve water. A nai6 0 sek'Was hhip,'hea to 'jarra C o un th ve ...... ++ t bilities. --Uk and, vejetables. seasoi to: f caL M, alld We Up at ,6 h a(I -ttle chance fte should oul A aste w1th"ialt and pepper.'sim., a, !IU . . . . . . 'drop uhdor,,. ock and sprie bot. t", br I ''about 10 kainutes. stir- foot�' d th' :9tewar f 'RIJACPt at by + a' et. 'Sea. th" a among 03 Ving L t e-,1 rd 11IWthe- 4tteuiptS i _to. ek ay.11j. 246 1 eat of,watqw.' n, h1s'Airst W aer 1ad-. show' Wheh� approlamate position. 0 h terming t wine maw sangL but people th. A,' e, usi. un, ed oms 9Y 9PP6d arratt., ek-�tij C042 ZLOP( h' allivi t" Offl t -the Ae'' line came is. message: . Cars,. . ...I, L if* 0 ko- L itandiiii W14 -IALA VV 4 -KNEE -A dati� ind-he �discovir+eti,,,th �hip - 1 Cali 'got, her t*'O.in ION GLIDING,�'RIDE*1­ ingl. ..Ch riVtS' Mat Vlj ii P - -he -We,-L- vifjihin�:the Thke -1siama gn-bf-00+ -Gardnet .7 sitionS ibey Indicated it ..would osion"bene tk�he slime -coir6ri :6e: or PO A UZALTH a yd aMKOICAL of Arantford; ilm e to oMifig AdA. 8tanla$. 814GURAMC6 COUP Cochrane, and ope ass Proposi ion; Weoks inch -in, dla­t� 0- cru knt one:and seyin ei Over hof.KinOardi Zion rien on t sgemed' sit CANADA, ZlErD L acKEN. Ungannon, k apots� proved use ess. ely . ..... . weft ound by novor got down. again. Af- I* )3pehding, it *RNTJj?N p 12i Myrtle Ritchie in " . L ing kedgs:, anchors and the latian ter hop.efully it Ug ' t the Ailantii had, kiiaiwn Olus I week"with-filands 0ONTA61' -finding deMce'o W­tnone the -h a Orin f0 oronto.-�: vo-w bulk"of Obir" Analij .6d T for 50' Yeaft, the Then, he trie rM.6 ealize hat,�,filft M. d anothetjo f y Rol. A at , tani f , or - harbour. -MO d io'giviii up.�a.�d ST., HELE Y"r$ 'ago. 'h N aand Mr -Vill Reed dry. In -the. tragic', months When- sub-, they, Will g b'' lie Biiker� of,. s were ova" hreaten"e'd wit in w e.nr, i6;,t i4, Mrs jUXOUs ned rda' McKay Ro,bin§ n 8 and 183 We 0 M vi di tih' h d.: daily lii IWO imbed on Atu marl a r t h antod-a 1,�rAatxj ftejr.� out wh­0 -fiNnilift Febru#r 8th; 193 fWbodstdek,. was palled home 'M,&JnQL for *n extended y1sil t� polio. ;of, time? Uke a', plagu'" On s Wee c. ow ny ra preaont.� MadDbnaldo -who usitania" was passIpg atrail 'anticipate her ough mi t6wns and Cduticil me �on a ve� date !a ing, t+d" h' �Oj Irene W-Loo6.'of Waterlob� were week- the" Y the -ries' suffid n cliffs.,of 1reland the, di c ant ox�rgen,,. to, last 4ioiv t 6 illness ept tht I Minutes Of � jitn6ar 'James h; . n Alex through.. ih eight to teri bou . find *hich, fi, and: Mrs.. gaker, tber, Mrs.� end,, visitors,' wit Mr. -I Mr rs eel* an was read find' 'approved ohl is: s6ffering. Vithronchia dahger"zone, even' thel schtiol � Children' mirality #ial 'about T brating their ',Q91den -Wedding in the I n�um'o.�Ia.,, Murdie Of- to'r6fito. 2 has withstti�d 0es, very little could' b, ow were perin tted u I re e4 and i - of' otiou:.t.bt :MeDiJuald 'find - Culb6rt.L do eal . near fut re, Mrs. -E. J� aL is quiVelent' to -a' di0thi YL'WoSt and t Mks- Isaac om n M S join *iitch. JUL the opin'i n- Xoin-; fe6i unde h. Ily. fite fr rse4s. And t is . time they t" OUIL diphtheria. This days.,la8t, ee�kW paren 5 'COmmun service 111 b hold Notice of meetings. of The,. Ontand Ensigni spen� a,,.f ev� of �Lleut. t, sp6n't mandit R. H I ring,, a: man o Ur*, a ssbeiatiolL of Rural. Muhiclpalitjes,� W� thp w,6ek�en' n Toronto a Tolm 'in. pi .'A , 'L ' I i, : L D. dramatic.. C ngia tlie a Zion,7 Ch r4 hatt �ujjdiy #vnint. incardine., a K' b _, The superint4ndont, find enginm- S �Uesis:-',of is. I T oms rother 6iw the 4,holi -coast;' many, of the� Craig ah& his -vrew, of Mo L ­� ' . C '.. ' dd lArg6l. dud.'tp� be. development of 'djS' j,� von ran w o fie I rod 004116ren&�: and t.e 0 faring*- men - who. v(Atched oft 'Picture Ad'' Ad lfrz� Isaac Ahdrd* Intendes h It A101itheils;toxoid, W1 nta 11 r .John, Milier�'ah -it I I . . . ., I . Mi er. ro 6" pi;�enta the here is Yery' ittle if aster. must ve,, taken bearin :On photograph 'the olieraMbrig I ing, We or' C ondition BORN- in..VVL n d a An. dii so in c ildren adults. The h fly ha' gs and 4nesday q this. Weak' Good gosidg,'AsiociAtion t ese, were provenient n -the c h est NaWand where., she, hopes. to� visit her 'jgx t .0 the sinkin abouiAfi Oft �h Ale Po4itiolt y ell w cN we are,sorry o' earn, qayo Marc lst,,jo Mii and Mrs. aptein Th jolittf, jii 't ced T. �e led Orl of j?dt M W giving of tho'' diplithe'ria toxoid pro- er acN 6'has be 'a .01), �:�'So Commander. Dring and ted "the ' utstan4ing': taxes.. 1 4. thOlIjbitil'Of: these i Comfort 0 men 'Ali not, i44ipes , - favorably,. of IM6 I US Y I io'bri Swafi, "a,. s 'i v�#eral villades along fill for It t 6L treasure.' oAvdit gav6; Ae* y think Ors ir'. repo th Anothar,­dispesie, w h -in jh6 p"t, tre W h jh t ' 0 ast"h6ld inep'tinis inL'--the Aliigo'-tbe 4ho,usi ' �ouls',�rh6 di "ad, im "ris . I 4"L' nd 1W Mrs. Arthur �N4 -a. recent, __Al wi4eh was receive d and'adopte& On Xuall thoUg L: a p was, a -.death 1n -'UcDonald I or men -W 6 one( 11te. homo'� f: In imilll)614 Today it 'jt* PL "�all tl-; anieron a ip Y no, -midst, of luXury, that afternoon in Me.. and -E. McDo -linsion 6iidaP66 *As small US ib;­a'nd­sli.6ko'with all the a Vrvan­ te rACO I . . �isft With 'Aki. and, 'disliggrem6pt-' td I at, of.. rs:. Airchi. 6r -t4an ual n A" ks, 6�,�ntd: in ti�e The Y. !V. & met at The, following =4 rl .0 R ad: Owdinessed e , sinking,.', 0 �ui�ts were -..o Mrs.; Q fthesid.,of in this, Country. This state- flat On S 'these, witness approach ittly.60- Mon y *V*n C', d ff MoWri, Of FtaYne and; fishe'rmanij etijowitble; tinib wa Sjent on Tr ti was, the May, And't4ey of iffolrb.again is diii'�' der the Harrill ered id Miss. ubk JUid. front Zion'. is a �it�nL."ilid,Lionii.','.20,,di�ers-.-.wer-o--ture-,wih we Avenin At it om n r.' vjng snoW42.60;Lj the'� Wom s ristitutt or prove out( hOj6G­4f hei Sig in rs.' o n rg ai fou med, ra- ne' cientifit, go sprefid.-u-ga 'of *ace nation atailist tho� Mjs� ltijif ae 6m en' UA whogd, ob�vfir'vatxonix. sea H -k6tt ij,' spending �AI$X, IffeNayi 6 J)li' L Week it. th' e we , ness on 0111d DkIt6n, r Mrs. W. hlt� 'O'eac ­ e ve prs-� pitrents,, r. ita Mes.. os gra D L Miller pies -oViir.t T th r 6fhCei§7*iit screen a k� a h-tikinir -teerets�of'-djosia, two PDX Hackett tlon',74111bw do yo� of "th brdat 'lot itsuW 'jightL'ou thoke, The, sunken docks. now. 'kir. Hackett is recover., T A, Zameroh, rep. waghou't,, $1 26;� 'Mr Sohn., Ma�Xay fro, how the Lug- of- t1io' Arst piatu" vt of',Luck garb 1 Cutrithi $6.96;1. LodEiti! 8pgrit themeek4fid' with'Mr. and, Mrs,' sank pipsica 3.1 l'8etections!,by,,Mes GeoXge Mankind- id -ill parents should' hava, I'ng rom a seere attack'of tho P "Board'of gialth,"firt Inteting'$13.00; Peter,' KUNay. 'Ai dron ii' 6�64 agaiiiiit tt; , their' 1 Ot " arc' enry.akid' Alex' iatke -readings offe H ilid,,gi4nay Gardner *,b -k registrar "of" iftb rIR 6to V-0 0610 16' 6 tit. by SHFIELD., sees". j ' a" ' r ,' 'an Iona: win s 1h rion a in Winghaiia 4ud.Tie atej "10jid i deaths an ex: pie'ss.,$14.90; W� "P., nby. Mhrid saw or 'd Ofiint Miidbiai ld�, d wer k dent vi i g itli , Mr" andL h unday. S tok ot or contagious dikes. as, k 9 Reid nd sUppliei, arg4tet AU Marie Aitchi OU -h excisi and,postake M ­r� ine Reavie '4th coij., Har6n'. Iand Mrs. Win. Eid e and fam- Mr. Malcolm M lAnnaift of pirriL alth 9 -not absoluttly ver� k6, dipt 'And rent' of 'at a b6x hOL 'h Alfrid Ritchie Who h" ty . 7" ' 1 . � I Waft. and Dok6thy:� Wqbb; a mouth Ilk. ilient Sunday'at Via: Rachel" hf �$40.74; il: r .1 1 0 " , - well, ble lil ktheria and ji'mallo6k f fred ifthy, Wary as' audit& &W'.nionths _Mr. With ea_ 'in some Cases MCC 'b� John' PfltChAkd r th� tt e on M. an RA)Yo- Mr., n con Commenced,' ou y RU�I�on Wit mostsidetio, his dut n e 9.00; Verg- Tayloi4: 'ji dial- D pplids and Pos by GtedkgdL Henry; U, ordioft. broorn ant the past, Mrs.:' sam, Gibson 'd ted 'by oariy,j il. ich di TgMMUNM VOhCES "Aikk a sOlO. .:and fi#14 UUg so us a *eek rak 011 0 it And t.� N. ant, TOIWI�TO e, by. yn i.A 'aiid Silas (M t�� ad ' t& of the, lattegrOup, are iftilei f6v r, 1�1 ar IN I I r it count'$14.29; L T o n van nin Opt.' 8th.66n.j -kas, to of the j�o*;n I asurer, sul su le ------ t *06& M in Tor- knettlet sifid whoolilni, eo6gh.1 Co oais, Cham', Pouirs'm ratuined'hom pond few dayi, !no,, P And'Mrs., Jas.. Nbk'of r -spent, 4a �w . "k. end *I.th M it dic, f or, Eth- "0, t6' tis tolvn4` having k but.the past watV with, n to the 'keiietimaii amf do, tO'Twp,.. $9 16.-" C6fiyAtY- of Uron kii k', temli eoii�6n ion o very, nal.lreid,b �Wod was -ptovldeil' HooplI41 -.a�coijftt '$7.85, a fv,idie6tink 'in ihe� t dAndd linu ti iiif�r6st r6�eq ', "' t atL,All t1jild ssMary- Mack4ntio if. doVel�p t44g 4is. oto this Th t ver.. rom ., 40 W'i T, Gardner,, vig World; itilipiles,­Afid 6ubs' L, by toj�­tg, y1ok and by* Me Mr, and Mrd 0- C i ty" Of L Tqi!6 Mid R64, and reeb f �dnty of Iturqfi p,gti6ntr­jnj Miss Mar MacLe6d. of ter. sPeh A i4ee, w a, isth M, 1 'the M Ponry. Haeke t In Toronth fact 'that death occurs .1kom All three ng w�IW Ifele Va it gthhle o hdo pitAl $1.7 Y; Mide, Adi and to c'eftain infikritA find anCar naL era, t& Kihtkil -is W a ner in, kin Ifor' I young C lid ji� T It M' '' 0 ng 11 otreat scaptain Barbe -a -wit Didk- ditord on* road4 do Y Oagsedi- i1bill And. "rgept. ht thqpke§eiit houk� 1911ioti U& friend� iog fia*,Mra. Richard' and 'on 'ruetday�� �has b�k tpoll ha dhargd Of the mdotila& f5fjfie�`V� it llueg aa ne Cout is 6: kiiiink ift, health 46r! a6me, time hivw r -p '09. �Mrk 1gait h fiten a 4tise f ott y", Frayft and 011 Ort, mi y- span Mr. Th6 si -on, M on b 6ine c" 16ig tfie� Ast, P. V, guli In6thetg; your n. nr ey4 fit few, dr lit. or young' e� ild #yne, 'go' Ikoved MdNniiild an& �rl 136 burnin tdiiii tht,&tl t nd bne.' f salo6n§ in iplike es§dn a ay'. be o e$Oftt&tidIjL To let. resent6d with A' lessteL enters fi 6ktiioj% that tlewosil t Cameroti`Cold:' t U' and develop do fire' to be 'Chfillentod:."by this.:ge 't h find, Mrs,'Cl#encie ftfto*� MAtlfti 'Wool ReVetilbi��eomf. na �jb6jjla a.14 U Ink. ar PtOXIUI,� muo _�T e in he �A ob , L - e- rusIting, and hi 0 -L e story of I cam4 on y- -eveningf- - e§ as�n kid 13,40 ididg- OPC "Oo -.9 da -&to *1 6000 V ji, �br hie. mik nof 8tt� 'L P gn8 01 edutatibiia and I r ndt And, titightid even Ing. wkt goont in Cards' iinj u, o14 vmiie it �6nwib ommen after whic . it, bomMpelin It dig' aCUSS16n.�. A rifid Or,* 0* our, -4 d6kniell . be o& i 6. ourA jou b a MIt, to 06 iwi IcIfin, owith 'the tktdi 11. a ei or. to pt64, L':, M k W. of, Ifimi L L gt6h, find'VeNna -j �j:.. L ifill d". t eson a ra n id" tfie Pi6b` We Via& 0 eh 4, � n d' sex 'n sv iadad, 6 X-Irkishil iAka d 4 tit . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... ..........