The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-25, Page 8• 11%1eocia Raiains, 2. lb?, RatidY Ride, 4 'Cooking, Ville; 2 lbs. ' 2 lbs. , .25c liTSWC,it,..2 e Fresh "Ground offe b..z'a .29c .Bulk Black; or :':':giler'l'e7liere" 04, , Kele,. i',;,.1.9e; -"-Larg‘e ; •Libby'S,. carts, .7 -Fancy _Mix: Cakes, lb. Grape Fruit, 6 Large Oranges, dol. ..,..30c Fresh, .Fruits... and Vegetables Our Speciaflty' Ib�mpson 'Phone 82' ' Kinloss Council, Atinutes • • . . Kinloss council., Met on February Pth, 1337. All manhere present. Minutes of January IneOtfPg ap- proved and algae& The sum of $16•00 was donated to the Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- onto. . • ' • " A claini-Of J9101 McMiIlan for sheep Igi/b3d by SiCe.§amounting t� $17.09 was Ordered INIld and John .Kennedy paid; $1.20 for inspection.' • -4-4=4"17.4,2,=`1=t;74,77,44= to attend the , Geed,: Roads! .Conven- tion, in Toroetoc...Wr. $1.0.80 for ei- penses.*. • • . • . • , Municipality • tOrwarded; its „AnC111, orelliP'fee,"0.f.•;5100, to th44fled" , _ Fgolitro.:AsSoOlation. The ..Anditers, report Of the busi- ness.of the •Year.1946. was accepted Mld they were paid the 'Sum ef,A8.0o each for their dervieet; and:the. Tree4' surer ordered' to have g copies of the' report, tYPeil- , • • The clerk- was instructed. to adver- tise for. tenders for construction of the tittie- McKenzie, 5Innicipiii Drain,' and else for tenders for crush- ing ,and .trucking of the 'gravel re- nuired :for the ,Tawnalli Kiied 1927: " ' • • ," The collector's time for the return of hisroll was; extended to, the 15th day of March 1937. ' Cermet adjourned to Meet' again on Monday the 15th day of March, 1937, as the usual time and place. Cheque's' issued; LucknoW Sentinel, printing ,$52.43; • John , 'sheep claim, 817.00; Jahn Kennedy inspec. above $1.20; Sick. Children's Hospital, grant $10.00; . H. E. P. C,., • hydro at hall $2.13;24R,„,L,ante,..0.g.' P•,:1%.1-, D. 1666 $6•60; Roy Grahnrn, Work at hall $3,75; Levi EekensWil, $4•60,i Wm. J.Henry, auditor.' $8.0(411. J. R. L- ane, postage irildr-teteplinte-783:011-',Veleii; "s",- and 'Bs:MO,: 'premium Treas. Bend, $8.00;" A. E. Thompson, caretaking ;$4...75,;; D. J.: MeCharles,•relief supplies 3.40; Treas., of Ontario, insulin $1:50 Good Assoc.,• membership fee $5.00: ' • " IL LANE Clerk. 'nate ntes Attapices 'Weiren'a Institute , N THE TOWN HALL Luc-ictig%v )VR- ' ANYONE' WITH ENTER- ., , TAMING, ABILITY OF' ANY KIND IS ASKED TO ENTER 'GOOD PRIZES , Appitass ALL EN'l'ItIES-- ' *re.. Morgan Henderson, 161""W• ' pAN,ci TO FOLLOW ' Adinissiun-25c, plus Including 'Dance; .,`COntestanti Free. _lame .1141,,,Aucknow ESDAY' MARCH 2 Commencing At 8,15 ST. HELEN'S YOUNG PEOPLE will present their , 2 plays ""HENRY'S MAIL-ORDER WIFE" and "THAT RASCAL' PAT" • ' ..• • . . „ • .• • ,• , ..,• :Plays."' and, Dance 25c • • ' . . , Win? MEMBERS -OF 'TIIE" .• CONGREGATION ,&111LE1) Members of a church should • be forgi en for irre erence for stinting', • tinder; eircanistandes suchas Op:1'011, lowing.: A .young preaelier ?who; was' keeping company with a ladyl. 'friend whose' first: niiree -Was' Grace, hj,ii'n- nounting, the clOsing nyinri before disteisSin.g , his ...coagregaffon, "We 'Will cles•e, the: dervice.,•With the beautRui hvnan, the firsf.tivaiines et - which 'are t • • '"Isis: 'Grate has led. me thus' :f4r: On . And Grace will lead nre'hoine.'". O anothet• oectiiion• there, Was -,ari 'exProisiOn of inikiifulneSe' 'On. 'the Cofintenande of. many in tire tongrej- gaiion as the lady' •soloist* Who" wa:. engaged be married to a YOurig 'Men Whose Chiiitian name Wag An, drew; X.TreetlY-It•sarigi “AtidY • with 'Mei Andy 'talks with nie,-Andv tett nae. 1 ant his men,'" 1. A let �f this thee Pliblicity". sten'. itt‘handir, tiOciu 'Weekly editort 'can turn, the: page Over 'end us the 'haek, ter Writing Copy'. leta, long line that has fie ash..tan...1Conihein flE ibcFNow 8I4EI;, The...N.**.s,;A.otta*O: TOMON:SON,; M. A • , • , • TAKES 114: 4414 Charged. with- being'. drunk in :PON :Phiee,'4A1498. Pr4geO of win liint 'W.El.,fifled ;00 and, sgot§ Ivkag..istratii. :Walker in Walkerton TireSday, or. iy defaultof piymen • - „ one month ia Aridges #041c's 4e41.4-,t4r4 PProre • the tlele._._The charge wee'.10 haspernieate4. present seeSion So: by' •Conetlihic) Moore, arilfing Whe 'was : ahattered on, Friday :when was be latolt the .41ader of the QPPosition who ea,teCt et it' d,nee•her0,94 .Friday. has 'been most !Pellyannariah'l• Once Accused was,: late -in the fall,, .3;Rtigt1.4741R141120tolg4g;'.' se eVefanii. e.. in, iiii4Vati'44,0317;iiisiNr esda ister of . Agriculture. This' vendetta day he draw down the next ,3 heg.',en.; over Wheat; pow*, last, rtY4e.d. ,ftcrho..m*.H.wealhkl:rdt9,hoeownevreoio017,ohaeery year arid;hrealts out once in every. so oft0„4,11.14.,peeeeton,thts titne.ax.oiw 43rd tthe..:yesoltr *...•,;•'ec,9mmodzi:..- opp, :of a Minor change in •the'"rehab-:: >lion. for leniency, it being pointed out LOCALAndGENERAL g. Have VIII overlooked•renewingloar by-1:Bentinell • • • ".• Mr.: don011ed' fo-10e ' • • h9.1q1.1:11esau;11;.r.a.'11; Ad:cdt:Pri..;:s Cier 1791140n, n. ePellt the.!•Weeh:‘,enft:lit her home. . • : Misa, 'Arabella 'Clinferont Strat- ford, silent thei,Wileh.:end,'.iii home* nj; 17. t ol days. • , , L . . • , • •,- 4 t,1.3..V.t,I,ICe,aTtORIAt' 1,4ToCc0_,,cR4Pc::--_FRo.g.,41,1arstiSit7k STRON?: llitation• bill for 'SaskaOlewah.' Bennett ctaulc: eicutaio. to the e - pointment . of •54'r, John Ventura - ,to the Department ,that•Werk rale...134'4r :him'. and his confinernent. was:a hardship: on his family. • 14.P. for •Seuth -Bettleferd,--as ,Theft Cease Adjourned 'olfiCer under that .A.ct. 11r. Bennett Arrested the end of the week, Caa, maintained that Mr.- Vallance Was so well ,Hackett appeared before constituted that he: :cauld not *.refrain istratn Walker Ant' Tuesday,. charged • from dicusing pelitics and was with the theft.of twe'hidei..Hia" Case therefore not a Suitable' person for waa•adjourned uritil Mareh 9th, and. the- position: ThereuPorr Mr; Gardiner he was releasert.on bail, ' • , Pointed out that: the former 'Leader's poitica1 purity was :not above being.FOSHAY T( GET PARPI.* 1,`‘estioneci--arrC---wriethe'r--,Westai memberpsaid this was, a •question of • Of interieet: to' readers, in Bi uee Satan' (Mr. Bennett)' reproving -County is, the aenouneeinent made,at as a great many. appointments" of. a Washington that President .Roosevelt political nature: were made bythe had, commuted ;the sentences: of Wil- hite, Crov.erinrient in iti, dyang days • bur Foshay and IL If Henely , • The greatest. Occasion Of, the pre- Minneapolis, Minn„ to five °years, sent 'session was on ▪ :MendeY:' When making them eligible' for parole at Parliament heard all about the de- once : They were sentenced to Serve fence program, its details; its objects ;15 years in Leavenworth' Peniten and the motives • Which underly it all, .tiarY for fraudulent use of the mails. Thefirst gun 'Was a double-barrelled The two started their :Beaten* challenge of non -confidence from the April '1934,,tafter being ,c.onyiated.At. fraudulent 'use of the' mails in .cnn.. 'the proposed outiay and. „a:Von:0Y nectidif:- with the sale • of Certain •ser contrasted them' .with what, is:. being alrities; It will ibe redallekthst VOA- Allne. ter social .Secur#y.': They ahad. ay :headed a conapanY, with head? thnsPtelia-fid7"-wrilat-eirt querrteirritcMinireerOfis, iin—Irtrre7v Cleared upand,the Minister. Of. De- Yeara" ago which • invaded Ontario.", rn. fence tried to do it, for them by ex- the electrical 'Nide,and bestablished piaining that it was not the intention headquarters at Walkerton. , :Rights" to get into ' another:' War and Send , an of way., were.'purclyised,'•trananiissioU eXpeditionarY, force but that, it was lines' erected, fiebstation, erected , and practically a rehabilitation of , the electrical energy Was; seplied to a scheme We 1.have aiWay's had Home number of .centres in Bruce county, defence,. -that andnothingmore-no inelndieiir Walkerton, Mildnaky, Port donaliternents , abroad, .no .eicterrial Elgin, Hepworth; Southainriton; San- imPlicationa, no -'pian to senct.pnYene ble ,Berieh, etc.: 'The comnari3" wa fiut of , the cduntryEf warcenter', subsequently purchased by Hydro Parliament wi1 decade participation; Electric Power Commission Of On It is expected, that the, Quebec, Liber- tairio and'zsorne' time later the Foshay al Members' Will lill line. .1113 against: Co.: went into liquidation, and w; jj, the C.C.F. amendment as. they have fealiay .Went to prison on charges uf • truck,or trade with that Party: A fraud: • - • SlitATFORD LADY -9.7;.% RECALLSEARLY AY,.$ H*11,ig Jane -Andrews of,:: Stratford WaS nieetY=Seven, years Ord .on 4tur- OW. • She as enjoying: exCelleet, „health, 'able• to read and takes. 'short Mrs. Andrews, who•at. One tizne tilde& in !Unless TawnsbiP, recalls' • • , the •• three-miniths' • Atlantic • 'voyage • - early_in the trip buffeted -,br,itornii., .• Mrs:, . Andrews, Who Is:a ditighter of :the7"And kts.. •nohert • • .. Young, first .1settled :With her parents' -et Hamilton; $hortly : after they 'cern.. menced a tedioui joarneY •,with 'colken foliowing bpshiand trend till, they reached ,Kinloss; then clerinely wood; ed, ' and where they tin* up400acres seven • „ _ _ , . .•LucknoW, was the closest Commuk?. itY Of :arik iinpOrtaiic,e-then, Mrs. Ari• drewS 'recalled and remenihered, . Let -us.. know when' you have a itor er when •you;:areovisrting.oet of tow. ' and 'Mrs.' Harvey Treleaven n,nd Mrs. Harvey.' Webster, Were vid,- Roza in Toronto: last week;.. .Mr. Wm. 'Fisher, who has be91.1\ quite .With pneunionia,,, Is Making a favorrecovery. ' USED RADIOS—Battery and El- :ectric Sets. To.' clear at special prices'. „._ T:"..A11,MORONG-- , . •Misi . Winifred Arrnstreng, of the: - Staff of the Hospital for Siek. ren, is' Visiting at ter' home here ,for' a few. days.; ' • , Little '„Gwen Stewart, .daughter of. Mr. and: Mrs; Phillip. "stewertr who; is ill With, pneurrionie,. .is getting along nieely• The Voting Men's 'Class . of the. United Church; is „planning to hold its annual social' in the I.O.O.F. Hit neat -Thursday ' • We wOjild.,:a0Preelete receiving' a le* conies of the issue of -February 4th •°froni any rof our readers': *lie: mighttbe-*able-fo7prittiteTni-AvitIr .theni• :: ," -• Mr Alex MacLeod,. Kinloss shin Roadghiperintendent, is in,' TOr-', onto this. Week attending the Good :floadscoirveetion, •which i being held ',in the Forester's 1-101 4;:thu Rpyl York, Hetet. • • '. :: • : This: Past • week: We .• received • a, ,gen: tinel .renewal ' 'rem" McOnnig', Who states he'expecis•to get lionie for. , . . . • •a • visit this summer. "Buster", is dis- • • trict manager of The John Piihl duets CO., Chicago; , Remodel Express Office conspicuous thing in the proeeedings--'----------------------------------------------------- was Cornplete .abstenatien of the Relieving At Ripley• Conservative Party from the discus- , Mr. Wm. :A. Maw iof Ripley; „.v.v -Ron. They seemed 6 -be, pursuing a was recently apprinited station age policy' -et "WatchfulH'Viaitingir — . A at :Brampton Was confined to hi ' number :: of., Liberals Voiced . elinait :home With the 'flu last week; Wit complete disapproval of the ;program Mr.. Harold Campbell. in charge' a and this question as I have • said. be- the depot A permanent appointrcen Tore, 'presents 6 the posaibilitY;:of Oar', 'to fill the ,Paiitioa. made Vaelint: by limited debate' and the outcome May' Me, Males treilsfer, is ,expected: thi be ewaited.:With interest. " week: ' 'r? '•Carpenters and painters are trans- forming Miss 'Elizabeth Henderson's' - telegraph • rind 'express office.. As as attractively rein odelfing' the- teaier-a new Modern fronna-lieeir put in,. and ,altogether :the building ,. s has taken, on a much, iMproved ap- pearance and. is 'a credit to -the e*ner s, as 'well as improving the genera l ar;•,: pearanee Luelcripw's Prided: busi- • ness section. . • ; : Lucknow Wrie well rePresented at ' •On Tuesday .the .diseuseion Centin- ,. Diking :a .recent dente. in the vil-; rage; several Inotersts had ,rugs and other.incidentals removed ;train: their forth. a protest from Mr:...Berinett 'cars. At the smut time, Mr W E, that Alberta lv-as.:,hehig...cliicriniinated. Henderson 'had the Water; heater and 4gairlat ii3r'• the Federal,: Government droster removed ,from has ar Au which.nris • firmly .denied.hYM.r.. King theritieS Iaid lOW however, an case the ." : , • On, Wecinesday.:•'_the.4disenssion._.:on :Sadie • •Pilferin,g..'ini.ght be ....at‘oipo he:: defence cilleatien•• was laid asde at a dente' tiae?„,follawing,'*eek ar,privete ni4inber"S.'reseitition and Other thieVing that had :been going Mr'...• • T. • L.' • 'Church .presented one on. resulted' " it both R. 1 ' But -ten'. and "Arhich provoked. considerable .diatlis.. loest.bntchers,:.ka.4eg:. ion.. Mr. Chinch's ,viev.f.,Of."Ithe .Work, st•olei different time? effeCted, by' Parliarnent 'vies; to: say .•. •• • • • the least,..s. far 'frOnl. ilatfering...one and he svit's dths of . • " 'despair 'When t,hoegjit of Parlia., Meat: ir,oin, 'three. ,rneritha,. to ,nearly . a year .without accemplishing toward s reform. He said, Parliament was enemy not -the friend of liberty".: fa'contrist:t� this gon,. ',Ernest •T.4apothte said,:. the Gantidien4arlierrient 'had: 'More lib::: t!bi at•tio4rlhd,-aYadhine.r:ix07.teli7.11coeOnnti. eleine are elearyLintent on posing itiribers--Hwaiiil-'7he----threWer,--ifite*:.1ail7 -:',CentreifteaTetage, There, .in• such CidentialIy; no Votes; arerecorilech-00- uns as,:yere SPoli4Ordd :at4 freely the amendment at• the .'0.0.1", party, I which, a .diVision le hoped ter,'.,iio ebated ,in this 1-lottae this week. Mr.' hurch's resolution was fleetly' .Liberal (infections 1toka4 In Own, encl. a Western, Member,: fitet;,' v,h9, have vitel.t.t;p008i,'„ eiletier of Peece.ltiVer sponsored a tinn. to the, pi.ngrivIn• hav,e in au, teeee, eSolutiOn , asking' .for :.C.9ininiss161.1.'state4 definitely, •tkat,,, they are • not inveStigate probldies, •go'ihe .7to vote no confidence the ily those Of'WeStdre• tObadtt trO7 . government', . While reserVing. :'the n, aCOOOtnit.-Shd..PaY‘cliolclICal #alt1".' ?tithe' to recordtheir �bjections t� ant , This, debrite."wea'..ndt concluded the estimates . , . ut .1f *mild Appear •that „it the •Go,v• • The debate is'extiOnit in the Stecit' raltent Set ,i2p all • the, eipinmisaions ied abstention of the Conseraties sked. tor, the que.qien of unerrip10 ent .''he'Solved- it,bbil-tut9nie,, Tbi brokeya tae .eVerY wereen'. a." hernia 'the .3ittlessilZ: .1377;t17 'on the nzld working'2' .11 " 4100.0thileh..t,,or.the t•city may -be . • , ..the dlerienl work, along 'whie,ir **told ' • .bo • tained till the items triemielVese• ere' ' reached. On, the C.C. P. •Ateenclnient' !neat along • thee ad .also '1*(6We:ration, 'It is 'espedted the. 1 • I. ani pleased ,..iiinientite that t the rich' re' been made a .MeMber 'of• the .large n the got 'ent7'has tandine;Committee on Marine' and lead. Of, a et h ed and ,V1,-,-,heriee and feel that this. We'r71. not be broken' htage, while It Shall be able to keep klY tonatituenti .is eXPected ' all • Viet, Conserve,' ho ttreInterestedAn the tithing. in. ties and ha net there 'Of -the, stry infntriied-.Lif the :latest &Vet.' Sotitat Predit paity be. with' the. able, th.., Plate, Our before Mitritter 'be lieard troth, • ProPer , •• . 4 • announced a BoyaU Commission to inquire itito the whole taxation sys- tern of the Denifeion include pro- after herses.were available,: 'Or riding • , • horseback ,inte• the .village for sup-. plies. ' . In 1885 Jane lioolig Steph- en Andrews; a lifelong resident and 'cattier dealer ," of Goderich, Where they••••resitled untilhis "death' Rir-e years ago at the age °LEW; Since f then Andrevra. has been living • in St ford "With her daughter, Mr.a. J., L. 'Davidson. hides vincial field d as well. ThiF.brought the Coronation Carnival. int)Vingharn last Wednesday night XerrMJna piled: about three dozen LucknaWites " inte his truck, , giving them a freei ride and. Winning the -:$6.00 prize for- , the larg'est lead.. Cameron , MacDon- ald won first 'prize for :the best eeMic °costume. on theice.ge received•,s .half ' Pound of tee and a pound of eorre2 • viiieh cook! hy strekh of .imag-: irtatitn, be 'considered A.s a terk.:Val- uable •prize, for Such important ; " KIDS' KORNER atyc. w. Allan • Treleaven 'receiVed a.hang in the .right eye last Tuesdicy :when n"e was. accidently hit with a•heekey .stick, whilep1aying /lackey, business. is ilk°a wheel-barre.*; sten s s ese some ocly 'pushes, 'Twelve or perhaps a :few- inore Liberals, all but , one from 9nebec, are ,likely to Oppose the government's program of nationak defence when .it Comes to a :iihoW do*ri'in the: parlia- mentary votes. They may net,. and ,harcity. Will, Oppose: every kern, bait after beinghi bed for the oast -Week_ f with: the 'flu.. • " ,,,,' • .' • • `ti • .44 'There'is muchcohsdeitroavca C with ,:tlie• plans, of* the orgenizatieri. Of • .1..d PeWee” .hoticei 'ehth.here next year, P iP„.We'.ket n.'neW arena4•' o all partict , "! , (Intended For Lae* Week)'. ,la Katherine .Prest was silt over tlie weelc,..end:'• with. 's, slight ..Sttaek ...e 'bronchitis: ' ' ' b •. *: *•, ,* The Winghaiii•-:leida-haVe ii.'ot,:heen ,alleiVed' 'by their Mee:eget:, to Play :heekey. here beciiiiSe nt the 'du. • - • 'Writer '-of this Column Celebrated ;his ,I3th birthday on 'Tneadey:, Clifford, MacMjilan i‘as ilx years.old'On Sunday . ' ie., • • We are Sditj, to rePort that Donald •MtiCKerixie hila been in bed tor the past' week With the w 4 * * • du These with neWS'�t birthdey'S for*•op this tolutnn,, pleas leave ivith.' • the be •• • .th •• HYDRO •FOR KIMOUGH: , VILAGE Dv.VION11,11:, Within the li.g.„1 . . haa- been' inaele to sot:tire, iry4a-• frorn 'sehlit1:171.11cdi4orr'kent*:;r,,.K.in''ativeiroglir')f.",Yille,get9 " an ylcinity. To rr.:ake tiOs. Passible it requrre the•,:**.rit-t:i.2 , hinalet In,. :- the ,c,Otrinatzni4' 43a:it#Ists i;:avir4g;•i' been, made' toyer -Mg' a idisteacel,s.•-it almost •SeYenMileS., twenty-one "cob- :1:‘ :tract, Were signed -end aiteepted• by' the,' Hyden; 'Sho,WinigLhavis.heart.4..,. • _ .ily the .peonle helped to. Make :it ,poit • sable,as it .i-equiO4---three-011i:rialal.' to ". the., mile: :the . reduced service charge and the. 'fi.Ve Year 'contract .has riidehydra nitich more Attractive, .to * the, eonstinier. 41 it not be Said in thia'-eerninUnitV that men love dark, ness rather than •fight..• , ' '• : • • • ,,Interested Parrner;:'i ' • . , t , 4.01111$0it Oethiling deive)—. "Henri,* :that 1114 ;Inirter Irithere:; isn't 'Set right". ‘•• • ; . . • liabby .".1s1-4 • it • . earet see abytiite thelte.'t Expensiee fled ' Another "racket"' has come Id, , R -10-2P0, Birthday Party . TeMpletonS .'Sitylek;:in;:preiSes • '4iii,pg.:NTIlsrq' SPRING • STYLES' IN DRESSES, The new cui7. ,'.1?n,A4on. 0019ra MA Prieted,ACrePell- S2 $3 501-$3498 $5,50:•- • B14011SES IN .TH•E NEWElt• . • . , .. ,96,117cQolfrQA4TaltOioliti , Scarf L6 4!IFS...i,-;:.e-ry7.., Ctbree•pfierss,...!0....7.:Le.a.L.'t1,.,11..,....... • , . 4-0QN and, C:OTTON TAIMR Clxr.riisi3right i no4- smart:as Green,' -.4eld;)..c 2,., Birthday Price ; „, ,.. - , . . well as , being ' ' special3' prided. Cheeks t in Red • . 9 '$)*UriiRe01:;el'iNaKiN1:c71,• °ToWrIer147Yd(,;(!:,?.3.±.."-!:-i..---:-,;.:4-:-4-.....----1' 1 CPII'l'AN'S,--' Outstanding Values in Orilled • Curtains 201.e...t.. . . , . • 4 • , ' ?lb YdS. •Iong. Sale Special, 'Pair: -........•,............-.-..,.........' `,'• WE HAVE THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN PRUIT'AND „: , ,,FLOWERS. W,EAR;THEM. ON. DRES'SES OR COATS. 1)1J'ItiN,9 OITA PARTY SAL! YoU ...CAN , SAVE' MONEYNg- . • BE, TIIIIIFTV's • ' ' 4.111018011mgolle. NOW 15 TRE 7-K1KTE U S 1, N "d- ORI- AND,REsT LIGHT ERS, IN 777-n-gaVfilW7WItiliAp. PREFERENCE TO ALL OPIE10.: . , yv:yr e are -showing s larger assortMent ;thin • ever of „ • • tiresie, .:nonular papers for • : doWnstair's !Tints. It will'he goodnews to .learn that "SUN*0B- THY", is new gelling amon- : gatour leWeet priced geods. egbosE:;iouR WALLPAPER • wrin OUR NE ' WALLIPAPEli HARMONY " SELECTOR? '• -Now: ...you, can -select -wallpapeevombinations for ceiling, bord. • er and NesillSo and he", Positiiel1 Sure of how they will appear in --„YourAtoMe. Our New WaliPaper .11artnimy. ‘'Selector takes all guesswork out of choosing walipaper• CoMEL 4D• YOU'LL APPRECIATE' THE WAY IT SimPLIFIE8 THE CHOICE .OF WALLPAPERS:. FOR „ EVBRYfuE: no5113:, ,,. • • stnnds for Olives The tastyfirstbite Your -guests will insist on When dining tonight. '•Tonight, or. any other night. the „clive Is anticlpatecj by dinner - -sweats.- Otobee•'et. green,and ellen celery on ehOODerlice- shoeld-greet, ' the „ gnefite atheyjt down. , Thin is expected..... • . • !..'eiv shelves In the, grocerrare , 58 ettrictive, ati those' containing rows •oftinall • and. large , glass bettled-,ClearlY ShOWieg 'the size ,and.• type.: cit „olive : they.yeentaill. The glass bottle is tradit ones for ollveshediiiiiiee appetizi.d. as ti4OY are. they, Must be kepi in tip-top condition. :Anti they., ,tetieh .Yoer table, Sonic, modern ' jars are ie.,. totaphnied",by'asmallWo�den fork .Whl,eh assists the deiVing. of the ' • .•• But, dcmITS, catitant.tvith that' plaln disia et. olivee and be1er3. Here are two recipes that Ayili .in crease•Yotir °Pte. t hut:. • ...r.•orao8pavnel.sh.Sandlehes • :LB.utter_lightlYthiri-slices-ptbrede.--7-, . crusts.: Stread hall -the Slicei - .With -Chopped , stuffed green ,Olives moistened' with:, mayonnakie,: the other halt With Cream cheese:mixed to -a paste with a little crearir and tVoci tabloaphOns of: finely chopped walnut 'tneatsa.:. Plato:111n bread 'MINIS thgether. In ,/„. Pairs,i.an olive eireatt , Slide iritt' 'a ' andowaintiuttilitreflandggolpe... .Prells.. lightly • Green Olive Square -it. Butter thin, squares 4-1'4. brown iread and s'prinble ver,y lightly with '14'8;oldt pepper. Swticitnhe' et: tvogill41 ' , 11 ; ;celery, one small.' cuentriber "IlidirWC • leaspeonful, of catsup, a' 'amen • . spoonful of saity'a 'pinch of poPper• and, h very . little Mix •well, spread ,on the brown -bread, envOr hiaitlfer aligte 6f:buttered • , • in tTr.aroy C�jtcncer, tonal:One A Let Of Pas Wiwaitoth tattier who -NI -ought t7o, • ' pound4 of. 6ri 4ritnelliAhiri•4 N& fewer .than 6 billiek cigarettes after a .4enibtAtiatveri e..ff ,h44.. it Were stnelto<1 in • caoada last • year, smothered out a quantity of biAtii),,,t • Vihith is eser 5 billion lottre than th t*,..),*.pritfid bot e6Ai 'year betare the 'Wart -The iiier ease. is 1so, ";:kitk the, orifati...q4t Ahottly, :61141, due to wornert sreokeriP the revenue iht efut.,.t.Rat 'I8. to the goverritireet frOnt .e)ttiSe duty, totiiing more than Ordin.ary 'baking of $4 Oar WOO toorattOtote4, was icida:••,-arorth ` about a dim po 25 r Mien lo‘Attri cf1,01 t.,,-(16 I s tiate BORN., :HUTCI1ISONJJ Monday, ' .> tuary 22nd, to Mr. And Mra. R., Hut- chison, R. IUicknow a daughteto 8TA14,LAt KAdh deneriki Hospital/. On 'Saturday, Vebruaty13,, to Mr,, arid Mrt, taiii.Stailiay,'It, .11.* ' • 2,lioiyrood, t)tiughtee, or. •''' • ' 4