The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-11, Page 6"•••••••"sta 1. gate.' It is opened', telini,:and.,he !calls . hie .Own 7sheep out. Bu.t cllinboth up ,titnne• other Way, the.. same., M. a :thief .••• .and A robber. A' •Man, .Who . had no, right to 'go through 'the... door; who • Would not be allowed to enter the and who Wenld, 'resort to over the • wall to seize, a slieeR Is truty•!qt.thiet.,enda; robbet" „ 2. But he .,that "entereth 'In by the door IS theshepherd 01thesheep. ,• To porter openeth: .The . , him . sheepfold• speak of" the true chnrch ho7,-.7.body7ot Chilaf; the.. -sheep," ef , .„course,„ are lhose Whin are thelrue 'f011tiviere Of the 'Lord Jesus Christ, the • 'child '''ctA,Aqij,;Alfi:_iihopliettli46,401' 'Lordjesua, though,: be has net. yet..'announced hlmself -as -aucl:. , .Protege* • 7 -is ,• • '..Plummer me: we 'Might • tate •the Si; ter :to ,he. the, Holy SpIijt.• And the sheep head his; Voice: and he '-calleth. his own eh$P. by ,ntitne,..•and. leadeth them,' out.•IrrequetttlY. three, Or ,..f.Our „ . shepherds :, will' 'lead. • their sheep:. into one-sheepfoldatnight. I is ..enel of ,•the most amaZing:iiiglitain the. Orient te'See. h•Shepherd 'approach, say, SeV,eh . hundred sheep, l belehgitig; to .four . or liro different shePherde,ant ;by 4 •:Pe, cuflar gutturat, Sound, ca1 his own. sheep out from .amongst . the ,pthere4. .. When he path putforth' alt,his. ;he .geeth ':..before 'them, and the :ter% they know his he. :shepherd goes before the cause, heLkneWs,:the..wity.., In o,,lie' Is .the.:firatene.,":to -meet • g.:.behste and to -see, Places Of e, which ...inuat • be. ityciided.•-, Our. has, gene beforeus In •Condiet; -Seta*, ithd has defeated him, so t we, fellaw‘..in that .victory. • 5.. And a stranger will they not,fol- , • low,!,but will • flee 2frata.siihnt,..fetiheYknow not the , voted", .or strangers.. „Strangers,' as far as' Chrlatihni' are 'Concerned, are those faiSe '•,teacliers, .atidfalse7.-firePhetii„mbn.•would lead fistraY•;the-:very children ot God,' ' • •"6...Thie , parable .$0hke Jesus "Unto thern: -but-"thay•::understopd not -what" things -they.** which :he 'snake' un- to . them. . They did not tuiderstand , • ' Christ's'"teachings: because they'We • ' not 'Sincere; they - Were: not really • seeking :for the 'trtith; er1 I 7. Jesus therefore sald:onto :•tfieni . • again.. Verily, verily, T•eay• Unto. you, , • • . . . em the deer 01 the sheep.' Sir. • WIl- freri T. Grentell; the faro:one .Labrador • .4t• ••• - "Tr.""....!..1.00°.••••••••••4. --.k,g.4914, Wit • .4.eatsk-the -peedShepherd 40ho 1:0; 1,42, I ! Printed 17014r, • - . GOlden.Tetct,---,1 antthe teodSllepherd:•.1 the good .SheRherd,..laYetli'dOW,q, his; ,lite for the -sheep:. John, . ' ..to10.4.,k•dteeeurse.pni,.Christ ..Coed Shepherd- ..*as. 'tittered:- :,OeteheP34.131., . The events regorde in the leak' he the -chapter, thek:plac 40.1,HOPUthher',Of that year •atirl'in.4qqa • ' , erehts ',recorded: in. thl chapter took -place In. Jerusalem. ex • cent • the one 'fOund in verses- . 40-42 which 18to be "leChted..!WIlettiaq. be „. Fend Jordan. . . 1,‘.• Verily. eaY. Eke. you t.le :that enterethi not by, the deer. hito 4' the:Add Of the sheep, The 'Sheepfold was a walled enclosure, with a strong- ly bqrred door, • through which alone' . • Access could be had •• t� the -sheep. Through, this door the -sheep • wereled, r, .at night,. Atter -which the gate, ,:was , 'barred: A Porter sient hear.:the gate • .on theinside:of theLepot_e_sure;',Aa_llte. -1**-it-t4e. .8 •._.- hoc s :on, the, physidian, tad' an, experiehcewhich, relliarltahlY illoetrates "thenegallIng or this Verse; :""Phe of our party,.. as We 41141h0.4,. noticed a fillePherd" drIV-ing his sheep ' into, .s,„ loirke 91,CeVe• with an- open !heath'," .,reply to her questleni. " a midi" • 4, a:;.the, see,kele..do,o.,-dogs,! but 11,she ()O- A "..leeted:, "There, is. no doo to."qhe cave,' d Fiereplied simply; 41 am .the.deor.;;:It „ e is the Eastern ithepherd.',S, OhtOin-;te • le •04.W11, across the doorway of elicb eqveS, and ,With„ his PWo life te.-.,proz. tect the; shoe/v.4;7- „<:. • All that caMe'''•befOre • ine: are , • 'thieves; and.. robbers." By this _Jesus does not- mean that all the P,qoPhefe of the Old; TSstEuneht and the , true qf 'God In Israel's.history were levee dud robbers, but that all who, In themselves 'pretended' ;to -satisfy the needs -et men, to•provide AA .theni- sel.V.P4 ealtaticilirfrefil sia; had illegally and fitiselY assumed inch prerogatives and. therefore, had robbed ' their 101 - lowers' of the peace, joy, life, and hope. Which., they falsely had ,,prdmised to bestow.Bit - • ; not-s-ltear- gossi One .ee the trade magazinesof the • mrsrAirrssvoyur-,...,AweYee , Werkers• in• the btisiuese recently by publishing a•rePcirt on the .pdptilaritY ; of the. Screen "stars: per Motiths'811(1 months; People had 'fieen tea, ' thdt. rPit!ert Taylor ha4-eiloOect to the very top that he.: get ''tnore.•..f.hh• ;radii than. glary; Gable did:.:thOC his nettle •hbeie a theatre *as:magic • beeause ,It drew sq Many paylitg:, etstoirters '"that III • I Taylor was teas- • . ; . ; :Ilut-accerdleg• • .to 4211S report: ;Clark :Gable Is the screen'a most, popu- lar 'actor! • • ' Last year „ShirleY Temple held that "position. This' Year: she is second. 'Pro4 AStaira end 'Ginger Rbgers as a Prepares .f.hoP• does . not saY,.thattid on heard . them, ; for greet limit:100x did but the: Sheep, those, who;: truly .belen to: God. whom God had wout MA fellow •• these • thlse teachers., MI Shepherds.: % . ' ' ' , •, 9. I, am. the door; r.by me it any ma enter in, he ;shall 'be, saved, end:shal go in and "go, out, and shall 'pas (cr.- 14,tt,-. 7:14). mhh, who approaches. -God' 'by believing . the .„Lord Jeans Christ is „ti Man. Atp,'wilt find Oita,. the heW" life here n . n the •glory to come, and '.1s. One .who • certainly.' Will ..be. . for no Man eati come to Christ' sinderelY but that :Christ .receive lint._ • • Uti--.The..;,tiiie*--Coniettritet;-''but that he :ntaY and and destroy. Satan the ;greet: 'came that. they .have.life,. and may 'haise :it abundantly To "follow to *now h rieher a'alehret, 'Stronger'. inenthl, n. sweeter domes- tic' me; ;a• 'mere •honorable septet, We. and,. •Pre-eminently,.. trite, eternal, eternal; sPirituallife,.the very'. life :of God,. 11: I:hin, the good Shepherd., 'At hist Christ identifies , actually as the Shepherd of the sheep --the ;geed shepherd .laretit:.doWn. for, tile sheep. It is Very most every .everY:uasamie' in 4'W Test- ament that 'speaks et ,the love of God for apcts,•tihor. ItiVa of Christ for inan also eneaks Of the: death of the Lord leans 'Christ • for hihn (for'. In- stance, -Jelin .3:16; Gil; 2:20;' 1 John 3;10:- , Re that is. a hireling, and net a shepherd, . whose; OWa • the .;•sheep are not. . The. ,hireling :Was . dm*, a; hired .shepherd,, 'eta:hitt:self •was 'pet .1n; Wrested- In • the; fiock;, was caring 101' it siihnly for the ..rnOney • he 're- - ceived..--Ileheldeth4the-*Olt7dOtoingi ahd,lphieth..the, sheen, hndfleetli; sand the: Ivolf snatcheth. theni; 'and. sehtter-, eth, them. : The Wolf • represents any. enemy of, "-,Christ.-'4ho,' :the. shine tinic',19f..00orsP, Would .be. an 'enemy et the welfare :of Christ's •'• • - 13. He lleeth because - be Is a hire. lifig; and .,:careth. not for the,:sheep; The hireling llees•,because. he • is in- tereated, Only In ,•IiiriMelf and •lifi.eVai Welfare: ••• ;Christ,' was .Concerned first :With men. ,.1-1,0 :•eaizteste- Minister' ft) and. to down ',his lite „a, yanSoin.for .14. 1 am the good. , kneW.Iniiiie-owil, "and mine 'Own kti for Battle • Gladys Swarthout,charming ripera, and screen star, makes a hartnonious third as she and Hirosi Salto . (left),„ - Japanese Ambassador to theUnited States' arid Adolph Zukor, movie Magnate, meet at dinner in tiouqr• of Mr. &floor i Wash-ingt.011/ TIC; .1 ••••••11111111•111., dimeir .. • . e Conducted by PROFESSOR HENRY G. BELL „with the eo.operatiois of the Aarious departments of - Ontario Agricultural College Question - have your 'bulletin No. 364 "Manures and Fertilizers," of 1931 ahd, observe the. mixture design- ed. to produce :a 242.6 From another source, V have the &dewing suggestion for . the, 2424 formulh; 500. ibs. Ammo -Phos _10-48; , and 200 Bus. • ; me. • whole experience of:Chriit: ahr.; shepherd 'Wee. hini- EC -5W ing,hnowledge,rif 15; Even as the Father :kneWetli.me, 1.1ziltlidir.Alie".717atheff7iiiit7'71: :down. My. life. for the sheaf,. ''the Fdletihertt. always with Ftlie sheep and so deeply hiterested In them, the shepherd . •comes 'to:*no* .his theen: Very 'intiMately. • .,, • 16. And 'other." sheep I belie, ,WhiCh 'are.••not Of ..,this; fold; ;Christ is •here. • .referriag:•to. the. Gentiles, as great epnipany: diatinct froth the. children of Israel; an.4 yet,. with, thein; equally: the. sheep.. of. his. fold. Them also I. Inuit 'bring. Literally, the • verb. eh's:Mid read "lead.".:, And, they !shalt hear; MY voice. • .•Millions- and, mullione have heard thaii.oice of Christ, through the written word,' and •his 'witnesses down through 09 ages. And they _shin he-. COnie. one flock.';',ene Shepherd.. • .The, church Of Christ is :ene- _hodY,L.becausii.4tis the body of dirist.:, each •believer hafi, the same prittleges .tis another; we are *mod together by a •centirion 'faith, a Coalmen -1190e, .and She Cottoxistioi.ace- •$•••••• r/ohit liarritmore apparently unworried '1'sr- the alimony .de- tialicia by 'Ifs bride, Maine :Barrie, SzdilinglY confer i: With ;his ht;i:• torneY• Henry Huntington, who will re reseht• Min when the find: • break .01 their roniatitesin ' court. • s <1. •"•••• : • 0 Something. new in lace is pre- sented by Miss, ;florothr Berner its she basks ' in Old SoPs beatns in the South. This very., latesi. In sWittirning suit'S thade Of leafy "cotton Mee •and Was design- ed ed 'Prance. • - A-3 ' e• ' Muriate -Of. Potash, . to give 700:114,,It IS *lined that the 760 • lba:.„,can. he f0,wa' Without ini4Illef .thnrate Of 70 lbe. per acre,. which give the same results as 2-12-6 sown I. at the `rate, Of 300 lbs, per acre. 1 would .1beetteliz4431thnieecithotcl.hatediv itgeelfedreenetstt'athiee 'niers:Modern than •those mentioned la-your-bufletln; ai1da13o. 11 it would be gait& mitiaractery. Would sawdust, reationablY 'Make a,•,:lhtistactorY ....fiilexAm.skeep,..r.aixturefrembeeoing. before 'a successful to mix' fertilizer With the grain in.the drill. box When. nfertilizer drill Is not available • or does. the • fertilizer 'run Out fliatInstiad 'of chmIng ..evenly, With;t4a.'-grain.?,!: 'T., :Renfrew Answer - fn answei- to • your, first quettiOn; is,` 44 ;neur, practice.: saw ; it, usell With. varying success1 25, Years. age, in. New Iiruns- wick ,and Maine. The ingredient. Am- monium4vetyePwii".spPrOatittl.."14t8lsiillat4'h'616Ylii..Par' con- centrated contains"..hyailable ni- trogen and phelnitortis as guaranteed. Rhea:been mlited.fin the. quantity that You quote,' Which closely approximates •With 'the, potash,' the analysis 2424 - As: to I it being golie satisfactory, •i am not prepared . say. Some claim to haii. gotten .ghthrrestilta frein. If the „Mixthre? !MS:been made carefully and •applied • evenly,:. I see ! no reason why• Itshould;not give:•results; 1 cer- tainly 'advise, adding 'Att :200' lbs. • ton ..quantity,. since 'I doubt if you , Can get -a; :that :will ;se* .evenly and :thoroughly • in. quantities: Of :even 1.00 lbs., per -acro. . • °In answer to .yOui 'question: ,about .SaWdust„,.1.,Would' not reoonimend it :Ss_aLifillersineeTit-taices.-:. niolattira rather.. readily arid Is very •Iigift„ and bulky. Tho best One ,of Mier- is •seme; thihg,thht Abe* the same .specific gravity • as the.: fertiliZer Material, • • . Scif4i0ist, En- • , gineerring tests have "ohawe that the material '..that. Is Ateavieift,k• fldws • froth the ;drill more ,quickly • than ilghter speciftc gravity. 'material.: • In . Editing fertilizer, with grain in conntered since grain Is net the Fame, specific gravity nor the same slze;:ker- ael as In the: fertiliser.:VdOubt,11 you can 0t- even apomsopi,or fertilizer 4hrmighthe grain boa, if .fertilV zei, and -grain are niliced together. Es - the case 11 there 13, much .Moisturo',1n. the air; or If the. 'grain, is at all..damp..There :IS alsdo danger of' seriously.."injuring ' yenr I grain drIlL'ItyOu do sow the: Mixture, through the, grain 'deillj,boi; be 'Imre; to clean It Out • thoroUghly,. diately after. drilling has -Sten Meted... • , . fte: opeiation, Flprense Madelle La •Rin!1! Was ;the. Fir, to Suppty Hay Fever • Preparatloni , Madelle La Rush, first 'Parson in Canada to -Supply' the ' medical profession at large with. preparationea. for treat- ment of hay lever and asthma, 'died recently after ,an. operation. For her Wei* in .derinection with flower pol- lens 'canSing.hay fever. she was :Made an associate member, Of the Toronto Academy of Medicine.' „ From 1-921; to 1934 she was asso- ciatedin her Work with the DePart- Of: Soldiers! -Civil-Re-Estahlisli- ment, first at 'doilnaught. Labara-: tories and later at Christie'IStreet; gospital. Upon the abolition of the departMent, in 1934, she entered the cOmiriercial field.. 'Alfred Johnsen Of Woodstock,' is 'brother. ' We'll all he Mad in 100 Years:-,,.• tqf the growth of insanity. continues •11 at its present, rate,: every, -man, 'woman and child' will •• probably bo made by :Stile year • 3039,6 said -Ta _well:known-weniarrs,doctor,-;.in an - -Australian . Health; Week: address. Insanity had increased by 30 per cent &frieg the last„. ten years, she Said., Worry and, war ,4,tvere contri- buting factors. ' • IL on, s Styangest, House tOilt on the .fotindatioh.s of the oldest :hi:Stet:leal montithent in- •Isbniteri- the itotrian this Odd house, No. '24: Tower -only"nine feet Wide and '82- feet high, hasbeen marked' for • defiled • • tion" Soon.. It has three room, one over theethers. the 1.10ot of the ' • basement it•fdinted:' by, the Roman We)1 itself. ,•• i ell 614: - reeding Pen *1,14 .0;4y Beet' ;Birds In Th. - Flock 'It is how -ebou,t, time td make up „the, breeding pens, and 11 .-We• art/'• to thye birds .next Year: that 'WO • ley a larger number Qt eggs . thhir our present flock, only. the best 40, " diVidria..14 •in tlfe, flock thfinid•' 40:‘ selected to . breed them:' '•11.11tf• production, size of eggs eS" C-43-#ttrthed• :iteeFFP.Itfe'tifitlf • emphasis „in. the order ""mainedc'.. hops are' to lar.,•heaVily they mUst., ho - able- to consume ,•,lifige'ailniniats; or fo4c1„ :•111.usc Or ePorse:;'be:"••Iiig°r" Ori -S. tO,•40.'thiS, "there :Seem's. to 1)0 7 a tendency in rhany.-flecks, in '.whicl%: . , the. size of • the „hems and: :the 'Sites At the eggs are both.: decreasing. Undoubtedly much cif this is due to using tinseleCted,.birda; espacial-: ly pullets as;' breeders,' :and agsin ; the: forcing of pullets: during ;the : growing season to '• early laying, chimesthem to lay, at a Young age.' These. Immature,. undersized 'pullets; team.• 'come thikd:' Robert Taylor :4PM laying eninil eggs vvhieh "puith,„ and wiiliam Powell -.fifth, increase to the size they ought °light and In, case you're interested the other the s p. Pit;lelvohsge etuheersellt •,,:ioerSa.gehef;to'rretioci he ' breed,- :immature' pullets 'should "tire-Ver-The'.use a1 e • ers. lett .•pullets are used as 'breeders , only well %attired,- pullets, ••which , have been laying for at Nita three:inAtli'a, should be selected. '`VVIten' making up the breeding pen every hen shoulsi be handledand all undesir- able 'ones excluded from the -breed - Of course Old' hens which have • leading , sthrs are listed. in this..order; •24,(Yrnh Loy, Claudette Colbert, Norma ; . Jeanette MacDonald ' mid. Nelson :Eddy best.It Is nice !taireporte l..'Ba•i!ttchr.a41:t e. C. a #eY',Et • new picture,. '4Great. guy," is one 01 his •• to be; he Made • .it* for Grand National • you know; a, new orga- nization, and 11 , it had , not turned out well we phased through at; least one ;laying. might ;have . had no season : are most. desirable as Ibreed-: more .„.....gagner,l'OU:-,..?:tiie„,ers;.----!7-OftenTwhen-Ta herr has • gone tereen for a While; at . through'. the laying season their ' least. After all his quality, as,.. to '.vitality, production,• -size-etc-can--be : more accurately .l pleasant to know that 'determined se that, the best in .the.:• ..:'he is Ohee More .oh.:the fleek-ichn be • sele4ted. •-• big tinie and that 's '•• "0..tAilt.,t1oloirltighirer_upuvielert4te' 744.: 4. 1.4e.- ti•.rhsr.O.irm.," • their ".,second year . if we''.expect. ,•7.•.--kla.ie. you listened to that .rieirrradio keep up.. egg ':Prodtiction,•' and .:;hther, progran"...,To: you* we,nt.-tp..Be,flhI AP,: -deeirahle, 'qualities,: I the 'best. from • • : tor?" . if ,*)11...• haven't. ,tio!. ..entertaining. „ Peo.Ple who.:arelr-sinI'mthreY athe wb.°1° •1.2-._6C1c1' must'citt.eiu" audience are • given _roles .seiecsoparents of the..ne4: stehes: geherhtion. • '. • • • that are done before: the micikiiihone,'• • • , and after 'eaOli :the best • WOMan, perforMer and :the best. Melt are given movie tests by. Warner.sre-. 1Tryiii0 (Nit 44,rs,:: 'vs: (tuft° l[icisgibie that: some Of, or ...future stars • Will be developed OM • .this•:•whY....' 's• ' 11 tlie radio programs ::giVen, 4•Myrt and Marge"' for, so long were ainong. your .favorites; you'll be .glad to, .knew. that:a ,"neiv series. done by that popular couple has started. a %family, iffair,fee t1yrt.'s-,. noW-orr the Pregrant, and Marge" is hes:datighter. , The 'son, George.:pains, •erel; used to go . to ' the Ilniversity ;10 s , Smithern California, but ha :left • cot - lege to • tear With • his Mother. O11. tjte. stage. Looks as 11 4!Myri"'"had built 'tip. apiettY' .good huaineas by writing those' sketches, doeSn't. ' ' • grace., Moore . has had tiy.'abandon :er, career On the concert 'Stage and thp .itir temporarily." in ' erder• to hke. a •'intiCh need.eirrest. Sho •hiS den-Lworking:::..hard- -s'in 7, plchtze•s-in • „. There. 'has :hrrived.'at• the; .GUelnh. Agricilltnral College within the last Montli„"e' : of. a 'bfeed :_of • sheep , .:Whieh• is new in Canada; :Writes.. the: .Kingston ,"'Whii:7Standard. 'T,hey• are , • "Called•thelcerry and this:pea, .Which, Wis.. the priie one "'fit', the.. big • Kerry: Hill Sheep': Isle: in;:Motitg. eryshire lasty.:...ep,teniliel,•.,•',. has ". heett,'' presented .to the 0„.A.,.C., by the KerryHill Flok „ Seek 8Ociely.. • . •••• " The Icerry breed Of one. ,4f, , predeminatit,,,honds -Wales---These sicen are "knOwn. as "the ',Speckled • faded. • rentp.hyers,"' They! Are .. popular in Mohtgozikryshire'!,hntladriorsiiire, :as well .; RS k pf .ShrOpAlifre..: a.hd.•i.1-Iertfordsbire;:•Bacii-u•Si:O1 • their ,fact„..sh_ e haaturned_•inte,..a_real.troup,,,Alarclness-anti,the ;quality-, of both . :0e4riii:snereloth.mnutechropt",roallinbleent,it:hwatlit:Isuonclti'l:efOtheir mutt,in and wool. r, Control.' ••• " • his Palriphlet, "Types of Mountain ' In, stSt'oeraway"%•ycioi: see' Shirley and 114112 Sheep in reprint- Temple,deing Imitations Of Eddie..001- ed.', trona the''We'l's4 Journal of Agri - ton and hnson and doin Al Iog them cit..slteu.,re„m",; . • • , , . • well. • The .fungything about lt.ia that il Abetistvoh,:, 9.S.. of 'niverity Co1.lege, thfetripiehmil,d,-..lautasit t The...Kerry Ira heep, another ".t8 .61..srgoeM4iiwohrha6t-1.1:-Seoll. S'w-oWrakk.,. i;e.''WhieWrshhrt:t7bi•eoeiCle.7 .11011y1vood Is S,till:Shoeked over the .They are fotind On their nhtiYe.:11.ills•• in- Montgomeryshire, and alsh• in the ; herder 'counties of 'Brecon. 'and.... had; nor, •Under the influence Of h•••verY: •... :able,..chariges. have etakeii.,place' in the ).gen,eral, type vv. hic' been pOnt'i- larized„ ethiditiOn,. and in 'MT-crops:ling. rame •fer. t he.tle • "i.;K4nw.!.s.: ininrovenients, but ,the More cht.nph et and earlier tYPO: ot breeds: are' Preferied for the • ponrer conditionS. The 'breed: genet ally, trod the iinprev• rfiliti:tr•Str.i,efuerzilli.1;;I:ft nanv t: ; 1 in:a030(1 10b eon, . oV,.'e Ver. "; the " urtim•:".; "proved --Mon n ate Still ih dernahd • -.for ....c..rOssing- :with 1•./oWn .,laMS en •the.-lowlandStrand-tnniiyare. used ; :flocks • :Nerth .••• %Wales; 'Thes4c4 • ewes Ore. harily, •eas- Ir Maintained, ••• 'and -have' net ;the , ' 0fl1e „teft.detic'k- riiinbiO:; in ..a .•• strattee.,coitifitY„pas• lain ewe andare thus more. popular , than •the latter on badly::tence,CloW- laP. • it , " • Thiq new breed Of sheep has been- • intieireeecl. into .Onte:rie;.4)y 14./k. tioneen• Marshall, ininiSter culfuie at no cost to the pro:el e., They eotae.wiiii an e•.,,ctellent reaOrd' :behind' them. lima` Mono will, tell Whether they Will prove tia valuable to „the, 'farmer :in . this. •:(OuptrY as, :,iithoehyloil.1:tayientet"htle;iebt6trdhi,6t:s.6•-oatn7i.adt: •O , grieve sever the 'death •. by suicide of bis• first. 'Wife,' Aleta Preile, ;it Mile there', than: a . year bfore It 'was i'• Said that she'.kIllod herself becausi,'bOty1,1ilk Hollywood ''-f rom t Now k.Ol'k stage,.'!'; She could ::riot Seem.: to: get< ah e a'd 1 n'...Pietures Voting 'Al:pi:Ander Was doing, ve.r.y. 'S'ell t With his . • chre,ers tnd hie gess ;suicicle of Roes 'Alesihn-Alexander. :dor, aithongii''SoMe of bisq'triencifi, ..knew that be had never ceased to -Sectind wiees.;•Anne 7, Nagel, 1 One -Or the.,Efcir60'ii prettiest .young,actresies: • .013PS and g.N.Gs_.L..-.-11,dgeinber •I‘-The- ,Shielt," with Valetithio? ' ,141ho • 11.far0; ni will appear in ia picture" based On similar.,StorY. Jean' /little* and ltebert.:''reYlOr :011I appear. together • In.The Man" fft l'Opsessioa`' ; It "Isn't supposed to bo known' thatian Fontaine isHavjIaiid ,S187 ter, but everybody knows it-..7-hnd the feet vaivannOttneed;:. .tere•f•ia• "Star 1.)tiett! hiOntb$ age, Wheb atie.%O:igned with Jesse :Litaity;(hied• ag4"1Vilid- :One to 607betiOdi With,G4tdSea(ledgo In the :atellar;r610„, . • octors who, wish to practise in London , slibuld; under' the old Act lienry. time, be .•exanlitfed and passed, by the BiShop of Lon. don or -the Dean �f . "Mwtres3 of licittaekeening" is h new "degree'. Which OartheniWothett. can earn:, 'candidates •tiniit • be 24 L year of age and have had five Years? OXPOriehee • in hOliftelkeeping 'bolero they can take qles tWo,Year course cinalifying4'\ them . for title. • • 'irhe bast k [psi 01 golf ball. 'for , Use: of ths.;, iltiffer la one of .verY, apparently of etaadatas .-4hheneieng, „lands CoVered With h' • • crocheted •jticket, thje fetaede ltN; speed reilderif it less denier. Otis tit n mi.sj1o. w1i011filet :wiab- nf ite mark,. ' ,