The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-04, Page 7.. . ... .. .... .... ... 7 —i t .... . ... . ..... . gias!� than , �1_ ' 4` '7P A Foroire4p art WER wk; ALW 4r AYS - I :pro SHADU IF M E "I T illt Act, said, ',Vpder SYR, THE S A jq ther, 0, b w 940 top, 0;,�cil FINE QUOLITY WIA t 1v lu really Just, an, uprovexpgrit .no of,,, tric pr y -A OUT tlal,ylleid� 00, cu i3,6 te 4004 1w ook Mq, thoe;,o tbot Our �rqk!e S� -,ftt6� 'th,,, qr ble bit, fOet'at,'iO O$ere of Miplit, an o7 lifted a il36i. ,or ti�o from' th6 91 Mal ren w4�, 0Oefrab e, to, hav,Ie . filn C rip. !fhp forestry tax, W44 00gull I units. Ithe' fnet iihat- we Ea Q W: �qgpoeq nis a* letter' which show, eb -KE t Opting, to geq bqW,. jj� *4 e tar,A Ili Or', ti, for -4Q, 10110, WhR`6. are f Oi the, pregelit: Vdswortfi lf�e years 1',.h4rdl toni Keats,",ov Wj anon t Oxe ga,, Lfoll� - , 'e V: went, EA r p, "rases 0 the from Irey-epti ou11;6!de�lye 411 wq-with Kr Schell i - A] 1: 9 �of p era u ic�op Put Prot pprin ,M 1011 A u nil Mahie, eatf-1 But W Is. oq� I'd W a§ Redi $X5 OQQ ta Act rthatAt s 4, ", "4, .. I 0 ilgia . OhIgi-an. log rhospnintisin..'Nly Audo _11O004 , -V Well hat all"th od IL4� h 0e -iv �hb 81110. �Ordlh�, j_ , nt6 It Y., 4), asion a� r e - U I . . . I'll . gilt,d� I ­ ", ' ' * 1. , q 6 libit, the gefflus:& th- poetif, t rffe9to, as Y .,was ittl4b,119 to.'w4lk, w ftistfixt prod -6t. thei. 'but -11ii0r. ha4dw,rjtin&,:,, �Eae ..,an Mother,- b Ii d* 't only fli It of chalracter, as one* 4ot wag no getting,.', him, Rkle" 0". it with ia,.s, A ch, gbout Ki in)l sea 16 '*16 a- Quitlet, p,( ain. ;-oxpef,lmenting witb! �the appi n, of lillight, qxeect. but it.. o try7it, I wao.Ahreq thiptlif.,-, licatio w4s also" bean Ca pLL4t, yveek. et in p ? y 0 of -the ggpe In, r'llilpf6rip I felt, ally'befteK but I kopf on- �'hjsl swamp,, Ailerob idesi+Oyln�r,', 'A' their dis.c. veryto, other Y' iie�,O;­ s6d the: cane. ere ki e,ch lrou it it', a I -e very Wor, Ing'' Oil 'tie hottli,ilk 01 thei e"might' b6,.,givpu iOUgfi-:aAd,r, iflay mabj3, .... .. .�'Wbqt to d of th I th'Is, case wOr 'all 6ut''9 .9 trAnpgi, qsqr s, gap be 77 could. a' sO'e, Y� Mit tie will ney-gr onesalirejor pplif , f liprill -.0. eh notfila, nowi,.Ot f Or Ititiepesting, de b ould z` Oe th I o company., f'ln, tiu,,cafie T er,". w of' -the It eJpost. aisi'lla iqelf at cipl� 'Vi to, get. 11, tter all: at, on ce, �Ias.. a that d, �One 01Qpinent, accor' Ingto, d a r pro vidd'oa,. forqs0r, fdr' puff` ;6&101, 15� yeai a ibefpr,j, at -ti o4sc pupniessi'41i them seri.attVOY4 minded �'for, pi be miLde.. ige con -Can., .,If -not7 wrlftbn�,, awon ritb�hent.o?�_ I -bbo: 11 �q, ' tiolt- in,*the, e,ve.I9PWen1tqv�aI6ng PO P_rltA I ietiritatism a requent y ehOse' p1d car .. ... ore'd voing 00 In, k ass f0i, 4�, oi�ollegt, 4 d 'get: a fret., W tn c 0., e bli r rees cut;, an, replacetneats jiga I; g A TP -'yt uld d' fre; pei im iss 9;r 14 all 0. ran' It f Ighwgy,. is hra of.ImI$0ria An..exeggg Q ur.e..avid.in h or less.1hah When hwore rift n. en', 'g. app q;mriep: -a holdiQg' b Bai k Sewnd: Hoho'_ 1614�, tha St a 0Arter of c e I mi e,., nd museums Were, not In, e4stente., u c tinjii )sbilitfid, It pmpan e.g. ut lxrolplaes uch. YOU bp made -44, thAtf, 7fe Lak' TePat , Are I deposits,. then IN ah ed, in4 la field and'Alagnet. e. Rhispe. v)j d ' ,Ilg who.shav The NoWifift Glia -n Or of -Corn mercob nk in. r time hilsfilt g aduatet, yet," provide, 004 pol reB ,them"'awa altogethero. you : "� H Lgk� should. d Ali, gp.y: or prebident bqs 'taken, only part P"f bid qtchlsdn ild ligre, 'that this Kruschen treaV D! t4ey took pains* Not Shaft A frien "'' � , , * :1. xcf or g,printer. -t Ideas from books. Mdqh'-oi hlli�.Iln'- Oilt mining ;in news. at an early , ;- - - 1. . 11 .1 - Yc men; t' s quid , 1, , .. t I' ,-If a sede4taiy w.brijor 6�endg his . I \ . . I . I., . I one bring MI.. n 'cases of wanisti: Serve d formati It on na ure. swence, ha Lin n inn in'. to nedri a eisit, t Are. illeumatfin. uebeb', Ontario g thiii� first. level. the letters, which.,we.' te Sme ter Go 14, should: provide news now 'write and' rectiv' P blifli 6f C' -no 'It was gaitib'd flrst_hand� He has a case fill.. 41 '11191 W111 . a dal, b' ofonal flftymseven cltiories,per 41 Q., a, I I id Arp4s. premi I from its diamond, drilling.-campajIgn mpo n - in thO44rorth Ws Or off not tWiconcludol that. hill l botanical spect miloi;'� halt a, pint of, mild ale ill as '61 considerably for. e find -in Additioii to. readk started., *anged, v Is. III nL:. w- th �hal It MY I.Ce satisfied todd If--!' wo.'�r-I�iibousei are� his,1obby i . I the.. wfirse.,, We'are, 7 pro est4, a very import- co0epted. by hims.plf.. writing h id I 't ' t, a:ifiouut� of.4 Ad*z n pnit, Disbatgoeto''Usects vu t and :Qnt4rjq Inter *Jce o.ver..-, Dr. a is",s"Urrou" d( aitmen w toI letter legible �e r e,' III istie in, Give 4 by- strange' F: �C 4j Pep e Wrl jo 1 ant Investina I T661 PfibitItioner." Buts,it does not deelphiiiied; sind of toli 'pld Wha t'Of' ojresta thqr'e2 �h h's, thterest. B6 w t kc�, --d6 -plorati a 9 t of. AijittiltU, yoll4l.be.'Eklile to wjtllo,�Jor'ty nij' D16minio: :Di6var silver,,, gold, lead and­zj;Tc. -dison and,martf .110%,011, in 12-:mopthjs n Bird do arnter- Outlines Benefits 0t �P vjInb.. iw provert 'PI anti I ng ... ro"r, was,, ilb, e a, tar;19 is as. e. 'the T d the plant "patho'lloogic4l serviee w the 'through,fts Importattv.holdingg� in. Af� the Larder 1.4tkoe 'District of open" "I' roe ag , Mn oil,', Is' layed, a-' mon. a. Otter, - to,. admir o iojil.61" Rotany.Ais at' thib Aisposall. detmac' r eiar', Gold. a' III bi �!piubllot -.:r -Divis. c6lippif': F f1lico beitit Ing feature mar- F, OUthe handwijtjjj� stera, osa, ra ge paInt,like ,Thel'ex6it about for' wh of 'the People of' Canada.' paeticulariy Lake Qeneiia Mines* these issues.- ;The obvious -explanat eird rdots which' bran that e4r da 1. 1 1 -'thiif � itel. A In . albout a *Jtb w X_hqlds forth, the ch. popsibillt Aer Is all li, In additi6a, to, thq Practical Royalite-is:"It mong w. nor Qqr torresponq "cionserVatin?"I" ,What, 110 reforesta- ed into, iriakey w I agre�' safe, mediuni a ;. I oe, ents are Y of'some,lie d 6 -In the Quebec Fle) d Ffvincoeur, Keats, a 6f -the DiVi on. -as.' the oil holding. compailles; an Beside4 'tarming, : lid roa�aib'��o'rlff st, LaMb,, br .-S. elleY7710 -'not d trelli O)antilli �`to witi . THANKFULN,FSS sistance w'ltb �061ill,. Astoria Rbuyn,',Dempiey, C#dil- ost .0.6scu -writer - Arought. an r "refer6nce t plant pnouill. rdodsj n.: iwelk RouYfi'and'R4juy!i:i; Roo�ward (4' 4011 e cisI46p?: A ' of p.1106bred gifiek- r4k. Landon.goes in 'kful tot day writers:. "d I an the dawn ot-� -66self s. given to. lndjVi(lua:la. �Ifrough lae, Po 'whose, prfvate� 16tt6re still Itia awers athOred''from brominent men for'. hature, , 4uld p t 9' y hotography and ..W e likely to pro --m n -For use1ulf ork.and buoyan p ay;. Persona :orre I -in' A'y inipoitdnt Y archives-are,:..j, clear ar vid'e o carvdng..,� sPondened whicl, It, the iamil cO*y,­w ere tieforesta-, wq, '�kf:) -for the f ith c Market 'in at, '.'!llowever; 'ji still ews., 6 a ., if frfends,.� addri��sibd' to thia 06t�iziio: �Bota o On. as artistically., siti tha 11. - - . - .. to�re sfactory- as kL gained cortsifl CenL . I I � . 'tion:ba _qtleiijo L For in heart that: Condescends.' tfall Experimeutaj 'ciijigentiated' oil the Aq�elob d th f we excuse ourseyptk lerable hiadwa agold In the. hAmportant. e. e grentL. 'I "go lid,00. answering. Farm,, 0t c trees, mid t taw.a, or--tO--t ez7-offIcer-.In­.chafgO. of prop, Keliiipme�, X thankful ior th ish T�' Public, memory it 16rination 'of Saying 6at we write In liaste,:Iwe mus b Monroe -Labdon.' Norfolk - ounty' CU __`�nkq�ve- remem Or tbat'the ty f] owero, f I.e DomfP10111J."I TIL' Pathbld IS I It fin a h.. with t .specta at rown. 0 I'Corporat on wit ewr Lor takes gict-I Lab. . .. . I :Chimbe'r of iCotinme'reig, chairman con- _. I .. I . I , . . I . . An, 'For sh'pphlre seas and toollizir.'show., oratorteg,,.. re -imnen"n-Mmoneta-shaiesq-,-Ifo deal, o rk-6ff.�4iir­ipe 8I)e9ti3mly. at 1-ces-Drovideiii:14 -E4Lstern­re&pItal_.1_T_h s-and— town, erg, are.'. Shorter; be Idea,, conservAft0fiLfrionot y N -S,;. redi,'Ic-. mond -drilling resu ts. olletaf Kirk. �Qpm -d 1.6 Ketitvillb. rill thre "'GlassS06 -that our left sidefed' e6n P I F is hnanced' f oto so ton Is easier. -World o b N '8 S- . ti erO; I' d hO'% lizItak of Tui-�_erl It if I -that _ n-Iiesibo je �.sid abd:. witil'orie drill a arted an,-4,sec-. ',.68t "All obje Mve 'of. ­a. Is T�. reforestation 'ild 'ready "to I a', lifild fi re tter to the' I purling broo a I f abt momen�;,w1en being, iror. dimilt P. Q:; �t, Catfiarine��-, ont. o. I111 0-1111 0, is' es Ing�b1rds'&ipd k. Cqmp4JpY �gs are I9 only one po t IlAiw'lien It Vr.. an ful for the"sup. a 11 oni, S66 atoo-:­'Sask.; �ql�QUVAWebk,t ta 'there,are N4 et sat I'm 1�b:7 k''* ven:.a6ib�g�' ' with -great: Interles .,..',.Tbe proximity, gai 0 as,.pro Pacai 0 ur'vlvai �of. Ldndiin Tiaichei Usied in stars- er''oescient, moon, a.; '�U' C, -and $'aan- lt' mmor N160se. qn pl'its adjoining neigh I te, Off$ Is-:exPect,;d to - start rilling 6pi - woodland, envirolipilt. That environe RiVeir Mie',,� Di 's�� r I . I ful fbr'thb' gift' 6f � 'tajei, Ichton, B. -C. iLetter d r,�,,, a even.: imbre', ifficult tj .,B,,an packa a.. P &h Fkla'ad a Zq.tio`4s4n.the Wainwright., field ar,'-a d' ment-re4tt, reg,,,Mo f' For share'. qbW Contine bles6ffig's 4 'a n, txeely _Utr6 batei,- ::T e Company s, : ry- 'terlot thahkful'tor, the. rig Alherjp� andwMing 'seep 61]141�. �Ptovlde mutual &I ht.jo, 1, 1j'we g t., ad -eased to i Lve, "o. 091, - London,".0at.-,01le of fell ceS latest di hi'Dorfifillon to _h,, n has reported: wfiAt,' Oil leases 4piwoxilmate 17,490; aopies. n ­.c aracter. For. daily chance o ierv+ and''gly otti free ch Of -as pi�r-,:, c Camp.: edts WAIJ.w6 doesiroy6d.bui fores.tp, contributions t May* be s to- the medical worldr own ri�e�h I'm thankful, mog a n Ing 'Rivers' Irrig'ate'djIii and,'�.freo�is iitcii isY mail sues e 1 ed t God: above',,' bi d to write sl e lags boot, iis.,Cr. dlt;W with sav up *ater %in' Swamps sp.t. at,' orwai 11 riverw �For- His, P roipctIn9i;, ,Pprliect idye, For. ds ad.y.ice on' I' It a era find' -as -Y av es ge'',qr sMa is and pro ei p III repse to`the Doluir fif,.,up a lind. aile,y.� .They. Arf �be age 'of, the-hia,,hill-mad f the', Bi Illthat they Iar­ -'.Difficult are; rudiii i'llcowed Fred ..:Kf'rkPatripk,.". 40lid,on Tech, �c a, n difd vis IY.', provided ',,bfroill nichni Slosing his ei'l-ville Ki.61 . sot. s,­C1OaImqnib4tJon8 t Alon- birds, ini _turn�,at� tn'slect add' 4 ulid,�: �6asjlbly iiis` the 11 n o' e e* we �a vise .1 ge: t 6ir -Ina 011 c all n w' Id 'haie" expect�d� op. hient Ot. Agri- Witis ladtics to, confor n T etween a� furke -Dep t It e triees. Th'a' wh oe:'pro'grfkm­ MS lch,migh, Utl y. all St.. onumon It i6r. SO hive d The g ass h�! differ6rieb b d logi 0" twould.'bi 'stioyed- h got, �igained wotfiliwi h' fil' a, tax-i�i6Lyenls � that'.' th, e 'gets It r c6lid! ` a Posite.' 01 cultu e" Ottawa, _t1o, -er v h Ioq"ks*..:W',,e'gf.. t6ach In U :_ -011ce� a of riatu're 1 fite, r rninehc� after' t hi e.- -. M" osO, Rl ie�, peck :t�.Iy and delpands at- aractOri�stic- - Use e on wa ie. m6tibi U n it pict0re. s�try in Isle, is, c6nfro it,,ed itb erson, i y �Sca aftei- 'Iie� baf, did y 11 U w' 6ell- in, I'' Ilk . 't Fi6v&h chli 11., 1 ' ' . _ , Alfred B 01811s,ter. �4r ow t this. Inter-lodking pt�iuroij- of. oil d Tl' 0 C xi r Le. schools had e.en Pescupd oil ca -7 Icaj_ a 0 t4ori "Galt' R -I a:w after y-ou.,gqt out it saved1ils lei: sified.. d 'it' Ve tstng� ri jill'akival pin r 'f and s ers ou a Im ter. lt'� lost: $XQ,60 '006 ast eal, Cla We don t now en6u' fi a6 h d Your dd f 7'' from t e, mine a4 ped er .,nia difflicultiOs, 'obiI6 'v& ilid eporl .9 -le 0 '1 hts a Is He went oil 0 Jim ec," eilondent�conci6rhgk aye been ilospital' 'officials :,decided'� Well,. for thid,first'-year .1 ad- Point mt. thaj 'few.. took. .'advAntiges, 'dl ed the begin., ..tlii ind se 0 1 1&� and; t ai ved payiig�� di! receivership., to Ourcha 1 14 i �1�a� aI4 't, tb� all forced of - robin -46t, here *0 rO rence ress r,'W after, that,, Inio iabilities FARM impLEi a? P -mulberries U0it tftCjjVe WAy.. �f Testc!iing -dW d' b . . % . Y�ung tfii e, deim Panies� are 'sald.to total I � just "in time - to sav?. e debts heiries.' A few mulberry:trees n ..we ctill6d,'her. r mal."' emIi1a.yeea go of,,thr4.,. AN141N.G MILL, RN t -leg.- At was -feared"the at,they, c6illd start':'the. �4evk,� �ear 43,000,90.0. F� - uii F rtbkls 1wo clerry, orehar this Seed Of facturing, -121 Empress reseent, ';T . orunto. let- he Pitt te,d;�,but e M at- tI1P_:Jn&LO11.PlCtIlre' birds 'and' ripen .:Ip leg might, "Salesma. WILL re:� Is the, jnbjn&�- owing no mali.,;co 'm4lits'. the"str tfie, gl ff" *a d.- Mr. ell: j6u -in Britain refe'rs* -to ('anitastic �The peace. ass. boot treatmell was gbil 8 '0 Ice. fq.i,d Gka Irled. Medi-qg-Rthorlities tellograp, "Follow, sit to the a lness.:, b rz h the 'Dao- ed, L �5, .4riOlEl j,� attem ptj�, to. urn_our_col6i� BABY' UIP: was" sagb_ �u I t I I yqu'..comet 'to the ifin 'thit c o-.., make his 'busin o�S trick' Air. 7KirliPii e I jimafle�' , fieldg jurrounded'by it� Pi —YC d BARRED ROC coinip6titJori.. with. th e actud) acts of ar �is tbd reported to'. be reco-veifng�'s4tisfa.cidri-' rb4ds' "No Adin' Iance'.!­,,Go. Upstairs 'succii."ful, and that it'','' rea l'� pRid,: jjojl3r -in It*. a Y41te. -Rucks. ne.; 0.r'om 'blood. U-Sted nalitN, of. th ie vs, d' .1 Mr,'11111d0n.' ISO pointed. on that ily� prkets.. P61.80 wood lb..,;world.. e '�7 P4 afte, l� the7"treatinent.-, tin, Ybu gee tt And hilll­ I aPPY workers because :sai . d that !t Is - fi'tu're' "of' the�biiginess stock. he ges Pro' 16, �finl ""Keep -OuV to iave% Order e y (luaral3teed delivery. , �:. , . '' , , 'lor ces d vide rof:O�tidn'a, to Insecti- -then, toi' i, corrid6r ubtir, YO Y gi(ve b 'f -On egg' 'd,r tile. than', April. �10.11b down. balance -I tfid efjort;s, of 'the Marto. nb. mising as C:O�D; Bo3i 'I Hatchery,. hatham, �Ilientjn'g..oi da and: keep down, 441, eto' c Voro it-s6e, the e ter service.,. theref4e, is t jf�ro us 6ik .1ow th� e 'sign: "IS116n If,` 'for . e wa rea from 04t. es. es, and Ra.tepav'ersi da ho,uf 4,0 scombated Ii ;meht', by pay n i1fair ivinds;'. thO fe sion The . n1i'alcing .'a i; lici -a '�ndiertak th n 1) "god inve tt ai On goes: in po iw 'extra feet film ire 'to be a diffie'dit ge It would appear ��go�fati.pn, to.-hivp !the truth a out, war -INVESTOR$ thib"dotion Cturoa Is eir' to, sk to bring, d in-t-116-9choill m6ftgagesj U mPI repaid by 110&k nsw 3 derived., on de 0. birth. 'becatise -of tbe' 4UPeL-I EVERV INVENT0R4-'.,Ljq the Unie- to.' atlyie We are doilig.that in at of oere inspector 811litfi. �said restat on 7.000 "itild :nro+ and'- 10" T WIO fers bab, a'l.:Io - v -inter- a'ilbultilli 0 those the American' h6ldj, It is diii 6ustbul� sent '0' C' I _04 6 ek suilis. held g'!!!old- T ddle A, r)iIi,want& izivenil�nii and - ifull was out,as means Gat From AA I of' pro filing �iv free., HE' aSAY. Oumpany. Wvrld persona j�atenv. it4ttorpeyd,- �73� Bahk 'S"eqt, Ottawa., the teac I re� no he gave to do w-ith, 9 em t i -n; t, debf Zqctcor-Doeahl-.wth�Quoeiii�in _LW� 111- ums .44. 111--oln'.0- woo dqrlp onths. Forest$ B r Cirl .7.0 y.. as,. d Or to. -T-o-rH , f low -as $10,- ac, to pittures. 7 le Word 6616sgal: tqrYAr 'Xbe best, plan lo,.6duj�ato the g:wilkt ,!��Farmer coil - mol rn In descri Ing 'pro- ypulig peoPle. ;ibbut war-iis.to s.cure Of, set�'ice, 'i� 6 tfi�iiiad balle would reiahr. Isture �to evien 9th with a req c;IoVer 00 gattle, sh, whit to ntej,p fi�.In t III, BUDAPES eso�. Ti bi, pun y no. d right' that' ductfbili-.' th �to ffdw� and,, p �Oie ptopaigatio Y' g Socientisb is Idea gibts o a 171VIE PONIJ9. $ rom and intI,� � j, I I ty P, n (I e I, ot d ftt� urn *oul r. Bela Pbeldes 'seeks an ans.". Ue 9 0 acebasokles.- It, is habitual) iobta� Nl ology.',D, Made;A-Chicap F a - mhn who haA 6bts reasizi' tb' 1, r6t histo v 'U hit katerials! - Wash . I i. n a' gooti., workei. N� -about, the salarie"s paid� ',the, pe601!e' _�rest I -�ed, er to: fasil Frintsi, Id 0EAU'riFUL off �of' e ),the: age-fild4idde,: Will 4t.bo' t ac ei-we cati s,4u) NEW YO I -e gf-ttiug iL I Two tiC.his own Broadcluthii! Us v tive qUI tsi ree that. boy. or i,a gfil - cause hoe,'has itici, b I.' by I "' F eb ar oung men many. caseE freakS of the thildi Refund Ldaranteel ..'Eton mills, a :'goui6t6Ihg, :.jrildi une. fzi Macalester gencro4ity ii a .,)It., -he ab 'to b. Depilitin. 'beiieie we" ha' that SO 'a� Id., le create'' erie Wi1sj,:, Outrem n ns a py In t6 do with' the 2 of, bables 1phel� cen bet, M L as 1H 0 It it r ted d, by ood.. If are Is, a 7 anr th 0 ;IS4.for exalupleii: New ork tote'll 'about new proeess. file elid-aub wou d haVe b just un or urlate that,.a. rbataura*lit r "of the'teay. iei,s c;�u,",, hapPY. le."would �q ite likely by the. do Nlinn.,;, 'arrived me fit mpl4es a. er�-hi --ers— so sMadie' the vorl, -for., �inahufact ting 'gas ,b 're.1jej dpon.." fq­grqate�t ;a;llong blithi I� jttfy" fli iliumina tir! in tbiI,"ioasi� & - iSe. picture'- st'age-, 120211Z%M&E� ic the y,digeot a.s M ouligsteris of- n - 20"years' scratidd to.r. A Wal be of patimit filsn.,.to'be' d of sbun ' d usluiSss. AaTe. make the,4406wg -who That Is not. t fi,om :clover vvh exactly n ine wi.h ffiem s. Is old�. They '011gl'an,"23, noi, an ak' re as t ey Went,. d They -tit, rying to mitate miet j'ng is in or as a rtic lOf ono�.- group' h� ly- a die'd where, t:h(§ er, denied themselvim. �t�j w as te physict'. Ah Y ba not -,genu the; coiffid' ich 'WO'Alkiiirlfte Stbiriach Quick der h h ve All 'Yoxh' Wo Y' S' �csf'ttbe, Universify -or ji1l' ey might- hav,6 boqght'�Jbry ibeir all t .'motUbj;, tPere, were 6 4 bo Ineso a�, nd �eftd vilijani 11 ,Nlg Ile.. *b- Own o eli� familv'q S I, va e i - ttQA­ * 1 i , :, ldefiMalattic r th corivehi-n— grabi)�The Tilt f51 .9 . I I . . I I I- " I � t: � . . 1 11. i .. the parclits'" I I . a,nfl- plea'pl-6, ey� -cut-, t ielt, 71ioe;' -fill chenileal 011gineOring." a But 6 -werd o SiIine coats.­ae&co-i-( Ing to 'their q 'the ratt(, oi--'b"o-Yi"s't'o�.gtrIA-;�Va.L; the ..Kt �0 tnterview. the (w6-Invebtors '.c oth-and beciu;3e,,.th�ey.- ijaciissed thi6ii, iII4118 rot, �Hllgifig the uld not', afford. cjer- ..-,Wheii e Mot le -ii Wa� oldo6i� ; 'itain, thin; -,s they -Went withbirt. NOW Abaft, tho fiii:ther ris, f by "m`er ail ih6-coniforta Of citY III vvcro,, olind to means of t firoo th, Y find they ..:migiht just.: as well port,oll acres- of 'cl6ver It' predomliiate b ev,ery to. 270.1 6,cy.e; $2G a year ..ftV0' ad ti)ing ificy Cie r. - 10001des, a orli6i` dovoiirhtnent. Jon C o .1 119 'and', heatin thell'L brnplo"yer' W, Id. h , * , 11, old g. dit k, A a Ve 'if 6110MV Of !ia ' tot. the' apparatus will. PrO�nbly' 00 paid,.tbe "Theke OfII bQI le V es, 1lit'do fi'g'IIre8. show t I I Ore , I . 1 '1( at . 1. b�e.)j't.goad deal' wliv in, I 'ffiffles thaq f -h -T -wil �6!1 ve rts p ),v�i i4o, IF of :gtrbrnblin& around A g d' the. lips all pabse-nie "to, fnijl'iffe' as to wI iy oi;ie !Lear, Wolpeu, aik( o �ers in vit lieilftwe, y, a a,. ppotecto:lr' dog§;'�, a tic, 'Golafields. (-mirse. t -le oil'o t (toes tit) know d will'i'llitiledia e v condieflifi. Ope'Yacing itil t416 Nfillairtic t;olj thehi, A Pe. C �w' &.0tely Terrl�r a�iidth*4,spanje.1 owix�d .. I . I I I . . . . � I a a I — _11— M ollyiriin n1td. Jioid of the the", by tho"Ma;tt'gons. Grh�,elj factoiry bol It, iji�� Iklntbp�-611, s. '.the - fathel Alahle And tjs justAlie a lift." es r6al hlih claq��. 1 0 Pe6ple, who.'ziped � gudi'd ab, d" ro* gene'r, ll 'thO indthe'r* a Y '-.0rofessor t - has- 9AH: dOt', a: their 1 0heint' jr' ' * . CifidrAY: is a'goo6d-:thi'hg,, but.i.i. Millplie Syrup. syrup - ietalhing, the' liad givieff therl, a- freglimi6n. , An. at- to wid d hV0 .000u,buying pets wit. to-, 'be thl�'ks, Aill.y out pi% cur the- b out' � wit,.b great dis t maple �,tlavoir. - you,, mega h �Y, . . I I ; faRora ors.'%like si� much. 9va-Pi. P 6,'oxtrae PyToUgen a ion. an ca, rjil.,., �getjffintjq , Are tem t ous efa 6iminiit"' .''d EV ing inforina-661) 16 the relatively' orators Nit will gr6ai a failure C .few dogs -t6ut- of4�6e` ftforO thfin. citid �910-9-11) -thegO PaSO$, �tjSe father '10 rnake.t profitable 'youi. maiplle, 6A�. foi 'a 111,1formaitidn'On Aeq�68 -fied. hie F been sinair Inver -ecogiif� younger­iiiarl the: '' jjjan:�-%' Ahek t66bilstructbill 'all their 'apparatus ui�theil- diatotiveries" hav it ie b d bi s.)j, w WO: e. tmbki�.� Write fo�'. caitain I I of an then discoVered Of :the­y1,',W'efe diad6i near t 'e S Is. lhtieiresting� AY. be a6vially, b0i6d -up�lf for Teople.,arb learning that When the pArditte are o Or thall: 3�,- DGE, h 0hinx, ineluding' e9ui0meAA,: It'. BP11 bu ift 18* 1.. 11 �. . t edi tain 4 Ihe mid Is.* e *.qy­',.'tO, g"nin; 611inbst-incrediBly, as 'For thre6l",years Another rontchdoed that the','0j,npqrflon, stele an. upright. slah. or. MW K 40 'uick lo-fa­�brs e on their sidtb__Jiiierogl� _phjc`s� lIt­-KX HAN6C.-- - lits if '.Y to,geventypi6ii 1 -ot-hay.s.'41eclUie '. ek d-, TiiCe, Lobw 9"Ifty, High NO weig -hey .v _d 16 co-Ve 1�y_' b L rAft. to;, nd,_ _�_vi q he'rat T RONT0­­$-T0C C 11 11 .. I : " I.- jr�n 1 id - in Ple,cour0e,of it, discoVere n`.neW,' giVing ihtereAinj it�fOrmqt 61b,6ut W;,' �7-8j 'W' �iok'highly. redo.vLitnd,nd6d,' --trising frofti, o'v' cracid`ity�,. i's toy a'lk.'i-?- inafe biriths wben. OnC to, kGOR DON -STt'EL'. WORKS, -T, t" Phil_ 2 gii method 09tractl cowl the SPhih j andAvV6 feet.ron. ihg,., 'among otheisi. ,the Dbloorman lite the stomach quickly, Wit-fi - 0. And ng gag,jrom LIMITF 66: 019... oron o. - I I X. lainfy 1 . , I . . Y-' 19 clleapOr, and a pedestal. . JWIIEDI� lilt Boxer' jj_jId Afriedale. 4sl: Milk of Nlagneiifl,' lich the beliete Pf,usch6i Y ou leaigpoofia Of HOA*eVel,� pet I 4NV-I�dg� i3 In -e,.cit!W� tNvo% soils witho.i t It t d Well the 0.110 elis bii Ahe 'liquid' Plillflips' aRcr7yIical$; or Of tcctoi, bf� o., U P::. Y PS 0 two philli ilk -of Magnesisk t ' cofisufi­�I, -veteribariat! 0 ion' bg ood, ftlj "acid'indign- , " " P fancler flk�on", goes, gq;i� from It �era d WAKE. Loc Y� otiesi, while ildffilittingAll, --few .at -Good y1f) 6 1 � irlom :G od. e 1'eiflathes' ove G-1 8 ulatiod-� would cqt6 to I t6d §Witt", Good'. Mahigeite. nt Mil Of, ft A*oo(l -11"od an IVE B]LE L T. dtilgelid6 ifi food or 8ffib kirtg,— ..'Ind evvt. ek yo6u No. ifa*�,e ifolillds "Wifi4r'. It Jump, OIL' F ff.ovi, '.ni, Point Try this, 1?lIi1lipq1 Y.if e t o % n the �uft *11ded' L oti hily ftuct that a f,xiMihal"%fltjj jft.�,IIIV pci(l stomji�ji* t1pset.s.. You: *ill! be C40660a, gardgningexports. Morning Ratin"46 s1d III,' th t fidt e� fierc0st dog, Bu, eed' tdvinulti, Get citbcr th� To ti)Aa ctefa;�t thd"IfV61' Alidutd- lio�r­otft i*6 ounds o ;Tlil liquid bile- into yote bowels,dilily, thislillitt t1rat,'n �Ifn 'will' bot eo�� -w 'dust, lit, s.10 o SOL& t6nd4 With i, llli�j Is not1lbyving fruelyi.yout food doesn'toll slWtive �a. tlog,. 0i., e If It just doldaYA14-tho boWols, (ift6bMA0 up new". Plifflips ytilk of INIAgnegi, reootw,4�t;.� Aydert'll ' Q th og Iind 1hat", if tho.,"cirinfliml, sl)60,ts� '114 �-Tahlots. Only 250 f6r i.blg.box of Thedyou',jyIlI'.Z0T doublaa YOut stotristil", YoV:90t constiliated.. ljoirtn'fill _ 0'4, on. V 4 , III! I n if �*lii sted J�3U0n1-1k5njtCgjd intb thil, body, Mid you feet w9r, Aeta, L dr. 6 fedyw'a` flo; Chd W6rId loolas z5unV. ioluld, �Il a6li ilw,* V4Y I g! I 10 1,1`�o s t 'wn 11 tv t avitlid, k&, 4 ALSO .114 TABLO tORW Wf h it 70y�� 1 1 � 7a, IV . 11.1 twot)),nk t ofiAllb lk-01rail well'. It tilikpti UWAL-966d Od 4 JI,301� tlfi� t.,ibl6t iq-010 pilulv� Gfe4 coko"alldif 'Jil CoWr"A"Littl ills %t6,9bt the -IV, avoid n' 11,01110 'with 0 Livot P wirl 6undbof.bild flo! -PHILLIPS'— IN< .; � I 'N� i 11 c S a I i �j C b nfa, C t in q —I.. trillhd, "Aillip-qi, Milk (if yedi D 0009 yott 11, , " , - Itioniloss- and goutid'-th a Lill a gl I ey do, t havii n66101nell or mitipityin L"01II11jeja lr�,j� 6 f t Off ratIlickf, i wit top Oftly 'f.w.o, 6flilig di�tntjt' Tom, the fmiid'tis bll�dn' �,wrlts� id&y w 116j�116'6* fr06IY--1h h0i W6" -iliac, 01111a ftottlit Ca4 Seed book, li� 04tes. "UnI466 n6velild". tl*iom,A�'k�6�(?�tter!s.l,�ttl�'I,Wi�lI lills-by, t V�' 4ditild Stu botlil� tefusa'AdYt,�iug! 0196, 250i, 1111's As, 1�$6 1 18 3 V 'wit Usix I'l I Vy�, �5jd- fiv"rMs, b., �s -h tlavy. and CANADA. -A Pqrl''lli JLj it, 1111q,816. J11111ilton V., Castner, of oil' RD" SEC URITI ES TANDA COMP W e.dm iiiiist be sent diii6et 'Orders tit"it ge 1 0 Adelaide 6 U6, -7 X�w Voiiik "Oqrtoefeci 'A Ifletti f" tLgih tu'd CA "Ad'a Lt Udd go pi -Act MiLk ILL b"', AMAMI Jttigian& MAONOIA ii, 'A y V -V .4 j k4zll i;i.