The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-28, Page 1• r�;wstt;.,�,.7•;s • ..w J. a,y 1'-Y.Ylj5„7. 7tra!!!.- c. �e,+rssmq+ • • • QO A YEAR --$100 N: ADVANCE --50c EXTRA•'TO U. 5 �• • � • • DENTAL- •,Choose.(aresaker 'And ppoon W r a �. i .. ri �. � . ok LUCttNO' THURSDAY, JANUARY°28th, ..1937' • Dr* 1 L:. Treleaven DNTI�D ' NES "'Residence 5,3 ce S3:W j J.. LE .>{,Little' r�. DENTIST, •• • • X-RAYs SERVICE CE ice WTelephonese :` t 5•; :Residence; 5=4. ,. , FOR, 'SALE`` -193Q DeSota Coach excellent, fond}tion, new tires ' f°N. W. Winteratem.. GRASS FARMS TO rRE NT -200: r se arately.,. e"tea Fier o_ _.p _. •s : eith � g &stiff ►- =.for grass_' or ha :, 50' acres ' new seed Fisher, , R: 1, Lucknow; rnr -Wm. , • s FOR -SALE--Frame house HOUSE ow; �resi encs ' `ands lot in Lu the late 'Mise Paul Reed., 'Apply at Sentinel ',Office. • == umb er • of • COWS .FOR' . SALE. N , ... ,, s some• just, fresh a ;'milkin •cow...,. be vy, g freshen in' Feb: sped,, •:others' due .'A'1 to Harold. ryary� ;arid, March. Pp y • Purves. • • • • . . r endII 1VY` 'a: a a`on Y ci .S u il 1 S e t. o c H $. (, ed P. n., Ni'gt-Reapp hointe, Alex 'Havenis` Cherge.pt Water System -'=Four.: APPlications _ ltegeived, Chartered Aeicountant-'Councill.ar •. ..Support Urges r� es Action BY"Village In ab Of 'Proposed' 'Amberlev McN way 6 • • . TENDERS WANTED ,,- Tenders" will ..be, teceived by the undersigned up- to Seturdey,' Deeem..: beech and maple body Wood,e,,deliyer, ...by, April 'let: Loviest liny tender not neeassa c• . TENDERS' WANTED. yatd: Connecter ;to --Supply.iiiete and. • power. The. eorporatioe ',will furnish .0i1; end repaire ,,for ,the, crusher: , A mirked. Cheque for .$50.00. must: ac= .' coral:any, each tender. LeWeot or ' any: R. Lucknoat '04 Out • ,JanuerSentinue d t o• .b e a b usy month for e Counci1, which met ;on :M .day evening for a .three.. • a cons: r a . 0 •ao p ..sass n hour. pecia . ._ . � �., plications,• tenders.:. • and," ether Ibusi nese: Three teamsters ' tendered for the. Johnston 'Dave village "•tivonk,. Wee" , Milne and F. Malcolm It was appor- tioned-- as; •'follo xs -the=- rate -in-', each - r„ •'ncludin , the and. team: Dave' case • including, b _, , - . Milne, -day work, 8.5e an hour*; and hou'i h - snow �p7't►1;"'ar"xolltng~•45c•~an ,. . Wm. . Johnston, weed cutting: 40c: an hour., and 1P. Malcolm `.grading, 50c 1)ONALD: , BLUE, MASTER • OF OLD, LIGHT LODGE nstall tion Ceremonies '-'=Conducted By _g �eor a Stuart,Thursday`. Mr. George Night. ht Donald. B. Blue, .'... :f Amb .'.rle w a a installed lute, ;Office as Worshipful 14aster .of, Old Light Lodge::. A. .•, Thursday night., The instal- lanconducted b'o ' . :ceremanges. . were •• bMYr .MSr"a.'n;GeMorugrec. hSistoum:of 'St..Helens. w}ll b.ofe a .weekly':feamtunre :, Mfr.om tfhoer. ' master' was un.. ble to be 'present;,: North Huron1.'His `coluirin,.is. entitled due to ill health. Other officers of "parliament ` From, " The, ' eriside . areof the "same for the ensuing, , 'while , :both. men dare, eaMe .old Light o _ Wle. : Fraser Paterson, S. W.,• Rev:, C. Ii.. oltical :;faith and. 'their articles' will .MacDonald, ' Chat.;, W. W., H• ill,; both- be dealing with somewhat • sim- Treas.; ;T. J. '. Salkeld',. `Sec'y.; • Neil :lar su'bjectsi, they''wtll be, divergent. MacLennan, .J.`W.; Orah•. • Cra'wford; enough in, . thought, we believe, , to i •�S•D '.Robert Rae, J. D , W;:B.` An-' both :be' -quite interesting and. xl, Berson,.: L -G ; George; I{ennedY, S• :S, struetive -' _.:. _S.;.._R J. Cameron, Wim -'"Porteous; J tDavison, ' D.. of , J. . ler •• J. W. t%.• TO ,KEEP READERS IN • TOUCH`. WITH: •OTTAWA ACTIVITIES t e der, Durng,.last sesson.of• hed�',....,. Mr: 'lt•..',"'T ;pilin 'ent . W. ., .• '' ails m .. o al..P.,, a M,. ,• . see,''fit P;'• fort B1uee, `kept Sentinel readers infornied•; in a . enleral-•:way Oo Pis ent ' .r'oceedings ,in-�his maryh ail ... ,,.. .. _ a eekly column <Tlie News A't ;,,, Ot-' taxa.15e. ". i •=•�.. ve,natienetheianother'. finch ,ettiele, which Showotl,,Board Considers, r. Track ' I• • An Dace Hal d TM • .• att.i.ettr es e_—A re l 1 .. H ari, ds• . Oftcers ':lieA pPof tod At Annual , Meeting.Lfiet.Wednes P es ' uillin < ; da .-,-Mr di,hn . Mc _. Is, . f ident,y c tions were• • receiv+' .Four �'a lia .. pP e) . ^car taker of the. ;, itio'n .o a ... for the .•Pos f Water . System pumphouse` equipment. Y. ,and surroundings at an 'allowance. a h.' Thelicaets were. 10, a. Mont _ a p ...Rif $ amesCampbe1_1,; J -e -H, `_Leith—" Alex Havens and. W. A. Solomon!' i c. • of vabiable peopertY in the Township , Of Culiese in, the. County, of .BrUce. .structions, 'to ...sell :w Public ,AUCtion, •the.f.f011dwint ...Property, :namely Lot number Thirty-fiye.: the .Twe'lfth Coneession` of 'the' Township' of: Cel; The- prOperty is (Situate . ten milee item; the', Village' of . LizeknOw: ,and 'quarters „of a 'nide from schoel. and 'tViti,:and one-half miles.ftom church. The, soil 'is of sandy DAM . and there • are Aix acres rif,•hUsle 'aid eight:Pen:Zed hdeie. of Solid White on, Stone :foundation; driYing ,.shed 30 ft. hy 40 feet on, stone.feundation, all 'In good rep,14i; an; attesian welt windmill And' there,. is: water in the • Leith be appointed,,but;hii_inotion Seconder, • :Councillor' Macpiarinid moved. that :Alex •Hevens be :rehitedr teshell :then 'Moved an amend.', ' Reeee Anderson voted for the mo,:: ton assuring a• majority in -favor of re-engaging .N.14. Heyens,..Councillor he .vote fer -the•tnetien on con-, ditieh thet-• pay half the telephone , bill. applicant have -'a .Phene..-at: their Own residende is .peid,:fer -by the, munici- pality, ,:but rwes installed PrIlnarilY Wedcl "tenders 7111 :lie ',dealt with more fully;,et 'the next, Meeting 'of _"YCELM- SPECIAL.:, e'"Mr;Deeds. oes To Town class d as one of the year's • ten best, pic- tures; is. the. ,special feature at 'the r` The ,Lucknow Agricultural Society held 'their anual .meeting asst "wed- nesday and .besides, reviewing -the` activities of the pesty ar, discussed ta,o. rather ;momentous leueetieles fore the Society at .present -the sec, sec' using: of a ' hall - 'and • additional. ground: -'with a view to building a race track. These proposals -have been in : the f-. ttee--coir:posed_ of. l7a;nds o a Commi... A , Messrs" John' ..'MeQnill n, •S. ,E Rob- er-tson, David.>Carruthers •and Joseph R A s �ew :, and to which Mr„ A, P Stew= • Underwent ''Operation a. ' ..• Miss: ben�••�Hackext:,-•-d ug .,,... r of Mr' and .1 Mrs: James R. Hackettf Lucknow, underwent an appendicitis operationnWingham Hosp_ ital last t Wednesday and is,making a •favor_ al1'recovery. Mise" Hackett, who 'teaches J. 'us°t west of `'Belgrave, 'had. •rfomd r 'e ' her ' duties . In :•'• Monday and,TesdaY,+but ' that night suit.' red -an -acute attaek and was-emee Cele Wingham ;'where she; was, ofi-: cum • Theatre Wtngham, this ;Lye Theatre,. 'weekPicture 'is' a . ollicking . The pit .e •. Cooper and • '''starrin Gary eomed g y, depicts , " 'rural Jean 'Arthur., �"..and P , became. heir to a 'vast farmer who fortune- and how 'he them -refill.' "went; to town:": 4 Trip r. WilkinSon and 'Hopkins. • • :of the' purchase Prige, on ,the dux of thereafter. : FURTHER 'particulars mid .tconOi': • on the' day "of sale Or may be had on „WELLINGTON . Lack -now) Ontario,', Auctioneer.. ' Solicitor, for Administrater. '44.• 'JOINT CLUB . ANNUAL • et the. home Of Mr., Whe PhilliPs et:very, 1:30 Pam the Teen Hall last 'Friday' evening to :make exebedingly Meety until Skatert °Skids On e Glazed Roads, Per,. Three .11)hys Frequently Ende Up • In Ditehea4-Liatowel Trans; port tiaMaged=Cian Skate' for Miles , Skating and -"Skids" ()TV the iee glazed WTh e Bread" �f Hea1I -►:_. .-.... .. . SER IPE�..� OUR MOTTQ—QUALITY AND , En Scls Is. For,- This Week d F } '. CliOCE• +Y .�R. TLAYER S �' •.r ,ice• T� _D,b,; ,Z:S, .• CJ. O: r P: E• D� RO ZD + '.O,' Z. SEVERALKINDSOTARTS.F And A Large Assortmeu Of •, COOKIES,'BUNSAND 20c., This •week:are Pleaed to an- ' 0''L. •.A.N . • 'PHONE 36'. iTY A L. LUCKNOW.. :VICTIM OF KE • Mr James Meelpskey- • was a- Vic- tim: of the. ice :canditions on Moriday to ed out Falling as he. s.. pp . "rnin mo ..- g., g "adds` This committee Of.',hiis' 1lo ne, he. suffered' ashoulder artires be n lnyes ,, , -- :�niury a:' Picture' xevea1 t' is to further ;investigate, the mater, . ••. - - ed to be:'a'cracked: bone in 'the :and to"; report -„their ',progress' at the next `Directors' 'meetin shoulder. He. now has . the ;'iniury;., strapped' np . and the ari; in, ao . sling.` ' of . • •o .. 'is. the .urchase . . ... One- Prposal t e P , roadie in- the, 'village 'and"' ceentryi; heve. been 'greet providers since, the start of a., sleet storm on • o. th of - use.a�'block ou the, ,double .ho s e. .south road allow- s at the l :: Fin1a on a tore . ,- Y : , s , • Y .:: , . Examination Dates.Announced leading to the. • ark .. from the ... ; .. , fines a ng Park , 's-. residence a -re three: 1 and s er-schisol exa7mn- ee�st. • With. this a ce id -d e '� that, these' -would provrde enough PropertY., to tuna la, race •,,traelc al - lin. All officers and direeters' ,were Reberteen .1st viee-Ptes,';'P. di Todd - Messrs. Andreii,.Giunt• and Hugh last yeeri *ere aPPointed, delegates td 'the Fairs 'Aisocietion.:;CopVe,etion.: David Carruthers and' GeOrge • leifial:.auditer :bad 'been, eonfirmed, and LibreeY, boOlte 'for '$100,00, ti fee, ,Very:little Mere. than , that paid local and.SehooI auditor's, last year. ObUileit• receleed 'S report et' these and deeilled;.td".issee fie final. wereing that allreuch will he".1-11- the dark et, ter February 1St' 11. • could. take, in support Of ,the .Affiber-, 'faliizarda were frequently, at : their height; this anitiversaty Was ..accota.' penied by:. bare imids and-. ideal „mo-' torint .conaitions, adding to- .the. ea-. in 'disteihutihg, the lench. Maebonald,- Roy .MacKentin and D, Me. puncan Me -Arthur' of 'Paidler first 'of, this Week.: soon 'cast a :glaze of ice over.- roads mid streets. This turned to ram .in teineereturn that eight which plea,: ed a' liberel coetint of, „ ice every,. this sheen' of :ice,'covered":paved and gravel toade--alike,' 'making el:aide. tio --extremely,: hazardous for .. motTie lir 'only"' ell shod herses , could attempt, to travel the 'roadS. TtieSdar.MOrn; int a light Skiff of -;sn'ew Only added' to:the slipperytess of the .endless ,ex-, panse pf., tee, 'end a :thaw ,th• heavier ':- The Mani streets and' hills in the begin juhe 22 and finish on June G ARN1N W I' r— •� nine s To -fro...-C 0 ns Y�_ ebrua F a• 0 rid • ., Y _ , Y� 'FOR. I.9 ;THE FINAL•DATE . ARREARS PAYMENTOF , PECI'- AS: PREVIOUSLY' . S :IED. --F -AAT DA•T� 4 :g CUT— CONSUME!! STILL IN ARREARS WILL .•BE`. CUT- OFF WITHOUT: FURTHER NOTICE.'; 1937 Bruce Coun . Prize melleY' Paid Mit ati the. 1936. e/hibitioh totalled $744.1.5, read.e.-41:;, as folloWs: Horses, .$182.50; Cattle,. floWers and Fruit $54:00";. DonieStie and Daiti 'prodUct,i $46..45; Ladies' Be ,Lowest een s. . ine.s at the opening' meeting on.' , : .1.,,FegatiZedto'n;., !iTthoithe. int nemes,,,, 'were sumnittor7Eava-li, . Prolonged 'Session A .:Day. - Fenton, 1114eLeed and Vandueen. On. ,enerial 'Meeting Of :Leek.' neat: •Ioint be held in the Otange 'Hell,' Wednesday,. 'Febriniry ,3rd, at •2.30' o'elock. ;Good 'attendahee , annual' meeting be ,given, ley-Gueleh road; :statint that he he, lieVed -there sheulol he some evidence ,that We „were interested in the pre-- ject, if thie ehd of the read iS :to be, Depai•tinent takes it, ever Liicknov; is ,without proVineial highway: connections whatever Which shOuld be a faverable; factor if the this vicinity Made: some effdit tO have this factor . recognized_ Reeve. Anderson said his informa- tibt Was that: the Minister of High- ways had tiVeh no assurance that the. road ,wohld betekce over, but; that„ it was ohe Of 'many under considers,. tion. Mithorized to. look into •the matter,. und.,haS f3een teeth' With St. Peter's Church . SuCcessful Year Reviewed By Church —Offieers Elected For Ensuing Year • Abe. council 'Ohariribei'' oh 'Mendel'', this Fri eh ate ;fait- r ,:2,9t Otthestica Mid It; til6e1-74th ?bidet' Fire Mission 25e. . The annual eesity ;meeting • of held ',On Tuesday ''eVening with the Rector,' Rey. a: Geogheg h; :Charge. ;RePorte, Were reteived from 'Rector., /All work Was' shown id be. financial 'refeitt,'"•veheh 'showed increi- ,Sed` giving: to the general and mis- 'decrease on the mottgegn on the rec BORN report ehoWed an in - grease on previous yeara dariee at the OrdinarY.....aerviees end inaneet additions had. 'been neOvided by. ,ergarnzatiehS and individuals ,ho been :made, in '.the reetety. Ex - Mg.'. All' felt 'that, the eengtegetien had: gteat -meson' to thank God, for blesings. The .rectee4 end 'fig pressing ,appreciation tot, 'theit. 'Un- tiring effOrte, on, behalf, ot the church. ',Election of officees folloWed; tee's Warcieh, E. Hellman; Pedplee* jahnel stone; Church • Sidisinen, R. Mae - hit* 1111.• SOhneten' Lloyd T. W. :Smith, VeStry.Cleriii Mtp. 'U., Holly.. village Wire hurriedly -.seeded,' Suzy.' had....i.io.,eatait in many. cases. until - the Were 'sanded, 'and shott tripi traffic. MoYed.,aboht' and householders 'drivers ueirig ell. the "tricks" at their,' as will ae -to„ keep ozi 'the ,toade.•on. of ears the, aitch were' nuMerous, and many a' inetorist ;had • the thrill' of sliding back.; ,•trielt Wept. of the village,,Strikint a maple :tree 'and. doing 'considirable damage to the truck, heavile" leaded with' mere - 'Mail &milers, 'and othely,m6torists, .7ere in And: out ,of theiditch riUM-. seine :dentate to his' eitr%an4 m.' and GirlS'• Exhibits $21.95.• .* Major receipisineluded Legislative County grant $189.00; and ToWnshili grants $45,00; Donetions,•,:eash, end GAte receipts $306.901. Cencert and dance receipts:, $215.05.,. The paid membership in,1936 num, ; NIXON --In Ashfield .TO:wnship, on' VinntinY0 Jaiiiiai'Y 1,8th, ;' to Mt. and' Mrs, Isaac Nixon, a Lowest 'In 15 Years. Summer Ses- erten To 'Be :Held. At POrt Reeve Anderson Delegate to 0.E;A: Conventitire.-Reeve Elliott To • At- -tend Meeting Of Ontario Agricil- tural Council. • HAD: BUSY SESSION , . The initial: sesaion. of the Bruce ertere. on .TtiesdaY evening and which. session:Jested until praCtically neap on: Saturdey; making. it. the longeet, parliament 'that BruCes. has, -known for .many. years, /..fa.ttAred with -much' important legielation, together, With the re:organizatlon of the-Bruee COuntY Children's 'Aid, SoCiety; and, the .appointeient of, a new'' tendent .to anceeed :Rev, R. Perdue. Of WelkertOn,- -who' held the peSition fee 'upwards of twentY 'yeers: The sante --remuneration es :his nredecide sor, Which. is seid• to average •ap- Proximately', -$1500 a, year, together, with a, free ear; its gas and .011 Presbyterian Congregation Revie*ed- Past:, Year Finances Of:, Church In Healthy State "'Served To *hind 250 Persons Vidor To's Meeting Johnston broke 'a Wheel op his in 'While conditions have haz.;. dotted the puvel streets;:particularly, in the...village".--tw the traVel altbeagh ie bit tougher, *ere ,equaliy comqtiotis such. that 'With ease, it 7014 he ,PosSible to skate, to \init.-, hainpii4,11 oh Tileeday county truck. • 11ituitiOr' :by the Yeeng Peel) es 89th .aziniversery 'of ,''the,'helding .424. •fer the annual .Meetint. After 0:-. elected 'GeOrge Greiner of Greenock eetecl. cheirMen and', the reports 4). euiiied the throne of .,Bruce,:!'and. Of --e-h-OW7-ittiethet--year"-"Of- seeeeogfulten'.-- -loos ',2 -years John. Gillies ,•of • Efilers,.. in the, Mission werk. amt. sent, bales interest in. the Senday 'Seheol and Hihle'' "Class 'his. heen Well maintained. and bath the.Miesioh'Giyings ahd the, awards for ,,ieriPttire: reenaotitation, Mieellent. Work, being, the, :The Ahetees of the Oluireh 'ate in the.Genetal Filed .will Shoat a, altkillie. .the tight . Sicte. end the Budget allocation 'Will 'be. taiSed .1h• the'..dengregation bh§ 'been most, faithful ihIiipiwitingt. the', inia'SiiinarY 9; MacLeod 9, 'end Vendusen . by. hid: sPorisete Reeve: Telmie of may and •Andreat. ,Rebinsdn' of kin:. tlose4 with ,prnsret end bened hon. graVelled. tho hills On this 'road. ,tfraiit 5 .years, Robert 'Baird of Kin- eardihe years' and Robert ,,, Election 'of Warden The first azid most important WS- • cardine Twp.-• Five of these were el; • ected owing to the:: vOluntary re - %ken -lent of • the former' reeves 'aid , in Only one_ease,that,",of:_ltincanlibe'''. The' Warden ePpokteci Striking, Lead; Seiler, tegen, Dawson, ,White.'' Wleter; :,Ewart, Fentore;and Hunter,.. -and they' in tern seleeted the Stand.: ' int CoMraittees, for the Year, I the', ' first naMed-in--.-enciT'Instaneec-boing Tbe retiring; managers,' Messis, MoeEensie end iteCrostie Were re-eiettea. Mit. ;Wesley -.1-lusten 'WAS • 'TIM eongregation; standing vote, expressed their- leyalty to their of his :‘',''ork during 'the past.' Year', dAe'ftfleier•-tbltetliseiblig"bilee °MtbehtYinnig't W5s9s9:CloT-.. ea, with . the Benediction ritorminice8 "their full ohligatioh Well es prac by the ininister. ' the ehairman-.'of the grebe' as 'fol - Finance —Messrs. Fenton 'Chis,- RatiSbery,: White, :Seiler, Mer-. Festet;'• Mercer, Den Mcbohaid. •• Equalization and Salaries-,.. Mesdes ' Legislative-tiOSsrs. :Wood; Hoese Of Refuge.-IMessrst. Dew,. son, 1.,egah and the Wardell. tele, Wihtet, Abi,' Davis 'and • • •