The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-21, Page 4111. . • „ • • • • , 4-7e7 or; • •. 1,4, 4 o, • • • . . eeese• P • oCKN W. REIVIrgt • • • • 4, Another—lkesternerVritesi TILL L. .WER: FARESjO .PACIFIC7:COA.ST • CAP4-ADlieN , 1.:Ne4TION/ele , TELEdRAPHS MONEY .ORDERS, AND.. EXPRESS SPEE• D. DEPENDABILIT,74 • SAFETY , Indulge in your favori4tunimer.iport ---=‘11-Wiistere-in'' the balmY. ingelimatenf Canada's EVergreen Meer erouncL•GolPhikriding-•motoriagr ' 3000ns. tennis . . . enjoy majnitie mountain scenery -see snow -clad Canadian Rockies en route. " • Special Winterrates at hotels. ,Slill &Kew • railferesnowMeifeeeendesitilMaY 14.. Return limit 6 months. Stops:oversee. lowed at intermediate points. i!etiewdsteeelss-eselest • Lew sile1 NI Who WHITER 4401.1rTOURNAMtNT Victoria Mackss •••'Fuli infonuadoof front any ticket dont , ,., . , . .. . WH'Illr SUFFE.m. dug- ilea" •fiellnig"—Mieliell' dYibel)Ila• It'' ,,,,,e), dASTRONOX ,:knoeka,' has. ; .he'artbarn. and - •_:.• ...• • • " • * • you are-arraid, to eat. set this we dada!: ' • . YOU cAtt, EAT WHAT,' , •• stomach polyglot. ti:14,,:._OisTuoiirOnX'.will: , , . . ' yOu LIRE. IF.. you . ' '• ' • IP Y9u to inunediateeolief “ 4,12as beloo ' . . . ., thousands. At. alt dria•ateita. - • s: . . .. . take • N SALE AT McKiM'S •DR G STORE MArE KING Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and ' Cecil , elpent" Tuesday with the ferns--; erti'-brother,• Mr. - W-. J. JOh*nson LY.Roo . , , mon' Vera Robb of-Ainherley, spent the.week7end at•Mreleichitrd, Elliott's. .alee•e7,-Thes......1lareiseandeetirseeelteise -Itiseej,dlifireoneefeEketeir TheeelePdrt sir& Herria•epent "eSundaY afternoon no ,,improVement . in Mr. Johnsen's it 'Rachel Culbert's: ;11 alth.• leteetel Mr: and ;Mrs Step , Stethere , of Mrs. C., Eadie 'plenaonan spent Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie and babe Arthur visited Thnr,s itYeeWith Mr Sunday' at Mr Wne. : and •Mree.. Henry:144,e" Mr and Mrs. Aethult, Graham spent 14$jr.• and Mrs. 'spent Thursday; evening at tRieeeee Thursday. ev'ening With Mr .• and Mrs" Antt%; ecijeeeeiek:; ' ‘1" ' Mr and •MrS. Richard • Elliett, and - • • -• _Miss' Bernice Blake: 'of Stratford Pel4 Sunday at }r Wes kennel spent 'Sunday - with her .par.. • W. Yto h • eViiler. ;Mita Mr d Mrs Joh Blake." The Community their ._Mr and Mrs Isaac Cranston Mit Literary nieeeing on Friday •evening toned a number of; yOungePeeple at, ea:et.; ti-asspseonlitiets-',.1).7elgr-oalrr'timve41.;icp.reey". their home ' Friday evening. • .. Reov M ' Mark' Johnston and • Eldon - erOhnsen attending .Countsr Eckenswiller. solo Miss itionalda , reading, Howard Legge; 'solo; e -10:4tobert-Mitc-Donelde,eite-Aatice 'Mr Dan Cassidy,. nolo Mr. Theis• . s Stewart; eolot -Mrs. Ernest Aciterte reading, eNi,oe, AliCe Pinnell, •' sole, Mt:: Calvin" MacKay; reading,. Anne "ee Colwell, e Mid Miss4 Malcolm, Rot MacDonald, MacDonald; JeurintletMe. -Richard Baker;- .-difete h.tis*:ee Boyle and jean %Anderson; aelo; Mr. Fred Jackson and ;e: dialogue rY's 'Mai/ Order. WifeeteGodeSitvethe council' in Godericy this week.. Mrs. Stuart Finlay lefte,en.LIVIont_ aerfor-heit belie in ,,,ElstOW, &tile The W. M.S. will hold, their 'first ; Meeting •of -the: New.'.:year...ou Thurs4 • day afternoon, at the hoine of lelis; Thee,, • - Mr. ` and-Nies...Albert Johnson and Morley of 'of -West Waileitneseh; visited on Friday • with eMie ' and MTh'. Johusau.' e THE; , COOK. :BOOK :CODE ''• 0 • et awe- . Alaiheda„ Sask.,Nov. 8; 1838. . . • • ' RAloislysr.SppedP.,Urvise--- ' •, ',"' .4 W ,, R. i Thathuum' Dear Frinad; . ' 431 ------------We batte once'. 'aga4"-in, returned to .-- This is the first ec'easien '.1" have Ottawa' and ,•the, House Was . opened' 'ever had to write to an '"unktiewit" yesterday. for a „siiert but bnsy, see. as: it Were; 130 After the 'way eery. 'sion end, the colorftil ritual of open. one ineyoue locality responded to . our need, it, doesn't make a: person feel, like a stranger. We received theeeer in, the very best of condition and it was certainly apprecieted by. one and, all. Everything •weli done,. te gee that • each, and everyone ...got their share,. sharing in, proportion to the, Size of the.' family.; ,, ' ' . - , •'.• , , . It seems that this pert ot the 'pre- vinee has beenemeee, or leas Struck • the. -hardest, pretty teiigh 'going in lots : . of e..4e-ese 1I'earing, the :, ,WOrdee 'fclePreasio " 'and ''hard times", it into. te; hol ,when that %deject', ia 4 makes a' P eon. feel • like • erneding mentiened. . .. : : * •.; -There-weres. Six or. Seven. earleads' pi -fans,in Winghem en Monday, night: to I Witnees the Kineardine, Winghem geine., -* * / With! ' DeUg. :Clarke „..043rine for in day was ecarcely Weer when the .W.ilighOm and Bob Thomson , with abdiCation of, King, Edward VIII and Kineardinet: there .mere than the accession` Of King 'George NI esn'al letickeoW interest in thle tussie: • sprang to the fore as a Subject for • • . , debate in- the , House . of' COininens. • • The game ended in a ,* to.„3. vie- , The weather Wee chilli:1Y and the svet, or • ter • '•Kincardine,. . Who •ppened slippery pavement ;rovideci.a, glooMy itrong' •in • the 'Ark perfect:, scoring ietting for the ening: cerernotneS reel*. and 'having it all 9„vei' their ?set they lacked ene Y•sh4.1•• SPP°:AehtS; " goiter. and. pent . I' viewed ' the eapf preach of the .GOverner General .kreni „ . • , a , window in the heildinge..-The guard of honor Marched *to the ,frent doer, 'Onine tO'attetitkon, and in about twen- ty minutes the regal ear escorted by elies mounted' Dragoons arrived, The :We have be,eint having. grend.weatee ei for this time of rear -very : little ute Alt through the Parlzament w•Buildinga the;royet scarlet and -gold sbnpof041).uttthereheviwill hee"Y•01thatnteriititr.1ner eburtaeirdeeee04Senate:veryichom.inae:Isit: '1,7tolisten When you did like ..the ed hut With to. the Speeeh from the Thiene One poroftcurhbe :e.4t he time esl i kating asoon • e nd ,lstsbheet winter.4111 nd igt aa dyup:oohftl elAli buttdi Usel .314ingoe°7! ms whichee giart4.2111:1 .we could find -a scoel..spet .• When the eerier the thernieineter is soaring around 100 in we, again attended' the Howie of Com - the Speech from the Theeee Well, dear 'frie, net, 'this is just? # einiritte"atihdtistur!-Tdelr took 1aee note, but wane it to 'shOW how mucktineed next week. ill be con - we • eppreciatee everything and . only „ We were :all ;Interested in the re- bobe some day that w Will be able' to PO you. • two-fold.......,*(th.' kindest ferenee 'made in the SP9e9li Polit tlie' " vo • E,0*eVer;., from then on it. wasdiff-,2 ancf, With the third: period 'well" . , mderway, Winghani ran in -two goele- •, - , . • - . SPAiek :succesSion, to tie it; up while,. , reek MacDonald was :in thejenaley box, . _ •!' • A -few minutes latere Mnrear • Ree sae chased and GregOr punched hoine the winning goal :for the ClecieffBers. • 'Doug Clartee, got „whet lepicedlike aegOat-in the.second,peri�d,-but the, WingliaM goal keeper said flQ.; • • Bele Thompson 'got the pettiest goal the night ()nee eeiee. eeeceee skirting the • defeneeandebitelihaid. ling the aise past McGee frone chew . e . . . . . . .. •,, . • ,exhibition, 'regards', azid may you ,i34ttie• . ., . erees year. nekte e Sincerely. , , ,. e. . . e. . • (miso. le..: Thoinseero. ,I.Kingdoite• and Canada, : the partien- Tuesday, in Goilerich, w.hen they -lost ,. , . e , , .• ., „ . I/ t)4.1*5 ‘en •reahhed•: 'between. thO United, , . Throne . to. a new treaty' which .hilS, 441.1n,teoktlso:olioiliiohr4..1..661., itilf,to0:7 e, mrs csf-- Whieh 'we Will hear:liar and inter-iChciel :genies'. on -' which. tee tot he 'atitenitted for ...oer : • - • ... og LENS . . . . - APPicivaLdpring—the—preserit-iwaoili::- .:,Flwood Solomonhas j3e*,_ittak: jogo,, ' Another reference reference'of : interest eiVaws-ice 'WhileM " ; the: frost; lasts ' this . Past Mi.' and „Mrs: 1. D, Anderson at of 'days and has • a sheet' that Mrs"' OeitieteTeepencieetee-Torontoe'eun tended. the ' fenerel'. of ,their :cousin,. cod.umcedm, '1.5tosi.o..p:eroir;daen.'dfoiro,..ereetv:stiod_ithnge;.c.heaple!. 4. 7,1!..4:e°' tiet:olte a d, bY:t t"Te in. 4::::: . put in ••••..,-.,:-- - •,),... *1:1:111,:14#11"Ourr 1148 •01);:liTeli1774' Cailail' iii.'Rrak-ilgivalltY7 '.',..a .feeir' . weeks ago 'agillitnetill.t'ed. lila'w:y.-n:5:0:',va-ni0 i•nnal..Ranwairs, 'Ibis; .I.e_e_Hani lhfc'reled, wit an 'absence Of anow'' ice 'being built' up freiiiH. efineding ' the san"d- will 'ha of rent: hni/oreanee' to the . • beetunieif cif.' Canada lie a whole: ' A : bottoMe. Le:. • - , . ening, January 25 Two .ehort-•.Playe bill: will alio be 'intredueed 2 to ::fic-: "Henry's • Mail -Order Wife."eand!!Thae ilitate the 'making .of loans e fere the • • . , .,,: e, e• . iv- -. ‘ ,, • RiteCal Par Will . he .. presented by the repair and 'iniiirovemente of ' knell' 'and' , ' 1174i.s..is' Pl'i!ablY ...?,?,'.'fi,rkit #016 # ' young : PeOse: Of ,the, COntiritiniti and urban . homes. , Another ... Measure Will • :7E,...s ..:13. been tmimaeci7ii'it1.11;sanW3r73"4.1soretst ,leiet, e :good musiiitl'. program will be pro- 'elect,' • he subMitted • .with ' resiient :'. tO,, the., fir.S‘ sided The, members ofethe Institute the discharge ,in any coin or ourren- , ' • , . , .•.... • . • • .. ,:, . eie. .eeeeested to bring .sendwiches er.lehichi0 legal tender,. of debt Pak-. ,, • Tf.,-- the . weather .holds,,. • Luckinooti wu;s. 4,d. '0 ' .6, ' 0, ).5 - ..• ' :- ineOt at :Oesent required to be made W..O. II. :A: intermediate "team h Mrs Robb was:: n, week -end visitor in ,goid, or gold , op.*. 'This' no doubt get, 'in some prattles' this .week: ••''', with. Itiaada, at .witiiiiitti,. e „...e..-.. e, .: , 4ilt,lit' A 'great- saYing,:.te,:eer:ie'eiltO• , ' • • 4: .. :ef :-' :iP: ' .. ; ' • • • . - - - - - • . eThe-aiiiiiiiitieneeting eof the:Ifilfeii .0neeete- foreign btse . ,,.„..., Plereend LOcknow:are,ei:"Yeeilied Church' was held "recently When. en- '..• 1 caniee that tide Session is going ge; then Ice is now available in:Rip, , . oureging...reporte were heard ',front to be 'it very ::stre,ntieuse and ' ler and .thee'selieelide;:yet:tce. be .drawn lilirancheeeofethe-ehnreh; `,.‘... ' neeloHristair e,, on ex ify, (Mow- -,7*1,11-lirely.„ get underway shortly itIrs: MeleerOie :Webb: iiiii: Billie, „ :61:g tio.,Nni*g, ...t4e-:•Its:iuse:'-seldem . were visitors • last Week' with •..M.f., ;and ;Otis , for -businesseuntil. the 'following' Mrs. 'Allister ktighes at • HolyeeMel; .- -Monday-, but the debate , was _opened Commencing next ' SOridayi',meining, immediatelye • and • coneinned 'e Until Under Scheel will be held ininiedfat' eleven, es'eleek'at' light. .: .' • • .' „ . . ely ofter. the, regular ' church ,sereice.' .• After:the:Opening the Speincere,Of , ' .-• ee.ee-'•••:,eeee.e.e, e- -,-..ee....."e, the Moults Of Cirnens 'and ehe Sen. - • ' two measures which will ,:.be ; intro - You are invited.. to- attend the* social evening under the. auspices of the ...Women's Institute ;to' be ;held in the Comniunity • Hall on' MOndity ev- •, ?Messrs. Ricleard Baker and Ed. • „ • CHATTER : ate. „held ,their eeePtions' in "Which TO,these who t.ale and telk`antletalkweee iiiterestede as they Were the e.This pr----- ediitiffeth—terin of-thiS-ge-Verri;- Tbeeeteam-ethitrehlove-e-"tlfee:WhTsfee.: Will never' 'turre,i-he,7;deeel. :rue •ee A HEALTH SERVICE, CF: • tNE CANADIAN AIECICAl,' ASSOclActION AND LIFE', INSURANCE composes., r,- ihea.1,1%Igt7,,,,v. _e2;4.-,--.....t•-ve-*-5e= .1.teIn .•ni, • • • .e eta,. es nee cnarts for enakine , 1 1 ileaay 11vemi`rig tet 11.1;;,b s eeowledee 'end okill foie t Brelletty' Barclay • . ..Mcjeellandesnetn-SLA.Viilatin't• one :elide: dieteetellieeeneete• . portant' -part dor the. ladies wi I e• •• ally ,CLOTHING• •FOR'eINFIANTS. e c o eves' eleadec Yelenn ad , the Drawing when YOli lire fern' ok. •sneak..:.4-11, Jaieel'-".• ,,,,ni romeyperacidity,' ingteseee-,ereleeeeh ay evening at . , . , li oielteeteo Often' it 'eteneee, for.: . " r.*: and, mrae Bere: S.g64'4Ind family;: . ,' ' .- . the: , Gel.flerlear. • Genieral., Again ' ;the. le init. „ellilii dressier: teci.'Waritilil ' .Iiiiieenige we du do. not Understand, w'irt regent :ViSite,ra ; at. %Mr.. ,Roht. • ' , Miss: 'Jean IVIacAuleY, is ,sPending a 'beautiful gowns of. the ladies will be PrObablsOte-ia..:kniost :every mother The HolYrood: ladies :Of :tiie...W..'f pets:. ' tee, ' Min-.. clothes' on -her ..chilcC. is'ej" often. have , We. iterted. a'recipe, "14•4't-D6linid!si.- '-e' ' • ' 1 ,. ' -; . ' •-• . !nit to :,he :dleturbod• In the middle of . TOV-IiiiiiiY-7eletliefeiyintkes-; the.' Child perspire •• tires Min- out • and makes . if. w•aatai 0000, pbraao We canna ". 46eiphar.t: ,0110,1biti. 'eook book ',Cede, hint Mere susceptible • 'to :-Colds , 'and end '.01.4e le ' in the ' front •••Of •YOut other -infections..: • • '4 • '* .• ' -from oeer-in- r. Thos. • Barrie', ' • PARAMOUNT . presented ti 'Lady „Tweedemuir and • . etz.,•44. .11,iikutige • - • • . • • ' • • toREN 'AND 'CHILDREN .„' • • few • derti with her Mother iii Ripley tiers?, Muth in evidence.;•Hewever the Miss lIne „lr./lietteniad, Spent 'tliee" 'high lighC.Ofz-thaupening was ...*hen Vee,ele•end „With :Me, and Mee,' Marvin 'ter. Tolmiee the newly' 'elected • Cone. Sendeeson, :in Toronto. • eseevative member for Victoria,' was Miso "Mary ,caiik; .R.N., ,nuriing 'formally introduced In :•the Heise, Of • .the Winghem Comnions, The -.Right HOneurable : • MrS, ..Ketphobio• rettirned borne B...Bennett being, iihainit, on ..Sattirday ,afteeesPending.te;:-.feW inadvertently placed in the Seat, clays with. friends . Beleritiie aleiays 'occtipied:br the leader of 'ehe Me „Mrs. Andrew Sinith• And LoPteesit,ion, caused telerieg danghter 'Edith from. Toronto were ovations in '.the chamber ' a. recent visitors with Mr and Mre. . MaeDoneide, • ••• • Miss: :Rehr. :Ref& front :Zion infant sppnt.'/Vfondar efterneon ; Mrs: Aimee Aekert'S quilting! meethee — • • • . . • • ,, , „ • uospitai at. present. Children aheeld he ',dressed Pre-; titelpti' eotee bendy ''yeey • • • • t ' ' ' BERVIE perly for 'health': and comfort: 7 -The gbroctie-Canhed-on a skeever:. ride to folloVe for the .ansourite • ef. Aitpleeesk etiff meat jelly of phniante clothing is -if -the Child ; Peespires, ' dilitVor.e, , ' - , • ' , .0. less' is required; if ethe, hinds and , , ,_ , . . n griffin- browse ,erunths. • feet are cold 'an4rthilface is,pinehed, An 4.1liteeWith natural gl4tri.y. , . 'Ia more is required. .•Thus the run -about BliqUe---.Blinil • fish soups. ' chililesliould.beeiressed.seethat when . Meseel.e.._Stout. Of .-Kincerdine. .10 a visitor , at F.' A. liedgiii'S, ' .-; . Friends. of Mrs:, ,Jno.: 'G., ',Meiire 'ere. glad to know'. 'quit; she ie;greduelly regitinlickeetteheti aeterelier illnees.i 'Inc aheutil meeting; of the . United Chneeh twits lield..Oft 'Pnurgday.. eyeu-', jug iind: was largely' attended ' .e '; . .•.Mehilies,.. .31ifc '' and • • noddle' :eInglis, • ••:"..11,11e. 'Women's.: : .Aheiliary ;.eif ' 'St. ,motored to Toronto and spent few. siehn'a Church met at MiseeGerertide dayi.. thereilaat. Niiee . • .: h .L. AleWitt's., hoineon Wednesdar after- 'Mite'. Stetetirt;•' flreine jiLitintrit : ie, iteeereeeith iiii atteneatice, of ...tivelve eiiiting• Wi.tli ''.. Alf,: And ,,MrS rry mensbers, deli,* . the. 'efteritoen. . the, lediese made a . quilt to ' •,' ' , .---1--'"--e-',. 'X': nUgalet, 'Put h • radio. broadcast , Illireeellorry hill, who _who "died. ittl ,lier, in. Yeee Poeket '".and read ft7,iii. your . - . , ..,.. ..... , _ home ...Petroliav elide was, . laid. '. to ,l,qtA,ore; . ,,,.: . • :.,, • , ,.,.. • • • : • . „ . ' A5.H.FIELD 'NOTES ' eeet' le Eddy'a •. Mille , Cemetery.. ee : Yeleeenn!t Seve.ieeelipping from .e. lat.e' Me$,*.l'no. Moore el': 'llervie. Dee- y eiti :'eati'.t. Skil). it;lif a.' "redid hread ',.,teritt e°Pirreg'tie'i'viiii be '4•/°41 'ell , eeie you 'e4n,t -,ehil. off ,,,eii.e.beitoki„ Monday • the' '215th" at t'44'0 ::001delci ' ' A:.. .:pfi ialskiz,iteillr't. 6.49U114.f...., ''.a17° timd,' ::;,sm. ,:to.f.' ..„--:-...tilli:Md*V.rii!1:teii't''t;$7.:!:',‘• .. • . .• the • -,011t ;lost., eWite 4-. Meter ..of ',the. eadie,litoadcast.:•.. -. ' : • • •. Wright, wes bot ton; con 12; • 'throe; hints .end teth to he the biteehill scores good goc.id,-.1`tt"e.hdahee' -is !ei'ctiielt•ed;. ".' ''. and Mts..: jake Hiletereleat Weelt, •Wrighi of "Itirieitedinte"..whO:.iS tkl.trn,, that 'phone and go back to the:radio, thee, hiteieled the funeral: ... " - witheete- iniseing ' something ...' " ' seVenty-.fout yetus ago, Mt. John , you can't stop !hitching to answer ; 0,.. ...„, ., .,t . . • ,}:dMary,:. a.;‘iiklef. vorS,...8J. ii, me. .1..k;,ottntrai:ii:',04. ,tip."iit. ,.• ASIIFIELD., THINK' l'f OVER - . , ... - .• Mr, andr'Mee.. itel•A'•*IbliOttiOn, and You Can't :akini the • nei,'.e in . 'Mx: . erid ...:Witli her daughter, . 'Mrs.- 'Les. : . Mrs, 8hetwOdif'§ilent: the Weelet". itoB?viR;1;‘;--,,, tO.n.:}ID:ein;e:iiii't.gbile.,r.allaauth.te-Miy.... le , . , . • Aiiiiiill Sen. ..lierbeit; .Nvere •SiiihlitYVhe. minutes . with ,. Yotir teitits-' and • coffee Did' you ever atep. to think, that itoes .1if the hem, of it,er' tether, Mr. in the morniUg auir get : an Wee Whet herd tiniee 'Mean nOthing. to .a 4en 7 . hal! .iiPerit. the past two Weeks ii.,44 rtiichie:.. , , ..: ..., %.'hi• „ : ' .. . . . . .: Mre. tie'zie: Johnson Of • ICiiii.01 • .Thott, , le, Liiideeee':, ; ., -: ie. going -0) ' areund the, *beide . ... She keeps, on digging, *Orme-tied lay- - YO:ii t'an't. geleit. heel .Of; the Steck ing eggs regardless of yil!at la. sad bertsitn8i,‘7,dMi.6es'-',F:jairire.1.1Mit;veilttglii.,!,• I•ei'hi• • '''' iliSS., Ilatbaree'Bueghie. :,. : '• • ' •-Bigger, •theeelmeleese -nein, -.• W'iie minute.8.-jo .aintre. . • . •, ,...,-.•'...- , to..tdo.Oie ecratchee harder'. If it's Air merket Whet) you havo., only ., this about': dooditioos, :it, At . tionnd : 6 it.htieddi.lnleivde. iiniooilt't, ls'Otiogf:tthhe:g111„.g, gte,, hiellahael ,,,r1,4,,i0.!t!ii.i;,,4 ,m,;6.....,.. • .iif.,,It•.,, non..: .ttirV: j;,,ms.'itt,isjii.::1:6•Ny'. '‘.1,(‘;.1:,;/.1:1:1:viiieth h;lie,;,: **,dearilt4gtfiii:'. 0,'::.*: , , Aigotliz, hi8. tattrA.,, . .. , ....,... - ,. •oe eemeso, yoee ene*e-papee• ehes 'she diet' deePer.; ./t She.. etrikeS' a' ,ioing out.of deor* Ie. ilitts,,. honh. eteao '.‘tlk, .re.,. wth.Onan ,iiiii.1,1t,eeti,ni!t,. •oof',/:.(iiltr:tisieviesteolc..e.,,:., :61.3hrtoist.4t7a..tk,;t:,,,e, t:tletwilitabeti:t,iiii.x. tiolioniz;•61:66.1ks City ''in , eemelavo, -Soellexreeeeived with iie' mei sone. mid deuce And. some. buin jekee WitYs:ihe..giga up Werina and tures: The binder shotdd eeVer. be'. nsed•.a.t", .1,5tibmpi,...,.sia.ttitdt,.um.i..4,,:cli?yor,wdoitilh ,Rtirtiechni4es .1..i1(1! • '1 fiee,'." he eitid•iiilii:telpieti, "thet elinlitetione eleo... tip • tattle lint fi :: ibtii *: she , itinrka around it it. Out al- blankets' 4iia oleeping begs are Used'. .. , . .. . ,. . .. , ,..viit:1 e,:(,;:intitl,s'it•-e:',170:)iio, , ,,,one : a , titi..Istiirittft Iiiiej.ktcvistoril,apte:,s!at:d-iet paic.t. .for : t:foeillu: vheitrq, .k.iliii.toitydbo'ufil,e: ilPetn0,ft.tssta.. rvpitiiga. ,. 11§tetirronlothcl: tezthroeci *111..,;tthlts;..:hOse4.fhloiloaalg:d,e::h.,haI4,inc.: 'ttliti.11, Dultig:11,iatialp.., ti.,,,,,, ..c -oke visit6ift..h.: .iitoe_atiia:cii:ft:T.oiollitei,,::,aeohl.atot:0-1.6-iu'liesi:iket).sectocc.i...,:e.iity,„.. hem Wes' A SiM. , ** , s ° Von 0,1111::..ot -,y(i:qt: +clients to ite- waiting fOr.,.,*utili to dig theniselves. . .. .• seolet 1,yet,. MS Elia ach,oavveittictie W.coitit : rt0t2.Ydii 'Peat thelettet."' 'Welt. yo.'d bettee eoetece it be eept oe eoet, eleceletion otetY .per.• to tile, Surfeent. Did' Yon ever heee '06ttiing. rettiov,ed io t,hot 'he does:, ?let .,:oiiivtal:..:,, g6:6i..!,4..*cAe.ettlile,y,ento.ti.t.,,,,sli.11, : 1,6eilti: eete. et- eel ecommueity •A•ee....co, eeed.. eetie ee,eie beesieee semee. .,seete' hard .ipet.§13fre.. Itiethe eerY• het!, Weather' ei . . i. ettaieo.y,., ity . 0,111.fel, „teii,o, . Vow ealee jell yeee . eptieeei at Not oh ,oui,lifet.Blio'save§ her beelith diaper is, oil" thet i`e tiedeSiait, ',Aft t.dottooi, . .• • . . . , iloto,t,iy. viiiiic thvie-thbs, ki4...getrit tO toe digging. and het Altade ter eekg. . TO um• iip-;'el'ot.16.•.,voni And. to .he, .:. ae.oeki tWar. ouncil Aicepts , • PIT.T.RSDAY, -JANUARy 81, 1980 , "(Continued From Page Z) difficulties we have e*Perieeee With this •contreet„ have been to a .poorly drawn` dentraCt 'The bond should have been for 100% and there ahould, have been a time limit for His, reetejeation: of the well or repaynieni:4 I Consider that you 'hav,e done :very welt indeed in View. of these, handi- caps.- My, recent 'examination of the well his given Me a• better opinion than I formed: from, previus corres- 'pondende, ; .. Neve the less ' I will see Dr Berry as sode'ae' possible. ' Respeetfully; e FLEigi COnSUltipg Engineer', 'da-Y-S-,siatir, hot before the inaugurfa :xneeting, Dr. :Berry's letter wee received, giving the Well his stamp of approval as feltewse - • . JesePh •AgnTeoWroln't.g.o:s'nea?1P17 1937. •'DLellacrin:S°wie;;, , 3ing that you wish Stroinfinrt.h.eti'lt .forynetien eeneerning the acceptance of the Well ,fer the: mi,Miclial 'water suPlibr. - I 'Weote you concerning,' this under date- of December :the- 2ndAest,. and at that:Hine I igeoinniended the ac- ceptance e of the weii 'capacity not 'net exeeeding 70 ,gallons per Minute. This •stippir would be satisfactory to the Department..This approval 'elbee not, of course,- guarantee' that the *Ater will in the future 'always _rsemain:-TatisfactorY:streh4' an assiir4. .04-rirteaen-isCa'iorthliet-41;hi::161*1:r ouinspection, t 'would say that -'this supply is satisfactory, and would re. epIT1111.01,14 that you. accept it. ' • k Yours very truly. • A. BERRY;.: .Spairneka4'°ryr' 'Engineering . DivisrojE • " . -• • 'ma Was fanoyed letter,: writ- ten Per.seratlir toReeve .Anderson by . • . Mr. Tierning; • , • - TorontoJenne* '11.th, 1937.' B.', Anderson • titiOnow,;Oat,,,`'.. • . Your BYiioi :;to.tn:;i:ii; 61 j1411..hY:e 1:t.elleai::91ii.Yleei:ivtefidr: 0-O7. aPOircition to AMY •Sg,"t• Odo;Aii;,. :Of ,Jan.; gin! and Dr. 1,Berry,Ietter of JeseiLeg - • • There:, is ' doubt '; Pixie eisieme , the: eontrect .determining, , W. thel.aceeptance• of this wells 'The dept. 'of health' has accepted-- the well water and hed.; reer :Council fiai,,n6...}alternittit;e but to accept the well,' Your council. ,„,, eljeeeie, je 11,140; did net .accept the well -:the de- • ;•.F:'visiting pertments engineer. • deetared: the t'.7411.14 hO, Cl."1. Water aCeeptable, 'Se far as I tkrayar, .Jot.ifreernau iietted. with Mrumnd . t ef Yene eouneiAs s :F.sLpse e-lre;-10e.i:dir:gto-aiai!eitidhpnoleariarieeo:wfeeiF-thwtiodhelkaT:,..: witirt'e'resetteidearents.. , - sistance. end-..ineistence-the:auretr hal furnished a Well that.; exceeds their obligatiens by -.59%; they have also n. a power line, and imuld. the cost 'Of the Minip house. and have 'spent more than their shigheit ; The Monthly: meeting' of the.y6- eash effereforl'eettlemente - eeee ee inen's Missionary, Society met at the. • Phe water is 4Parkling creer, up' to ; home of Mra. .0., Ritchie .on. Thurs.,. 100,000 gals.: per day;: -Cold ,e.to .:ah, day: with. a good attendance. The Y. F.B. met et • the" home ••• ssh°ohliir.:1'se!!larne:Ileicaccetelk.rintgsic:111013; and 11)1r. and Mite Fred .Anderson . ot many ye..ar!, " The • • opinions . that:I expressed ;M. "eda37.• evening aiiiiintSCongregatienal meet,. time ' a0.0 .*!,'4 based on ing .and, supper was Wee held :in • rkni,re,asptittotildihnneet...enwileettOitn.headth,rao•unon Wednesday evening :lid:, oppor- Mr and Mrs 1 ndrew, Mr -perril 'weeks ago; my opinion itriegnit.iin'dte's;:;ei7thewhel;raatt:i.7.,,,t4i:tPhu.MDpr-.Mrs G Kirkland, were isitors on Mc - changed .o.n0 haveradVised you ac- G�wan, Blyth eordinglyre. " ; • . oiviguest e' can be of further service just andhe weekend with fhe Ada let the know Your -Wighes, 'and I wish Hazel you even' goad Wish for 1937 Mr.: Will Beed .of2:Itapid 'CitY. , has. Respectfully, ,been busy' buzzing Weed for: Mr. s CDei; 'H. FLEMING, Fi:WederdA•nedeecre?vfledi., here.• :f.reni reported apitie-iniProveiWit in :Mr. J. P. AUdrew'A :coriditiono::afteesuff,4. -ering an attack. of cozigeisticin Pneumonia, and is holding hie- OW,I1?-• as , .= the. last report intimated. -We, are e hoping for further ,'imProvencient seen. • • •, eatr Ii4dHA*.• . . 'Show Stares' at. 800 Thurada* Saturday- Jarnjary 2142-23 nzu,N; s. comi ROcErELLE,.•:ll,upsoN „ Everybodytt Old Man A 11CMAN INTEREST COMEDY ORAL DRAMA 0IetAL LIFS .Also WORLD EVENTS' prcTutikri: BY THE •CAMERAMAN e AND FOX NEWS. If, • sPnc;Al. r. ,Goe; To IOW r. RAIL FARES , •t•`-, OW‘4444'.., ••••!;.& „ 0 - farea enabie you te'liirri. the Calendaesdiead :Irene Whiter tight into 'a SuMmer *Kalif* • - : igki03011,C0ifornia. • . • • - • 014 golf' beeide the blue Padific•; . , motor. thrti.ugh 'orange ,groves tuict •••• •• ..01Png en.i9X• • glamorous nightsin gay laoilystrood.. ;' • War choi,ce of routes.;.'. mclucie the ,• 'picturesque 'Caned lin .:Roekiet. •charinieg Vanoeuvet and. V,ictoria • extra "cost:: FtRSTcLAsS FARE •.INTERMEDIATE FARE .4,••••'...:..qoAcw FARE.. ' • • ••.th CANADIAN NATIONA 10 , • .Mr. and Mrs: ' ttephen teihers of • Arthur were e*. gUeete on .Thursday ...with the former' uncle): and.: aunt, and .Mes'g I.eA.ndrew. •IrECItitlfICH in-thmitsnee' 'he does , not p,eespire Ilelitheee,ilound mold lIBQd•for 1.tes. Define /1011Che.-.4 good-ti4ed' Month, "When going out of doors. outer gar - last' Friday:With MO. John Jamieson, Mr Kelso ,11,Iiiny,finent..the Week - dna with -Mr..,and Mrs: Graham' Utic4 :NAy in Ottawa.... eetVed " on :tenet` :or • down 'With, a lot of : eetry .• under- Ments such as sweaters, snow "suits, ititiseee.Meitt or poultry keWed ea; a leggings Coats,. etc. should be put on : eeveted pan. It is a mistake to weigh 'a, child . ,N.E:WSPAFER VS. RADIO ' • 1 Chlitotied7=Vegettiblee tilitedded ' and be uncomfortable While in the COMptitee-A Meer of. fruit, . -..,--ev - house. In het weather the child, should ,. . .. ' :Cetititetire4Diced, ''Oe'r. ,fanei^ ah. ROO be clothed with e suiresint-which :al - Town freedom, is conifort,able and allows the ehild di get tanned. Heti, about the baby? Here .the bliOutts, Clothing Which makes :him persPire , McGee.. , , • • . . •' • MesiDenald.eMcDonald-of /lel-, ens, anent :the week -end With Mrs. D, . • tdetei..ut tread -either:toaefeefir , 'P14 .rnii.1 •:meeting -Of, the' Pieeby-' fried in butter, • • ,beolfted-Arety seasoned ' , tendency is even etrongee to bundle him 'em with' moie • clothes then he needs. in 'the 'winter time. i `baby should have a• shirt of, Wool and cot-' ten or weoe. and silk, .over this 'it flabltte gertnuie and a tetton .drees. Long etockings or knee length bootees are necessary' to keep ..the feet Warm,. If ihe batir. requires more, sweifters:,ahoUld be'euseds It is very iMportarit' that- the deess and egerte • Nntreeo-A: side. atilt ,serVed wick' the •okkd, kvifotie oumel; nnind wae Annie :roguing. :cotteseo. Pole bette.-441.v.or • Pondue-A (115e Made ' InOted, — . 'ebiesc , .Fendentt-Sititttt, boiled and benteti. e to a', ereatitSt • Prtini)e-w4htift 'frosten. •Orietteeettlelion, ee Meat in. a• *tali •• . ' • :"' • - fileeeee-Shitiy„ itOtty,. ovoi... liore (150eUsirta-,.ApOetlaera... Intillntdre.4ilatt Vegetiblett,„ jtiliothe-Miegithlo4 'tut' like' thois$ 1641. , • . • tosatioister *iote- Itittoduce prOtakient 041erly • sPoielteee tend ttigi.,Stost Yee will give OS* *AUr .sittetitlen to a' etnrkee, *Gentlemen,. • you. finite : -twit '-hedeff yr tisetion to a sage stuffed ieltie,..1 .tho onothat votoo, eeha yournewspaper or nee At _dal Yes, sir, a lesson an be kaeneseeeom, comfortable in the house, kficl. acid Mr. Culbert and family :visite&.he Prebytq.ia Itio04,0 awl motto them nlilio . tlys red hon. outer gatOtents when he goes °Wide. With felends at Blvtli otilnrldni. • Mrs. at!th:ihostn, e of Stumped the iloaa, 'Teo -