The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-21, Page 2, th ouise, Jerro „ Albertine Tevans, a department "titeire saleagiii, falls in • love., with m De* .1daxwell; jewelry • saleeman, !It, is worried by $ rumor 4hat he • has got into Ione sort trOtible with wi' bia Out of a ,clear sky, her rich great-annt, Celia. Tevans, • whom .she has never Seen,. invites, her .for ..Thii• -night -beford'Shein to - leave, ;Dennis Ws, veiry myateri- • ouslY.' then thrusts*:stax ruby in. toler hand; and bona.' ,The next day 'he arrivel at" her aunta estate,- to find"• two other guests -:Countess Y.eloi • Coupakoff and her brOther, „,•,COunt Miehael., There 'teems to be tension 4n the air,- and 'Aunt Cella'S ladtiteman• ehnitifeur,' Bates., . whit always weafe duk greases, 'lilies Al- • bertine the criehe.. ' , --•••„• CHAPTER V. Atfotr o'cleek /Jaen 'served tea. :And' shortly ,-afterwards, Aunt Ceila titok•I'Aibeitine off to:, rest 'before Alen_ -` •, ..• „ ,Too'..exeited tott‘ ,1"eleA.ImlierAri *1114tri4roirber 'b'ed 'and '.;reviewed the past few hours: Birched': Was •04.10thiestioAway Fast. .• PaaPte,Ei.errvisOi .410.A(10' Piing rat Remarkableil!hillisis" Way '. *ay to gain almost rncredibly- cpiick relief,:froth stomach condition • /rdift.'4.mrapidity",,A.to alka- ; lize the stomack-°qUiekly4with7Phic liPs' Millt of -Magnesia. • ' You take either' two teaspoons Of the liquid liquid PhillThe after meals or ' two Phillips' Milk_of Magnesia.Tab- leta. Almost initant1y-'4aCid dis goes, gas from hyPeracidity;, „I -•t'acid-;-'headaches"—from over -in- dulgence in food' or smoking and nausea- we relieved. You feel 'made" • • oyer;' forget 'ypu havea • stomach. , Try this Phillips' Way if you have any -acid:Stomach upsets. et either theliquid•Vbillips'! or the remark- able, new Philips' Milk otMagnesin •--Tablets. Only 250 for, a big bo* of ° tablets at drug :stores. • • ' • • ALSO 114 TABLES -FORM: 'Each tiny tablet is the *lent Of, tesuipoortful 45f • rirline Phillips' •Brilk of • .„ ,MILKOF ' MAGNESIA ,WHEN' • WORK it;WORRY • PULL YOU DOWN THE GREAT TONIC THAT SOOTHES NERVES ENRICHES BLOOD BUILDS NEW VIGOUR A , lood D,r.p3 & Dept StOrts Srs'es Agents 'Avoid F Fidchie trr) t td T,vonto fascinating,. hut net 110 nice as Denny,". she thought,- 'Yelena was only pretending to like her. Well, she 'Gould' - happily iviili- OWthe Countess" liking her, she de- cided. • Aunt Ceila was in .old darl- ing. How silly it had been to be afraid of her! • She. :dressed ieisuiely for . dinner. A rosecolored ehiffon with. a aeftl blurred pattern. of floviers Was Vas ty becoming. She :studied her retie tion in the mirror.- Siie..rivonht..-Wea it again senie. time for , . -A 'knock at the door startled he Aunt Cella entered, rustling in blac Silk. • A choker of. diaMonds and em erelds 'replaced the white net, bone collar.that she had Worn-, Elwin the day; , She was holding a- slier pearEnecklace, and. Albertine notice that mOre.. diamonds and. .emeralda flashed -;:from her-thinfingers. ••• • "1 -Wept: you - te,linVO'''these,nearls", she said, abruptly... .• - - :Albertine Was aniazed: f`Ohtyout shouldn't,-" : ' ••• `'. t,t ,interrupted, 'should be worn only 'While one's Skin, is, smooth and white. ' What good are they to me, now: that I'm Wrinkled as:•an old' apple?" . „She • fastened. theM ; about her niece'S throat.. • ,Albertine looked at them in the mirror.; • „' . p,ea"Priesarr,ls,": 417 •••••..i•••••••• • s • ••:t NV . CAKE', ALWAYS A FAV,OWITE,' Aceording to. movie, titles •"The, Peva 'and „according to T.991P0 title* .he .10.: a .i.'eaice:s..eateek:". All :et :110eli; •Would lend .,us Retie that he. is:not the. roligtr,k.toligh and. , weihave, alWaYs thonglit, ,heartny. rip; Trove oVhls taistti 1n cake: beciurre. there are few htimeria who doi!t love Devil's FOod'efike,'7:. • ,, ,• . • ' This is a: particularly. *bed* 'family Cake,be.canse children • :tete tb:e fla.; Vour and it. is ;reellY.Oopd for, .them, :It, is. not 'tee heavy and 'besides .the. noushing., ,ingrerliente such Jig!, •Init, ter;,..sugar? and: eggs. Odeb go into it,.: there is rieh,. eriergy-building chocolate 71nok cvaii child !eves.. • There. fe, one very 'Irriportant'•,prtint about 'Making thii.cake and it should heeonsidered-first-of-alihat-iethe kind of, cake florir • to, -lie used.Just Y any : flour. will not 'Orli, out the kind ot • reed . • 'Cake :you, drealn c'•!. 4.....,_140• will they additimy of 'Cork T. starch or potate flour do Ihe 'OW YOni cake a .sirceess, or failurer. When plirchase the. fleur. A nd k to make it A oRoces$••••••u8e' only the fiaelt cake 'fleiir • On ' the.: market.* d• yea*. have been. Spent: to perfect •it, g has been .ground jma...te4rOnnd te'linit. the right •etXture for tratE in d eake-making. • ' She turned;,, threw . her .a0riC,23,014t, hei.'atirit;', and kissed her:: •: love 1,,#11, *tint Cele," „She ,whispered. . • .. • ; •• Three. softly strtick 'gonge sounded' treni- „belOW. ,,:...113iiiher,” said Aunt° wiping' her i‘eyes Vigoroizsly: , 'They found '•Yelena and Michael' al-, reedy in .the.. drawing roojn, Teleita. • in blue Satin 'With necklace , of 9 - . • largo ,sappliireS sparkling , from her white. 2. throat.,,MicJiael looked hand, seiner' .than ever in 'dinner 'Clothes: • 'The •Countess seemed? ave re- gained her. goocl hutnor. •• She 'was ter3Laiii: Was, Michaerwho spoke; .in• 'sad „reniinis-• cenee,,, of • their, Childhood flaYa In Russia of .theif•,loat esates They were ..fortnnate , not- to PerMOSsar as _weirirrank Ottl4 •""And things wouldn't be So' bad with us as they are ,if_.1:_hadni-,been r•gkies-4'f. Yelena admitted, charin- ;net: :',Your„ A.Merican,-,Steek nar- ket :seemed such 'a good p1aae.16 re-; coup,' Or fortune..., .• And we has so many—What You Call tilisfroM our friends hi Paris." • : "Well" ; Aunt Ceila Centributed With -Satisfaction, "aa. I told;. You •, in New York; stock' market :crashes and .bank bank ,failUres Caii never affeet, MY; investments. ' : !Jewels .are tlia•••onlY Safe investment,' „ • "you are so -very, very wise, ,niy. frAid," Yelena • :purred.' -"And, • heitine, here is so clever, Coo. agine, Michael, ,this child has • been: supporting .herieif,*': What is' it. that you /do?" • • ' , i„stattd:,behind a der:tite ‘- r front 9, in the morning. 8..30 at ni*ht,- aelling hosiery," Albertine :said, • "But ,Albertine's, Working claim', are over,' ,Aunt Celia; remarked. "EVery; thing I Pessesi, will be hers-4rob- -ably shortly: And until then, She wilt; Make. her heirne with the." Albertine's eyes ' misted, ,She reach: od 'lout and, laid a.,.:haild itUnt'Si., but said nothing. • • . After coffee ; in,. the ••;draWing-roomr ..:Yelena said she had letters to •write, and: Aunt' Celle ' left), IVIIchael to amuse hilteelf w.hile she •took Al- , WAKE UP YOU. LIVER Bill— Ailk1tOtell lumit,OUt of Bed.in the • . • • tilinitjtaiiii' to go ' _, • The ii,ver7hMil'd rAtir'ent two pounds of ,Ho6id bile into your 155Wels daily. iltbia bile, • 'isnot iloWing•treely, your food doesn't digest. It, jUst, deeas,S in the bOti.ieW....G.AS bleats up 'yddeitorneich.Ymi get constipated: minus& • roisous co into the body; and you feet aqui - sunk and, the worid look, poi*. ,A 'Mere bbtvel inovetunt doesn't altrilys get • it the conic'. You' neereometh in g that work* ' ' on the livet.'otilvelt.Irtialtee.tholeOhl I, Carter's Little Liver Pills to get, these two pounds Of hire' flowing freely and nitike you feel "up and up". liarinleiti-• and gentle, they jnake tbe. bitsfie* rebely, They do the WOrit. • of calomel but havenn ealtnnni or 'mercury in • theni. Aek for Carter's Idttl Liver Pilia by. name! PttibbOrely tefuse'finAhlrit ON& tsco• • • 2% .teaspoons baknig pi-iwtlen • teaspoon • salt • • '.3:3-ectagsPS, .iire blIt;t:beoreantra,t.11e, shortening8i'" , . :010cOlato, ' • teasPnonr•Vanilla, Sift flour once, inettS,jire,Ladd balk gether':.thred tfrnes,... ,*;•Oreatif 'butter. thoroughly, ' a44, Lowlife, :grad fieIly, afld'•ereeM 'together antll light and fin*: Ado eggs and heat welt;. then. chocolate and b!kt Until smooth,, Add flour. alternately, with milk,, a, snuill, anionnt, •at' a'tinie,• beating ,after each additioa (int!' .smooth.'. Addvanilla; Rake in two • greased, 3,inth layer . . pies in 'Moderate (wee ."(360 ,:dekrees P):30'minutes; or untll.,,done." If-Yow-wairt-a-Alft*-fresting,--epread Seven Minute frosting,' between, lay, ers.•and n7top:**rid sides of Cabe,. To dress up the fretting a''bit-,,!fold• .14_1 '.000.••cinartered:•inarshmallowi. Minute frosting , before 'spreading. or 'Sprinkle, Can coco- nut, ".s•OlitbernstYle„,. ever..Iphe : plain :fictsting.. while it, s still soft. • There is a 'grand failing. for Devil' Feed 'Cake; which'. fUrther. 'makes ' even Mere,: poptilav•than hefnke. Try, this Reisin.'NUC pining and -nota the last: dulaPpearanceof the, cake. •-• .•‘• mrsellen Er.* 5.:ItilliNg1F, Iw Ii; 7::PltiN MIA UPerb *read 43 Delights' Laura Wheeler Fran imple 1.00.4 e: r.eit U. 117**,1'; entillgeisiueig r.star 1:imas" Or NI 1:. • -1...„•• • ' r • -*ow*. •-••r•tedur 1.1.111111.11 vs. ;117 114.' ---- *•••••14f11. le• 1111 Lizir PILO 0,. CHET `-. : All'ON" 13-82' --Every. •Wernan•,..covets loVeli'• lace• acciasories, *it tittle realizes . how :easilY.49 can make ' them heraelfgin . ,., Two ,,stonng squares iof filet' Crochet •.' 'arf•repeated, ' form this 'luxurious spread. , ..., You canin 'alte ' ' • a" 'Ieth--4nrse'-=-tbOF-With-axr-epezr'stztcliserd, ff, the dfsliticlibli`':--•• ..:, how 'effee4Ve is .: t i'e4dttlelithieoai ninileresm alternat- ed' Use !one,sc1a(siiiyttprrri4trniccrtadirootious.and . for',Making .en. 11. inch square .nn 8% , 77-aitoi iitti7oonfetheenind-T,aatildpioninag .tsheinr-to:inak.rn---ririety-of.:iarti,cfloerhir7...e-hililsnaptratit: ' t II' stitches Used. -material requireinents, . -, - ..,. • Aeral 20 coots ,i'n stamps. ox.,_c:plu(cotn preferred).c.3..wea Adelaide, * pat- tern Set Needlecraft Dept.; V.Vslsote.,Publishing ch., IlEs . 1St.,':Ofri.itit •plainlY, PATTEBN 'NUMBER; *Our „NAME and' A,D,P, !,_. oraen.:arid Newspaper! • Observes the •Sudbury Star --Re- centiy A'FloiTida newspaper. offered' a,. year's ..Subicription .for ;the best.' an- swer to • the lineation : 4`Wliy :is a ivo-. man like i. newspaper9" Her? are a • "few:Of tlie answers •that were sent ° Because you 'can't .believe any- thing they say," ', • "Because they are thinner r now than they used to ' be." , "Because they are easy • to rea•44 berth: er suite, saying she had Earnet ing to 'Show her. • 'She led the girl' hit°the. bed -room , . and opened sinall wall safe. .Her hands, With the • flaShing jewels, trebled as she teoltout a leather* case find laid it on the bed- • -• (To 'Continued.). ..-'R-1104,$. WOMEN. NO :need for • - Virfotnen or girls to Suffer 'eV er y . .thorah from peri- odic pains, head, •.adhe. or sideaches: • In girlhood; Or. Picrte'S• FajPore restriptiott". it. e y . • term This i hat Mrs.Eari.jolaiSlon of 445 Jackson `St., W.,• nafrilitoh, Ont.,,said; "I suffered' frotri paixis . in' My back dud sale periodieetly. I ',Would bo ,Weak,, nen;es,' And .• hail Ifeadaelies ' • end, dizzy Spetis, Dr, Pieree's Payorlte Pre- scriogon helped td rid res, of those- awful %mins and , droVe headachee and dizzy Thig Medicine Unproved illy • appetitp' arid helped' to build me 110A0 that I felt 'Just fine In, eVcrit respect"' Puy nowt •hien, size, taba sou., fiquid $1.04 fe $1.35, Issue No. '4'—. '37 :they ,sre well worth look- ' "Because back' :niimbers are not asnitlIk.worth *hitt they .cost." "Because they always have the]ast word", • "13eemisl They, •carry. the , hews wliereVerthey gal! • •-#." But .the. line that copped the sul-'. scription. wasceuse every ,rilan should have one Of his own and not run after., his 'neighbour's." • - ?itner,' s. • .-gtose,•00,er'etterve •••, • ••Y f.470,11r-braa7.071104:0-100-11f-f**it tablespoPriS Witter eaP * • " Wfi cup, broken W111411.4 '.111eatS; toad' • , % cup eup seeded raisins . g tablesporinsrearri of -rich Milk 00100. ' . • Heat sagar, butter, and, Water in skillet, and cook Until aamalharnotint • of mixture fernis a., soft ball in cold water (-326 •degrees' Fr). Remove • from fire; add ligtq,:and raisins. Add otearo Of 'right consistencyy to spread. Makes- enough :filling to spread iibetweeri two 9-inch:layers. •• A FISHI rIP.. Siz ,i:11.a,ofoodu-rtoenfifyi tohuant •(,; s. jaf selr. us baked -The secret of baking •fish so it,is tasty. lies in getting 'the fish done: ACtiyilly • the Same' ruleS7•apitily tn.; baking fish, as to reasting'neat. The- fiSh May be spread Out wthe• pan, flesh Aide Op. :and baked In a .very hot h e 11wflitsbh Licit; cient ,targe.'fatiz et ei heweVer,. is especially de1icaou f its • cavity • is filled'with a stuffing be- ,fore- it . is baked. • i , • „Whether the fish, s stuffed or not, the same .principlee apply 'in ita bak.. ing as in the roasting .ef meat; that isrthe heat of a quick, hot 'oven sears the flesh,. keepg.'in the. 'juices,: and prevents the 'toss i:d..flavOr, :Often, 1n, the ,bakirig cf fish it is necessary to add fatr•--ThieTrattrlye-Tdone---br-pit:- ting fat of • ,sonie kin1 into; the. 'pan 'with - the • 'flab, :by ern -ending strips, of , bacon' over the fish, or lard.: ag-it•'• ••••1 7 :clean •the fish thoroughly. bone if desired, and sprinkle it inside .and. out with salt. If stuffing is ,to be, used fill 'with . desired •still:ling' and sew up.. Place in a dripping Pan .,ancl a4t1 soma bacon fat , or s piese ,of ' salt, pork, ;' pl aeseveral ,.slie'of,ba con around it: Bake ina hetovenfor aboutnh:hr,Afterit;asbeel intho:enfotabput.l:minules,.• ithji,ittjtp he found in, -the • bottonf of the pan:and-, con-- tinue to :baste eV,,ery 10 Mlnuter until: the' olsh is Well •&Me-. RemoVe •frOm the an _to" platter, •garnikh- Witli.-parsleratic141iceveflemoirind ,serve "•• or , with any ` desired sauce. • e Lantern Goes' [The rcOminefce • CoMinisiori,, has ,ordered :theraitroadac to .rtitolith the Old: Oil:burning'. lenterne . . . • .. for., nearlY, a .century, : have been car- . 0 • Tied 'by railway trainnien„. In. their' ,stead, the' tailWays4itist• •SUPpli bat,' tery,iitierated.',PleCtric lanterne.,.." , • • Neuritis 1' - • .:,f0#. "."4;1.0irinfr•ff.r.(0104 641s4e.4401** '• „rflestgilOY secands by. 00P ,wiNfeh: 1111 Aspitin Yellet uteri/ 'to 'Sainte- • grate ,and go to' vibes. Drop in "Aaphin" tab- let- Into a glass of water. Int the, time the *attar" ut fli0.01411 it"!n r'rdlsititogratIng. What 1:4 eitwe •• ,hierOne. *Gm k;OtAmiziiiglit Quick. Aglikt Get "ASPIRI'N'? - - It 'you auger frompains of neuritis's, ' What •You want isqincic relief:. • . • "Asnirin" tablets give re, lief;. for one reason. ;becausetkeY', dissolve er disintegrate alinost".mr **. stently they touch Moisture.' (Note, illustration above.)` '' • " 14 ' Hence—When you take-an."Aspi- rin" .tablet .it starta4o• dissolve al- . ns-tiniekly-Ps--yOna*allow-if.-- ' And thus is ready to start working -14i1M-St. instantly headaches,.. • neuralgia' abd neuritispains start • easing' almost at once; ,.• • "Aspirin" -tablet's': are* Canada,, "Aspirin" is.the registered. • trade -mark of the Bayer Company, , • Limited, of WindsorOritarid. Look ; 'for the name Bayer m the form of a." wogs Onavery tablet:• Try it. You'll sayit'S inarvelas.. • . „ Deniand —a-nd--G. • ' • , The old- lanterns ..were inefficient and unreliable. The flame might be . . . . • . extingurehed by! a htgh 'wind.- In ex-, treinely :cold ' weather the wick . re- fused :to 'draw. Smoke and , soot • • would darken the ;globe. 'dropped -lantern might Start .a fire: Trainmen iadto, run the .risk of using them, .around 'tank care ;and other sari con.' ` ,faining -highly velatile , 'cage Daily News. - Things• loilVhia Money is pent The 'Chlonge,' Daily NeWS, abaarlfeIlf- .Atteeking.,he old, problem .nt' eYalaat.:.: • Ing nstion'e spirit fan! the Lew, proseh,:or findhtg 'oet Ow' the nation mouey,, •Dr. .Edward L. Thorpe.ike: 'of. Teachers!„College, Co, offers • firatistien1 preef r.f' the belief that the rnitrigiu, erieen pasaion is Jo* keep up-*Willi:the JeneSSO:' ' • Bterner moralists. have frowned OP, that' se anaher :nisiilfestet .„hii.:ran,; Vanity., ••T•flut, vanity: Is the: twin. .pf-'se( • pr.. Thorosiiikeeets it 'In thIs manner .1''We pay. more to 'Maintain. self•respeet. 'andothe Op,iniOnt of othere,„and-•;te derisii2n,, And 'Shaine, thanto keerri* our ' • bodies fed and .free.,frotri:the*distress, • , et • bilhgerr",,,• '1,, • ;Perhaii.4' that ryiaWay:. el SaYing that man is' a' soCial• animal andithat4014•.gpSePee',,f4.••c11111XAtioriLiv earnius ot wealth. aboiie• - mere, ,:tanitnif 'neaps. Anyhow, .br. -Thornlike's- analysisof the budget of the Anierican people in 1924, 19 later esting.althongh.airch, ,estinifites neces- sarily., contain. Many „Miner quantita; tfve erroi's.•• • • . . . •Rxith the,Iiid of. a eopeenaus 0 phy. Or, Thorndike . finds that, of.-fh:e•,•'$-1,-'74,110;6(l01fifici-•spent- 'for -food .ttifir"ceuntry In '.1929, 56 'percent; was satisfy nun-gap:15 pereent., to , Aratify •pleastires.of feate„and:smell• ..1.0...pereenti-Ter therpleiraurea of c0m•, anir social-, irtterceurse,•-147oltidink.peurnship: pereent. CO Ivin ..- '•the"approval, of-irthers.,,and emakfaep'. e,entagea• 'for •Prottction against die.: : °age and eeld„,•enloyinent. of the. forts„.0,f:'others' u'rld the pleasures •ef, • The: :$8,060;090:000.' anent... for 'that ether priniary_tieed.7-.cloihett74Wrie:dis tributed,fia.fellOwe:' Forty•one pereent. fd • :protection, •heat' and ' wet; • 10.percent.l'orpr0tectiOn-ag8in,8t „disease 12¼ piceTt to gain the ap .proval; of Others;, 1 ' percent.. 'approval gereeetlya,:sototabip;.:•• course.; .6*.ffereent,.. for the. Pleasures of., .'vfolOnT. 314 percent, to Win •thasterY 'or • domination Over others, and "P per -• cent: ••••„o"..win their affection. : • ' ,Obvionely • the , weight Of; :prestige ;anti sex Valries. would be greatei in • the eXneinlitirie. Of 04;600,000 forcO*. ..mettia..and.• at .•beauty ..ParhirS; $6000.,•: • 000,00fr tor 'automobiles. ,.'aird''-.$L600,, • ;.0*00,000 ::for .-lanxidering, „Cleaning and ' .y1ng. • • • •• For 'a good refieetiOn. :Ili.' Practical ife Thorndik4'••• etterlin, evriI.uatfOni .ef. what ...WO' get, for our ioney • In, the Way".of., neeessittei and 04131e Food- Discovery ResUlts romHusband's Concern Custard :Powder' and' Baking Powder Invented ' --'100 'Years ASO toriit's • AeCession, a young • Seientifit; -kr,: Alfred •llirk suc- cesstully , carried 'out ,e,' .period ot stUdy, and eiperiMentatietv'ealmtnat-: •COatt.rit.S'Powder:; • About, the. game' time he ..'fOrtherl.rev.01,ritionlied 7 the Weild'Of,Ctrokiii'g.:11Y: Creating a Bak,' • Ing- Powder. a Of "Wrd':-that'•hdth--Of'theso-L„developments- sprang le.ela Mr •Bio'.s 'pjy his knowledge and skill Or the benefifnf his dellcate wite WiftY eettrd: 110t 't,ligest, eertaIii fOOdei: • ,• after. 100• Yearii, the; grandsen, of that ••yonng inventor ...heada.:_the• largest'. undertaking 'thii-',Werld-;-. and Products bearing • heiiieg :The f4.1_,One :name: . are now old 'throughout the eiviliSed World. s, :L.• it ' Is a 'Striking. and lia•141Y. 'COIncid- ,ehuOti celdibactePeibi:444blinti s year ,the'Oentenil of famiiiet* cern:. Which •Wals:louniledi; in; :thefirst ,Year of ilnonil:Vqorla,f4 - TRAiiE Membership' in ,British trade old - Ons has dropped from 8 347 000 in 1920 to 4,842,000. ' • 1 and.Jrti.tat*illaidder: ..F1osit-Thent-.-Out”.7- • Fi317407Ceallifti7— • GO. to 'yoUr'.druggigt :today , and get thia Safe, swift and ,liarMless diniatie afldstjmuIant_agk OrS4 t4 01 d 'MoXiat, Haarlem 011' 'CaPribleti and start at 'Once to ilueli4t1dneye, , waat'e, .that- • 'tor: saturated -with • eel& end .polabria.. .that's the. waji. to 40100.; -about fieelthy,k;idney •rictiv 'a'ndtstoropo,- • bladder irritatlen , wh loh 'often Prilitiea' neanty passage imarting' Aind „hurrileg• as We II ' as restlean.night,S....'.' '• Remember, the itidneYs• often need •ftushinit as • well. as the bowels, and irenie• sYniriforna. of 'kidney ',Weakileas are Getting; up • :once OrAWide•during the•pight'-;-puffy, eyes -7 -cramp iii' leg .••-backache and nioist Palms.„' e.,••• • 'Bat, .he'Sure end. get GOLD ..MEDIAL .11aariein .011 Capsules--„tbe • .brigintil and.. tenitineHiight •freni Bliarteni Reilandthe. price is small (40 Cents); the..geoft* results will 'fulfill your expectations..: ' ' Help the Magician put iip the magic "numbers in the blank Spaces anewin a • .,;i.00CL.00 EXTRA' FOR, OMPTNEss . . Aet.quickly and Noin our Ainaiing prizes. ; There Is besides the, ClirYeler . Sedan; 100 .:• *Ore. prlkeb; „ Itmay look Unbelievable' and ' 'Yet %it ' la tide. Answer now. Send no" r money. /Ust, Mail coupon., . . . . .. . . SED OR p0 0 , I CA Find' the 1ag1c figures fitild qualify foe this oPpOrtvitity: ' Ceit'ain numbers front 1,50 00whteh, if filleit in tiie bfanh spaeesi Will add tip 1845any directien. When yottAnd,thitii, write the 4 Ainimbers' In thee blank ,spaces and: send the square to me right ••, -•.'rltway together with your name and iddresti 'filled In the cctupen annompliesdannew '1111PCiRTED PRODU(ITS' AGENC* cose sr, • '‘• " 13, 0. Station xjao. „ Mantras]; K i Ceiti':44 d • 6'1 o'4 ; • • .i.tfifiO• • • • w'e oe°, Ckiji ji Oft PRO. iileasure; read advertising In that art 'the buying motive iE all im pertan . and.. •••• "- the_ key to '.'intictese is the appeal tb' •• the most. dominant; • e-W,e11-1)reSsed Man ',Certain masculine riAnds,' seem -tin- sUre as to 'What '.'contitutee • •,[ • • dressetl 'mitn,,,and, for their r: -benefit • , and ttie •information of others .• the Merchant Tailor Ossignors. AisOcia-,y; ,tion bas-14id-doWn the; To • betin ir:tel 71441 e'ritatl.l- lyi;%'0.6i1111-ftlit,rse;s•St -business ar:itS, one sporia.....iititt: one ••• •'. Inforrnalvalking suit o a- host lac :- tails; yachting and riding regalia, three 'topcoats; one o,.rere'osit, 'an'd a guard's coal ,Of „ navy ' 'bine . camel's •, • hair. Short of the above trousseau,,. " you cannot be 'OlaSsed That is.'- illiishined..Soine .6 f Our.friernis_..Ohorn , have: always-conside sed are gettiallY„ pretty shabby. -Let anyone who has the'. 19, indispensanie outfits 'sten .farWri0. Whit no la" kers?' Come, •cinfie.; .,SUrely: some -fas;, • tidious• citizen has five overenata, and"the.,14 -other items in his: 'kit!, ..;,• 'Step Up gentlemen Or Is it :PciSeibIS :that we 'have no W,eild,ressed, inen: in • Nnnigri; tmidst? D,etrol Saturday . • Silence,. :Please!. . • s. Whit has 'beconie'•of . the '..otroog!..,.: silent Englishman Who used to , sit 411 • a, corner of. his railWaY, eitrriage: filOtti 17111Sele fa' • !Way, •fropi'Llv`erriotil to :London, asks the New York TirnoS, The 'question ts. • .nertinent• One betaUse tbo. most terl.."••• 11014 adventure, which: await's. the •Arne,riosiii.teurists..en tliglig.h:rail • IVIIY8 is traditionally, Oat, inaSsive and impenetrable silenc . of. the .'gentle' • • Man in 'the. corner '• ..;•.•;.• • : •ref wathin ,the: list few We0e. SciniebOdy. haft* been .writing.' to "the, Their; of Lrindon'.to",COMPFain 'ffliat :English 'railway ',passengers •'annoy each other; because,: Heaven , •lieln Us, their talk ter6tiiiieh ; The Times Corespondent'want the railvtinyn to Set 'aSidif ebiliPartinenti' 4 tOr, Talkers". indicating them 1 y labels on • • the Windoviii, lust a s arriokingcompart;, are -cat no int:6 ,titilo ompnt tni eats holding about a dt4enr domnartInCn is rr:titIniti'neLtio:;testiyt'srteeiA think the silrTnderoilot p gregarieuS unlesspecial provisinii‘in intida.ffir 'bon-g'regariOati Parefgbers are ant to find ": the .• cofft.rolorns/ an' .41:CrO(ii.i4 otte.,.,, • The 'deafiriptien ?nen'tallierg":.• whtvd. seem to 'the' tiVerfrie hiroultti5:!1'.1,b redilkdrint On rn'eOtnn.Ortin,".nt fn triO)lalfirien..aki-P11--th e*' '761.."••1 4 . •• _