The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-21, Page 1. • . • • araary,Tr.v. • #44.4.• $$$.4414,*rawc, °Pm ' r. AR -$i 50 I AD*4..N.F4-4,09. EXTRA rrrIt 44. r Treleaven -`.`DENTrerr ` IliplloNEs 1- , gesidence r g Lit DENT SEIMCE' • T I 7,iei . vn", E0.01derice,'-'• ••• 7,FOR,SALE—Garage and stable in Luclulaw. APPlY at Sentinel Office. LOST—A. black buggy rug between` Luckriew ad Let /,' Con. 6,-Kinloes. ginder please. leave at 'Sentinel Office. • . FOR' *.BALE -9 -:Piece fumed Oak dining •roont' suite, as. gticaras new, for Stile eheap Apply at .Sentipel POR SALE—Dark red Durham Ball • Calf, about ' .11 months.. 'Apply • to Mra., 41ni*Telititer,'Verdyce; Luc:knew.- ' •' "GRASS FARMS"' TO RENT -200 :inns, either tegether. or • separately, -..-for grass or hay, • 50 acres new seed- ing.—Win. Fisher, R. 1, Lucknow. •' .1174N0E0s 0NTED,. Tit4*• : undersigned,: up to January': 25th, 1937, for . 18 . norda' of .gtk•:inch beech' and maple green body:: wood, , to be deli•Yered by March lst, to S S No • 9; Ashfield. LOWeSt.' 'tit., Any tender, not necessarily accePted; ' Ernest Blake,• eey'..-Treas.,, R. 7, .Lucluipw.'. TENDERS. WANTED irs will. he:, recemed by the up to Saturday, pecenif.. r • '30th; for :15', cords of 204nch, beach and maple bod,y Woecii( deliyer:7 ed At 'U.S.S. NO. 14,,- Parernount, . by .April 1st.: 'Lowest or :.ani tender not .neeelsarilY aeciiPted: Roheri'' Hamilton See -Treati 'TENDERS. ,• -Tenders will be4.eieived by the Un-, dersigneli for 30 'cords' of '4 -foot 'elm wood,- or any 7 -,portion-- thereof -i7- not - leas than.';4' inches' in diameter,- alSo for .60 .cOrds or any portion thereof,' of "lginch body ,' wood,' beech and pie, and the follewingLyillege work% Day work-Miuri,o:and snow plowing and :snow 'Telling, ,..Grading • and (Wigging:. • Tenders4e,be-ceivedbYjklondaY.,. the 25th loWeitor any ten: o der net., necesearily accepted, ' Joseph Agnew, Cierk, Luckno‘w k .. • • ,4$ . Nbf1OCREDITOR: the Matter of .. the Eitate• of FlOrence,lehnston, late of 'the Village of Lucknow hi -the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceased. • Natice.is ,hereby given, Infrahatit. to ;:the' Statute in, that half,"that 'all, creditors, and others,' having': claims or demands 'against the Estate Of the " said Florence JOhnsten, who. died On :or about' the; Twelfth „day" of ''Decein- • belt, A D 19,06; are required on or; be- fore the Si;tt,h;day of Febnuary.....D. 1937, to send,' by Peat.. prepaid, or . deliver, to. :Roberti. William' Johnston,. Rapley,:Ontatii4, . the AdMihistrator, Of. '.he Estate Of the.Said deceased, 'their. : ames,.,addesses and .descriptions, the . fall ;partinlars of their claims, a teMent, Of their iiecoUnt, and the na- ture.. .Of the securities ,(if .any). :held by -thein dilly-ierified- by- Affidavit. , And take' notice ,that after such 'last mentioned date ,the said Adniln- ' 11 • t t th istrator will o u e . . , . , aiSets .6A the said. deceaiied . among the ,perschns entitled .tlitteto,.having. .' regard onlyto the eleima of.: which; 7 ,he shall then 'have notice, and that •• the, ima kaiiiinisirator wiIl not -be liable for the ,Said 'assets �r any pert titto Any • person ot.Persens:of . who • claims hated . shall net' • heve „„ • • , :been: received by him it- the time of •i,such, didributIofl, 4;"' Dated the twilf0:fiast ;of, Jannini 1637. • ,Rolieri:.,,Virilliant Johnston, . •. • Ripley; '• PLAYS AT RiGiNS • the Women's nuititate of SL Eel- on3 ;is holding a Soda'', eYening • the coiniutitity • lial1o, ;on lVienday, • annuarY .26t1i, when the .yOUng peOTAki O 't ,the • v1Oye.*.ith4,, ttniatt and 'WS, Mail Order - doodpre- Adinistilen ihe and/15e. ' ' Father Rescues His Three Children '''Front Mili Pond Dramatic • 'Itesena.'',At•••„,TreleaVela, Pond •Monday ' AfterbOtin. As. Thr.Ce- Little, ',Brothers': ,Break.. through, 114 Iee Well Oat Oii.:PiiialrrCae.;• , well Their 'Father,, • Plung.;' ed In To Rescue " Them And In, AC- Reeine Endan- gered His .0*n Life .7, • CHILDREN'S • 00-, RESCUE: ' , . EFFORTS INVOLVED- AI4L' .rhre iittle Hackett brothers 'were ;snatched frdnideath about frve•O'ciciek Monday 'aftermion • after , had broken through the thin ice on Tre leaven's mill pond. It was ;the heroic rescue efforts of their father, Caswell Hackett,.tlit„ ati,Veld., his .entire yowig *fani1y f fliree • sbrisl'irein a triple drewning. tregedy... " ; Mr. 'Hackett ',himself,might easily hay e become a victim of' the icy wat- er also. • Near exhaustion, from the efforts iii-gettinghit,sonfaly..4,Out of the 'deeti Water, -„the r .acner! then found' the .repeatedly breaking T.TAitrailTq0.7.71,1!.7..**.?"..11t aicritTw with much difficulty that he finaily reached ice on the'...-Pend'ilitid been: de-; CidedlY Weakehed, by .Cantinned,milcl , -4Weatbeit-YeritNerstrengieneuglr-46- safely; 'Support 'a iihniber •,of. .young. ;lads. *h. , were. pluYing,hoekey• enkate' • •, . „ , , :the three Haekett • youngsters, Gordon, 9,Glen,: 5..and Walking up the iee :well' out ,On. the 'POnd. it a point just, 'north 4;.S.'..0. ..ItathweR's- resi-ifenee, ' First len, Who.: 'wee', first 111 And lastout, broke ' through, Hiss''older brother; :,,Gordon; was a7.little, piece aWay, Went , Ck ...to help,.rei•;" ciielhim:',Gerdon .1? oke though • 'be:. 'fere reaching, young X. C. was following Gordon back 'to help 'when the .icregaYsi, way :throwing himr into the 'Witief:iiiing„Witli' the, 'did* - • • . . 'brother. -. .• --Fortunately .Hackett O was outside, ;splitting wood ,.at his borne it the head Of' the. nr_ct short: .stteec..tbai.,leada tothe -Tater:: 'Tie heard.. •the "..eereanis: • Of the children, afldmadea datiii the'licind and, :plunked in to the ..resene- The. water Was: 4.edP''enpiiiih:,..*. take the',Sniall-. est, of the Youngsters ,Over-hin. head... Gordon was: endeayering., to • held C up and eling to thrice. anditeW7 7 r• rra r.4.• 1.....44,47.ararmarw • • ., CA.N.01, ,"0•NT.F. 0, -THURSDAY,. '4P*AR7.1('2lst, 1937 • - • .41 NOTED JOURNALIST . SPOKE -HERE YESTERDAY • * 'flertrain Fowler fltAilted‘ 141Clatt"1 A.8 '.8P!taking Guest pariders.`:-.Q(' Mr . Bertram' B. 'Fowler; Canadian ;born jorna1it and . author-, of. ' the boot '"Consumer. CO-OPeration .in ,Amr , •rica addr,eSSed a LucknoW-au4ienee 'here yesterday afterneon, under the ausPicee -Of the Lucknow Mr, -Fowler, e• young num, is .rec- ognized .as the leading Writer on: Co- oPerAtion in 'America. He has -come from Nev York' to, Otitarie this *eek rte • the speaking . guest .ot the 'Uhited, Pariners„of_ Ontario.-The-Univ,ersiti of Toronto, Port:Elgin and iLtielcnow . are . the . three 'centres priYileged , to 'hear his: address on The ties of the Co Operative7X:even:tent in Canada:" rewler-,.ives accompanied 'by II: 4. Hannam, ''SeeretarY' of,' . the, Farmers ,Oritario::- 1feet nway .0Ien was attempting VI support hiinself by the WealeieC : It rnust have been' terrifying acnefOr father on ,,reaChing5the, himself' haled pond Where' he 'PlungUAtlieli thought of hit but successful effprts to. 'get, the children'',Oht seely. Caswell. . ,went ,through the ice'ibout eight-feetfrciin the to boys. He' had to ; his way to them in rwater above hi4' Waist: Repeated .efforts to set them up. On •the ° ice, • which' each time Woillif.• tcreek away, ' were .:.finaliy, Then he, had to • break his wAy,.,thru 'saveral more feet , of, lee to.. reach Glen before getting 'him out on ice' , that would oupport him Water Soak-: ed cicithee Made the childrena relit burden, and it bit* a' herculean: eff- ort to rescue ; the trio: :Bob MacKenzie, living h'earbr, at3=" tracted, byk the 'Mei', started out Qfl the Ice Which kept breaking Athrough underhio:,. weight; .finally Plunging him incOmpleteli:When within •about :15 feet of tlie Iada. • • • None; were the. Worse -Of the :ex- Perience. Girder; 'Wei back to scheoi the 'next day -and when the 'Sentinel., reporter 'called •. at . the boine, he found- the two,,,yOnnger boys, a like- able, Pair Of youngsters, -giving little' thought to their' narro* escape, but evidently quite 'satiefied.. to Spend the day. indoors; .• - , Oiltdoori line of ehildren'e dothitig diling,:thlbug 'a story in itself::4Oe father ivils not heihe;„ :but • Mrs', Beckett briefly told:what. she knew of the, frightful exp,erienee. In an unnecessary apology for tbe:„aP- earariee • of 'the. •Childretc; ehe'added, -Rut vo're inighty glad to have the With." US , The (lector in Austria probably told Edward his ear was"just 'bur-, ning.trandon Sun. . nt.titws RAL.10 .,•6 the annual Rtitnii„ Dance, Under, auspices of the bland* Fire "CO.:, willbe held tine t'ridaY jinni 1aeKenziee orchestfa • 'Pipets, 'Good lun�h serVed," Adrnls- �iGhts 45c 014, taXi'• 1,actiea itta tat " • DAVID MEISNER CLAIMS DAMAGES FROM' JOIN LAPATT • , Writ Has Bee , jahniule. Mal icious PrOPecUtiOn 40 Alleged: .r. NegligeliCe: In. Iclehtifitatien In Connection 'Wttb Famed' Kidnapp- ing Caftem, Palrici,,Meialler;.060,Vieted and, later; 'acquitted of the Labatt,' kidnapping filed a writ at Oagoode Hall in which, he claims diniaTia -from John S La- batt, London hreWer): and alleged neg- ligence in the Vehtifidation, ,Ot . the plaintiff.' . • , of the Writ'.eame-ast an un - e kidnapping els!): c,:ot efd. 111.tl '41.19311i; when Labatt was kidnapped and held;nilioner for several. days. in MauskOlia ' cottage.: Aan-s-01--fti-ot--$06;60ty-waf-T-d emended: at the time but -never Paid. . .3 Meisner, Inter tried for:, the of- fense, was 'Mind guilt Y and'senterir ced titfifteenrears in ortsmenth PenitentiarY. He ser,vecl. .several: menths. of his ternbefore he was subsequently 'granted' a new trial and acquitted: : ' ' , 0 44rrr. o' ttawa On , Tomlinion Scholarship , LEONARD MCLEOD — Lucknow . . , 'These two High School. students an interest in his.sehool,work and has oolviER , Port Elgin 424.4 '.(ounciI. Accepts W�II On Department's pprovaI And ..• • ce ..r. •• . Weting. ... .4;4 n,i.ft1P,r BjsheIi Dedllned To Support Mo •tion 'That ' Welt Be.Ae;e14ed-.Ae- • ee.Ptanee-, :Kneed , :On ApproiI By ' 4 ; • .1)0,:i°Trhte.Vnt;119aii"011)84' dikttrY' W.e.11,.. and eiluiPPed by: the Canadian Sue- ty Company, hasnow. become the prOpertis et. the village It was ac- eepted • brthe, Mips iiiirF speeiel*.twa.hour session :last' yiredt.. nesdaY• rile* 'and' •the lieeePtOre. bobdittg. company Of :any furtiferliebility..WliatseeYer.-• • The 'Well :was accepted On MOM dt Councillors Mecriiernild. and :For - gnu*. -With Reeve ,Andereen whir did -not figure in the :Voting; ex: pressing himself in: 'full ..aeCOrd With the, 'Beard's .dieision,. Council -.,hot . UnaninionS :however, • as Councillor. :Bushell ,xefiigainst the cil accept the s e..,e.4.e'"wtyellc. fppiurtpted by ..a accordance ' with the approval of the Department' of .:Health of: Ontario ,of eceinher7,11147193fisanri4.ai" --8tK 1.937;i. end as reemiunended by •consulting engineer, in his letter of: Jainieri nd, 1937.,, • A .Sheaf of letters that 'acciiihnlat- .. , , ed over 'a _period of about. a year and , O half •'during,,whieh the acceptance or .rejection:'...of • the, well • hes."'been hanging. fire;.,' was 'tabled' for Wed- nesday .night's' important :Meeting. Leafing through. this grist of lettere, extracts were quoted to 'substantiate arguments both, pre and ton'.aa.Pre- Sentect chiefly by Reeve Anderson and Couneillor Bushell. You may think, I'M stubbern," said ConicillOn7Buefiell, but to explain the definito ,tnken; lieasleo tkie• 'Cleric 'to; read jetters of. March 2 and. 704:and -June 12th a-ncr.27t14. ccah, taining 'statements. bi. D. H. Fleniing,: , consulting.- engineer, engaged to look, . , .were recently chosen b.Y.pdpnlar .v,ote. dene well -every .yeet., He, of their fellow studentiLto Ireceive popular with the teaChers;.as well as the scholarships. provided each year his fellow' ethdenta;"" .: • I by-, W.:" '13ruce Mr Gomer Scott, is the son of Mr Count's representative at Wilhairi.:',i'obnTSCott7•Tof the ion Parliainent. ' The achOlarthips pth Concession of Sai,igeen He at *confer . nfon *Mr, Seott • .and., Mr. tends Port Elgin High ',School and McLeod the:: privilege, of. being': the possibly the • greatest complithent Nitonal 'guests, of Mr. Tomlinson AC-that---ertiiThe paidlan woblirJe to his Ottawa home finking the'Perlia- quote- the words Of his , principal, Mr mentary seseion. they', D:' -L. Strachan ,BA .; "He is one of will learn at first harid'.how ,the goy- .our .cleverest' students in the fourth ernment' of. the Dominion is' dendue= Year, eduree.- Throngh 'faithfulness in . , , . , , • . tett:: ", . .• application and :mentally, decidedly , Mr....;Leonard Melee -4' is 'the :seven- above the Ordinary, he has been ex7: teen -year-old son of tirs„D itcLeed, emPt-frOm ell, Departmental- EXAm. who reSides, four miles .north of •Luck- inations and:heS.reCeived his grading new, end the late. Mr..-..MeLecid;',Tande ;the .teacher's•". reediniiieiidatioriA; 18 now in his farth: year Of 'Atten- 'Gomer is a sensible : •:andbrilliant dance at pticknOw Nigh $ehoel. His youth :and will: reap the.highest ad-, Principal,: 'Miss F: E., MeLettn, also vantage, from his interesting trip to ,speaks .highlif.e.his Capabilities and Ottawa provided by theliberality of 'remarks "Leonard 'hes ilWay.s. taken- 244 • , SUccess.fiil, , Benefit -Dance • There was A good attendance at the -benefit dance staged in the Town Hall last.' YridaY, for Bill Webster, Mi1ler 'Fire ' Co:. anspices. ' • Expenses mere, irery' light on this occasion and 'the net Proceeds AniMinted :to ap- prokimately-' $60.00. ,', • MOTOR. MISHAP 'FRIDAY In a .motor callieibn. at tlie;. tinted Chiirch 'corner . on Friday evening, :Mts_Sain,ue1M�rrjsofl_suffered a' cracked rib.,:MerrisOnA. Niere;e1i. their. way'horne•frOin the, final: :meeting Of the 'Week :of 'Prayer at the 'Pree.:, byteriak' ChUrch,„ Slipperi:streetS Made, it impossible to stop coming down the hill at the. Phited •Church and 114"e,eltigieli Occurt,ed' With Mr Wellington fiendereOn's cer,,, Who was. turning up Station ,street.Little daiinage: Was . done to 114' cari, and Mrs.,Morrisbn wai.:the Tally, one 'to reeeive Mindr injuries. • ' BIRTHS • CAMPBELL Liteknow, 'TliiirsdaY.,January '14th; '1.07,:to• Mr. and, Mrs., James' Canipbell;•,a,t daugh- ter, ,GWend'olYne ."FORST8R —.111 PalmeittenGen- eral flospital;.; Ott Thursday, January 14th; to r4t and Mri:C&il ,Perster; „i,;,17 • 'dederfch"..; flOSPital, en Tinit-sclayi,iiiititrit• i4th, to$I, t� Mt and e, 1t. 1, tsanganhnni o son. • , . • : ADDRESSED' GROUP ; , r.. Hetherington - addressed a gathering of forty men and 'ieutig Men{ inthe 'United Church on Sunday . on the subject of The Separate SohOcili:In Canada." He pointed out in his 'opening remarks' , that he ' in- tended to refrain •freineijiressing any -personal:" opinions, and 'deal Awith the inatte,r,fsein a constitutional and ecohbinie" standpoint. '4' - • , He ' pointed tat that the '.'present legislation pettaining":toLclist.ribution of corporation -taxes fOr the support tit' nubile and separate schools simply made obligatory certain prOviSiOns of the British North American Age tin this, regard. O He 'pointed ent that- in -only n feW. isolated 'instances was 't,liere:nn. ovelr lapping; .-of• schools' exceeding ' the need,' so that in iriedt cases if a .separate s,eheol were. ` abolished ' ,wohld,..have to be replaced:by a school, and , this respectiroia econoMic • ''viewpoint there Would be no Saying. ' • ViANDUSql. WARDEN,/ ktSt.' a • Vete 4, go , to 13,'•`.;Mia, key : the ;Tat* -Leader;,wks elected On the 8rit:' bal.' Mt; .ae Bruce. 64th Warden, geeire Anderso&e 'nenie Akrai -aniOng \nominated for the. 'ailed Whith 'woe contested Above Van Dusea Reeve 1 go:poliit. o Itititatdifie -mut vovo F�ntoh 0.•_Poi,t; ,'• Reeve,: .1.v !kr ',Eckert , Meltillop. P,.1 Vi‘ Ra.Pn coiln atter • the interests' of .the • village.4 These letters cOntained. statements recently Used:la-a . pamphlet by 7Mr„,- 'Bushell; . Which Condemned,. the...well: and which together with, Mk. Binh. own observations, had led hun t0-4alie-a-7,defirtite-stand' that ' the Well , Was. not i;ight„. ,.FrOM the first; • Mr., Bushell • favored ceshsettlement ahd Iatterly he has been -holding Mit.,fer further,teits .to be 'taken. ' '„ . •-• ."" The point 18, is the contract com- pleted'. „Pointed out zCouncillor- Me- as.,furtOet..disnussion: continued concerningthe numerous teats, !' with Varying results, that had been. taken until C ' ' • •• ounci lor MacDiarrnel interjec- ted, ."we're net :getting anywhere, I :move we accept the well." ToOk- Own,Telit , , There have .been :various ;.teste' of . the yveter'laken and:tinder' different cOntlitio.ns since the. Well. .Was: 0011- pleted in fall- of 1935 • with nd. two reports' giving:the same analysis. there: Was alSo...'differencf.ie•of ' opin- •ions,;•,,not kolY .among.' nieniheri •Of: the. Board, but between ';the.partiee. entering.' into, .the ''ixgreereent,..4S-Hto: what, was the 'official' test and `whe4 • tiler or not" jihad,' beeb.".pron.erlytalc7 ;An of whlch apparentlysem:„ Sod by Dr Berry Of the-DePtirtMent, of:Health; Toronto, who ac ComPanied by Mr. Fieming "ti vil -, !age's, engineer,' visited '1.tickno*.and. spent,:ixiai; it the well for the pur° peee of perstinally..nieking his own tests:. , , •.; , yea. Oen -the.,Department'S an- -Oyits of these tests that Dr, Berry ,gefe. his approval 'of 'the -wet ite=. ,tent :,letters, , Which '',C#0..i7d SUPpleineti- -ted by lettere. • fi•ont : Mr. Flerning)' which!. Onyiliced .the ether. inensbers• .4 the board, that they hOdnbalter. native but to; accept the. ,'• • ; Dr, Berry's first le'ttir ft:416*Si • • Torerito; / December •(1936; jOsePli $eq .!' . , latieknow. CohtiOio. Dear' /•':•,. •••' FurtherCOntion 'with Yotki -ieelLiest that We'Ieiert On the tpuility of Nxrate r troni the deep well at, 1..ki'dk••, tie*, MeV advise that 1 hav� been in' touch, eokintei,. hagiveii Y0t1 Certain inferniatiOn Condertilni the OPeraildit of, this ,w 11., • Pitorfil e bbsekVikti6#1 V • 1 1 1 1 1 The. Bread • Bread i-leall,th 0 1 f • Health ' ouR MOTTO---rWALITY‘ AND " SERVICE Specials,. For, This; Week.Eri •CBOICE LAYER CAKES DOUbliNIPTS," PER'. DOZ. • SEVERAL kINWOE. TARTS, PER DOZ. • r•r • • ,•;,'• 15c. .• • • • • .t • And '41. LPrge Assortment Of . " COOKIES; BUN•S AND' SCONES, •PER ;DOZ:• H' MAN'S ) AL.BAK ER1 .'PHONE 36 p LUCK.NOW.. 1 1 1 1 Lucknow Hydro System Consumers • , ALL CONSUMERS IN ARREARS.. .FOUR .41,10.1‘j•THS:. FOR DOMESTIC ''SERVICES' TWO .MONTHS FOR COMMERCIAL SERVICES 0 •.; , ..• . " , 111-4e—CjitAff:-ViithoUt4urther*:Hilotke-.-7-- .„„ IF NOT PAIDON B•EFORE :FEBRUARY 1st 1937 -:{10 AN . ' fuTuRp.:-DATE. IF. IN AfT,E410,iioR kftiorisAS., ABOVE' • . , „ NOTICE ,ATEFtW I Consumers In • Arrears on Atarch ist, 1937 stem ill Be Cut Off Without Further Notice • Iticknewi-' it weild °-Seenr ]thlit v would, be able. to operate the I W II Contract ' made at the time of our visit to ` I Clauses -hs. oca e up tO, apProXiintiteli, '70. per _hi the. turbidity' of When minute without any undue_increase.. , _Estrada' Eta= The -Agreement tie .eiluir.bijaditirop;einitesd. -t).:e,i.typopnedthis point,ir ni fairly large quantities:.• - • The . iron Content. is 0.5 part.s per 'million. This is on the uPper°, quality line, but 1 believe the well cen be operated' at this amount without any great inconvenience. :Oie" saititileg-0,110d . at -the time hf. our yiait. ow October the 22ndr Mai b taken is representative of the aendition Which will hold in the well at. a .later date, • I •ould say that you would e be eti3t iren orderaaninjfigure ; afiecerie w not exceeding 70 ' gallons per minutei : Youri very truly,- • 'A 'E.' BERRY • Direct:Sr Sanitary -Engineering Div - niton 0- • • Not satisfied that the above letter: was ,a definite approval, the Council through '311%-:-Fleming-asked--that-Dr: Berry be more expiicit.. Thi troUgli't the folhiwing reply from Mr.' Pieta-, ing, ,the $162.400 cheque belng for. his year's service. ..-TerOnto,„ ' January . 2 0 . . . . , ... JosePh,?A'gneW,--Eici,,,.• '...• • . : Village Clerk,,. .. :i..ncicnow;;.Ontarie. f. Dear Sir; ''. • •- . .Your lettere • December. , cheque' for $16209 • and; efeoPy- Of Pi. Berrys . lett r. to • y.en, 'dated. Dec. :2, 1934, haa. et.n../teoei;ed.,.' Thanks: Tlie.,parli',inent*Stiiidings are. closed :Ojai but AA soon as posiible, ' I. will See .pt, Berry 'ai;reqUeSted by you. . T. ine,' Dr, berry!S, letter *consti, •tiitea'approaitil ,so ' fir as . the. obligat Oohs, of the 'pnroty fire concerned,. If the , well gives' tronble . later we Can, not call upoh. the ,shiet : to, niake good.' .. • ., '• . . , , .., , • 'The, , original Centreet,,reqUired the, contractor to . predate A Water ac;.' teptable. to , the Dept. of tionith.•,' , to (*mit* !we:- ,,,opieinentary Agree- , rhea we eoUld not: &Oland' More, then that. The Original' guarantee "for three yeaig uiffi atitiafied, 'if'. the 'Will had been Olt for that period Oh 7Attkitrr: NATIVV.LY'4i. thd..' :•ebittedeide. de the misty tettotea* .04 ' deildieheY An tittailtit'k;tie* beendotte,, • • 4., (0.Pritinuoe tVen,TheViHage And;The Can- adian 'Surety 'Co.; Gove.riting; The Specifications- And "Equipment' ' The 'Secondary Well - ' The history of • Lucknexii aeCond- . ArY well,, aetepted by the ' • Village,. 'Couricil;last.sireek,"dates; back to SeP,' ment Pth he Layne Canadian Water. Supply. Co., • the :.Canadian Surety-. Co-.; ,itbd the Village was made. This 'greeinent guaranteed for a 2 -year • *Period; a. per nilputeflow dug bo water he.the L0 Co the ,° ihi mnal eantime Lane .1caa, dian 6.0.. Went into: liquidation, • ,the ' flow . of Water ;-drePlied.' to abeut. .the 'rte of 100 it/lb:MS,' A Minute. Thus: the Canadian Surety Company became responsible to Make good this -A second 'well or. a 'cash , settle-, merit were the , two solutions given: considerationtis recompense , for thie:' deficiency and by, a ,majority vote of the CoUnci.);' *Under the reeveShin of 'AW Hainiltonr_the ;second, well was decided 'avpreferableand'. in February: 1345, im agreement Was entered in, ,. to between the Canadian ' 'Surety. Co-- mpany and the Village, ,governing the .specifications foh the constriio-; of this . •- This read in , part as foltws WHEREAS' the. party of. the Sec- ond 'Part, is "Surety on 'that . certain' • bond. or undertaking ',fasned on be half. 'of Leine Canadian 'Neter Sup,' Ply beniPaliy Lhnited in. cOiineetion Wiiheeition4itraeI Wfoe11frthe P r:hol:c6il ez.stu:rtiy6t1:..01 ad the ,.ad • PAa,ad • srti.h.uere,.• is a de,Aewney ; in the ' cjinintity di •water from the , Well ,constrilcted 'Wider that cOfittiet, WHEREAS,. the 'Layne • CallildiaiT' Water, Supply CoroptinVtiittecT • is now, in limiiclation theta...q.ref* the - Second .Part hereby 'agrees with' the . Party of the First Part to construct', ra ok -*au& 'eI1 in Tideerdatee" .". the felloWing, spedi4tations, The well Shell be eight inches Th. diaineter, cased to rock With drie (C en • •