The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-14, Page 4.7 ik V -4� ----------- -7 A asi PP Y Openod, b#4er 10!to *Klakw AwOrAVERS VVII, N F 314 : I A, It" I. . 1 " 'N 11.1'.. 0^ "%A*$ Luck AND TO to s- reer all YW e Nisiting; M p esi qq, have often g ven eX ON=.. tho th At e be r 0 V* 7 A nj Me it- ­ot mberlev you 411, ps &ed fro ­jnjur -the., oditork, u .1 al columop ap p thi. W461� tak SIR VMH M, OsQ 'U&Un§� TAX on t� �jv f6i�' the Tre V -wi p. aifi AP, 1�k, :Katbe st ... MO. hie: Air far Xm. Alex WeDlarand. loll fed in the tax,4000, b mer In -olt. towliag Non Xpr , Ote�.. OF W. lip, an. -1 ­ 1� . , �, ma­;,�.,­094­� ',­�- 't� '� - '- -.' firls m+W 4 'Am'. Poo: AwrdevOte! flit, to t I -P h hi d, niiiell 0014 an pkeseptaflor!a �*44 I]Fr a I�aftrdjii$ d X, at. RavI, Ed ijn6mpIoyMeR. Y, "he wtion 911 �q "Alm Iles -polit. . � , `� 4� ER4, Durm�u.' e W -tw N tbislaid �Parazftouut �Hfiio;s ;40,41 s.-Menow wish'to' 4445; o or tt�ree, Vear ta t Q�l 1i �o -4 hy and, a - -�7e �, 1. f-, *miran bit ofielf-ilYmPat" indulge, in Tiss Rio k 'e.th.Iffackettwftsiwnd,:in�Coun- the: pubtfOoTs f. , ek f, foo Rob -fist', X t ��'trialq 'and, tr1hplaP.904 �Street�,� �rl T that, jla:ras� 10 4011WS4 "t !' Vv 0 zqotor Cbamplon� �;T , , " I:V ne.Wspsk, e1%, 9P AN�, INTERESTING-'- ST Along, with all,, branches., of. in us, Won . . . . . . . . . . urip the ",AewS )RSN AND� A�. 4 xr years �Qf Opp -t�wq'might'-9,04. j. tuzpherl.y. 1" 701M � aqu y Jo& Audz� d"" zir!e ifdnter '!Win. Auut6r;'�*rchlbidd FiWas toIshYAllut Tit* ifiduptkibt - th e. �depresgiom jn� fi�q at ft ftttr MacDonald fb !�Ii.-4'Kin­, ire( more-,'' hivef suffc 4 OrrIM Coul�ay C W4, T*ter -T M 'Mm 46s- e -are h. jilri I - , : Gob -0: lom rge #04T"d post, Offio. so to'st R,;'and' 4o Um V 0 �Ojltario, 1, . - . I �OuI4­real thmking.:'In, 190S �'A to Aty -Amm Bannerla". Uri, win Hodgins; A%t fL � baA rouohly'�ppealcing, a JiLopulation 4� of.two,a4d'ori Webster,,. b ted, tfthe there were, -4og weekly, newsPa' i3k. J7 'a *�A Y � 1. 1 ft ;1W I i I PP �.. I, I . m TONLr,=6N NOVM1 -oughbot rs flourisbiiid thl-I . pror� 14W., Pratti e, V1 e*ftUs at knitting pe .4he ;iinde.-At thi Present tiOle the"POP11- :X r. R, A., Orant 'iuftred 'Iffixims lkske, xt-Vt0h, 4nd e" *0 .14 ��ilr i-isha Veot of Lm movi h And AN.0, REEL,, umid P P . lation, 'is 4pProxiinately. t . rqe W, coulmen -while ujj*,, an- . one. Poriijd'Ro�� of half Tbilliotli the. tunib. POVW,.imj 1&2der, decreased f ioekly� OfWipjipers,,.has,' mn-mer ',of. thi IWOS for PIN ti"S: made.' Wm, �Arull!i j.69,'oj roughly one-third- -the, Uum, to 'in exis ence,; 28 years killed In w0or Sellool. P*k trophy. ber tha *6 e r C E ; I, : I ­ �! . .1 -��NEXT WZWC-� -TOM -d' -pool" N, I atf� xvwl, Da garmak*101111 swupping dhm ago; - t si�d 3rv�s - Q U Itilys Hod ns�' 6f ��t- a representative .6f During thb par t1 irt,�,-. earp,j. 6 et of -do C we" wmp spiplation fmin of g4rs and thj� CF%niada CeMftt'Cj)L'­ would,seenl-, Se �r .1 tV4YbOd :i. Old KU etery -r_oip n: to bi-41tlu capable �nqwjpapermem hay �been rm" av ped 1* J, r%L lit"e. 04 31r, EM Lfttk X -A. HWgfim': a Kinloss had wjk0i"-system nd�� pul at, emoary. Aicatioii-,;, . . . ".. su'. -d 't near It jrl,[W' 'h Wlietiin'lieLs-:th�.'niiin rea0fi. i6m e AB&-- 0 1M."Car I Be - .Are '4eAmr�v.�d Yted: "our, 1�4 IF Of V ex b 'Stuart maAkkam 'd ROy tar estitbliihidjn. inoit' week] at V14ter Opor"'I's romommAble; "04taftitok I 1 6-1:4 go All Uwe bat vaii re�ord mt' -as o gry. f io Ueft.-coIt in" Telvet&-,) rq&d. Immm, m.apt, a4kii Am"*94TIOL. One' �f Bib,, It bm, CRE" % Ki pipe likod. iiz� fie 4� a" flat'kitiffted 'for 9k -da, seaetar'r sOicribers., t( 0 IS01. xiim * at yehra ifilarrears f dew Usets motm at theie'to ahocart mextu y Stood Xmir 106 yi�- bec,ti'm nb�st olthe publighers,ib all6wmanY. Ulm VmW.,- lout tc tk ofte. a W*31. fiirbro n �'run ".,Mr., -'ait Mr Piece it Grasp, fire.-' While s. -x Yjackett t& -the- bat, and.. -G -OX'S, Um sha cai a U* at ft a err �'b brias and wat tte` by.*th� day �it' liert Tr I ji.k" muttem,ma ilpers red m. Of p riither'�Ihan force p ymenp. q I y t��tft�d Vocal i6eatimst ne�r�leature of Kin-' vm�miv, sept fast spent Sun e eaven'; to, the'WeisL ma r mty, 8 nae. this POP sub: becomes a er Q Mistei Ennis. le"Aie at", �tmtar - C brfth Nnifort" -Who . spent sch I us W� Re-., 'ter for;.. t *:.p luncles t e, *26, "m a" other "*.Ott. T�� W. Xur, 'aiss To P. *e1foo . 1: me, 0 &!�e� 94 "31d 1 16 ;publisher the a4�week-witli Is, TIL 'com 0 66ck -,w en otherL-operAti ire )*�F-�4ed "braim;C4 Dily, ipgued, tto Pay'. wages ',ient,­ news':� '13hifie bidt�eri,.. re'turnei -IFIXImi V6014106'. mAd' Ada"tomm Imatchlq* bit aud'vahtem lRammO -Od 4 ng, - q -1 DIl' Ill ac Ot Vft. "Veft 44.. resi-s' in Ahi.:,r&UmU?� �.tb; day. we" W"i in A409fte. coat, 1* "a . . . . . . lmvmx� "102i lie, sts, in ca-sh.,This systiarn, has'led im on Ammp lna-�&U:while, Rev,, 'Vr6tI9,:Of, 0 L-'!'%f6r.rnanv w Okly me st n Kerr BrAt-Min -of' '1�01 p j PO" Ot and: mul -Campl* Co� -6 Pier,06d' -'his' eb�ftst holding isut� Qlmesvffle� him'. .. �; ". I � , -C go*w or &WU40' - ' ' * � . %Lcii;-, 'the editor, Ow Row 'Wear. the h0%te=' l'u,:spI If iile�w� A]' I Donald A` aje of J:71 - per in th.41 W. te Km exp#c MA Curran Vis, d. Rift �loss. Ud biiffi �"!,U sauldal, Is at Best �1,14ffat. ek�&P A, us-�. In P-0 m, - ote, Ae m jx!r­ t�, iijitintiin" a chiedu't b df-the-coth­ VMS s nve 9��d . � ' , L Mift ft ' - -ere 6n,�.Thp 'day Ue -,07� I i d outlook to. work, h ,q a Pago"', Ali- -load M.. rennaw1z -f Nt A 48taL 0 IT I -�,X -0 rtmepm 6istg- Hch 16 is 16cated O'int.Wedfiesday.iv taw Ulftnit-y'iu "w] th the Oaddent beer f� ilyi kb Aii hii on� as- w er ..,S;o;ner'a` suil TWo third bf,J4 Mr.'and 11 'b' f th- '-PXQV. at mca r., an r John It � it y newspapers 'o ­ .�p. fis"Orleatax, 14�1k. .,010taiim Juezzi -to, i1i - nd have, d �M p e were ve� nr unable do�t P -a me ONCIP *10 s 1 0 a on ba, b" mder NO gone.:,dut 'of � us, we, . in�,r, b illess. gile e' Rivett-Ciz�te Ad f Way'. 8ft,$V "a . , 'e, As iii th' r1Lv-4,.LpOmp*,'.ce1ibiated hi�, iolit -Y. com- 0 TiOrk". - ­ .., . , I " " L - � � , n' e OP. rl A1101, Ia— vA 111116� at id e�n$l The�, editor6f th Thuisdily Ust. :,*- ..A.-ftert 106 officer. X,�Qivu 1111aw, t X* *,1104 plaii"j. We'�re,merply,.pointifig Opt., 'Mr. ;and s T D jjS� 7:-�?' Da wide 'home mderimtion I.- -'. u7p�:,,spen 0. . M q4 few tact� that, are seldorn. inentio'n- D th L 006100i011fte VO" �arwc Pirt, �ftzun bilitu, 'Air Wmw-� ';fhuisdii�'�4iib Miss Ldti't6 i" ey r :166i; , �. A� . . . - ''In - co umns�: an engaging -4 bv A&' "*tat* dtream' ft* ths V" d NOW" 1%4"� #t"­;NPtbVw.Or biti4im., qj:jjjk*M--'�jC&&._ a'tj abl rAnnon.* In silf-'s�rmpathy for, :K .*@Akj Oje. "e*sae, t�ro�''*&ea *WA. A 0 �'.fron .4camar �bm BevssL �chaifge..fMdythe�169-6f:usth are xii at,r ''' '�6re �-,il'ttend Use Sod" lbmfr� 0 tow"PY of I tm m,� P -m mom e in a I e Pump 1A were,, il" la Abingg-'whilt 'fifieral th 1P, -left hi Ontario coiltiflue. er'at# rS1 "PAP ee IR d e our. w fair fis, �-Winshest c Mr,� and imm �1*t -1 -'L,L 7.., Z, 1. ths ms, in, fell, eitize litt .;eah-to -be of:servi we it�� wald:b�: �Iftti`6 b6tb ow S. t S, :iipen up ay y.v d L M. ff�§d We. -t is -uat AL Walm Wit mmomaimmeat xlljjjjj�per sellssW. W f 111�" lif�s, -*a 15L wood of VA ast. Xr.'Bert Trefeavqn.,. has- ire urng -der Me- to 1 f U� jl,.:.. . .:, .. . .1. ve ­sejio ijL L Qoee' - � �, I�k n ergoing a imok, TVA -tk- cimt�� - . I - '­ � "j : f' ; ­ " -. In. !" ­­ ­ ; '* I ''' W rail I I G., -M.. YOU4 of'' Ia re's" "A Me t6 *2A z� 4,f mm .,c' "i P. Imext, 1+ d -'**tw Vait AU : 11 1 . - I *a, 1604W. , llu� GU.W 9- TM1M40-317-3 T I W j '., Stdwa re,6iecie�d' to SrIj h. 'of es 'Wawan God -A - mospitat, Wps N�a�w�an operation, in en .... .. �T Bailey, Dir'4L ft* tWA q tu*, T"mas, ftat at 3ew filmow, tie* o" t:- TZQ ilfililfllfI� z ea'Ven Th Webster,' -Cairns Aitchisoh; f Taily riehds are glad -to know e,. I ]NOW, J Vdt ceird e am wem.r success u i provIn jji6 %*wA* a$ la. T I e y F�� - - *i� �4� C,�*# *L�mi. .", qm t it� Gi ve, binw, Aape .in W,28 tkMeA cou cl ANNOVIT t"WL n llo*rs' J, a !6Uck bear.� S�fferjd"L n Edward V111 07% Rue iiiiion A -I 2 A; 4�ie -77�f 6, 3fteeLr..,j'. f 'tt6�,, the, BWWkfte* bro"i. S th 77 IL .11A off . , 11 TEC H U, H C�H. Dak -'-Xork, �su�CL r -Ashj�� Ve t Se T eoUt oift�-ol nar Leo -3 -H 6 SAC. it Thaw, ay, In J. '-to M, last base dolim: aik TUeI� t &C AcL' Kiiiioiiib�'! 6ent h", -ert� r..and,�Mrs, Alb P�tfilr Qt taWa' Haggi ----- - returned ey. r F p eac ed annive h, r �;,tb* Uktw. oTe, a. ter pite. jQ �ijibther; Mrs ­tfi�' -her 00 A n, N - -in t* FUN h ser reeve: S kne.... ec ed ..-new :aiffl.- MIS. -Ed -P%Yr;-'Of'��- hfiejd�- n 4- -W4=d& t �*, 4, Mis.`dfllies 'last k' .11I� -.m rr-� and d6 wid nAhni .,and Gill$ -U , "i-- ike, , , rmi, is q so 9 his P. ;,ft -je�r�, . r., . . wee Mr. �B�rt ed (:ill rt 'and Iliniore' M a ram&. tnM t6 RONA , jjj�� fortulem" W A" Mrs, 'were, toiile "Iblington D be -his, I cli ndi § S -M, r�.,gpe Ing ley and VIuL jL im rL alid fien'r Iaj jostam . e o s eing-., in& wor ince ake 'oi-er'�roa -from �am. 't :to Mr. Mil ''it' Mfi �Wm'.'J'f F slier so tb,. orbnto �e Si� 3LM. J" jjePae_-SQ;M -tea IA` his k de to�,hav�'Or mew t54t edik %dmA" veii�. iis� ": of Ana d 'to I uep 9 field os,% *P,- ever, -A h Viz; -W.��O through' 'h'. t=&mw Ni4m& T-Im itfiel mr'&;,­'SUSa M- Omer Wh d; .-.for mier y; (YI H'. G.' iim. at- 1L Ur V v age '9` res ell f o Is e, Me jL Ul - ­ _ - -, &t cepted7 d W ar&�W C w rik4 e &a Church,'t, 9, seriou&"accident�',wh kinit Oum=nm �tia , . . r ., . : A Nr, Z ew­po�S 1 P ft-li-nifit er eA tZX4 announced Nm h LN t� reg�tlatipns f I'l And :fracture . er,hip, and sho aiii 4. is. In. o I ay, service. inghism V io lid h V el hosp 4�W IiIjUZZ"' h -get' SLIM ZDLW. Ama jem - , ." 91 We` exten mi redb,,� of. chI d th, .414�' tl�EQ ic!:tA zi�f k� 1, drell.. ympa t :.4 Im .. , .. . I r 0" 'L report -,tbil - h6re,�,- glad hip" h5tittite'. in6nibl' serious cat id -wl & I�Wlm­ MIX". ­Vmft. Mr. ated env, lift -til mvjm,� !�� �r..':�-,. ; I , 7� . pri .':d -ina" haiiii, .64n -e, :A�ems-- - - *ho -'n "t- tur, -iiak We are -a time -in k 00 iiihr I ' 'gr4tik at 41t Mr- 3 7 - I.. , ablo return, - . . ­ I.. .�� 4. " ..a, , .; TL :" 6i - 4" 4�, ai the ho's�itai�-gffi6- i:g, an W 1%r1mi 'i�, r. eorge-! Greer :hir ome. H is""M G' 4L to; his s.set.. pf -Irn ss ln� up.over. 5 yea -if I to(Wk-� Ino 'JIC j()tj With �BoX rrier sp4M, ew..., , k4. R. t .9m, ' .. . 6 .:, 0 Beeceroft Q1A=qd,47t -*U=W Vmff -sad Tkr.t aL jhl�i Or N, f (V& in .4'Goderic "'Wit: usin,, �iijllp, ot-obscirved er li:�s,' R. P ilips �w os6r 3L 'N ns h .,,N bi iivrta QNt &I I h haA 1.1hy pvtiti6. LX !r;e, 131 &M' 'rt -was bor ied 'on �,&ndj� j Illee,1' 4, MQL, w9rabi '"IM"111V tffq. tm*� Vatm. mv "'16 CIL d, oreen ILA! I �­`il`.: , 1 .1 . I Ila. ChristrIlt.,ji, hill, -cenjetery Milk - 'ha Crhe, ft Im t' 'in :4 Vmm zEtami G1;;jE4- Jumm i: r t": *,, *M- at, ai t for 31 QW e§ -j 1C.S. , - and C, 'LS(f� C .1% '1 bor 45th �jrth x w xttb� t�r 4aMr 4 =11;r, thX.; �7 ell mlces�kioll, ES ZM With )UP th t%:'jtrjLijl %(if .�jj Um 711 D ii 1(mmTr Vt 7 rtimm�;11 C.1 m S, "Q i Ile by ke �e' V": a o I -S fit) -,V�Ihlflljod bra Fall `1�­z 1011 Y­11-61th��Bf. %atk "t Arim IE: QUM lift Or"mi, jofi :that t)ijS'& A i one! th I. k -j tiefore us, 'tin more Rita V. AB, . C", gt:4 *5$=Oij t,e jvjjjjjtjj)jj Olt k, 'b' WX sve,., #)On *f expe it ru ti. ti�e 0 fzw, la�tii Aji tj' ewt, n 3 7 tit I �611tsrio. thitt. ad froni J`�: JIL Nt `=in m Vim vm tat JQYZ' WeSt 1114DIfty to &I k. t. IL t e tt I �m Dj, Vat, xi� i,)� mvr.. x -�L OF tL )L� =11Y11W I - , , . 1, , zteoimt a, §Im-it t!qem 'n &�j gig iitiize� �-, , " '' Or Nt,6�rk­ j4d 'bjg". J14 VoIx Xm,� irn,& , , '. ; , ,, I, 1 1. " I , '' , . I Aftif anw - Qfit kam it - ­� V" zo h 0, 7% 11m --m 4.) Ar K 1�r 1 0 Vi 01peab".. A* low hl(4qiy ju� t Val�, at: Vill q. V '0, U S-1. All tQ AN3.1 tat lit A4. VAIW614 tAt d6itt taw balla-V%. titi 1(iiria.,), Y&i le '001Y, I ­ - �� 1; 0"4 � I "' I r' I 4 "thtimk. It, mj) 114* 4 'Lilu m L, 4djf�� fit; %Il tj;�' X. rt #jijjt 'tijL" % k mot4 twIlin 'tho at*, out �a6nebt� 'mui, am 4 �t ZZI linv k) 4W � 4 1 1 1 1 0*10 OL I 44 all T too jr 0,%W, t mith" At tftel !U)'"Ar 7V native mary D00*4 NA&O'k fqr� 4 from Alt j§Q o t 'a .. ... ... .. 1, w, 4 4 - t