The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-14, Page 3Z t '04 0, 7 --7 7-7 —7 rr- `7 r TK 9 4. .7 77 77�7=77­47 —7: ar jp­ .0 4 Ch 4111' Qjj e. araill V M. e4l' lig v "V ..-CANADA, Ilk 7 If T PIRE t I f1j. IKEN 1F WARM Lair �49t Fe Wkee-abo­ qt; tgnaj Paw �TH WORLD: .;rew 444 . . . . . . popu,10,spiort -4� The, smaller Cities' of e*tenq -,off thq� Qan; kog AaV �Thiq,'1q..qAjrjed ow _'A , I. , � I . . I . iii4qbedi thiiilf Ai 4 104tallua Ii f ' M ximatiely, three� ftes. coa4 w Xogland Ap ppF, U V of Ne 44 f4st.in, t pt�ur a TI t"he,'giti" ei�ftrq 4Wqj,,46 and, Qf,.moro��"thap M060 ligpulition" fj.�� Pk t94pq on, ro 'A �j Oiat4iq ruearcb� C NAPA'� "I' pp -',co�ooiicte f',l:ty,: q1f-t4 -Atlai ighed guifea'.relea e itho, 'doast, w d by ,e recently the Nqf�o 'Ernpl6yin 'C jhe� jptoroitiii�al Night Shirt-.'. CM5, �havwiii fii-19i rile tjona� evide mt)tjth,-,of -a seloq�d ,qpt � .1' aVp, dt, �Nol`Osb J6 ank,11 softe 'Th ser a1pp0.jq*,.ente.4,, 1N- 'd" h 8 qce ha& aoMq,,-op c e releA in. ._jqtqry, TOM h- ­ther�ftire o4e� m reip *eq'ksj'.akq, covering the'; Kr_e4test.. �t at of. a, er 'sign IcAnt 'aslip IT Ln may A rah. ade, th "th e',Jaf�ge cities. Ing eorgoi V sh ike 4he, bait, f ston0jo 'Lincoln :*ore -night.hittsi�:,,, �,.Jf'w.e pay,thift,'tithe tuiia--�flsh ja""T "'%The tSdptqmbe the"Q t4&dls', 116r'�' is �6ffddt,�ibat "it wilt', ha�ve a. 6 It h 2 -small reitii a Q. 4 age, 9, t t ewMe �.Wotdfrsli'l es kn itier e p-.1a,nortj 9.,l 6 por� ent, from, lLn'Sbotland,-."Thq,; diet. that, -the , flioi, be has been �re qct1q_p,,(j J h 'd co h, Is c��dant�-:oi_ -?-.n'cle-'.� -between",-Seotemb Sbmetlmes� *00�k.,JTO. Is 11arpoJop-til' 4,40190' or, iof� t top - ie ee I ..W -'. ��j. '�2 29' n' t, A �J­ U !,r',%,mnoAqMepti, tj a t1sh farnfi' bind, ' 9: J_ _ _r _-, -TV,", orn Y n ti 0 - ve no . A Id" pqrge part of the, Uftit6d K, ing,dom,' tu;'*�tfi A q, o the, wat ler-cities'an -,9.79' t, jld�",hon eej:�and Orbw �er� aijOw.! 10 Monarchy,^,. 'A a pptcent d, d 1 f '-hunior , _ . , , . V, : .: � gp,�,tea o $4p, t, �4BPQ Or,'In. W. ich,' ..in now'h6ld bj', 4a Ing ilib'big, brq d tb Arge-T . i.. austed it M4 be, a e. ren -ark, "Of., bo. clustere a h a, o employees., of n'L Na-. till exh Relief' an oU - Scottish, twornan wh the 4dia en p,e more, to; 7ab :j�ied.-by- The''total on', relief la�t'_Sep Itefore, he je:'to. be us een, �Qnaj 1; - , , . .1 1 ­­ . tembet at' ;"the,' �rinc�ls; Lou -That has j t dqr'�­ig ;a� -& . I L 6. ' heard th, � I , I. I . N - -, � I sh4 Y. the este Old", 01. JejAgL in 32' small cities, as d, 3 Wn, the, -powetfullJi r ven :national � 'isi ation" Was 5 � 4,00-. -Queen -V `ditughter'Of ictdrim, hil 4 y A., Me Sometimes rotlifidii Of,.,.jh r�g. SWOl a 'b known t`o' OrA' o', 8.;ClOjj � �­il, "' I to �.�3 -q- a ried the hiat4uht' of� L ri. in the e, eep p.pr4o a, con Ar f o `6eg :4n&tth& .58 l'ous; H, �on in, ear, a!go, And Ot the� ft gy�:�, 11 tat' Winni ouge, 0 t.W.0-ificb- Plank. , "'46:- greatest'. Nova 64,856An 19:�4:1 Aitl, 8*dafti�nal �,077._ `h1stor. I'Th67 Que6n'will: 'd cing. Of q1mi.ar p aquei in, f6urr in�'eijht other, m 1. unic' ` 6 SWOrdfigh cat0h in, its v t! prou . womArt. Pla u� h th her' dough. -other ci ies acres xpa ties, 'thi" �7 t 'is teen a the Do �viia 2,, 2 2' day," she said 11wi- 0 0.0.( 'pounds 'in the year.1935 s'§epto record, ii�r 11 All but fl -it. -the shi-all b ej7-r In 11triAn.. 'In 1928, narryjng n At lit qraf is h The, then wi I never fotde 'In catig on To e Ant New r-d the, U f: t'th6 W;," d And,� lin e uctionir�jn n�pbers',d cere 6d. fri�ndly' intere4t 'Which 6e 7.� A, glid.,. It, Wbilphed:673.illotizids. ..9!jdb' f ..4eal UrYr1eadif.ig-, with d Z,410%to. 04-L 1 r9p rOM 'iate pi6aident 't6qk in1jheir 'welfare, 77777=r.. A 08 slitf�ii oi� t thit Riistifi' Pori' Aithur Al j co TO �`S t- h I ' ' :Cut;t" itLA? total An� half. -Oshaw 4 SQ!.Bqug t th trietr pipac A, -SauW 3 regu 4tibifi 91 'Hoince %the, i6tit 'on of the , J' 9, go�qrfiln A,ylkiu -th 061 nli(j� ut; the':22-year-old daughter of ihd, B�itis4, 9titeisman', was fiiarriedz..at. tho� City Hall1n Ste.�: Mar e, ndo'n "'Medicipe :HAt -1 of V pint": Barall 'Chtir�hill* er.', issuance'. 40v b ers, r 6ards in certain. depaitmenth bli'thoi. 6 f ew York 'to Vic, 6liverl a night.club inaster'of cere monies an ,come an. and h di rd,iMin"'. Quebec.. -til 'hit hey, It :�*r4tf ord F d B,! -Her-. yttes" it e n. reases in re ie, ri was "a' - 'in, getavi cere ony. ntimbers' f Ii (-j�jistratiop. stiffer Iien4lties for' -viojl�ttion f� ii� ystieffi',� �..Where .tfie�' '�a :voiqo, IT I Oiled On, t b, Acquathhia.,* men, -had� for"Undon.'T bri d,e- said he�i father .'-c bled h a' blessing.. The couple is' sbo'wn on :*Flip after J aws, and- tern irg4j;nieht ;'f. M had. ii d. _�'A 14, .44y§ bicycle ij i4 :a on, ll'. the W s wit man kerneint, "t u 4 c mp, d of d 'at' Madir Garde' th re ie if those`�. coinvicted OfAri'�irig w.hik on direct I un- %on - ,na ! , - , ':' , j. ­,� L ��: ' , ' - "t tlin'g differences anda dealln e V �ach r6f, 6 t 00 for%t�ese ''der'xh' f '�nd fh'e.. citiO jast. Sep, em er- T to st' At' ell e wh pedal nig- t'-aiyd' day� f o'r. 'fbr� S�pteinber,,,:Jq 5, -hi,� y 0 d' - e in Iuqnce, 9,,: alcaoiic, bever., prob erhs* of do moreAo., e sarnewaiY it -at a dand in 4 ges, woul( ' I n. CrAN AD ari I us kirf s. t reduce motor U SOF OLD. i a I - The Way, jn-. whiCh`_Sir,He4.r o k, UILT :0fls:- up w en� -y t 61 hrackctsi �ac6denbw -thd Ah-y',,Speed,-Ijmi'twiIaW h' split. (-�vitl relits)" withoift .0 e ning a eavy col��ljal going �14ywlcre in.partwu ar. reveal,-,; 0 rj�qq) e 81i'li ;n e'v ounsuhii Con" df� IM Anyone pan CUUj A TileY St.; if iiQrn,as-, Tin;Te arid 'friend1j, s­li�ii�! ifi S 1. ;. ha:06tt�t d balk i'a d -a ��Ioiisider�te%: NTUR A efrilehAnto'. is conliderice,'and "th i DL R C floor ught`diaw� a :.th that,. 0 Jo-Ulpal., I which he-1-41ways, -met -t b in IT ow �(-901. In n - h 'th, -,eckori gp!nd�ji,.' is'ydnov, �.A G ea. L 1� (' hi ojjtj)�j,�.� 7.0.5 "reva led 'wit �h :m�rt' d6Wn deep. gpprecjaJi6n,,­an T _in- ys,, -few —nails but ii;�o: right kin gs, c: . s -ook ace. L,- f -i in d -arp6ht4 ." .41 _g P*6neer,C The Pi '.vne __j a 31 7, �584 IT 1) , 41-ailo 2,4:,9Qn!1Me M 'an. j6 B�ven �"qyhafl "per:' di Yalls,9;800 (4 188) to, -'ere'et, nogyag ie.r,. qmp. oy-. ci��the tea is i'emI ojg t So I. f;847 lJoit, S'j . r. . '' . .. : o r 'the ;nqLl 11 0 WateJI and a :4illo. I f. C'of�l ff. I y , i �_ _ 16 as ce in no sff 8,117 (54 3�) L12Ln. LY 0" " " fhe �Same thlye 'WIT ian ational. -ail t e, C",anad-' ' N' ' ' rials, ` " , I - , - :.�_ " I L�qaiiti� "f cM61 a: 1. po"ints on e M-6cd"Corn Ine arge etjq:ug�1:t9.:q A F­�-_ -w-a If e- It b"i d L ed , tates, i IT �,j f e :M -B." Of Sit-Honry hornb6n ONTRE �A q ne jUst,;ITCn' i red V Yea' 'Wis. P A d b�i T, �.h a a I.Vq WA 5, ping down -,.,A-: surv6y. -of.,61 houses. in­,,�'olilc' it, i�, nctie��ary (;()'14 ez e...was Galt, 7-20 (49�5 pulled st,oke;1 gt- `H shpw6d'�it' it., h: pretty.. lon in 4ron �g` f f, '0,60.7) S 9, g man, , - e �` y idavi y garlg o pro. esstionitf.vreckeirs An Ub- 16calitic§* �66 r ­ l),-�htf6ifah f":x w., 'that.' stone,, ad4iti6ns NiAira,ra. ..Falls, 't ra -an t -,a' w noll; nde,� is signiffi 'kpiil 0 the section 6 the city, .reveal A to,, om ere, human qqalhje�s' "`c I ;�opcorb 'it ste&'," a- hl ' "el' positbr, i And r A Wi s .90 .."1 7-1, J -ihgl� 'how We - pioneers tined, k a ea, thg'-w.611-6ein he"large Canadi sti I Z let of, f an P! a J ­e. was an. qritiiIely i6d' �ras'tK IL k item in'thvi` "I"' n ound A G "caid Sjgn',.�.,, f � �, ", -:1 . ,,, ... 001dwa �' 3"', Mqitiana). -family,, who... were -making'L in. ad�iii-oii-.�io""Ofre,i;ing-bint,,'for:�cur-: -ce-�o "c `et�bl -Oii�e 'S Tbis , K - g e_%vitich, I,,, .,q t6 ig zxcrease..� kI slad 4s, idrk�iy 48 M-3,74),- 1 -pbrideni, pie -niasbrify % b' i1i MosEd derrwtoioi P 0 t _ 'Art.hur 1 J'C) 'T�C"' Rt')Y'al, Can"aa, m p6i;9ible''the, yast'. �Ijnp" ents -of cohsi-ru'd!on ian �51 'unte'd p'ractice. 1, 6 14 _vCm t bbra KO Th6 femp ;,to; tooth the newAtI6 the, Id' 6'� iIieb Lil - iron� re is hpMiie6,. 8, 0 9' . -0-, 8'5 0 t 6' tall' -1 tatatU F 'Its t PoAlpe can be. 400ided.oh to,.'kriow'. IT way, I I li, 3 Only see ..��ReOp��pliih!6 or N6w,'Feak , . . � 11 2,062) St.; Ca. and the' hig .:,o va W a h6use' is arly 'builders - rea,li�ed:, _�the;. danger w 0, saY the rninera, 6, no . i", , 1. � . I . . n kq NV which, it he 7 hat,Ah'ey- :.are,, talkink about.- W er . timately, redc d.-whinjaw''! 'reall '::Wlt, and�� that is'- when­,­R'-. is of d1.qt'dr6,*1n'g:' hl'diiv, 11 :tte -6�, h y we ' They -fdrt� t'� that ex- '4*03 a es perience, soc-, 'a�, hicycjlj� j-i(j'�rs :pjij, r6asury exp(' ari�­ reqil�eK ther fea, ized 't e possibility 'o . - ", .� 1 11 IT WASHINGTON ­�'Xhite, `�S� dlaCUSS.Ing, ba;d m* en',7 W hA't th-b" .!koing� up', or c ing own . d 7A y, . dc? pe `omi� '.d. - i ... I .:a :w the, -Aulfiste�-; M t wevi. once :that they 'd L glo d! at.;a hve f,pnd,.it crop"o an t6,',' world's 1636 f 1 6 valu'abi jio� .2,321 an with t'w at,.weapons., t is tit fiew, �'witll a !ir6*:i1ieConiIy �q4kdlxted such' fA. fi ;h -'I hif tJi9 If be:f 6 -re. t -it c re 911,,thl� -4�dre- enco0yagitig jh,�t ope: �,pew::pe �al PO fo e 'Sudlidis 694, (�2, *10 i:!, Wella .5-78.. p 8'uildihgs� y"' a enii'P and omes'.'i-bitilt. m to xest. All ost::Inivaria,,�l woo�ai �a�e wiirdsLof Aibe- -fof�-,the, hk d h �red its e f ebt On. H Oc., 253j.356),.-' I an.a centj Y�, ris reptr1e.1 sell 'we ei�,et, enter H'Lra.ces rAnqoh,2;2U,,(2`,064:. 1 ifteithaiti6nal rcgm.' wot hbu 4, 1 'ne I;uifF,itj�ihij: tlie,�, otfio�j. we re going 'fp% e . jTcj 'St'.' Bofiifa� %44 ��2 bj�� `cbryinienda'ble id xry,ago-.��c: eapec`�ij ..Jn ividual, 13 ild 'be a 6 Of.' addi6o 'ted. d r - re�cnt�­ egis atiorl.� requirin'$;'.06' kq� if I in- money. rii�rket �6 6�t:-'-kirid ' ' t) " "': ' J�j, 'd p q�r . loa, 0. . " , , , , , ` ". . . 11 . - ' .!� 'I "� 1 .1 . � I .. . e o , re estimates for t e world bpeyc .-as pat, ner, he 'istration­d' fi This' Of., the' rbV61VO., TO n of -King Geb -brought, t0e�atj r urifigi: 'that ion, 9 ige, VI t 6: i -an at . " . . L. I ... ... � I g, , - 41p 4 ", , i ' xa -odudt e .1. '.. I tnjngs: were just as'�e,xperirnent4l is The best, .6 C enny _postage.. Canadj .IhP]e of h Russia, I ab.10, own and dd as 'we!"" 4,7-13 A 06 with 'tbe.pollee 111 3 8' Y -aut Urit 0s, aria t is' type;'.of ng t criffies Wduld--weldo -is 'thd� old W, Londo 'Lethbridge� met ilie, tent.' 1ettq t era. Houses of tb�� bdildin�'. 1,608 1 en., ei t .6 gold this t 'if da while w H a;n Plave e. "adiVed two all f year might, ap- "MOB Iling.' :1� litpil tinl.�,. a diffeient- "h_, o.rigina. ly'- bfillt Y, e' sit- 7'2'71 edicitte tit., 490, P solution jias,:bce'q, , ;. 90'. iji!ly sa ima perio by. by the'.Rotnang. 19ai- 0 if t'W6..unt r:,ti;eil Id' b u ii i proximatie� 40 000 000 bubees�' grkqi�lj, orit tle wllk� seat and we triate war '40 ; " 6rg�. Vi -Sto k. as coin� r, of. 3 wave. jut bih(V rp. til in 1 343 p previous p,�Ali Ackh:6w�, ,helpp. .,by iiister, 4V orittivei.be ing' vh�iaiion'.% lipils,� uneovered' ffb:m time "to, trilie�" d' th-e') fact6'th 4he.46vollve, mp came often'. gh , ow very a 0 r p 0 -th-0, .18 0 Ou all oif. w th"tht ve.-�iiapp'�., �p- ma e­fAv, -a!ong along the ,, 11 ir t nd- T;q '000 000 'in 19 t raced' rate, it.�-wd� d4i t r.1 ..and stfacttire.­ Via s we e .,9 Id be 1401 n ,mu a git 01 first.. s lj�ii�ipa; I 'on IT ;j,, omes in' -Canada: Were -of. fo,t, .;. to�ch,.to, -'The first -,h ed,to- it. Thky,were, uilt'-, at6r,.,ilho, :4, P*�� ref Or -7-v_ Or4nd b U Russia .,a one aiine 0. p; ed MeB; In e sa - ZY-1 3& show I d'' - me a iom e,oiipt, tw.Pod,­�blilut� by--'-Ca.rpenteia�*Velopd'dr Ill pictt&6 It= 0, Joirf U1 e. w', ay n-, uring- T h e.--- Td- ij� ear.. let i,,eafi.- a, w 0 6 ffiV 6 -66e -r s' Wer4i yesses-rat dr­je _7777�7 duri,ng &tilj� poionization, d a wh6h b1i oes, more, "-i�a 'd 3 L - -L ' , Wall -had, foit.. fig-uiles A L '. " , _ -6 �1'5 -6,060- illedl h yeari n sea; of' in'dividual: I adily"blAter for but. ­Onthrio: way, abolish:,',al) as -9-077 'T e ide ­w;lI joyf !i..,ne*s, u a] '500,660, . 0 ip�rs�.,ns­ are -i more f equ6' Who, _I eo oniAt stdAe llboaos� foresaw. ptly d a, e' rs 9 Wei, ushels; at: opie C., 6'5 Ahillidn�'b "the, en' "t"th�:elia - 0 th" spoed, lim'its-� "'"If be'� ij eke,'wer& few m ...0' L'Ond 9 end of 1934 the�. world!s, surp Ps -was i 'a. had'-b'eeh' sf6pped �,up..2 NT I.., in the -if ;the Hint 't "a ha 'ofla pi�ductio . n, duts t It ', -teeth..' Since b -f 't, he �provelibial Wafl, .'i4qtingi As'. I It tres t e Corresponding period' I Aod L oitl ihe'i.W f' aria .4 w ansi6ns buildrs_of.,b All on R a fi icifie: 'houses o par Tc.0 ar y - a - a a ways ounces. Iose,.w O,WIIF in ej - 4-, S' 0 Joll- tte IT it C' H. itcinthi�,­­ efob- s r, 2 ......... Ito Ype. . of' constru I c- In X�iifilally­;. -experts. sai slicif,a; I"" y 4 -it ..Whs '37 '�,rnillion;f us, ela-: at. in...a- trry t 6ugh e caw never _ re aii, - J 1-6:, %VT 6 IT by::, M �.'!�ftipossibll ky, (if "liticiv ` i "'' ' - , . - .� , . i_. , . I il'� ." _h ii -it dMit A V Ich 4acco�rits 14 7170 J enting ; a I fo it t Ong Will - fro crac Jng.and.'-i6 they i93 t. cai%pbAtb I' d n g, r1fie Corn n..., T�Iin 17-i'l ....... ... in at e amount d new' w ini on. d, iEf uso with, stone ma e J0111 -7 it , ill; e 'beit JZ5 Ili , , er w ere' iivanted'� o, -go fio`� in w.hlch'w6o d int gold would,* tend "'t 6"" e, *end -df 1,91.7 iiiCcording tp'eati�-� monT6 "' I e, i"gg uld d its., Without bond a I b- 0 'd ,At t e.,: 6st p W-;�Odsor - Star. ey ze, olk".an't K- 1 , ." " L ' owe: money-.-'::Thd tight eep. a X60d 4- bu,,hols. �4hj% a 41 . . ; I _... . ii tb6 value .of b �ha, A do 'd, )vej�rnoil 'a no Wit id b6hind4 the s owing, tbat.:tbe Wqrk,man,;*.was t�. �Tlm. till e _t Timmins It Q464ec-Chropicle. 0_�eirvt got., up. Ces� wh e Mean wi p.t.. J)ouring e ae ing, :t. 'b ders ke t at' 'dolcinial A P -q6et� - The- htt� Mir' e:,, to ected in money e egiap I. stone construction 6 tearing '(own" of -very. oId� -h 4,ecent s e 4n �'w oat quare-Shal)dd Nit 90 w� have -on their,, �M_wr�6 miliar With, f raMe—wol-k, hati- W14 ., : . a rue ur a, IT try t A_ :"So -mu Moneta' it'difficult At Bij Ston 1how b the, �olit�, t . i � � - "' Y'_ " � I * e, a o� �bi ehi' for. Cafi� :��7t�HE� iildingW and h6 -tev old i'�- prodict t, how - IMP Ill ffl�' i-11 I : -, _X40 iii . ..... L 'k I ttiek �nd- . I ­­ - T.�, k'"t-M bihs' - EMI Two, t1gra on is'�qil�ie .�oaiiibije"' h pla mitket' b,� '!;4 jt in -it'al I t e : _ Wide y.' Old Benito 1 ibt I r in o er: k Lie,Liin', of'1lht-.N6r4lh '- - -.:- ' - . I ­ � -,.: The 'Y,at 1936, re art .20. YOAis. since the uabd'. woo in 1 elf st.0ne oards :quite '6fti '-naifej N' 4h9n i H �h . as, 4 been; .:'a cls nl� . tfi tlie:db�iiorma e-`h_lft,�� out: oi,�hipl. 'ho'�Seaj'often qn .�rere ftdq7 or ot, Northern: A ar-io in, I .... . .41 9 oft.,:,Winter.'Bra'zi wor by on e f; t, Qw 'Q M� h:. irein nalls from f6ur.,inches 16 t4icaui� - of h d. t e -good reAson;thht wit aoies,mari t : ,To ion rom Ag . 6- t in, - to,: the' r - sizes. sq W6fider 4hethek:ki Louts coul e' lairg'e' �qoltlen. bl4nkeit' a', f Oieoi�.� grita thqy!"Iacl�e4 s�onp: in th "M Pe 'TeJ ep on np 'if. 'France had, -ra ot ML cease ay Wit Versa' I ieq' dows thek. boar' a. are��pu[ ed 'Off 1y the-, in n o6s' an Won" h b Azxpered.� When. ag­a'su us' of d �AA k - ----- hod new'sp'�iper' .5 watching.. hi am xc e oesitipt Caig, i % - 'A:regularl%featute�!df -the Empire'ai: �#re.. e,, wea eat part:.m most o d, W ' reek the bl. a, Car E WA�W "M 'a inet"7".�lenibdif Do to be bod,linfieli over,doors-,ind Win �,of -C 6' -4d '6thee -th d ernni I tent, luminaries -have 'seen - fit:, -"to nails kre:, qve�qng,.:27q., �nliles-. at it ers, invarja y C ho.usei- -'Had,- iten-built-J 16fieid- a oe, P.Gr� --corpora e- i e- ends, e, I" pay"A 16 see ion of tfi 't lif tAs true - that,'t'viii.; �-:ihe,, houses- b -b- th h d- db�ut 60 f 'height.: ot n' a 'one masons. nsteAd'd �arp'�ht,w' in' ',Wh. hi d ' b, d, _e liro�ifici et, a:--,Arei-uet1 oran It .4*6f, em a turned 'ous specialize e or 9, ave �:.�bei er .'nail lkoptetr'ls: dlieVed- to- hove hr6 . kiien t6 o s. h h k Pb6iighcr. , %, - e WINNIPEG"n�She's seen -w eht, At', There 4Aa a tini lien, -it Was a he' hi avh' "SLshid tl-at"Alr.-Starilq 8,m&�ln mhd& in � the meantiind South. -ifier wou d �-havg; �!On': ire �rd:.knqt,, it, qtiiled, in. e L ' , I , P � ;,l , tip'in much wqldlig-Mllc�g i6c rd. -rea et A ricit; for -at y4rls.�: .. 1 $ ' b xp�a. a tis a. t ` _A ere .ushel,.j hels,�aeen,.` ra.ritr,' Iridee& foir. a i n is er o gFea. s no 6karn�le, :6y�. Ile . 1820 bui the th it ",Me" no&k, t oil. for the runlor that '46 cents, a L, ang, to --Aie is 'east rsi. W.- jsj IMPSon. aL Copy. M dA M but -g6vernm6nt to .. f, - ' %. _ vbiiture.,�` into Xbrh6rial Sed t It C touii fll'­G�._ '_ ­­, ­­ .. _­dI " � hbn4' t at. 6 w 'b"'han es - A 'a VR; ti eftltg4MM6�jn U P NPw i%r reds of te ephone 66 th G in t,t-h the, .;, . . . I . . I . _ , I -- - -- - , --; ; ­ .; W� m ­ . " , . North cou sent say I ' ' i ­ P. It kui all It rees o t: suc varying de"g 'A� B k -PA Q ow.PIE CLOP but' g iW,- W, U1711,19 Adle'. Y ��stabflih__Bri *A- F.. T�j -pas Hera]& innipeg' X Hut'.vii . ileas ;e It ing,I sc ree y a meq, Ekcba I d . ' '" it .1 add. th, ra n w6ri .,-,some - I what we tbrmiid "th Y'� A moortant ''g6vClinniedi � ...-t e stead Aa� ,Edith .'Iwhat's�. the iharket. fo4- dia 'not "Visit, 'the N Oin errup,e ..,Qow IS orMjile of p, C da nt*: price.. of G fe a, t A,?k in c­ .1atest - via mpec an be restiiod ij6r_ in jfi'i� f t ,OM 4. on.' 1 Noitiffidni: War 'Rogeiiiii, Do 1 i n. hhd mainfiait*d' on the, tild �'pire- and.. "she' 'will "o'beerfully 19' in n;O t 'E�evp.n,. now. w (Lon "Lab r, oi�ih' 9i' in, !in 'Of. leve no ing.. is Mori- -certo; k* inister� The, IN ml HOUSTON, Teki�, -T6i Y, ugket,' that, 9 if th itstAndirig,, ity of 49swing" music Will likely'.wane wl.t more thafi,,*eight �6ars j a,,, h few. nionths'" M For'' the,�BMd6h!'.ram:tw1Il" be lost rg,: 6titie OrAtt.. ,as. forever J itself ''a held whatl sh'e'_1;cLL1'JDY both'"' eAch',1:pies1dent-.'of fhe'Daricing-51as, An gritiiil'A Ad in e es�jqy.,dn� W.1111UPUg, eceiving tera..of A -.says,. Pt 'tricky. in. the-, bd�iiifions,, dolotiles: and depend- b -the. b 97 t all In ot I ti�er phone calls '71!Or'� floor traders Lloy 'a Wil accept War �,risles ' I , sb' will- e ur A.ijirnoa. 41 uneq may have a. A yoids� Lloyd!s' . .. ... as Jng influence ',on" ballro'orn' dancing. c';e III . '. . ., . 1. .. I I b t ecomel p e 1.9 seilding niea�etget oys. on' A.. -un V Wing dance, -m sic, an .."llested patty on t6t Caiihda dOeR,.hot'b in� that`s' "'a req par6nt, 4p] C . n�. se ly.ed ii tit, War. ­,vT at .', Canadian t h- t o: fri to 6hably Will beki t1le. oth`er� Way ?--�Torofiib' & Crow M s;- no Aj -.popu a* tv, 'rose i t.q 1,' r* 1 1, wjj�jli- ver "plAyed4h&-bialike woold'i'ba :Somebody iaid,Ahat,� it was "impos e, 11, -A few -on to live, in"Und6in �,ne ext -k I v avd s6me,inf lience, 6n ta ent e. ell an oqpitg`-' I K" fARP54 PVtj iopa ier IS FOR"k6fM . k So-' 6M lio�'& that V 3,0 , a. a wee me o y re,p �,�660rrz if. t� ai im, 'ANDY' It Low tbe�ftiannei.o. , a- "bi&', and Woffer,�,' Wli ich IT11, t, le wAltz-and and re ?'d net Adjusi4nids" 'of typists.' And","shogirls'. f0EIMIDE15-- cl i in WL E R` No, u ti(a 14;0AIR . j - 0- x, trdts, slid ;says. 1 de ab in e i ori p4 A iei Were an,A t'A"dga-zi-fie T MOREAL Ut. Pitt r. io r re bing it, HOPF�tuy A- Airs, Bea l,bsidont ,noqt profi . ts. WO PAGO. soviii in !Ic i§ ci, ing and' d A son othitei' P, trying'Ab- Ise v was.. th, e 4'an ihg ni0teri and only Big na"' ti r. %toi;ishifig. fh� vs ho he fea 'SAY5 40t'( ON .1 1 1 1 how, !,the t MHO 0' AY mcRN6 �Ut wm spftle% the'. droti �h­to,'th16'.d �of nibs. mehn ittle, to, ie'. hollo, t bb e-, done. has'fobil gir w o. It % pers IT eVer e e es a,nd cessa ion, :o a' �h ay.%* 12s.. to�, fli 't 11rdlictiq havo" risen' i6' p�, TIT in Pro -for e r om ii�h a ssion 6ftioo�: :4ii 0 6 d her.' b �'6i­ ibh'?jhci� liiti ji (10'r onco� and- faded ft`ivay 'the i legion, ratio ing piks'i -said Idymo, spen a, ve y6ars, �UH�g- iko- day for 7s. 64. ShoF. d' X, o ege volit i, 'and mo ion pictures vvli,o J.6st otit iti he,big, pi:t� 8iii; ti Jith aq. Men till increase ocild, IT I Of nearly, �heir ev7chihgq at the pub4 Iibraty'o, adiiiit s :1 �IC MOWS OW '78; c n �y ars, - , . . I ; �.k , . '2 11' �re " q t C-1 More. ind ey, 1110A "kip �.a '0ui'flhg kn, bl 12,�,400 farniq,* rb"ifi; 4�r d most of Uiii d heitim". 1 1, .0 y ena ei 't !t by b aii�i� ProviA. t. qVikitelthat "niA rilig�ilig t1lic itith'I"Up t6 30-4.40 lh6l -to, ioa�rj" �Tddntl� -'Shc� kiifte� fliciii all, �mpalfcd­ eowi i 'in., 1136 NJ' h' 2' -itt Islualf Pbssible.'but ohl�. for a gi . A NA 4;4,W�inat I avjx2en. by' t' IT 'oil wit 88t 0-7, .:JjOI7�( - ithoogh" lind in'hoit floor - w o out';,. C; by. the tiloato IT 1'� d i e �*03 1- li can 'be -ifia", p'y' With p $he' tt�llq.: t I in's learned' to lmo'iv" tI1e,,'voicos.,of,'4jI ceg,i t e ooil I it no*, iro I indhiiii,- and d'an To 7 Gail" oul'A' you ? Could' your'. daughter 6L" Aftlull Mg. olid, pu a d whland D' 'o 6 1 s Aw., teerifie, galo* has b"n.. causing, M�ncbcsteii -18ijAday - cfiftitiole LO NMI 'C c r. d a did in. 81iglatid, anal tio 66 n Mif Cahlor0h of L6chlel was' 61'. not I y, -bb. temerity 'to, jio�sftor,,ba§ bt-had: f 4 q& IV'ra tt'8;'tq !h Lite %�hoat pricoa, toiri, We ailir"e'd, by"ine acMihd6 inadi 1 7 Mv T -P�al 00st On* --Noveiii-bor-4 `dp pe d, ta a x" -8 at It �%6- 'roll enl� Chis ft btlidi �hdlds: 'vAdiq in "tho, lKst t; tho , � "' I nien - '1�0 -a 6f (IT b s the 'aly ill'i, 101,10 Y16 M lid,;, live a c n uryi- - Pek Wpg� 0-6f,' the cr 6, t IT Ile I Appeal r�orll cliillI, dT,6Avet1.6r ­Hti6, �Loll_ �-tt, i'llr6i:4,Vvidid opofi�l tbo. pi!clude dift oi -t W f M4 N r 6WANO, M Wo pross tt 0 .0 ls� 0 it, inay,emwd' a th6dB'iiii 4 ��caivlinto' ip '1Tftrl6tto16Wn Guilt i n, p in s OK�r Ho - N65 t oil. T T,Aoll, Jo t, lia '6 aiV `t)w tian' Avai;, in 116 'one p c AND. SP toll't - fi,U*& aki �y ot ',the, U1.1 AKP OPS '­.'M6kf- COAWEG" 1)008� -list h I, 0� t dx , : AW. Sf It MCK W 0. 1 I(, a 0 Illicit. 111ink tb 'At t 1 e 140 ara it ,a bfie-i itice, ftem at, IN 6 Wf�fft T�' Sit' 116. ell shoii every -86f,- rl,W P� tAREPOLLYI, MN)f ty:i A 1),sl6ld slid: it Nvoa, I'MiallinA t 64, T _two, 110. Wll� of I lagazin -y do A ,A�D� , ;Wl, I b'�'h�19 - tish hearte ft is UK "1 0- 6S s t 0 1 A` tfi'e� ihinift,* whi -'p lamag h.*�� eouldn'ti, gil s I 61111� , q0oor �fid *4 1 illy. I i lil'ovl( d "'i'110 g or, I PCO wtite'�4 El� 66d §ecnariob, �U it ikh h. trick 11, UVO 1, 0, Weld''tidy golfig, to -11-O't - 6�, sh6ttld' we. you tan" do, lti:� . . r 6 titc 1, TI 3Y yl� pOA.e. 't , L t of, i;1I ;a �%4 r