The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-07, Page 1a 1••••••0, — • , • $2-00 A YEAR -$1.50 I1 ADVANOE-50c,'4XTRA" TO ti S, A. — • .,„ e!••••• E 'LLICKNOW •'• spat • *-71' , 7 t•M THILIRDA.Y; j'ANUARY 7th, 1937 ,••,• ,-,•••••.• Little Tot Drowned • Treleaven ..DENTIST - „ -7TEJ:EPTCONEs nice ts W. Reeidenee S'a J. r„,f. IL ;Little DENTIST' - XRAYIBERVICE ,TelePhones: Ogee, Residence, 'POUND -car chain. -Ap1y at e -The Sentinel Office! ' •• . • 'FARM FOR SALE -Apply to .Mrs„. •• Jsihn LasenbY.' .7. ' Liicknote. ' . • FOR SALE,- Portland eutters-e--•;- : Apply to: • Wm, • MacKenzie, ',11. LecknoW. • '" , "At , . • -ANNUAL :MEETING ,The AnnUerMeeti,ng Oe"the. Luck - now. AgriehlturaITSociefk Will be held'Tin the TownHell; ' Ontario,. •on Wednesday" tIEW tieth day- of •January, "' A,T):;,' 1937,, at the heur Of two, O'clock in the efter- pooh. ATI members, of, the Soeiety. are hereby., requested to attend. ...• Joseph 'Agile*, Secretary. •• NOTICE- TO CREDITORS _ In the Matter, of the Estate of Elizabeth Torrance, eite of the Town- . Ship ' of • Kinloss in . the 'County of • •Breee..--widowe-deceased. : Notice is hereby ; given-Persuant.:4d• the Statute in that behalf that - all • creditors and 'Other's having •clafins . • ordemands against . the Estate • of the , .• said Elizabeth Torrance,, who died or: •• or about ".the Twentieth day, of .0e'te cher, • A.D. 1936; are required on 'M. 'before the 'twentieth ,day of January 1937' to send ,by poet prepaid, :or deliver, to John .Melvie. Greer, ..:Administrator of ,estate _of the said deceased, their names, addreeses. •and, descriptions, the fell particular Of their claims, a statement of 'their aecounts, and, the nature of the ee- •."-cutetie-s- (if oily-) 'held by them - dulY, verified .by affidavit '1, " • • And take notice that after stitch last mentioned .-date the said 'Admirtie- tretoe'.proceed • to distribute .the assets' of the said 'deceased among -,thepereons entiled thereto having re- gard only te the . claims of which he 'shall' then have notice,and the. said. • , Administrator will not be liable for the•said assets or anY part thereof to, ane person • or Persons of VA:6Se claim ' notice shall not have been received . by, him, at the time of such distribn:. , Dated' 'at LucknOW, Ontario,'. the 22nd. day of December A.D. 1936. • - J. M. GrOri..."el.... • 4. R. 1, Lueknow, Ont., ,Administrator. „NO'fIck to CREDITORS In the Matter of . the Estate of • Annie Hodgins; 'late of the Township . Of Culross in ethe Ceenty. of Bruce, Widow, deceased; . •••' , Notice is 'hereby given Persuant, to the_Statu.te in that behalf that all •"creditors and ethers*" having claims or demands against the, lestate :of , the , said:fat:fele Hodgins, Who died ''on or about, the ''Thirtieth - -day Of October' A.D. 1986, are required on:. or before the Twentieth clay Of January A.D. 1931' ,to geld by .post Prepaid or de- liver to .the Undersigned, Perry Net - son Hodgins, the Administrator ' of the estate of the said deceased, -their. • names, -• addresses' and ' descriptions, the 'hill lierticulaie :Of their e Chinni; 'a statement ..of: their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thein duly 'verified by, affidavit • And take , notice. that • after such lest mentioned date the said Admin- • istratofwill_pleseed to distributeZthee assets: of the said--7-deceaeed.: amorig. • the persons entitled thereto, having :regard only to the .claims of :Which. be shall -then have .notice, and that the . said Atheihistiator will not be liable • for the said assets or any part there, of,:t-o-tenr personor-pet-sone' citewli se . claims :notice "-Shall not have been re- ceived by him at ' the time of sueli distribiltion. Dated at tucknew; • Ontario, " this 22nd day of. Deceniber. A-.1),, 1936: Peery Nelson Hodgins; R. R. 1, Holyrood, Ont. Administrator. •• • ' DiscontinueMilk Route :With • the ,. beginning , the., Yea -e," •Milne'S Dairy, 'which. for Many, years As• supplied millc. to'•many •custorneee the village, ended,this service., , qtloved To London • -• Mr; and .Mrs.. Les. Purves and t"..)71Taantily moetel. to tOridan the ,first of the week,..where they will oialce their henie; Mr.:Put:yes. has heeti-eni:ploye4 iii the finishing room in the local furniture fitetery • for, some, time. Ile . has taken over a SerViee station. in . " *Pletity •Of: II•eusee , There „should be little difficulty in buying ',or renting. a house or an apartment in. Lucknowi for e glance " • 'over the village .r.thO first of the week ,revealed there are Scene twenty .• 41.ve dWellitias vacant. ,pomp Of those OtWever are closed - only for : the. •wiiter,4vhile,the-ornerate„,,,viSiting elsewhere. • ,, ‘• - -111). , . Niw Year Sadly Uehered in. Apt, 2„,,', Year -Old Son.. Of: Mir, •• MIs. • leifence. Cirnpbe1l TAg.0,10,--ReE4-77. -Yotteester. Act Death '.11e. Droien. .„ • ',$)1111u4a7-',11110.• ..Swollen Waters Of Fast Fiewitte- creek., , ' • • ,-.±-e•e• • , • •When he slipped. into the Witteret 11 fast fiowing creek Tnst ii.years old, WaS wept to his 416:B71 death.1 HiS was ieceeveedtt. "lae thanehalf aij hOur"lat'4' .With a Med- ical atterident:, standing by, but etr- Orts': of /resuscitation were nei avail Thet•Ynungster, Was the ede of ,me; 'Old Mrs. ciarence Campbell.,: who 'live on the • 4th. ii-c-onopsion, of '4-turoo,. about a mile west of the .15tk, Side - road. A greek,:gentrally -quite Ickw,:. at this , time ef.-y.ear;• Winds through the'', Cempbell' Continued Mid even .• overflowing its banks. .• • -•,It is probably. this condition that ettraeted" 1Vlaitlend and his 4 -year- old brother; Douglas, o the river. Maitland slipped into ,the • Stream and was swept away by t116: fast 'fieWing current. • Less than 'a 'half: an „horn': later he Was', found. by .-11fies ..DefothY, eGuire, „Seine tWente-,: down ream,' his clothing ,having civeglit on a stiand of barb wire,which was etetehed„...oyer the .creek '-',ete; the Oddly.' enough it wus )nly. the day,' preViqui, that :'tliese” strands of wire 'had been placed screes.•'•, the river. ' •• • .. S.e6inge;his 1400tlier' , Detiglas :.started !fey home ,.td." -tell, his mother that., . `cMaitlaact. was .*Q.11.,,," 'Campbell aensed` soinething was wreeg,•.eet-.ber :•first hope was •that • 'Maybe. he. had just 'toddled offto the neighbors. • The. Hooey brothers next farm: neighbors, waded into a..'deep hole the creek, were ;unable •• to leeittethe, little lid who, shortly was Totine 'either down 'stream, .but not before the icy Waters had taken .their tell; as life was extinct. ; • . • The funeral..., service. • Was held ; en ew Year's • day and A ';..hein.e. that 'weeld:,othertylee. have :rang •with the laughter of ..'etiildrOivr-7ai :stunned by thc 'sorrow that gripped the, en - N.., MacKezi7, tie conthicted the service With inter- ment.Ripley .,cemetery...The pall- bearers were Eismer'anil Lorne' Steve irWhi and ',./64infar ,A,V- Beeicles the heart ,broken parents, Deities , and another little brother, younger than, the victim, survive 'REV. DICKINSON ACCEPTS , 'CALL. TO TORONTO .CHURCH • . ' associate .minister of Erskine and American United • Church, Sherbrooke street, Montreal, announced h ea accepted a call to beeorne minister. Of Centennial' Unit- it.thitrcli. 'Toronto fie Will assinee .his,ditties in, Termite' May ist. 'Rev. 'Dickinson's first charge was. the Ashfield :circuit. „ • •Dr...and Mrs. Littk Presented.11y,KinIOSS Friends Maittle:Cloik Presented At Gathering , . •At•IlolyroodtOn. TuesditY tattung. ..•br. and • Little . • • rs• James ,• r • e - cent newlyweds, ' were beinered 'guests at e jolly 'gathering in ellolyiood trell; ,on TueedeY night. Prienes. were in attendance frem the Second, Fauetle. :Sixth and . Eighth.' owes-. .sions' of Kinloss, to enjoy an even- hig'c 4M -icing,' during Which 'pr. and 'Mit; _Little.: Were 'Preeented'With. a , . hendeOme mantle ',clock,. . :The preqemotion 'Wes :made Se 'Mr. Welter MacKenzie' With :;Mr. 1)avid. 'CairtitherS, reading the .following .ade„ r Dear :Mt,' and Mit.' itittia; In ,days of old, the founding of new home •Wee, celebrated - by "The flanging of. the Crane". ISteani heat end, modern apartments have iender- ed this2eremOny obsolete, but the• feb4ng remains,.' ee we your friends ithe .neighbors, are gathered: here tonight to extend to you oir -best We iot &nly wish you.'happiheeie. het- We •cati assure VOitt, Of 4OOdthhe and' wehope this clock may tick off. tOryou :an.' happy and: pr,oSpeteue' :Yeere, Of Married life:, ,' Signed' on behalf of your friends, Carruthers,- David - 4er:.‘G." fvittokotiiio. ••••1. TOWN *EATA, PACKET). ' FOR NEW YEAR'S° DANCE • .,, „. • • ., New :Year's eve, was Partleidarly 'quiet in' the Village, with eyidezige ef leeelei5rating".' practically ,n4.• NOW voaris, night was featured by the an, nuel....- Firemen's dance, ''. when 'Moro than•faU.r7handred.paid admission. -to Jaiit the Tthen orches- tra . -;•:•Noviz,'.'rea444, Aday brought the, most pleasant..,weather conditions in ninny a: seesen„ with the ; dust. vii0s,.ith4t.cOilok:ypd 'fa*O111131y.. With thOse:- of . midsumMer. 4 • Beek" roads., :hciwever,7 -were --matted Somewhat. I ." WON-ePRIZZE AT. LEM'B • A contesE Oat concluded in Harry., Lem's restaurant on New Year's eve resulted in three prizes being wen as follows.: 1st," ` I,.ieonard chinese flower Pot With lilies;--' 2fid, eleatet'etY Laseeby; candle' holder; . 3rd, Arnold Thoinsoe, jewel. box. - • ' • • ' WEDDING BELLS aviowBRAy— wfusiARD A rime . wedding was solemnized at Knox- Presbyiterian Church manse• .. BlueVale; : by Rev.' J. R. Greig on Sat- orclitynoonr-j nuary,' 2nd,. at 4 le -Clock; When Freda May, " eldest danghter-nf---Mir-nid-,.-Mit: Alexander -- MnStai4d of Morris township Was United in • ;niarriage to • Virdure A. Mowbray .• of • LucknOwi „"eldest.. Aon ofMr. . je. latine4v lb° r*iadiiedeei. ae•hwe'bilerrn rough crepe with Satin'trimining and brown aaccosoriee. , :Following the ceremony a weddleg,:•: pepper ' was sertred. at :the home of the 'bride's patents to the' immediate ...families of. the .bricleand brieegroore, ,Mr. and :Mrs. MowbritY intend spending • t two months in Florida and ori their eeturn will 'reside in.i,ucknow.., , , TEARS 3:1'14RIEW SatelrOaY, Aanlieri 2nd; -Wee, .„ • a memorable occasion for.. two • esteemed Belfast residents, 'Mr. and ...Mrs Sherwood; who „. that' day Oheeriea. their .$4th, friendsw wedding w vaistlll ari..Of " cash* and. remembered 'the aged eduple with .nuinerous eipreas-: lona 'of,' congtot*tiono:•fr Mr... -'''Sibee;(ood,, who Is.eighti.fettri- .. years of age. is and cheer- ful. Ws. Sherwood is eighty - years of age'"P‘eirtodi:Olis her i il'-tu 'active and -able a ', • held duties. They have a. Lendlyee_... of four, daughters and one son .44111eli, *Sr 'Main Johnstonof. Aslifleki. Mrs Jae... McWhinney ; of Dungannon; Mrs: Alex' Wat- son. of Mre,•. Robert: 'Me- , Innis of'..-Tectewiter.,* and Alfied,,, .the 'homestead.' ' JOHN B. ,0IbliES , The death of John .H. .Gillies, a fqiner resident of ibis. locality,..:O.ce, • • ciirred December '31st,; at .hie, home,. 4e4 Deininien Winnipeg, : Man.. Mr..' 'Girlies" death ' tame as a great shock to. his Many frien•ds,.as, he not known to be ailing: -New Year's: eve he.t.ciek:a...heitet_atteek:,and,pase- ed suddenly away. The" deeetesed, who was in his; 71st • Year, Was born in the. Township , • of Kinloss, on .the farm now Owned by Jack McMillan, boUndary. east,; He was the sOn uf ;he late Mr. ..and Mrs. ,`John GillieS. OneOrsSurviving btheasitdeTsowhinsi Township. ; form., , . erly Maggie-, Richardson of Tees - Water, are.two daughter's; Sadie and Mee,. also two ;brothers; George' and Robert ; Who 'reside in .the •west and hree Sisters',. Mrs: Duncan. .• Mrs. ° Alex •Riritonl.• • and ;Mrs,. D'oneld ..MeDenald. f the. StHelen's lecelity„. Mrs, DeOid Gilliet"ie a Oa- . SECOND FUZE CALL Vitien there's ,•one, there's general- ly three "Ake:,calls is th� experience of-Ahe Fire Co. Members of thebri- gade had worked all Sunday morning geeting the hose- .dried and in readiness .fpr an alarm and, had net trilieh, more:than • got to theirhonies when the,..sfieen. screeched •: esyly' Sunday ,afternoon: The canoe,: of • the alarm was .,a chimney fire at the7". heree •of Mrs. Darwin • MacDonald, 4.(4 Irwin and john ''Barger' Were ,giving itesistertee-'When. Flee - Alen arrived. The pipes had been red. hot -and the ehimney was roaring tier,' bet was .illewektn,,bern 'itself oat With, a watch: kept.on9t. : ' SHIP CATTLE .. •,• t N.eW 'Year's .Day saw ead of. cho. ice" beef 'cattle :hippe&Troin here by Mr. W. E. --Ilenderson;'-to a buycr in New Jersey. The .twenty-one ,head, required' two cattle' cars•. and averaged . 1647 pounds. "The cattle were fed all . lest winter, grassed this suininer and fed p until .shipping time nna",liVere . rolling in fat; tO-Irreaent'pne of the finest • lots of cattle • to leave this himents tihageP.'Nneri\vd J'°ei.ireee°ri: ,'-.151riyZe:vte‘is rePeeieed According to .fhIS letter.. The -cattle Iv!Te. sold lty Harry Talbot, cattle ealein7ane5fol• Rice "AO Whaley,. Tore VVATER LBAK. 01.0.1.gg: , , ;1.00. THMVING ON PAV-EIVIEisiT A leak in a water . pipe Was reepoze. .sible. for • ice and snoweinelting on e certain area, Of 'the:.Hiteeleek •Tho 7 pipe ran underground et ft-'4164ith. ofabout four feet, from the water main eh". the 'test side of the• street, across tinder the .pai!einent to the. school. The leOk .occurred. at, 'a; loOSe connection which was threaded with heavy weenehesto hvetconie the 'difficiulty ,after digging down to .on, t.:ac..'7.,ide.-of the, 'pave,. ment. .13k observing the action Of a sup- PIY tank. in" the '.school, it was eeti- Mated that thc. leak would atticient . to. about 6000 galled' in twetify.-feur hours. • ' • Pciry tidcighis- of Kinloss, prior to the, `,7cithie, -being learned,: had stated that bel woe 'at' opinion that the condition was eo.48.0' by. an undete, current, ;: toying, rather:' rapidly near the, surface of the ',SOB With, tbe. fu- tuie dePelleirree-hil the ;donne. the : water 'teek„ :Hie.. reasons were „based an .thc faet;, that the earth will nof A -frecze for u-hunib r of feet around • love, opting., ' ‘• : b, • ,'. 'Mr: Gillies was ' an, • inspector of grain elevators, until his retirement' some:nineyears,.,ikoi:),Whef4it that timehe visited here:' 9 I FiRE THREATE4 BUSINESS SECTION • Fire ,In Inipleriteet Shop Of Thoniee. ; Beyes:, Was Well Advanced Before !J. Being 'DiscoVerede-Four. Lines ' Of Hose 'Cheek maie .:And • Prevent Its Spread Not .Vatil, !t;;;' liad..7.hrOcen;auts.thru the roof, .4 was re: .biaaa in thOilaaa Boyese implement and maeliine shoe. discovered .about 11.15 on Siturdey •evening. By that tirne it ;had gabled roaring siert :which oip;O ti e...,Bri- ; gade and other willing' assistants stubborn battle , for •abo,lit an hop Hydrants at Rilss „ohrisfini,;.s. test dence :PintaysaiN; corner‘• and Mc Eineso ;were all. in use, with four lint of Water ,being played on the .firt froni, all suies... All the Cony Y hose were Iaid, about 1000 feet,alto With flames Mounting high before the Water 'Wee:•,tiirned on, it looked as if more than.l,\one building might ,be wiped eitt,htit;-.,:tlie--blaze..erai on fined: to 'T:BoYes" building. Misa Robet- temes..millinery shcet ori, the West side of the building ,wits:\ifkdaMaged, but the roemaboye the EXPr s. OfheeOn: fianies",broke, out ,..diff:4ektimei in theeast: side': These ,otitbeeeks ney r made', much ,heedwaY, but s�me water dernage -.wee done' in this The apartment of Mi. Dan, 17VOU ' up which stairway a liee"of 'hose Wit7S, run,. suffered from. sineke The .6t4se' of. the outbreak s not definitely ,- known, although : .• Flee Chief Moore lselleres it was caused by a Spark from the centre chimney. The "blaze Was chiefly in. the, upper part of ,the building •and 'gutted , the reof...Mr, 'BoYes had net been; work- ing .that evening., lie ;carried, A small amount ofinsurance on the Wilding ote' POilecl TO lett Village Council J.' C. avIeNtib !Wide ' 'F.Oli*OiVed" cleselY By N. W.:Bushell And Donald 4Ferguson-Mr,, MeDiaritid Was Minnie 'Member Elected With 3 -Vote ilifeteerttye. Over Petrfield • kikenoneld., Lucknw ratepayers these their 037Council • On; Monday, .in probably one ef, th most closely., contested -elections this, village :has seen, . aryl one at least . that brought out • au 'eeeeptienelly",*igle.. mete, cqnsider- ing the .fact that-there-"-Wee-no- core - test for the reeyetlhip and only five council candidates,' seeking the four seats. , ; ..41here was a r total of 452. hellete: 'de/Posited.; four of which ..were'rejec:- te4 AS Spoiled, ballots, Twp`..Were jected at 'Reid'spoll and one each at the Orange Hall and '''Town: Overandabove these, there were 160 votes, polled et the. Prange, Hall , . 130 -at; R,eid's aiid 158 at the Town Hell.. There are •,approximately doq, persons eligible to vote. . - . , in the .January election' Of , 1934, there. were 440 votes •p,011ed with the present ReeVe, heading the Council- lors with a. vote • of 80_6. Two years ago. the :School s'`.Heard. 7.,OLO:OItop: birsitAttbt Oa, a VOt0'totailing 357. —0,nMonday,„J.,":-C":71WeNetb • the polis with a vote of, 317., He Wee:. feileeved. closely with 299, pOo Ferguson.:.„ was ohly. fa''hehihA ..with• a total o291. Mr. MacDiarmid ::was the fourth meinber elected, polling 237 votes a paeoannti'd,-.3.:vet.te Over; Garfield '. Mac-' :J. C. Ner!fab:. is a ,•.iieweomerto inunfeipel life and . Probably one Of,: if net the youngest to . take his place' at. - tl'e Board. .. CounciIlors Bushell and 'FergepOre,ere returned for their ,4tb,:•terre.. :Three 'Yeitre ago: Mr: Fer- guson polled 2e6 votes and Mr. Bush- ell.• 234, Mr.--.:,14aDiatinld commences his second .teine. The !;Itteee's chair is ;•deeepted by W. B. Anderson, who Was returned for a 'second •term . by? acclamation. ' ' • Subdivisions as. follows No. 1,, Orange., :Hall; NO. 2; Iteid's' Store; No. 3; Town,: Hall, with the vote 'a.4 'follecve, the first fourberng elected: '1 g _ 3 'I'otal :efeNah 78 .120 , 311 Bushell': 91 "107 '299 Ferguson • 91 ' 99'. „291 MreDiarmid ....,_87, .71 .: ‘.• 79 237, MacDomilii•• 82 ' 70 82 234' YOUNG PEOPLE'SMEETING • .. vtii: ore.:44, - 't1'..T1i1,e,.„.0.re004 - of -Reotb..: .0 : -If fi.04th• ,..,. ....00g m.017101.Apyy AND ,sEks.le. , -A-.:Seecials rof.This.,Weektftict .. , .. .. Olioict• LAYER DA04 ,..,, ..,„,..;!, , . ,:`,.. ',.2.:. , ..•...!'.:...h:. . , .• .. .. . . DOUGHNUTS PER ][...EFf ' pig,: ....,:;,. ::,'•...,, .:,,...,.., •..,... .: • OF TARTS, PER' ;130 .e,••• A , t AitO, A:".:Lskte..AiO0itmeot..Of ANA SCONES,PER DO. LLIM Q,UALITY K E.R, !PHONE 3- e -LUCKNOW. - • • " '1 • South Kinloss Minister. TO* Included .Todil Rev, G. M. Young, Has ..Taken Over • • Pastorate At ,,Soittie. Kielties • :And KinteugheAnd *or Be Inducted. . ,Rev. G. M. teeing, formerly of the Sarnia Presbytery, South Xhiansl'oteces.i)ntr:IEitt- e czfl , • , 4Migh charge. vacant since the ,,'de- rierture of Rey: J Burgess in August. '. Rev. and Mee. •Teufig'. 'rivedthe first of the week and he will he officially inducted 'this titter-- nbon.• f's-Creh;upre-scd:eYd)'ijt-• • , the induction service wilI he carried:: out • eirettY. , much. as • arranged ' wSon. Maitland Presbytery Met 'recently. ,Rev. ' Arthur Leggett, of Molesworth, the Moder- ator of'..the'..Presbytery ". will ''.preside and iediret. The Interim.: Moderator, John. -Poihnk of Whitechurch. will :narrate the stepsleadiel up to the call;:' Rev: Gorden Taylor Of Kincardine to conduct Divine wor- ship;.. and ReV. J. R. Greig of Blue- vale-'• to -address the .congregation. to hl fall; chargebeesevi.tge- hh4, " will13 iRi roe bB4ve:. "Alient • pres- entto, officiate as he is. on a ,nienth'S leave from : 'Charge. This duty will fell to another" Minister %within the Presbytery, • • ' •ERROR ' IN -SA:LA Y .ellse..1,Margeret. (PeggY):,' MacDon- ald, 'music ..teacher in the LeeknOw Publie. Scheel: receives 88 -,pei•'-tiionili" a year, ". In .the 'report ,of, litet Weelee nomination Meeting ' it was. stated she, received $134„, per year, but. thisLfigere :was 'Oply, quot- ed from memory .the -Sneaker; . Mr. Rae,. ;, . " • ' ' The.; $8.00. e,. month. alleivenee ••'' is ' WAS• WELL'*ATTENDEI) c;at'.bytlie the item in the • fin.- anciaf:-stritearie'nt;.lander the head ;Of salaries, showing that Miss Bfeepon. ,ald 'received t5290 for a peric47..ef four Months:. Also in an article on Page , eight , Gf .,jaSt •iveelea issue, dealing' with the.:cokt 'Of education, 'the liead • - The . two weeks' peribd. of Prayer • . - _ , ineetiUgs continenc,ed.on.monchly, eve - ening' Withthe 'Young'. People- of the: churches • in ' chrirge. Of the Meeting held in: the United Church that' was largely attended: Mit 'Clyde Reid. oet: per year is approximately $52. I! was chnirrnan and - Mss Peggy Mac- D.ould pianist. Stuart the !.Seripture;lessole.4ted :•; Miss .Peare-pee.'papie:Whielt-Wea:refeale-d In the • • • •. ' „Heneereon offered, .preyer... Sentence bode Of the Article' • ' • • .praeere were given by Cassie Mac- • z Henderson, i Bob ..MAC- Xerizie, Frances Armstrong, Marar- et Rae.:o•Meinl :Ceol_cL,Mely.2...._tecConneL- Kathleen . Mackenzie Rev. P. ., Ric- kard took, the topic. a quartette was ing 'read .$25:00 perpupil. :The ' correct . Former •St. Helen's 'atter At Rockwciod, .. • , .Rev, 'John D. Little Left St. Helens . And *alit Ashdeid 18 tears 'Ago After A Pastorate Of Some Four . Years: ' ' - Rev. John Little died at his hoine in, ,Rockwood O.n.,..n:eday.„ ..Il• ,.A.nf6rnef .Pastorat,StHelens PEast Ashfield, leaving there som :lghten Year44age after aPastr te6itbdttfplr.eaii•TwOyears ..' .. ' ... ago he returned to .Pr,each. Miniver- . ...serY.,:aereitea.et....„St.,.-..-11ele'ne:'-ire'-'Wai.. --_ . n his 82nd year. •. . • •He Was ...Tthe ' third :son • of -.John Little,' one of , the original Settlers of - ,Puslineh , Township; Wellington County.l?',..gii te illaedil':: :4,..i a' i', jai i oe' 'dbii 11.4,1 keel:jai:al: egi te:h4d!. andt'Iina S . e'tahaPti ;.'".” . ., bnainess, .successfully for ,more 'than " ten' •Yeere in Ceratin, ...and later, in'. Cenn., He 'felt. e . call ,to enter. tile, : ministry, and : atter ,soine private preparation he entered Knox . College . graduating in 1893. Dueing:iiis,peurse .: .,. 1 he • conducted iiiliny missions, and be 'r Can16.' widely .,kneWn. in Wil4anisfeirdi, Berkley. ' Keppel, Milton, "'Dixie; Cote oetton;'Riverview. iitia. Metz:A ., ,. , • • . 4e,Oiiii,4ered.:te'FfeebYteeiart .con- gregations .' in. DOfifO4a44,',:Chat.siVorth,. Holstein, 'North • '..lideeltIngton,' St Helen* and :Rockwood, andto phiteda.: ,aronpt. a:zioicap. fere,.a. andiii.einto1901.r5.,-.. -ah..n.eiente esdther-- . . vkliTfi--.eongregitiorip'..' at . Barry, H.in. an41. Conn, winning' the resect Of all ' 1 • •Wh.whoknew .him. , ••• • „.,_-.„ , . ,. He was always :lin' ar,dent teniper= ied'., temperance .'sforeea, in :e 1,successful : .. campaign in support ' of. the Canada Temperance Ace in Perth County. ,.... 1 c.i.Iti all his work his .wife played an hairoT:rd1;:'s dqrt:::: quiet .t:f. : a'P, ee i.ov::. sr devotion c '1_ i,i as Her 7hhe_ei r:::,Ye: i ii .s ijuriPtc.:•61,' n;:ao:: ;:siniita:anne. ,14t2I . . .: • , . . aoive Service, was an' irreparable oss to him. • • • • , Fot4yiinld ree eurvi•vehim-John and Janet of Rockwood, Mrs. .3..„ Bell • and Mrs R T Robinson, in . • and contents. , ' 'I'he -blaze, appearsto have been' iscovered• about the .sinie tithe' . be inernhers of the Chin ,family, :elese by, oeci, by Stewart Collyer,, who waS on his Way 711 4 deirettirtied.fo turn in, the'it ad-gtheOfuttA•eak , been after inidnif t; it i; q6ite pro," haele it wotild have gained etiffieieett headway to etie off the estapo of the Wylds family.' • A second outbreak oecutr,Oil. a-m.‘that morninghut was ektire befere making much head- • ;•, • ,composed.' of . IVIisses Margarek.Mae7 . . . .:DOrotil' 'Cooke - Frank 'Mac- 'Nenie and leitOrdi Qatrander: ..selection was given by e ..nuniber, ofviolin pIayrs. .' • The eietimittee. ID charge Wei Rickard, convener; Misses SteWerd.. and ; Dorothy Cooke, Clyde: Reid,G. S. Rexford Os- rander and :Mel...SahastOn. Sa For Europe • • '' Mr. and Mrs. He,rmith Voaderi • (nee t*keiet ....tileatticle of Crewe):2salled York on ',Tuesday on :the. Manhattan.. for Europe,. 'and- later, :.1,?Mdonil..Wher.e,they.' tour- nett,. .heXt on the,; 'exebutiVe staff/Of :".the,,,-*,High,,L.800`, .•6f Tororito.:."J•atel"7.,!:.4sv :1OO, :9f. ,absence for the. teniaiii"ar .of the terni,'•' ; ; • . A NEW . YEAR'S..-.RESOIXTION "I will read the Eible ',through the. coming .year. :the' Chris. thin Iii.00k Shopand -See the fine -dis- play 'of:Bibles °ranging In price lrOin 25e up. A.sk te:se.Ohe'22.Eibles with 'large print. l'Or ,Ordri People' .or for those With ;defective • eyesight; 446' t,ho illutrated BibIe for the boys and girls. Seofteld' ReTerehee Bible with or without, Concordance on sale 0., • • If Yqii• Want 'least e part _Of yOlir "ctUllar *to reterre «spehd it, at ' ' • • tV11/4.. • , , ,,tc•tti Nevi`kilink Manager • Mr..., V. N. Prest • Comes. From .Elora Where He Wus Cheirrean. Of The Board 'Of•.tducation, And, Was. Al: . , fro Intereeted.11T-$Port:i; ; . , • :It has theenannouneed by .the Bank of Montreal :that V. $: Presti.of .Elora, has been appointed to Succeed, S'..;p:..whArgy manager of the. localsbranele • Mr.. Whaley, whotook amigo of the ,office:in 1934, has been ,stffferire-freeir for 'Sorne tinie and has .,beee• theept on sick leave for , Pest . eight months. ' Mr:Preet Comes to LuelcneW :With over .30 'years • experience• in. his : pre,' • . .fession.• He Was horn and educated at 'Stamford, Chit: and in 1904 entered the: service of , the former Molsons Bank at St. Thomas. Included in his tete:740AL: With, ,:that"‘ lee titutien and 'aftA4.01.Sivith the k of • „ n Mon- treal, by which it was nauired.;Were. annOintmeiiti et ae.Vetai' hr,i3les in this preince. heterre liOmit. at Kingsville and litter was .,,manager tit'. the' ,litknehei at Courtland. Ailsa praig:ified Elora o'saccessively, 4., ' 1 He Was 'chairman of• the Elora., :q9afa of tdoogioti at the. 'titee.'of hi3,tritliefet oha,.hocti been a nientbeit of. 'the *fitd for SeVetal, years. He v.4;its.: alio interested in the ..lciem,'Iicio- kdif taVn and was a inenthet of Its. roieentivo for, 'sone tinte, iretideoil 1935, and.ii iary president in .1936; • Itis eXP,eeted that Prest 11 arrh-e here about the middl0 f this Week,. an 0 To The Electors of Luelinove-• '7 Ladies & Gentlemen; Accept my sincere -thanks fer the . splendid • support "Seeei: YeiP" 'efficiently in the coming year •Sii•jogkELt., .Bushell The-Electer Of Of The': Village Of Lucknow, • ' Though nOe:se'rving • ih the : 1937 ' • I, _ • coup.cil. desire 7to eincerely -thane , all those vitho gaVe me,their uppott ih the recent electioe. ". • ' • Gateeld* MacDonald. TO,. The. Electors Of The viiii„Ekge of Lueknove," Many thanks.*f.bi. .the 'fine silPport • given me on .Monday. r will sinooreiy endeavour to Merit this .e6iifidenee„ in dealing with the affeire.' of the • nlullicipality thr,otigliceit the coreine• Year, 1 Yours shicerelY„ • 0, •J. C. ,3161•1A13, To The Electors . Of The 'Village 0/ Lueknote,, - Accept MY sincere:: than -W. 'for tint' very splendid SuPPOre* You 'gave ale at Monday's election. It. , was .ap .4'1 appreciated and I assure you I,' wil ... Itgainaini to aerVe .1.7611 to thee best. . of thy ability during 19t1 '' Ddlitnidecerl4ielS;,0. i,oil,