The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-11-27, Page 1• , 4,7 •. :§11,15W- , 4.4,:-1440.144.-'41#04;10,*04 • AighIt or 40,44. . 1 DENalgin Dr MigLcoiL wU viOtt Luckiow e„YerAiv TgesOW.inaglrr. 0304$1,01019 94141, MA& TEOPATfls, atL the , Calni lilMagi,144141.0,y4; evemi V1404. • V.SdpVT 4ZeM1K). „1,4.. 4111 &PAW 410- 4411.4e0t flUgee4eggiay „tteate4. Ode wi,,t13Ty ;:emaveat.te.e, ph,biies„11C0.4Sqls " 0441304. 4ddlilitMentt off tLeL iss 'Morse flisiekki'y ;mewed/ and with toWerr-trektmeidits by. Ostooti; 1,4014..;' Waal b)/Y &u otherPittethed.i. • " r.noicionn and SOrgeOna • • ,Otitce. not.trik 0,44-4.0;tai,o4.* • pfana 444jby 4,•:ppp*Ouelut 8pftgi41i attentian,eountry,callt, and: nigAtti eattit,t, Rhone.8. • - *Wit 1 flapPir--111Wies on biknirkl thicl1P- 244 Sarantess o.f. at o,umborroji We bettt wall+PsAerritotaeS.., anith will he .1 Pleasn ealteushON tiretniatt mwhetisew an -10111 ' take. tlletat Y.Parr Gareerini, Boxx.1.744,;,1113ekriaM. MON-BM Irti) faInti PFOPi- erties.i att W4..ie0Q, Au. Sit:Wall 'S,irjR34,* veryepinfOrtable cilketkag•iclatl' Ceactitieal14-:413.4., too, ekeou. sidow„. 11--e..: . tiont.smgi•-••:.4tolisee.godct Lett it'll the .,Wilagee of; flualtainyn,ood." coinfOrtt .1rap3,ee clWellirigi. midi frame, • one-half f ,acree, lett,' good i we -11; .ptrieeo reasonablew,. App,It too Atahn,,J.1 ,11-acket4,,Iluckauxu4.' Otitt,, • • 1OIIND7.)--Ait -thee. 1"3:.t. 1%. R. ya.rdh'? flu:0ga%, aa 104/Ss wePAenn alaY.‘ havesainet at: The Sea• ', tiriell-Olfiece ant Araving...popertki..: ,44z,?e(.• . . N FARM FORt RENT“ 1141a-eres;', g.,9Pd 1 bAlldingSi.; 15t. acres. large, j,,ourig,L, orchasiL, bearing: 1-16Ssession1 att oneeilrifOrtriatiOni at Senttioeth HOW SM �ali heater, hatelnane er; ; large siz n goodt condition.. Itu;' ; formaliOrt, at A ,Mcyarrolt; , Ethane • IIOuse?:ROrr.gkkil, Orr Reitt4--;-Comfaxit Odle,dw&lLng with ; garage. and APp),Y,. totarig, MacItutosh ' Weed} HOrr 877 eorda-, drywood ' Appy to R A MnirraVy, RI. 24, Holy, i•Oodi • - • • " Rep. gale. -orr*Rent-i----,Good+,,,fra,mc dwelling, on Ifave/aoki Streeti, Lack. ITANY1'.'ApPki;',to .Win:.. Gennelll 4-112,4p: • porr Buireal Reck% Cockerels's", bred: to lk •stralu,,,fromi-pedigreedf stockk7FIlockc etutuall• h.* govv c4I1erc. it,t; flueigaW' AtICTff0*,' Pritok have, an AttetiOnt side: off farm, stock,: and! sonte Aunts, at, hit. .farrai, Ilott 'It. Con. '11 (Pest) Kinlbs (aboutv2.2: Iltieknow)i min IVIbadaV: Dec: 1 -St: ' There- 'are, ea onreherr of f geed 11111011:z. cotwel,and1 20:1 2,-ea.rling_,,. steers ; and • • heifem, off wadi J.6b1:0 Burvitit, MICTIONC SATS", dco.t. Bruce., have. ant meth:ix sale air his haute/a:aid effects.. else', of -hs house • and lets.. i Lacknewv", residence oni the afternoon, of, Saturday Neyerriberi. 29th " •, 'AtICT3014C S'ADR, OW MAIIIIA.BLEr, .. • - FI,Ait*I•11110111iRTill; 'Att't4e4,Gain lonnee Duelcitia%, bee. 19244, at- . The., farm ,i-urOpertyc Hartridekk2.,andl,41.: ta)reterVeiebidA .B41'1111 consatt,.. off ifolk, acrest:heing,,s14l • 12, Geni;.!&114,,,hilOSt..4 TAwnshitki: a.014.1111% 011`011.1014:.; irt spiGndkil state: off cilitiV,4 'talon; Splendid.] 124r-tiotruihrick. house;'' . larger baxhi•Wititi ttoxi•et anal concretet foundation. . best! -oft ttablingt. bein2? tedi ihltittghteutt eemen ; diving.'4,, •Bhe&t. , ,good t orehaid. well feneed,landlIntt ' Watt* •Ifeart.-tfl#04,' tiehetW. • Lee, andl ehurtheSt, Orkl Cettatyy'reachl „. ' TriRMS4..Ten, P,04•r;centl etT prn :.thasei,...,priteelst,talibeeirPMatit,44*-.Aff,.•Sale twooni:OPithe,, 'tiraeo fret* date. talk; PP°814.1421;,tgiven. A'nl ltti 1925.,116.0in1arinatteiv Antal:Ye to ' P1.4- °kr -Mick ' ' • 4etibm.stdit . Aft 11614 1%,0*.‘‘..1**.otriiiidosas izAlinAt 1401:703t461341.2sciit ttOratiteating at 11 Otkibick‘ . ttatee ottetetm totr • . 1 timbal Wto.tidogRovitto Oom,*,upppedItoo 131,krArIttii calf 611V4a#40,,C,Ikttlk, 2'2breed,1%1*4.ittitit )thitist.' , ORO*/ okglkiee h.tittonst,• 4,gorriai, 4041_ • 1,441A4ANATOPTRUM.i", . . Rolm okeeks• item' ,to -da y (T40,, be ' • Wintert. weather th,": Past week-,4- WitholiV Snoi% ,hoWeveri The,.Dadiee, Aid, of -Aire Illetnodist ehurcwU gwe a. fowi ,s,upper,ba. the eygo, oft nee„. • • Mtt Cecil a; Miilliir.made, A. busin, 48, trip- to lOiento the., end . of; last week Mtl. Henry Carteris, hack 'after av nionthra't vacation : azik is, agion.,.int nhargot. of the; EXprese biaineas. . Miss Al .2,14 Forrister,'. of Maar- dine.•. spentgrinday'... and Monda.Y., with heri Ilticknow, frienda...• ' , of. -Battle Creek, iVlien, visitediwith-, Mr; and Mrs. Win, Neyli.ir,. this, week.- • • • • . • .• Mr.': Ernie.. Aitaheton• was in; rlott Bif4.1'n, last: week where, he shipped a car lOad? of live turkey*, in the, inter,. eats,' Silverwood's, social dance, will , be, given in the Halt at Relgrave ' the : •e,veiiing of Ttie.sday:,: Dec. 2nd, Eryfegles ;Pr- chestra. will t fignith.nautie. ' • Miss Lorna, Camphell' it, back to her pasitiatitin the Maltota Bank a.f- ter., spending. a•fevw •meoths with, .,hert isisien at Granbrook • Mrs. leek. Wilferd.i of preston nd is !I% ./J MacLean of Winghain, visited', a ,fw, days .recently with .1VIrs. ,Aitchekon. , Clearing Sale,. Overcoats, all sizes, on; hand; Men 'S„ sOits., Ladies ' Coats. „Readyrto-wear: dresses; Dyery.,, nitust ga. atgreatly,: reduced brices ;this week D. A, , Palmer. • The ',YOLing :LadieS• of the ..meiaOd4, Church had • a very: succe.ssful ;sale •f fancy, Worl.c4:, novelties., and baking SaturdaY. AitneCeyerything„ ,w.as • 1 • p.61et., "The ‘,and Sell"Pioneer Tralls" n.d.the beginiiing of the: Serial "The. latinteth Vallee on Monday . and 1:riesclay, at the Family Theatre., , .1A nrinaberi f.rain St;•Peter;s, Church jongregation here; attended. A, social. 5veo2ing. , giVe1t., 'by :„ the, knglican la,Ung.Fleaple's: organization at Dun- arinon• on :*menaay,.. . i X,meeting ..of, the Luck/low,' 8r:inch i if; the. W.-Omen:a, De'aguel•of the FIrs- I'')y.teria,ri. Ohnreh,..will be 'held in the, . , , 'ouncil; Chamber. Thursday,: Dee:, 4... , .-t, -8.":p,an.". -Women : tiotereatrin" the' xittinuance• • of ,, td. -e, PreshYterian ) 'ihurch- are asked to attend.' An otter -- ng: Will t be taken: :. pint; are Out announcing.' .anOther lance..iri the,, Town Hall; under Eire -.3ci., • Auspices.. on , Eriday n 1 g •Itt 1, ift,' this., week.: Rayner".S. ' Orchestra, 1.?..hith,,,gave.suehltPlendid-.-serVice=nt the. ,tlanee:lastt week, walt. again" faro"- :shilthe totu,sie..... -Dancing' . will" ;begin•. :thorn . at: g,to'elOck. thittPle, $1;25,; :EX. 5rat, lady, and • Gallery." ' 25.e. -.-,O004 f.nitichAt '• , . ,--,-o-,o,..,o—• ,. • , SPECIAL , BARGAINS - 1. Lioys ' SWeaters. reg: 81425 for 7.9e; ' %VS': Sweaters regi st•Do.. for: $1;6%. . , _., , . Men'S,, One all -wool l sO,A,...„„reg,,,;.§,gv.. .dir29,e'V't,Orily,deit39n,'StoCk-,- -')U--B. Rlitzstein's Dry, doods, Stare. , . • 140TES., ON,. THE ' SICK • Mil Jelin Ackert, Whose, illness we mentioned ?Lox; few,. Weeks -ago has.Tbeen. rather better- lately and, itiS, able, to . , , -.tame- dawn- street'. occasionallyk.: .44isi• ;Pith; OVA:- who,thas suffered seireteltrftoin neurites: and ;, neuralgia lately:, is. repOrted", somewhat' improv - Mt. Win,:, Naylor r ;tithe Wei,L.,„ finite s,etioutli ill the end" of last 1Week' is reported ; ' somewhat. '.13etter. on ',Wed- nearlat . •,`,Ztt..."Steitatt,IM-ticKenzfre,:.i• „fain', ',ha.< been, home, ' froni : •Winghain High Se/1°41 the pest • . three weeks Owing to -an affection of the:throat it about. all. right again:, I ' iV1ril (leo, 8-, Robtrttort• After' being confinedi to his room ,.for, sellers) 1motiths has $0• for reer;Yered as to be, ithle•tO he abouLthe house. . • ',, 'Mitilit, Mand-l•Mtirdoeft,, hai been don- fitecti to,,,hed,,, the, pest Couple of, Weeks brit t appears , to -be , holding, her awn. .. . , 000,..,--- • tbdAII MA:ROA*. 1300. . , 50e,40,4"21". 11,1)tzt‘terr. • 0*P4 ;.14l. $940 Wkekt. 0. 4 4 4 .C4 44`41. EtilirtV # 4 4. # # 4II. •4 4 tf0:04 , . MAC t 4 44•4, 14 '4 4 4 4 , 4411. 47,0,.. 'NeffiliMICISTOTRS 1Thet 1--U'ePL'Iteetian• • We • were 14,.eaSell to have 'Lorna OaniPbell,. Convener :Of the De, votional COMmittee withtis, again to. take' charge, of the Guild Ineetintr. :Monday . evening. Itoheit Chettnut :reed the 84th, Psalm. The tOp.tc ‘1".•;•• taken bk Aft.; John C. 1V111X0901 wlie Va,), •arkinspiring- address an lufalk-' ing Delight' In God's House'. a'"a 'numbers which: were, ',very" much ,•co ,joyed were. a solo by Carrick Doug- las and a vobal. duet by. Horaee and. :Mary Mtcheson,. An interesting Jetil itig• was giVen by Rena 1VICDona1d ,and a nansical seleetion by Mae Mc.. Marren . and Mae Dawson. Afte :singing the closing hynin, • Rev. Mr: 'Alicthillum lead in prayer. 'The, Epworth League' . It must have been gratifiing, to,,th ;Missionary 'Committee to see • „s iMany takingan interest in the con 'test- at League Monday night.- Mii iSionar:Y rilYnxns were' sang aft*. :which Mr, .1), 0;Taylor :offered pia ter. Kiclon Reid read the seripture son.. :The contest 'was from; •, 'mitsionary: journeys and 'condi:lc:et. by ,11,1rt. •Cosens ,Mrs J. W. Joy; {* ;and Mrs. Newton as captains wer' ,both Well 'sripported, The teritest wa.• :helpful and interestingtto those tak•• 'Mg part' and also to those preteht ;A: 'very appropriate •Missionary sort twat , sung :by the primary dept. Three Btble lessons written b Pau lati:ere, read after, which the '1,,eai;neti. were favored with a trio from 'MisS• res Mabelle Allin, 1 Mildred 'and' Ger,. rude Treleaven'. Hymn 87 was sun ;and: Mizpah Benediction repeated. ' ,HIGH spHO.ob' LITERARY A debate Was the Ica:tire .af the Meeting; of. the High SchOb! ,Liteinry, :Society held on . the Tgcer- i-loon Of Nov, 20th, The subject of de- oate was Resolved That it Js t More Advantageous For .a Day, After -The, .',Age of Sixteen to Learn a Trade -Phan SWAY for a ,ProfeSSiOiV' The Affirniattve as taken by Palmer- ailpatrick ' and Audrey Spencer; and .the • Negative by Olive. Alton ; and anipbed ThoMpson, rhe • judgespro nouneed the 'ehainnions of the Nega- . . tive winners by yew points. ,The 'meeting ' was; opened .: with a' chorus .by , the School and the, secretary",s„ re- • Port. 1,,,pther ..numbers were instru mental* by, Mary Douglas, calvir. 'Blitzstein and Grant MacKenzie, and :a :musical selection , by four . boys.' :Sit:4*g of. the •.National;. Ant•hen ".2.Minight,ithe...rneeting-t-ta UNCLE'S. NIECE" Thisisthe suggestive title of a huinefous piny to be presented in• the ..Cowri. Hail, Lucknovv,. :on Tuesday: ,lext, December 2rid. lay, the 'DrMnatic TCliir-of 'tins Play •haS., been. Presented with. !great. success -at--1),Itingliam,' and ..other ceritret.• .Wd. '3,Aier* izold at Winghain that it, ws. "4. ,scream."' A, party froni Blyth said' "Ithat it, was "one, Continuous; laugh." 'Prom Brussels we have the ,recoin,% inexidatien; ,"It is the best : thing we •'haVe seen for sometime.'.• -, • . . The play -centres around „Francis, •.;xlifea.r,:itePhewofi.„..attifart.,Tawayhut wealthy uncle, who through deeep- Aon has .been led, to believe , that Francis is i. niece and not a nephew. Vhen theuncle. arrives on a, short visit to his mippeted niece, the at.' ...tempt of . Francis -to. 1llay miece!,s, iPat-t leads to a series of interesting and ivvithall provoking incidents. Accompanying DtaitiatiC Club - is it splendid Fouv.plece Orchestra,' plan open. at ,McKim's Drug 'Stove .on and, after Friday, November, 28th, Admission 50e .and 35e. ' ' • s - • ' °WOMEN'S, INSTITUTE AT HOME ....The Town Ilall was w11 ;filled memberil of ,the W-onien.'t Ittstitute t!atid, their , friends' on. the occasion .o. the annual At Horne, Friday , e.veiting tof last week. The ;program teak the ,fOrni: of a home -talent coricerti-'ilYeil largely by the young falk., Dr. G. 11 • Newton was, chairman and 'directed the_propeedings,,iii his „usual hppy :roamer,. !flare Were recittithitis, 10S, ' Vocal and instrumental—drills etet etc. -, • riallawing the • program lunch -was Served; during Which there was most enjoYabie teeittl tinre. , : The:institute had, It fatly pros- perous year financially, at reParted the,ebainnan. Receipts at, the :booth opened at the E6viling 41100. toura- were $97.58; darn roastqt.tmitr !$05-4,831 Sale of il‘tot (loge' S12:634, !VAIVVAit's Sale of pop., 044 • $81i20t, • CIPEWSTON' 'EXONO4ATER ; IN OR1'% AT WALKERTON t Min* 1al interest Ka heel?, taken :in the .suiV , 'by • Robert' TreoCh. • of ,Peetwater against. Will, Johnston, , !)rother: , Reeve Johnston, and ,,,i•Of Mrs,: Ras.Robertson of ,town.' The ase was • tried at the. ...recent nigh .sitting i at Walkerton before llr- Justiee Wright-. , ram• -the, Bruce .Herald , and. Times. we ;take the following statement:of: ..the case, and the outeonai' , , , The. salt brenkht :by ROM.' Trench, Teeswater ' against his fernier. 'jook-keeper, Wm. Johnston. of Tor - oto, formerly of ,Lucknew, . and in %vhich the plaintiff . sought' to coat - pc' Johnston to f.,Tetpro hira, -hieh he cla.hried 'he. over'-drew;ii .taiarY,, as well as to furnish Anac-; cohnting of ..certain monies :he had received', was disinisSed by the Judge after- eceupying. two. full days in its hearing, 1 • t 4 Trench: clanned that . his 'hOoks showed receipts of several snms of t,oney,' which. Johnston • 'had notac- • :punted that Johnston's 'salary was to., be $1006 a year and ",vhatever tnore 'trench 'might- Care te _pay1. II • Johnston, • on the other hand, 'claimed he was lo start at $1000, if he was successful in collect - Mg. rotea, of Which: Trench held some - $80,000 Werth; he would get $1.50:),, • Atli' •a .PosSible 'raise to ,8200.0: . ;The' Judge found that the mean- , :ng of the agreeMent was as John- oon -put it. and that -' he hapl a' per: feet 'right to draw tnoney as he did is Honor • also:laid that all: . th,6 'none.: that Johnston :had ,received he, :had deposited to Trench's credit; :and that Trench had actually re- ‘, Also, that there was • rift actual shertage Of accounts thciivn • Justice 'Wright ;therefore dis- 'missed both actions, itithX all Costs -against Trench. • D. R.obertson,'K„;0. of town•• and •Gordon Walayon, K.. C., of Toronto. appeared' for. Trench; , while • 0.,,!,E Klein. ''of ,VValkerton and ,Laiyer Vanst.orie, of ..Winghain :looked,. after Joh.riaton's' interest's., at the .:trial? The iudges scored Trench'. rather severely, saying that ,he appeared: to be trying to pay ,Johnston at a :rate per year .iwhich • he was worth • per month, judging :15y1 the amount and lbe, quality of the •work he hai,been WtDDING- BELLS- . Olift.00011144i$14i ,1' 4 1 4 1444 VI' , A marriage of tome local .interest • took ;place at . La Mesa, California on. October 10th • when Mr ••• Leonard Jen.es and Miss Isabel Walker were'' united in matennorq- by the. Rev, H. -A McKinney f La' Mesa. The bride is h daughter- of , Mr, J, 11.:Walker , of .San • Franseisca; Cala.,-but,,,' she ma.cte her honie for a rumber of, years with :her aunt 4 Miss Betsy Walke, of 'Athfield.She it a sister 'df Mr, Harry' Valkei.. Who. for a linie Worked in town; The, groom is a son. of Mr, D. M. Jones, mayor of ' La • Mesa, Cala., and is employed • with Green -Robbins Hupntobile Agency, ef young ceunle will make „their home •• Petettibugli.---Calbert ' A very pretty ,weddingwas solem- nized at the home ; Of 'Mrs. Rachel Town- ship 0» Nov 10th, When her secend datigh4er,' `Edna Rae, `,1 was ''United in Marriage' to" :Mr,' • Tehn AleXandei.• Peterbough, ' South. Line; Kincardine Tpwriship.0The; ,Rey, S, 3a: Johnston, tA"fothciat,ed in the pretence of a• , few immediate' relatives; or the 'cell,- , . -tractive pliftiFinir they stood tinder' , ,,deearated • arch, The 'wasbrideg'Weri away by her brothe" and, ,the: ,,ivedcling bY-Mits •Grela Hadit, The 'bride •Fiv„ hecemingly attired In • a gown of pair 'bine .broCaded .satin, and she cariletl beautiful ,13,auitief Of white otitis., tiont."' tliiring 'the tignliig of the 're- oister, 'Mrs. S. R. .lehilston." ,,sarig` !*BeCause,' After the, Cereinony dairitv. t"' supper ' Wei served ;The " happy couple ]eft 1-1e£oflowing , Mottling/for .4 trip to Toronto and oft he r pointSOn. Weir • return they will inake'. their Wine on the Seitth Line. tigkrit. OP 'PelloVviii* 41: few at/s„ itheit .ntititinetilay Mrs, Williani Lockhart died itt he,r hOrne. near .PhieWeed. Ont.; "en, .Neiteinbet 1,i)th* libitt \vitt, tetotd. hor hiattleo S11114. • pAyioti$, cATIT:t SETTLEk Art .action :recoVdrAani.ages „ , rising Q.4 ,of the theft of cattle' , from .' Malcelm ' Bros. ,of '" Kiniough . more than 'a Srpai. age was settled' "eat' of court' du:ing the recent sitting of the Assrze Court at Waik 'erten.. ; , •t • It Will be, remeabered, that ,head o cattle ,ivere:ttolen from Mal; Folm. Bros. 014 the .cattle shipped' to Buffalo' by Thomas 'Her.' ris'' knawn drover of RIPleY. who . claims to have purchasedtheu' in good faith; that Mr, Maieolm.'fol4 lowed the cattle to Duitalb:, but,. in, 'stead of bringing, them .badk,. was o'„,, liged to sell :them there at a loss as they were not suitable fax the Buk- Ma Market,. The plaintiff claiined tha Harrs, new ..or ,.63.14,^h to . have knov,:o .that the. rattle we e stole n or Wron,,gfUlly obtained.:, As the, real tblef has not been covered. 11!,/alcolm Bras, entered ac tion against Mr, Harris to recdyc, the difference betweeii the. va;ue 0 .the -cattle here, and • the amount.the „ . Avere -obliged ;to accept fax „theril Buffalo, ;and to • cover incidental peti,ses. T.h.3, :asked for one thousait.' dollars , ' The case .was settled ' before corn- ing up in court, Harris, agreeing tn pay three' hundred dollars .as dap't ages.. and: one • hundred • dollars for osts , Harris -paying' o*ri 1, Costs at well,. • • . • THEY' WERE t NOT SE SU . . . The many. friends" _Hugh and MrS; Ma.cMiliah• a Will be ad o wow o s,e aiiiva. and pleasant 'jeurney to Fermosa . ' MacMillan . writes' "1 ' 'Caaanot _quite explain V, -hat 'there...is in• South KinlosS to deV‘elop. sail:oft"; Of course • there ' is •• the ,annual "-influenco •-oi sPriro• freshets • that turbulent Nine Mile river:„to be considered, hut one would, not texpect that. 'flow' to 'Otte -rid ,farther't •.than• •„te those • like., George Mackenzie,. whose' . itznise stands hard the 'river side, • The fact renrains however that thetwo. journeying .4adros& the :Pacific, have. not felt a touch of though- • We have :already • Over two days, 'of'a thirty to forty . . • foot sea running.; 'Even Members. of the ciew have been siek, to :siv noth- ing of the passengers; almoiit ° the Whole list must receive. the ing •check. ,5-,ipposite, :their ,nanies• in: •the steWard's book -WI -0 esq.sians-anust inherit their. adaptability to the froni Skyeand:the hanks • of Foray." DIED IN. 101st" ' • , I,ucknow lost one of its centenar- 'aoS. on Friday of last week by the -death- of- Mrs: • Aiex,-.1Viacheod• Whe passed away on that date in her:101- st- year, She had'. passed the 'century mark last.Febniary.• , , . . Mrs,. MacLeod was, a pioneer , re • sident of the Fourth Con, Kinloss ' but since she 'became' blind and help-, less through old age, he has lived in • Luckn•ow , being , 'eared for , by Mrs., Anent. MacDougall -• Mrs, MacLeod' partner in, life. vre-decensed her by ,shroe..ten, 'the'nt-Other of a large faniil7 widely ,scattered. 1lohn of New Oht- arip and Nerfnaii ,of Western Cac,f00. Were here to attend the funeral, as was also Mr. "fern:Ian NichalSeil • a ••son-in-laW, and his daughter; of De-, Atiticletick 'who • lives in 'Alberta was; home a year ago,• , The', late' Mrs. MacLeod Was a n-- tive Of the Tale of Sky. hr maiden name , being' alSo MaeLeed, She was: of a deeply religious .1'nature, a diA- 'position cultivated in her you pi when. it„Js aid she ,freqUentity..,,,Wilkx- ed fifteerx miles. to Sunday' ciiiirch A'ervicO, While ,t e As able to he abent, She was it . faithful 'attendant . • • at -South 1CiMos Church.-; THE WEST HASTINGS vLtatfox ' in the by elertion held iri the Deni- ,ititOn riding of West Hasting,, where", there, was it 'straight fight between. .Libetar and it •Congrvative, Oil' Tuesday • of ' -this ,voek; the liberal' won by it iilajOritY ef about 50. In the general, e15ction in .121, the, (,on- 5eitati've candidate won by „1,1/,1, '§a that the , tutit over has been sensa- tional, ' Mr. b. Gus. Porter the man Wet - ed in I921. had during the istst. get-, <don..o parliarnent, laid dittoes Murdock, Minliter of 'Lobar in the king behinet, 'and.-ea- harliament had ' exhOrierated Mnrdoekt My, Perter Aligned his *eat, and appealed to his, ecinStitti., Otly home 120114 At tits' fOr ittstifkatiOn. of his iatiite • Family. T.11Patre FI?I'DAY and; NOV1A1BBit 2d,h. a.i.d '2! th. Ot,oitIA SWAN6N, IN tt‘Th umtning Bird" , A stOrY 'Of ,the' Apache -Lite in the Mpittinartee sectien Yale.k.. see: the • taxicab defence" of Reri,, ,view, 'Of lhe ba'tj...e trat4.1. ,es, entrance or the Yzm rx.• to Oa 917, Ar,oliSt;:r,e ' Day' Para, „the huterior i.raf .L 4tWe Rrison the first time .shown sereeit:either in; Europe or • •Aaerica.: , •••, ; . Show • 'starts Friday . at. 8, (,'Clock ' gaturd'aV 9,30 ' Admiss and Vier. • MONDAY and. TUESDAV ' .Vitagrapit,,PrOduCtion "Pioneer Trails" 1.1etter .than '"The ' Covered Wagon" A ."Larry ,Seriton" Comedy and , the first episode of the big Serzal HAUNTED; VAI EY" With Ruth Rowland: , • 13.1s•'IP PICIURE 'Show starts a: 8 o'clottk A chnigsion and Ib,. -1 CHE By:Eye ,Strain :you suffer . from: t- head - "aches ,yoif .ought. te dtfeStiOrt ,the condition of your eYes. Often with ri:SiOrtappar normal, the .eYes greatly need, the help ,of glaSSes, nI an examination caii make yen Sure. - HAVE. YOUR ,EYES. EAM ;NED, WITHOUT- DELAY RoseTarts- DuntheCakes ..Minee :Pies f•Poftspostfiei .Rai.siniwead - Whole 3jx • Homel.vlariejitead, Our -Specialty Qiir Sjieia1;•"1101ne Made') ..hlincemeatis:Now IRealiY, I • Atame from the*A.e.fi t ingredients ,8 of. ;it'Irrallta, Raisins ?Fruit itand2,1 .i.Rires, very careffillYl• blended ito-'1, gether. attar/rig, a delicious :and, .01-ii!,esata Mincenleat- .Bri r nit r Butter andEggs ' hices :Ave at •Phone. 36,- •:2° a•.1."' 1.10-VathfiLQ't • Why Neilonts "lionteMade" Chocolates are-sokGood • The very ,hest of chocoate: coat'ogs are used in Neil-, ,san't- "Home Made" Checo- lates. The dentret eamhine se: n'oFi.. .delicious fruit4la- • yti, .4. it, ins, risp nutsand fresh, fruit, with. tempting, , carainels,. ,taffies, nougats," crisp's, l'arittles and 'fudges. The box is plain; the value is an in,the Contents: The, best 'all-round tbox . can- dies you can buy , at anY- where ntar the price. 't Two Kinds: AssOiteiha liardkCentre • One:Price: ,60.c.. , :OPTOMETRIST • -SEE' ARINISTP.ONG AND SEE. • BETTER" • disapproved .of this neediesa• and ex- pensive' proceeding,- and as • a 'reoult me, perter-:-WaS Vetted to, st.aY at home. His successful oppenant 'Ivas Mr.''Charles Hanna • knaforitv •of 11 94 for the,: Ontario Temperance' Act:. 'which was qupposetl ti) .the largest' county ma:, .rity' in the province, iF - exceeded that of arey qounty, which was 1.j,669',„ •EMiii L4 The Rexall Druggist uc)4.noiv Ont.; , .NOTICE RE BAND • 'INSTRUMENTS , • • Lies having instruments bekng.- ifl to the 1,,ticknow' Brass Band must , rieliver the „fame at the Council 1Chanther, Town Hall not later than ' Friday e\,,eraing, 'November , 28th. J..Moore, Chief Fire Co; -' N-4 e Yo A CornplainingTair Of Feet Will Ruin. The Best .Learned Lesson, In 4 • Effiiency.v.„, ittibb-ifndtwearis.T.4.Answ:er A31.e have the: popular-,sfyles and sizes and guaranted fit and ''‘i,'ear. , Ladies' Goloshes With all tte lateSt: fasteners. 4,1 1 Men'S, and, 13o s' Leather Tops at popular rices, , ••••' ol ./We will give Free, with every purchase of 11 Boys' Shoes .f.1 n d' Heavy Rubbers, a Regulation Hockey Fmk, If Your Feet Are On Ystitir kind Why. Not Get Relief A Lt a hwell K. thOtittiOsio vrationi44 Oticittatt alagtOtg • keille410;tracqr".*,-*Ar0.010rAirrn*IPW.:144,*V46404,4.4.** urner BIG SHOE STOR ' •