The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 7• , . , lk INtiVOC: ROMA ',..,144Y Currie Ve1isit90Wn, to Etigftab 'Pstte7sinziderlii3r pen :name ot 'WOO ra„ A9.,-4934 'MM. Maud Howe Elliott, One; Ot )....r, Ataericen.friendei, an 'amuse . ling incident et her It in, Cdmitantin- • : ogle se,hen her husband. Lord Currie,' was ambaziottler t� the Sublime Porto.. She wail e rapid and omnivorons read- er, and Lord Currie •often ,trueted her • • to read and report, on books with Wlaieli.eiberWISete*Wollid have had to - In.aite .--„Pirettaltisacieggintance, eslineh -.....lirisejoes. tire.ii isvae, the4','.„Secmil., ter.; a Oa a Alley 4ipionplt,.,4if tile talik was ell- Urely Congenial to.bia competent inoe Belal. reader: ;One day he handed Ian. it new tolography of, the Sultan, Abdul whether It was lifterestleg. 'Isbort time aftervferda he ''afilAd bar gamid, just Published In England. A ' ' • . ,....• . , DVER•r "Yea." elle anw' but-nd vOisietio-a-kkemEMp,PC8a°mIsjp., ilaBt'r ill'in'!3°Ine•.V,h0tors of disthic9OP Kalrial Origin-,Ennilsh. VariationLIster. ' were:announeed amid ehe did ii t fl ith • , -...,..........,-7-,..,.. .• . ,„..„.,.....,............,,.............,...,,,,,, ,...„._....,.; ,,,,:, •, 'fit,,,thoo, who4vtioe Hfoory UU K eop-oilititho,,,,..*-9.4;-0,.,,,o,,,ifft..,or ,..,04,r,,,,,, ,40,0i:.,,,o,04,.:0,:i,90 • • ..,_,,,,,,,,,,, "rheWORN PEOPLE °.m'Crl.alairniStPr:Irtiilg'. 044.V.al•043,1P°P6::114:-.4.111:14Claa•D IZ' BifilradAN. .. , • • ,,,,. • . .. .. ,., .. lady whose time seerns: In have -been :F ild Renewed preki h by lin O 0 eity . ',the -14g gc.4.1*Y.‘401.4e. a,. feiv-.01.4,`-'9.4,,..;:o • 4-040,ti '.:0 AV' tAhen UP.' it! fitted -1W .to; the .wantas '• '-i'•:- -• '-'-'77 -r'r7 - ' -• 7,.., .--.7"..L.L __, -.I ' - - ''-'f ;'OCtethr •''f .efee'nt:t414ye;Ze!aill3e4.4- #:Ip' 44.: ter4esrlog. iAltheugh. this, animal meet Wi!St!efi., and ant;PS ar. 4pr.',.p.cipoPy. r.a.,. . •wirring Them Pt9.9...14., ' • 1 rigb.t tn. Pr, Perayth.e...d.fre7 been ',I19p., '1147.,M40Pi,4. •S0041:4P4k4ti.:34.01*-TiliroLlattHO,i,,a1 , • 0 •-bated: never, ,nppoors. to hotye, lost .her Ycu,ir 41.6°d 41. thin 'aPct wt'eriit "II!** ''':•'40..faand: the.:oiruer of the, voice M- ' • have' been very trying, Afother Hub, If you feel rifts down, it",means . ' til°449:4LnZr:enlisal4 11*lie41.*„ •. ,,,, , ut,pTEg.ONLY... L.,...-- .44:' • ay in..'airthiht c...airis-. • '..ilpiplo allii'0,1*, ip00 ft. "-, . ,, ,-, . r,:::, . :. . ..• '.. .. . . ,..,,,:.. , :.• netnelet :- The, dame said Your .seryttet," the dog 'ftnjey, yourself, .", ,. • nursery rhyme 'ends with a charming The;;denie Made .ssierter, the deg-rnade , .e],eels. an.4. are ..leitleae--01.4'..41sOrlio41:26:0''0'.i.;.:':•!'e'a%Z.:-.1:14iii::, h began's . , , • tentPor Or & AnnMent. Nr the lengthy Your vitalitY is,- 19w- YPItr t• -e,t•':47e- cilnIng in her, big eheir by the, wiedow (1.11.IR , .8 0 0 X 1,...g ';.. , 0.141)lEir , , .. •• a bow ' '• -, , . • tt:t your work, You have noepergy to „ . . ,.. _ .. „_,, .,,., .... ; inereleg.-• Yeti find,up,lapal.1.4.1ela yoni • ', ' • -- - • 's. ' • • '. •-..-.!-..s...(entl4nuoiare.:tiredswhen:,yen4riseln. the. f' . • T , ,- • - ,,,,r..- ..--turneti-to,sarile'at,lrh:' '-‘1: -al-3 ---:'‘;-.: Tolope•--free 'P.• C 'A ' '''7.41281 1 ea,sfly chilled•e • Y•99 40 not 4•1613 's''f'°U '., th an open ter Sb,, ner band. She. ''''' - FRIEND," mailed 214i..-:,14tiftzen, -..s.: --., Meant te: 'Call 'sop' ne4ritet'.:onrspecial . Ali HO/ITT-IA:ND OR litOOKIMPINO• . zneetingteand I.7:43allitli:ftt: 4,, f: ..kres ;;:,:ta,....,:e44.0q.uhr0,7:.,,:tdhild'e:.' •''':---,-•,-.' taught in twenty' home , :lesions.: ' . /;0. MI TE4: '.7871''' It/));.''''.117:::r77.'7:' • .... , Which 'ie. 'usually' what. a . deg; deaf!, auxietiee,ot work :Tho,usande, of Wos t',111 • ' - - - 37 - - NrC% ...! seeee• .,..4... ne..1.-...- •fe• ,.• . lon• ..- eaid "Bew,w-ow.''' • - .. :Thousetide, of men are rundown by Proficiency guaranteed. D !NI o m -a, erty l . .. , • ' '' ' , . ' •• . lintoeinti 'Ett:07. brioitkhent 'f-rdeode•ini:riabtL tahfied!ir ahoOtiluisnet"- : ,tahn' ;lg. h(17.g.ilr',19t11947.87. 4p.e4r410er: .•4W0.4:4y9u7t"-;10' hy.43404'i, i,_'11- '.."-Viery 1-4-..,'"."!!!:Tok"4"re '''' !''', ''.7g!'"•• -a- ' ''' . Anotherlarriene. "mother" is mother a unnr porch 4., \, ,. . ., ,. -,,, . f,;, thou,sands . of girls are pale• . Well,do :;.‹..,h -• ' Dr. p 3,,:th.._.", .11 ' As 4.13,Ocel •Asti' NOwf,',Oiwcrior,.. Hai' No' :7Hand•TWife. dined with ,tho, .tesan,,.•,,. Coe, Here It e grenp. of family naines, the ' -, ;the. sentence Th g • --n • s 'buebapd SeurceAn Occiziation. • : - SOUrce-An 'occupation • .. etacIal.OrIglri-,eEngifeh, The -11.4Milrnatne et Der ie -.$1,41te• ,t.i;,;.mr.es, ".440r1;111)di:4',18,';40t.o'rq7iiilytt.i.raira,x,1410:vaPti...97 'opprot:.-bnroeattshu;.b:.nlcif,:•.:t.';) Ih• is, • luire,baa been imbliebed, ef• •witteb elle- mia-, :pool, ap-potita, taipitail47.•-e„r.t,, , 'an. enorplotie • amount ' of .ehlitl-literti, ,Wfts a re.412perien, end. under hei:' nestle 'nseent the . Sal•rl'e• - thing-stliie ' 'else 0•41. beginning to think It A good 'thing- r• ,' ''''!/"-- -4)'" ' $3.°9c-ic' ' °P4‘1 .14411". '1•1404.4.!74'• Ole wIcs:tleersys bainodo:ivtiltaiouuttzet.rturaliC.:dts.:4n12,.•.i.:tn'aael.,1.,.gtot..b4:1- qj.:14,aglau.4.4,:illetai.onliti•t•fie,n:4,19".:02;41.404.1101ew,nih4049srat.w;(7.1imici:uhe,:h4.4tii.1 . ab,out ut 1 die' dread the thought Of , de:1174".17 ..4 bk: ' . . .--" 80111a ' POOVa., 441143 a .._ESub'thi, ..witY_ el, • •baPPY insptratime, . . ,: .' ',' ": , ' '• •." the: time the Norman oyeztiords of ghg. bees:913e in this. Oise both the word 40, ..4'''. 4'0 1:° 418*6 ri!TE-12."-'- d pe€45014', 4,100.g0:, -.Lord, C rid '' h d ' Dilation nt English 'Words in se ' bo t word' denoting an oeenbation - That is . 01, them to Oils, ilttle fello*. and her 49117: 07 bad af itttle eM3- •:Tb9 irAltiidOloth'" is: ne difficulty' ie :doing this Dr Wit en,: :tens eferee pink pills build up and, enrich !'d'et• new. ly:',sliOule se. isis .. tee. fieesera , ass!: ,sete.ialS3-tiTn4Pectbl:elonhon.d.::::b:tieletn4,.:::mreee:rittkinIti:el-di alayny'd.aoleTttise,17; oan See a great 'deal Earth an' d' liVe- ‘rfArtl-t-4t - Yereetfori was 'Mere foreeeilsieae. se. origin of iVhicli. el.:Mid not .be reisOg, raPPgniaal* bY: 00' F•41:4°11 •41410411 Meet, 4 fentena Aniericall,Printers'and ',bleed arid svith It- new yitelity' There- . tertaining and Indeett gagger to..astle nised without retorePOe• tO..aome.o0M- 'SP"ICer' 44' kfi'vi:48. developed r -r1'44 .4 lthetvtesth':0Biuoti, j'as!" Sehei.4ad.. tdoedneb xrigfih;itdlyth, "ifitTtrvii :11,*..4,.'4,114:' ;°01.4;.**41,-e,,!d- will QIQ, 3*.1/...491*-'...' . • • hist„felloyr :workinan hett,inede,a very ; .4111.A ittat APPeered abciut:•yeeeselfep, . . Common ,tettisee, and tile Anglo-S,axesu bay° e.banged Sirellarly ttoili the, .tirig. . !;fifre,!! heisald: "a/1..1 I . ti. . ' Carrie„raada a frantic boort to sPee6b4 4rtqr't...w.0'.elitilrips.. or more of .., n eres ng• book • •-• , , . :...9 IISQ ,,, ee . thejr • • .. . . , • • .• • „ . •.: land eeaSed • t French '' - th i noting the oactiptition and the name (looee'e Narsery;:: .1.3hyttles." : . , , , ' :Or gir•I who. takes Dr. Willianis"Pink ,,,pronted. ,then? . ,.,34other, -1.1.1;:ltblito131;1 vwfhtalcjihtybeirzhe. xniat:. wt oma'n ' , .gs w. , t new . , - . • • sr before •' ' . ' ' ' • . . . in a much larger,. World than I could: 'without succesi,•„.! .. '" • Air, ., said the Sultan; • ::"I 'should' - '''Itader the infinence • of Norinali.',pro- ,alincia;tion, ;formed. the foundation of •1441! :f°17° a" have 'isrngte;erf7tee$Inesnifs,atty0 1VIPter., Carey 'IP '33g.liSh .WaY of = pine ie never run (loses,. their:ft:Jose, 1,. , "ND ;. •1•04't 'step Me, doctor she Es'ae•4711'. a .9348,:41de..73.794:111,;;e1V•te7C'nualed ibt,Ifj • u st to the average person 'to -day. '.. '. original word: would be anrecognizaele • • for l'Agq- '''Pb1P104,S.":1•vbfeb.:a4re. the seat' Jine appetite 'they hive, and how 'much.: •tc) 8•17"eab- • , 1 yolat, cjiaiiwsiiht..,11:11:. about - ', EVen- O. OT-9;41.."-IC'butto- 11." Fven't ees •cetripl4h; nnything Unleee lt lapuelied.- .4 tg(4 . wider, ole: tok4,,•bttt. 'dePreaSient and:. chahlke, emerged' and, cases, drifted, apart .% saying Mater Cara • and she la famous: 'so est how energetic they are, 'what a ' , ed hurr!,edv_IyI_. ams..481.3ste, lilk44 to see - ".,1(94 011allohaV.e.my''eopc.y,".th'Ereolltp.T ''''.:Ketnice,',. was a: medietal. English ' ' • ' • ' - :' screein • around 'ships during a storm'. ..that: book!,:. ;..,'; .., - ,•- ' 'our'iiiodero•Eailt4i, .., : ' .: f'- • : in the .Middle ,AgeS. it svas -spelled , . • • • Deghere". or :1'11)ighstere " • Bet if YOU• ' birds known to: •sailore. as atorMy 13 et.- they enjoy life, ••• • ",.., .- - - rale, , beceuee. they always,' seern.' te y.otf cen get. these:LOU:1 through any :: raest haste thought , Me 4,0' he,. right 'af-i. ' : At their departir ' f • ' : '' • anabaSeacier, hastened -tce assure", Iiim. word for ',‘.1.ifolciter,i!. '"Welter le ' jcemp"'• ,S •s. • !•• • • ' ' ' • • " • •• :Mettler 'Careyei • geese are 'the.. great ,,cents a box from. The 'Dr, Williams'. .. re rote, -the Palace. the was simply. 'Wafter 'the soldier "• and g4 • . . • • • , te a barely: audible butturel, an -• - . . - . ' . • - blacir petrels, or, fulmars' seen • in'. : thed Medicine 'cos- Breckyille.Ott.t..; ,.!..s., ,, . , dealer le. medi.Cfne, or by Mail .at 60: '.1itleiti.,.:IT:sci• ,.0,, rc,14..ciivv;ix.a.ycl,nse.:n143eth=ew. 111...,n..;g8d613:6.710,:ti:t:a.rliiis3,,,a:n,i3.d.a.,e,,nedLeto.:111.. : will' soften that pronuntlation of the .: •• ',Sultan's words ..M, !•reaponae' ,to' their "Herne Kem-psen" was "Hama' the. sot, . . it, was proneunced the ' 'II it d 'It ..7 2 racIfic, an& the sitying has arisen that ' • ' - ' - ' ''• Pure ..p.rg"a' ;I.' ic„-proglith' 4't,li', .:07,y'l il,' toi., . were a reminder:. •",l' :will .dier"e'aorr."•'The forte Camn 'LS- in •Most very; eesY',te.Slip it a bit Yfurthernte .n.• . '' • ' •' - • - •• • ' - ' ' ' ." whee., snew, :fells , /4.,fother Carey ! le' • . '•Fini:‘..", .:.• • ,,,roa. ily, -plea:. soreo_it9 Icee.p,.34e ocoupieci.,•:: most druggiets at Bit Ph i• Sethi 'f9r! the .book, le . the niernine,'."' instbeces.; 'ilueliniplY ' to '..a..,. ..naturat, '‘.7" 8°4P4'. .114/411 that is Precisely 4.11Q", plucking her geese. ; ,. ,.: ..•• • - . ' -manner in w ,c -common speech, over . • - . . - ' . , • ', - .. ' ' • . ' .. . . . .. ..Everything / lo,ilrett., ii • .. • .. , what nerve-exhausted,tired-ouf i i - :when,1,;ady eurrie. 4*(1,1),er. niiiiiand.--elxanke' la :prorrunchtion occurring iti . •••alen. With heria-the carriage She said 'gulerly. in n'tany En‘gliah 'words' itt cer- - ' ' .. " Ls: the •periodoeseveral centurfea' Which: • ?- muet • have. to regein neeee" foree. and ' ! sto Id • , , eeit tnittli'aed.despatr;• - teie parts of •that country eed reflect. . have .eiepsed"etrice tire, formation ot HP:th!''' I mother: shipten- la' &nether . famous Give tne a day:with its' Snit int-he:west elboW-friendte %money' 'health " h Al • ' • ' ' '. ' ''' . '''', ' ---7: i -.-"" '2 . energy., That's ,Why its •gearatzteed. - , • faniily 'nanies. began, hes, :stened 'it ; ;lit,' and as ,eVerybiady 'kneWS ' Gilre n3e. the•year. as it neareth its res, ful17--toe fttpi I.-.th114 ...;- es'e 7174_, prioe $i per. pkge. Arroty I.:Chen:1feet,, . She lived. te. the ':reige: of I s And..see What It 4as,. tO Say; • ‘• . , . 7 'voice .faltered al iittle,-,744, ”nly Iff • '. The 4174:* ' yeti receintnend to the, .ecl•in. the changed epelting. „....- , - ' , ' ', • •• ' Otts 25, Front ,St.,Dast, Toronto; Ont,.. • . Sultan, epees with. this eenteece: !A • we • - have - inatane'e5 ., of.,, similar 1 eningef the short ,"i" or in•definite: into '"DYer;"- together. with the broaa- , • : • : . is taraous for -hersiretffieoies. ' "tia 1;,1 ,In th,egloW -of an autumn day.: •' • - '.'Iltit !pew- that.. the doctor saya . I :. %agile -WaY Iseiereitild the ageot avle.- Give me•a.life, Where , the path hr, lin, may. neverwalk•oggin Tin, heginning.„ Tinnild' 1, tioVer saw 1,', "'. - .,' '... • . more': loathsoine.tond' than: the .Saltari ";••.- •,,hariges in the ward "Derby.", .on: this : ', inko the Modern•English long ',1..'''' '.‘e7.1tien steam. And petrel; sts..well as the •.• •'' • to live in it snuehs.leteger w.•orld..Seterei Use contineat ire Pronotince' if.' as, spelled.1 , ',Lit" :wee:another eid English Worstr - :. '4 ' . •' . ::._•..•.•.. •-•:._e.LI• '' .. next day le • wee ,:trifornied-With. Many' % ..' : ' . 1-Which7meant ''ilye,""..; In- a "Medieval; For the end Is :•the :test, stad 7the. tale :in. !sitiisilaSiesall • floseers ,: and "trees.• 1 ' ' . • WI4 r,:i'- 0#37,814 41.4'13' SrVb•.nf ,C414id ' in „England .they.call it, l':130arbY,": -: ileatl or. 4idintir Nviisey.. ,, , ,, , To:the „iihore.O. God's ••• lintitletS ;sea ; . it -was :like looking cut of thiteseindeve ,' : , messages ot . apology ; that the hoOlc, ' ' '' 's • ' , es -O.: sen:,at .net. the.' reverse ohange.,1,1nanunat4.41wAszyt.„14h2„,-,,I.inllexigg ' passage: .'''We -lite ne Clathis. that are ' D .13,t, i il W.1.1.1,11F sarricieprat..44404Widt400%Cw404m.:440.4.4tm, II I Be it ,serftton 'in graynesi.or' siVer . or couldn t•see very-. ro.r. : Now Lek seeine: • ; ••''• .' gold ; . • XitItITATED linS,., . -.E , 12, .•.,. alWays yeinly, several : tizzies • aft'er- r • • ' : ' ''' - ' ' ''' ' • .' ' ' ' ' '; sceeld' net' be, itesma, , 4,6 „,,,,,,,ils,,,s.orei Tor. i• ii9,4e7Orieneleeldeltete- talken,place in the., • -• • '1 course'. of ! 'centuries Th4"•the name littecie Of dkVerS:e -.ColOures','.....('We ' Use I.'. , , • ., , • . Ii •the tale Of EtereitY. lite., •1;,. are fled ing et:.• lot Of folks. to s •!.."rrld'14104Wris*seliSS!i02;0.5:-"' 1•6a-,ity'Verit,tr4144Y s • w * - -- - - - ' -r,-• --T.-, ; LiticotiKENtaD :i,.. tow er ORVGGIsrs;74. oPticIANg . • SUN,WIND.DUST 6:CINDEILS, . ' wards • and 'the ii est' tittle the '•'sria basss • •• i Of :that • faietias street in Lendore', pall , nci ..ellathes,":that% Are: dyed, ie, diverse! .',ISies... Alfred,' T'rariChemeatagisti, .9..t:' - , . • • • . , ... ......_„;•„...•______L._„. • ''' • s more than, I ever. a .hefOre in Tee ' H dor' hate an audie • '' '' • • '"•' ' 's' • '.. • . '''. ' • ---`'- M ii ' f Pronounced "pell :Mel' " • : ''' dolOrS Y 'Tile litster".er the "lister":,-, . c a • es , a st -es,, ues . wr es, . , . . ., . . nee the.Saltlan.otear-: „ • ' "tIi h i d ' - S' i t' ' ' 4`. - ' ' it'. . .. _...mariaa Alden. !'heln• and pray .11er that ,Oiaceon a' iiine I ' .''. ' ' were Ao ptr beYond'Sny beeizeni didn't i , win* $0Et MI* ass cites Agee. eve.. ,s,. s .„ . ,- -ly" euerricious et sOmething-- wione - 'e-•". •- ' 1 7'13 - is no 'tellin 'Yit vi•often sinee I wet' simplY a dyer :'Originallt: 'either '• i "Baby's 'Own' Tablets. are in•Leicelient.; .. , ,. . e:Preached liim''.witls. 'duplicity, ;-, .Leril• .,. ' ' ' '' '-'• - '' •: '' • •,''' r• ' i the:Word 'I'lternp" was in •cortimon use, , of •these ,:words .wereinsed,,, but,. in. thes Me , c ,ne:. , . ..• :,, , .7 . .• Y ... epee: Metle whet .eXatiset• bet•Could, ••• t'azniliestlieariiik,.it aaa surname•have' conree.- of. time the 'Proiniticiation"•ot ! and ' i', ' '• 'di 'i'' Tiiis • saveni 3flab life Can ,hie9hly d recti Min end :thes even knew •they exeSte,d, I've,Just re,- . • • ,. . , , • Ceived a*letter, tram !Onset •,thetiz: this,' .. • . 6, I •. ,..,, . :,: lint he uever precl-uced: the' heolt,'". nor .:; changed l'tha o-ronericietion 'hack and' the latter, AlaS: preVailed . iS . '6onlliag : all ..inothera.":. ., Mrs, Trancheitore : -the 'en v•elope 'On' the' table:beside hers-, 7 • , • . . • • . , . , ,.. did Abdut,, thottgh he' probably zguesSedi ,., rorth ' b•Vitilveen • "kemp"!' and . '.'eatiiii",1 mere' staoothly 'frOintthel:tengue: _,,,It 'iagne'Seireeriente IS' that..of:thotis'ands ' -*.`atid : it's brightened ' the ivIinle slay . fin' ni,91111e41'.'she siiilled • it:a 1.11'4E'4. t01.1C11041'. . AO wat :not •enthasiasti'Cally .adinireit Mr ' through. -stiedeedingsgerierntione: •• But,' haS been PreserVed as '• a ' UM Ily ,nitme, . of etheieniothers .who • have teated the • . ine.'! -No, • t: don't. mind "it. a bit :that . '; Great 'Britain-• ' ' I • •th • ' 1 i' d ' • , . • _ , , ,,, s eve,r earn :, ere ex s e • .. • le '' ':'•'-• `i • ' Ili h 7 ''''b' • ' .1 -but as.'an ordinasle•word it 'hat • a.ssed ' , , v.41rth-1.4st p1,3.by..i .0.min -'Table,te; ,'..-Tber ' \ the leaves ate; gene. , Every season bee t4P q , 41:14:4.- ,...11; ePe ng: aye, • „een i ., , . ,., , , ,., .. • . .. .,. s ;- •P ' . • 1,Tablets are • a sizie7!And'aafe, medielne • its. openperise.ttens. : .., s, : • ., - • , ,,, - I . ! anyWhere a Martel • ' ' • i " ' ' ' " to deeignate .1zies .e....tnad,.: '...". : : 's.,„ . • ., .• .., ..7-• ... - ..,,..,, . .,,, ., ,:..' - :' - ' ' • , • . . ... , . presem ng epoug • • . - -- - • i •,- ' h , more itere; es,„...they :4e-es's are.. . • ..-1 out of use,. . . . 1 for ,little ones •and - never 'fail to regtz. • .• , . 1 ' • • • ..- ,- • .. • - • • . •,-,- "It- ilea, ' •:•retureed -the 'Minister .. -,'-':-F-7--.4:•-----•----7-• '-'• ' . • „Make Ilii1F.aiYeGItOlitld Wt)171e:'' a -ii aanitsry.' •! The. 'Poor IS ..40..x. l'50 .•-lievineall _the MinorS, Ill& trent. '5'1110. - .. " '777 - • l' late 'the •boWelt anti: atoinach,', tikes : re- , :Theakily,:-..4.13Or.: thoSe: wii-45-look.7to God .....„.•st bird' i'riend ',..16': '.4London-Town"..L. - ' .; . BrOttcliasting the .1\lightingale„ : ' ,.,.,,..:,;:-.' LAll th' Y ' '''' '. " • 1 ' '. "iirou'''.i...$2;6o(i.^.:""7•.' ' ... . r4 t ' with' 41-entag''Jimitern -and "East...children stiffer:. they are sold bi niedi.r. i and honestlY try to 4Qhis...trili.. . • ,. . . . , : ' ,.. ' : . . eine .clealers Or.1.3);Mtill et i5 ets '. a box - ,.._.,unique.e.tory,insisirddeiHITlikr-Ettl,:itI .." fairligr end. and 'nothing.' °lee...seise .sends,'''us ''' Seine notes 'Of' the • t:''' -Th • • • • ,.• ,. :. , :, , • - . •..., •• . mos.. , , 9 aversge, co in ty . a r7greun . is , .. ., .._ _ , , p, . lewe,,se.froars The Dr. ,Williamess-Med eine-Ccr.,".'' ,s, ..,. the.tteritt :popular.. place. „In. towe; and', .13roekville, Ont:': • • , ' , '• ':-• ':, I . • ' ••-. ' - The '11,1etneri 'Quilt. ,'...,k t ,.c,.f-1 ' ' . di' .. . • :. Through the ' sunimer the ' iso • ' "• ' ' '' ' • I • "' • . , . • .• • . • . Ingale'lields" the rale ,of 'Werld,'S--.Prinia • deg the' .p.nblie oni'Y'iltfrinelfair ' Week. • ,stinitizef4eVeningsstlie fair -ground :w'aa ' ' .......• :. . .- ::,.': ..'•.'....: „..' •-: ••„ 1 In the.::felds of this 7' old quilt :, • • .. • . •!denna es: .songster. '.;."or.generatio.net the rest of %the .year ' it le wholly. idle the gathering When' Stroith'wMind Wcirked. : There"s a .warilith„ Of love that lingers ." The gres,64 has been..kept '•.' s'. - r., • ''' - '• "' ' ' • ' • •-• - . • ' , place of: tow and -seitz:e - , •• tliii :•yeediet has been' •untruietionablii and deserted and sometimes even Un- 4:4-9 '.4.04fa„. . . Like the tench Ot•tender.i Angers. oriticirao;,: ' .I.,orad,'.wIlat'-;tattsie' :hattl 'si l = ' . • .• ' ' .. ' I, ' 'mewed and .the' piece., i ' • ' , • ,g yen genera y • • -. ----• • • - ''''' e ' ',Smith wet, a. freshman ' older than • g ftly. Yet the •fairygronnd, is isften, ,. :Temporary, Reiiiairs,, , ,'Thentisrovidedstors • . • the'saintifitriteiVen•- •A''''pl'etty. naturar'pa'rls 'With ' :t. ..a);d - — - , _ .,...,..... .... . . kr . I:post .of his'class. He' was tall la k ' , . . . ,.: • • the same care as .a r1 .,.i , , ,• . , • ..- when • Thou p.ffOrdest. had :inert ',snail •ts.- generalle very aceese • . . •• , ible - to . bath - mnsie en :earth ? .. -., So. writes that great town' 'end, countrY. peeple. If natural • nature- student. fsealt ... Walton •' the .picnichig:!.anci play Piece?. are hard .to : . ' quaint -flaherman tit- the long, long ego.. - fInd,'. ' at es:item:is :the'. Cete ,. In prairie Ficture a•many*, nieltiplied ISIreket'St., -Conntryi W.fiY „not. then ,malie a reerea; . Mich our, tieS •Isenden Strand With its .' Lien-, centre lef the fairground? ' ... hurry and ritn*le. • Amidst Pile 'nelsi •7'jz• is ..Waa i the idea that came tOthe . . . . crow , , co.rne .: ' a.. .rare; . rippling, Fair Associatipn of 'a cotinty.,In.iowa.' •, .. • , - innate; 'strange shrill •Volefi.:.aotea:•in. The grounds are within' thecity. limits. . . full, comPass„. fr.onn-'.,:the clear: Challenge' •• Cif -West ' Union:. and Oxi • ,the sinain..tra-.. . - - et the.fizitial flute; 'hit, Whit,. Whlts'to ' •Veled, rotil-1 from country ' to ,t4-.4Wii.: „ . the • Whole, throai.ecl,., bate, • ' •vvith' - its, !There ' is'', a'.1nataral grove • of e 'peke- on. , .. .. thrice repeated: ".glircIt'L' 'of' the' seul -the .itrea end a hright creelt'ziseitnders, 1 ames and Their Origin_ • , ow,, at!, mind, likehis body. Mrs. Pepter-- Do you think this face g•--.-ua s a !OS see worked sidwry, and. the nen/ claY d°ea my cm9Plex. an9 good?”' nervous • pro- ,, M, mother sitting patiently, ' • Sowing by the window where waiting afternoon's dim li fessor in mathematics, after a lon# d Her Husband- oh yes a little sht WeU,-Sraith, 1.r you over say - ' While yOu have the mud o it covers ' The careful explanation; was Wont to " up the defeeta."*„ • / that explanation carefully 'and Medi- The safe way to , send me pvliv ninil tate en. it, I:think you:„will understand.. :. : , :is by •DOniiiiion Express'MoneY• Oider: Meditate, Silliith; Meditate:" • . . ...... So Smith became "Medite.te"Sinith ' • • ' : • ' ' ...'' • 'this quilt te.meiney qi.illt--; • , to his fellow s'tudents....' - • ' . Paris •nesstspapere, -which haVe' 'run EverY:cherished 'bit of eloth • • • , *v , i ' One evenings A. PartY of 'students . --,' - ' • _!.. • '; regular 5''S'ereet aecident"' columns' for • ' . ' ' ,. - , , 4Ftveeraryempahrtancheereeaheilileodwaeclfaiet ie.,. ' , iat..he.r.ed th the mem °voile:0;0! seeemie Ye,are, have.11,o7. .eitteisded this atioyraoicli-....... . ., _ numh,e.r, and. Sznith was. one r Si • . , way aceiderits which •are Of d• '1 '. . , , , .A time, a circumstance, a place. . 'song' in ite' slots. of e,,,,,,rea.sion ...end IhrOugh it. No other - body of water. , . . Veri Sey. • " The meeting was for fun And perhaps cnrrenee on. the variees, railroaa.'sys„ . • - , - . , . :: . , . ootheekene,se. The:Wonders of •scletters. is PeaT• • . ''. ., ''' . , . ' '`The • bride wee Very shy' --yes,•ah'e . n2.ibtch' lef'' "d 4w.11 a 'n''°°''. ting •*a.,s' air , . -transmitted --------- anon-slit .Sur -1. -Lhe 'Fair .ASsoCiation laid theSmat- was shy abent-tereyears when. It`came ' • - ' ' . • _ • .- fringement of rulee to giving her eget.'" . ,When the Aellity was at its ',height ..._______s , a ..teaening -came- • the t. the professor - _• ., ,• . , . .• , , . . . , . . . . , . was coniing to •Investig'ete. The room ,May• serve her failing sight, •. Arid the glee; of sunset sky . Guftle her thread though the needle'i ,• • , • - eye. ' terns throughout France. - Se she, lived again the years, But now their hopes their fears, feleaed•s Liniment tor Rheumatism. Their,' solig and •s,ori•ow• . smiles and tearse ,,' • The -Water . in , which rice 'has beezr .0321 'a mellow, sweets-- `8,m---sTag, , Withoutregret without a sting. • neY 'Weed Many mies away, the ter a 'making:a playground of the fair • • . •• . . . ,of the 'nightingales' Thousands park '',.heitire Alin-.,,,pUblier and fciiind. teners.in , London and, other large, siren:nil,. vvillingneair to do -operate-, and Ot1e! heard the tong, ',eatight up on a, Open-Decketheeke:Offeeed,te. carry out ' miCropho,ne, , and broadcasted to fas- :the "plen...PlaYground•-egUipnieet vv•as 'Ousted; ocaptured,hieareit., • Sure- bought and*serinir 7Picnickers were • TY this ;wet •sveridrotie thing's,. It is , to ''Irizekee-free. ,use of : the ./Seseable even or :more cenitudes! since. grounds: Thee „lati simmer .a pwite- the' song', of 'the %Wild:nightingale 'was Ming peel Was Added. It Was Accoak. beard London - atty. What 'bait? Plithed he the the .simplest of -.waye. :Many •yettre-sago-Ataniect--ziattiffIt 14'; The .ereek rtz' iss-, along one Ode' of 'the thoroughly-, etinvereatzt 'With bird • laze, fair grounds And • makes • bend deWn., . . . . ' His :Carelese Ways. ' •it an effective rentoVer . of iron , . "He 'didn't', seem to carer. Whether r'preliension.. ' ••• . ' L .. • .. ' -.'.. ,bolled . i , . . . , , . . , . . was cleared at once Smith its•. usual "When' you :,fietind you .hadn't your ..vt-as the. last, • and, hearing Steps Are - • - • , • - •rust. frem, rriaterialsSoak,the rust fare, di,d' the condsieter make you get Preaching, he crawled: tue3er the bed; - s 'ots e in the rice water for .fonr or 'five off aed ,walk,?" asked,•thesingizisitive •seeleg nesOtherswei-ofs-eicasies- 'Here man. . • : • :.' , : • be , sat doubled UP ilk4a laCklinite Only get. off," was the east. replse, awaiting the event veith. -no. little, ap-, , . . . . . . . , . . Walked orseat.doWn." ' ' . - ' , ' • • The professor eItered; looked. about • ' '' ' • ' • ' ' hini..-seWs:that_j-theLreimn Wae-emritys ......._ -..- • 00 : Starflai6O the .numbei Of. thonsaiiis :theis. 'turned ' tO....depart.' As. he eloeed g ngale, hut there WEIS, • a0110 ' the.creek and !earried Ihrotigh tiling to atta.cleed:- a German swimmer who was, tiiii:.(1(r1 'Et , thought .seetned -to 'strike - • • h 'CrecT the . . .• - - -.She had,tto• gift of tongue or pen hours, and then rinse un-clean-water.:tB-Tourt sta has made tms lolit to be charm the dead toslife again, Beauty culture is now being taken!, Her history. . ' ears, and heiFoof initints can be izn- in hand 'at an early age.. The noses, A goodly_book_t_Ea,thrliquare a pages, Wrftten in faith,..froni youth „to age.- - opnretvhede pbayr tli elfittthiectharo'ethaerndortrneuatrmsesne •. .• •. '4 --Charles Olaf Oslen. Visitors ,to Wembley, tip to Auguet ... --.-----4. Her Two Ages. 4th, averaged '101,700 a day. At' this Bob-L'dHoor old would you say Peg. - -• . the Exhibition before it closes at the ; Bill--4To her face or behind her• rate, abOut 18,000,000 peoPle will see gie is?' .. . . FuL , 0 . end of October. • bacili?"•• . oomPeteUt to interpret. I.the swimming pool. From the lower attempting te "cross the Frisian Sea.himThe nightingale sang in the thickeed end of the artificial Pond the water The creatures stunk him 80 severely ,,'",)d urinedee:Stinhefthh7.6..*bat are you doing e re -en e e room and look- , and England beard him over the: flowed out Into other tiling and back that he had to relinquish his attempt " W. D' relYIL , , into the creek.. This gave running after many fruitless efforts to beat off • • there? he. cried. . water, making -the -bathing place pure his assailants. Light, From- 1 rees.--- ,A.,Prench 'Scientist has disnovered.,a mean& of extracting and herneering tile electricity 'in, treas. :He. ocuuSeoted a ',copper. plat..e„attiquid to, a tree, and another Plate buried .in „the 'earthi,...With'L 4a,4441vartometeiYiodalf°111'.. te* inatruinont vthlotrineaatitta the strengtlrorweak quitrents of electrieity, and obtained a . .ifileord of the ourient; passing throuPgh , 'With three trees' connected :in the 'same way the power Was increased, . 'the ,experiment„ with e like result, be, Ing continued until -twenty trees were • linked up hi this fashion, • The scientiat thericed two cop., per plates in the earih.gbout. six foot 'apart,and'. with: the ciu•rent' thus oh. oleotrie•lithv). Whechor the. Idea can be .extended t°-"be-.6"imm'claill-,wnrtIrMi--Irlic' has.. 'yet to be determlapd. • Treating 'Ern Rough: ,SrUitli-7"Well, I .ga v.41 It, to low- Straight, I lean toll you, Ito is , twice as big a 1 am, too, but 1 told huhexactly, what.I•thoughtscit hlt rat, • otlly cenduet, and 1 called -him at tlio astme4 in the 41141tionary and A lot 'of Others afi W011," Jones: "And didn't' he try to hit " to tried to „answe • me beCle 1 jest irgui the telephone r,ecover, and walktd away," ilence is golden, except when y�ti aro waiting for the prospect to • saki t e ahead," ' c• -the preParatton which,haVvrotitlie-ciiiiffdenco: "01; _ciiiiit7:61tuntry 'under the Bald*" fiag7the" remedy) hrOufrght hialth, and hirpohiess. tiHhtons of 'Metiand w�min in 'every:fiat-v.! the- Ein-pire-=`,, the is7resorted eierywheieJ,4'.._ • fOrailtn-ents,such `a"fc Indigestion ): (.1Colistip„.--itiOn"P.,often :;c`cinsidei-ed insignificant, yet decidedly,. inconvenient-7ai 1 inents1 kwhich have their' origin i9 a dyspeptic condition:oi (thelitomach_And: 4.torpid -1 ,11 iluirn''-1 III 111111111i' .1111111 •• Sm1thtuIjedh19ladi with dfflcijIt "MeditatingSsprefetssor."-,•`""'s'••"''''' ' '• The prOteeter.trithdrow,.. All ' • Wanted• . Throehrh, the doorway • if the nall- , . Ile e r!es elzerisWalked..a_emar,tly,dressed Man • who', eppreaChed, . the" teenager, 'd!.1 sEa'1-114(,1•-;';' U•-:have aign -. yer • l 'We Will • gladly, remove any hi, ; from the window. . correct, sir,? 'said the.:Man- 'ager, with a hearning,•expectant ."VerY well," ' „went en .the' *falter, '''WoUld„,yetz :Object ;to bringing rnit that litegehat In the Middle .0 the Window?, in•ean the One With the purple ribbon and pink feathers." • "Not at AlIrsfts. not at all," the, man- agere tittered:- •arid.:•/- steneci to PeMPly. • " --7.''Thirirlyou se muck, ! exclaimed the visiter, 'When tbo Manager; Once more eppreaclesd, bat in hand. "I don't think could „lieVe borne walicieg.'pa'st-YOUr Steep lor.st Arty more with that thing staring -at Wasn't Anibltioui. „.. Irene was. being • ghown off by her. • • Mother. „• •, • "..."We 'ate very. •Proud' Of oar -little .girl," said her Mother to the visitor, "We, are going to send' her' to school In -the -autumn, Where -she will learn, oh, such a lot. and be a 'bright and telligent child." • . "Rut I don't Want tO be bright and intelligent'? eaid Irene. "I want :to be just lilt° mummy!". hilnard'a Ltnlmont Relieves 'Palm , - Apply Kinard's' to the achizig •spot and get quick relief. " • The remedy yonr grandmother used. •• Bathe with Cutlet:re Soapand hot Seater 16" 'Cleanse your skin and free It frorrelniparities.: If risegh or Plin- ply, anoint with Cuticurasaintrnerit. Cuticera. Talcans' is ideal for per- fuming as W�ll ati Sample Zaoli Frio by Mo.11,11-Address Catindian ,* .Curicara, P. O. Zion MO, Montreal." c Bonn 25o. Ointment SD and 50cf, Talcum Me. • Try our new Shaving Stick. -"M ihsiton ,BAYEk/TABLETS OF ,ASPIR1N • I you •'Seellie,'"Bayef Cross' on tablets.:.Voll are ' , ' ribt. etting the--: gel, uine , Bayer, prociu01. ,prp\fd Safe , . by. tnilltobs,, ancl,,,presCribed-, by- pli3ticta-O''' 24 , ytt;it7'fbt. „ , . ,.. • .. , , „ • . .Heatialc-he , ..-, Neuralgia . , (urrhhagO ' Toothache . • , Neuritis, • Rheu inatisin , , Colds ,Palu , Accept- only, "z8ayer" )_latleage -which contains proven"dirictions', , Irately 'fflayer'," bees of 12 ' taillets • / • Also Lottlei-of /24 and' lefts -Druggists. Aspirin Is thr tilts& rsars (realsierod In Canada) f Tinyor) htannfa, tnro Ntonnilcotto. sciesstsr smicrieses (Aeetr Sl1trIt�AtIti,' "A. A."), tV,L14, It to -,v44,11,1:114*,4, thst Asphin means SAyer niantittlettire, agains ImItat.14444s,, ' ,or, Doer c,oaugay will t.,0 stAnapitii, whir., their r.r(ctal ;,1441 .".134tyar Cr,oa,„44 44.4 AND PAINS Toronto Mother FounaRelief, bY Taking Lydia EPinkharn'i • :Vegetable Conipound • Toronto, 'Ontario.-" I have found Lydia E. Pinkiiiirifir Vegetable Com- pciund a splendid medicine.to take.befere .und: after Confinereent,' A small • . Pinkharn'S medici aI Was put in fey door °he' dalCndasrtieing ,LYdia • • did ‘net.feel at all well at the time4 Went, • and got a bottle' of vege,tabie•ce , pound' right away. seen began to notice A difference in my general health. „I was , fllofacITen.esid pains; atr the trine :aridTe, ; , though t I bed every Compliant rsoityg,„.,....:„.„. • --4-4-btftLI-tan-trfittif011y say your medicine Certainly did me good. can and will Speak Kighly of it; and I know' it will do othr• worhen' good who are aley and ailing if they will bnly give it a fair la Il. ham's Liver Pills • .are splendid tor constino don. You are' • welcome to use my letter if you think it Will ,help any One." -Mrs. tl'AittiY• WrEsTWoot4;543.Queibec Street;Tartiftre; • Ontario.-• •• • se' •. • • ' The expectant mother 'is wiSe if she c'onsiders carefully this statement of Mrs. We.stwood. Itis but ono of a great tell,ingthe.sama.storybenc.4 Veg`etshie' Corn- poundis especially adapted for use •dur- lug this period. The' erporieace of othet • wothon who hav,e 1eti-,r1 this niedieine a blessing is proef of its great merit.' ' Why not•try it new yourelf? 0 1*80E No, 4.44., •