The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 14 1.1fit'Y y $2.00 PR r,i•LE IN ADVANCE; 017.TA14,14 VETERINARY F.QL- 3 Helelle;, RilAeir, Phone 2 sight or. da.---td.s .1(149W ,c,0 PE:104Sir' Dr, MacLeod will ' Visit Lucknow eVerY Tuesday ,in Dr, Connell's Office; ' Dr. McInnis., Chiropractor. of :Wine' . • hams. will visit Cain Ilotiae., Luck- , now, forenOons.... Tuesdays. And Fri- days, ' commencing April 29th. also visit the 'hotel at Dungannon sante' days '.,early afternoon. •• ; DILPAItKER, vS'IlEOPA.',XII, it the CainsisousS:, .Lusknow, every, Wed- ntsday afternoon. . All chronic dia. tsages. uccessfully streated Odteo- , , • path isinoVes the physical causes • ef ' diseases Adjustment of the• spine is. more quickly secured and !with tevver 'treatments by. Osteo- pathy than by ariY, other method. Wall Papers -I have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a number of the .best . wall -paper 'houses, and will be pleas- ed to show them at my house, or will take them to your residence—R. J. Cameron, Box 174, Lucknowl:. • - • MONEY TO LEND—On farm Prop- erties at 6%.—Geo. ':A.' Siddall • • sls5-tf FOR SALE—A "- very • coinfortable dwelling, in good condition —Apply to Geo., A: Siaciali. 11-9-c .-AVANI'ED,Girl to do gene 4 house work in a 110111d:in Luckncivia , Apply by letter to, Inc Sentinel, or :Phone 85, F 0 R , S.A LE—Carrots; Parsnips, Cabbage 'of excellent quality. • liBloom Station ltoacl,s ucknew . . . • . FOR SALE---Tbe-Tanners proper- ty, Lacl-riows altso set Scales: and: box • . Pure Bred Stock. Sale: • • (Sreat. lteouetion Adetion •Sale of , •, . Armstrons.'s• fani s herd. of • 24 Scatch Short1iornss19 ales d ' 5 rilaseS, headed 'by' 4NeW .Y ea '1St, n first prize: winner at .Toronto, Ot- . taWa and is:olden, and ' on the West ern ,Circuit; '4 imported .,Clydesdales;. iegist,ereu ,......ssesLers, 18 .awes and 12 rams. At Bowhill Farm, Lot A Cop: 9, .041r068;, on Tnesdays Oct. ,28, at: 1 o'clock! John ..Purvis, .auetioneer. S. Robertson. Car of. Salt—We have‘a car of -sa,„t .a.00tit• nest- week in November". Place stair.orders U 0 unio .,•. . . • • • . • 0c:ea:se:asses or with John Jamieson. R R 3,-.• Lucknow, --Phones 68- " , FOR SALE—Two choice Hereford -_ Bulls or Aitken --bred steels Prices right for 'quick. sale: Apply to Foster .Marshall R 2,. Teeswater*Phone • 54 r 2;. South Bruce 'AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK 'ANO. IMPLEMENTS On Tuesday Nov. 4th. bOrnmencing • . at " One .o'clock isin. -Miss- Clara.- 'Mc- Reice, :.Executrix of ,the- estate of the • • late John MeNeice iwill have ..an auction saleof the estate consisting of'-the7larmi-tots-21.---M---, 23 and 24, ' 2nd. Range South, Durham • Road, Kinloss 'rownship, Consisting of 210 -acres, More or less, together with all the Tasiiiissaltereir aiidsTrepleliferita -and some household effects. . , :Parties Wishing to look over the 'faim before dateof sale S see • or -- communicate with John W Colwell, Holilrood, WINS. .LAIJRALS IN coilEGg, ; . SPQ!z.T.s Sandy: Nicholson is IndiVidpal Champion at Sask. 'University.. '- 1iPield Sports .1.- A dopy of The Saskatoon Daily Star Of October 13,, handed to ne by Mr. Jake Miller; features an t article • reporting the Field Day sports at ' the University. of..8askatcliewant loc-: • etetl at SaSkateon, ' The first thing one notices is that Sandy Nicholson,', son of. Mr, •AleX .Nichetson; wen the individu- al chainnienship as air all-reunds ath- lete, Making 24 points . when his nearesi, cerapetitor, made only ' Referring to SandY'st:perfermances. the Star SAYS4-41e, scored 24, PoiettSs • corning first • in the ,220 -Yard .dSten‘i hainine,r. second in , the, ,100 -yard dub. ...and • s' third in the running. broad jump. And further on it , Says 'Nicholson,. the individual champion, lowered three records hinieelf, In the hainmer thro.* Nienoleon • tossed the Weight 96 .feet 6 inches. The old re- :, ..cord -was.smade ::by Bill ,McLeod„ and was 95 feet 7• inches.- , _ r Nicholaon. bettered his old record In the disena, With .a heave Of 101 feet 7, inslies.. The former mark was 99 feet 1.3 inches. • The shot put record Was hlso bet.• ' tered; NiChOlsoribreaking his* Own tecord with throw of 84 feet it triCtielt, gis: old Mark' 88feet '4114110,0s• .7o 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 1 • 4 0 LOCAL AND GENERAL 1" • :• „. . ,Mr Will Doiiglaa• took a ear-lOad of horses ip to :Sudlytiry,:•the T'end of last . week. Mr..1.1ohn-.,Button backsto-stewns after.. spending,' 'a fe,w. week; in the . Western' ItoVinces. ' , , • MO. Alex Mccarrol .Was at Olin-. ton last week where ...she attended the funeral of a brohter-inslaw. ;Mrs. Parker; daughter of Rev, Dr, Perrie of Wingharn spent, the .weel end with ber friend 1Mrs.,H: G. Sher - riff, Mr, and Mrs. ' Davey, of Alynaer, Miss Beaton of London, .Miss For- man, of ;Kincardine, were guest s of Mrs. McMahon • over the week end Mra. .S.; Lannonandher father Mr Shelton:, with Mr: and Mr.S. J. Craw ford of Ripley. were guests of Mr and' Mrs; T: H. •Treleaven during' th .week. , Mrs. W. Fcerris who was taken Suddenly ill.,Friday Of last Week was taken to Wingham Hospital on Sat.- urday, :and underWent an -.operation that ,evening She is reported .doing Mrs.; T. ;Wesley ..Cesens • will be , at hoine .to : her friends; :•Thursday.' . af- ternoon, OCtober. 3(fIth, frOm.'••3 t.O..• 7 at sthe 'Lucknow 'Methodist Parson- zige.' ' Mrs. C. W. De Witt 9,o,sens will sreeeive„ with , her. , • • Lucknowl Lodger 1. 0. O. F. will hold a seital ,'evening at the Lodge Room ii the evening of Friday, Oct - 000131., oddfellewS, • their. ,wives or ,:ady. friends' are cordially invited: Ladies:, Please, 'bring hinchS—Corn. Frierids • .of, Mr. John Ackertwill. • pe: Sbrry• to hear that he has: not b at all. well 'for some 'weeks and that he is this week SOnfined to 'the' house. .His daughter Mrs. C. W. BOnldingh' as c,aiis.e.' east from: Regina. OBITUARY, Nelson EOdgichleon ,On ' Wednesday, October 8th.,, a deep gloom Pas' east over he ',cern, Munity when wOrd was 'received from kincarilint Hospital• ,that ri- Son :;4osigkineensshad-spassedaway - from injuries receiVea in: an mite ais; cident. The deceased • was a young man,- only eighteen years ,of age, and. of a' bright and cheefill• disposition and will be greatly ,missed in • his home and Cominnnity. He leaves to mourn his 'parents. Mr. and ,Mrs, E Hodgkinson of the Fourth Cences- sien, id his brothers and sieters,'Jc:oe'Levi, 'Henry, Mary and Liziie. The funeral Which was held on Saturday afternoon,. not with standing the busy:. season was one Of the largest ever held in the Com nannity. The impressive 'sservice was conducted by, Rey. R. MacCallurn of Lucknow, .interment being In Kinloss Cemetery. The ipall-ibearers were school .e.orriPanions. namely, Ross Black, iVIelvin Colling, Orville Fin- layson, 'Floyd Strathdee, Cecil Robb and. Don, McIver.' , „A yed one from us has gene, e. voice we loved- is still,., A place is vacant in our 'twine, ,That never can be filled. CHURCH N,OTES The Presbyterian Guild , The Missionary Committee, ,of • , which Mrs ; W. L.. McKenzie is.eenven- :er, arranged 'a. splendid program fel. the ,Guild Meetingthis week. The pregrarn.. was largely. along . tensper- ance lines, almost, • every number bearing ,on this. subject, yhjah is in the limelight .at present Instead of the usual. 'hymns', temperance num- bere Set to a familiar tune, were -sub's stituted. Annie McDonald tools. the Scripture reading. Three ,young' mus- icians. • Mary .Wilson, JesSie McKen4, zie and „Katharine McKenzie ••gave piano' ,selections. A" Temperance nuni- ber by seven young boys, and Which as partly originals is Worthy of special mention, and also .a mission:. ary dialogue entitled s"Tho Stupidest Girl In School" given by a number' Of "Make Believe" Chinese boys and girls Miss 'Margaret Murray took the topic, and gave a very :fine paper on "counting the Cost." Two num, be'rs receiving hearty. applause were , inatrumental .• duet , • by ` Misses D.avidsen. and MeMorran, and a voc- al duet by Mrs. 1VIcKenzie and Mut. -dophs a reading "An Incident of the Crusade," . given by Mrs., Jack Sher - riff was Much enjoyedThe Literary committee have charge of the -next meeting. ' . . CORONE .REPORT Mt. :and •Mrs. Jake Miller,. who for the past month have been Visiting. with their sons in Saskatchewan, re= curned home last Friday. 'Mrs Miller reports very wet 'weather in Man- .tteba., and Eastern Sasic when he s'eft • FaiMers Were haying a. good cal of difficulty in getting threshing done, but on the whole they are fair- ly' well off this years Owing to good prices. '(;.ards of Thaidia.---• We zsh through :The 'Sentinel to thank most sin- ': eerely ' the friends .and .riteighbors for: the nlapy, kindness shown: us in, our recent .'sorrow : caused by .. -the deathsef sotir sons Nelsen. Mt'. and Mrs' E Hodgkinson• ' and jamy BIG; SPUDS , • s It ...looks.Sas-Sthough.s.19.24-Wouldsgot. down in history as, the . year, Of big potatoes. Threughout. Western', -Ont- ario the. newspapers have been, .for some weeks Carrying announcements Of tubers.of unusual ize...beingsuns earthed:, Last aturday• Mr.. ROdic". Rees of ,Lochalsh left at Our office a big, one Which he slisscOvered vvhile harvesting an ' unustifillY good dop Thie, pOtatoe weighs a :trifle .over 31/s„pOiihda, 'a:dial:fa the heaviest we have seen ie1,orted so far It is of this Green Mountain' vatiety, . and somewhat rough in, makeup, but *Mr.: ROSS SayS he Could fill several.. bags. Irani hie patch' With. fine Cintioth Tet -s aloes Weighing •around thive pounds each; . . • , .WHERE TO VOTE ' For the taking of the Plebiscite • vote in Lucknow, to -day, three, poll- ing-places...wills-be-opens-one for vot - . , • crs reaiding south of • Campbell Street and two for ' theedresicling • on' the, •north side. .The sboOth„for the south 'side lie in ;the sdOunkil Chamber, Town Hall, with Mr, J. E. 'Agnew in charge as ' deputy return- ing 'qfficer. On the north .side, One booth, atilrbetiii Iteid's restaurant with Mt... Fraser Paterson in 'charge and the ' other will be in T Reid's store, Until recently occupied as 'a residence fams Mr, Marshall /Graham will be in charge. On the sporth •side tlioae WhOtie name begins With letter s "A”: to "L” will vete in the reatiiiirants and thbhe , whose nOlto hoglh§ with "M" to "Z" will vote at the store. The polls Will Open at 8 O'clock in the lnornipg and r.opiainel Optri Until 1,1IX Wu, aPerneen. lorttat MOOS 40,0V•‘.ii0111:1110 -The, cerener'a jury whieli encinired into the death of • the :late Nelson Hodskirison brought in a verdict of Accidental-.--Deatis-The-vvitnesses--exs amilied all had much the same story which was to the effect that a front vbeel—ofs MacDonald's' 'Carst-00110Set as the car turned into the road „after passing , Walden's :car. Contrary to first reports ' itcame out at the en- quiry that young Hodgkinson was in the, backs seat- of- the- car with Miss Nellie MacDougall; ' and that Mae Donald was in the front • seat' with Mary 'MacDougall ' who Was driving. We .understand that Miss MacDoisf all is recovering frOrn her nijuries but that one Pf,:...!,1Crsq°eshas,:s.ls.P.011, adly injured.. • THIEVES AT.: LOCHALSIt On visiting his garage lait Sunday morning, Mr. 'F.. D., MacLennan; merchant 5f Lochalsh, was ssursiiisecl to ,findthat his Ford ear had been 'stripped during •thenight of some of its essential parts. The ,cushions Were missing, a couple of spark -plugs had been takeir two or the- coils- without which a Ford won't 'work, and , all the tools, from the tool -box By way of compensation the thiev- 'es left in the garage a ,quantity of Moderation League literaturei ' pre- ,.,sh in ably ',.:fOr Att. .MaeLenzian.s -edifi 'cation, ; ,Mr.. Mae • has been an out spoken .tiirvoeate of the cn, T.•A. The garage was locked and en- trance was made by breaking into the buildIng an offence which entit- lea theperpetrators to a few Years adjourn in, .KingstOn Penitentiary, if they are dittoveree . and seonvioted. The incident is another illustration of the contenipt into which. he law as fallen; owing to the alaelmees of the police; dilatoriness �f the courts and misplaced sympatlw or law breakers /t will take, the eX- Mriple oi k few ciawictibni followed y it1tabIe jhII,terms t1 re-establiali that respect for laW. and -ailthOritr *high ill'th.gt Dnrpatfight tint UtiLIDAY, WEDDING ,BELLS Ibbotson—England- . "'A lovely wedding took place- at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eng= land at noon Oct. '15th,, -vvhon. their youngest daughter, Nellie 'is Victoria becanle, the hride, of Alexander Ib's betSeis .of Winghai ,The marriage service .a".vae eenduc , s,the ,Rev. C, Cragg, of Wing -s While the bridal party -stood. ":* .areh. "cif evergreens and ,maiSi• • :eaves; The bride, who -was given in ' marriage by her 'father, looked charming in a gown of silver 'grey satin and earried a bouquet ofcarnations and fern. Af.2 ter the signing ofthe register the guests sat down to borintiftil din- ner after which . the young couple left, On a short trio. to, Guelph anil. ether points. On their return they will reside in Wingham. The bride and e•rOorn received :many ',beautiful presents . Cameron—Rogers The :following account Of themar- riage : of 'Mr. Ewalt Cameron.; and Radial, 'Rogers is taken from, the, Walkirton Telescope: , An event Of great loeal. interest Was the marriage at half past twelve o'clock on Wedriesay, 'October loth,' of Miss Rachel': ,Rogers, youngest daughter Of Mr. and. Mrs's: 6; H. Rog - cis, sWlicerten and •Mi. 'Ewart Dryi den otameron.,'• son Of • Mei and. Mrs'. R. D. 'Cameron''of Lucknow . The ceremony was , :performed at the home of the. bride's Mu -lies the Misses. RdetherS Victoria St., by: APV: W. H. Burgess, B. , 'A., pastor of ,„linox .;:hurch .; Walkerton., The room ...12Sas• beautifully: :decorated ' with. `yellow and mauve flowers with background .green, the,. ceremoni.: taking place under an arch of, similes. The bride who was .given in marriage by her father, Mr. C. H. Rogers,locikeelove- ly.• And ,very charining in:a, :French beaded' ,dress of orthid georgette with- buds of :fuschia andsiurple•flow- ers,. ,a silver bandeau And with ,silver shee's , end steckings. •Her,S. bouquet was of, Sorchide; libssoss the valley and butterfly• rosee. MisslRuth ' Rogers; as bridesmaid, Was ..lovely :in. honey- dew 'georgette with gold, bandeau . and bouquet - Of butterfly: roaes: M.'S Alvin Cameron, of Peterbores .the green -ea brother, was best Man; Mrs, R. -Cameron wore a dark brown canteir 'crepe gown With lirenie 'beaded trinit mings .andf corsage honquPt of suneep roses. Mrs.C.. H. Rogers was in dark blue silk Crepe- with 'bouquet Of. Am- erican Beantv roses. Mrs. James: Ro- gers, who played the Wedding march wore. :pea -:sick ' blue silk Crepe ;with bouquet Of .COlumhia roses. Only inis Mediate relatiVea. :and a few friends... were preset- for the :ceremony,' Af- ter • congratulations, "tasty buffet. luncheon was SerVe4 the awe-. ro'ciT,ii, being . done in pink :With table ..deeer-, ations of pink. snap -dragon, • Pink: tulle.; and silver. A wonderful ',array, of beautiful gifts, among these being; aselheque from ER emplWees Ortlis • • DR OOILMIE'S 'MEETING' • TOWN frALL WELL FILLED SUNDAY` AFTERNOON . . wcorl.:04 ifs,BENi - -- The.1‘0W11,11411 Was well Ailed Sundayafterrioen when • ',Or; dermle, interests' W,innioe.f,g_.,tgki.•;N: c.riioT ;a_tnaraddreee Si4i7r4Itihoe, 744. '4 -.bout one half of those Present:. Y.T,r•rOin' the countr3sniaSly'nring come • a considerable distance: The ' audience Was 'eviClentl.Y ;keenly inter- ested, the subject • and gave close attention throughout . Dr Cornie .7:who is a fluant and pleasing, '•speaker, s(feait. with" the, neeer.encling struggle between the liquor , interests and' the temperance forees and •7with the. orking of 'goi- orpment sale in Manitoba ' ' :hr." ()Aug' 'fliatc:tO.Ultiohty 1.4;.rCalY knthn, oIrnthbuat the effort now being , made through. out Canada, to restore the liquor /traffic was not a local affair nor, was it .finanoed .wholy .by . the limier in- lerest's of this country. It had been recently: established that the 'cam- paign „tO.bring about government .control in Monitoba had beensdnan- 'oed Iargely by- wine and ',Whiskey' 'manufacturers'. .of • 'France • It ' was busmesa ith them Th t ' , VV. They were • in to win 'back lost ground. It was not by. chance that they had start' in Manitoba: It wasapiece ' of well— calculated ,.policy. Manitoba withits large .foreign • population Was -the • . most 'Vulnerable' pent. They Would capture 'that *first; and "thus open , the Way to furtheil Conquests. Nor Wouli,' the effort stop ; with goVern,ment.,,sale AlteOdy the 'licensed' dale of. and beeris proposed in Manitoba as at., 'remedy for the, bad condition's ex- isting. under . government " sales • If Ontario ,went over to g•Overinnent Sale:, hefelt sure that they sdon 'would have :the open :bar in Mani- teba, while if this province, stood the : present 'act the ternPerars0 •ferleee iri' Manitoba and:. the ,other Western Provinces' :Weald be .encour-' . • to greater effort to 'win back the ground they ,hacl, lost,. /:' , 'As a revenue' producer the go.Vern- merit:sale of liouorin Manitoba.shad been , a complete failure, and, , the prornised lowering of taxes had not be r ed ' he been s 7, speaker, had: perienc▪ e of that himself. Daring' the year of government sale taxes on. modest :home i Winnipeg 'had ac:t- ,ually increased eleven POrent,, and besides the:Provincial Go4rnment is . about to impose a', provincial ineorrie tax ,in order to -get' needed reVenue: There was no difficulty, in proving that drUnkenness; an crini.e,had- in - ',creased -uncier goverrinient sale. Thz police 'courts and the court of appeal were so glutted With '''Work that. fie-. ,onentlY„.0ffenders...Were -convicted ':of- hreaking the Ia again .and..7again before' --an—ap-ima-1-•i,r the-'fi.rat"-tale- ceuld' he heard:, In closing Dy, Connie Pointedout th,at„Ldrunkertness-...--always-c-in sreased Bobbin Factory,:.Where. the • s f clinics for obtaining iriereaded, and he solemnly holds the PSsitien of sales: Manager.' -Alfer-7-the'liiifell „liquor . reception was held 3shieb. imanv ;traffic was to flourish, there -had to young friends teak 'advantage of to tender their , best . wishes; Later in. the . afernoon the happy couple left' for an extended- motor to New York City , and either : places. The bride's going away attire Was three piece , travelling, . suit of • ten: flarnipeo cloth With ' 'brown. .squirret trimmings and small % brown 'French -haC•4457.,anateh':r.:02i71..,theitssietirenT•ivIrS. and MrS. • Cameren. Will. reside .in the , , platform were, Rev. Mr. ala cosy apartments in Geo D. Mac- 'and e • G 11 The R Kay's block, Diribain . St. MA4RIE—li°.-A0-6-1' LONDON' ' , , A quiet house •Westclin g, 'to -Olt 'place at the home of,4114r, and Mrs: ',William Arnold, Londen„ Ont., on. October 18 when, theft'sdaughter„ Blanche Was United in Marriase to Willitjm ;RiSfrard- quinns l3S...k.1 ti,.; oni740-n, , • of Mrs. Janet, Quinn of London? The 'ceremony was 'Performed' by Rev. A., Thompson of Centennial Method- ist ..Churehs.; Misa -:,Flerenee Quinn. sister of the groom,, plasiedthe wed- ding who was given' ay by her father 'wore a eade frock of coral „Georgette crepe and catrried butterfly roses and lilies of the valley. Palms, and- autumn hew- ers 'made an • atitactiVe aetting, for :- ,the Wedding; During ,the Signing Of register Miss'. ;Edna Skinner \sang tsUntil"sveryseffectiVely;:saceonspiessi. .by Mita LYdia'Arnold,SiSter or,14 bride. After the ccrenion a ctaihtst. wedding breakfast was served in the, dining robin ,sviiich was . decorated, with ferns and yellow chYSarithe- witting, • Latta; Dr, and Mis. Quinn left fOra Motet tritS. the bride trav- an StOrld the, niaehine WAS-00Oci. ler Aon-yeart :be drinking and' drunkenness, and that th;re :but on, seitree .frern Which recruits for the ar ly • of • ar,d.drunkards.. Ids., be suppliedit It was from the boys and girls who. were ,grewing. sons and 'daughters. of the men and .ivernen of to..:day.s, , Reeve Johnston,' chairman. of the 4"O•c.a . was chairinan",of the .meeting,' and on the Callum Gellan was aSked to inttodlice Dr °Cormie with whom he, had ersonal agnaintanee: Cormie is of 'Wellington COents,:Ont,; been in the WeSt'.. for, 25 ye f 15"no*.•‘, stinerintend.ent of C for. the • Presbyterian church BefOres Dr: horlin, speak Mr,' Oarri"ek pOuelaS an a ,isolo ac companied on piano' by Mr, Au- stin "held, and 'while h 'colleeton was talent ..at the close. • Mr., ..lteid .gave .a selection. • i • ' The,:spealter.-Nt$ of thanks by the, Audience nuition`.. of Taylor and. the Rea- R. MecCal.lum„ , 'BINDER CUT 30...CROPS The :Massey -Harris.. ,Cciinpany - - entlY.offered a prize 84 ,$10 to the agent `iylio Wontil-disebverjhe oldest, Massey*Harris, binder ' in `r,11 prize WaS Won .he Me, Robert Robertson, 'tgont Clintbri, Who.. ori the, farm, 'John McGill, GOderich ,TeWrithip fintrid.` biriel6e ,hait it Of navy phiret, taken Off (S' The. oviet taid wlth black hat 4114 'Obbee• -4 ' • ' • I' Y4 4 4 4• •eweller & Optician ,c-Ap 4 SPECIAL SALE .0F. GLASSWARE •:Friday Morning- woodeff01-Vcaulutecs.Ilaii:as..ight.! 4 C One-haJ Dozen Sh'rbet Dishes $1 75 One-half Dozen Tumblers.. Cream and Sugar 16 -Inch Flower Basket Lunch Plate With handle • 7 -Piece. Water Set ' Heavy Bowl';'-inc • . Remember 8.3.0 o, .$1.25 $1.00 $3.26^ $5-50 Friday Itiorning rmstrong. se= ' , V.ov.s4`04-tv74v,...*7.,:.A%•avu\x‘n•t, N V.Mis\t'sX* - 0 WHIT:::CHU'RCH' , Mrs.. Frank I-IcaseY and', daughter., of . visited lpSt. week with Mes. Thos. Inglis. 'Mrs.. David' 11:.,nnedy Peter and Annie, ..also Mrs. 'Duncan Kennedy 6pent last in London. . Ph. Patterson., of Lucknow, • visited 'last Friday her cousin . • Miss Lin MeQueid. S • •- .. • • Mr, Lester Falconer and Miss. Vel 'aBrooka,• of Culress, visited. on 3onclay With Mt and Mrs. Cecil. Fel - donor. • Mr. Darcs'n Kennedy smile lieme ,:rom„. the ,AVe7t last Friday' after as- Asting ts St, grain threshing in the. .Prairie , Mr :Walter Lott is ^having an anc- Son sale on Friday.. , • . Mr and 'Mrs: Geo Cott' e • -spent the week -end vilith: their daughter Mrs: Ed: Browning, at Kincardine. _ , . Mr. and Mrs.' Ned Theme and fain- ; , •ily St.,Helens visithd On Sunday at thetbOMe of Mr, Thema!'sllender- . 'Miss Agnes 'Kennedy of Goder01 visited en Friday. at her home here. , Gilbert Hamilton delivered a horse at, Clinton last week for . ThosFnglis: " Mrs. John Gillespie Sr. :visited a • fear.. days init. week with 'Mrs: David Gillies- • Mr. •MacKay and Mise Nettie Lett, 6f. Brussels, visited. ' on ,Sunday : 'at Lett's home here. • Mr: Peter Kennedy, Mrs. David iennsecly and Mr., and ;Duncan .kenned3,7 attended the funeral' of Mr: L,Robert Reid_ „Goderitli on:SuridaY,.. Miss Ida McQuoid Spent the • week- end with "friends , and relatives at Crewe.' , .--o 0.4) ST HELENS • . Miss. Vera Todd t was•SiOM Stratford 'Nntirial. for the Wepk-0,1/cl. 'Mr: Min' McDonald had . two of his, fingers rather .severely;injured Wedneschlyl, assisting -with ,..cern :Cutting. • . . • . • Mrs, lGeorge Purnin, 'who' .4..hgs spent the .11:aSt few Months with frit. ends', here, started on Monday :On her return. trip to her , home at Fleming, Mr. anl Mrs. Fiank 'TO -da,. Mr.' and, •: Mrs, D. Todd and Mrs. Ed. bests. 'attended the funeral of their aunt, Mit:, Moorehead at Oakville -on ,. ,ThursdaY., • ' ": Miss'Jessie : Buckingham, Bea.: 'sib 4)50. Mrs. Murdie of LUCittlOW 'iMOt:Ore'd to Stratford on :Saturday. ..s , • ' Mr. liad.,„'"' Meg_ Robinson Woods.. Mrs. R,,J, Woods, Messrs. Wil - 8011 • And., Feltner Woods *pre. at q•q•-, their uncle, Mr, 'Robert Reid, ittigh".-Rtitherford;., .. Mid numphrey; ,Jos; '1)Urriin :.:051•4:11 McDonald ;: %liviVtilleri- ',George' Sta.- Q:a tmoiins:64.btatirin_deIN,dri:tttehhe at Ootiorieli, on $attirday, • A. regniar'ineeting or the •Women,i. Institue be held in Community Hall,Off 30th. collo Pier aention of - fee bulbs ',Eiri0 •so.V,ve -Vegetables, Subject: "The All R:Ina PRTVATE SALE On Saturday ("'• t 23 and Wedes- dny Oct 20 .afternoonS.the followiii household 'effe.t'S will be On 'Sale at re8idenee a .G064 A. Siddalt One bottiodili•oitol; one ',ied With intitrekS offa springs, a hothitiih;,-;; A -cheint"al elbset, .haSelnirfier' coal 11 • • • 1 Specials ,FOr. 'Saturday', Rose Tarts • -13anbur:y... tarts Doughnuts Puff PaStries. Home Made Breqd. Whole Wheat Bread: Bring in yene,Buttei and ggs. Top Pries at . Hollynian's Phone36, • 'L,ucl.miew • , gents. Wante ' The. cereal. attention ..to our,: customer's ,orders and the splen- did "stock supplied ,for years pas f Warrants us, in having -a representative or two In this county. Liberal' CommiSsions. Free Outfit. , Write at *nee for Exclusive Territory. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY _ RIDG.EVILLE; ONT.' STAR NURSERIES uron county, :ErsititS4aw_404..$4.: Own Hall N T 0 N" ovember.4,th and 5th, 1924 For Prize List and All Information - Write :Stere4IFY: -R, SLoAN, Bayfield, President , S. B. STOTFIERS, chnion,' Seey. EVANGELIST ALBERT 4» EIENAAj( OF TORONTO PittAcH THE :GOSPEL IN i ucrixolv ORANGE HALL , SUNDAY', OCT, 26th A T 8 I5 OiC"L'OC'X' P . tt\o, gc,AultkRIMTS • Eggs Butter . . Ilog4 , -13ariev ; , • heat_ 4, 1..1.1 y .1.1e-35:45* .. • 33e-35 •ss. $9.50s" ...•$125. 1.30. 4•L"l`,...S-Ss-135e: is.50s1s60 ' 50e, „ 'AUCTION"'SALE Atelde MaelCinnon, Lot 21, con, 6, 1WcioildhiroAkility•ill °ICY," an auction sale 011 20, conlmoneing nt, One ct)'eloek, A lot of young ,cattle e.g1,40b,titltbbitttiA., *114, ,hd,:taoldI......:018 ..i16 4„', John ' NrittO Atiot