The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-09, Page 7, • 11, •• : , 1 ' CANAPAS.' .1,41VFATQCK IMUSTR 'AgtWI the Yarinne eat: pelleneed,afrecent.,yea*and 010'004 Ougeko.4.',).30tWeett the United 'Etettee . and Rritish markets' 11:n09141Di; to the • Vaerliaor tarIt Aid with/MP", Canadian livestock producer. would, ..reached a realization ---iiOni,le-et:tipcie A single SourCe Itijr th 'T:disPribellr•thelepeo'clisceeind -are seek.' • lag a remedy, for •pericidlesily recur- ,. ring ills In'a. wider. e*Pai2Otun a Paz", kfite:: 'Inthe enOveMent to•go 'farther , afield in the vending of their product, -Which Is merkedly avIdent'at the, pre.' , Sent 'Wee may be • .fin•eshadovled :brighter and More gentile •for Canadian livestock 'producers. • •. •,. lathe Iliat afx Menthe of 1924 Can- ada fed -feat -bile tale and 40,953 'to 4hee1jelted 'States': a* &tapered with 30,029lead. ta•Great • •• ,Britain and, 28,659 heed to the United. States:in the same 'p,eried.of 1923... The total slioels, an Increase aiziounting to, 1.8991 in fever of tI present year, en • Increase of 35 per cent ' The •number of livestOck marketed in England and Wales :during the first 26. weeksof the. •ireae, 'lamented' to 89,148: fat cattle and , ;95,94steres ea. -compered' with '1163,, 867 fit cattle and 234,804 °Myriad dur- -.lug ' the coreeependieg,. Period of last - Beet, : Bacon; Pork. and Mutton: • In addition fa these ' live. experts • • there were exported 10,388,500P6im Of, beef, . pf '•Which • 2,314,060 pciun went to Great • Brittle and 6,307,5 went to the -United States; 51;5,10,3 pounds of •bacoe„ of Which 50929;4 • pounds went to Great Britain and, 22 890 to the belted •States' . 4 682 10 Penn& of pork; of 'Which,' .2;935,60 pounds went to Great,Britain and 682 600 pound'8. to the United: StateS.; an 19,200 pounds Otenutton• of which 20 eve: iletialieel,eeelieeteteePleeelionAteekee: 'Eoine progress has been Made in-th co-operative marketing of livestock; and the year ending June ' of the • operation the: eatiCerative .cattle • •Pool of the United Grain Geowers Ltd., • was e saceeeskul glee from. the stand7 point Of the producer. • -Par the twelve Months• the profits' Of the, ,cattle.eool • amounted: to ,t20,876, which Made pos.- ' .eible a distirbutien of one per 'cern: 'op • the yalue•pf their,cattle to, he paid to shippers in additioe, to the full Market ' which they had eli•eady'received. • Since, the. peel •, was inaugurated in February, '1923;• it. has Arad more then -100,000 hegd Of:cattle iiitli 'Kahle Or $3,200,000.: ' • ' ' Prairie Provineee DeveloPine New ' Markets. •'•„ • Western . Caneda, • , the ,:Province of Albeitie has became very interceied in • endeavOring :to. develop-. .neW markets for its •Itiestocic, itid.• In this, 'corinection.shipineets have been. .inade to Japan, Beigiutie and to Cali- fornia, The Grand e Preine and Peace „Meer Dountry'have been furnishing 'a lei -go number: of, Winter -fed• cattle for the. .01d •Country markets, and ship - meets • of nareftilie seleeted, cattle -have Moved, from Cetera' and :Northern Al- • .• • ' HOPPER ' Racial •• flouree-An Oteupittion. • • • The' "hopper", or "hoppene" of, 'ibedlb--Ve-r'-EnitIM*d'''-'tVW'intbingiiir or lese than a dances; a Profesefonel ditneer. •The'proof tenet had to,ped. It le found in pesaiges which its Meaning (lane clear, Uoppere" ap- • pearing •Soupled 'with 're ,Danser" in accounts of the•great fairs which play- ed'anch, an important part in furnish- ing amusement te the people 'of that age. ,• The teepee appear to have been used interchangeably. . • Ji the English Prayei'DooktVersinti otthe Pieties theeete:still to be &tied the Passage -Why hop ye se, yehigh -hills?" end Chaucer,' eito ,gives such e :good "close-np",ef the hie of the or - (leery people of his day, says a -the errY peentice, one of his character, del that -"at every •bridale 'Would he sing. 00 I and boppo"--tkat, Is, dance. 00 The "dancers" and "hOPPeres" of 00 thosedays, however, were es. hard a who was subject to fits of trance, Lie- ge .Working Crew as • any Profeesiona,1 eamee. Any man ' coming into' any sh-ed thet herr heert be pierced with a 0 I dancers' of to -day .doing their- two and pert of England from a more northern needle.' 0 I tree turns • a dee, on the vaudeville piece wonld be Likely to be called • 'le Premature burial is Of the rarest -oce .. ietage. They 'did not have :booking -Norrees", -or '''''Ie -Northern,' though currence, and it is doubtful jf Many but thorough -laxative w ? d agencies .to arrange their tours; but the term also had a 'distinct raciel euthenticacted cases ,could be brought the bowels and sweeten the stomach , . . oee,„eeee„ee,Feeee„_ee,,eeT!,ee,„e„,„etheo„.ag.„...„..,x4.,..,-*,,,...,,rit.her.4.tgt-,*-------------------4----.2.-,ziAe.g..• and this banish ludigest e„.• • • ,--..--,.......- - . . een. distingtfieb, between' itPliear, ,, Boyhood Dreams. • ;Slice imit reaRtlit. . . ' ' * . ' ' I lie Is not neliefed by ',reflect/4:o*, pf Pk PeThtind dreamil. are !eh' rain ' -,-1-kbee,112„eent ' ,.' ,,......:_,-......,:_-_,. The)_,,t buliding,of the castles; whereeeee j:fe' 4hiSiikbithuwe;ms ,iibtielibwineetitesfornetihthe .frtitninio"ef ,' ye,l'nr:1•-e.en''sa"ilds g-t:r-e"4164-11thiii:: l' 'catIvaits ililed, litignre .the wind, Porteher in ehaeing.them. • • '• ' 1 The'lighthouge fading far behind, 1 Pinceit is' a self -cheater. ' It f I To skim the far ece Ceer• ' one but the man who indulges it Ig7 •• - •' norance Is an unpardonable sin when The rhYthmie'rite M34 fall of deck uueolifeStied: Beware ' h(41: You With' ne'en a thoughe.rf gale or wreek, might be less, fortinia 'hen: Abdul And ,Youth to hodthehelm. ', ' • Ben Tewfik---yon' migh reistfit-4.,--&----4-'-: 0u-1i:ea .,„. ,. .,.. . . ;iinne;::•,t4h,c,e, Eirt.:7;kielni7.fiapS:r: landsntv,d.cotr,loa:glarer,,,I.0,44_,.. -tce _e Ceiff,”: ...r.t• - '•• '4' Le:" . : Ie 'Metal:a:lonely r•ealm. , . Premature Bun . , ' The tender Mother ;eft' to weep _ Fears of peen:teepee burial: have re- Will- there, get th'oughts, Mere near and :stilted 'in the fOrmatien of a SoCiety'tel .,„ d effect reforats the layi of.. death eer• Than if 'hoz were on, Shore. . NORRIS- • tifIcation: There ie, hewever, nothing Per 'hearts nta.y -Cleave through span- . - new these fear's; ' ' " iks8 ' Varlatiana--aioirte'e;.,ikielireys, Nurse- * • , ThEr:EgYpti4na kept 'the bodies .et• nearer' they would „SPUrn etn- Rachel orhair—EnaltAil. thedead414(kr eareftkenlierVishin b„Y, ,•_, 'brace.' Sourqe - Georeraphlial „OceePs., theprevlous , • settsiecl that life 'WaS ear ' There la --ea-''ci7doubt. that. 'in a good The„Greeks were. -elle *boy dreanis,' ....atinke- he many 'Instance& TatellY seises, Inthis dangers of Premature' burial”and °ftea.. win orld ." • ,• . • • • . . . iiruuti' 0'131'4'40 frem• the ..°CmtPatfull cut cia.•OU'th2ger° °f 'a pereoti:believ. ed „With -.banners 'for °resides unfurled, - , .„ 0! nurse or ea it', Was,•spelled the, to 13f, .dead be ore, cremaffon. • ' • '• • • • •• Constipatio4 -At arch -enemy -- Of health • ' • . • CP.tKiPer: '14e• elleMy',.07:631*PatiPZI: and rout whole • . Orolk of 0.13rpk01, ii10144$4g...indigeS,tigni 01110-400e8ili ..okk 1.10a0ac4; .0Peplesimp!Is and !*17,09. dr3Pme4 BoO'e,4oro'o Pills 'have been waricl'e*4,0:f40-1400,ve- -,,, for -over 74a7Y045,..:1IfOk the Ooo.o0 of LI** ,44., 044 ,x,,3:40*-4,;,,,,,,tF.t..(073404114.1mwmir.,F1,41pro7,.,,,rwlit,,,: ;7,0..W‘'11.4.T41.1efitcT0*401t4pft!#nfr.,". •testeapillsetreeetheri 'the see:ruck Stimulate the 1PV,P ande • ' Sold Everywhere In • K-7 days- When family names were fonu- In modni times., the fear of being And stont hearts:, in the making. The Motorilts' Sahit. ing„ in the days before tke dominating burled alive has haunted many. Wilkie Some hundreds of French motorists So, let him go his glorious way, . His elate will conieto port some day, ' Norman race end language •had be Collins had this fear, and always left with many dreams, abeeatene. , • . come entirely merged into the English overnight on his dressing -table a note • • near Argentan, • in • NOTMEllidy, to do recently aseembled in a little village "Ler B 11 ' T.ke .nnrse was not necessarily 'a woman:, though -most often s� 7 Again, .while.women"ii names and occupations did sometimes •give rise to .family • -they did' not, of course, d� it so generally as men's. Both. of these 6oints. make it likely that only in g minority of cases, • even;Where the modern rapine. name is "literate" didk the name come from this source. e• All the et-lc:lance pOinte to "le Nor.' keys:" ("the Norse,") or "IeNciethern," as theorigin of Most thee , • aolemnlY enjoining that, should he be • •eIn . . • nt honor .to ' St Christopheree-Jajolet; a • • - ' • found- dead, his Etippoeed death was to - helf-forgotten saint, - whe •is•no* being reed. • , • ' . •• . . hote in his pocket to the same effect. . • , Hams Anderson always carried•ea ' • be very carefully tested by a doctor. A011111G 10'•EQU11•claimed as the patron, cif eel who use • le : According tielegeed, Stechtiatopher- Harnet Martineau left her doctor ten i - 1 , • . , )LETS leVajelet who was of giant stature crossed the river Jordan ' one dark putated before•hurial. Edmund Yates e.Mre. Georges' LefebYre,•,Sti t enon, 4' night,. when the Waters ran strongly, , , , left twenty guineas with the proVislon Que., writes: „"1 do not think •there is bearing the Divine Infant , •cin his that 'his Jugular vein was to be sever - 'anY, other medicine to equid 'Baby's. ellomii'ledrer;;0. "04:i0:In'ot Or- :Ate' cyclists al :Own Tablets for 'little' one.S.. ' I• have • , . , , , , , , r - Lady Burton (the widow of the fa' used them for mY'bebY and, would. use Men, and others ,tireSaid to have formed' OliN ,• painiclie. to see that her head was am - mous; traveller, Sir Richard Bertan), nothing else ." 7 What . Lefebvre i•Iii'leomrtseemlveelas whose asp,ibrirtouttaierhi;000mdIs e,of says thousands of 'other others sa Classified Advertisements FOR SALE A PPLE BARRELS, ALSO BARREL ••‘-se Staves,' Mill Slab Weed, end Coed wood. Reid Bros., Bothwell,e0ntario. 1/RiP1 foR 1-04 FyiFis They have, found by Id- that. the the ancient church of this- ewe leo,. • n Fol Tablets always do just w at is 'Claim- 'Math Village, Where rests a gilded re-• • ed for them.; :The "Tablet •are inild liquary containing the hones of the- iel•regulate faint. •• " '' • ' No Difficulty At All. ` 'traveled in • ballade on their own inithe meaning as indipating a Norwegian Or forwerd. eeconalsted .ot starting •their • dane,e• s' communiZeticiti; too . between the twb ' OF•W0111%11000 by medieine' deale'rsd:o;.b;'sna'113.a.‘t 25 • . cents a hex from • The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cpe Brockeille -weer on, coestipa- in whatever public plate they happen- lands even in those days, when the DAWN . .. ed to as often as they:believed they difficulties Of. transportation are talien could draw a 'generous' crowd ' of vil- into.consideretion. , . • e . lagers., Often they wield get ,engage. . There' are many:English family meets for an 'evening's entertainment names'. which are traceable _ to ,the at the lecal castle.' ' ' other 'three points of the cOmpass, too. . . • 1•1 THE 1%SHAHAlklb THE ,MCOCIN. Xe•Little, Lesson' in Liying.'., Alidul Ben Teerfik was thoroughly benvieeed Of his own great 'wisdom. He bore hiniselt With the 'dignity ',thee, CePeshith shonlil, and lootted:dowii Up- on the ,creatures of his rule With 'a proper 60etemptl, •• '," • It Wae.hie 'belief that they: had been created by Allah le: serve hitch; and, in- deed, that all•the beetaies ofthe gar- : den: CroVinee of EI-13ar-Nrizare•-e-e1or., perfuree,s bied-song and spangled _sky forhis joyanee. „. •• • Bit es. --Abdul reclinednpOe his silk en couch' in the cool a the evening he • flat and flavortees; the nelsf6ians were seeree'il to lath hei- d v;as net hapCy. The 'sherbet tasted ,berta withe siteceSsfuiouteonie which would -sem to ..augur a 'protliable'efu: tura trade. •,. ,• ' The Alberta:Government's' eXpere. niental shipment. �f beef •cattle"e6 447, , is 'especially eigeificatit Japanese • livestock dealers canie .fioni all over the _Ceinitry-te • !levee -the -stack, • 'and • . were well pleased' with the. 'ct4tte and •ParticUlarlee, eatiefied .with .the 'bee( -TheY ankle P- ment Mede ,as seen' as posszble and it lieliemed:.:tner•e;•,-iliepOssibiiity- Of a •velunilions and preditable- 'trade de., 7eveloplegtin--thisteonneetipti. hetWeen ...,Western ,Canada and Japan.' ' cek;peratilon, ain't -the ;-"eatcfler" 'or the "pitcher," the indlii,iduai • ' But 'el'oSe. eh:Om-id:ten , • That makes, them Win :the' day. , . . , It ain't the indieideal, :Noe the e'bigl, league" , a whole,. eent the, everlasthe teem work. ,eter,Y , bloontin! Must. Improve ethe Heoteb. "Bootlegging LsIn its infazicY." "Well, considering:the kind of stuff • • ", it's being briiught,uPon. do you think . out of tune '; -.Peet his, favorite dancer grace an abandon. • • ••• • ' __The troth, is that oneeot , Abdul's cherished plans .for his own pleasure and:enrichment had struck an obstacle witiCh Abdpi; had th f n , • Ilse ar, been ma - able either to remove or to surineent. alway-e Peeved the,-Pashah when he could Miegetiihathe Wanted_Without delay. , • • :There being no comfort for his dis- turbed- titled in any of -the efitettain- nient which his elyetcxuetaves prie vided, he dteniisseilethe dancers con- demned' tle•ehief inueteian to 'be he; heeded, anittnreiv what was left of hie sherbet in the chief butler's face ' .1 In the' ' Stoopingeever tfie• cistern, he lneked.inL-woridering,as.to its. depth:---zand: his chance Of.survii,- fug hacl a misstep•carried him' over 'its edge: ' What, he beheldbroughtefeembzm a g,esp of ;dismay...-. • e There--floatinge on -the 'placid 'eur- • face of -..the water -lay the •Moon, fete •goddess ef. the night.' sky.: •' "By Allah end 'the heard:Orthe Pro- phet here is, calamity!" he •exciehned: The fete which might -have be:tallela' ,rnehas befallen the 'Moen!" ' . His :first •thought was: to einnmon: the palace guard, !narshal' his slaves• and Set all his retainer§ to the task ,ef, deecuing' the imperilled queeneet • the etareir heavens': • • . ,Bet.,,eit, seeded • thought he he decided to, attempt thereseue alone. 'Success would brine to him, the greater Merit; • . • and, perhaps. se 'win the fever cf Al- lah s to ge. n. for him the eemievel• of all barriers now finstrath' i g II IS cher- • • . • . . ea y, h spied a long pole -which he had sometimes used for iiik-ing• ripe figs front' the higher boughs. Seiz- ing it, he bent over the cistern and -- - • thrust it „down into the teeter close, to the edge Of the.shinnag disc. ' ', • Certain that its end was now under the_MPon, he leaned 61 -611 -With all: his ,weight, as., if he would pry theseles- tial lumitutry from-its-aqueceis setting, andlirojel it upward to its place in the • zenith. • • . • The next' moment he bit the turf violently With -head and'', shotIldere, and lay spreivling and breathIess-a His feelings • somewhat ..relieved by I startled, pained and most undignifie • , • , this self-creeted •diversion, he retired 1-laanahl ' , to his sleeping apartnient • •• • • • But th,e soothing -magic Of sleep was sought in vaite• He tossed restlessly A riot 6C -eters danCed before his _closed eyes l Then, as, the pyroteeh- :pies fa,ded, h opened his lids. ' It was intelerable that .circumstanees His vision repted L on the distant ,shonld balk.hie will. And yet he could ' dome cif lleaven,"' and there; sailing thine, of ,no way, to overeotee,,ehein. serenely • in her accustomed Piece as The thing he. :the -Moon!". - • • • . ••'• reach, nutevauld not be 'forgotteri. ' Pulling, hinaself together ; he rose to ' 'Hot and upeOtafortable, he epee from fits feet';aseumed his f permed bearing hisepillows and wandered out into hiS of :8elf-Sltilled. ' 'dlirintinean,l' and .ei" 'garden. He ',Dieced the ,paths lietiveen clalmed! "Behold, 0 'Alia,h; how great a :Work . the fragrant shrubs 'end 'tinder •epreath • A Tune, of Difficulties When Watchfulness is Needed. •,Some girls ' uperithe. threshold oQ wortenhooddrift into a decline in spite, ' of elbcarec4jand attention. Even strOng and.aSualiY lively gine become Week; depressed ,ried irritable, and astleee. It, is the dawn Of 'iv hoed -'e- o omen m st iniPOrtant -In the life of every and: „prompt measures should be 'taken to keep the blood.rich and Cure. : If • your blood is not, in 'a healthY condition' . at this stage, the body becorees ill- noueished and -other 'ailments .develoC. 'It.the health is •not Maintained, by a sufffciency of rich, red blood, all sorts qf weaknesses are likely to arcse: Re- mernber this. Pink Pills" have saved thousands.'of girl and wo- men frOM being, life-long invallds, be of' their wonderful bleed -making : tiroperties. ' • - • The value of Dr. William' Pink Pills to , y ung women whose \ health was falling has been proved over and over again. These pills are the most reliable blood builder, fortifying nerves and creating the' liberal supply of red' 'healthy bleed which a girl needs to sustain her strength • •• • • You can get Dr. Williarne' Pink Pills through any dealere in' medicine, or by • mail at 50c a box frem The Dr. Wil • - 'name' Medicine -Co., Brockville. Ont • • , A. Hero. • let Dog -"t Saved nine lives treday;" •ind Dog -"Hew was that*" •• 1.st Dog-,-"Resceed '•A •- kitten .'. from • ••, • drowning.", , • ••• Doing It Thoroughly. • The enthusiastic girt :was thrilled when she wa.s -introduced to the lei:n- ous author at a dinner -party. . She lost no time in starting a coniersetion and letting him knew that She was one of the keenest admirers of hisAatest "You 'haireenn idea hoW very helpfut have timed 'it, Me. 'grain!" she gash - "Indeed" replied the author . "In , what way, may I ask" • . :."Oh, • it has taught me to .concen- rate, •• , . • •."To 'cencentrate? ThAes:ver'ye nice• ., Now tell me, what- re you 'coneen- Y teating on atthe Present time?". asked nt the ahor.• replied the.giri,-"lots -and-lots of:thines!" , ' • • • A Farming People. • • Approximately 60 per:eent.; or 1,252;- 604 of tlie pepulation of Western Cana- da live • on occupied farms. • Of the balance, • , 474,516 live in- Ith twenty cities and towee of over 2,500 and 228,- 962 In 1,309 email tons And villages Of 2,500 or under.. , 6 • When holidaying, either•p your cat Or destroy it. ' Do it to forage for ithelf. , Just So. • , „ - First Turtle -"He's 'a pessimist,, • SeCond Turile7L- "yes', croaker" The Perilous Organ of C)ther ' regular Th• ere was mentiona little While ago In a provincial paper, of the discovery of an old "chercheberrel,organ,47 said tolaye': been. in'the posses:sloe of one Ing „potpie e. •L' te• e•••:-• •-•!amfl for ,oveta hundred Yearn''' e genuine epecimen Of the mechani- „ Presently- he halted, with an, excla-- is nia.tion Of anger. Some underling had 'left A great cistern uncoii•ered. He might have fallenintojtt He resolved to have 'the head gardener executed Whereat,. he returned 167 hie.;:hed•ee and to 'eletier. • , . :, • . • •••And now, having Smiled eit the, feel.' ieh Vanity . Of the Pashali: consider, friend, how many -there are nO Wiser* than'end, Whethere in. sante' :Mat.: dangerennfuninn' For eeete that while this church barrel-orters, you may , nor he 'among ,theet. gaa ,evae perfectly 'In order by' reason For thisis a parable oteveste.Motion OfeWitateeticatie ! Imoniptd b conceit .o ,14. ye ...Of leentreteoeS,'it,eleo"ecoultiegive • ,, .Ont, -JitivCrow.” and "PennyeJeneS," and 'ignorance, not. to, speak...of "Scots hee,"--and And the *arid is full of it -full of yowe.,..sWe6t-Horne.,", What "haPpen- self-iinportant little • 'people , enteiing „est „in these,. More e late,tv h t,h.e,prgare, „Aroeed•••the.:•eirelecee,treeelingl'far but e sit's attention: .strayed 7- Peeseteinte getting ne*here, eieendieg leech -tint tke • . ator,etitne• organists were She- erge but, achieving nothing •Worth ••. ceptiliteteaeweekitese nofeatirelkhr; While. Thee -iniste.ke' actiVity, itillity and perepiration for, perform-, '4319.n.,,t. o Organists of ,now-ebe oeit emcee._ fe, „e„ e e..pl.tua.getirck • • Conceit eendelgiionittee are4the.:per.,. • :Gre:Otgailifee.istraine:pr.7.1eiie 'itle.47'1 eats ,ofl'uttle 'Effort,' The wise Matra' Might, reasonably be excused for uti, appreciation of his oWn capacrty chtirehlike hilarity hile.. the excite, balanced, be, a sense Of his Own 'Meta, inent of,,the•Otganie-1•!,:cireeettelif be thins, '•anit -thee-el freetina'• , Kies kolrettied by a knowledge of tha'l f -st ch tot •'11' ''t ' strum t had .s ttias CI:Odriy. 16 be in ,eolemand • Autumn TOILET FIXTUR FRcALE • Bo,w18. tanks, Wash -basins, also heat- ing equipment, including piping. coils,. I saw above a eeii nnis 125 hp. tube boiler, used lighting , .•. eattiptheut.' such' as • conduits, switch • And there wee no once, ne,ar,or far, • • boxes, etc., all in handing being alter - „To keep the world from being mln'e, elt daaetria731 must sold at Wozet,;This i' • • ,[.. „t, Limited; t -----Tot) ee-A__solitary planet shine____ • "PadianD-Schnni' .EitateseeCorne -.moor; 73-' Adelaide St. West,e oron o. Instruction courses, in inadetn•'meth- . ods of gradieg,and,peeking apples are Telephone mein 3•10i, • to be given to fruit *koWeli' at the up. Applepeeking station shortlyto ' DO Opened bye the inlitietry et agricub, „ ture rit „cOttenhaiii, • Cambridgeshire, •.31Ingland. . , , . , Protection:of tea -Pronts. • 'LER ureter tube tyPe4 1•p., n good con- dition, else a logo, , amount _iteg,; _lighting :and, beatingquipment: ill tell entire or In part" at • great , 4odt1 bteeks. 'set 'in ce, sieritIce,beeause alterations toour ineiA, with ti,te,etid .eeeifeed,,,Property; Real, Estates COniaraiten, lutie' preyed elleee it in resisttng the, tit -tilted, Top Floor's 73 West Adelaide: et1ning aetteii of"tiIe.driveilgrave1.,1 Street.' Toronte. Telephone Eltiln 3101., • • ,cal organ.• which in far-off days , dil 1' dutyen village chur,ehes, we- have rea- son to believe 'net the congregations • , of those ehurches were in considerable , e standing Of the nature, of tne ettek to which he, sets- them.- • - ebilleteeein ,vnea fie e 41..4111(1:Ade • and 'vocational ItalnItifk--Iti choosing, the Job forwhfdi ho is fit, end iti twit hievielf the -hotter to do the jOb:. •'Ile Plaint lila werie, 'axid *Orkt.Chlif Plan: 'kr en,:a s • now, 17press iii7I;;;Zr but- ton Meant disaster for the organist. _ _ •.e.yzetillibleting Seaieted„' jepan 14 the Only tOtintrY.Whern sea' e e'eeilis etilthettecl: :ter;Ittiritan.don stiMp Minente Lininient for ethititnatigni.. • , ."..TA,AilfaOtgattlaa;vgicx.i•tex house, and ,at leet, .after Many weary months of unsuccessful - search: he. found one 1:v111011e -thought would he pat- the thing • .••1: , • . ,. .•; I , • Accordingly he went off. to see the, agent.. . • e... ••;"•• • • ••• • • • ' '•" 1 ' • • • • That gentleman at once ,gave hlig , thekey and accompanied •litai '.. on a I tour orenspeetion., •• ., ' • ' •Looking out:of one 'of the back 'win- ; dews:- Pat: ,retnarked that the •• railway.: ran rather' Close to the house-. •'• 1 l ' "'The trains doenalce rather a noise," 1 the agent 'admitted. ' "Thee may inter- I fere with your eleep.ae first bur You'll get accustomed to :that aftie' the first" twonights." ., • .. • , .• '• ,. , • - e. • "Atiluth, slitire; Ott not Want te,get1 i accustonaed to it et all, sir," answered I Pat, '"eatise 01 can easily go an' slape ' I in me aunt's 'house then Couple o' nights!" • • • '. .•. " . '• • „: " .. ' • '11 you are weak, thin and nervoils, let ystF, dregglet supply yon,with Bitne F'h eaPhate.• • It is guaxenteed to 'bi- crease -.weight and strength and re- etore :emerge,. viper ..and tervIS„,fere Co, 25 Frant :St East, Toronto Ont ? • Minard'alimbeee up stiff joints and sore muscles.. Splendid for • rheumatism and backache. • ..•Seed• a Dominion Express ,Meney, • Older, • They, eee .eaYeable. everywhere. , • Tokio Librerige., • The greet libraries. of Tokio Are now aething of the pest.Prier to the re- cent:ectleraitY,:tne' libieries werestock- ed ith Engliah betake. :EverYelapan7 ese cellegeStip:teat reads , • , hsh French and German: having been 'reie- ,geted to the -realm :of eectind "cheice, • Since Engllsh ha e been discovered to be the open• Sesame,. to :Westernop- ponunity„. • • Miriard's LIniMeet•fteneees Pale. • •„: .L , e'Tit for Tat. - e.......etisitingeSpinster-ety•natea-clicerrne Ing little Hoe- old .'c'ere' yOtte • • • ' Cher -Ming,' in No- vember: Heiv bid are you," `. Hoese and, :Home. -"A ,hou.Se.fs Milli of wood and stone, of , l• ' 'peste and silts 'and piers,' • . Bu-ta home •,ifl"befit of loving deeds•' •• that last a 'thousand •yeate." An Aeable Desert. • Mei)e", • ee .e.fee••••• . ..• ▪ 7 • ;Let„cilli. cm.HeJpYuKeep Your G��d LoOk • Nothing better_to care for •your skin,' hah• and hands. The Soap to cleansecindpurifyetheOintrentto seethe and, heal, the Talcum to per- fume. Then 'wiry not make these delicate, fragrant emollients your everY-daY toilet PreParatiena? Urania leek Pm by Wail. Address Canadian Depot: "Ontleara, P. 0. Ian MN, suateate Pr floapMe. Ointment 2.6 aad We. Ta1erw26e., nor Tyy emir new Shaving Stick. ' e" TIRED 011T. • Th:„Deseet .of Gobi" in 'Mongolia consists raosgy of ,goodgrazing R_T insis _on 2BA, ABLETS. OF. ASPIRIN. , . . , Unless you„see_the.,1tBayeilcroSs" on b1ei-s-464,-are not g&tng the genun Bayer ‘-'.1product , lirokt;e4 ,by .millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for , ,COTti§ Headache Neu n; 1 cia° LuinbagO, Ifttharl#„,"„;Z:autilis",,4.:1:311 Accept__ pti ENT 6t3 pAcrkatd which contains'ifrOv411 diction, Trahay "Bayer" 'boxes of 12, talilette • Ale° -bottles of 4 arid.•100-1)reggists. • 'Aspirin. is tee trees metre (togitite,4 is e..xtilade) 'Of Beier ViVexieetiurt.ef Nirtioilretlex 'aeltifiktft 0t4341cYlk6ibid (icetyi esilerlic Acid, ,"'A.'$;, A,44t. Wittielt •ts' we!' Aplrir inesne ttil3te iteinutocinro, to tweet the nubile agaiest iu1itAtion,, thr Tehiete ot Barer Ciecupawy wUl kit steeped ,with their general tree* inatit, the ",'Ettiyer'Crree:" , ALL THE TIME Nerves Gave Little Rest ,Relieved, by Lydia E. Pink-, ham's Vegetable Compound Harrewenutb,Ont'arto,-,"I teok•yoUr medicine befoee•my baby WAS bora and • it Was a great help , • to m6 as'I was Very • poorly until .I started to take it. I;jtistlfelt - • ee:thenglelfeVeatited ' Mit ali:the-tinieend. would tike:weak; ' fainting spells. My,. nerves would bother .• 'me 'until' Teould''',get , little met,' day Or night. I waStold'hya , Iriend-Att-'take-hydia-- , ,,i. , .. B. Pinkhainte Vege- P ,...:oVf.?-..!±4.._23,1nd. • and I only took a pp (s lino it7R13,-e-4-iiie WorideffiillY, :ITT”' *vele recommend ::;e."toetay-Womare I - •, :nm doing what '2,C 'CO 19 pathli;,..die-14)ig - ' •• good Medicine., , I lend thet little book • ., you sett hie to any ohe.1 es.„lielit. 'You. • ,• eart•WitIr thr gliefitd8e of le t'•='• 'utie ' my: nettle in regard .ti) the Vegetable 1. Oinipottici if it Will serve tei hel i others", •'e Ittql .A ' . . , .%. , V*: Ilateniiernith, Ontarite ' - 1. In n• receet entiettA Of purchasers el • , ,i4ydia 'E...Pinkbetti's Negeteble. COM* , ponied eVi.`,r,1,0(1, NO:replies: Were receiVe4 , and '98 out of •every 100 Sam "they hati:. heetelielned by, ita use. This medicine' , is for Sale by all druggists, I' .' , • • _z„, , - .„,,,, - ...,,,,. '', ' 1 61).,1.. No. 40--;-..t.te I" ' A • Zeo