The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-09-04, Page 4re4 DEERING a$,:— -a_ Plifera., BO' 4alees.. 40' Tedders, HaY alai 'Grail* and COra 'Binders, 'MEAN_ WILKINSON COa-a. Willkinssii gsufners and Harre.wiia sTEEL & win co.:, ,40. 6 Coiled Wire, 4 -Point Barb, P4titt Auld ifaVell.' Fence'and Staples, all Galvanized. 'See Pat. high ST10.0, riatms: before buying. -Ref 'flatlet -,At` ENV'S; , Ineorrrated 1855 CAPITAL , - .$4,000,000 RESERVE- . $5:00000` • OVER 120 BRA Ncuis IN CANADA, • Open a Savings ,Acc aunt to -day in your baby's name, and deposit a dollar a anoilth regularly, It .is surprising ho quickty:this regular de - Wait will create a fine nest egg. Savings.. DepartMenta at , fl branches. RE11041ANA_OERLIAL 11 TT. eaforth Creamery, :CREAM 13111MIG STATION test ' cash prices paid for and Eggs., We guarantee service and satlifaction o a our trona, 'Give us a trial and let us prove to you that we are ,a worth while allarket. Cecil Mullin, • gr. Lucknow Branch Phone.. tcknow , else 74 Wingham , Phone 256' numen orks LUCHNOW stud WIINGH.4111 as the largest and most complete tock in the meat beautiful•designs owe from, in arble„ Scotch. Swedish eer.Cee- • adieu Granites We ask. a'.,specialty of Family r�t,invitil Tour insprc- Inscription Neatly, _Carefully and Promptly Done. SCeus before Placing your ord , ltia Brea:. . R. A. ,SPottaii- • , Ont.' ;40mo* L. 0_ t.. ko. 428. meets In. thfr lodge ..room- every second Tates, ,of .the moith,:at 8 a'cloCk p.m 74. Parker; Ilea:Sec's/J. Wiiia:" r; ere 0.0d ,here I lit respells° to the appeal of the versity of Bishop's College, Lee- reieist has supported the :plea by ling '$15,000 to the fund. Canada -will soon_he-the_nieccaLof " moving, picture directors, ad - Taint to -Herbert Btrenon, producer for ,,Thamite - who recently istrIvectsit ;Banff. ,to, ihe lig out. -410or *cents' lor ,.lauteit* Oliver `Ctn.- eatied's 'the Alaskan?' The fish '.catch of .the world 'ap• -- . cOnt to. the consumer, of which roximatea $1,000,000,000 a year in 4780A00,000; goes .to those who har-. welt 'statistics furnished by the .1,1lTnIted 'States Fish Commission de - The Value Of the tourist traffic to Canada is proved by figures. sup. plied by the Parka Department of itbsi Dominion Government, Which that the enormous sum .01 ; K000.000 wss spent by, tourists thIs',0814 1928. This rept+ !MI'S foOrth hitt, leffle flash .,111,fszne. aupenalty yellows,euno• a11A nHaBritish at e ai it: e8c6 HEALTHtc, el tedn ienet:::eesncc itti 1 4 ssil 1: addressingooeBins I.tTto It i ii psg. eh his lic. s: a :isl.4eesyttn9ifittehaum. ataile y4e:4,01.1:',:n.tt: einic ma* ante. to preveiname , .chseziae ..at., $.toU,ouiatiOti ni England an4,,aa,u0u,- 1• ignor- ance ' ,rieaitn snould be the rui : Disease is alinormaf; in many eases . it ia Curable, and an a vaster ',lumber ,of instances At is preVentaale: line pnysielaira, :true , nuasiOn , is to pie yeat disease and prevention is• cianl becoming , a "greater Itain An struggle 7 againat disease:. '.; But; the chica oostacie to. success, is the, ,faii lire :of tile public to ,co-operate :046? lum in 'ius unremitting' etiorts to el- haiilai.e disease fret*. tnortzil expe,r .....a.he 'President Of the Lister Instit- ute, of;Preventive Medicine told the British -Association Mr the,auvance- plant , of Scienceat. Toronto: •"Medi- cine •, in, lattire must change :its strategy. lpstead of aaratting attack', itsiaust assunie the Offensive. It must no longer be salt( that 'the man was too Sick,- he had :to 'send for • the• doctor." . • . , (Street advance:has been made...The story is 'tamiliat of people in the. Or- iental countries who emploY physi- cians .to keep them 'well. -We are no longer accustoined to hearing people say, -.1'ney've taken him' to the :hos:- paal" in. the same ' tone of Voice. aa "their 'atotild say: ."They've called the priest," and .more 'and more attention is beingpaid to modern', rules gover- ning 'sanitation, dietietics, exercise, •Clothing,. niental'attitudes. The world is accomplishing wonders" " reven _titre ,ntedicial practice unheard- of„in ,any' other age. .The span of life is being .lengthened : Major physical. afflict -leas' whichk decimated the Face for ' Centuries are being conquered, 't .is ',passible . that disease' may, be , ifirtualli. . ainsinated ..,from,...„1,cayllii_zati. lands ........110,..„doctors, and -.-scientific researchers .,. are Aping their Part, ,andlitais tetathe..people to. give. them .adding Viet° :rY " by aiding. and co-op- erating with them lin 'their efferta'' to aecire for. humanity the most sup- reme among blessings—the inestim- able' blessing of health. ' • " , William McLeod, file. youth who. hired with Colin.' Ed_ .Threridyie of Brant in August 123, and who after being about a week cut the, job, took advaaVage,-of. the absente of Mr and Mrs. 'a hrendyle at, a. 'neighbor's 'threshing t� two 'gold watt...ba es, two diamond' rings and .the Brant 'man's., best ,overcoat, Sunday hat and new shoes,• as 1 well as / 'stealing the, loose change , the children's bank; was .sentenced on Saturday, .1leat...st..-Owen,„Sotipd,tea,a4eripa ' not less than ode yearnormore than, eighteen months in the' Ontario Re- formatory :at Guelph.. Prior to the Brant theft, McLeod .hact stolen' a set of .harneas from Mr. F. Lip.: sett of Annah in July and a • war- rant. Was. out for • his arrest when he took 7Servi:e -under an r assumed ,nante7-at--T-hrentlyle's, Tiring • ing a) evade the law McLeod gave himself to the, Owen Sohnd po two Of, hi a uneles, 'William Cameron ahd W,right; 'who, as seiotenco, were charged with receiv- ings stolert goods. Wright was ac- nitted-MT-the-ehirge-U-7-Sgttirday;', The only eviden,ee. againat him was that of McLeod himself. Cameron's case • was -.adjourned till Monday when when cine or two mord witiiesa- •wera heard. Both 'Wright and Cameron claimed; that the . case .against them was framed up and in- sinuated that Some othet brother of their a Was' in the plot. "This is Ouite :a 'family," remarked the Berich. About four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon of last weak •a worktoati in the Canadian' Flax CompanY'S Mill, ht Seaforth discovered a small fire in the bedding, An effort was made to sniuthet the blaze, but witheut auccess, An alarm was turned in but inspite of a quick respOnad by the fire brigade the fire gained such headwaY that the • building was cont. PletelY gptted, The 'Company had a spniter, mishap f our, Ye.ere' ' • AO. UCV4tiliti ANW111004 TillAgair ORR ith I§14 • _ THE 11OW JA1I.1'D PRISONigg LOQ1KNOW 'SENTINEL THURSDAY SEPT., 4th., 1924. •A GREAT HARVEST A. London Free Press representa- tive has been travelling through the tireatern Ontario..caunties and writ- . • abOut the, boantiful harvest noW. Istored.•voaray-irt-theattarns Cropa'-itt Jliniaan. and' Erne*. -lheY...:aireihe :beat: ai 20 ar 25 years, That is just an- other way of ,saying •they are the best in a long while as nobody re-' calls a crop 20 or 25 years ago tvbich. was 'better ahan the one now being harvested. The -'Fee ,Press reporter ; Might have .gone, further,- He-ntight ,.have said thati.taken all aroundthe. crop Of 1924; in Brace and Huron; at any rate is the best eaer„harve.sted here. tiqiess, on-Same'losv land there are an light craps at. all, The hay crop was amustially heaty,- and though the season: was very wet, mach of ip was .saved in fairly , good Condition. It is not top Much to. say that ,the fall wheat proved a phasing surprise to everybody. • Fall wheat 'almost all threshing 40' to 55 bushels to the .acre is quite unusual here, ; and we 'do not .think it was ever before' equaled. Unfortunately the acreage was not lame. For a week, after the wheat was cut,,the Wet weather hav- ing continued, there Was clahgea of Sprouting,- but dry weather, set in in time to avoid this and the threshed grain is firat class stuff On every., too, there is a great oat crop., It., rarely 'occurs in thia part that eats ripen as- well 'nil they have this season..Often they are dried b th heat and are up eg season there Was' 'abundant • moistifre .Therewas, no, , excessive heat, and n� rust-prodUchig weather: Bailey and.peas, though. Pcit 'exten- sively grown are good. Corn is 'al - 'ready :,a'•great crop; while , 'potatoes have, been so . vigorous that , blight has not •, affected them. There • has eeit an abundant onth -of raSs and 'clover in the peat -pre fields,' In 'fact theta is scarcity •nowhere but in the: apple orettards, 'and the .win- ter apples, are neatly. a total White; As a .Piece of imiispal good fortune .dry, Weather set in just when the seastni of growth ',Was, 'completed. and it • aras'ano,st needed"; For tnro weeks 'there *as little Irian: to bh-• atruet ,operations,: so that in: spite' of. "ar, abOrtag,e of helpalinsst. .eVerir- where 'a great • deal of work' was: aceomplished.. : •, On the Whole circumstances are.. such as .to dispell-_the spirit-, -Of de= nressIon which has affected- the country for the past two 'Years. Prices . of hogs. and cattle: and grain. though, Of course; not Up to ' the mark of the war period. ate 'Math _better than they have been for bloke than a year. ; , , 0(9' WILL P_ROTECTIGITTEXPLAII,Ir • .During ,the ananner-apd fall 44'49- -23' ;People (rribatly men) were moving from Canallalto the United States at the rate of :four Or five thousand a „ Month. in the four. , months . just past, at.2cording- to, governmedit, records imarly 'nineteen, thousand • Cab.- --adians returned to this Country from the United States;. so .it pear that the retain in 1924 :was at about the game ',rate as was the go- ing, laat year, .'• While' the exadus from this coun- try was, in progress -4,000.' last month 'and monthr-'-one ttirally 'wondered when and hew' a /vas going to end. Who could then believe that, within a year, the ex - aclus.,aveulcianotaonlya stopalliatathat'' .the tide Would 'Set With, equal stren7, the other. way? •, •. It was natural that the good times and high pay which attracted people o"the„United States should be attri- aud to the trade policy of that court 'protection -the .exeltision of things produced in other countries. And it was natural too that the com-;, should be attributed ..to the - lesger tlegree: of .prcitection afforded by the trade policy of this country, 7÷nlisS a matter of fact -the ,Ingh pro- tective tariff of the . United States • and the comparitively low protective •"-ariff Canada had nothing at -all. A° do with` the good times and bad tinies, •and the high pay and the low pay:, ” The: demand for -workmen PSOAPE .• •' • There wa.s very nearly ahOther suecessful jail -breaking by colidemn- ed criminals'at•Montreal last Week. The six -men -tondemned to deatl in coimeation With.the daring rob bery and- murder of last April, at Montreal, are heid, in Bordeaux Jail awaiting exedution on October ,24th .0.ae qaerning, last (week lane' .of the gitilZ.,:!-Tarafini" tar name' wit s-' covered the -jail' Yard' - -.planning bow te.aaaler- the Witl. }Te ..had deal) ed, from the- Orison in which,'he wet confined by cutting the .bars hi• t 'The bars could he' cat'only with saw suitable. for the putpose, ant' this' saw must baire :beep passed tc the, condemned prisoner by , one of the jad'Tgiards, or by visitor7=4i viaitora ,are Permitted,' Two of the guards are under. arrest and others are suspended peading the eate9n1( of anl inirestigatism, It appears that there are in Map! of the large titles' of this centnent. extensive organizations of' erimirials and, their'sympathizers. • These pro- vide large sums for the defence of criminals Who are. captured, ,ane work ceaselesaly_for-tiaeir-liberatior_ after they are foetid guilty ,and.cop demned ..to longterms in the., aqui tentiaries or to death. Evidently otte_pf_their plans' is7--t, et at the jail • guard a' and "fix. them, 'The recent sensational ea' eaves-. Lit Kingston, London, Wood' sttrek, and. this •near escape at Mon real Can be explained in no other *ay. - POOR OLD cnINA China appeara' to be on the vergt of another civiVarar 'abbiat as grea' as the condittans Of , the "countrf will enable it to have. Ever sinee th/ breakdown "Pf the imperial govern- ment: some :twenty years , ago, tin coitatry ;has been in an almost ceaae, less 'tarrnOil of civil waft arid an arehY., • • - As a waiter sOme yeare ,ago said. "there la no Chtak'"' Tiiat 'is there no:China ,ia the `sense- ef a . cotintry with central , goierinnent .and ar organised system enferce- ment. ' ., °The- whole coMitrf. appears to :he lntested with :bands of robbera-who way -Jay travellers 'pr. When: coPporf tuinta offers; seize wealthy citiZena and hold them"for ransom, or tor- ture then' until ::they are obligedto haMt: overatheir>poss.eSsions. There appears to be no. police for the pro- •teatimi of life or-pr.operty; -and .tob; hers' are held in restraint anily by local organizations Accasianally: robber chief collects': a •considerable , army and will attack even a large drive out the city government (itself. only. a, eon' of 'robber. Organ- 'iation). and takink possession lira - teed to levy taxes :and live as a sort olaparaacite upon the. unfortunate re- .sidents. Taxes • of . course, are not aolleated:-7The •I-obbe :Chief whohas gained einttrol .just' •aepda his'representatives abinitTinalf; ing such as they think victims can Meet. When a change of .govetaniient takes place ir this • way there 'danger that ;thr city' Mai be 'plantiered the incorn7 ;nk or outgoing army of robbers. The to.have possession, fort- unately is interested preserving order and promoting prosperity, as on the.prosperity. of 'the City' will de- pend their barn. wealth: Occasionally' the incoming robber, or general,. 'as he style himself is Very strict regarding Imiting by' his ' soldiers; and will Strictly, enforce the order that' anyone caught, looting or " in atisseagion_of Afolen_ goods shall be put to death on the It is' difilatilt to' see haw conditions liP:China,t'4LesPeeiallY'laffzinianda.ern:l improve 'until means ' of 'transport- ation are. developed, Public , high- ways at present are but nairoar foot. paths along which freight is carriee on men's backs, an a passengets are /ferried in chairs suspended from _bearers! shoulders.. Under these conditions it is impossible for a Central govern- ment-ta,.controLlocal,chiefsa ' CUI.ROSS TRE !n the Uhitid States in 1923 was due to a temporary .boom' in building Which apparently has passed. In apite of Ifs policy of high pretectiop the United „States has its Periods of rood t e s and dull tint eit, hist at all other countries, in- cluding Britain with its free trade policy, have and always have had High tariff or low tariff; protection of free trade do not explain 'the good times here and as dull ti'mao aste. • • MOst „of the farmers in this vicin- ity have finished harvesting. , Essie -GaeSthag recovered -from .ar attack' of appendicitea.' Our teacher, Miss Johnston returned to herschool.- • Misses Lyle and Annie Stanley are visiting'at th,e home of theirlaia.... ter 'Mtg., Geo. Richardson. ' Mr., Duncan. Kennedy has SO id his 'threshing ontlit-to tir; Russet Walk- er 61 near. ,Winghani. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oruniblehee and amily acconipanied. by Miss jean Harkness motored 'hi Seafckt, on ,Payulay last. ' • Mides. Illehardoon .trikded his F.0rd ssilat IOW 1020 Cheitt' - / 15 OUTTERFORININTEROSE 114i.o,Alakein4 Pick to Beat Athintitte ,ps clean-, sweeobkv9=0 •CFTlin Sex IfiebS. 11.M.h..Pinkable , the.Packageo, Plod* Wight Of...tik4.440.4aatY F/414. - 4,ffiriteginfi.411,Stallemss ilisfonger.; eleSttitsa...Terna -Tattended an Inatitti-Wineatiagelfer . . . '17 andbeard, one Of the 10414400.. 0040 'N!' ,i-d4reaa wAth th•b!,' Intl* l'cfrae:. • ;417.6aaft. batter._ bast; . Ntiyor let it reit. __ • ' 'VD, rear snot hi, batten. 'And your hatt.iii. It 1athe .thIA4er-_thAt. can make .„that ..innst- 'be .dnicke*,..foe''' Winter • • , . Bitter undergo:ea changes 14 Aho• -keeping and two 'things necessary for good' result* -when keeping butter for 'Whiter use are best quality otbutter and low temperatures for holding.. ITse Cletiet, f$Weet. WleVel'ed pie' Cream that heti a clean„ iweet. flavor.. Churn it at a temPerature 'Jow enough tO Laing ,' the'. 'butter, In , 7iitte-;--5rin,grannies Wfrom..20 to lir ▪ C.".0 1.4112. orslAss Obi* issdeiskark Ls mo. • 0.*4 b." FOR- B,TTEI:k.. WALLS 0' CEILINGS. Skillful Work without Skilled Labor. minute& . Plaiterers hard to get? Skilled aftek they are _painted .ancl deco-% • If by any chitties the butter comes 'labor scarce? No need to bold rated they can be easily w.,azhed. - our new building, 'repairing, with soap and Water. The are pennanent, too, for 131 -'aver Board - Jastlas long as the building. , Beaver Board is ilways caiTied in .., stock 'by us. 'Ask' us far free.' literature and prices. ,We delivee it,� course."' • soft. be very -careful -to . get . rid Of. . tite-buttermilk.11-136-matcesaarira In 'a case of thls,kind to use an extra wash water. • . Balt the butter, in the Usuit,1 Ivey; • and )7irork it thoroughly. Should the butter soften during the procese of working, put it away' In a cool place to,become . firmer before "cozitinulleg the werking. . As butter lieetis best In a , solid. form, crocks or', boxes are used lor winter' use. __. t.Ioat the Boxes In.sIde With;ParaMne. , . The poxes have a coating of, paraf- 'fine on' the inside; and It is neceseary to; line them ,with heavy 1parchment ' While many people tape- it 8641).4 bo*' fined fcir some cases' It would be much better, to nave it Pitt In two 28 -lb , • The cracks should be .inAgood con- dition,.free from creeks of breaks in- • tim glazing, . • 'When pa:eking the butter, be intro to pack splidly.., See • that there are. AO openings in the 'sides, slid' that the, •Corners are 'well, filled. • - If there 8 or 10, lba. of butter in a, chtirning,. do, not put -the whole lump Into .the. crock. and then try' to pact it down. ' Rather. Put it in In pieces, ;milking Sure that each fdece la aolidly packed.. • ' Finish the Package Off Neatly. Finish the ',top off.- evenly,r,.. and: 'cover With• parchMent. paper.. 'A thin.' layer of Salt paste may .be put. over this before fastening dOwn the ltd.' With crocks it b t.decessary•I0 - tie' clean wrapping' Paper *aver 'tha top after. the lid baki been ))11C ••• All butter •should be stored in.' clean, dark place where ,the' air it. pure and the -teinperature.is low ane .Gevueenip.------b..Miss. Belle Millar, 0. A. 'C., • . . •• $.1ade Blight or (Pats. • ..This disease occasionally • causes heavy losset :in the oat'cropS, oat ,East ern .Canada and, ,Eaatern and •Central ... States '.'ot '..America.:' 'It attacks also •barley -'wheat and tbluegrass to a limited. • tent.. • So saya... prOf. Dan Jones; 441 it it - rib Agricuural College. -. ,,. It ,,. • .mina.,notieed in the spring . ., ancil, early suirtmer.nriten it causes trl'e,. 'young plants to 'tern :yellaw, ;brown atat.red, withering ahem' up. . in the' latter Part .o: the; season *it ,induces blast -In Abe heads. .- ..... ' - , Litt spread '.aud.', the ' amount' Of diunage, it catuses.in largelY dependent . 'en weather: conditions. • '; he' lieasons ' when mite)] .rain; ,stottain_esa_land, :muggy Weather Prevail .are the. sea- sons ' most favorable.' for its develop- priniary infection . ' Is 'chief)) threughthe stomato ,reSuctiiig, froth -spattering of theteairea by Liie' ra..to. with tile, Organisms front the .soil.' , • Two . species of bae.eria 1Workini, • togetherare considered necessary to ' .,cauSe 'the diaealie. 'Theyare tonna' ' . In . the ' sell. • They do ,ntit, nowevei. , afteet • the plant.througn tne rum... ' .. . • Little can be done to prevent of . , , . ..cOntrol this ,disease,excePe.z..is,ae .et..i and ',breed *resistant varieties. . . • l''. . , Honest} rays: k . The man, who/aspires Le the accom; plinatent. 0. ttiliAds Wortn wallo, it. ' Elle realm of petagraou live stock, mUst, .realize that itiS .,integrity as o -breeder Will be:. one .01, iusAja Carte .-s-assets;tanti-ne-nritst-gtiarti 'IL, 55 would bis stocks,' Xroi,u totliSdniui tures. AS 'JOB berth: and flocks an. Crease and .hls, bUsiness 'time; there grows', Up' a reputation iut eh:idiot:it honesty and tau dealing. .041yhy the help di these. eaaeht.la.,s apectinalitia iriele to encloTe and ywld to Satisfaction' an'ti or 'Good ;Feed. , A.Itandiutof grain while on Pasture May tweet' 'like, a terriaie waste, But. tea Cow will retool..., it aii tater if given of grain a slight. taste. stoinaciiof a young calf Is very dellate,tind climates in be made Made lanwly. The tail Win oegin' to ,Oat grain and, hay when it is about. Lair weeke Of age. Shelled:corn is about the best grain feed, as it takes the Place of cream In the Poorly-fitting collars are suto to cause sore shottiders. It is a 'gaol practice to, bathe, the shialliders neon . andlialitht With , told' water. Tint atolfla the chance of blood tainaeatitilf IWO iu at OliCe. ls()01111,211 ftg; 00010 t iPtIP41•1 „ „ p y , or remodeling on -this account. Build•better walls and ceilings with sturdy panels' of Beaver Board. 'Do the 'Work with haniMer, saw, and nails. These,big lumber pan-. els will never crack 'or fall; and Phone 66.Liiknow 130hTEOUS HIGIf SCI1001; SP.ECIAL,ISTS The Faculty of Arts ,specialfzes. in,, preparing candidates for High- School Specialists', Certifieates. The IVlinister of Education has approved Of the courses offered. ' The Faculty of '.NIeclicine offers a course of trailing un-. surpassed in. xCellence. Two years Pre-n-iedidal' (Arts) and four Years technical work; also..'post-graduate course of one a.r* __ • The Faculty -of Public Health offers Post -graduate vvork to physicians ancl nurses leading to degrees and diploinasin Public Health, . These coursee are especially ttrorthY 'of ,attention. • • Registration Day, September 22, 1924 • For inforination . • • . K. r'. R. NEVILLE; Ph- D., • • Registrar. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO 'LONDON, CA1'!,IADA SCHOOL INSPECTOR SUES SCHOOL BOARD --PreSiding Of •ers at Depart -nen -6.1 , . gxammatioi,,,, 4...e allowed 312 a, day remuneration.' :hell • inSpectoi- J Craig Ex-M.P.F. . :landed . Iiia bill to kergas' School Board,ii'e was 'held 'over fort investigation. But ' Inapec- 'tor, Craig ' who has become • badly 'soured by seVeraf defeats in his. efa forts to re-enter the Legislature, though. 4e.:„Iias..--a.-jobHalreedy7-big-on- ough for the averageschobl iriSpector would brook no ..delay • and •premptly stied the Board' of Education. His bill reads as 'follows: .10: daysttert, dance 3120; thumb tacks 31.05; post., age 75e express 45c; interest ,froth July 15th ,52 cents: -j. J. is goat.' to tench 'the. Board of Education ales- ' son for nosing into and delaying Pay-, ment of his accounts. The upshot bf the .whole Matter' will likely ' be movement at the%DeCember, Session of :Wellington' ConlitV Coixneil to re-' move InspectorXraig w.lio-has. been dabbling in polities for the past' •20 year. Cralghas the advantage.' of baying a friendly government. at Toronto aod while the Cciunty.`,p,aya , r ' More ",than 'half; an inspector's salailr' the-anembers--of - County' Ociuhcil carrncit". by, a: majority, 'vote,' dismiss . CRIPPLED BUT CARRYING pN.- . , • La4t.• weeks. '•Iferald and TimeS 20f. • Walkertdn. had, 'the , Jos. 'SanittIer, , barristei• of ' • Mt: , • Pleasant, :glen., heile, over 'Sun- day �n ' his nisi- return visit wart ngure on his !hi:tiler, vis t , wa on thisfi' -,deca'sion badly maimed state;.* both Of hi S legsani • ills' left -arin, haVing 'been 'aMputated,-, ,as a result •of' thes',., hav,in'g become diSeased thrOu-, kh ,a :malady,: ;(ont,racted from eiees- sive;Swimming,. In spite of this hand,' le4.trhe carries'o'n A large and sn6Oes-. snit Ia» pr'actts his .honap city, . thus• ,furnish ;Jig .a .1i v ipo;', proof. of that i • .adakdt ' ttiere,'s ,a Will; there''s.,, "Mr. R. J'.. Ranney, cif Chesley, 'has, 'been appointed ' .D,istr'thet' , ,Organize't'• for the Canadian Order Of .Fofresters .. .. to , replace' the late J. B. 'Campbell; ''.'• c. OUR home—every home—is,at thetnercy of the-kitchen-range-atieas-rt-li-reeliines a , ' day.. Knowing.the importance,of good iueaisi and the amount of work it takes; _to_prepare -than ,day after ilay4he -knowing • home -manager realizes the rieccss- ity of the right range. When you compare a Happy Thought Range with any other at any prite,. Yott will understand illy-Ite ihalf • 300,000 Canadian wotnen,1 praipe# • them three times a, day. . 1Seeoneths wcek, RAE:SE l'ORTEOCS Lucknovv /4, elMinFoRD CA