The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 7-7 -s- F I "W"M1 1-1 P e, % W, 7 . NO A 0 Un TN�� -AU X THE N'RTHERN, FRON 'PA ED ton ING, BAC TI A'QWUS Ad 7 I r roaching, p6p. Tgu o Of FIFT it EEIN­ 'P0WV1,lt ADbED' TO (,'AICENGINk BY LU Wust Rapidly Enc go. and. Fur, 1iad 'Without sufficient oil thei'sliding of A, The automotive tr6tfbles. that have fric- rX dustr the fli�lnk IQ *ccurred, due to the­la�k.t-of a, litt nn stij Is M season. pike I� I E *'T, a rapidity with ml4ch In y Purl c over another causes IQ oil, onc d �,�Thevoii ;N Id' th' nool tl p IV U in'_. �f,,X e_�, r -e g 0j"­Mt-wtmw0­'At :071c- _,ton volume '11robably. �Vor� l'i ffctouclillig Jg h, -,-",bl aft4da 111latea n'L6-rd It run all- the- way from j)ctty within- the 'oil, self.. Bpi th re, cause for serious., thougb:t asJO w ro Iii p intbp 4 InV' -t 1,rq�o� heib� )�)p scientist, and th6' centenary d th iiihs, just been,,cele- to real venience 4D rea Ar, edieS, I or.in- some'friction ii.Ahe oil,itself 14� 4 er this cou n try ha a a tich g. .11 mj t, say' 1p.� markets of eastern of :.whose biri 'a man hurryi I tion 'the Natural' Resources InfeIIIg6n.c4 3e. , fj (1, will prObi ly never" be fully nite Stattes., W.here, brated, b sta recen, ng heavy bodied oi this f ric in a 'I Service of. the Papayt an' f Ah exqeptiolagIl high. prices are �ecurp�d­ ife.:Thr.re.was greater than, i'kbt �odied, gra e. Ao the d6athbpo Qr inthb,.t6le- IC it had, nO a lack of oil in, the engine. ' In, the Yet'oil mustU heavy enough to, form terfor. Both past and'wstlhd injItei In Rorthern Maattbra, 35Q nitl4a;' t been for him le of th, central province� new develoments north of -Winnipeg, 4 mida 6 night,Aii.the optql coull- . film sufficieritlyAl'i - to keep ilI6 77 hyqFo-e4t'ctftc ,'grapli c have,been a �blel`mfghlt stil, try,,4ar fr in th6, -,,sta- nin -tin a Wha t 14 being construQted," on 'the, dteam of the, future; the electT:Ic-ligh Tie , met�l' parts j a( : re taking 'place within wai at, "Plan 4ftst, service coat xer to the,,� t,i6n, he, found, himself in. his car hope,,- The best, r usually be seiT One time considered the, unalspitIted Grass Rly�r'� tQ sqPply �01 esult8'ean suridoe an I immense Dlng6g6Ld I inine, at t a head pf'Herb,l legal stallpO� C�nseq ar the, mart- habitat of; wildilife'add tbejur tradi�r` obligation to'the grea mail, uen y cure y payi,,p nilkfit still* y g 'rived foo,-litie, to see hik 104erOnC 'instructiori bo r, ke. �'Thls mina: Is. beftig. develOppdI batfing,.a ok as to t in British ;Columbia, on the PO;rt haVer been gailist'inany handj- -capit alive. grwdes:- of. �oil 'retcommended' fqr' any land, oafi�sa gr�ai' developments ar&, by British al. cays; while, t4."World I&, fhd�hted to'. I Iw ri rthe � ay has, : , rn, Ontarie, the,'ra inino _him—gas and_wxtU l000er In wiriess. telf, 'ted o a ,d 17;c -t 16 it' ; nautomobile.1 RO J�e �now' I V tiqn; N'4 hikbly that a drop �f' j) ,he The GrA.0 gmr-phyi. 1p Min y apower, Y� Qnsolitlgi as'are -en -it' in and .'Sri�e g,compny bitibi iniflijigr oilgi s Nig Rlver� anil, new. as Ii ai) ess , ti, i n e.,,� Minink Itin 1. 1 ­ , e . fell, *a turn wqi,�,banj find s.6methlng are 156tng opened up he..safisf ctp�r&t result's,out" of � n _o d, Kelvin . left'the V.tiung a 91 pi, isJh.eAargpst 6p whibbi L . r impres Northera a 0 -4phed at. Va. equ enfus-. tramway dg�s� plectrie- mbbIle experti�i ee w4ic,�imakds. pgr ver'on 'the arrival of the British per producing 'mine n ­Canada.' In -ake and Pordupipe, areas of Anso oh�-and �.onderful' Ontario have made. "some. N -motoring.,thoroughly atisfacthry.. naval squadr�n-. of twentywtiie ofile.erp Ago 4titudied and fifty InOn." - jpgg, its output. pounli��, likht, ships, The' sia�ey st W''et wheie all tb6 da Or. nearly two-thli tota cGp- T rQ rd§ due 1,11 mac�inry, needs' lubrication 7 tion re�ordi his reRu' ati , on onp of the geat6st, noisy, traffite ;'for that -of Canaft's largest w'ater-poW al' Even, the. wheelb' that simplest goe4l, . I . . ' .per -production of Canadit, One er bclent�,ists of the centUry was pstruc. oas, W all exeep ion. erned-, d9v6IGpm6n.ts,.Isi In',course of co A WHO, PUP' -Lake rr �w, Wh'erp iyfndowis,b�iglit rail ct'the*light 'THE, KING" n1l I C , U ,R uitner Of fasliibn's gleamifig :ssIlo.ws, NS fln."6V the grarid discha Nte rge, of The Preinter mine, whiQi In - 1922 The First Atlantic� d t4er is the. Vb the fo re r laY "An the piaiqe� of ctunPes,§ hea . rts' S t.. 'Job n, n. Quell ce; 4b on t 15 'miles pbl,e,, its' reveLry, the motor can- - Arriving t tll� produced 12�`1,527 ounces Of gold and William inson It -future Lord 'Of -tinguisl ed ,Conduct on, 4 ec a �Yppt of '-'also Ao­ d -a r, is, north'of the city Qu be(/.,.' Here the T b t 0 automobile. age, lubi- icatid� b e C '6 in es, I ien one�, ay rece0ly tile Duke, of 4,261,,'368, ounce$ of sily INtAlix) little- sti�etth.at wiand'�rs is, KpIvIn',, was born In. Belfas n Jun home, #Ifi -ac the' Cat Q ebec �Develio�ment .Com�any, Connaught, cordnce. with. a long, 'flbltj 'They, ra Ilk as members u ed',dn the Portland,Ganal,, approxi - t 1824; a:nd (>f.,a,, distingulad -very importan. c., best bf all me. --H h6 11 to, constructing- dams' and power-houseist: th, thb' wheelbarrow thcre�-'ait� on:I esabli,hedcu�;tonl, Insotected'tbe. Ypo- offlts,,Ajafe�tty's' ouiiie I 'ad family.-ot, Scottish descent., t. mateIY.140 in -Iles north of Prince Ru oll t h use, Ae wa -a a 6f S t Thm. twof men of tlie,,Ouard'At St..James' Palace, Formerly the ye ien were a pprt. 'Eac,4 of th,?se mines has de- r simplebearings,from %�hich :ifi . I I . ij embers family actually. be-. �:T-h e, grea i, 61`� tile carth, rea0lund visitors to i�ondpn were qfforaa4; an K4g.s pert,;*niti awadariti; by day' and River The ultimate, capacity of 446 M o.t he iotl.:fro veloped hydro -electric 'power for its - all the various sqlu�4.k -that ar�e'.char- ""It �p rofe"ois- -at . the, same, Uni. In diLwn to dark, ait1ime, and broad. One, plant Is expected to be 4J6`,066� horse- came -oppr '4ciekstic, of,�this v�iiicle, But in, the opportunity �bf witnessing a,, ceremprw nilflit and L�61�9 I Atfun., varsity Ad evien inL' n -Ig ' the rhaking : - , - t 49 ng t a present was, pow uthmobile Ahere� are hundreds of, �Is lip, ' With � g a th lit the din Itnki h the 'da�s 'of I of. their clitef task er,* Tho,.dam bein , rected will IT e' I . fathbr';' was .100 feet�Lhlgh a ard by -those- Who hark;- be In 'the -tikontt.dp-velopment of th 6 b nil .1,700 feet long. James, homson, his -po at I mAttentibn,.: of the Kjqg's bed, which, could,not nlubvmines, of the. Mayo'disfrict in proze"or;1 hfai,: eldet­, ,ints piece , o tory relates that when huhthig tatiolied. by anyone oth0r,'than ai yeo- ilver- We itorthwestern portion of, the' mathe atl.ca:i� h� inv fe�et. in officer bf' the­Qifard.. 'Each v n'ce,' Rouyn aistrict:'active brothef, becainb.Prol ee r - y place w ere . one f metal �atl�sfabtqrily,, In, 1�23 An . 1 1 . . " ' Is proceeding !ess�6rof Engin b protected' Abbey. the' King, n he mail oi pro h WI t h d separ- silect-In tand -exp ' tOry. work Is: slides 6�,er:'6.nther must e the , distiiet'show6d Increased prduc pro Ing, b, loxi� labor 10 white' Lord'Kelyin imself rose diagnise' bt� a 'Y6arnan "of the" GuArd pAA of-, the .ed was examl.piid r4 u:film'of'oil oi�,'16tlier ltibri6afit if a. bpink`�arrled on , with tlie,ex&c.tAtion th6.* Profess6rshi of Na� The,* little r�ad ihat,,Ibifers lyoine tI'OP,, while stilY greater results, ar to occupy, called , on 11�e abbot, Who lnvii�d every sheet,and, coverlet being t Twillglt and the*.' l -the retate looke&,fo.r." 7116.,'Alayp district is "in tural Philosi�pb, hip sliding movement, is- to be a ' ccom' Through. dew! t -the -at car.e:.a d. that -d6velopniaj�t,'jDf -'.the, Ili ftieral Z�- y -At the age of �ep: yeas-- Willfami ajll�tlte,tthe 4bbQt remarked; cerem�onyj- fhe so ereign' retiring to solifides of that, di klyprokfinat�1yi: a'El, Ktng.at' p v strici will, ance and if tbe,part are not:0. wear The. mountains Tli n matriculated at,'Glasgpw Unt-�.` bave their loft3i�'paths oq *Oui mar o-wh a e. Railw6ty exten- 0% an, the- t clailk f a�l d glye an hundred pounds to rest only, ask was reported bI r. out quic vers- aiili `w n on --In, the , each othe W nce �114 cAil 8 f ee egt, as' heartily-as,y6 '1� i I I Ey, he ly'llfteen wrote �-Y ee,,a ar ble ta d 'in, the,'northwast territories tradio sid t' the'* I U. by an oflice-r',as having been '!well 'an 0 areas,. s.,proposed. REDUCTI0111,.Or VRIGTION The. beaufy, of tile forest miles. Soon after this the'abbot foU*'nd'hlm- -title of ,ye6- broad"Onj stations, are befrig",estab-1 Abitibl'-iiad, Temlskaming .districts a; notable. '.esj3a:y on the figure, of the rilly discharged 11 The n ie'. 'b6elr' a I ctiv, y earth�azi . assay. . hii6h m; , p ac- colonizatiQ al pro� Stalf: � fulprl,, lie an�ii Y,e'oma:n Bed. w tamp'pd.. lif :'An*. �utilornobile engine-'withdut any O)r v so. d fit thecToWer- oil 'a man '-bed�Hanger,,, lisliad a Fort Slin so '64 a kiozit'could: not a ' I But of all -path s:-tIlat"inent may walk- III' JAI government.. 9.ve'n a y'. age,, as a gen -;12bii b staxted­'-If It may - pretext and, slome caIs I kenzfe Rlv6r, and at'Herschel- Island,' -by the..Trovinc it thiLt, -earl lug.. q ay� h14jG till be d by'certain. menibOrs moted :war air the Much of his. inost,,notable'.'wor - to, ti fy 'ct k was. in ni tie c , e foiced Iih o�er through'the li" ngij� for. � ` " I ln.'the Ar fe Ocean o moutli o f` oast.:of'Nova. It eal othl g- bVt. b aard.. . 1. 1 a o. n U read of the Gi On Scoita the b, ported Ilia 'Minectl iihthei�iy,.butt Wh6n he application of:ou The, lilitlepath that funs'to knock and wapr,' On nt of stit of earching tile Makenzie. oal, fields are,,rej on Other utlt.4s 6�. age� tsi�e po, 'War ii,.would thb Iasi day, it jol V lan& door! rOA�t, beat. was si Pt Northern -arrangem , antis: al),quit io-be"developed on an intensive. -was only. thIrty-,years.of' fie�u :'Very'' quickl' pin a h6mel the,�va;ltsof the Houses of"P t p ompany has red I 6d a. led the,.wholp Of - it,. v�b�reupo­n at opeflini of,ea�h gtas�;jon, scQ1 . out.. bitu- ently been, istil -tranmisiton of telegraphic, signalk. y weai Danc�ng �f befo�a him, and he 'ihe p�oblph a pav�meni'quick . ly w . 6a I rs',ou I t . h Ariltur 'Wa 6onsun rt. are being.made, for shipping., solutl6n'of rIL 6f the men sandA'from. tbe-e�orni us dep��ii ince, purbose. shem Ing �the Sia& shoe�. But when they ha ­6 a Was id n;, to- h -at official care. n , 0 t -q! rporatedi for tbAt, I this led to his being" f e'. -oild"S opp' ,,.of. McMurray which along. u.,cable, am ce., a,, great im- Idl uttng� the Maundy n . the 'vicinit Tge northern' limits .1 Canada are sm6ofh,�v"ed 'suifa t it �e*ifiand-,iyoni..th6,'astonisliti'd abboti'lifs.. montes',' and 0 ant *0 th e Br .. I . tish ba tleship Aga . meW hund a�Iqney �bn b . eha of thb Klikg at E aster., Point is now-aalinost reached 'by moving..�ae k, a r Iii 1851 -to supervise ­0kovernefitt Is,, notic�itbl�i The ­wax r poundd! '. 'In, thfs,: way, the if 'ftpidl� and :agricltur " * " I I 'k. been� f d' and -industry are following closely Ahe' nO,n Whirling. woik� 6 -a a iuhri6nt term "'Beefeater" is said wa A-. company'lia's; orme re- act i Wh I. 'would appen -if the, earth Westruinster Abby. a layin the new Atla t c­cpble.. The", 'fas jon'lih. ny people .-erroneously Aa��oclafe --n'.sali de- .fri t on. In-, a sinAL'4r h he sfoppe'd' rotating?, cezitly,to'dqvielop lia kuo,�. new devalopments,�. Wh .,was one% c the, 'Pon r a. -Ware, but In i -area, a bedr cam-, j U. the first attemp *its a"fa �automobile. the lubricating�!systi�m, is. o, . sialb lities 'mu u of the Gt pz>sJts-.fn coked but a blealk.. The p, fl, . 11 , zo, 9 be expecte, within, i, a -1, t0 all' at -Occur- The iYeom n of.. the Guard Whose the, yboing tak with . the Aame. 14 feet'in thicknes, d i0il'o,wr, Ini y Q work� was, co design' I difrack salt! 6ar th -d to supply a film. of bi h k4te y appearance at, State funetibiaili., warders of the Td*er of'LGndon, w o were map �fila reason- eii -nlany' w, q. read'Dr; "as n r Ing.: Able length: of'! it r to C '.'.D. iine*ACto - ti effect and attracts ilb much atta., we �r6ved d'rill state Ar a-Afthilar iinitbrin. . The Tow� tr eted fits that haveisurface� s.1iOn'g over ro er ;4aving,. POA th n Itir t o'n,,�'were originted by Henry. VII. in.,warders had. ti ptt'orfgIn:Iu' 1509 "F b �e;,,hqt'94 y,. n furs.,but 'In many',and jWaking Sea T S f Uclitas pistons in the, -that I a rotation of the, eaii " o h when At au§t,-- on Lesser Slave Lake, rips, ter. surfaces s Ott h aylindei�,� tfie:c�raiiks6ft, tfie­�-wlrist 'axis This' I -mill' -then a' �young I Man gav ou'the, Edmonton 'DunVeg and,Bri -varied. mine; -al, forest and�.poweK de- wtia gradually. slowIng down YicOmPfav't a odest - Henry VIII- . . I This broip,, �ul.7iiot before ' ihei Od4y. I the lam.]total. of lfe pIns in -1 e connecting 's an N tiitry-b n oiw their pre- up the. Towek as� �t Drth. had, it proved. one. Of d d' the ngd permanent Royal tish, Columbia raflway�-'a modern fish, v�slop;nents� ti) -'Wa a ki h o one eed� become a arme oyer d. eez lig, "'ll'i be COL ru the lAuraii resources 'b ence. -fr.. Ant, a t ct6d value of an, essentials rest'd 9 most, Importd:at, measaige Vihich, Va] os4ntday karly being in m os ive'push r�ds. the 7 uphhiiig am Interview -up,,�p i r o- mes'. To 'show that it *i�s still Royail with a capacity b 109,00 pounds of,- �da�­,., )een dispatched:, thr6itgh It" wds tile,. --that. worn in Tudoi'il' or.the purpose'lof a I er. '�The'slowing thi.4idegir6d, kesul a C ­,zess- has as,' Inally fifty' inemb�ars'.sjrong, th� palace he lel man of%th6 for two rekt- "T 40gi - �,� tLin'a, simp and' f been going on for.-eenturt of Bri-ifsh'soldipis to leaVe.-C fectiVt manner o engines a ee � dekgned'-and-,n6iiiinq' ssnsatioal'�bas come Out Gua -rd now consists' 6f'a hundre'd'per-� Guard', �n'. obargie -of.. it; And when It was ... y had tried each other, out ;�an N�itiral'.116oiutces Bidletin., vice- :The An Ong �befbre',` across, the: pokez. of que�r the, Ind. n , I . that. practically a. o a or lng-� of. It,, I'This 'ki 400s; offic red by 'a capta n,'.a lieuten- j 11na IT 11 f th I gi*en', up a.s.a palace. these yeo- tables adaj ina: Muff y En U: the tjtj0'0fL war era k of "the K mbdrley ant, an.ensign,:,A er .,Of the bb ineh.:,wre. gi d - I ; lub parts are ir'iclose.d, within the, �ngiji,ei v.,did'slop thingi.,might become Tfie�Nzatut�l Resources Inte ligenb'e wi6 -stated to lafid be - tween twil'bund'red. and.two catings.- T . his g , n' -inakes-­�'.Po-, -sun Would I �,h , ine or Adjuthnfi,' And f6tir ctofp' raIS7'. The and deprived. of' their old-tinle cos- death beds o -I o Rervice,.,of.'the D�p'irtmeIlt',of tile In- fr an a an w, the iupplied from one'side only, While the othbr.s u T as restored at a y o an captain, Is Alwiys'a�man-o n oii-1 me. 'he drew w' a r an teit�rt,tOttawA isays:-, - 1 1. isible th have lubricaiiiiit� on; iide i ' and- Aft th" f -disil cti sudden' 'desperate �'d �oftati and'dem us fle16. d chosen bv 'thfe Chanibeflain, later date "but the wear: e�rs, were' made ctl It I. -single. reservoir oioil *hiA I's -arknesb AmonK, fhe' greatdVVentors� and dlsl� eir work, atrated, in. a most. pra cal anner t 0 r- 0 of�-the . ..... tha -ne ojm­began Itlien 1, -w-hlle,-jEe--�Yeomb.n-�-�r,e,--sergeants.-o " 41stinct- --from­t ul:sn dti- 1he' fght­yalsi� he --'.Y-e wo,--cabres 7- C a cov6rers o .,,,new proeesses t, f :1,� "This if the'earth7ts''niotiou sl wa - r r ant offiPeTs, ofthe Army,',seleeted Guard. a r a rencas, They, eam twolater, And for� ase and a par o owed to one 3 the''ot fr '�Ijthpi�ce at Cie a d in co nection was -h itan cal lum.car6idsi, should b Yinon,'the. d-,'scD 'd enterprise' Thomson, )�eservoir holds' about, one r6t, Caniida as t)ija W th tile Whole attoji:A. yeaf�"' he dddaid, "each.ifaY a, I . I' erar of siinp4y, fell'into sf.6�,.si Id' , an his work. a"Op Thom a L ­NN oil. . Thte. oftly thing the ope wq.ji-id 6e. on6'year' long, 'as: they. are . ., 7 tN�re­. they', r�inainod till death-'piirt knig I - r, ..Inhen ce. a in�luded r1tor a , . . , c The-'holiday-muke'r,'who travel's Ilk to do is t�D�1ake�care that -the ter ,"thought o, be�bn the planet. Mereux�,y.fl C house and land Thdi'ieft to, me the] Calctuill'-icarbide it pfoduied by: sub 'th iligh hia -inay o Is kept,at Iftst parity full. 'a few hundT6d million Sinii1krl, Ramsay '.and hoa was much, c 'Who Am the next of kin ectini a- mixture'of ordinary inie n Omp ex, in J, Htarriqt, fa ad bi*a: I` knbw it, to*, th - gr6at.� ocientist-k, -for is,''at' re'st, th yei .before.-itbe 6Art1l's'indtion at -Its I a sb heat,of t p , C When the- engine It ten h - electric' On what -vas tli�,,Ira I lay my �Ln coke, to the in e -i4tarded to' A, p.qint 'ififeiisitj ter'n4tibnal aftpation, .have met Lord Kai�fntts researches and inved- sTat,pm- Ooes..:not I functioni are. Some Idea of,,wha� -,'the, An� freal y I go In. As soon as he etigine starts f, ., 0 3 b "pipt�t&-pipe"- Inter- t i ions. Ili connection with, d do rred;, In. 'a oil f� �*here'it -entils aptual discom ort.. o'taine ''tife 61tips. hav4, f thl' beat means may be one, .-in the fai2t a as furnaqw! automatleglly. sent i to the., diff,��erit Befoie, the he�rth �Iie�e they illd sit th change of i1ewp� no.f.coxiiinitting even d' a. gr'eat-,deal to makw fdr. sa ety that, neid -lubrication.',' Iii..nlbst 'Gai Frctlpl-straw. V spea, ys and 'vo for to a trusted'agLint the cte�jlo,jj thd o at a. - tile pr6duction 4-tron or, the beS7 -this is'ac om, nie�rs -are -expecting g I fl, I" mthe" r ov e'r One, of. his most. notable inventions-' z uild6rstaliding bet;vieen in'di�idiliils,up -fro I seplished'by means�, Fa, r6i't ihwgs w se * mar. on,varter juii . �hlclf was,his s'hIpt!s'bom- -on *hihAhe amity'and edmit pump' 16cated-11n the', reserv6i�. -�;ga. ortjor'the, ma reaches- a teuipera4 That once did come �kud, go. y of na- in conne&fon'� to stepi s 'so oftei of: which has U "n d6vils in--an.­e�och-makingi hii-h is driven thro, gh4uitabI Ing bee 'ad by, a 00 to 4,000 degretes tiil i,depend.. C AT pass dIA W IC fute of, from 3,5 - I a -et 66 f6llowed.by the nai rd, F�hjeuhpit,' T�hereas approximate Y in one land -by" the - era �A mie r-1 Ing,. 4it Over the be ould repe tthe. bftie� it another many lines at re. Lord elvin a tim4a, 44 � -- i WitfiMt machilIG.. 13 6 .'Of, all my. eat I 'is pumpe ad- 1. would own., I T64- li 'take 'I -mea Oi 6,00 as of beat Cc Ad"'to ..'a samd ng nt a d fieon� -tha-!rese of' ed �­whea- or'', trough go that' 'a -;'�O�000 cubic 'feet of gas,. i;n- -thd for'nia'ti arbide -be" Innot anything�746?e� on of ­q Atta 86yv but his disdovery lad to- �!gallon� of,tar. a 0 ng of.the si 1p 'yield, .:forms under each arm of, th u 0 �'62; il.'' ibf,carbon. Bat'--1Tm:,g'jIjja knock the 6tiliffin' ��t ha Ia brief iw AM y Them here Instead. 'a possib'lei, 0 co a in tha-­a­b4jjLf_oii p -de exe &jj�- f�o t- C�Tl C. ju,m men-st f such a�kd and"no o t� revolves the A's the shaf which forms a l ant fuel, out f a mos, genery thi oU. -000 cubi6 he I *duld i-esi VI ­'Many'ore,the recorded trlumphs.'of matter. what ;�pe6d a 1��at ra- of the onnecting, r6i& aip,into and it i's estiniated that. 300, : . I gn my years of right cArblse s as an illilmInant. N ion c pe ICA'a home run it file hear Them say; omais:. wh 6 did- lipt., trust'. to dablie. velling, it,was poi;stVlb' td obtain splash -it it inta',filie feet of strav,,�.ga- lir�ou'i�,t�iljttt conta t vitl; up and.hreak 'will dto� all the light- f I c rbide c N dipl ca �rms - An oi - fog.: f- the aver-: 'We cannot. let ;You. 9,07to-nfght" fol:mcd or letter� but met And t4illced' humanly correct f1guires. He, also pejected' a water- �a(�ety cue t'� f( 0 t6s., every poir& �nd' rmhou!�ie;for a 'D A f the- b siness, 0 ,tlieir�,; 1) . ing­c biiii �.an�d he'aitin'" I gas is rtici;4 until 100 ...91 g b Pa. y a I ar. uP6,afidDrakos u This f6g paiietia Or. "'Ibbirie and spehidjK, ay.. lices Aligpt',thav j§ ver the Ide hol-Iday-makers', g e ice inside 6f L ertgi.ne, whiere it Urs ;ave been diriVen b y S amusing, Oarbidei -how-, Mr ant Ali, for 'exainole, and 46tigitud f avess,el at sea., agrect6le,to tile eyes A, Plo _.�r vi -ey -j 2)r The:,oxy, .. � ­ ... - ­ i 4 .. - f over tells, Of �concassions,. not for 66mmei- neer of Wl'reless. &e- g _eq is a in own -djL S'd-d­ a-.wave8i seldo' 'b Air! 'Probab y mor k o*er ithe� offt-,- ri ry part. a oil is,�'de'- 4nd buses. were run* in -this, ooufitr in in- � "As far as'eye'can see, Acetylene torch that cuts througli sUip'll U. a --in 'mm tfeatinent 1.� of, Chrisifan Witntiritleg" v her6t, nit0d A tide - u t Tli us urfdg,'th. VA by -coal e. or: me,,.Bu-t,:.not.,a,,v an forhe inve pre.. is n e,surl r fu 're-� ack Into the' nisonat. n rview'--epme-, ling, -machine- by � nio"a of, ee&d. a astf P,� Isog' inetal jot Ali '."Duck�:. and Anit no'one'speaks n, te� a dirkins b One car camyliag:.300 cubic feet of.. L 1r1,' 'pairs broken inata Parts, is'a. ilrdidubFf, tid r to es a t1i'tei dinner tiibld' h' as'. at various ports could.. be. pre. -the leiw� th F'M 15,miles with'no, othei I D ake �Anne Hempts ad,Branch, 'ok-aalclum carbide.and' oxyg�n. or over, t a . M sCraw gas. ran I ' ' -at place in a engine� t oo, ee in u it '--'-fro relict�ant Turkisfir load- ci ulation 'and, ths Bureau belleves ffie're :,History does no tell us the nanie of lizf I�iiiiefit calcium dicted some tim In advance. here I is. again, re As a- iferti n e the -Inventor,. Perfectfy Correct. Qrs. c uses'.91.4 an agent for: aw gas.as mp are gre�it possibiliies ini- artr bui the''game wa known clarbide'Ands Hi ele trica resarches, liavd amonk thb'�'ancients As , "' '�t But It Is fiot,merely in t4a""big, busiz proved bf'in&jculabIe'aer.vIce- to the,. .by th6,-.p TION a 1110i r ft) 17 epo rgefsf- It was Bety's''lifithday and'her fath- the abs,' t e. orp.tbon Of iiltrogm lie re�sujtiw. OF OIL. ar� re( that., D -a ii t---� prod tret- I��-i:cy Ide, DIS -a ,� -Ii ui� �Tliere bef -r-ie& nagnificent toll ant pilen big L n--systei Waves� and Currents;-` A was playe�d,jby One, Africianu&: T si*e fert'llip counter,.,wing sucoe ' sses dnfed� to' 'a while. If, �was 'his inathematical fdrniu-- reservoit �is pu�n*pioitht-o6gh's'uit-able mqnt'ls all intil t th . e The differende 'bef*e;en a,wAve and and his pompanion, LAellus, more tha'n ed And shut, and ',a enrlething *a s rig"i abs n pu Its eyes refi said, th -oil and 0�us eriabli longl'range, , a t treatment.",' In' I regarding os latin Which lain, "hearings a. very�day*.affafr� thereAs b, d 0. -p ;Ing to tbe n 'ai current is t i three thousand years great r frect'gain, other phYsicisls oft the track ok..radl.' I at a current Is a stream' tl a right to a *cro' q. Th"u a w 6 �haft is* dlilfeKl sty'' P shaft., ThIs,..., in, the mee Ing, o . persons, Perhaps- the rdost,famoits, pairo'n of spot. since;r find that.two. ininerals, I 09t6no - anl& of inving in tile sea, t f �Iy' telegraphy.' ay�'Gnter in IOU c qcerned,* 6f,fbr Individual glory.o ',Lo fXAf'ANThat-are­y �going­tcall Dollie"' r'd Kte'�Ivin, who had been niarried 'be. carried.-, under :'pressure the Franc I jr nova Is game-,.in,�ourwo,w.,ii1titAo-,.waa, A cokb' 5,-a - -a -fr I . . acdlailn -but a tself does not de I t nd inqi1red'father. ' , , I some nianvAlf tile needs. of inditistry. I rface. w Ifor, arg a �buried-LiL,We%,tnf,ini�t.er.,A-ly.beN� cr.ankpin bearinip WII4­sp�nt w p cl d a rceA repre- I at;. thaii, tlioa.e who., re,. billisted, to,, - the Wavq, a .on "Serchie rost lied the .wflitin drille't� and ad (untI1 It, play ;,M Y13 ana natlirrl" 9 nj are li C -ell, pidiring iiiii, 'pebbles and ��,setchel'l as M het' father, -ptiz- ,,, : catty ft:f�rwa d to victory. rp�tlngplace for on6 i!:Brit crankilifi' bpArl irs, �rb 'a), buL the'wiliter of t urreht the bea kL ent.in busle,folffil �or as'liartly o ain't great-, r -Y 0*1 prcosure to the pi a zid.�,, '-tl Va tho'hainei be- ast men.�­'- actually' travefs.. ni1king'thern, kin! over'ithe water. 1; flip; raw Tna istilin bearings'.4it. 'ter, fotte,P ,wr Acc6rdfnj,, to 4,11 z a bje th an Ati to ia ri ng T e a. as become le". Took Her�Unawaye. -Oil theiiheavy work be k time as Is] lid of Jamaica 11 game was nown in his ie," said Beityj mrely ealtil, to oil the people, a d W ­Th6 mirplu 1-iiii-piber I - !"I Ili It soul' supply -vanilla f nny you,,xy .-41y, song, laver- and -Thalina,' an k1 active little person of a -in six -resented the sugg'estijon�,tbat 'She., 10jill that r -7-'7--- ­— 7 -a, theso I ces iivail� Ina4 rking:prts As in the ot ior ",But don'tou'ever go to sleep," she we able; rbeso HyMclli; h0C has n y a u -t -N, be el' anted after ijf)6't eN i, Ot iooking, at, I Ili u re yliiles� of rit t, Vol. Oil, �11 Tgnize edi g� nt3,,,! o, Is Use I f W1 .1 - fy g's, geno tin q I a (I I n tb Ah- those eoncertiod lno,ot to, fare., Illoth IL lj n't, b6� cquitod jvh�j 1. 1 N, e. it serious, I ollars ca h,j of the cylindoi at�d i -A 6)), phy bb r t 110" teach orlifn, AN-ith lettor.�� But When oil i'll' lit4s et�er to Ve inspected Wh e n *of imitted fi'ohl'tlft' strilcturp jrpected thiln to be dissected,. afte'A -STfjttji 'k - built f1j) jjl�tti �llg -1111 ETWO, ooloil I,,, I eNN'o Inell., nl('e ttt I rL U_ a'Things T I ture nd that which sel a0 l , ; Cli, unilt fol J. k, '11V tilt, lat,�O'ut t1irohgh-,t wqb: by a down, tk, I 'I dEcal i% L dilution by bappehis g114()l'1ne u,they, 3,�;oice in th3 ljres�ent t-spokell 116,98'-Illl indon rtj. Into th& ll-iftlportqnt� Personal (� i I IJ lie jsuloo(l (to yoong bi by -01y to tile. reill'oval : , ,H sollilwo, I d Theta i1re, iia;wards of '100'000 "'oplo to and 6tro but tilt' of, llen ito run jjo�v to Ili Canada actively obg4ged lu'.convert- Into 16A thin.i it of' t1164' forests into a V41 l" poke Oil .0alth "softe or other,. and ooh�i for. 'iflon quality i,q dest) tIl.fq 01cq it 0" with the fiinilllO-s they this Ioil should tic, Orll(�, ITO' tliah fAvO per 0e�t,L 6f'tlle total 'llat base, Vo 1'es in 0I)e, 011 .1 tile Ne of n1;,'l I r oil, itile, Doiliffilon are'. dopeadOnt oil the lu, an(I Imid a 1111diii, ht tea Is tow illoy r _0(,,jVL tield by' Viae togotile oetioliq ol Ove tltiited 8ta at I Aeon, ount all(! 'let 1) Irl"I g a t d 'visit lit, bei: --------- --