The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 4b103,1{1N. . To, *Wel% Pa,17•4006.1. IlaY 'Tedder's, 4°7 ' Binders,. WILKINSON VQ— P.lawOiAccifticis and 4A7rowo.• t STEEL & *124 "0-'4-7 Airashit'AIntbseGetes aiiWoen !,tatiIee L-Pgvii10.4 ge 'oar MO grad es Pianos before 'buying, For 'Pale At. DREW'S LUCKNOW• 4 • ----Incirp0rated-4855 CAPITAL - $4,000,000' RESERVE - • $5,000,0100 'OVER 120 BRANCHES, IN ',CANADA , 13.ANK Explain to our wife the convenience of checking savi ngs account„ or perhaps just drop ' in ,with her at any brancb of The Molions, Ban k ---and let her open an. • aceount. S. RE1D, MANAGER, LUdKNDW BRANCH. eaforth Creamer CREAM BUYING STATION Hightest cash prices paid ,for. 'Cream and Eggs. We guarantee • service and seithefacoti to all oar • patrons, „, • Give us a trial a/A/let ,us prove , • to you! that we are a worth while , 'ntarkets • ,!! ecU . LucknOW Branch • Phone 63, Teach/Lew- Phone 74 "%gingham . Theme 256 MR, PALMER .COX PASSES ON Daily • papered of July • 25th 'Con- tained announeement of the death at 1 Granby; Quebec,`-. of Palmer.. , Cox; I.mous as the atithor of the BroW- .. • nie books, and in the early , days of I• Liicknow, a resident here,, Ue.„.Was..84 .years. of age, so' we .may assume tlaat death 'wasdueto' 'natural decay. • Palmer Cox Will be remembered as •a distinguished ..visitor here at the time of:'the" the.' Old , Boys', Re -union in, August, 1910,' rind we, believe he ,wgs 'here once ' since that' time : visiting his old friend, the late Robert Gra- ham; By :the time 'of, the 'Re -union Mr. Cox had already beconie. famons as - ei writer and 'become wealthy -at thattime being . chtiiied ainong the millionaires' of.JI.ew.: York"; , As . a young ,rhaphe came -to Luck now . tient ,Gyanhy; Quebec where. he was .born in. 1840. liere he worked, at barn:Iramingand in the . Winter • hewed tin -titer with the broad -axe, Mic-Grahatii -Often7referred to, 1.11k skill. with the* ate. While here he had • at tittles given evidence of his . apti- tthde.. for drawing 'iiictiires; and' We .believe there are, still in this vicinity some examples •of his art. . From Lucknow'palmer Cox wen!, to • California, -in. the days of . gold- -inininglactivity-theres Ile -engaged in businees •in 'connection with '.iron work. The' ,iron business was a fail- ure but this proVed a : sort • of •blessing in disguise, for :he then tur- ned his ..'attention to writing and il- lustrating in 'which he _soon• won" fame. and 'fortune. 'He invented:. the Brownies.. they. Were ' intiong' the first' 'Preduct.s: of the imaginative ar- tists', and. Meeting an insati41e , de- mand ' they beefune . immensely ' poi:- Ular., His.rhymes -, arid " sketches 'fill about a dozen books and for a time onumental Works- LUCKNOW 'and NVINGHAM H 1 est and t complete , as e erg a, aiMi setock, in! the most beautiful designs to choose from, In s • ,Marble. Scotch. Swedieb anr Can- adian Granites ` • We make a' specialty „of Family. Monuments and invite your inspec- tiro. •.„ • • Inscrip.tions Neatly, Caref ly and Promp e us before placing yo order:- „ . • Douglas Bros.: , A. Spotton • Lucknow, Ont. 1. _ • ” Lucknew L. U.- L.. No. 428, meets in stheir lodge. room every seedifd day • of the month' at a. o'clock p.m. .V7.111.: BY: Parker:'Re•e. 110;11111in. . • CULROSS CENTRE • TIE 1.417CKNOir spYriNEL, TH131..§14,Y, llets 1924. • THE • cx..Novv sENTiNEL THURSDAY, 'JULY 318t., 1924. TEN YEAP.P, 'AGO • The Mai days Of JUly and the eerly 4a7,0 40f .August,, 1914:;. were i7-011.6uaho'at 114:irItze4 w'4 - The .great• war was 'mperiding. Civ- ilians thought that -.such a' calamity was „impossible in the, Civilize World' of'. that day.. Military men ought differently. they knew of esigns and the preparations •In quick suceessionl ' tit . first four days of August 1914, Germany declared war upon RUSSIA, .-Franei Belguim and Hritein, and like "a boltsfrohistheshlhe7--:1hesworld's!swas, plunged. into ' the „greatest catastro• :pity IttiOWn to IMMO history. For fourgend-a-quarter long. (tri, xions yeers the -War was the all -ab- sorbing r.subjeCt' 'of attention. At, first` folk thought the . war would lestfor six months, but, sedcliers said it would• , last et ileast three years. The 'forces 'of destruction Were so ieat that it was• thought that: armies,vcould not .ast. But during the wat the forces of. destruction Were increased ten- fold, and still the arthiea-by far .the greatest armies ever organized -en. dured end. lasted, , - It' was all- like a long- nightmare ' but it carne to an 'end. Yet the .worl• d is Still convulsed and troubled by the sliock, as the sew' heaves and rolls: long after the storm has passed; REDS :OF 'ItITSSIA appeared in hundreds •of magazines -Almost all thirdien -of a generation ago'z-became -acquainted with th Brownies, curious elvish little' crea- tures usually engaged th doing some good work.. •' • ,Mr. Cox was a fine gentlemanly fellow. who made friends 'wherever •he lived. After he beeame 'wealthy he beentiful .Summer home• -At 'Granby where he wits: born -no ' 'doubt attracted there by nernories of his boyhood days. For many Years he spervi the'aurnmer months there, and there he died. Mr. Cox, we believe, 'never mar ned. • _Many of our readers Well rememe r Mary .Ann. ,Keith,' the eldest Alatighter 'of the late Mr, and Mrs, feeK: who in 1891 was married to Mr. ;William Johnston of near Oak Lake Man. The death of ,Mrs: Johnston ecurred. et-thes-heine'nf her 'St:el./Isere Jack 'Johnston, ',Oak Lake,, on • June 24: She had "been ,ill for many -weeks- sesithscaii,Sers and swag,. a.sgreat Sufferer. Shp left two -daughters; Aeten/ of , 'Lemberg; ;-"Sask„, • . , arid Miss Mary, at home, besides, four step -children, Mts. Wm. Jack- I ear, M,P. for Quebec Cit, who has son, Lena. Ed. and Jack of Oak Lake. I, children. The Russians 'who' i few year ag,c hated"money and capitalists above, everything fat :seine tittle 'have,. beer desperately : endeavoring. to borrow'* • 'Money ,front ."cdpitalist"1 Britain British bankers po f,ar have refused to have anything to! de °. with them but t he y. 'apparently . d 0 iiji; 1 , know -Where else to. turn. Their lit- . est. move ia to threaten to make war upon : Britain if ;the ,loan is net forth, • corning. ' They Say they will fittect" , :Persia and thus involve Hritain. their war threat they say •that they are„:Well, proseided with firma, ;and athrimeition. Where did, they get the. money to invest in ,these? , ,However, , the threat . Of • wai ,coming ,from an 'impoverished and disorganizethcountry will not 'fright en anybody. • , • i " A. few Weeks ago t was-, reportee that a great section •Of Dart/peen!. --Ittissia-wes-L,ageift_threateried with. famine .Avhieh would leave , rnillienk in a state of s'bervatispir.:tiext Winter Fanines .eppeer. to, bs rather frequent since the ,reds carrie. into .control, But • there are no More 'famines than fr7 years before the . War., The trouble • is that there,is no encousagernerit te production of any,. sort, and. tha' the ,• • tritrisportation .system paralysed through bad • management_ any local crop feiltire causes famine. Of course the 'absence �f reliable • money: and e proper banking systeir makes buying :and difficult, Yet '-±here...Sate people in country _and_ thousandsfin the Unite( States who would fellow theexamph of e red ItusSians if 1114 ciould. Gorkatcti . 7A. 'most distreSsing, drowning acci • A COLUMN What Chentleal E peeinanIts • the Agricultural 011eke.Stiov, ;Potoctioq, Skimmilk 1 lin Bread:unit; ZO!'"5.,Of9rO-,...,!! ..*4'111k2.*at • (Contributed by Onti rio,peparfnient - Agriculture.: l'Orctotti) Detecting 101k .A( - The PheulistrY *ti arVnieet7eir. the ()ataxic!. 4.,gricultur ik College during .the past.yar niade a study of the • tif:le;h4g point 'Oir?irfilk bymeas ,of --!thesHortvetsCryoscope,- proving-the- 'apParatua to be absolutely reliable .'-in-detectingadulationsof-mIllisby-aAd- . ing water.': „ The Hortset_ Cryoseepe baying a scientifically accurate Con," • struction, ncriAr fills that much needed. regultenient Of an Otitis,' 'test' for detecting added water in milk regard - leas of the breed 'of cows .from which the milk May be obtained.' Powdered Sklmmllk. , • The. comparative .Valu'es, of pow- dered skimmilk andliovvdered butter- tailk were found: to be about .equal In experiments carried on at the Col- lege. . The average total gains per pin were 121,6-poupds for those fed On the skimmillr 'powder . and . 122,8 • Pounds for thos,e'lect on buttermilk Powder. -Although' the feeding' value of these prodieets is se/oil, the market price for hogs , and the high 'cost !of • the, skimmilk and buttermilk" poivder ' makes:its use Prohibitive. as'live sine“ feed. " ' , • . • , • Milk In Breadnaaldng. • . 'The Chemistry departinent has also studied.•experimenfely the -effect of -wholesmilk;skimmed-nall-kr-condertsed ' and 'milk powder . 'in 'making. .breed. • The Whole niilk' naturally had „Some ,of the effeets of fat, and the • :sweetened, 'condensedmilk sow,' of `the' effectre of engar,-but,•otheNise, • Milk will not replace sugar, malt of 'shortening in, making bread. It hair an influence all •its own • which none • Of .these other constituents Will! pro- duce. In conjunction with Oleic/ oth- er. ingredients .liCoVever,,, • fiuence the flavor ofthe bread,,'.and •.iniprOVe. the cider ctif the. crust.. In fact it :makes a. richer' loaf' of bread; .with greater moisture -retaining and, , higher food value properties. -Dept: of-Exteasion, 0. -A, -College, Guelph.' , . • • • • .tigeoing Silage *fore Milking. • , „ 'There is sitwaye, a, tendency .that when green feed ..is given tb coiee' . shortly before milking that it !will:W. !pert tO the milk stime odor, and pos- 411)1y:taste:, This does not always fol- • lOW, but, it is not • considered , advis- able to. teed green fodder, silage, or ';other Strong, smelling .feeds just•be;- .thre*Milking. When cows. Are turii- ed into .pasture in, the Spring there ,--will-bedeveleoped in t•heit Milk a par •'titular". (Riot. that 'to ,some people f. • quitedIigretebte.Also cews turned ,oaEtweet elciVer, 'and" , particularly those pastured on rape or green -rye • will iennant to !their milk a :Very • strohg odor, and Possibly a flavor, pre testi they are taken from each 'pasture several hours before ivet, onlydoes the cow seem;to passon' :this undesirabl nder, through:. her blood to her milk, but where .strong smellthgailage is fed in the barn the • odor Is likely 'to be 'absorbed 'by ih! nit* at the time of roil king. Fol. • these reasons silage and Other similar; feeds are best, fed after milking. , or • RIPENING HEDIA. Results.of Nino Tests .at the AgriOltural - College. Pereentage'%ft Shrinkag,e• !:T.J909i the foAiarlo.ued'T.hila.r.-411eese•\Often-Hept . _. irroi9..1q6-14 il vialtilarrotection. (bonifibuted b) •opts rio Department of Agriculture, Tdroutu.) The Datryj department . of, the Ontario, Agricultural College made eine teets during the sprumer of .1.923 In cheddaf cheese Curing. ; Four: 'lint- -Iiit'ef-eiceb-s-C-lifere- .WSiid''.66:Clir7iveelt .- :Otte Was_ pieced in the curing-rootu ---difrettlyt-ro-m-the -Pl'oSs' and -allowed - r. to reniain there for biie week, When' It was remOved.,to cold ,storage-om. sive6t ',42 0 • 'ter La dent occurred at .Piper's 4am, on Mon- Wit,r William Alli- son,. the .23 -year old' son of Mr.; end Mrs. C; E. Allison Of town. lost' his life A- number of boys were 'in bath- • ing, among them three of the son family., "William no • sooner enter- , • . , ed the water thin' got:',into a deep hOle, and being' unable tos,virn, he: as- unable to get. mit. His hicither int;•ink, brough hint' to 'the surface, but, he again went down, and this time: 'did not collie op The- droning occurred dbout.8Welocic in the eicening,: biat,:the bodY.was not' recovered Until :ithout two the next Morning. The remains . were taken te I3eetori for interment, the family hay. ing' lived there hefore. corning to Coderich. Three.'brothers arid one Sit - . ' wits put in cold storage at olfee.f fem. the press and allowed. to •-• retnain there; 'one was put .in .the euring room . -for thtee to , six days, th,en paraffined,, andtrioyed.to cold storage: and one Was -allowed to remain in fhe curing -room during of the ripening period. The thief pblects • of the. experltnent were. to note dif- ferences ill 'the losses c.f. weight; and. the effect upon quality 'of, 'cheese: treate.d by these:. four, methods: All • the cheesewere.weiOod wit( taken.. •'.'ront the hoops .and again e.t.the end one ,mont.h. The cheese wi.,re scOr- ed when about six weeks'. old,, and again.about two ItiontliS later. Perceritvre of Shrifika,,e•• The average, percentage of shiink- ;age waS least .for the cheese placed: Iti the curing -room' for, one 'week„ 'then moved to cold storage,yThote parallined ,and then. inevede: to' storage s.:.,and 'next; 'end the stor.,,f tssthir a:7 -Th eseer eat:es t-1 o s swess in the lots alloWed. to 'remain-in'the -curing-rood 'for the, full: ripening period . of' one ntonth. The • average percentages. of ..;shrinkage' were .1.,58, • 2,41',' 2.8.13 and 4,42 res,pectiVely for, the tour lots There was little; dif-• ,lerenee „in, the av,erage Score ;of the heese. Yet. the three lots iti cold stor- ..hge, •Those', Waged.. .,the -curing- reo ! for. one -Week and • then 'reeved, to tereherature , of 49,° F. , 'peered.- igh est ; then the .lots .in•stotS,' age at once ;-;land. next. the; lots', parefe 2fined, and' ,put, stbrage, The lobs ripened for •• the'. fulP,-- period' the 'curing -room' Were'inuCh pecirer Cheese'. ,the end of the test. Unfortunately,. 'Much �f the cheese ef: Onte,riet, :ripened, in-, an ordinary eitring-reem . for .too' lens a.".Petiod..-Dept: of Ex• . tensions' 0. A: .College; Guelph:. • . •"SWEET CLOVER ' Interesthig Experieient,e..1n, .Feeding-. Daii.Clowo tlie.ColliegeeitIlik!' ' Frern Feeding*Siveet:CloVe,r •: Makes Satisfactory Cheese. s. -7-Who Kept?!,''. .frequently hear dairymen isay'L. "I_Iteep, ten cows," .Or ."I keep--Sne cbWa."". All.toO often they are 'mach nearer the exact truth than they tin agine Thesetatenient,•shosild be Ili. versed.' • Dairyman should aek them, selves two. .qiiestions4 ,mai* cows are keeping Me: at 'a prent? " and 'flit:ow Many ,cows am 'I keening': at -a 'Oaf; ?!! There, is. net. dent glisfuns -amusement or excitement in carinT for dairy' cattle to pay 'toe high for; :the -privilege. :The reason se ine.ny ''boarder"coWs' are in. the tie-ups of • the barn , 18 because ' ,few fanners' knbw which. cows are -profitable and which are not. Milk-sca,leti,-, white paper, • Babcock test reports and -gumption necessary to ,keep tabs: on' prodattiOn• over a year's ,:period ar .just .an essential. to. p,raiLta.ble datry- IngtlurVitchforks.andinilk;-PaiIS. ' ••••• .1%ifilt Mateo*. , and Otiehalk pounds. Of -Pink ire required to make- Ones poend, .�f Ural:after cheese. •• , • . , Milk will. take Up; irapttrities with' More raPiditr-and-hOln- to;, them'- With greater tenacity than almost any ,other food ProduCt. -' • • 'It .easiet to .keep milk clean by • Investigations. have been carried on,by, She Dairy Department of the On- tario Agricultural Cellege during the suluners 'of 1922 .'and IT2.3 on the 'questthnof using„ fifodticed • coWs pasturing-. on sweet clover, for cheese making. • ,About half of the • Patrons supplying • Milk to th'e Dairy, department ,of; the College •use -sweet clover a• pastare. -crop, ...and „the •other h'all do not. , The milk, froin oath set Of patrons was Made up, sep- etraiely on fiv,e dates during June and , July,.The sweet ,cloier lots!, of: Milk 3;510 pounds, and the nen-clover lot -s' 4,025 potrnds..ageof erTehel.a2vearandgesprge;enre*L spectiVely. There was. practically nes- differeece in the acidities of the milk; 7,of both Iota , at the tlireg1/4"Of addlng 'the rennet or when 'dipped., The • losses sof 'fat., in the' Whey averaged .182 and :21 per cent-. respectiVely.' . • , • Proportion of Cheese, t� Milk. . . , The, average , yield sbf cheese per . 1,000! pounds milk was 914 a pounds for the 'sweet clever. lots; and. 92.3 for therion-eiOveislots. -The percent- eiTlitIffelkitirte the,"O're'elci ripe •cheese were s p,rictica.11y • the '..eaine, - -'1'heeirerege• score Of the eh eese 'Svas' the.saine for'flavor both average total scorewas 93A for •thIS clover leis ,and 93..8% butsof 1.00: for: the .non -clover clfeekie. There':was • nbthirig. abnormal about- the 'Sweet. bloy,i; lots .01 Milk or chesee: , !The 251;091P long . tons. It is estimated results are similar to those .obteliaed • that this industry creates a value ,during 1922. These two: Y:ears' Aests Of , 0,v!t, $0,00,goo annually, mcist t'indicate that..-therels-.ZPliarenc177ncr'.; '".of',whielrgees. ;'0.1it! r'Se polies', and, reason why eOws fed. or pestered on • wages • fcir the •.benefit of the sweet cleVer. should' not, sirodupe sate- :province. • ' • isfectOry" Intik 'for the -inek•trie - ei" • . good cheddircheese,---.Dept of, Ex;', Will 'probably, be the last tbnsion, ' ,!big roundsup -1•Sn:sei in the. West s; • • • wilktake•• place shortly in the range r. .11E4 FRONT:.HARDWARg • E4.7,it., THE HAYING ,SEASON WE tiAyE "MingOlVTIA"' MOM; MANILLA ROPE, -TEE ROPE YOU, CAN TRUST-SU- XRIOR WEARING AND II ANDLING QUALITIES. YOU! WILL FIND OUR PRICE IS RIGHT — . . • PULLEYS -IRON, WOOD AND STEEL ON HAND. ' DE hiTTY WAY_ FORKS_ AND :CARS. BRAND 'PlniiPORKS, 4, Oh, 5-s-FT-s-1-1-ANDLES,---E-V-ER-TONR tialARAME-D 'REAL • VALUE ; STRAPPER OR VglotOrEp: • ROPE-7-1/4'-INCII FOR! HAY Lam:Tits, 5 -16 -INCH- FOR TRIP ROVE, POrinciu:Tn Puap. m,ANn4 F,0 • PLYMOUTH. "GOLD,' MEDAL" BINDER,,TWINE.: SPRINKLERS --GALV ANIZIED ANDL jAPANNEDS. 8, 10, • 14 AND 16 -QT. SIZE, „! , , • . ss_ VERGER'S GUARAN TEED' PURE PARIS GREEN. • ARSENATE' OF •LEAD • CEMENT, umg AND. PARI TO E ALWAYS ON HAND. :WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOU THAT THE MANIJOAC;.., TURER.'.HAS LOWERED THE PRICE ON,. P A R.1 S T GN. E••• : THAT GOOD HARD WALL PLASTER., '• • Place:Y.611r Orderlor.Cool NoW. "You Will Find Our Nice Right ORTEOUS Hardware Coal - Plumbing Tintithing , Phone 06. Luck uovv:. POPULAR AT DETROIT The folloWIng is taken' from 'The Gedench Signal of laet week:, ' • Miss' Hazel ;Becher's "inany friends. erne. Will be hiterested to learn that she noSeithe eontralto . Soloist 'of Calvary Presbyterian church: Detroit Last- week she, took a ;prominent *part in a recital'. 6.1.170n t Central M •E church, (lit, Grand Circus' Parl&Miss- ;Belcher ,w as. , a prinfe • favorite „in Codestcli; and it is -pleasing to knows haft her ,taleet is ;being recogaized in a larger, sphere, • —0-0 Here 44 There •A party, of, '50 Australian hOye ,willshe :the. guest's .Of the Exhibition :at Toronto from August 30th. to • September 3rd., They are: public . school" boys from all parts of Aus-, . tralia and their visit to Toronto will • be made= ori their ' way hinne front the - Empire Exhibition. . • . British Colt a.!, .is .now the third • manufacturing province of"'Canstda,' with 2,673 :manufacturing estab- lishments, --over ever 41,000.. employee* boo , 5 sinks 19 hours, .the,,caoss .invested'capital amounting to near- -din Pacific S.S: Empress of France ly $225,000,000 aid •11 value of created a new record for •the trans - products ooQ,, -.aco f9r• ern; o stiom aGteolvy„e'r,•;13,12n_64,te's en Aticiatic-Noyager.:-Her-average7sPe"d-':e•--- - • the' record run was 20.155•knots. statistics. ' , • s • • • . s `MOntreal, officers of the 'Dominion, , New Brunswick in 1`../2s . produced• Express Company, state that 'the more coal than at any other time strawberry shipments this year have in her history, .The output fer the • been much.heevier' than heretofore. year exceeded that of '1922 by more The 'Ontario eve ripened quickly, • than 12,000. tons ahd amounted to but was•easily diseased of., ere an r bete , Glass tubes filled with water are • I 'used, as incubators for trout eggs at the Ontario Government Hatch- . eries. .' • '• . • . . Designed to prevent , mildew. al . -Californian )1assinvented--a-devicei. which* sprays wet or dry sulphur over grape vines. • More than 36 tons of hied are're-• quired- daily- to feed hogs on al- • California ranch and it is distills -1 , uted by means of an electric rail -- way using side dump cars. ' , . The light prOduoing apparatus o . the glow worm and firefly is saidl • to be the most efficient hrthe world., ,• The glow worm light is 'eighty! times', • more efficient than a ',tungsten )arnp.' s Construction of a 'million and: a • , half dollar 'factory. -building commenced • in Cornwall, Ont , which, 'when .completed, Will give . •employment to. 600 hands. Arti- silk will • be, manufactured Irons pulpwood.' ' • - -.Crossing ,from—Cherbourg to Que., • • • o o o Protect, the Leven; In.:Winter:, countr.y .sositi-east of -Calgary', Al, „sfor the purpese .of clearing A wellebeaterr path 'made across the FRENCH CANADIAN- FAMILIES laWn .in Winter. will prof/41)1.Y. Wore- the range of titres ^horses. `The --e"Get married and have a g permanent damage,. Tile Inas t gathered in one • keeping -the -dirt- it b ' 'familee ". , ,„ , ,. , , .r. , . out-of---It-than, , _ e killed, and the -Soil iesssuri , * 4:iTc.ct'llii.e!i1.1.,:,-a-l!n!V(1,0%ers, 7owssit .7a:tf-el clean it after the dirt has COn that grass seed sown' therebii the nest I aolpf7..e.dgi;t:Itur!.-eh, ()just .sloi)0,e0r0vOisiatniinstarhloS. Canadian,..'"end I. you will AJe veree •,, • , '' 17, • ,.,ii,, • .:ta.tninated it.. 'A clean udder will . So seaseri will not .thriec-S SuSh -a path I.., I , ity4 the average French, VIAnether •ead drownina occutred' on t t°' 1 rruannsgte;rimteendtsp.p.r.:foe from promtnott, fave..:4:Filiirmiii4Teliffity7iiveifitiv,i-imiwz:: It'll!„:;!1j,FIlt-::-.:9.17-::4)_9:fr77,1,71- ii..-).F.:):r.r.)--7.,...,..-,,,,,y,,,,,ur,rofyzAr.,(tiz,91,11...7,_,_plo_ki_.-._:41:14i ;a, ,;---,fe-W-_ -,,,,,willf"gerresallhe,O,17,4411.Sacir.,r.g iii,,..--7=-17.-j,!.11,1:1?e-:,?••)eellred,:...17,%hott-33ePartmerit; ed that th'ai it Ontario v.,e•ie ‘,4g foliiiv., Grace Whyte; . Of, MitehellseVidently 1 seconds ' spent in .wipiiiiihthv',es,.iidder see of esars, ,, A yeoss•path,.: es, ss,„ , • drowned he-rself in the lake oinibsito ' with, 4 elp4a. damp. .'e 0 , iii Pre % tinctie .an ueattractiye, feature. sin. a .'with '701 children, or an tiVerage) of ' . . . the Hotel Sunset On Friday morning...! tent m.. tieh futuretsouble. .; . , ss, lawn, •The lawns!Sigh Of' soMmer,.! • ' ,.! , : ' ,,, 1.4• .cliildren to. a ,family, the children • , ". ' ; Encotiragin'g a cow to'. give miiit "Keep off the Patin! that are Mak- . . ".c.dinited...-all-,...beingL.aliVe..-',E.r a...nc-i--s 'XierjBOittdogeS, of Sault. Ste,. : Mar- ie, aged 54, ia the father of 23 sons .whionsare tivingsand -well., Alt herrSehinghetif.Ottawal ag'ed!°41;has' .21. childrern-Theschampion...f ether „cff. Canada 'undoubtedly is H. Lavig- She was a sister of Mr, Robert Keith, of Teeswaters 'Mrs. D. Macs says: "For ,smany years she was a •Leod, Luekno'sv„ and. MrS, Horton, co, faithful raetriber and president of ; St. BottretAlberta... Her *hushirnd 'died David's,: W. 3.1:-t, theSmenibers of seven, years ego at his 'home in which presented her with ti life' cert - Manitoba; The late Mrs. ,JOhnston ifieate in 1920. She *lie of's. Ouite -tern in Careen 66 years ego. and retiring disposition and Was loss 8.11e, went te the west in iggo ed and respected by all whd cane fr for sOrn time Made i• dr lionle With a &intact. With her," Mr. Robert sister-, Mrs, Gregor MacKinnon ,11i1- �f teeswater and. Mrs: MacLeod 4 her reatriage. in, 1001, In record." were' with -Mrs, Johnston - for /ionic tn,:hof riostly Pale 04ft iletwO 0140,,betote obi died. • , ; Alberta Government wolf -hunters will this Season -again penetrate the : be rrens, I an dsa rids:wage- wer,•,en-", timber -wolves which . prey 'en • :the • herds. :soLiist ....Season,: the shunters •3/4111ed 'tiff several hundred• „ of the predatory beasts in .the coun- try •nOrtineast of Great Slave Lake- , malinogexinpnirensag, tirnaii.ithsewitubtountecTuipOOperd-.:,, with combination radio, and. wire-, leski telephones,, enabling the send- • .ing of wireless messages, telenhon---- ing arid the giving. of nidio,coneerte; , while the train is travelling rat A' hig4 rate of sensed: A, world's .reCord-' for his senior' two-year old Holstein' Friesian ! tlac daime Dr. du, br bueg'Heifer,: Wryt • :la:tibs u'uL Wiary .gar .1 ):111 'rtu:1 n.t o' I LW' 4 813180 • 2,7835 giotirds Of- milk ' and 113.82 Ths of ••• ;liar -test- howings ...production ss ofs er • s• " • The official- RailwaY Znide„ in stommehting • 'which connecte .with the !Cantidian' ° Pacific' Railway at Angliers isaYst , farsas 'we are aware this is one of the gues.s, at the hotel tizena---and--thespreirt f Albert,eis- -a-milkingsstoo lsts-expen sivesto4-inissniay-w e 1 istieslrended gh 6 t1-1 - • , , , , elethir-i17.1i Oat- her cewt, Outwit: tne, year. -, • (f.,aulad*,}11, wzlaO .LL .LU :that it 'was the fully -dressed body os' Milk is ,still an unsolved, pro„hlem, but flood it for the purpose of tessselp es.ently in in tht lake,. Inves atio showed four or five per cent. of fe.t her' Another sn against al wn (,! rine t on with he om;any' .+•,ruction , program, ' annouhted branch. line .cone afl-ecting the woman. -.A note ".bonk in :the clothinr with whic„? -6 he.17111 bodYr of yoYer southern,portiott at ,out, of her milk -.witn but titee,t :lawn in, Winter; la ale, ost eertS.0! the provmce .liel!ped to identify,' the -ivaMali DrOVocation has been solved mans I coninletelY kilt the gra :tint 4 ck,' R. mitchell. inenther of the Pres Gface WnYfe ne ad een sta3, tithes; - virri-61-76-ri,:iitor-ra-i. .,364,7-17,,,,„, Leghilitbre for "Bow Valley at a boarding-heuse On Essex, Street I, , COyering which sfreelinhe • , .)„1 . - • - est important' d ' , , describes the announcement as the From Mitchell it v.as learned that A Rhyme About Lime. of air. , the deceased had been When in your garden eon of slay aunt at .MitetielI for the- past -year's •throtigh twilight dusk or bright sun-, She had gone to Toronto, and theehine, to try to .make the soil More aunt thought that She was, fhere fine; When though you "'sera. tell. and steed of at GOdetich.aMni.ssil•tissihyteyhaaAt: ! lade :any thunip;the soil will still pro - lived it Hamiota, M ti a eee ° mP'" " d ,ar as any brick, and make your peas 'aLkO when, on. the'death of her *tether and cabbage sick; My friend -you she came to Mitchell She 'had 'been then may 'low it's time to giie that iti Peer :health and her drowniiig is Boil a dose of.lime. thought t� have been due to despon- 'derici. The reinaim weee sent to I In selecting new harness see that. tuirtion shOWI racks op the Hellota for interment A number of 1. 4° grain side W11011 her. is 'sharp. , .ma e in. many , • . 'you ',Walk With :patienee day„, by day, '.ing„ of snow. w,' . • „ Young lawns shov Ithiectpronsve dpiscosytvheLeodg;wbafs tthhie peeacietpliyi. pziane.5 set, been, established: ye.ars. twhheerfeinstin•itnekirtcanacnegeon otthis•peountletingneenrt "Perhaps tne most noteworthy 'traffic between railvvays and air- EltrY:jr111.1x)wsvilliiI:141;;;;f1:1(dfilic';'t,r;;;;Ift: of the west to, that which existed In his address to the Associated "%Ur /114"rjundir"9' aLld 'pany's prone y. are full Of Spent on colonization by the Cana, 0,1 „ r yeara"clirnaf.-d lo ago, commented E. W. Advertising Clubs hthe World, at you almreet tteha,'%yh-otaor a.,,,,,,P.:-.;rj'ex.!1!)yc,eriptPtirliejliwstittrlyee,nettoionnofhotthref.AlithCfnnacofdroirnanin. ' nWRr;eismiLdhaeloynyt, stJaptolYt(111.67thtchatatnEa.tieWitn.aBmpeiluctnittsreo, 08' is past do ny toi7hutzt,. e" a., ;uj want Iarge tndhosposatent,shepotnuitolidertneheaseliz.tativnidiollareettotifrizeondiseawns. indisticianPtoautairfiveiiderinRiieolivrtaytifrvirn: tohtitiemor10::: 1 iitath tiro ail Of a asoOn4 tplocutiva biro 000 and 10,000,090i ; ompest,. • brcftersreade 0e/7e. 000t or twifte,d, . y • ,