The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-24, Page 5ailwaYs now . ;.. • . .ropanng 4 rves 411000w, inuainv. • Ti117,11sDAYp'41JlAr 2404 104. .4. number0 stet COlonist comae Vas', . one above forms ;Part of the ' equipment of Meat Attains, • ' riA , Interior View of one of . thet new tuncl}countes • cars operattAt on Canadian Pacific lines. ,,,....„;ZI•T;i1 ' ,ff,".0.%.,,,,, ...,,,, • .z- - , , - •••• • ;;$,,, f. • „ •,, -I r ' • i-pgl' e ;,1;• . ukitIllfrkt.1 '4144., ,..... ...4/ Harvesters' train leaving Ste, Anne ' e Bellevue • - ruttin' g; o all Wheat it eXPectedto begin within about a week, .saYa a...report..a. the' .0a.tario. 'Department '.'•of Agriculture, and :as. a 'ride ' tali :wheat is looking Very prornising. 'Western reports' are also . very..encouraging, but just What • the lien vest ia.expecteP.to he. will. not.be generaily known unti reriretentatiyes, of • the three prairie Piovrn ciar ..GevenitnentS arid the two railrOads' ineet in - Winnipeg to. discus' : ,the ..labor kituation,.and. the best ,Means Of 'securing help •to liereSt ',Whatever crop thereis., However,'.the crop rep,orts'-issabil. to -.date by the Agricultural Departrrimir of the .Cana7' Alien liacifi c 't•Railway have: been : very,. optimistia. and. this company is .,aireecly eethering,and distn buting eciiripinent tovarioh§ points.. in! anticipation o.f a ,heevy mevernent of harvest -work,er4. • The ..MoVernent of harvester's 'bits develOped,.into quite: .a ilePartnient; transportation offices. As' once - the nioveinent .s.'.e'rts: it nnist.•-be ilished'thretigli to pemptetiOn • aS 4eedi1y 'and ef4e& • 1:y7as,, posSilile,. the ettentien -of e" large", staff of. men iS concentrated for 'iteitiV-a- 'month befdre, during'..and for some time Lifterthe ruJi on a.sseht- ' bling eqiiipMent, diatribittinglit 'to the,Various• parts ' of the coantrY' train. 'wit once,' .t he...harve,s,ter_S•7are drawn, ." making_ ..ep the ;.• special ; trains, ....securing suppiies' 'for the 'lunch 'cars, and' ihe. hundred- and one -things which. lit-i'vett7i-17e-lookeil-after in ,order• •to ensure smooth. 'pinning and of which: the travel- ler -Usually:knows 'nothing. and probably:cares ,less. During the last. four years ;the' Canadian Pacific. Railway. has •haridled some 85;000.'Weatbound vesters,..::Last year this CoiliPany inaugurated the Lunch Counter .car Which afforded •tacilities, hither,•_ Interior .viow og.,.,Colonist car used on harvesters' trains. , to unknown to excUrsionists and, altheugh perhaps not , at ..a ' direct result of this iThioYation, • Over ,20,000 • Men tiavead in special :trains over Cana-, - dian Pacific lineS.° " • - • • .• This year the Company is, making practically. - the same preparation as As soon as it known just ',how , many, are '„ required to Work in the. harvest ,the excursions will' he arranged; arid", t" trains made up. :The extursions' Originate . from as , far east 'es ,The Maritimes and" ea far -west as the."' 'border of Ontario; bet all are 'of', the same type as far" as rail equipment is concerned., • • Colonist cars are: used. 'which afford comfOrtable Seating during' -the' day, facilities.,.' are afforded ' • those •who ,wish to -;prepare their .QWW IP ea) S in a small kitchen at the end of 'each car; arid at night 'In-elks...may be pullal down as • a:n upper 'berth ,or ' the aeats.ex cended to afford comfortable aleening qparters: The lunch counter car in .which as many , 'eat. fifty rrien 'can .take a meal 'et the same' tithe , The traVel-; ling harvester i sure .of being able t� secure a meal to. suit his purse and of the food, supplied .being of geed 'quality and .served • "a sani- tary •manner. • Lastieleea.r this department on Cana dian Pacific lines served over two hundred thciii- -sand meals, and,the .experitrient was so' much appre- ciated', rand proVirsuch a -success -that lats-,now :become a regular institution. •,, • , Old timers traVellizig west new -e -days regard the .trip, as a holiday and the' number of 'women -and- children who.have been seen travelling. with the harvesters since the stariderd of Service ren- dered has been what' it now is, has •increased to Et'reinarkabIe ' HURON TowNstur ; Council rriet pimment to adjoitim.7 irient with . -.Reeve Irwin in the ehair, Menibers were all' presViit; :Minute's- ' of last ,ineeting an -d. of special' meet- ' .ingS Were rend end- adopted.:„, The' following orders bn :the .1'ren, surer _were .clulY passe'd. viZ: Sanrinsl Hainilton- $2.50-fon-4-cut.ting: grass-'7orr Township ProPerty„;,' 'Gilbert . Fat:rell $15.0,0; • for- rebuilding culvert, S.' L .25 Gen ' 12 Road 14" Cleere•e Eirnrier- .:- son $4,50 for .grridine., on srderond 5 Con 12' ireild,/ 10- .-Frank..Empiersen grading en. sideline 5 COW, .$4.50; , Ne.sbitt. • $4,50 ,fcn grading 8, L 12 road .19: • Peter' ie. '.$21,90 Ion eperat ing grader 7 days.;' Saidtee ilinrn • 00 for' 'fo,vrialiii, Pall License fee rentitted by, bini to theileiyirtnient. • John '•IVIcl','itc.hitz' .$17 00 . for eleening. , 70 rods Of. di Celt' on "•• ,lioad '2: paYment •;of , contract on . Teakey's ' 13ridge;...Dra. .Finlaysoe. and. Stoddart $2.09" 'for lie.ecnint; "Vieter E :Cawley . . '.i•12.00-: for, sheep killed bV tchigs, as certified. „h heep, valuafor;, ,Teter, Camphell .$2.50.. for sheep valuator's: roe. „re .GawleY _Matthew Moore,$12-: . ;W. -for 'work 'at- bridge ' On 1 days'ltalceline '..m.cii‘k • on 'bridge' 'on base: t, road 16 .Frank:Finiston."$7.50 tclaYs• weirk On bridge•-onbase 16 McDonald $15.90; for..6..days,..worki-..at;htidge on base 'tine; (4144 Tout for' 'gravelling.. at Cameren„'s bridge, airleforict .30; .$113•• Janis IToinies'i,t1 00 for 'Sharpen-. ing meWer ..for ....cerneterY'. Charles R'•.Collins $11.25'. 'ter gratline.." on Kinless BOupdary;.. Albert , Scott 1.3.50' fen: :grail nig oi Ninloss 'bound- ary: . Win'.. Walsh S'r7:00 for grading. on' Kinioss bothitiary'f Ben. Scott $1,-. Melrevish:,!;!,'.$1..:00: hilloihg..2.,'V for grading •-„on.;12Kiilloss,.. bozindary,;.„ 'plank Ana. coverilig'. bridge •2:; Lorne iltirt ..$8;.510fir';'Wbri- gra:. • • . • . • Norman McLeetr'' $55,80 . for gitiVet deren !Kinross boundary; RObert'MC,7 ' poritraet :on. sideline `20; tt,oh $6,73 fOr.,grading and • scraping ' ' Ceatriet,', 3 day's-;' Meteod yorttey„ ' $4,59 -for "on , sideline 10:- Kenneth'. FinlaYson ...ling 'ditch. on. Sideline. 5.i Wyld, $400 for..abtivelling gravel on ('n;.6ort.,f IgarrayT and Mel.ay' '$800.0.0, for' part :en L,'110, road 15;.;,..Theniazi Mason ,Ship.,tei •pay half, of triit,.w,ork; • tt. Lend. . f .aCcOunt .„Hard- , ! , „ tvare'; ThomPkiii $7,00" fey: killed by dogt,• certified! .bY .1 !'vqlhater., David Canipbell 471201;70H fer.' 'building, cement, t*eit' • Leasi .• Due , WA% Bqnds , hind10•15,1946•1947,-1.948-1949-195071951. , , ENOVIINATION4T:41..060 . . The' Town of i,e,Ir t)t,c tCity' ,of ,Toronto en the .1.nnkii•eastren hoileitlry al Eglinton 'Ay6ine. stiaillir growing 'snit it is esocCfed that sonie dai.1,esside! -will. be annexed to die of i'tirodto., . • " 'PRICE: • ,tiver 51/2 % Xnvosora ti.libee Orders are . Prier o augost Witt reconie 1i-eerie:a Oterest troth lune. l5th but totti lite; be .charged for Saitlel. ' „ • TORONTO:, Bf!!!!!f.XCJIANUE:' Do:niftiest garlic BuildIng, tokonto,ttr t .Adal. 0432' Orders may be ebteed through 'your total 4140 Or ttlignalte:t or teleOlioneal direct to the TOMato BO*41.XichaUga for inspecting Campbell'contrae Frank Scott for building cement Culvert on".Con. 2 at Lot 29 $199,00;.Win. :. Jackson , for ."-inSpeet- ing •Scotts • Contract,' .$12.0041 ' Berl Masen for 27 yck: of gravel pet on 'road 15, $27.00; Frenk Scott $13,00 for 13 yd i' Of gravel piit•..on....road :15 4,1(r. •.$7,0p ,cleaning ditch total $20.60; Themes "...Mason . for, cleaning' ditCh:at ,Lot 60 Con„ 1, $15.00; Ad. McDonald for cleaning diteh' at Lot '59 Con. 1;$17.50; Murdoch 'McDon- ald $7.50 toicleanizig ditch at ,Lot 56 Con. 1; Robert McDonald' $15.6C for cleaning ,ditch at Lpt. 28 Con. ,2; jaines Courtney 05,00' for' clean:int' ditch at Let .29. :Q.on.,2 Robert Camp bell hauling ,plank and , rep. bridge:e on Lighthouse road $12,00; • J. 'M Beatty $1 09' for moving grader $1.- 00i Thomas Blair $4.50 'ter grading road 18; n * Emi er ton .15.50 fe . 'grading...on'reati 18""arid'ineving :gra, , der ; RaY $450 for grading on Road 18: .1 day; .Dan Sineltter ,,for grading -on reed..2 1,14. dayS";.. Jelin :gradini 11,(2, andtaking grader to Itipley;! Joseph Sirieltzer 6J& for .grading.;.' oil read 1 'thiYa; 'llenrY WY1d..$1,60 ing ashes away from Hall; %jobb Campbell $500 for one stick of tint.. be;- '..Leslie Rey $17.16., for 78 Yds 'of: clay'at 'Yard.l�d . Bell i $6.25, tor, 'days inspet-; Ong Ray's., &nitrate; The ,following 'By -Laws Were chily..?petted; `Bp lAw nninhor :609' to borrow • $2.090.00, t't,frAtvB,..bi,..Btaltilt, Cain -444i' to"..#00' . Current .„ Expenditure' ,of the Town - hip 'for the ''''oht• 1924 ''(Leaned, to Hurciri & Kihioaa MuniCipal ($000.00) from thc Aoyai _bank Of 6anada to meet Current eXpendititte, ;The, follOWing • otders for .4110;;"et, ftirilithecf to . pathmastera were • isSued!—Lleyd, $4.99:..; Saiiiu�l Farrell $4.00.;' Nerrhan Se Leod, tt.$3,9(. :$1.14", Albert TOWle $8.30;, Alex Rosi W, B. Mej(ormitie $7,,ft John Elliot: $35 John' P.:. tIliott Den- MCDOtiald. 12[5;;;$8.80; 'Thomas. Harris $2 0, Samuel Patten' $$,80t John. Iteniletson „Ott ,438'.86t, Samuel ;Farrell $2.85;. Rd; hAq. atapiin $0.00; Iticliard Stanley 8gre:5 ratrolt 32Oi W4 Ict. , . .11A412100.4 $2,:00i Walter,' Aoulsten • IrtenrY SiPPbenSprt ;5:.001 IL et'.;.: Albert: Stewart mptt '3 3, Robert . power inPt4.11ed in' the :United. State John; '$640i *Alen114 Matheson. .90;: Henry Btariley • $.6.00; ]`. Comparative figures on the hydr "- „ $'4,40;, ..pithxd. 1414 Ca'aac!.. trl'cw, that the latter 4,19; .11ner4.05redi2.4.0;,t.7.11o.maq 4a4' 'Ph'e'llt4'd.?i4:1`491i°6tC'i.g 41°I'S° - lIgItertIrtStat44" 147$tri. t,:ti% 'crZi.ei.',,41,13.,,litZ.Xt14'ilftvt.t.K•eUttaicittp-7.i.v.me; ey coriir4qt, The. Mimicinet WOri,d $14.- 36; for plank forms; IrWin,-Emmer- toni That the„ deeigion Of :the. Jude received' fi7Gat A. E:.McNab1 adopted by" • this ,COuncil, and kept' with 'the, TOWnship records, 'end thel the- basis • basis Ori . which . the Aasessinent .f, the Villae be .earried- heret • after; (.Carrie'). The.' Clerk was: in., structed to write to the: Teri:tete the 'Milted' States 2,9'12.469 .to the, eie-arid liero •:. 0. agaiust Canada's water payer in- *atellatiena cif 0,2:27,414' h.p: the hoise-pay,Fer.per 1.„009 of Population in. the United States 'is 95, but in • Gen.eral. Trusts .,Corporation`lvith., re; ference. to the Moneys' 'IdepoSited." with theri-i-. re. Ontario and. , 'West Shore-, Relfway. Company. Following , 'is the • .Jude's decision- YeZninection .with the': dispute. .between.;the. Village . a '.'Ripley and the ToWnship 'of Huron: The judge's. decision, on Saturday laat in any year,,the. ratepayers. i•rj the Police village were to pay ,et'tthot same rate on all. matters --that the other ratepayers ",• throughout the, ,' Alberta provided the; bulk of the 'tctwilshil.:' are paying,' with th6',ex:. /Wool 'sold by the •Canadian eption of the rate' for streets •ete, iiVet ,Wool 'GrOwers'' Association last 1a...determining ,tbe amount 'that the.0Year,135 ,030:,6,p1,03uPncidlisn6dfs.,t'heef it9;ci the ratepayers of the Polif284 ee 'Village' • coniing i .t . .W•ere., to , pay fen- • t„ro..ads,-.bridges fronhis pr,Ovince, accorth iog , to. „a stoement . ma.4e, _the, 's trc ets„-and' SidewalkS, the amount re general manager of the ASsociation. quiied by,. the village "for,„ the 'year 0.nta:rio .growers 'took second place, for'streets and sidwaks,asst-out- With- ,anlount will., be peoueLcu 345,599 pouncis.„ poundse..3,6,076 pounds, 'followed by , :.Mantitoba.-1,Saalcatchewen, 45.9M3 From Sundry "shipments totalled the 'amount "orthe coninnit'ation:' tax • for ,Statute labour, 1± the .t amount The value of the 'building perrnitt Of the estimate, fa. streets:and Side-. , walks' is: not -greater than the coni- mutetiOn. tax in „the , . . duetion whatever from the to NU fl rate vi1l be Made for the ratepayers , in the village. If' tine, aritount. of, ,the „estimates for ;streets" and ,-Siclevi'alks• is •greater than :the' arnount ,of `the ..;orriniutation tax, the difference will• deducted from „the:. athonnt of.. the roportion of the -teW nahip rate that , . , the village 'has' to, Pay, ' and. the .bal- ance, after making., this .deduction will then be levied from 'the ratepayers of the 'village. \TI•iit will be the basis upon which :township' rate • Will, -be struck, eac „year for e .ra epay-- ers in the, :Villaee of Ripley The . Nage.: did riot, lay doW''n: any. definite. Ieduetion as this Will be ;found .e.ach 'year from' thefacts thee_Appear at the ,time the rate is struck. Epi-.• The first . annual eow-Wow` •bf , nierton-:McLeniten-That 'hit Cou- ncil de now adjourn to meet.miain on Mondey 'the eighteenth day et 7_Au- grist , at -the uSual •htiiir and 'plaCe... • Ane -iia MartYn 'Clerk. Townshi; , .•• Of Huron: • • • CAR ACCIDENT. AT SEAFORTB , (Huron EXpOsitor)." , Cflit ,Thursday evening...last a• set" - ions Moter accident occurred -at",tbe end. Of..the pavement on'. :ten . • .• - , Street west, about eo'clOck,'• when a' Ford eo.upe, driven' .by •Mr; Keys Canada it is ;350.' A steady „increase in the volume of' 'wheat exports, front Canada is noted in the .nionthly_staterrient. PlISfatistica, In April, 1924 6,085,465 bushels in ll w. AXPQrt4d; as against 5,143,. 104 in 4pril,i923. Included in, these. • figures are 32;805 bushels sent to United „Kingdom, ,and 3;080,191 • to - Other countries..., • .mattPabroa?t,ismwatehelayt 840c...r"ePeag,re h4cesn.tbeeont, Seeded, despite the general lateness QJ work on the land occasioned by unfavorable spring ' weather. Frac.; 'tically every- district correspondent 'reportS' atreductkin , -the wheat aereage, with corresponding indica-4 ..tions, that barley and flax acreage, in -particular, increased'. issued ,ia 56 Canadian. cities shoWed a large increase during April, as,,, compared with March; 1924. Repre- sentative cities authorized buildings to the value of $13 452 359 as cord - pared with $9,162,763 in .:the pre-' vious month. Nova,' Scotia,' Quebec, Ontario, .Manitoba and. -New Bruns- wick., registered ...increases in the value of building permits issued. , Except; ''sheep, Canadian live- stock and 'livestock produCts: she* air • increase in shipments to the. United, States all:along the 'line in the January-FebrUark Period , of this • year., conipared with the cprrespopd- ing months of. last 'year. ; Ca pinentS7in-the-periad were 11-; Compered with 10,30.; beef 923,400 lbs.,' compared with 446,800,1bs.; .;Con 81,700 lba.; compared with 30,100 : lbs.; pork,. 165,300 lbs., compared with 90,80,0 .lbs, and mutton 2,400 emnpare,d With 700 lbs. 'OANOVER STOLIE. .40r301,) ThItu'rps:b464.ey:r.(ii:bvatisnclii'atveend14...".P.:Heasati'tavi4err. •Altt drew Hamer a, heavy blow When, they 4;,e--14.'7,:tOytt;412,TA.'24-.of,tt-,44O.::1;1:-.f.T4rA tv-rvisid.p nya;,-; .1401:r cltiritV the*.'nigilt,,they made, s Cletfnt get-taWai- tConstablel Beamish of town „and Previncial. Officer' JoneS .of. Owen,Sound, are workinc, on the 'it he, store ' had. -ben left 'tat';usiva on "Thnrsday 'nigh.t, "atid,._.atiskit ILvenlits t;OBJeellSedP:. hoifs'..,hiehre's'ollatlit°11've".rearai'r9Yf. .eliick 'ten' '-"Pif-d.4-3,:.,-. inO"iining.i. -When limners' store,, .he ziotieecP; the tback. door...on-en and initoetliatelt gavenot 'ice of his diacevery..:. It. *As '' found that.y.the,:thiev.es. had .entered: through, , . . a; rear .' window, • then unbolting • the 'baaltr..:9°db 91.S:3,,l,"' ••-t.ii' e•••• :yard, ' anci. i t.'toie ' 2 " :the' thiey.Q4 . ' sho.Wed , a ' -.partiality ig' Considerable ....number of rollt, .• esti- -mated to 'be- ' 'worth about . $1500 They took, all; h.plan' shades of ,121,, e and grey; 'leaving the :striped ani checked ..gopcla, , detilatless . tc Make. ' detectipri ','harder; They alac cleaned a emiple' Of :,racks, .of:•reaciy- m4de suits, 'a gOmPloto reek. of fine •tiest',:iOni.'e t shirtS,.. sox; • underwear , .ca'ns arid 'Shoe& 'Mr.; Ilantel• estirnate, •,hi. loss at between $2,290 aid $2,50c and' th'e' bloW is a... hard 'One Indeed.' Provirricizil-•-; 'Officer7- '..Jones t caMe • . dOwn. from Owen .-56und arid' joined Cobstable Bearnil ish n ooking eve; . the place but they are up against, 'no h7asr cliiillp;;:e.o.ilopiv.noh,S4i, p,tt.eidoin,st yle.ti' s;.at.' ;o..11,,, tev,:.....' ,o, th.: pie; :rte. s ..1..,..viel.f.:c yeet..o..,,rietieed ,:-. , in it ciwn a day of: 'sr befbre.' the:robbery. t, They. is -ere. :ir Ilemel's:'sioi•e• end' heught ,Sorne, Mtn. or ':ilitides, :but :that:was the lAsf gen of_ .thern ,, ; • • . THIS FARMER HAD • . , QUEER WAYS. . " • Joseph. Farley,: a '.Sydenharn • tewn-,.. ship farmer; was in ()wen . 'Soune' police court before Magistrate crea sor. recently tharged.,with`tt.ill-treat .farni7, Mr. qoldsmith, t'agerit.', of th -Humane Society, -told of thayini: ited'"the .Fa,rley larni ancltfindin , At' a nuMber of the . sheep whic should have ' 'been :sheared severa weels. ago* wer.ettsti1l.4.e.t.ng pho vithmt• their full "crop et wool, Hanc thatsome• of then- rtibbed , it .off against, thefences: Several: horse were. - hrouthl: with pekes or and in one calei the aide ,pf horse' neck was :all raw where .the, had rubbed against it whde a num- ber' of 'the cattle were tied d,oten if such a, mariner that ttiev could no' go -frern place 'to' place with, eonitcirt and in, one instance a bp11 Was ,fast - 'cited to a storiteboat -in order to kee within ,a certain ' radius ,and whereVer lie went ,had, to drag, aletti. thc .steneboat. • Me'sistrate C,iea'sor,sathin1de ,non ey•-;•.for --the -nianner-in which, he -.treated . his animals and asked:. how ,he Would; like 'to tied down- and be ,•' una1to 'raise:11h head. He gave him_ nrctil 'July:22 tr .'awaY of thing', and :to 'get his atoek' kite decent Shape,failing which'he would iniPoSc a heavy„fine: "--2,- 1,viTAT A MISS -PLACED LETTER • MAY. DO ‘,. Stratford,-, struck a ;buggy geing ...west, driven br Luther; Siiiindei•a-,:"&f . , . Meliilltop,tv,and 'which also cOntained ti.vO". other occupanta,',The car...streck Site: trent .,wheel.pf the buggy .:and', threw...it ;7completely..."••over,t.the yard:and aereas the pairelnent,.: ell three,: occupants •being'thieri: out ,and in the;falI.oiieof them, Robert -Hogg, SCnit Of Mr Joseph ,Hogg, Of McKilletz,'hed his 'arm badly •;fractur-• ,The injured bey', wee' immediate, - :.15;* taken to Tr. IIH. RoSS; office an • later to the hospital, but was"able to return to his !tibine. the. -felloWing day. The ?others escaped Serious. ,,,injin.y but". Were badly'''shak.err alsci..eseapetl iujury, ;but • the „buggy was badly *reeked. The 'driver .of the 'war was ....WatCbing another...ear 'thaf'hadi'tiiined';,CIONirp A s det,streteit' and'did 'not' See. ige. huggyt. until he struck''it, • tt.; t.`7 (It miirld be. added'.. that the' comic MuSt.. :have been going at . Prett" good speed to throw the buggy, asit • In the August iasue Rod ',arid 'Gun. in ,Canada • 'every .sPortsinan will find. somethiag..tO 'his liking, 'Besid'es., the'regularjlepartiiients-4,tliere,,isaiL. minSually 1' interesting story,. •"ilunt,-: ing for ;Pre -Historic. Gaine Throng) the -Bad .".,Lands 4:14 ° ;Sanders.,, _EA:4 eriiian will, eagerly read. "With the itag!9.• in August" by; Robert' Pagc Lincoln in his Monthly "Fishing. Notes?" Frank' Morris ha.. Writtene•t:, fascinating account of an exploting trip through h faniouS, .yiteation ground entitled "The. Heart., Of, Tni- aiiL' and Nicit" by BennYeastle. Dille and ."The Viitl.Webbed -S,witmriers" 'by WinSon will'hold the attention of. all these interested. in, out feath- ered friend' edri*IO niadani btit tra et al w in °tit» • 'the, Tref). Riders of the Canadian Rockies, ?;!vlikli will 'be- held July 17- 18". at Yehewily.t-ake place in a: big, .sits" -dance led* -dpetakreted by. Stoney.. Indiana, The order aims. to encour- agetravel threugh the Canadian: Reck:leg; outdetir• life, nature study, and forest conservation, ..an,d to honor- early explorers. Manynoted .authors and .artists have joined :and E: W.' 'Beatty, President of ,the cane, ;chart. Pacific Railway, has 'donated .$1,000 towards' expenses. , . . , The ',Canadian Pacific S.S. ,"Erri- presa of Canada" arrived at Van, ceuver, 'B.C., on May 24th, following , 'a •World cruise "of . five ,months ,and nearly 39,000 miles. :The:,pas- sengers-----witneSSed- a- remarkable :eruption; at.". -Hilo in the Hawaiian - Islands, on May llth. After a. pub- licweleome at Vancouver;.they left for the. East, stopping en route et' Banff . Springs 'Hotel -for a dinner - dance. E.,' W. Beatty,, PreSident of the Canadian Pacific,. wito ship, said that' she had done impor-,' tent missionary work in carrying the Canadian, ,Ensign ,over the. Seven Seas. .. Arrangements are under way.; for 'entertaiiiing, the ' members' and' friends of. the Canadian Teachers' Federation duringtheir trans-Cand- dian" tour, . which take - place August 4th -12th ever the inain lines, of the,",Canadierr'Paciffev- ItaiT•Way;-. in a' train specially " provided .,for: "their.. accommOdatien. Fort, William, Port Arthur; t Winnipeg • ''R•egina Moo'ge et,;;Jatv,;.1.'• .C.algary,,,:::tEdnionton, • 13ariff, take Louise; Vancouver :and ' Vieterie are -ell; Alanning 'festivities. • .rhe:. Canadian- Pacific...4s; prepizring ;0 give the teaehers:e'rey.al time at, :heir beautiful Rocky Moinitain- re - Forts and .the peonle • of •Vietoria, where the •Snbs.' equent convention Will )0 held,. will also help to •inake their ttay in that •city a memorable one, , (Clinton .New Mi s's Ruby; , .SuperN-isoi 9f the,: Camp p partmen t i s tidos \- YCIY11,i't..:is a 'visitor in Toronto.' 'Miss7. •JollitTe is a. • 'daughter of th IZ.cy Viijtii...r...,„„Tollirre; and joiliffe :to rat erly-,..0 Wesley :...11nr..ol.iacztliir-"- toti.who on ,Wed4sday last•celebra ted their golden; Wedding. Anflit'oi, Sery, 'With ari';'erea of .10,000, Acres' oft. fe'estlat 'Olftt4 10,006- Int. fic,.i•A to stipervisei.::NtisS Jolliff's .net a light one. Tt. s' probabri- the largest u('tknij, of its, kind in the tWOrld:: The 'first eitnip itt .this' re- serve was, in 101g, and there ar6 now 100 tamps:, o The Seeretary for Iiiinever Schpo' Board reports' 143 ritiplictitions for the' vacancy Ott the teachers staff And they rweto Still tenting, It look as ,thougli` Jilt education Mill had „ catiih •Opt.h.f.o.,k.• • o" get the eiOthing-to'.iwep.:y�u UNDERWEAR= • For' Men, Women and Chil- • dren,, all underpriced ' t c 'clear out. DOSIERY— • . Striking reductions in Whitt - Tan a• -el Track 'Hose from . 25c. " a pair up Aliat are worth double. • Children's Sox, Yz length, at 19c. a pair . goed variety-:-Ieft;-at -35C: Summer COrsets,. and Cors.arttes, from $1.25 upWards, , Men's Suinmer Shirts, '•froM $1.0g U), . Men'sWork Shirth; from 75c. bp. Arid 'Heaps of. Others We are open Wednesday and Saturday evenitigs- ' Grime to the Coolest Store in. the Country ATleastFe to Shop Here' The. eclitcir one of our Bruce' eontitY 6.x...change:tells of how he got . intb' grievous .trouble, by his ,liziotype operator adding the, letter. „"S" to the tAord', the re- port -thatt.411's..: Blany instead of her, kis:hand 'had' been ,aWaVt from 'home. The trouble:.started •the man •in flieq.ease -and .Pii! read, hip; the , local 'newsdemanded. of his better.' half where she had been dis t - 'poring. itterSeit',111 his: ahsenee. . 'She ex'niainedthat it,trais.t be the erinto mis.take a,he had reinaitied tally ,at 'honie; minding and the- chickens. 'The hus- .hand however, Conjtiring up Visions, o t gayi yoUng'. fillws tIamily' rows unt--*:4icissitilIe.„-z.trAtv?reettr...esigattiPAS:t- mould, not be coevinced S- paceed ing tb 'the edito,e,s; .sanetidir he .-want.- tea 'to kineW. 'the source. cif. the infOrin- ation as to ,Mi"S': ,i3thititT"naving".'0),een't tIA'Ay' frni The editor. ope1og- lillealty.......exitlained4lek.,410„:-Iitttle4,:tet, 'ter' '*s." had.' done it,, and that the trouble-itiaking," note was.int'end'ed te re,fer to the. gentleman riresent, This. i'nforniation- was 'like.ell on tivJObled ett-- we ...h.stittinte': znelicl„,•- was again' rest:erectto the home.. t Bet, 'the editor erees. on to explain - that Mistake Was shilpleand hino. oen.t coMpared to.one 'which.. anothet edifor:•had, al"IeWed..! "toas-' ;ttoet etired in the ohititary ilotieo of ft , res`peeted,' resident Of . the toWti., read thus.:".."Thareinairia,Were ',lit IS° -1)01110' to their. last :roaSttinr-,,r rilaee by the brethren of the. le,rige.“ what do You think' Of that, A counle of snialt. letteil out "Oh.: 'Robert. ve, Wen the 00 pfiZe ' ter the best artiele, on, the Cruelty of- trapping Wild annitale," "Cloed, riat are ;ou..goint t� do With! it,?' tieW 1 dan.it tie*" .f toitEP . 7 1 RIPLEY HE iRIED.ttt • He didn't succeed—. For the deed -1 Was 'too Much for' his strength;and ... his. ;skip,' We 'know; now it's done, That the couldn't hive -Won, But sendayviet -know- that .achieve the far goal, At the last he Was driven aside; , Brit this' you', rhusl say ..his credit • to -day, -He didn't succeed; hilt he tried. He" -didn't succeed ---- " As yen r ad That another has: talc.eri the crewn, There is this you can add En behalf Of the lad " . • Who struggled out there and went Some tithe he 'wilt stand at the top ''..‘red 'gain ;,.what to -day was 'denied; Ont. -there- iir the. ' "lie encountered deLfeet, „, He -didn't sticceed but he tried. It is: ript"What yeti gain • From the, strain That inarks: you, aS• bad. or as good.; ft i 'net 'what 'you 'de., That ,bringS "'credit to you, 'But the- thing ..YOu.' Would Uoif you The' dreeni 'You have cherish'ed and' In that iv, all merit and pride. At the ,end,'.of the' way, • God She'll smile-7can you 'say, , "I didn't spcceed, ba't 1 tried." 7 • ' .VETgltASS `V-etcq'utis of the .:.Great, War _reside:. L In -the :Ciiiinty of Iluren. 'With wiveS. and friends will„ hold a tiv)nster picnic at Jewett's' Grove PaYfielci on Wednesday .Atignst, 13, ' The-. arrangements" are in the handt.' Of a' committee. headed, by Major Rt tp loari'..'Elatilds and, Sports are be- orcanized • and ...Valuable -prizes • ; will be awarded The Committee ex- tend ail hititatioft to all 'Veteransto spend A day .at Bayfield's beautiful Ro.:teatrott rdoc. and reirw otd friA • enclshiPs, reterans will be eXpeeted to bring. their (ten baskets, For any, further information please Write to ,Major II, it. Sloan; Hayfield Man .of COm. �r Lt.Co41AS? c)itiotik :Sectotallt •