The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-17, Page 7a. ARNIM AGAINSVI POISON IVY . The poison ivy lp.perhape the. plant POO•fret14040).',':. On.eettatered by the utitsugpecting, city vtOt to. the • coun- • try, Yet It. may be eaellY 41etiegnisk-' frera. •ether creepers by its. three. : .dirvided,! leaves. 'The harmless Creep - lets haVe•flVe. leave.' This one die-, ,tingtilohlAff; mark f born e In MIMI. Will ,prniept. the vadetlokit-' trona.othox 7914:94',"441.P1 Iree•:,yiritlx:,1trfind• leaves •TertY,ingek-F1'O.,' the. teavee'ef •tho oak. tree • , The part Ot.these'plents to be feared' the resinous, nail'. When .a plant is • injtited. this.etiehY Sal?"bioideg.: oora,es in eentaet with the skin and -01,3t* np,, an irritation whiCh' Is dit1n- guisied. its acute ehatacter., This" frequently. begins.. between the, ffngefic- • '" • • are•' denitieratively• easy. to ,reeogrilze. • ; •'more or lese miklattaek maybe:Usher, ea: in -bit'. a:hurtling. at •itehing, of the Skin •:Within twenty-fonr•houts• aftei. the nitin ,exposed to (the:1)01KM of plant,, a red rash apPeets:". This Is •:tellowed by More or leeerweliing And' thea smell blisters filled With, seruxn Make their , apPearttnee.., The: Parts ofthe body: iffee tea' swell . • • t� enormous proportions, : • .,•At one time,,'"it was believed.that many periods who had Buffered: frOm attacks ttxf Ivy • bolSoning would ex..: • f.perience a recurrence .of !the .attack if they peeped through, a wood , or Carrie :into proximity with the plant: eVen "•''thaugh the' i'VY Atielf 'Was. not • tench e 'I1'. now appeara 'certain, however, that ; contact, 'is, necessary inorder ,to prh- ..• duce iyy.polso•ning, • . „: • Ivy poisoning may sorneihned • • averted even 'after these ,plants •have. been handled provided ,.the parts et - posed are washed _thoroughly With -soap, 'Waiter, 'Tan d ainchel wash, . lug Must,, however, be thorongh,.other- wise ft will Only, tend :to 'sPread the, irritating, poison. • The t'reatment' of ivy- poisoning is • simple and.' easily adminiate.red.. 'One Of. the best treetatents .is.bathingwith salt. Water. •Sda ,water 'is best if it is , . . - Another: gook, .applicat idn- • and extra ,gocid is the „DRANGE ,PEKOE, UALITY.: • urnames all PQNOVAISI.„ Variations,O'Donovan. , RacIaI OrIg I rish. Squi!ce.,A.diven name,:' eir in later fighting by a brother Of i•Ilte• Mona:fen,: at'ilie 'battle of Orenia.," . •••CRAWFORO" •' • - .. flY or.,e4tn, name., is, :,01.1pn 0..1014 pot, 0,;•.tillearseiEsiiagifizahrti, ily13untai,inte:iwwniaci1i5. tSitinr.ce'olyY, It te..say, it's as; geedu pelling as can ho .roP4erOd.:,C.P. tko 'PAPItOet'. jo9iner Which:poes,:not'teoetly..':earresPorid,.to!, word its peent ending £ord the 11184. • robei. 'Why;People Are Low- Spirited centu• ries, and the centits.ionibetWeen, ' T. •. the word. "ford" - and a. c.ia,alic •.•", allot• , im1Nearlv all lar Sound and:ink:1st Men 'guf-. fetat-thnes.frent fits cif depreSsion.and, trk 00,44.4PM any. •41114-. 4/?oat'P1frA ,yet pp), *re hikhlY eateeetetl lit ether 'Parte of th.e th the APeilahlea 0039 are heect guard s1eei. .One.14411 in. each Vil- lage :acts as shepherd the PIPMPalPa• itYr tlod .fs allowed a.'Sheep-Ptg toae.i• Vet when^the'aolmO0' are out at „Pakita're, -.The Min's tesk is an eaar One—he . , , mart amuse MmseI y' playing the The liollyhOeh, hP514Pthe. wall Was filbed, with ang9r Frillo; • • 'Twas paused by Black-eyed Buso.n„ " Neat At , Tlie Id snitpdrag,ons'.quirreled so, •Blie.,:feared they w,ould Make -robin, ..e, 1»oyl , ,:, . ar, Watt in tne liteilet li pyt, A g',100 .104. Oir'her. 4iPI.- . She ?0,14", Whe4 Eiske4 the reeePott W,I2Y0 I"PaW the Of Oewalip.," • ' Wild live' • la.pgiled In the' moraing, —• --,-,. • breeze, F, .A. 'Mongeau Tells liow He , . As Jmek and, forth she .8Wtinff,•Recovered Strength After* That Johi.n4Y-intnP-up could net *reach, 'Eight Years ofRheumatism. The 0,rafich frppa which' elle hurig,' , . • fintPi ;Pr he, 111.4y, PY:enaleep. fOr fPW: hours. While.:the:pig faithfully, guards 411.0010:c1r4e4h4evening:lthe;i'satne .ttliatwegt14.:',..•:.:..0a11144 .'04.00-41:,..i! -414,111 hP.Use Pr thpt,:ank noVer makesnila, -take. • ' , Wkore truffiONgrOw• PrP.: used to find and root th.eni up,. L,If • earefully trained a pig. Will .keep for his inailter all the:truffles. he. uproat.r.• • '• • In. Ireland ;of Course the Pig's. 'Met, -lts'-havet-always been reeognizedi There- „ aER1OUS, DITRESSION Thetigh you. might. no.t,•shspect It from the spelling, ,"O'Denomhaiii” ptonounced• exactly: ,as' .we pronounbe, .0'penovan. • There...iney :be, ;perhaps,. , a • slight. differeriee 'in Accent •which would: betray, an ,.einglu-Sa?cort tongue "."bloody piss How Hew is' camO to bean law spirits . .Everything ,eeerns• a bur to a 'true C:aelie-sPea){er, but that's all. th,a,t name, ir aa episode avail - den ;.•t.Oeir".cOnie periodao nerY,Ops' The name offers a good illustration of 'able history sheds no detinite light, ritebilifY; headachei3 •and"weariness. the peculiar Irish in which senie- :though it, ,is logical : to a'sanine that it People who suffer 'this Way lack vital,, times is pronouncedlike a 't," ,and 'must haye been the seene.of at least ity :because their bleed is• poor and soinetinies, AS.in..this,OOtiet like 6, v one desperate eneeatiter. • nerves are 'starved in. coOsennence,.., "liononihani" : the chioftain who '' Among the Scats. the'name of Craw• The only way the nerves.. enn.be , founded:th clon; :and ,fteni whom the ford is borne•prin.cipally bythose tree- ivea clan took. its -u • Was:, like "Car, ing their ancestry 'back ,to: ri°lied is throngh the blood By en; ching the blood with Ir W111ams truieh- Prinee of Desmond and ..found- Dindgay.. ' There are .thoge ,among he Plnk Pills the 'Starved nerves are sup- er br the '\Ia C'trthys a iailitary lead -' SeOttishl'historlaoe wbo do. not admit plied' with just the elements.they'need• er who won renoWn.„In the ,Danish this combination of the 'Worde."cru" This is proved' by the experience of wars',. though: ata Somewhat •earlier 'period- •"` Donernlinn,. towev,er, • ;had consists, of :One teaspoonful of boric • acid in A quart of het water. •The af-,1 • fected. part d • shoulk, be bathed with ' ,,,warm, water every • day, or every two tia.ks and carefully dried withoirt•rub:. .bing. Bathing Should be-follo.wed by - another applicatiOn, ,of beide acid. The attaCk may subside in•from fenr. tosix • days. •The• hest advice to vecatienistS. •• IP, study the poison: Oak, Ilie•Poisin.Liv• po son • suind.O. that' .yon may distinguish • there :plant; • Intim ''"their neighbors.Quce..you are able:to,' re- • cognize' them, yen can:scrupulously • 'avoid them. •Ayoid the Creeper with !. the 'three '.Aveld the small, Shrub with the breed -leave -silk° the oak. dive .the sumac -that :growS • in swampy plapes a wide.herth. Ter: Bens who .have 'suffered ' from, plant poisoning' do not forget the experience, and.chin into th.e. classification of the mrs, J. E. Dadsde, 1,2th Ave, East,. elece its: first :chie.fa ..Vancouver, B.G.; W-hO sitya:-4."About 114Id'e 'ern/1111611' eaus'e:' with the Danes were of '19i'iTlit° Prigim Yat, its 11°14- 'tnree_yearg. ago, I became 'very weak in ,Liniericlf,-.a-nd usas Vath ingS' were '`ndie • 4:4;•„:tifP.'''iltgti- and nervous : had pains id My. Side eis'ivelY beaten 'b•Y, the famous'"i3rian landisr,• it played .an important .part',ftt and back suffered„.from fre, Borolinhe" '('...1.3oru".).., one of , the out .the ...•history of Pfe. flighlands and duent :pains in, the back. Of my head standing ri'llerS in the long list of the there eall;bo.'.no doubt that while its and..neek.„.'1,'Was hardly. able to do anything , about... the libtis,e.. I• wmtld walte 'With start' in the, .night and my ..heartwonkl •flutte-...'So that it InosCchoked: me, ; tried; Irina. doe- 't.Or'r'' Medicine; but ...it :dhl: me,. rio••per- rn,abent,goed. One'clay read ,atout Willihnis!'„ Pinkpill's and :decided to give theM, These pills pro- dnced each.- a .,,beriefloial change in 54 •short' tinie that j. kept ...taking them. -un; till had. used a; 'dozen bOxed., By this time there wi's •sneli an i.rnprovernent In my eontictien :that friends; would ask mewhat I was laking, and of course I. wai Only .tpo.pleased: to tell, them it SS Pills.'" I am. now.:feeling deing ',ray, own %hoar ewerle. 'We ,would BOok. the word .presen,t1Y", theani3 "at .,not:hoW be without Dr. Pink the present tittle," but to it, always pilfs In the house „,". • • You can get these. Phis from 'Y°11r means a future time though not far distarit,, ' „ '• .drtiggist, by. mail At 50 .cents a box ,lrish Higli Ic,ingsy and • Who was re- leaderd:Were originally.et„No,rinan 'ex- 4pOn'rib1e fo» the pa go of laWs' con- iraetion. the, . bulk ol its mentherSli,ip trolling the adoption. 9.4 /I use of represented 'Ca.elie•bleod. • Phe defile' "Denomilan" Was slain is.'einlainek As a "ford.";- ' „ . TEETHING TROUB Jiaby's teelhing time *is a time ef werry and ,atTety to most-.mo,thers.' The littie..one$•%eCome cross •,..peevisla;„ -their tie stomacb ecom,es deranged and 'constipatio'n.and colic sets In TO ir.,p_ezWa„,m.ezheby the stoinaclinand. bowels ;must hejfeiTf- Seet and., regulor. _This. can lie dane by theu$6 of.Bab'y's OWn Tablets -=,the ideal-laXative".for little ones. The Tab letS are a guiejelief fer all the minor ailments' of childhood, such as 'conSti- imtion, indigestion, ':colds and 'simple..fevers.• TheyAlways, 'do good ords • With ., Changeci • Meanings. . If we wish to label anything strange orharbarous we say.it is "Outlandi' sh,.'' -hut When the 'Bible, sneaks of an ,"out- landis,h• woman" it means a foreigner. • Another •caripus •e/pre,ssion ,1n: the Autherizecl. VersiOn' is "The other „bas- -ket:...had:,:yery :naughty ffies.",:„ That. Means frit . naught To -day Ile word "naughty . . . means ."ill-behaved.".,, In the Prayer: —never harWhen-the-Authorized Version of the m.; rhe Tablets , . are sold c ptur as first printed the word by medicine dealers or by ineil at -25 ents a box froin The Dr , careful. meat 'full of care • and „C •. Mediclne.Co, Brecliville,Ont. anxiety," as in '"careworn," bpt if a, , .'' Bedls.'w•ere•invented fc;i: ehu.reh usec and. .th e •:d.edication-. of them ,was a ••• selemn. ceremony in ancient days. Regarding, the...inscription's, Put UP- , . . . .• . • .tin belis some examples were'citodby an English' lecturer. At first it was. • the' „ Tashjian to dediCate: them " to the "rpeity, jrnen.the: saints:, Were ."lienoi'- ed.", ,At•.A later period menwould put on atielt ..lnacriPtient as ' "'Fear 99d ` honor the King,"..and:. '.; "Ye. People' all Who, hear /us faithful to 'Your. Gek,anti king." The '• following • Were (plated' , as- ex- ••••amPles, of in sctiptions,, in .pratseTallie • 46416re:of ' yeu.'of Bath, tit licar'atie_sourid ilepton'shunclied pound.": "Ring'boyS,• and keep 'awake,' ••• !"'or ,Mt: W. lIrienclinian'S.,selte.", A delicate hint was cenveye•d ' in ,t14 inscription on hells at Glialteribney tones would all hive been .mueli' • • •• • deeper, . • • •'If contribtitioas :had been greater." • !' At Whittlesea this .insCriptien apt 'peaked 4,11 A bell': "PrOsperity-to' the Established' Church, a:n(1'n° eirceu,rage, ment ,entliuslartn." Barnum ;and the'TrOmboniit.: Perone,of eh -cases Barnum., the • famous, showman, once wanted:te :':Inake a "big Spla,sh,"•and.,fet this „put., ';'...!,,,P.olse,':engage.41,UtiCensi'ilerable :expense . an •imustielly langs. band. Thing•s •seenied k bagothgon Very WellUtitif • ',Bainnin hirbseal appeeired thea.oene, 'th.obbetVe de results: Seeing -the firSt: tionibene a1t,fjtngat1uis eaSe , when all • ,the ether ,Instrti MentaliSta., were hard . at Work; -he went up .anki'.aelted' hitt • ,-_,..Wly....he.....Was;2•-me_LE_PlaYingLI,OhL,P, Die Player, ."I'Ve:'forty;larie•rest ;heft, • "Forty bars' :Cucclairned' th• e: showman;' "forty bars' res.q, I don't Pay. yen' for resting'," Yelp go to the • ••Theasarer • ,yatt're that - omen „thn..:consliide_LLOJASA,C i it - tory ene and, explain niatterS, though barzititif canfeSiSed. thathe Was Milte at it.liOsS4O..trilderstatid.• • • • . ^ " •IloanitAls established in LatVitt. .•ter the War have been canverted'inta „itealtly Centres, and served 34,0.00 per, - OAS' during ,th -first half Of 1023. Blew Up a Whale. -- ,s• • The carcass of a 407forat, whale whre11 'wu-washed 44613.0N3 ..4).V- 4:he lele; of. Wight was towel to sea and destroyed , by explosives, ,• " , , •Theril io‘ AO such gall, 0, to bo a II* With what you have,. sP .• , . . . man .Wer'e said to be careful it, would to -day be a goad testimonial.. Thus, when. the. New Testament tells' us to • careful far nothing,l.', itla not. en- joining' waStefulness and speaking against thrift, but simply telling ..u,s . . . not to worry abou't.anything. Universal Therela niusie In theSighing of a.reed; There'..s musie,.. inthegua1ulng .Of• a rill; • T.beee's musi& in all.thingi, if ;men had- Th'elr .Earth; 1j Is put.' an echo. of the ..•• BPhere'r.':• •• --Bryan 2-rient_Jimn_ Green and.Fresh. • . • • • . Alary• yen'tried' to make love • to you, ob.?. positiVely green." So fresh." • '' • • '.Tree Furnisheg Food. • , The hsvsla,tree in India has,"!candy";. 'flowers, tbe pe,tals of the •flower 'being rich in Sugar,and used for food. • , = .. • • in, Zululand the atmosphere is ' so ,elear that Objects ,can, be seen Star- light at a ,distance''Of seven • • We; endeavor', to -,,make- inerit •'of, faults that ,we are unWilting to ger-. • • . Minard's Linienent for Rheumatism.,. from The Dt, Williams' Medicine' Co., BrockVille, Oat, , • .The-1,:ady's-Slipper: tapped' epfilaueo,. • The.; foxgloves, eflapped In , tatIghed, right .tnerriLy . -,TO---See•AirOtu".0isagree,:. bis , „..$)veWbb,ileorth IQ restore;;. The,''filuebelle -rang ',their )yee4es41 ind all wia, peace once • inOre. • • A VVoodland .Stene, . . One bright, sunny 'day in: June- I Went..by. myself into 1.11.e, woods. As I Wandered on eaine,,to.a little Strearri.. elOPPPd tb a:44 sur- conadirigs, ' The sun waS•• shlining through the 'trees malting the • pure 'water sparkle like thank:m.4s; • • •IN•e?:t to the streamstood-three: treesi They Wette alike in size;•• and tow - 'd above:ill the. rest. The Scene mid a ;seething .effect Upon' me and r dOWii upen' the s'oft, mossy bank with my face to the sky: The rustling of, the leaves was 'puttirig ...t.o Sleep and. f thought only of -the beauties of Ile -"Do you ,put it down in .a.. note beak: everY thue We have a spat?."' ' Sh"No,' I used a scran book for that." •, • • Britain's Daily' Shipping, • Qn. any day of the year seme 2,750 British merehant ships of more than .3,000-tonglare. traversing the great gee. highways Ofl.the•globe, , • :It is alWayS safe to, sena, rlominioa Express Money Orders. • • ,„ .., ,i,,• DOMINION, OF, 'CANADA FIRST AID, pi-1AM OioNS . , . Theo, fiVe young vionien, ineniheet,tlyetneti taking inattuetien in Pirat.4idtrain,,In'eVery shop ,andyard, capable , . Of NO. 1 L'adiee ;First Aid Tea* Cana work then any ' othet orgatthmioti inpe'reodering ., irt.. Aid, eflitiontly when - Alen National, 11411.1i*ye, Montreal • Of-Oanatio.. Already mor than .4,000 haV'e eVer the, 'CeaSien detnaudS,. The nanies ''' r,--..recetitlY Vioti the -.4tity ..,Prainithani,-eniviled :in, the ,:e, laasee,.'nnd ,theof' .thectrilflig.:(0011,1frOni . left, tu '. /n4nd. trophy, , embretilatie Of the Werk, 1Sbefog ':ilighly, ergeriiZed 'front. ilea ttre t, ,MiAses,. Mo Xoater. Olive ,. _ , . oboliolensihip ef. Capada. in Plitt Alildiniat to Oast. It 1.s' the Sint Of . thebeetlY, Itobina 111OOdie, 06•Plain; •Sa•rair and, Horne ging. . The datiadianCeinPatly to haite, 'eintvlOyees On eVeryg.4atnes and Itlalielle, Tarleton; -suddenly i'..was• startled by a little arry -Creature- Which- tilted .,by me' ad If. anwings.' I lay very still for it was a'rabbit,. and I did not want to frighten It. : Watched it drink the pure sun - kissed Watens of the :streain:- The rabbit did not, even natice..tne,.::: but drank:on Peace,, ',:.. • Bang!1..juinped. tip at this; for .it. was. the Sound of gun. '.Wiaeat again looked at the-strearn, saw . that, my little friend was ne. :longer. drinking,' but la.y by the Stream ' dead. • Alas! ...Net. even' inl the 'woods can there be peace: The World iS „. „ • Preckles for: Beauty. . . 'Thenew Sunlight League of Britain might have counted on `the blessing of Gorge Meredith, for whom sunburn and .freckles were beauty's greatest • , • • . In 'one of his pastoral poems. he tirgeS, the companion, pf a walk to give both a welcome, declaring!--; ' • •. „ . "Then -are no hen, -veiled and vowed; • doomed to nourish a .withering • Pallor. City. exotics be.side• thee would show like'bleaehed linen at midday ' Hung upon hedges .of eglantineP Collection of "a gracious _freckled lady, tall and- gtave,"-, whose sunburnt -.beauty 'made- her unforgettable. • • GREEN TEA IMPORTS • LARGER. IY./PPliPan, poini!ni .111glIV'.0PrIc at the .PriPPP.." 0 Wales 19 lvfeG111 C011ege, Aventle! Montreal,, anarlai.lendehia,nnItie. .1wrtiwr 11.5.0:SPV;TatilaOrlife';treatrOnti.Aht4, tar' 'Prey Olen - ,„ . . • • "Aitai..frii, Telltale hne: dope for me said Mr, .gongeaut''''1; ,i,ut.„,feei. like praiefnedt, to :everybody,'' Eight yeirEi •••• of "niuSetilar rhetimatiam ••• had :Just , about ntade acripple. of' •I•got-to. . where •I glinply had to 'HMO, around on ' aaected, .„ .MY Sleep" unsound and" I .felt •coniplete-:. . "Six bottled, of tAken. eight' • months ago,. Made •a new man' of me •and hive had ho'fiirther.trouble'with t.lietinia,t1SM,, Or -My health,•eitiee.' My nerVes nrell-teady-as a -die I Sleep,fine and feel.the sameway. Anyone *ant lug te know of Me what Tanlac will 'de, Piet. phone me here, at the hotel."., •is. for sale :by .all good drug- gists; Accept' Stibstitute. OVer 40, millioh'bottles sold. • Tanla.c Vegetable Pills For Constipation. . Made and Recommended by the. • Manufacturers of "Tanlac. Moiqiiitoes arid Malaria. It ts estimated that the deaths, an- nually .freria malaria:number genie ,tWo. thia .flgare may probably maltiplied by two or .tltree hundred• If We would arrive it the total tittinher. , of PeOPle in the world affected by the ceraplaint, • Malaria' is. Mainly • a" dia.-. ,ease of the• tropics,. anti is catised, by a 'minute parasite in the blood. e ;••, , • , paresite.s in • one mala.ria .patient,.thay, number ,anithing front, one 'hundred' to n; -thousand _millionscases - • there are more parasites in the sYs-. :tem of', a 'Malaria patient than there :are people on the earth and for ages it .was"i believed' that Marshes. •••and. Malaria Were in seirie':Way' connected. . Ronald d1Sc6Vered that: it was .not ,the.,,marsh but the mesquite •"-Whieh: ;breci-in the .tnarsh Which was the •chiginatof •of the diseare, 'and. he: deela.res .that the parat;te. of malaria is; to • th e-morquite WhIch tarries it„ as threepenny -bit would 'be Go a hippo.- •Petamtit • • • • — when disease:carrying nia.Squiicr' bites/ it injects a saliva in . which 'are the Malaria, parasites. These are •Car-', tied into the human circulatory. syS.- • tein: and so throughout .the body.• .. The Cure for malaria is quinine, lint' breeds:, prevention of of Malaria '14: the des.: tructien of the mesquite, in •which it Statistics front Ottawa show that in 1928,77553,977 :peunds More ,Green. Tea were,: brougfiCirito Canacia 'than in • 1921,•and906.,7,28.' pounds more than in .1.922. •1 The reason that the •filie„quality Green' Teas of India and 'Ceylon have •displaced the 'inferior Japan and CIrtha Greens which,:due ,their loW Klee; ,Were imported:heavily. Some )ear g age. •Salada Tea•doniPany IS' the, largest' iMportet 'Of Indiaand Ceylon GreenTea's. ' Zealeus., PC. X99999 was Walking along the bank ef,, a canal, when ',he came 'upon a yOunkster sobbing bitterlY., , Step- • ping, him,. ne,O.Sked:, •-••• .."What's theorriatter?'''.. Youngster, crying•louctly,. .PPlated to mid-streaui„ Wh.e.re a hat ,ww.ttata,belibi,:ngiup, and.' down ,tlie- , , " • • • • . , • • ", he ;In a' flash the- cot rageou "cons table. plunged into the murky, watet, Thrice Ite.:dived,`•biti, at last he \veg.:pit* te come to ahere again With "enirthe hat in Ills ' '"Can't 'Was: he, siti riding en he felf.iiit' . . boy h4irted,•"he ithin'y fall I ;Wes' going teAeliyeti, that he •ttireW Ply. hat , ,but you NyoniAn't' . • •, Her One ACcOrnpifehmerit: doanyWay:often pii7Ales thedistracteil: hOuseliCeper nowadays. Mr. Itobert,IT., ..1011,nion. in rtel'uInbered iy,esterditys; thinks that', We• Must c'cpect. to hear of ;SuelrexPerie-nces ris: that of At.S.Wedis.h-. „American friend"of wile: hooding A 'iiiiiliViVii-11;WbrIcrr4strrtett--td---a--Sealir•- 1:•d• 1 nTilliveiraell;:lgiee.tif°oritid Sturdy .Firmish "..'esked -lier -what. she .coit Conid•She do tathi;ielevrin.tioa,g1..fietT., Could She Welt ,9 ' 71111ttit.j:, 6g40141, she do? for a".niehii; nc,and then !`'Stel, IY the 'reindeer,' . • . '' • • ,•„•A Manta' brain attitiria tta tna,xnnuin Wlt7'nt ',age; ,k4 iv.tet#y Oat of a. Mennen at ,SeventeCU years... 'National RaiIways have more men Minard'S Philmont 'InlieVeit Don't. • Don't. be like folks who laugli'and sing Along -the summer ways, . But grunt and7grean when Winter brings • - • The gloom of duller days. • Don't be like folks :who yew they'te ' Along 'each level mile, „. •• But • when ,the :roughened PathwaY comes ' ' „Forsake one at the stile! „ Don't•be like folks who Tear to bear • A - little trouble -pack ' For life brings everyone- a .share'.. „ Of bothers" in its' track. " • The Right Attitude. Be careful how you "I am" your nits- . fortunes. '1' The Ireubie. with most Of •`'. us is • that. we 'I am" ohr•Misfortune*' „bee much. We say "I ern sick"; "I aria': „tired".;•, .am-• am• peer"; "I qui 'down on; lay luck"; "1, 'ain , • • . -• „sorta,..of people are constantly.' making' tise of negative;.'destructive,•, •expreSsiono. :They are always. talkimk down ".cemplaining about one thing or another. • . lri winter. they will ior "Did ,anyone ever„ see such ,beastly- weather as' -we • , are having?. This. anew , and -sleet niake"pie• I . aria , never ,free from • a Cold.. so afraid, it Will ,develop into .pnetimenIa;".'• ' •Ira' the surnmer'it IS just the same:, "I' wonder if it is oVer. going to stop: raiuing7" '"It leeks as if We. are not going to have any Summer!"./ • • are'HcbriStantly complaining'ef 'things antkare • always ' '"tired," ;ged," "Played out !'not •fit, for' anyN • thing!". And, as John , Henry would say: "It,a, at wrong!" ./'' ' ' , , So, if you're down, spring up again, ' ' And When yett're.on..your feet__ • . Wipe offeoch mark of coward -stain,' Press 'onward through -the 'sun' - ,Show by �urheartafid ,soul and brain , very\ hard to beat!• • ' ••'..• • —Lillian Gard: • • Strength .of •Silver Wire, • A silver wire on -twelfth of an inch in .dianieter Will Support a weight:of 188 .pounds. ' • TO EXPECTANT OTHERS A Letter froniMrs. Smith-Tells_How- Lydia E. Pinhhon's Vegetable COinpouid Helped Her • , Trenton, am writing to you 1.li regardt� Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. 1, Would' not be with- out it..I have taken „ it before each of.my'' children was born *fiatinddifftae:rgwi•ae,rateblg,;' Before my first baby Was born I had short- ness 01' breath and, ringing in my ears. I felt Its if ',Would, ptillAhrouglf.7' "' One day a friend of- ble COmpolind had done for his Wife and advised him to take a bottle, home for After the fourth bottle I Was a f'.4bildren n�wnd alwayelind-the-- Vegetable CoMpoitnd a great hciji as it 860111§ to 'make confinetnent easier. I recomMend • it to lily friends. — Mrs: FnEn 11, Smtrt, Sohn $L, ,Trenton, 011.1,.•- • , LYdia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable' Cbm-t Pound is an excellent medicine for e* -6• peetant mothers, and should be taken duringthe entire peried. It.hsa.a geti- -*rat effect to strengthenandi011e 1.10.th,e • entire system, Se that it May wOrk in every respect effectually ag nature in -- tended,. Thousands of won testify to thiti " • 1 Companionship' with a powerful per- • ..son is never to be trusted. • Claisifie,d4dvertments. wANTEr.i.°M-41\iTO, OPERATE; .ibcai Auto, Supply; Branch: ply Canadian • Auto Shcips," 'Bolt, • 154, Niagara Falls, Ont. Iff?IN Fog*, EYES holesome cleansing Refresh% Look Younger Careworn, 'nerve -exhausted women need Bitrq-PhOsphate, a pure Or,genig • phoaphate;dispensed by, diaggists that , New 'York add- Paris physicians •seribe to 'increase Weight and strength and., to reviVe y�uthfiil 'Oaks and. feel;; -i ings. Price, $1 ,per ..,pkge. Arrow . .Cfaerttiril -Co 2.25 -Front. ,St. "Termite; Oat: " , • Stiff Joints ,Limber up with Minard's tiniment.„ -Leading athletes' use it. , -Clears-The 'Tteatnienit • On:retiring • gently intr. -t-utidtrza. Ointment, with ,the end Of the --finger; •ton o.i • dandt,ttff and itching. Nat rnorning.tham., p60 witha sneis of cuticura Soap and hot Water, . 'Rinse wick): tepid Water. This treatment does winch to keep the 'scalpclean and rheaitlly and .prennOte hair`gt0Arth: giinpli Sok& irse4 bf itait Adririssi 0.Antidian likt;f:_coC2.6entiejlgike:i gelig6:itidelutst.44: Tr?. our he."•=Shik4inig Stick+. , 'ter, NP4. kat -14. ; a !,7 O.?