The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-10, Page 8a ti. • Sl✓HOOLOPQATs S,,, 11T0,Westi •WaWatiosit Ju><ior Room e .Promotion Examinations " . Sr, 'III to, Jr; IV --;.Janet Mae 'i r- lane 86'' (honours) Hamish Mae 'ar 'Lane,' 61,' ( Mildred McQuillin, Mar- garet 'Miller, Harold Hyde, Elvin. iteQuiilin) '•recommended on year,'.s. work, . M... . ',.,,JF . JII oto Sr. .dg-.4,6omlmti•LVona' r X60, .Maragle Ptu vas '(standlnlg,400d. row' or rceomnten1ing) $r, Ii to JJr ` III Isobel' 1. ' ilier, Helen .Tbrim ' Jr,'IL t6 Sr,.I1-Christine MacFar- lane .1335+, Neely Todd 980, Calvin Purvis 629, Rorald•F,orster 3994. .44T to Jr,' '11— •Bieli Weatherhea l 1151, Veronica: Gaynor 874,, Myrtle; Me9uiilin $72 Pearl •Everett • 236.' .;; ::�.r� Dorothy •-Miller:-4284;-- Florence. McQuillin 1184;° " ..:Sr; Pr; Eldon Miller •757, Walter` MacFarlane ' 666, : Jean' •Thorn , 616, Gordon Morrison 529, Henry;,Everett• Jr: Pr. =David Swan. 428.' "A"—Annie Watson,° Ruth . Me. Qui�llin, Jack Gaynor, 'Mungo Mac Far1ane, Edith, Durnin, Dorothy Mc- !Donald, Charles McDonald., . ' • • • N B The standing of 'many of the �• pupils is very lo* my account of ab sence ' dire to .illness Number on, .roll'. 33; Average : att- ,11 Econom• . Roads. lead to 'Can �eron, ' Murdo0h• '& 'CD's, s 'hs''•Great��`• .Store of 'hc 4��4,Da• "of ,t Bar a ln :Econom ale:? Y , Ent°'re .S ock ood's Boots and' Shoes, Clothingand :House Furnishings is going• 'on: Sale.•• Read over the list of Bargailis rr on our'Special Bills. Other similar' Bargains await your purchase.: W 'ok - .- ' • e offer Values o � canis t afford overlook :,:, •, .. Ya ue u o ECOliOint Sale is h Createst -Sale event Lucknovvhas known %r m an y Years '• is r,. Come Prepared to get unusual Values in First Quality Good s. e list , . , _ _ , • , out and. �brn •:• want xpate Your needs .. Make u a g TERMS—CASH oney'�ref uned. if goods:not satisfactory., .: . . Go,ne Buy - Save - Ec on • o m iz e 'Remember - the date Remember the p1ae - •. ead. feadliners for Sale -'Week's-- '�r d T; h ea Linen` Tow elings 8Yds':for 1.00• Pure LinenCrash Toweling, 22c.per • d. Cor" Hcored•.` Te�Y Toweling; 4' yds. for$ 1 .00 airy Shirt ng. Bliewith White pattern, Reg., 459 Sale.'Price 39c. '; Rock-fastDrlll Shirting,BlackPattern, SA le Price 7 ds. for $2. 0 • Y �, Color ed and black Sateen, Sale Price 29c.c.ayd. • ,r 0o Dr eGoods: WDolSerger Reg: $5c � Sale ale 'rice =59c. Inch A11 -Wool Serge, Reg, $1.65, • ' at $L19 French. Delaine, All Wool, Reg. $1:50, at $1.19 v. • e 'Hca 'ofos her � hi 'relent , h Just Arrived—Another s p_ .Y - .WYhe are;,: :'T '• 2.95 Work .'Boots to :be 'cleared at$ Q.K. and one of the plums; of the Sale:: •. Misses'Browna ndWhite Leather Sole Oxfords, , Sale r1ce'1.65 .Misres 2 -Strap Slippers, White bite 5•`1 Black k tr irn ning,RrbberSolez Sale Price 115 Thc•Clothn$ Department is very y and a greatmany suits for boys and men- have said "Good • Bye" to' this Department '. but we can still fit you. • uy them now and.be ready for the Fall season, - oft S ening, Silks ;-- Pongee Silks, extra wide, inmany colors, Reg,, Sale Price $1.29` Duchess Silks, 1 yard wide, in ,Black,: Brown, Green and Blue;: good Value, at '52 ,45, for $2.19 Habutai Silk,' White only Sale Price 98c. China Silk, good width; all colors, Sale price 75c lir Sale is'away toa good start--Lots•of goods of bargains—Lots of Salespeople e to''serve• yo Meti's Fancy Tweed Suits, Special Value: at 25.00-t0128.00, ' Sale Price $17.45 • ,.' Navy Blue All -Wool Imported Cloth, "Blusea Serge" Brand, in: Stout. or Young 1VIe.n's Model, Regular $40.00, Sale Price $32.95 .. A few only,'Boys' • Bloomer Suits, Dark Tweeds, Sale Price 4.95 and $5.95 1KURDCi JCKNOW .S LARGEST STO RL ' is -at Y'our Service e v ice Sebane No. 10 S ll `! r Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit :Stores ' YLL REQUIRE ODS, YOU W RE � ;the. Bet Forks we can b SAMSON„ HAY - FORKS—They •a .rebuy 'and' ,theywill a' eal to yau. They. are correct • ' in shape and : 'the, ;. * q`=itaridka •aro'- all 'Selected ,:Second Growth White Ash; ; .. , •HAY FORK ROPE --We have Brantford Pure Manilla Rope; We hate;' been selling this• rope=, for years= and, know, where; our., customers have had over fifteen years service from one 'rope,• .. • HAY FORK PULLEYS -We have their in alt sizes. 'ROPE FOR HAY LOADERS—We have the , right,, rope for,: this PP ur ose. •It is 'tarred and will' keep otit the `wet - • • MACHINE OIL -We 'have the finest' qua1it of ''Machine Oil that -•we. •car procure. Don t 4 wear: your machinery-- out by using - a low grade cheap Machine Oil,. -BERGER'S; PURE PARIS GREEN" AND ARSENATE or LEAD— • x�h To- hn1l:Bie s• MIXTURE—Toevtent`the. h1i ht '; DRY BORDEAUX pr g y �CREEIIT�OORS;-_,DOORS,�6REE�11 W.Il11,DOwS-In ..man st les an ,.._ . • _ball,.,sizes. ,aa.•-_ _,.. _• SCREEN` WIRE; -TO REPAIR DOORS --We have it in all Widths, - PRESERVING KETTLES—We can fill your requirements for,the • preserving season;• t We,rave--a'. good -stock •,of.•both-_.Enamelled and. Alum nuft, • preserving kettles.' - ement, -Lime and Plaster always '•hand. �urde' & Son, Successors to uckn0 W Hardware &. Coal ' Co.; CREWE and, 'M•s tiVill: �Beo•l and _,: .., e -Y -.,gin farnil' of Hanilton ` Mr. :and .Mrs: Y , Aubrey Higgins, of Detroit, are •vis-, iting at John Menary's. Mr; and' Mrs. A. McQuoid Freda spent the week -end with their._ daughterr Mrs =''J ,Little ,' 'Mr and Mrs'••W. Drennanvisited with friends at Zion on Sunday. Mrs Isaac:GawleY � .Spent .the aweeh •end '.with-- f r iends.iin' Ooderich. Mrs. ,Campbell has returned home! -.after sPexdin• . %heF... as€ -.week... with,. her Adaughter 'Mr's." 'Wm. Crozier, Mess; .Ida `)iivett is visiting friends in •Goderie'h'. • •• ' Mr.and Mrs C.. Elliott, 'and .Mrs 1�:'•:Saunders. of-._Dunrannon •s en, Sunday. at 'SAM Sherwood',s , 'Mr, and Mrs 'Bert Treleaven and fatirily_- r!ere, fire.les,ts r..of :rllfx _ nisi' . Mrs. RParks' on •Sunday, A nuuber'.from Jpeore,attencled. fibs. PrchTc at ,on..S. urdaY.«... 'IIAVVING A 1rOTl1, HARD TIME. Tire .• DeMOcratio s Party 'Nal son"a7 Col'tvention, conSistin,g• of `7.095- del& ,gates, which :for over two}weeks has been sweltering in the heat • of New York City in an effortto; select a party candidate 'ter the presitlenv, by Tuesday , night ncl balloted 99' times- without'reawh'nl; •a: decision, The iireviaus record for ballots ata, national •convention Was._ -in, 1860, when a decision was reached by . the riiJth ballot., Again and again the convention has.refused to.change the, method ref .,r'ocetlure• •in order to' make a selection possible. Ballott, at - ter ballot is taken with ,.little varix- tion of result, rho 011)+ eXpilintttlon wo qan lztia► 11 1 1 111 111 end nc 30.' : ' a e Jessie 11.1. Buckingham 'teacher S. S. No; 5 Ashfield. Promoted to Sr. IV—'David An- derson,, :W'illie Hunter, ivei Jr;. IV�-Jean Ritchie,. Mr t Reid 'Sr. VIII=Alina Hunter, Frank 1 ie""Ritch`ie chic, Wmnre:'>iunter,— Beiy,l Gardner. • Jr' III—Evelyn `Reid, Norma And- erson: Sr.. ,dI Cecil' Gaisfiner, 'Gardner Jr " 'II—Charlie• ;AnderSon.• Promoted: to Ist reader' Jim Gar• dner,Llo � d Hunter" y,• ` c her. e e A,-M,,Ws ,Webster. 'ea , t Sydney You Well To - Watch Zee `' 'eekiy Specials 500 Only ,Good'Size Tumblers, •:.: ,3,Q:O�.Ox�lyGut,.�de;gn� T�lmblers, 'laza Glass Vaer';Pitchers, Glass Cream' 'Pitchers Glass) Cream Berry Sr.... -t8; 7 p:eces• 5c./Each. • Each. and`75c� '25c: 70e.,• We'!have PaPer Flates,Napkins, Cups Wand. ; Etc, for Picnics. , 1\ eFythirtg,for Preserving,. 'Rubber ,Jar. Rings_and `. rKettles,• all sizes Zinc,; Preserving. aide • riety Store •S. S; 14o `7 Kinloss - •Hon.:75% Pass•'60%• �. •Third Chass=Glacis Garton 4r�;/c; Leonard Maclnnis ' 61; John Garton. St rt49;. Geos 5'7; . 1tilalcolm wa,e, .,, .ge Garton 8 - J Second , Class ---Katherine ,Campbell 96; Evelyn:' MacDougall 82(;.. Kather ine, . Maclnnis 62; Lester MacLeod; r d 48*• =Tiro Ma�:-Na11.84 'Har Ist' Glass . ,, ;old' •Stewart.'63, Primer—Robbie— .Campbell' 63 ' Franik MacNall promoted to, Sr IV onyarl e . y wor k. The following .we're absent for ex aminations—Myrle :Gamble, Myree� Gamble, Bob .Craig,' Margaret Craig' Jim Stewart: • (*) ',recommended Jennie 'MacDonald ; teacher. S. S. No. 4 Kinloss Promotions on :term ;work and an iinations. ea= Jr: IV to. 'Sr.. l.V-- James Cassidy Sr. III'.to Jr, IV—, Ho ruu'rs Lrl liar Broome, IielenB•urt. Pass ---Ed- ith Burt, Harvey Ackert, Jr III -to Sr. III-Honours-'V(in- ' lad nifred Ackert: •,Paas—Jerome Va ,, , ` rom..';Villie • B o n e .I Honours '�H'arold IL±' • Jr. III to ''on rani averne JohnSton:- Wary Y Pass- 1ar ' .Cassidy.;;, • • • • : Sr. 1 to Jr 3I=H`B onoursurned- S ette ';Cassidy, ' Annie' Burt,', 'Reggie:' Broome, Clifford Con•,ram..: Pa.s IB orne• 'Johnston, • Dorothy • Eckins- wilier. Sr. Pr; to Jr..I—Gwendolyn Ad's: ere, Jim Burt, Clifford ;.Robb, Jr,„ Pr. to Sr_ Pr.—Reynard Ack- eikt'• 'LY da' •Johnston)`, equal, .:Treasa- Casni y, Eileen'Valad. mrd '. rlo; , on roll. -27, •-Average att. 24 ., C. Murray'. teacher NOTICE TO CREDIT•OR NOTICE;:: IS HEREBY' GIVEN, -pursuant to Section 56, 'Chap. 121' of . - the Revised. _Statutes: of , Ontario, that all 'persons have, claims a^air st the,.Estate • of -Donald D. Mclinn b ce o on"dased died: • about • , rho on:`or the, ninth day 'of June, A; D 1924,. at the Township of Kinloss in the ' Province of Ontario, are .require 1' to ,send by post;. prepaid, or to de'iver to James 'Harvey:{ McIntosh, . R. R. No; 5;: Lucknow, Ont., ,or . George r._- `Murray ,, R;""R -'No °"'5, Lucknow, 'chit; ' ; • the Executors, on or before •the '8,th - day .of August A. D. 19244 their names• and addresses,, with -full: iculars of thea .claims in writing, awl the nature'gf''the securities (it. a:.y) l' cid .i;y: thein : duly , verified, by '. a . A`NatDu 'tory delira ion fuithe.- take no tice 'that'af- ter tl e' said day: of August 1)24, the assess of t to said estate wi i be' ,. distribute:1 by the. Executors, anon; the parties cis t'edthereto, h avzn o: regard,' Dilly . to• the 'claims they shall then have notice; and ,the estate will: not he .liablef»r any claims not. fel ed at• the' time of the ..said • distri- bution, DATED at • Wingham•. this 'third -laY J. of `ilul' A • D 1924. R: VAN•ST'ONE, Wingham,- -Ont 24-7-500` Solicitor for the Executors -; ` • "And- ou sayyou have lost con-- Y Y. trol of the car?" "Yes, ' l' can't .keep .:. up the -installments." - • i '10 ii gine for such an extraordinary dead- lock is that soiree ' "man - from Mis= sourl" "must have asked •why" ;an ass was" selected as t `h e :Democratic-- arty P , emblem, , and the convention is` "showing him;" o-o-o— Here and There • British Columbia's agricultural ,production last ' year' increased in' 'value 000 � , ,000 over. the,1922eriod , figures compiled by.' the provincial Department... of. Agriculture- show.. A stead+ 'increase in the volume off—wheat exports from • Canada is noted in the •month) statement just lulled' by - the Dominion Bureau of Statistics: In'_April,. 1924, 6,086,465 bushels in "'all were, exported, as against 5,143,304'in Aprtl,,1923. , Tt%is anticipated that hundreds -ai t thousands of visitors to the beau- tiful Annapolis' Valley, Nova Scotia, will- help. -.motor celebrate ;.the,',.famous•;.: .;fruit district's ";App[eB•lossom. Sun- day," - which „falls on'' June '68th this year. The entire orchard belt;' ex- tending ,from Annapolis' 'Royal to Windsor, -;.aa ,,distance bf about 80 aiiiles, ' is- alitiayye white`:`_ Anil rprnlc :;` with blossom in . the. first ' part of ' J`une.•. 'he Monthfa Sales I i t' the fo1h win. Clearin Lines:== Satinette SIi.ps ==. dome in_ Sand,- Navy6_ r aL dy, Rose ' .and Black, a', limited number left,. Sizes to 40, Reg, $2.25• July Clearer g Price $1.69: V-oilesr �, Beautiful New patterns in the Normandy ' Voiles, Navy, Rose, Grey, Black and New Blues, 40 inches -wide July Clearing Price 79c . a yd arnica Cloth== • For Dresses; Children s,'W'e•ar, Etc., Sand, Blue, Yellow and Rose, 36' in" ches wideabsolutely' fast colors,Reg. 85c.July ClearingPrice 69c. • Men's Straw Nats -.. '. ,.. , .:..: :,. - fir• ,`• •• Only- about•G.'a dozen left,, Reg: loa$3.50; towel~' arthem out at only,. $1.081 Hon. Honore :Mercier,. Minister of. Lands ands Foments,'.gpeak'ing "of'•ar ' rangements made; in the ,provinee for forest protection this year, stated: "I !really believe that the way ,the service is'. organized and with the' good will manifested by in classes of the. community, who realize the: importafice' of'-.protectint your na tional domain, the year will be a goodinione m*^ ai.' nd the losses reduced to a m ' • Most family' 'trees are " shady in rartO Boys' Long 'Sleeve Cotton Jerseys, sizes 2.4to in Navy r..,Khaki, Brown. • nd Orange', the good quality,:Reg. 50c.Price 43c. Each, ;... •.. •.;, Men's ... .Pants , Pants en's P ants 150 Pair of Men's dd Trousers on -S €cil, Sale, p , Sa , and there .are, all sizes Ize3. from .. S - 0' to Size 48.. Prices e 2:50 , 2.00. ar � Trouse s r for $ $3.00, Trousers; "for`$2:40 4.00 Trousers for$ 3 $$ 2lD .Tr ` r'. �_. �5 ,00 ou e s for ' 4:00 $6.00'Trousers for • $2.7.5 `.Trousers• for $2.20'' $3.50 Trousers -for $2.$0�'• $4.50 'trousers for .$3.60 0 Tro ;.• $, users 'for 4:40•` $7;00 -Trousers for $5.60 , ,00 'Trousers fol 6'40 $ ee West-Wiri loi-foe--Special Display Clearing Prices .on. Tapestry Rugs onI 9 Clearing Prices on Linoleum' Rugs' • •