The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-10, Page 4-_ DEERUG CO„:-..- . ,.. Moir/4W. HOTIts*eu'ilay.Ted4eret,HRY ' eX. c*ai 66,, . 04 Corti ' jiintlers- TENIAN...: ,WiLlt, , SON - _ ' Willtittann Plii,WO, „ *Oilers aid Barrows. HOST At/Wise , 7$41.4'" 1 e,..:1#etri•Ijof 0, , ranee a P ea, •all'.- GalY4.41ticd. - , PIANO:- See our high grade Pianos before buying. ..". If .. v . , • ..For.,SOle At ' ANDREW'S, LUCKNOW. .,...........i 7 .r • Ineerporated 1855 CAPITAL,' ...,'.;.'s"4;000;oao .RESERVE -i.moamta01•.. OTERt2� BRANCHES-,IIH. CANADA MOLSONS BANK ene a'Savings ,Account to -day in Your baby'e • • name; and deposit a dollar a month regular15,e. • It issurprising 'how' quickly • this' regular de_' _ . Posit will' create .'a fine • iiest' agg.' Savingsl . Departments at all branches. g1,1),.;.• ••MANAGER, LUCKNO'VV BRANC11. , orth Creamery' - CREAM.. EUYING STATION Hight.est cash prices paid for • resin 'aid Eggs., We guarantee service aid satisfaction to all our psitrons.' Give us a trial ar.d let us prove • , ou that we are a Worth while ,Market. ecH Mullin, Lucknow Branch Phone 83. 1 . ALL MUST. CO-OPERATE IN PREVENTIQN_OFrC61pNTS It is the opinion of Ontarkr• Motor 'League' offiCials that while present ,i,concentratiOn of thought. ,upter the one -74 • , • ..„.ngbam. • . Phone 256. . , WOrks. LUCKNW and, WINGHAlt thet I gait and most complete the most beautiful designs °Gee fiera„ hi • arble, Scotch, Swedish air Can- adian Granites e -make a Steciaky- of Family onimenta anal -invite your, inspec?.. Hon.; *Odom •,NeOtly,4C4lrefilly and Done. as before. Placing your order. subject' of accident prevention by tee preeentatives 'Of, national bodies, in Canada int the. United' States , ill, do much to cut the swellingeaCcident list but that , real progress can ,be had only, through the iivillingness of each individual,'pedestrian and dri- ver to consider 'iethe , Subject as -one of persOnal interests • , Peering that • the "pedesttian end car owner ,mati, take w. notion to "let George dO it," • the Ontario Motor, Leagne '• 'advises all • affiliated clubs. throughout' the' country to urge. Up mi their menibeia the nett for close attention to the accident •prevention • study now. . heing made at .• 'confer-' epees of national bodies.. • • ' Nothing 'would be More disastrouS to this .comprehensiVei Amt. of. :safes. • guarding motoring,' litiman: lite, and HMV, :it is declared, than' to ..have. pedestriane and drivere. imagine: that the 'iiiiraiii-Orianitions.---can solve- Tlla litelesTOW SEN'tqtgLi OVROPAYi JUJ.V 1011t,i 1.024t 111 N X...qq•cripw sE.INITAI,1?,TEL Published every- Thtiraclaitimernink at Lucknow. Ontario. A. D. Mackenzie, Probrietor, . and Editor THE U S. DEMOCRATS; 'IN CONVENTION ci • • , fikt. time of .writing'the Democratic Convention, at New York, has not succeeded in selecting a party candi- date tor thereSideney, although it has been in. sessioa • ;for more than , ArickstweekS, and has taken no", less than 87 . , • ,Such a , failure of 'desired 'Outcome. stiggests.defeetive nuiChinery.or seme • irieephsihtble " difference her tWeen factions of the •party. such long-drawn-out struggle in ' the .,De- .mocratiC..crimp cannot to aid 'the Republican Tarty which, 'in the :niost decided -manner, put no- mination the preeent preSiderit, Mr. Calvin COOlidge, .who feint. Lyears age' was elected . vice Prehident. The De,„ • octets mnst haVe, by this time, made the •. country somewhat ' tired and great13 disereedite.d themselves:It is, said that'. religious animosities' have sbnietiew become. injected into the .Stroggie, •apparently through .the.ac- tivities ' of ‚the. Ku -Klux -Klan., whieh ' is a strong anti-Cathdlic Organii- • ation: • : in The 'teTlerance- question,. •teo,has played an iinPortant, part, 4.1„ • Smith, governor of l•leir State the. leading ' candidate At "the • cipSe , of' Monday's voting: is thought to ,be in symphthy, with'. the forces opposed to prohihition: The conVention, hew- ever,went on record in! its "plat-- Twee -as being infavor Of. vigorous' ,eoforceinerit 'of.the: prohibition' •, -up to the.85thballot, Mr. McAtioo wrici waa 'a.cretaiy of the treasuty, iii the Wilson Cabinet was thelead- the . problem' without,1 the assistance of the inditidnal: ••"." , It is. pointed 'out • that. while the Or- ganizations are in n' position to bring the traffic problems to the attention of those. who' *ill he able O to . aid directly? n, the: Nioik oelim- inating accident ceases; the .'pedes- trian's and the motoriat's part in ,the O matter,' .Still Of. .primary" import- • anee, " • , • The Ontario MOtor League has al- ready pointed out ..the, fact that rack of uniformity, tis an important Accie ••dent cense and has asked-, motor "tourists this sunimer; familiarize themselVes with • conditions under which other 'folk operate their 'ears. This is merely the starting point. It is being discovered"frern analysis of accident causes by experts 'that bid street lighting is very largely sponsible fOr many, city accidente at night, in such cases ,it might be a' duty Of' the )iiotorist to support cam- paign, in. 'favor .of a' more progres- sive' administration. • • The matter o'f reckleasness is far • frcon,being entirely Up to .those who are -guilt -y -of- laWlessness:...--A: major- ity of accidents would, of course, be done ev.-ay'witleif lawdefyitig motor- ists' would turn Over a' new' leaf, but they are ,.not likely to, d,o this 'and. that la why .the tank and file of Mo- ,thriSts must' take a 'hand in the "Sit - 'nation and not imagine that, the- nrci- viaciale: state and; national' -organiz- atien an do the 'job'�f'. cleaning- up - 'the reckless minority ;Without the co-operation' of the individual, „ The 0.. Id: L.. firmly, be.lieVee that great good ' Will, be accomplished threugh the- Present; and; proposed44ensive stud e of the entire. ition, but if, believee that. reporting. _•, licente taimber ofHan undiserable NOTICE To CREDITORS ; • driver; to the Ontarid Motor League more to , porn accident pre- , , . In the EState Alexanotr. Mc- Imitable accident that ha.s come up - • the TownehiPof Xirl' 1.crs". for general tliseressionie • . Douglas 4:*rtthli • Loclmow,' Ont., ' . Lad:now 0_ L.;"Islo. 428, meets in their lodge•room every second Tues.: •de& of the inorith at 8 eee.loelc p.m. W.kf,. 11.; M. Parker: Rec., See?... Wm. McQuillin. ., HAYMAKIN„6 • When to Cut, Teddy' Rake, Coil , , And Haul In. ' <, Curing Sweet Clover-7,11arvestIng Al - THE VAgNiEft's' TitouPLES The ettndition of agricelture in- . ." dined the Provincial Government to appoint lan Agriculture, 'Enquiry Committee whieli for scene time has been ,holding nieetiTega. at central poipts, A couple ef weeks, ago a sit- ting was held at Walkerten...nned_ on iftee Q itIrt ee ninnh toteetSouth •' nt.hY"..1s • t t • . (-. tte-4thentuatle• Illetee fatinere had the, oppoleum, y '`. :Illogs and 'ilieir '1.*reatinent, - ' of" giving -ther - NieWs- a.S. to what:- . • A rong with the farmieg busine.ss. .. (con tr,isieokt:rei,ceuei tieu reete eTtrponetO: r)iMe• ntot, stlno:vc.ifwe orpeipm_ roondur_ce joalinfeWReeiereos f- • , . . , . ' There is an old saying, .'.Make hay Huron TownsItlP, presented some. - while the sun shinea," with whieh '..trIl'Ing examPles °f over the ' IsPamtY . n prices. Going, his accounts. Prof, Wade, Toole • of Ilie 0. • A:, Col- .for the year he had started farming lege agrees; .and fortunate 'is' • the ',1918 he had found. the milk price , farmer Who2geta . sunshine for the- was' $1 10 per cwt " Ter the. latter , flowerer witif hay to harv st ' half' ot May- TIVS-V-earAlie•-priceewas- one cannot,- a'Avatit , for • the But lp 1913 he bought a milk lWaYa •• • • can for. ------•• this It/ ay, a imigh- •Weather. .0de of the epeentiela ie the , •. bor 'had. to pay4.1.6 f C411 th4t h. e • odeletIoy" Of geed liaY iaethat It 1,)0 felt •'as , at IPast•--two.. grades infer- eut'Ut the pioer thue .it tAust,hve tor Agam 4logs • woo 7 55 en, .1913 „suitieient .maturity o ensure Curing :and' ..$7:60..thiS May, but tinalitY but 'Over zn.turity theanis 800 pounds- " of Meal: at One '1140 .ctiarse; ',fibrous, , lew ,4u4ifty feed, cents to produce a. 200 .lb. Sw*eet clover, sliplild; be, gut. In the lete showed a cost Of $12, which tvas _into sgtiangsei Abilotaoltair,'Il,n'arnt7aatlyth1en.atne'a„): 'fl'ionrgthperile•teogw, ietxhafritolY pereolfliatl.leldhtehes;eple- .shcwi•J are starting' at' the :base or the applied to ma.. -, • . P144.4- Reit clever is Pantilee io best 'Asked his, egPerience With hog enyatitage- When a.P.9* xiMateiY 4347: grading, Mr. Reid said ,it .' had been third of the Wash Ave, turned iairlY satisfactory:- It. did' Seem) brown, 'and t•141°.tkY just after tae ,Imwever that when, because Of COM: •*PC6IILL blossom falls, • •' • petition 'among papkersuyers,.7a- • • ; • Sweet' 0. lover I. -nap got, an extragentprice; the ..re7 . ehring sweet,clover twomethods tie of selects Was'. adversely alfected> are followed.. 'Perliape:" cetting with He•. believed .:-better transportation •thehinder and stooking •iite like. grain iacilities /could be secured if faringrs. untie the crop is dry savesleaves bet- along -the 'line shipped on the seine, ter and gives as geed. results 'as can lay and a through train WEI ,,TUll be eptaineci. • Or the crap may be cut tom Kincardine, picking up the .care' aown .anci allow -eel to 'lie in the aw,atli :la' route' • • • ••-' abont.' viva aays', , and •then Mr. Reid .referred to the iticre.ase kell'' into': small Winiirows, If the .in .faxation, stating that in 1913 the • el as .dry.; about three Bruce Gounty rate •was, three and a •-U.! Wt.!' dr,c; w au occasional ted- third mulis to raise. $85,0.21. This • dis,;..; eitee 'it ,readyto harvest. years rate had not been ,streek 'but ine weaOier, is .eaecay it is advisable. would be:about ten milli to 'ase a- c,r°P as e.-'ve•as it Is raked 'bout $300,000e lle admitted :that in-. Up.• ; , : terst and sinkine fund...charges.' on oeeev.esting :war; expendituree ',entered into. this,e mover.' "if' the weatneieis tine .• but' .felt •'the''ehief cause e were the increased' cotts of roads and •of.. . snore tasily cured then it may..be :cut, 'in ine incirning and attic'''. • .• ' • .11, eakee he afternoon of the renewing • , thought farmers. :were part-.• day.. it triu.it'uot ;beekliOiee'd to .to blan-or fe f' 'present .c,onditiope., , 'expod the •dew too many forar , not keowing the cosi,. ;ef the - . , , • . . , aiglite: et...bleaching results. • After.. tees 'they produced,. He felt .Laaiug., et, the sun .ehthes; one Mote gOVetnnient aseist therie in. :ley In the Wintli-oW generally. Makes , working:: this.,.„, out. 'Freight rates, •'should be .'redteced. And Co7oPeratiyP Marketing' encouraged, ,• • •• John II, 'repeesent'etg ,the Ripley 'United 'Farmers' .Club b'd- lieVed.: hydro power. would... beta-grZfat relief ,for • 'the ,farrn.•• housewife if it'. could ,be fernished on .4 'flat rate or rete the farnieTs, could ecord. Fees of „ IleCtors.; lawyers, .dentists; etc, should be reduced ' he. thotteelite The'. ,exeense for reads was too high • A4 P. Mewhinney. 4,A. 'for West looked for reali•sresults. froni- the.investigatIon of the '.present. Coin- inittee on • agrieulture.. Ote,. the- subject •of he •had Supported in''the'.1itiiiSe -the •:Lettibritig,e` repOree which' peoPosed a .rental charge all. water °powers,. the . revenue to tWards 'an •e,o,ualiiation:•of,' rates.. throughOlit the prOvinee. Me; Mew:. hinteY declared ',that; 'in: his opinion Premier Drury made:. a,, serious mis- take when he did' not' carry, out. that. 'report. The 'Test Brueejneniber •sad he was prepared to euppOrt the seine plan: • today and h.oped .'the goVein, ing ,candidate holding steadily about • ,;oud hay.. It rain threatens coil it one ,, hundred' votes ahead, of Al. ' . ap, ininieuiateli and let At make in Smith his, -nearest competigor". ' On -ue Coll. in any event be sure it is 'erY when harvested, and be careful Monday, however, Mr. McAdoo's, fol - „e the leaves in handling as they' con - lowing' began to desert him, scatter- ..utiii,e tile inuSt valuable portion of ing to other cahdidates, until, at e _ee wee. ” • , lait ballot he dropped to second' eiandiart" Bed Clover Ha '.place, .the ch•ange being dee, to his .Red.,ciuvei. is the common clover loeses, rather than -.to the gains of • bi& • aay croP; , Much of it is allowed .to • eiimiietitee . • .., ., „. ,., : ,. , ,-,,et,' over-eiee because it then. cures - - . • ..... , ydwre ;easily., , It. may be •handled in Of the two leading candid.ates, Joe-. .he same 'manner as alfalfa.; but,, un - 'Wilco). and Simith; the fernier appee,rr ' ess the-crep is heavy it doe"' not usu- . ot be the more 'representative of . Aly tdB.e., quite es ong LO cure. The .;,country as a 'whale • Smith having. ,itY:oader. 'has . changed : methods to - , ' • • 'extent.' . It is good 'practice to his strength 11-1-111-S-Th-o-y-se.7'slytt. be -4 -New--.,. ' -t-anejair, td d the follew- lug morn - York) which •has 90 vote*, end a few ao• and rat' -e -the next afternoon. If ,rieighbOring: 'states; McAdoo is a ...it: crhp is rery heavy it may have to wealthy,. Celif.ornian • and, has drawn 4.y 'o, ver.. extra,day. • It is surpris- .X.Otice is hereby given pu.rznarit 18 • Section 56e Chanter ,12tetf---e-S, 0, ' 1914. that all persons, havittg " against the Estate of 'Alextinder Baer:Who-died on or about the POT/D.; 'teener day"' ' March, . 024;", to send' to 'William C. Johnstone. the •"Adolniatrator or the unde.rsigned, on or before the twelfth ?clhy of July, -:their nettles and add- , feta& with full' partimilers of their 44IMA in writing- ero, the .nature of • the securities (if. any) held by., them. • And Itirther take notice that after the egad toeifth,:dai, A„, • 1924, the tissets of the Said E3tate Will be. distributed byethe said Ad; • Aministratot among the Parties entit- led thereto, hailing 'regard only to •,c4.1.0iii *fiiell he Shill' ,then have !notice and the Estate *till not able for any claim not filed at. the time of the. said distrHertion. Dated at Winghacil Thirtitth .4hAJT of June. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor ft& Adaniniatratoz 2g isilier datficalt to tell a man, rut On tale *new road unless idle* be is Itsistr- how much. taster hay will make, support from all over the country. .„ it has:gone:6c. fat,, when pulled !TavOrite So,ns" ,. have played an rolled into windrows. If it is to important part' in 'Preventing .a . de= •cision:' The "faverite :sore': is one -ioon after .ra.king, and the hay theuld. . eniain ' in fhe cella ;oohed the Work sheitld be done the absurdities Of the 'big natty con tar a'few days to • ventions...Re _is '0..:state" favorite; and the. delegates state vOte'f or him by way of confplirnent, net be.; cause he is' the best Man in'Sight for the presidency, but justbecause •he •••frein their .state; and riliei; keep on voting ballot after ballot and 'day after dayee just becanseheis___"our.` Bob" Or "our Sam" as 'the case May be, 'The "big. partYeconventitns "of- the United 'States e.,altVays Italie been about the ,mest. ridiculOtis . and in judicious: deliberative bodies that„,ev- et met tit) transept. inipottant busin- tesset theY-Hselect •good. men as Candidates: Of' course, a Man With ant.thilig Of :a bad renuta-: don would not de as a candidate at •all,The moral at piration (Whatever •the, praetice, May .be); of ,the 'people, as a whole is such, :and the 'President• . Occupiesesuch.;,aneexalted pesitien in the 'eyes .ef the country and the - world, that a stiipid inap or one of h shady reputation would he a' hopelesS, eandidate .,.from ...the „b,egitieinge , $itoefien pteeoets :self, the,, Repiiblican". Party 'have candidates,' ,in Coolidge .and Daws, tWo Men, Superior in, all that the American people have so far desired , (4 the- Wile. Aside from'. the in their presidents to ane -thing which ia.,meoss, the .animal with, a .the' Democrats are. likely to ptoduce lad may -shoW -no syniptems If Les' are -affected ; .therenSually A new and interesten2"-- teejon g feat -tire- of -1-e I•• I e 11, , mt. R„ED FRONT HARDWARE: Keep out the fly by letting Us sup:. ply your needs w4h a Scr n Door or Window Screen. All st s and sizes • carried in stock. r .e*,1).et.fkilO:0;,0•W$17:07.07i7;17 4 -Burner, on • .• • nd always. ...:.... •..•*..• • A complete tcio...c.k ,M0w,!. ad :1-6.71[4.C.hiCW,.„ ••••• Zinjor Rings.n.d•Rnbbetg.H, Reoch.13.0eball.Gloyes:40 - • " 'B a r b Wire, Coiled Spring and Woven Fencing always on hand. A Fresh Car Of' Cement just arriv- ed and. We are 'very glad .to announce a re.duction in -price of -35c. per bbl.' 'PORTOVSH. • HaidWarp: Coal Plumbing ono 00.. Tinsmithing' 'tjc.k0.6„ Wileon. If they had sneceeded,., in .SM4shan.g. :the kateki• 'L/L14 Pattie:, War': Merrittone•in•the,.., ••••ir w.ould ',have been "wiped , put and the eith acon ft- jeaagni!..a,"ti. r, y.u.enani,i7s. 4:n Ar..•thdy were 121.3tie.,,inieoendirlhohYt. in d.petnoi,tleinfe7 • a compilatiOn iLll'e:'fiistory of' the-.carial . zone 'and. a record • 'of the. many changes wrought li3r the years . the...eentexierY • 'nu riiber. is h valuable „ . . Work; -,:atitleits substance. reflects:L..0e, dit.unon the editor, Lepis.:.Blake DuIT -as does the: meohanical aehievemerit, • Upen, its 's,taffe • '• • '; ME'FilODIST PASTORS •Following', is • the list of `111,ethodist parsonS• for the ,ensiiiiig years ,as it relate to• the Districts in thiS sec- tion Of the London Conference • Stratford District ..tea ford eCerit,ral)-J., Wesley Mag • e tied Stratford Trinity)S.. Judson Kelly 'H • f hydro •. . • 'anent would give the. •farmers alakes gat:id fed. . ..;e...eat eut. owever, most o t is • .eawn out oe.the 'windrows and if dry ' amothy, is Ei'isiest.,to 'CUL • : , Id ' afford. . Timothy is, the. eatiest to cure; • ,It. ,•Mr: •Mewhinney believed the. pre-. too t fasetri.eraIfflOoht;17chs.idli.,Neinrigl' ear.el,itlit.Lle:„ " at •ii 'Cost they cou a, , erojiand•Vreatlier are, right it May be hie. as economically te.s wOlicl•a gen it one morning andhauled the next' eretion aeo ' there. wouldn t be any. ...terneoir,, and; ju fair weather. is al- firiaric.!al 'difficulty on the ferrn,", lie. ays ready oy the third day.' It is remarked. "If it ---were eote_for the . etiot neeessai•y to coil timothy to cure $2§0.' pr- $U,10 that-iS- pot,-iiitol_ineter No Matter what ,the'' hay crop cut car -s every year there Would not .he • . al time, rake As goon as possible ito file pre.sent trouble. on the farm, e„ • aasten cleynig, tedd only. when green " ee..ee.e:eeee.„___. :,L • ea damp alid coil in eatelay Weather.' J. •'.4a doubt alfalfa' and red clever ,may THE WELLAND CANAL De made into the best hay bY coiling, ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD Jut in good_ weather this extra work .s not necessary, 'and the loader oastests the harvest. -Dept. of 'Exten- • ; • Rheumatic Hogs, ,• Rheumatism of swine' may ,affect • either' the ,mUsculat. tisiihe or the joints the :muscular lona being .most omninon.,Mot •authoritieS agree that.. ::;,ever.a.1 Causes , at feast" predispose 'to., .rierAfisease. • ,Exposure to. weather. is. '',Irgeiy,'resgonsible for much of it.. '_utestion. also plays air important •„art., forma.tion. within the body injurious ,chemical substances may. - a -cause.,,A combinatioirof all these .a0L1batiSS brings the disease: • 0 he firSt.evidence 'is pain shownby. • ...lie animal When it' moves: A shift..=. rg laineueas 'is present Inha.d cases .uod .is teinsed and the hog lies down' AND THIS IS CIVILIZATION , , • A string �f cars jest. passed, ,The horns' .were so. hard that everybody looked ApparentIV that, was the idea, 'feeding the proces- sion was .,a; ^CIL!: with, whitee ribbons str,eainingeeiree:theebackeseatteeste Yining mab and a sWeet. young thing in .wedding' gown InAstered across the back was a ilgte "Jtiet ,Matried '•,••=0V,atch Canada Grew:" ?Very. fun- ny and , very originalo Tied to the car Was an old. Wash boiler, ..f,.*.ing pan and old pair of, boots. They' turned 6ver toward the stat;eri. There was- no, eSeape The houads ,Were. on hand with the fetti and the. rice. 'e•hile %Pile yen' humorout person found greet joy in -meting elialk Marks On the g,rOorni,s coat "A group of V.07:.• dear girl fri- ends' poked confetti down the bride's neck. They /rad tit up eor a piekle disk and a table lanip and were go- ing. to 'rep the reward right oway. The bride was all ,:lrested for the Most eventfel' trip of her life, so whe net send her' off feeling though "she had. been shot out thitugh a cider preas„ Ttuly we e.te a. highly tivillied lot I " both the Republicaa And the _Dem- asiigmt fever. AttackS frOnir everai nays to. two weeks. peratic'' conventions thie yeat w'as - oo quarters shoUld 'be:provided, the 'radio broadeasting the pro- A rY with litti • ra- over the. the ,,ca,Leiu. InLa8aleateiyvelea;tilijoautilcd:11bbreie:g lemicipc P:a result ',of' the -balloting' the epeeche eeses treat halfettecineeteaspoonful theei4-e4 the cheering; „the, 'noise of the. prOtessiems and • the bands, was reercathvie:r;s..- heard *lib • fair dietinetness, 'Often. might :be beellstuteoYinf,arrek'netthiet.a"e14 the .restilt'eof .a ballot Was known to: eelk california or here.in 'Onto:Tin - 11 LdderLeaks 3111k. before it '.'Was knoWn to delegates In dute,etaoltaag, intiilognireetnit•iitelieeptihdidaeerteirs • .a fat cornet of the tonvention hall- • museles of the 'teats. This ia bet an in fact the same voice whieh' made enteecluent ottorrotica among heavy delegates was heard at the seite eesteed of twice a, day relieves' thXe. rrn x11r-etnlire the resirlt known the assembled milkers,. Milking three time.s a, da and in Jan.: strain on•the muscles and will help uirrk:,wanill tbh:niaPde:sInfrecita.T.t111.1101:rkse,,, taZ s,tant . in Calif.ornia thceneed tew-es, and • yin,' • f th h. great deal, Iminerse the teat twice , United State§ And Cana& The,. ,w(Leioiriadnoda cFarriea_Pcrgensiilsny:_was .irieorpoteted in January; 1824, anTh coinpleted• the • canal in. Noveniber .182p:when two vessels, one Britts and one American were., taken from 1.,ake Ontario to; port 'obinson, on'. theeWelland Rivere. ; diStance of abOut 'iniles,-;lee 40 lockagea-e-over4 coming 'about 326 feet of. elev•atiori. At: Lkas. want -thee Vessels 'descend- e'd into the , Welland Ititer, arideproe ceeded by sail to 1,11e, Niagara above - the Falls, thence. to • Lake Ere, op7 posite Buffalo, Dr,. T.; C: •• Keefer, xualYber garding the Reel -idol- of the canal, de-, clareet "If, ever there was an impor- Init, publie ;Work” whitth' might'be" cal- led: the work 'of. 'one man 'that, was •the old Welland Canal. and the„ man. was the late lion, William Hamilton Merritt, ponimisSioner- -,O f ' ptibliC; works., the ,,,Baldw'fiLafbntaitle:, GovernMent of ". --Upper end, ,'Ltitv,er Canada, in 1849.50,"' Ihe original canal was 271,12 miles long and eequired`.. 40 wooden locks 110 feet long and 22 feet wide, tt,,,ith • eight feet of water.. The • present Welland 'Canal third of that name .,td• iyeabuilt that nf'1833, haying .beer:. recoils frigfe,d7TirTK45-aift-"agaterei 1882. The:fourth shin cenal,..now un-'• der- eoristrudtion, will have' leeks 8o•p feet in „length, 80efeet"evide and with 30, 'feet of •water an the siltSeehoueh f,er the preSent the reaches will -he' excavatd to 4 depth Of 25 feet only, The number -Of locks will he reduced f o 26 to It The actual, taiSing or ges, ° e daily in a cold iiturated solution' 't ' against 15 to 18 a.t present, Twenty. , . 1 satisfactorily in sever'cases. A peli - rail trafhc across it. ,The -cost is piee- y when the caw is dry' mPae; reevttiatt sei `used''Pren't can -al' last ":". Fir.t l'nd r . ' . . i ary nuMber 6titaing "all artleleleY F. C. Pitkin..' recallint the d;nerwite uinA thimble it often used twe bridga Win .1147}-ilva and •• tation of caustie to the ti I th ed at $50 000 000 Nearly 5;000 yes. N. \fee, Knowles • , Bron .11 . Butt • H errnoter--Eeli ."Poulter der.:on ' . Wir,gharip"..DiStrict; ingham-Ches.• E. Cragg - Rietardnie-Arthuil: W. Barker L'acknove-eT. Wesley' ',Cosehs ,F. dark .._ Teeswat4r--Irving. A,: McKelvey'''. • Ethel -Harold White • F,ordwkh-Geo... A. Barnard' 'Gorrie-NVeliingtore A. ,Finlay be:cterAse ' I l3rOvne Chester ,Wilkinson Ashfidld (Lbelinow)C, DeWitt Cosens: , Saemn Formosa )=-A. J, Sinale •Ripley.e-Hatold ‘` 'ArnicityGeo, ,Penrose- BerVie... tKincardine)'-e- Stanley • R. Johneten ' • , • ' 'TiVerton-Carinan E, ArmstrOne 'Whitechurch -To be supplied "under • Superintendent of Lneknow. ' Relgravee-,Wesley ,J. Moores • rred. G, 4tisdon, E. C,, Pentland . and • Gordon'. Ilargraves at College • ' Chairman -C..' F., Clarke Fin, Sec, -I. A McKelvey' jouenal Se6,1-Stantey lohnston Statistical See. -T, C. Wilkinson ...e.e2SA._.t, F:yeeCe DeWitt, Gesene ..See,X. and S, Willuns See, Ed, A :Harker' 'Miss Sec. --"C. E. Cragg " 4.tes II-Ohne:a • - doderich (Victoria Street) -John W. ...Hedley. , , • Clinton (Wesley) --Albert "A, Holnies ' Ciinfon Ontetia, Street)•: -,--Clayton Mberehouse caforthee,R,- Fulton TrWin .--4.1bert, V. Weldon, .• BlytheeAlhett C, Tiffin , Puntrannen-LJohn R, Peters' Nile-Lerey C. White Benmiller--Wellace li„ Moss Aeiburn-Perey S. Banes Walton -Wm. 0. IZOliinSen Londeqboro-\V: Osborne VarnaL-.3ohn 3, Durrant :Bayfield --To be stippled under Sup- erintendent of Holtneaville ' A. Clayton Bakter, Vietoria College ec tetra . escaped. unliurt....Mildniiiit' Oak» • e grathiete--- 14 hat shall leak..age alter eQuettt ,The Tribune -Telegraph's tenteri- tee do this afternoon ? " Sedorld tndergrad.-"Tose up: If hPlas Itis far better for co-operative toi- -e II -e London to see the show. tieiles, ,,,aato,, by sooking and ff it's tails We'll go to London te ste,i " aecepting advice and information the. show, If it's taiel-S t.ake ntr tiiin to be"sotry" by neglecting, to a boat, If, -it on, end we it Jiaettro or .eteorine it after it is etudy plot of April *21, 1900; when Nolan and Welsh, res•idents of Washington and Philadelphia ettenipted to blow up lock ,21. :at ThorOld.and Were cap, ttired by CouktablF Cleric old Mayor Sec. -R F, Irwin. • . Exeter, District Exeter- (Main Streec)-Frederick fl Clyidale •, •Exeter--;.(jaMes ' „Street)- W. "Donnelly • ' Parkhill ---Geo. W, W. RiVers Edward Livingstone Centralia --Walter :Kateley liensallArthur Sinclair, • Crediton' inid Ailsa .Craig -Duncan McTavish' " Giand:.Bend-Win. J. Maines •Lucene,G.eCliffon. „dillord Granton -4, Elliot Hunter • • Woodliane,-David p. Thoroso Kirkton--Itobt: C. Copeland • ,Robert .E. .,Southeott, Victoria' Col- . .W., Rivers •Sec.. -4. o -e -o--- • -MAIL' CLERK GOES 'TO KINGSTON PEN. , . (Walkerton .Tele0eope) ....Three years hi theiKingston..:pqn, itentiarY, 'we's '„the 'sentence imposed ' . by .:Magistritte' McNab,*.at the Court -house.liere:-,,on-.L-Mondity- on -Samuel.' 4.1aWkinsi .Of-•• Southampton, - •Tailway . iiaiI clerk, on.;this, . branch of the .. d;(.1.lsIA. for the theft 'from.'the mails `. ef -letlets suPposedli. eon.taining . :money. Hawkins' was arrested on ' Thursday: night On'the arrival, of the • late, hain at Soathampton. and' Wes brought down to ...Walkerton Friday. • On:. appearing. befOre the. Magistrate. evas,..remandede.- • entil liondaY for sentence: When Hawkiiii. aPpeered for ien- • fence, "Reir.!Mr: „Hamilton,. reetor., of the AngOican Church at Southernp-, ton, was., present, and 'testified toehis previous good conduet and ,pet. ire. a, plea- for 'leniency -4)r: MeCtie•nriltie?. • half, of the Oreit, War Veterans alt., • se asked that :theeceurt. be lenient..., In!. view of his past -good •recOrd the.- .Mhe'etrate• litipesed the •• inithientint . ..s."rt, nee of three years in Kingston. :Tee, .crime: for which' the 'accused' :,,threeeyearseelid inl• Volve the theft. of i.egistered mail, The Mail 'Stolen inchided "Onle„ lett- ers not ,registered, which the' accus- ed • suppOsed centaned mOney. ' tal officials ATO unable to give anti 'estimate of . the amount involved. Hawkins has. been •employed as a :railway ineil clerk for several YeArs -nn this branch of the CeN. It. When'. the lose fiorn ,the Mafia ;was nOtited, Ine4SiiteS were '"talten te. Ascertain 'the cauSe; and through, ,system of ;elitnination t e apprehenSiOn of Hawkins Was, 'affected, ',Several. 44-• • . tors were found in Vs club 'bag by "detectives wheeniade-thei.Arrest„;.., The prisoner eave" no explanation for bis thefts He is. apnarently,in no financial difficulties, is married, and ,has. a,:family. ITe was' taken Kinettoti peni- tentiary on Monday afternoon' by Sheiff 4ennyn and Constable *Moore BofLILNuD6kEnDP7:1817.--°I.:An.' 'TING' LIGHTS-. On Tuesday evening, a yOung Car- rick •farmer driving north from MildmaY. ^had the misfortun,e -to un - Set his car over •the embankment in front of Frank LObsinget's farm, Blirded by the glaring lights of an, other "car meeting him, the driver could not discern the edge of the embankment, and o'er they ' went smashing the windshield and danut0- inz the top. The occuriaets of the ,Chairroan-.1, E. tiraeloil,