The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-12, Page 17 f $2 00 PER VEAR'IN ADVANCE; 42,50 OTHERWISE.. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY JUNE 12th, ETERINARY. --1•41),-151 or . DENTIST - Dr, MacLeod will visit Lucknow ' every Tuesday in Dr. Connell's Office., Dr. Winne% Chiropractor, of Wing - ham, wifl visit Celli .-71115irse, -LUbk- . now; ,forenoons, TneedaYs..and Fri-. , days; commencing April 29th, • also Visit the hotel at' Dungannoir-sOtte days early' afternoon.. • 4k4.4404.:jSTEQPATU, at the. Cain reoti-Se; LieknOw,-tiVery Wed- • zirsd*y afternoon. All chronic dis- %Attlee successfully treated. Osteo- pathy Ian -fovea tne physieal 1 Causes of . disease: Adjustment of the minim is More quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than by any Other method. Toronto prices .paid for all kinds of 9041tr3r. 9-6712 • A. Grospopf, Lucknow. • DR. MAUDE:C. BRYANS 'Registered OPtantetkst Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy. tAcCormick Medical•Coilege. Chi- cago. ' • kieadadlieL'I)ry-Itchy'Eyes.Airann- lated,EYelids.' Watery Eyes., Pain in ' Eye Balls; inflamed Eyes. Pus or . Watery Discharge" from Eyes; and Dizziness caused by Eyestrain re- lieved through properly fitted Glaris - Cross. Eves, straightened through ' properly fitted Lensee, _ Satisfaction Assured , . , At the Cain House; Lucknow. Every . Wednesday Afternoon. and Evening. Wall Paper -I have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a. number of the best •, wall -paper houses, and will be pleas- ed bo show them at My house. or will Alike them to your residence -R. J. Cameron, Box '174, Lucknow • MONEY TO LEND. -On farm prop- erties at 6%. --Geo. A. Siddall • -1-5-tf • House for Sale on Havelecleetreet- e Lucknow. Garden planted Apply to P..,Gaynor at the Pose Olfice.- tf. FOSTER. HOMES WANTED- For • ten children, boys 'and girls, ages -rom to to eleven years -Apply to ' RevTlt. Perdye, Walkerton. 12-6-ce • HEIFER ASTRAY t Came to the premises of the un- dersigned on or about May, 12'; 1924, a heifer apparently about 3 years old. Owner may have the same on proving property and 'paying ex- nensese Joseph Andersen Lucknow 19-6-p. , BUSINESS .FOR SALE -7- London Rooming House-alvvays full of pay- ing guests -Good opening. . Phone • Sydney 'Smythe, Market Lane; Lon- don, Ont.' -Phone 33 on 44. •12-6-p. , Rubber Tired buggies re -tired, First class job guaranteed. 3-7-p. G. Ostrander UNA , Miss Ruth. Mitchelr.is liome from Trinity College, Toronto. ' " Saturday June 14th'r'Remnant Day, "nt-Erown's: MT Dc. IVE-Gordoniseeffeidring,er feve weeks with friends in Detroit • The ReV, J H Osterhout has been at Windsor the past 'week attending .COnferenee. : ' • "" Mr akeMiI1e o town las'been, appointed superintendentof high - 'ways for .Kinloss Township. • Mrs. Iobt 'Snelgrove.. and little son were over from Detroit to visit Mrs. Fraser, 'Monday and Tuesday. • --FOReSALE-A bicycle in good cone- dition at"- Reed's implement shoe, leucknovr. Are you moving from town? We do long distance (truckinge Get_our, • prices 'before shipping. Mundy's Winghame•Phone 82 26-6-p. ' • Come, in and sinspct My stock Of , SiJks,:in the :latest shades. Prices to suit everyone -At B Blitzstein's Dry Goods Store, We expect to close for season, June. 28th. Anyone .reqUiring Sum.: mer Millinery kindly 'call before' this 'date. -.Belie Robertson; ' Dr. Brown -Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at the Cain Reese On June. 20th -Eyes tested ad glass- es "SuPPlied At the annual -meeting .of the Ont- ario Dental Association held recently: Dr. Alvin A. Cameron Was elected Vice President for present year. .Mr: and Mrs; Murdoch MacGeegor, and their four children, of Cragmine, Alta,. visited Mr. D. MacGregor and Mise ,K, MacGregor,, Ross .St., last Week.. Mr..D.' A MacKenzie of Windsor Visited for a few days Oils week with his sisters, Mrs'. ' Allan :and ,Mrs. MacLeod, 'having cemepp on the steamer Greyhound. Mesers. Wm. ,Murdie, ' Wm.. Mac- Leod and D G MacKenzie • went to Walkerton ' on Tuesday having been calledeasejury_nien inecenneetion.with • the Spring Assixes. ' Mr'Colin MacKinnon of the ,4th . . Con., Kinloss, set out On Tuesday Morning on a trip to Prince Edward Island, .where he: Will spend tt.'iew Weeks with friends. Col, J.' B. McLean, of 'McLean's Magazine; Toronto, a native of Der- ham, is undertaking the :furnishing of a iroom in theRed Cross 1$/fen-me, ial hospital in Durham, in memory • /.; WOOD FOR SALEe-About • 60 cords green:. wood beech and maple, also about 15, cords 4-fte Wood.,,,.Good,war- goo roa'd to the wood. Alio 2 single • buggies for sale,•, Jake Miller.' Luck - CHANGE IN BANK HOURS', More eltisely conforming • to the • hours observed, by the Banks in an 'Ithe ,surrounding towes the Canaditm of his mcither. Mrs. Johnston ,(formerly Miss Minnie g Carrick) has come up from 'Virginia on, account of the serious, illness of her mother, Mrs. rick.__,She is accompanied by her daughter; Miss Marjory, Johnston.- . . ,Mr. Will MacDonald who is with 'the White • Star Line,_- Detroit this season was steersman • on the Grey- hound on the run :from Detroit to Goderich on Monday. He motored up to see his Parents in Kinloss; Monday • night, • ....e;ASHOIELD GAROEN ..PkRTY The 40414 Gatden'PartY of the Ashfield Parsonage lawn, Laknew. On Thursday, June 19th. The etene, mittee are 'determined that this wilt be quite ein to their Usual high. stan- dard. For particulars see bills. '. F. W. O. -GARDEN -PARTY -AND! STRAWBERRY '-t'ESTIVA.14. • The Paragement wile,,hold a '.;garderi. 'party at ,john. Hernilten's honae on Thursday,June go. A "fine prograni an splendid- strawberry ,sup.• and12s;c.in preparation.. Admiasion 35 d LODGE TO ATTEND ,CHURCH ' Bank of -Commerce and.The7Moleone eBank..Will.eafeer;eetnne observe the 'following :hours:-=10"-aer-."-lee-&- p.m..- with the 'exception of Wednes- days, when the hours will. be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Thurecittys, 10 a.m. to ,!),.2, noon, . 264 • „ .Don't 'miss. the play, "I, Can't Af- ford It, in the Town' hallieLucknow, to be presented, ley the Benmiller Dramatic Club, June 20, under aim- pices of Y.,L.B.C.•, of 'thelViethodist •Mt. and Mrs Alex McLeod and theit. "'son 6T Chicago ,are 'visit -mg get, Jnei. '1VIc1..eod's on the -66 'The Misses Katherine, and 'Christ- • eria Bain are visiting at Mr. ,R. the gth.. • Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McGill of Piirte; inotint visited itt mi Morrison's' on , . the 6th, on 14(Mday. •Ceilin: McKinnon As starting On a trip te P. E; I, Tuesday motn. • ' Middleton • visited at Mr. 111/orrison's on a reeent. ofternoon, Church, Plan of Hell open 'at ' Mc - Kim's, on Saturday; Mrs. Fleet, of Detroit, (forinerlY Miss- Beatrice MacLeod of town) who with-, her, little ,. son. visited the pat' two weeks at Mr. Jack Watson's returned to the Michigan Cityby the Greyhound on Tuesday. , The Fleets just 'Irorif -Toronto ;;;;,.. engagement is annbuneed of Syliney. 'Elwood, only danghter. of Dudley Hohnes, Egg, and Mrs. liol- • .45 •mes, Wingham 'Ont., to Dr.' 'W.: Moore Kelly, 'Montreal, son of C. E. Italy ESiti and 'Mrs Kelly Hunting= r...don,,,Qns7r.tho,taatria_goto takeliltice in June. , _Mrs, AloCiOirei and on, orrnsni tnOtOrod from 1)otroiti'. to '301A go, 40401 0$ huakand oust: tOtterc )14YPOisi• 911 tb,!i 110,1.10 wo0,141,...,., , • ' Lucknow Lodge : I.O.O.F. will at- tend" Divin Service, as a lodge, at the Methodist Church, Lucknow,. on Sunday morning, June 15th. Mem- bers please be at the Lodge Room at 10.30 U.m. .Memorial Service , a t Greenhill:Cemetery in the Afte,rnoon; Members to Meet at the Lodge at '11. Ait�heson, N,G.: , • . WALKERTON ITS. LTJCKNOW . , e The ball ganie at Walkerton on Tuesday of this week was a, fine ex hibition of spat. 4 The teams' were tied, 5 all, at/the end of the 9111, and e 10th innings .had to be played. In this ,Walkerton scored once, giving them the game by 6-5.. Walkerton will be here on Monday next the 16,. when a good game may be looked • r • " -Get your share of Bargains at the nne pay Sale ' of Remnants at Brown's —o 1924. SINGLE CQPIES,,. 4 CENTS,„ -DRAW CALLS, KILT-PieStl-ERRIFFe. • FIFTIPTI-1 :ANNIVERSARY OF LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPORT • 'Room 11 Repine for the Month of May, . Gladys -MacDonald, Alex °MacKenzie, Roszella Mulhn Mary 'Macintosh,. Roy - Finlayson,. - • Frances .Thornpson. ' Good-eWinifred! 'Armstrong, Hel- en McLeod,' Margaret' MacDonald,, Isobel McMillan, Donald Henderson; Torn MacKenzie, Armstrong Wilson, Wilson Armstrong. Reed, Ivy WhitbY*; Fred Steward*. 'Fair- Laura Webster, , Pauline ,Jr, II -Ex,- Roy Collyer, :Clerk Finlayson, Mae McMahon, Dorothy Nixon, Lire Johnstone, •Harold Greer Good -Eldon Agar David 'Horne; Leonard. Irwin, Donalda Douglas*, Marjorie, Hendorson,Marion Cousins Ernie Baker, Kenetle ,CaeinrOn. - Fairge-Kethleen- Ferris*,__Elwood Solomon, Eddie . Whitby, ,- Stewart Cameron, Harold Button, Melvin' Stanley,* .TOria 'MacDonald (,*.) Absent- part of May. , - • 'Norma Naylor.' - , • Room III, , , • • • , I SCHOOL REPORTS ' The death of Mr DaVid •Sherriff -,Recertl cong1egatione•'enarke4 The .occurred onThursdayof leet' SerVide,S held' in St; Peters 'Week was scarcely a sarPria,e to. his on Sunday June 8th, in edin\rrieniora-' ,friende asfor months be had :been Hon of the 50tie.AneiVersary of thee , confined, to' his .bed..With Iittle hope opening of Anglican Services in the of :improvement. For many '-year Village ofLucknow At the inerning,'„ -11feeeSheiriffeewase-lk-outtprO, from ...*Se*e,..4,4,ex,„.. Canbn Gunnee,a.A .,116.uxylati*,,,,anc." it. was this •Itreuble Pcictee of -,..-Christ, •cChelich; London, whiCle; ,ultimately eauSed his death,. peeeehed e• force'ful .sermon on 'the He'as084Yeare of age*. " ••-•text, Deut. 4.32, congratulating .the The funeral ; ,ori t Sattirdaye after- officers andereeinbere, of ,the Ladies',hoon to . Greenhine CerneterY was *GUil4g. ,:the eWardens, 'IargelY.-.ettendeelf.'ettieleindii" 'Lodge' the; Rector, AOY:: Ce. 0. F. being in charge. There Ori the splendiderOrk.:.iecone• were many beautiful floral offerings- pleshed and progress made, by; Ste writing them being' a' wreath from. Peter's • Congregatiore He. also made Sr, Class, -Ex.-- Katharine Mac- Kenzie, ,Helen MacDonald; Winnifred • Webster; Enole Buswell,, Malcolm Mrs: Williarn,ShaW,• Walkerton, ' •and her. .brothee "Jabez. Meson, of Tertento are twins and are -.preparing; to •• celebrate their 91.st birthday this min:W:11°th are -eiffeirigegendelieale. th- and , are remetricabty. activei they were born in ° England, and came to :•;;Geneda 'Severity years ago,','' Mnekenzie,:a forni- er resident of the 8th Con, Kinloss, now of Edrneriben, Alta.; is sriending Ais. Week With former:Kinlota and, rencknow friends, Anekentle was for a nuiriber years, e put y' niiiiister"Of MuetitiOil hi Alberta,. and now with the University .Ed -t Menton, as i?iteetOt of ,Teachers' Courses. ' Card of Thanki.Mii. Durnoih: and family 'Wish! to thank the: frikeioda. and-noighbore for their grant od MIS! 'int fielernitillt :at thi. 111 f TAratson, Good --e,Clifford '7'Webster, Vera Arabelle Cameron,Charlie Webster, Rae Watson. • 'Fair- Sheila/ , MacLeod, Bertha Milne; Archie MacMillan, Mary Jew- itt, Elwyn Peritland., Mary Wilson and Brtice Martin were for only. parte of the monde, Junior Class -Ex. -Jack tralesorr; MYnepaePalmer; Lorraine IlrabsOn, (Alan Murdoch, Clarence Greer) ties (ArthiWeAndreili;;;':Jim IStewart)eties::e GOod-e-Ceirlyle McIntosh, ,' Harold ,Johnstone, •,JeSsie MacKenzie; •Ada 'Watson, Alex Sriiith, 'Phillips • Merle ttry, Ewelyn Nixon, ' Faire--Aelnieda, ..Dutninei Margaret Butten;.,Stelle:Stewart, Stewart. Mut., George•Webeter -Bill Webeter. , :This One Day. Sale of Remnants IS. going to be .1he' biggest 13argiljn event of the year,',Brown's is thb. • , Graham, who ...of one of ..St. Helens -Congregation also ate. daughter:end:one son ini•viVes hirneeSisted the Choir. . , . Irene,. now. 11/rs', ,R..K....111aeLe.are," • . • - o the Villege, 'Council, • contribhtect, in, reference to the memorials placed in re.ognition of Mr Sherriff'S services the•Chnrch ip inerno'ry of the late Dr. with that body ire Years gone by... A. G, Elliott. At the evening sereice. , The 'late Mr. Sherriff was bern en. Canon Gunne again pleased the large the.fimily homestead in 'West Waw- peng.reg,ation present ' with his sei- anosh,in 1856.--a few .years 'after his pion, based on.the text, 2 Cor ; 3: 18. parente,:„ ae pioneers. had nao,ved. Hite '.Canon Gurine was assisted at tile.. tbe' bush. Forty Sive 'Years, ago, ,'AS morning service by 'Rev. Benson Cox, a ''Young ran,' he came :to •,reside.. in 'v1 A, ,of NOW York, and 'at, the Lucknow. and. even •Since was a,„ evening •aereice ,by Rove E. Hayes, 1e3e resident, Much .of that tiree he. of Dungannon.' Spacial musie was wa's a ,dealer in grain 'and to some rendered by the Choir, ender the di- • extent lurnber. Fol. four ,years he rection 'Of•-Mre. G,,,Sreitle..The solo, was a..useful .nieiriber of the Village fits assisting were; M r s . (Rev.) . Ceuncil-e1902, ehd1903,. and. again ten Langford, Mrs. ,TeMple. Clark, Miss yeare Inter -1912 and 1913. In 186 Mabelle arid"Mn, "Carrielt-Done-` he was •marridd to Miss MarY Ann las me'iara John and Ed. . • • a Welland arikilierWick, manager of • WEEKLY PRESS • ASSOCIATION a 'branch of the Molgons Bank'. , .-MEE1S, AT TOORONT • . .1 • , • LOrtd • • The late, Mi. .:Shetriffeeontracted ;Canadian Weekli. newspaper .men, rheeMietiein.'abeint .20.. years .ago :and' ftOtn • the Atlantic to the Paeifief at'', tines Was a . gyeet srifferer..ein gathered, in Toronto: on Thursday, epite of every:Cere and'eattention he .Friday., and -Saturd'ay, of laSt v.eck- rieVer was able'te sliake 'off :thr tro:, in :ennuel,,conventiento discuse. their: utile althotigh, caPable of • attending Work'. blis'eless."probienis.. Tile have the sYl,neethy Publiehe,es'See not, "rnevied" ,men, the Ltrelenow where, tbee-haye been long 'snOrtation • to „ Toronto an' • back, •to ---,---eeeeee----"--e'-e-e-e--,-7-7-7-71'he • University' „of. Torete allow- - • , ed.,.the nse: 'of. the "Physics" Build-' Get yeiur: Shareot „Bargainee.itleleer ing for: theeniereinge and a 'fearire-ef One Day Sale of, . Remnants ,at the first. eessiee 'on 'Thirreclay marre; to his business' Most Of ,the .tirne-• Re-eognii,ing that ton ;nee-ilia:per of a Wide circle of friends, in and about •railerays „geneepusly gave -Felee, trare, . , . • like and .favora.bly knovvn • . those from near end ,far Brown's.: . . ing ,was an, . eddiess by Sir' Robert. ,Faleorier„ *President sity: In the , afternoon Prof Ce'S. MAFEKING.. ,. Miss Margaret " •.Gleme. of Detroit is home for it month's eisit, t' Mr.. and Mrs. John Mengry Of Crewe viSited Mr. and Mrs Herb • Curran, ;Sunday. , , Miss Jessie Stotherseend 'Miss Ada Helm spent ,the week end at the lae'-' tem home at Zion. . Born -In 'Kincardine Hospital on, Wednesday May /28th • to Mr: and 1Virs Thos. Hall, a daughtere=Con- gratulations. - Mr. Thos, Blake and Miss Olive sPent 4, few days last week with Mr" -and,Mrs. Wn. Hi. Johnston, 'Exeter. Mr. 'J. C. Stothers, B. A,; M. , A, „ of Bracebridgel STient a recent 'week end , with his mother Mrs, Wm. Stothers: Mr. Stothers is Irisf3ector of schools for the Muskoka' District; having received the appointment several months ago, TheLf-egnlar moritnlY" me -61111g,, -of: FollOwirig. the eonvention, ebeet. 150 .6f, the-enrmliere set Out on a teip. to Eurtme -.where •they, will :visit Brett of • the 1depertreent, •of •Psy7 chology. ;Tenento ,University give •an :address • .on Salesmanship,' 'On. Friday Prof. P, 'W. Wallace of the Department' eof English, ....Univereity of Toronto, gave:, an address on "Lt deals In JeernaliSin." Another .excel- lent address:on Friday ..afterrieoreWaS, by l'ref, W 11 Greaves, .of the, De- partment of Speaking, ,Vic-' toiia College; Toronto. Mr: Greaves had as, his 'subjecte"The Editor as a PubliceSpeae, .• • • , 7 'Qn 'Friday, evenino. the ASsOciatiori ld 'XVI"Clietssfe-PZ.j.:AMPralciRaaile4-pmactYi ' MacDonald 50, ' • IV -E.: MacDonald 88; A. Fin- layson 57; Manp.011a1A 54*. - Jr. Iv -c. Robertson .694, E, Brown_ Geo, Finlayson' , , . , S. II-E,PillraysoT 88; 'ft!) -0; MatCh 39; Maekendriek Mac- Donald 60. .,. Jr. II --F. Finlayson 90; C. Mae - Donald 68; I..' MacKendrick 67. Jr, 'I- A,' itobertson.881 L. Mac - ;Donald 78; J. MacRae 70. ' Sr. Prinier,'C. MacKendrick; fehe Finlayson; R. D. .Ross. , • Jr. ..Primer ----LP. .1•.,,inrcl:ybseornts,:tne;ac..ber .),/laNc0K:e.nnneier;o1F:31%./1..aci.::oriald (ties). • S. S. No. 5, AShfield• ere--.theg;ueets of the City Of tone onto at a lianOucteeteSernryside;•-...and on .SatUi'day afterneon. leembers7.-en, jeeed a trip by eteaniee to Hamilten. and baek, Of eour,SP,it wasn't alleen- ,teetainnient" as much' solid .ivork", WaS done between' the entertaheme.it lea!, , ' , • ," -Lorne A. Fedy, editor' of the • ' Si, .Pepper,. Em- „ .oa McDonagh,11arold Gardner: Good -Willie Pepper, Dorothy Alfred Ritchie • . Fair -Jessie ; Andrew, Clara Ritchie,. :Jr. eVeedeed•L-.• DeVid. Andersonq ieae, Ritchie. , • - ‘• Fair4-Willie Hunter, •Milvert Rei d. " Sr: Geod7!--. Alnla , Hunter, Winnie kluntere Beryl Gardner.' 'Fair--Elkie Ritchie, Prank :Ritchie, jr, GeodT-Evelet .Reid." • • Fair-NormanAederson. II-I-Fair-Cecil Gardner. Jr.• '11=-Cood,Charlie• AnderSon; ',•• Ie-Fair,:eJim Gardner. , . e Pr,. Ex.-;--L,loyd Hunter. ; A. M". 'Webster, 'teacher , S. S: No: 9 Ashfield V Class --*'•Olive '80%.. Sr. IV.=(Spell,,, Art, Corim.)" *Lee Piero'. 81%-, elylargai.et Finley .80; 'Richard :Kilpatrick .:7`4,,-*Fliner John- ston 69; . ., Jr. IV -(Spell,.,- Art, O'Loughlin 82%; -*Walter.,-:Ceere, 73,- *Clifford• 67, -Albert O'Loughlin sa..„,, , . . ' Si..1.I1-(Arithe Art; Writ.) Har- old Webster. 87e/e, • Jr. II --*Mary. Hackett ,64%, 1 -Jack Curran 52, *Jinn: Curran 45, !Bernice' Blake' ,44e • Sr II-(Arith„-, Spell) .*Winnifred Blake, 8-3%, Mary Clare 82, *Dorothy Curran' 82, *Beatrice Culbert 68,' • Jr. 11*Verna ,Kilpatrick 86%," 'Ralph O'Loughlin Olive • Blake , ,olass-e--Keith Johnston. , • • . :1 -James Deverchn!ci-Alina Curran, *Clifford' Blake N.ralketteri ' - eleeteL Presideet for" gip---e-uerent year , . held .at the,h,ortie...ef Ales: Jas. Ecl-: the ASlifield. cieceit ,We2M.._ S.. will be' weeds, Friday afternoon 2.30 o'clock. Mrs. Sherwood -will give a repOrte of the Branch meeting- at St Tlionras , and Mrs, Cos'ens, .a chapter of the study book. .D,On't' miss'-this-ierpot , 'ant.meeting• This One bay ''Sale Remnantis going to be thes .biggest, Ba -i gain 'event of the year, Bi.own's- iS' the- . • .. The, monthly meeting ,of the Pres- byterian W. M. 'Is. was held on Thursday. June '5..theeMee...-McCilltini, tOok, the devotional exereleese-,L•Mis. J. G. Murdoch gave a splendid Feriort Of, the Presbyterial held at Walteri May gOth. mrs. Horace • Aiteheson, sang • a .soIQ, Mrs. Burns read a paper -Facts on. "home Helpers" ,work -to after a'short prayer circle the' meet- ing elosed by repeating the ' Lords Prayer in unison, 4 Card of Thanks -Mrs. ?D. Shertiff and family wish to express their sin-, eera appreciation of the great "'kind- ness' and hetOut 'ftnipathy ',shown tholi by friends and' neighboro:dur. place: • ' EiGHTTI CON. IiINLOSS ' Mr, and M RichardEll' tt t Mrs,io. spell Suediy with HUron 'friendS.• anclieMeeeee,Earl-Culbert sient an evening, this eveek with .Mr. . Mrs, Mae Lane Con; , . ; • , Mrs, Joe. .Culbert and Son 'Henry' werevisitorsat 'Mr, AIDert,ISWal,;,• -well's ,on Stinday. 'ends. 'in, our burg the first of. the ' Weelc; Congratl; was a vis - 51.158 rtiijou itor, with her 'sister, .tanet :Sunday, , Some of the young folk ,west of us motored Goderich Monday evening, to: see the .Geyhotind.. arrive from De- troit. ' . „ few. from our roomy :attended the Institute, meeting :at M. Witl- ter Ilodgin's;' Tho lady speaker Miss ,Reek, addressed the meeting arid her appreciated by talk. was very mueh Mier& tillpte4ent,. 'A :garden party in the near' fanre IS being oianned. Mr; losi.;: CinthellY and fainily were • thlMoos of, mt.. aholvie vWtere at Mt •Vrod ;ohnotonto this s ong fiN•0 0, timiQS101 ittt „avow MIN • Britain and .Fre -HIGI-141.0.N.ORSLIN EDUCATION, le cinee last:weele.'s ,referenea,.to. the. splendid ',success of: Stigs. FuanceS Sperice and Stanley Rivers ein., their finalre:kiiiniiiationee :Torento .UniverSity, We did, not, ethese. brilliant• students all elle credit that wee due •thenee-iii feet it pas- pot all known. , at that fitne-,., Miss- S,pende proved. to ; be the, wirim.s.i. , a ,,the, -P, Pined • of W e lee geld ' : ni tel a I . hav i n g: .t:zi`koti: hiOitst, it.trittitik'.iii :the ch. ',5f`e"01.---wrhereiffi -Tear eeen.arlitetle•:eb.e,„ 1- -general' Arts ', !Purse. ..Mt,?...,..qii,.._01..,s .came second, Wieniee ,tt,16 Prince of •Wale s ,silver „mbdal, Thie, .i 4. very brilliant .achieveiment'.for ,both. It ie,- rere irk able:, that, of , ,the, finer students Who- tootkr,gradO,,A,... s tantlie:e,' ee,,-.". thee ArtS• "course et the Uriiveriity two , , eheuld be', t•,:nn;,LticknoW., and'qhat :these two should c:00.fli'st, and Se,. :gond..? '.., '•• - :i .: y„-:,,,- . , • No on roll .25 Average att. 23. &Most " perfect lessons jack -Curran; Perfect attendance marked (.). J. A. Stothers; teacher 'S. S. No 4. Kinless Report • .fer the, -Month of ." May. Xtinies are'arranged-in order of Mere. it" for daily work and tests. - • ,........Sr......1Velaricheeellemilteee Orland: Johnston,, Verteica ..dessiclye Edith ,Burt, BepOMe ,and Hele:n. • Burt (ecirial), Harvey Ackert. t *kckeit' Jerome ` • ..Velao,, Willie Broome*. ,„, Sr, II;---HaLold congram• and., ev- ern Jedirietone. ( equal)e., Miey,.."CassielY Burnette • •CiSeidy„,... Annie: Bort,Reggie' Broome, ez-reni";:ettarrie.Johniteri.;' • -.Sr., Pr, e -Gwendolyn Ackert and Jim Butt, (eqtral) Clifford Robb; ' • Pie ClesS,4110e.n. Valade Rey,aeed .Ackert, LYda :johnstOri, .Trease Saturday Jone 14th, Remnant Day, at „IIroWn's. r,Nes-8874ter S June totiy. Thursday, June 19th, a ielce meet will be held -in TeesWetet Park - Good Purse ---Fast tratic, Come, to your favorite ,Sport. Z 14' k r'e'S.11111A1':PtlanItinIf:snC'd'a.PBka:siltWe'rt.h°uclie • .:.'hBou;Iet:ei.11Qcgm68..°,:dilEm'Yg.gains'da::;13ne-sr!..te!rarcd:::18-014.1 • Whole Wheat Bread at A Gift F9r The young Wife 4 Give, her a .Cut Glass Water Set and watch her, eyes fairly " glow with pleasure. Each Piece is beautifully Cut ' from Clear White Crystal, the Pattern is one you wull like as ' Soon as you see it. • The, Set includes a Three- - pint 'Pitcher and Six Tumblers. SET 'PRICED COMPLETE $9.00 We have many other pieces in the same design, sucn as Be,rry Bowls, Sherbet Glasses, Cream, Sugars, Vases, Etc. , Come in and let us. show You. this Beautiful Set. L'ARM•4TR.O.N.G.. J.EWO4ER, M. Miller 65; W. McQuillin 59; 1. Lynch 5.- La.y-is 78; E..-GaUnt 7§; t'. McQuillin 6 • • Jr. M, Thorns 80; M. Cum- ,ining.74; R. McPherson 70; L. Durn- in 70; P. Carroll 68; II. Miller 67; . A. Lyons 57; W. Forster 36; E. Prite chard 35; A., Miller ,16. ' Number on roll 24 Average E. G. Murdie, Junior Room Sr. III= Janet MacFarlane - 65, Haniish MacFarlane 61, Mildred„ke-. Quillin '30, Elvin •McQuillin .28*, Mar- "Re, :On.1:611.16 Average 'ett., '-24/ „(*) denotes: finsent'-- - • ( C. arra3, S. $, No, 4 W, :Wawanosh S en an, R omrt • , • Sr., 'Inglis 80%; R, „I‘la,rtin 76; Wood's 70; L, Ririteul 60: ..Fe.--3,1,-"‘VD.,e-itteQuillire 72 ; -Me Meet in 71; Gaunt 70e- L. Weatherhead. 65; , • att. 22 , teacher garet •Miller 25*, Harold -Hyde 18*; , Jr III -Gordon 'Lyons 76*, Mar- gie Purvis 38• . „ DailyMark • Sr.LII=Janet MacFerlane 1630; Mildred „'McQuillin •1412, Margaret Miller ,1334, Hamish MacFarlane 11- 17, Harold -Hgde 923,• Elvin MeQuil- , line669. .. 'Jr. Pttrvis 'den leyorie.,967...e. Sr: .Il -Isobel Miller 1852e Helen e 1672, Ger- Thom 1625. : , Jr: II -Christina MacKerlane 18- 63, Neely Todd 1092, Calvin Purvis .978, . Ronald Forster 874: ... • Sr 1- Dik 'Weatherheed 1642; 'Myrtle • McQnillin..1197.,:' Verenicit Gaynor pgi., pearl Everett .879. '• Jr. I-- Florence McQuillin 1614, Dorothy Miller 1567, ' "Pr."- •Waiter MacFarlane 1365;,,, tlderi'lVliller 1084, Henry Everet; 61, JearieThom, 972, GordOIC•Morneon 9-45.• "B"e'-DaVid"Seren 836: ; ' 'A" --Annie ',Watson, Edith Durn- elVIunio MacFar- lane, Jack Gaynor, Dorothy .IVIeDort- ald, Charles McDoneld. marked thus (*)' have. been absent. Mrinlier, ori roll 33,- Average' att- endance 31: Jessie M. Buckingham. ' • LOCAL MARKETS Fggs,...... 25c 22c -17c Butter,P.N A,. • P P.. 25e •••••• iltia1tli1100110101101000.1)11110 REVIVALMEETINGS .! n Lucknow Town Hall Begin Monday, Jme t6th. SpOter., , PAS;TOR JOHN F. HOLLIDAY . • ttovlokoniti!Itiipoolimiflor,:.'110.4foirloopitoolt*Rolioignio AllVelcorne. ;