The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-29, Page 6; ,e tzi not- tasted e es 'vests fragrant and pure. Try it. • ON'WASI-I DAY. .The Clothesline it . -a rosary Of 'household help, arid care; Each. little saint the mother loves Is represented there., • And when across her garden plot , She, walks With thoughtful heed, I should ,not wonder if' she told. Each garment for a bead'. For Celia's „scarlet stockings' hang .Beside Amelia's skirt, And Bilbo's breeches, which of late ' Were sadly smeared with dirt Yon' kerchief small wiped bitter tears For success at school, This pinafore was torn in strife 'T'wixt 'Fred and little Jule. A stranger,' passing, / salute The household •iri its 'wear, And smile to think how near of kin Are love and toil and prayer. , • =Julia Ward Howe.' CHOOSING THE RIGHT COLORS: Women early in life decide that Certain_colors are-"becomingmtotthenk- In later years they never bother to re-edit their first impressions of them- selves, even though complexions have fadedand, eyes that once reflected the favorite colors so radiantly are now paled and diiruned. 'Personal coloring changes . With health and happiness, with sickness and sadness, so,that, shade or tint that is Ary becoming to you at one time may be very try- ing at another. Under_ Such „eireune-- _stances- le--reildjustinent of color is - necessary. ' • But there is no reason to look drab , and dowdy. , It used tole considered Out of place for an older woman to wear anything • . 4 • the Whole ,family: Not,only,is sha•ex- pected to treat the minor ills of the .children but. she must be in readineas to render gest aid to the fworkers who. are injured. , She should there- fore „always have in her ethergency medicine. chest a Smell quantity ef sterilized absorbent ,cotton, a small roll of adhesive tape, some antiseptic tablets to be dissolved in water used in washing, wounds, a,. small roll of sterilized gauze bandage, a small vial of turpentine, 'a •small vial of iodine and a number 'rff 'other simple and well-known:remedies that will suggest themselves. By having-ithese things in readiness, puts', bruises and other wounds may be; promptlY treated by the housewife, often, Driventing nfec- tion and consequent trOublep. A NEW PLAY SUIT. . • . • 4,705. This is a plod model for percale, seersucker, drill, linen or lin- ene. The 'filousei may be of 'the same • BY 0. DOOGLA$ Shennien--"•*011- MAY have our PheiCe;epently plain or two -pence " celered,'F. • - ' the n193?eY;) k • 'S.QP.Y.n79kt,-.1w,,Osor TE . .(Cent"0- -Three he, ttrelater, the e$OrekS, ped at the junction. The train was waiting on the branch line that ter- minated at Priorsford, and after a breathless rush over a high ,bridge in the dark Paniela•and her reald;:Mew- son, found themselves,,heatowed, in an empty. carriage hY. -a fatherly porter. t Mitwiain was net a'real lady's maid. I had one realized • that a Once. She , been' konsemaid, for perm years' in the house in Grosvenor Street, and • 'Pamela, when her own • most superior maid flatly refused to accompany:her on this expedition, had asked,Mawson Sto be her maid, and Mawsen had glad- ly accepted the offer: She was a, mid- dle-aged woman with a :small brown face an obvious toupee ;Anil an ad -1 venturouS.spirit.- She now tidied the carriage violent- ly; carefully hiding the book Pamela had: been reading • and 'putting the cushion on the rack. Finally, tucking the travelling -rug firmlyround' her mistress, she remarked pleasantly, "A Weight lhours' 'journey Without-, an 1 MAJD OF !HONOR ,,,eu,tai.ainto a, OotincePArn 4444ed 1 .MUST BE., DIS grbn," said ! haernfienlizi}e::°iPrrftc of all, limit get theni to. Send , -.)n*: Some rugs --they will cover this awful floor -find a half a dozen cushion's and sbnie curtains and bits of em- broidery and some table linen and pheets and things, Idiot that 1 was not!„-tobring, them- with -me And what gon14 I do to the *elle-- I don't knov ladies 9bIA*ut IrhQanredlnly4tYhign°k wink claonudid. ask them to repeper •walls ta each „ nth tn had -lint SO theShown' orlr84teinil 3•7eePtZal.(inilot 7• c'r i:nin,p,aiefne.ev'v'Swohre;jhliaod;gnireeet her lodger rha`odUt:hteline "0! course, 47I'll eas Lauder 8a doorstep the night before, had uttered hough it means throwing away more -Confine erself to warning the man money,. But" -his face fell -"they .to told me you Were the best man for Wateh tile' walls when, he tarried up the trunks, end to wondering aloud the heart. . . Leave My work! ,. The ewhat anyone Could want with, so much hiiig's ridiculous.. patch me -up -and luggage, and Where inthe world it '11 o I drop._ liont_lorig_do__„waa_to_find-ro9ni..---Shelad-been-asked- yA7hggievoet,h,ai.ere:,:!in may7,.0.1,1: may; :14.(,):7e,ry rto have dinner. ready, and at eight u, 1.ive..fo:r years; o'clo Pamela hsaefi.Clinlc:rnakeni,cfdoe6e,wr:se:0,:cili.tt:ht.,hae folded in two and spread en,: one-half ..'t"Certainly _ -without an aitch," thought • Pamela,' as she. said, -"You like travelling, Mawsoa?" "Oh yes, 'Ifni. always 'ave 'ad a desire to travel. Specially, may say 'so; to see, Scotland, Miss. But, then . . i,1vPeterhhoe, brokeRaemid ii ao tu i rot ; silentg ft, iitea:uunitev; 1 theSpoons. side ob' t hi y: aonbri;-etfnhooeur flir cloth,olaufg t teacruetas spoons, oe od na osn , on 'laid oonen money to? Ten me thate - I crosswise, and a thick tumbler. An !aspidistra in a pot completed the table ' He spoke as if the doctor were, to decorations. ' • • Mame for the sentence he had pro- The 'dinner' Consisted of stewed flounced. ' -,„ steak, with turnip awl, -nrrots and a "Haven't you relatiOns7". ' . large dish a potatoc , • , by a "None." ' , ' ' _ rice pudding made with • ggs and ' The hospitals are always glad, or a glass dish, of prunes. ' • funds." . • . Pamela was determined to , be "I daresay, but they won't get them please* • from • me." : • , "How right ,it all is "'she told her - "Have You no friends -no One you self—"so entirely in keeping: All so are interested in9" - "I've hundreds of acquaintances," said the rich man, "blit no one has ever stone anything .for me ,for no- thing -no one.", ' Jame I e WRIGLEY S 'Chew ter eery meal 811 !stimulates anPetlte and aids digestion. It Mutton Your tooddoyonmore it-PeidOed thrOtt.ITYTellta°714 attOr beartY • • n Whitens teeth. sweetens breath and :Lire i'dY PurEtr Packii-J Play Sareykriili .441osives. "Picks up detonators --one .explodes. -boy Loses hend." The above .newipaPer ;heading em- nhasizes the need of , greater_ know- ledge in the uses and hafidling or ex- pleslves. FamiliarftY *breeds , con- tempt .is unfortunately Apo true with • clean and -and f Fames r ook d at the hard oh; ain't it . bleak? • Before, it Was' faced little Man and allowed himself dark -I. 'ad ,me eyes glued to the win- to wonder how far his Patient hail en- d 1 ki es ' th ow, lookin' out. Such mil of ea e couraged kindness ' and big stones and torrents, Miss, and A pause. , nothing to be seen but a lonely sheep "I think I'll go horne,4 said Peter -e'ardly lin'ouse on the -'orizon. It -Reid: - gave me quite a tiirn."'. ' "The servant will call you a taxi. -".And this IS 'nothing to the, High- Where do yOu live?" ' lands, Mawson." ' • , Peter Reid looked at the doctor as • "Ain't it. Miss? Well, it'a the, if he hardly upderstood.. • bleakest I've seen yet, in' I've been "Live?"'he said: "Oh,:in. Princes' to Brighton and Blackpool. Travelled Gate: l3ut that isn't home, : . quite ,a lot, 'ave, Misd. The lydy goui s " who read me 'and 'Me teeth' are so wide apart." Which cryptic Saying puzzled Pamela until 'Priorsford was •reached, when other things engaged her attention. There was another Passenger fel' Priorsford in ,the London express. He was called 'Peter Reid, and he was as "Ah,". said James Lkuder, ."now you're talking.. What part of Scot- land is 'home' to -you?" , "A place they call Priorsford. I was born there." • , "I know it., I've fished all round there. -A fine "cOuntridicle." Interest lit for a moinent the dull grey eyes Of Peter Reid. ` short and plain as his name. Peter "I haven't fished," he said,"einceA Reid was returning to his_nativetown wsa a boy. -Pid-yott eVaF fry the Cad, very rieh man. He. had left it a ,youth of, eighteen and entered the business of a well-to-do. uncle in, Lon- don, andoince- then, as the saying is, he had never looked over his shoul- der;., fortune Showered her gifts on on urn. There are some fine peels in it. -I once lost a big fellow in it and Came over the hill's a disappointed , laddie. . '1,-ferrierhher what a flee. tea my mother had for me." He reach- ed for his hat'quid gave a half-asharn- him and everything he touched seein- , ed to turn, to gold. - ' How sale remembers thine!, Well, While Ms mother lived he -had visit- Fo. a•What?do yti:y the other but gray or black. Fortunately this material. as. the OVeralls,. and maY be . . istlOr arg.; hardly Iv rtb begin_ ekher regularly, hut for thirty years maPts dn ' Ye Y a. Life's:a • „eine' notion bag been Swept away With finished with the sleeves in wrist his mother d been lying Priors- stindry Old-time ideas and to -day we elbow length; '• ford chuechyard, and be had not cared '.I though, I'd ;ever come 'see our grandmothers wearing what: The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: '2, keepin touch With the few old plea you, and I would have gone tfliendshe had. For forty-five years MAY ,till- I' dropped: " But I won't leave zny money to any charity, mind ever ' touch of 'color will best bring 4 and years. • A 3 -year, size. re: lie bid lived. oLendon so there was' out' the heauty that ...was -concealed quires 21/4, yards ] Of 36 -inch •Material; Wiriest nOthing, of Pricirsforcf, left hi that!" tinder black The Bleusealone requires 1 yard. The him-nOthingi, indeed,: except the de- He walked tothirds tlie door encl. A good rule is that -all hard,. cold 0-voialls may be worn ever any blo,nse or shirt waist. , Pattern mailed to an3r address on receipt of 15c in silver, by the Wilson years to any face that isn't glowing Publishing Co., 73 Vilest Adelaide St„ Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt' sire to see it again before he died. turned. " colors be avoided by the woman past They had been forty-five 'quite hap • py "I'll leave it to the first person who her youth.' Years for .13,eter Reid.' Meney-making dees•something JUL rrie without expect- , Bleck also emphasizes age and edds was the thing. lie enjoyed most in this ing ariy return.. . ...13y the way,' what alterations have been Completed: Greatest rof!ailon.al OpPortunity" .su fic ent. am sure nutey users of expiesirei, akui ,numer., all the things we hang on ourselves and round ourselves to ,,please and Ous accidents.' to 'innocent victims re - beautify are very clogging -this is suit Notwithstanding the great eare life at its simplest." and she rang for' with which manufacturers Place their co, ee, which came in a breakfast -cup and was made of Somebody's essence and boiling water. .(To be continued.). • tilinard's Liniment,tor'Dandridi. C.G.S. : "Arctic!' Will Go .' North This Summer. . The ,C.G.S. ArctieWill again be''.em ,ployed, ander the direction , :of th NOrtli *est • Territories- and Yuko ),3ranch .of the Department of the In terior, In connection with the 6(340 .lishrrieht efpost,Otheee, custom house and •Royal Ciniadian Mounted.' Polic posts in. Franklin districtIt is epectej that .' e p se from Quebec' about the end Of Jun and• -In to calling at •and re supplying the poste at Craig 'Harbour Vends Inlet. and panghirtung .wil again' visit. Godhavn, Greenland, and Will also make 'another attempt to reach Cape Sabine On ElleSinere 4 4tnd:- opposite Greenland Ix Ie conditions there show •no improve //tent over last Season, it tis. probable Products in the hands of consinners, the repeated Warning' issued. regarding the hazardous .nature Of ,the material, and the strict regulations covering the :manufacture, transportation .and slot - age ' et eictiosives, there is a continie: _ous.,-record-Lef-abeidenta lessnese and 'ignorane • e• •The ,exPloslves F,,•(1- eral Department of Mines has recently •: issued a small Pamphlet on The . Handling of, Explotiveshich de - 0,T -signed, 'le quote from- paniphiet, n to call.attention to the aardinal ptln • ciples, vvaieli• should observed ' in the. handling •of ,exPlosIves ant., shot- s 'firing, from the point view sate-. e ty.'7 • •While, the, general.,pubiic may - rarely cOnie. in eontact ',kith' explosives 11 a knowledge of the fundamentale e Ih_eir,_,....heridling,,-].'„..„,transportation- end storage and .Of theii.empioyinnt,eith • er ea thefarer 'for land eleeting Or In RULE AGAINST' IMEPING A DIARY...-. Close Companion of Her Ma, jeaty,.Must_4e:Gond„LiAcal' an; - =1: Misii 1;:)1Y(.1'}' heen,' making • additions to her lic44ebal this year,, bat she'llas, net Yet., appoint. • ed anotber mald'eftionor.. At the pre• sent time. tiro Queen has, .; only ?lie maid of honor, Miss Ci•stihi Lawler, lint the prescribed euinner IS four, and •future. , *. Fifteen, wOrneu„are in,atteravieena- ,n,'Alary in, addiijoh tO. the' rudi la • %;(the ,:10,tulies's,;720 .110etiShlre ,-•thisi„ frost), ladies' of the'. hedehamber and six bedchamber .wo- Men: .$etne., of. these. O'osItloO, of *: .course, merely ;Aro while ' others involve nothing .more strenuous aceompanying the queeu on shopping expedition, perhaps; es at- tend.ingoust°11ese oPf4b1v111:1druon:t1-116clinowril her. • A rmaid.' of honor, how( ver,' really , does have, some dutiee,, s' does 'not; like others. of•the hotisedold; ltvc at.Buckinghant Pa^a(•,:. hut in her :own 'tOWii Place,' only inlethiting, the ' same'place.as her ro-Yei Mistreae, When the court is! atIVindsor Castle or ]3a1 - moral. A Maid's. dutieS'. begin just •ftire 'luncheon, When One Of the royal . "carriages; • or autos, fetches.. -her ' to • ,Buekingham, where•• she re niains'ptehably 'for , the. rest .ef, lhe day. palace. until the ,Que.‘en has. gone ,o,ut:•.% qticeA; Miss Laveley Wears e, miniature .° he Queen set round.,with..• ,which,ds .tied' or pin tied _ tier left shoulder, tind:she expected • to 'dress -qtiietly.an-etnot In :'%. ear bright ' •• 'A',Itieen•Victorla's.'"tinie a plaid .of • honor was 'obliged to.,be.,elever vvith• • her needle,' as the Qaeen, •alway,s 'ex- Pected. her atteedinis '-' to lielp her make. Clothes 'for various charities, but Queen Mary dees not ask', for this training. ; The principal, quallficatIons vir‘..the•PeSt to -day are that she be•the . granddaughter of a peer, a 'gOod " quiat,'• a .good., muSician7-and .discreet. In 'fact, ''with. referenee to . the last • quality, there is 'a itile-tbat no, maid.' of .honor keep. a diary.. • • Qneen.Alexanara also hes one maid. 'of, 'honor,. in 'irdditiaii. to, ether' attend- ants,•but the Duchess of York, Prin cess Louise, and other- feinininemem- beta of the .royal. are,attended2:•. .br'a"lady-in-Waiting Only. ,, • .. • . 1.,i•construction work, will in..:inanytises-• allay a curiosity. that May result In Serious accident orloss Copies- -,'••of•the••piiiiiphiet May be obtained from the Eiplosiv es DIvisfonnt.•the Depart- ' .ment of Minrs at Ottawa. 1 that the,new established at Sotne.-pillat. to .the.,weStWard; 'DOS- aiblY:on ,CortiWallis'island; or at some point on :Melville; sOund...._ . • '• The•Government's ., the e..ors.:',Fraikk,fin, is :n.tiw being.repeired and Strengthened' 'in:England, to. en: Mile. her to stand the strains of an Arctic :voyage,' •bOt. she will '•not !,?e Se4t•ne.eth: this, year, 'although she • , may be brought to Canada When the „. MiaPlacedl. "I hear the tenants of your new. two fan11y hOuse do not ,get on well together No don't. .Thefellow who• hasethe lo.Wer tart • wants to Build a radio -aerial' on ';the. roof, .and the ohm) In the uPPer,fiiiirfWents to raise mush roams in the cellar." . • • .• • ' "' • ' • I With Youth. "Black should nothe worn, after a woman is . thirty,- unless 'for not really care much for the things ing sorrowful, for he had great pos- ATTRACTIVE DRAPERIES. 13 sixtY, Is an old saying in France, They -are 'made -from- unbleached mus; that country of 'fashions.- - CHAPTER III lin finished at the bottom with fringe. world. It took the place to him of do I owe you. wife and children and friends. He did , And,Peter. Reid went away exceed - money could buy;, he only cared' tO SeSSiOnS• , mourning, nor again until after she „ . ' Our draperies are very attractive. of pattern. Send 15c_ in silver for our up -to- heap up gold, to pull down barns and date Opting and Summer 1924 Book ' build greater ones. ' . Then suddenly a .Fashions. . • one daY. he was warned that his soul • would be required of him -that soul of his for which he had cared so little. After more sixty' years' of .health,„ he fotind his* body tfailing him. In great irritation, but with.out alarin, he Went to See a specialist, one Laud- er, in..Wimpole Street, • • Ile supposed he .would be. he made ,to take' a holiday, and grudged the time that would belost. Ile grudged, also, the,doctiir's fee. • ,' •"Well," he said, when the exam- inaticin-ivas -over, "how -long, are'ydri, going keep me from my work ' ' Black should always be relieved Pamela Reststood B 11 B th with a light color at the neck line.- , on e a a - -A figured cretonne is used .across.the gat parlor and surveyed it diScotiso: lop. The material is the seine in Black satin has too high ,a finish to latelY. - 7---bothliving room and dining room. ' . • be " really becoming,• vvhero soft- It was papered 'in a trying .shade finished stuffs might be lovely.' of terra-cotta and' the walls w,ere The average horse' has strength A graY-haired women rarely looks bellislied, by enlarged photogi•milis of well in tan or brown tones.• Colors, such as green, which eeceri- degree. Linoleum coVered the floor the Bathgate femilidecent; :eVal five men.' ' tuates sallowness; should , avoided.1 •Bine end purple, in the dull, warm. 'cloth 'occupied, the middle .of `the ,room, living people, but plain -headed th A round table with a red -and -green tones, with som0 yellow in them, are' and two arm:chairs end six 'Small abotit,,, stiffly, like senti-- frequently becoming • Wxth Iron-grayhair'beige is usual- nels. .Pamela had tried then' all and fully. lie ,was ijuite a. y-oungman, the ,next. The. Mantel -shelf, painted ly, good while with clear skin • , pure white Milt gray may be worn. tall, fair-haitiod• and • fresh -colored -----le lik •From youth; to. aid The doctmelookedeat 'him thought- -femur:ea-eh. one unyielding than . es,ery inan can wear white, but, of conrse with a look about, him- of vigorous marble„support,ed,tWro,tall glass •jars •health that was' heartening ,and must bright I,1..,arid adorned with' white • 1 Bees on Farm pais , ettet-wh en properly- -manageir.'.' Send: far our catalogue. of beekeepers' Eupi5lies.- Expert ad. vice freely given. , .Ruddy Manufacturing -CO., Ltd. , o e some uricommon kind of Brantford - ont• it shonld not be pre ' white, which is "hard" and brilliant. But then" there'. liave been a great asset to him in his raised flowers, which contaihe profession. . , bunches of 'dried 'grasses ("silveri- back to workat all." " • rather dusty and tired looking, A are many of the soft milk -dreriniand- , ]"I going to advise you not to go shekels'.'.Miss Bathgate called' them),[ pink whites from whiCh to. chooae. Hnd Only . . . Relight wholesale. "ii"hat Peterilleidc. getting .-indhOgarly „.„Sitieboard-• stood„ Againsti" Pink is usually for youth, bUt.helio)... sh "Y u sac vour we ha&igone very red . for'he,wae, not ]aecuetoreed- ene wall- andeavee• heavily laden With4 I 9,, „ , .....: ,4,T,,.•7;1-1,4",,,-..., , thing that he saw—was it pity. ---,in _ I 'PAPER PLAYHOIJSES:. . • • .• • Why-er-not :exactly that -- the doctot'•-• face made -him White and hou.ses I ever •Saw was made .with' !Prin.g hats," ,• -- . "You -L -you can't mean that. I'm scissors and paste and was fucked '.• ---'43'-'-- ' . , really ill?" awarin a large book. n lied been a , Too Fast for the Professor. I ou niay •Iive ,fOr years --wit •• • , --- trope,' mauves'," etc..„; are, ,usually. be,e . • loiesaie • • • him •-unpalittable..atil.-ice.Then.some- corning. into -the - y g patient when people. gavel vases,' and,..phoiographs,, , lace! One of -the. most ,contepierit play - I said she'faint s laid in a.,.fttil line' of, new Semple book for rnen?s; elothing..;• The!. . Old Prof.eSser' htinmv" Iva..-enel•nf „ 4.1 shall 'get ahothe'i• ,oniniOn,r Said, , . samples were rernbrecl and •• there Te"' the Most absent-minded...men whoeVer-' Pete • Reid • • - , , , 4#•.• -,•-••• niaill4 a larg,e ...scrai*A- With- 'stlh-, lived. One day., litH went' to. New A'Ork ` ' "Certainly - r• e :- he, sit , du -,vi)." 'The . . . • , , , ,...,. •stantial ' Co:ver... ,e,A;Irnost any 'large to .an'lliaiertant ineeiing. ...The -train. doctor .felt' i'..ety 801'ry •for this' hard -stere Will give away 'these- discarded ,,,,,book,_..,•,•,.,„,„,,,,,,,,,,,•,„_,„,7,a7,7,,,,,,,,--,,,,,,-..----,----,,,:,..,•,ias.,lvz.te,,l,'.1-P-.,cP614t,t4711ilti:.,bOi1i-et"si"fSw1ei4a:iii,th• P).e"'le'''. i...:1-1r1 di d-bs'aect'7,ioinaiii:1t,ion1D01ped4117 , The ' gitls: wile; built , the' ,playhotiSe1 to a -,:eab ',' 'i Id clii led to the ,cabbv,;•doWn .heavily on ethe .6lieir' the doctot, i 'Chose Abe front' of the • boqk for , the .."D'fire' 'faitt,"; . . '• '. „ .' ' ../,' ' -noto p .1 gal'i•6‘.'hint. ''‘I 'tell.' Yel'u' I (.1°-')'t fe.'11 ill. 1aw.h,"PerChes and beautiful entrances. , off tlitY ' Went ata • galloP.• w 01:,the'4 t .s'tiak of. And I've,•ntime o .. , r -,t0:, --be. ill. .--.1-have,a--dtA1.--on- jt o; Then A .page. or Awn,..were ----,s elect0----ah•-•- -.5. -ii‘ yitigHitarg,ta-t-VT07 Side 'a-ti'd the'• , • ,'..: . ' . . I ,for ' every, rooth, and • thi g• •pla,YhOuse; profosguii, .1.14in:reit* abent•and,-;o.ceat,'„,..t.;.,.. ,,,..„,. Was •one ' of 'eve ry mirth, that .01114011:.fsionally ztriii tli' hiS head on the top. •; NI: Voir-NI I.' '..'pyt:FADED'f" • could' imagine ' PurnishingS,:. were ,Finally:arter..a.'Parrictirarly •Vie,lotts•'• ,,„,../THINGSAEW-.AGAIN .• eut-outs.: front: rnagat,IneS. ....;9vertit ,-htikki,p, 11,e glaneod 'at iffS'''ikatt.th.;ilir...ed ...._ • „ • • ' '-ing''-l'ag""-'5°'ffer°--the'-111"6-/II:riabtrii.e'Pl"edlY iPt:{1 th''''''''ItAthThal. .5 't'reet •Dyi oir.Tint Any Worn; Shah. , , •choke of pictures, but rugs and ehOra.t.'ntl.then;:•:sticli,In4lrii, .txdo,a out of the .. ,,,i..... . ,-,, . ' f". - ri-" ' ' ""'• • -'1hithinhs. and he:d'si Wall - deeotations,. 'Alt) ti ow, :eri eft .` "tre','. w ti ,. 01 art you .. , , . • , . by liarmen,t or Limper), . wonderful ihmps; roodern conyepit,,,,.. ojusr, ; . . . , , _.,......-..-.. • -all these went. ' .'• •-•.'' • .' ..'.1' don't . kituvc," ' the cabby yelled' . ,.......-' Even when the bOok.,was::ftill,,:if a 1)0'0, '!but rit11-,..' atn' drivilf..faSt!' • : ' change was•deSi red A new picture Was';.-''• ''''-• '. ,.1:.2,..."..-.....,..,.....4...-„,...:.—" ' - '1-'°'-'' . • Diamor- id Dy?s-- . placed over the old, , Wilpa it, gt.l.e.t ' i!, Natural•Ink,. „• _ ; 11 • „tame the ,. little ,hostehs ,opened her • ihe, itt° io of: op: in,li,..0.,A,u„;64, .of ,t,.,....ew a book at a chosen robin 'and they pro- Granada ean be uStI ti$? Ink Without needed to play, , -.• '''' ' any .preparatiou.At itrtt the Writing Is red, but after ale* hours: it changes AN EM'Elle;NCY .MEI)ICIN't to Week, • ' CHEST. , 1... - •The 'farm mother is the nurse "ol'i jilinarti's t.tritmirit ttildir Cuts., , , V gath 1'5.cent packr.gt of ."Diatuon Oyes" contains directions sa that thy wornAn can dye or tint any old, *oft,. faded thing amr, even ish MIS ne.er.dyed before, , Choose an,' calor' at drug: stare: , 11? PiOWeir The maiecialtfrein which 3InaitsMoweitatemade ":eritittie; - mattiafacial7 service. ' Thakiwtest-ittri:kytyar'''' moneycanbuy. AaA,for a SitiZip MoWerlYna.-ne, ilAtiltS•SMART Otft Study Chiropractic Toronto College of-Zhiropractie 3 Charles St, West Toronto Government B Municipal Industrial , Let us send you circular -"K"- 7 Per Cent, Plus Safety --places you under no obligation what- ever. Write for it to -day, -- Dominion 'Brokerage Co. 821 FEbERAL BUILDING TORONTO - ONTARIO .. • To Women Who Po Their Own Work: Supliogd you could save six Minutes every day in. washing' , pots and pans—two minutes after every meal. In A month, this . would amount to, -a milt* of, three 'hours of this disagreeable but 'necessary work, This saving can be made by using srap enameled kitchen utensils, as their. smooth sanitary surface :will not absorb dirt or grease. No scraping,' scouring or polishing is needed when You use Diamond or Pearl Ware.i. water and a dish.towel is all you need. Ask fan "A Pare af Porcelain and a Heart of Steels' -Three finisheS,r;Pearl•Warei twa �s.t of.Pearty grey.' enamel ineide and cut.. Diamond Ware, three•coats, light blue and KitenittSitlet 'White trysta 1 . Ware,-; .tha.,e enatteluire-WitiVeliiiide atul'out,, with 'Royal Blue , h.11;TTEIt'R ifil),LETTA01.410:tbabrI-L.Uej....„-FrS4rfr- °E ----0 T 1.1:LIT-6° ..... it5frtourct4 ,VAiicOUvEct-cm..t.SAAY- 1 OF CANADA i les -'7t,-Ever. f&cit.vore k lave .9 . • WalkingOri • The rite' of iire-walkilig;.known among the natives: of Tahiti as uniuti,'• isftleseribed and explained in apainphi let. issiied.• by.. the American. Mitsetun:".. Of 'Natural.' History! ' The, .ceremOnY' ..ae'rformed .priest. for the• per,pose nf 'figuring good , • crops, and consists Of .walliing sbveral tintes With., naked feet over a b6d.i.;:tf stones' which have,..been,..beated,until,", red by a ,fireirom' Ifeneeth. A ',shallow • pit,' two •feet, deep, •ii.dtig: 'Wood' Is :pieced -it.- the' bottom _of the 'pit: met:me !it ate arrafig,e.t1:4,,,alio.utl,-tw°4-undred--,-e• round stones in. two •or °free .layers;...... ,N.Vb O is""jigliteti's,and.,1hurned.." 06,4. .fehr.licriFs beneath. 'the stones until,: they are • Six natives appear hearing poles 'nearly. fifteen feet.' in length. These' " are used to thrust aside the .top Iayer Of stone. • The perferMerS. at, 1.1th • thrust -thettedes‘ through to . the" ilre, whore .they. buys( late- flarri%- _Canvey- , :.ing • the , '';that. the, heat of the • stones. remeved .`eaused he fire..!•• .the priest anpeai•s, bearing .te'large spray. of leaves'irr his. luaftlg-.• 71 -re ! pasS!eq.hhout tne. fire', uttering' C•sert • of'.. I e ea n ta tion for 'protectien.;,• then,: . beating the rieare.st stones three tittles,. 1Vith the ti prneeeds'. with due' •„ g 0.1i y, t rrrast,..Ire adinIttod,“„ratIV: hurriedly,„, (.•;'ver :the Oentre qfithe • pire, 'he •:' tb.r.)S-e';:kilei,,IP•ii.,,s Who have • CO0 rage to ,lisl.; the attenlpt under bis direetionS. The. speateele..;01”, Che fire.walker is a very Interesting one,,inasultieti as 'an apparent , parfurrne(1; eVident lack..of infaryr-.:• • A reose. exam ina Lien; _li'awever, .shOw- • that 'the ••stolois Used .weyehasaltr. vOlerinf&Torfin., .ni,fticeable• ttttro ef,; evhtiell rt.( !Mr.' nett • un 11 a t• a conk/. o hP'1.40,„, other rotpriaratIvely ,thr9 reattiro dodt not . ..;'),(••ar,e) trouble nativeLsi (rvcrititfir5ITfi ,the irriqttest, 'r `Not.Pashioriahle. , it.,oWns• 15.ie tok wh seats „re "t:1•.P!. rurriP'•z"1,1n3 ; fur • h shal'es the wit)i • the ..iapanese ;1•1 fair. gr'wor,tinif.0.1 .01ider ,,,1111(`*-Htli6s.e. i •-frrieh^1,0,Inng' ,t.111.,.open` ,.../n.'-rTt•-•itfdtil'i.'111-4 go v('rlini t • fkkr.e.' as twenty.liVe hut, y•ear 'it. -0;4 'iffittibel, in half lout has sold tit ,at V,0" apieee: ()f tile ,t,Welvo won_ may two thoieeind, ;„ 'there was no .dentand, and j [Le goviaqinietit otorIng. 1.110 :rest thr: fabion changes,