The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-22, Page 6MM. Or ar peolgem A ‚ FF.... w.r r,:i::it.:,T,,,,,,,,.4., k.::::iftai 44RI pNH4P00,071T-T.!....T.,17 iiii,H ,:t.:c.„4_,,ton,47sti;,...,i0;i?iv4.1)ti:n,igi,J4P,,,,‘ilnisPgi 7w:ffech:teciTtds.fili-ga: dsi:e4fee7gtedoizt_ . --- ....._ . iColliald'61t;116.1;Intlniftbi•TrOinTi374•-a:Cj4m'f'd'.----T•n":1731'72:7411.76ttti'r-7111r;11147111-:e'll ..e first pl4ce; nlmest all nontagious:dis- *Oil& he '"1-eNceednigil Ilif404-"t:'°-:g4t' 1 eaSes 0f.Poniti7 are s.P1-cad through the 'rid of inteayftiriel1174?ir b;aganper,4:1;f4.4?s; droppinga, Some of .them are spread resistance, , 1, throtigli: other channels1. but in .everyagainst tlke'Pentniee. •'agents ,epVioyecl cas,e, pontnminated• „premiSes play an in yard' disinfeetien. It la else noVr - of .e.ornratinicable diseasea'ef dome,sti; tn4ortant :role in the disseinination IspA4Apwnilio..§:t4hatathreouerfcfpw-Oofrra' th. Vpoeteui7trkyi; • :Oaring for young infants ' is generally and peeled 'afterwards... ,Peeling.. be- ,. • • . . • - 'Organisms it is not so' easy coted., lovas. . .•.; .,: ',,,, .,-' ',,• . ... may. harbor the,,cauee of 'blackhead: Second:. NO. diseases. I th' li • ' 'The Histomanaameleagridis (Cease of actor can succesSfully , be , treated • blackhead): nip. remain' for .years in .inedieinailY. 'Without tha,Siitultaneous the SOH without losing its iliO4e,,PrO-, , lipplicatiort .'..4f.,•, Preyentiye ..ineaeures, .ducKg Povv.ei"P' °Wing' t° °IP. PrOection . A_.child. from, tWh••••• to six. years *ten. .4i141.0.11/1411c)t,- sometirnes 'with a. but- 1116tulillg.";1'1"314`g"7'di8tilfe-tti6fi -Iiiid it ' 4.'171.1;'°4'-': Ir°i14•T beihg '.C°11t441ed i° Inal0 nee.essarY atitention • in the mat- , ter or '`I'.61-itti-.-sO.:Ote.. --Potatecs-sbould is61'41-°n•-"' . ' • ' ' • ' -, ' ' ' • ' these •OggS'' The • Piactice ' Of"; moving ., . _ . , • . , „' Thititi• Whin '.oil ho'::orice'.-beconcie - . . . . . . . . • the .birds from ,ene.,peri :to .anothet, 'al. . • , . • •fer .• ot.feeding,' ' The importance of 1;e' 1)41'ceil or b°iled 7with• t'll° sicas' °n centarninated, with disease -producing lowing the vacated pens to remain un: - to obtain Used . for several rnonflis 'Phonic', aid 1 • • ' part' of the Po. ta,__:..tees, .:. ' ' ' ground • may hecome a Ititure menace minden-Wei diseases And 'est4ciallY, so fi. cOnonlete disinfection. l . 'rbus the reateriallY in the eliminatkon of. corn - recognized in the' 'borne. ;t•The health fore cooking waStes the most valuable' • • „A *Amities. is supervised by the School . ' . 'sw."-44'S' • to the flock,: especially se in the cas,e if. tlie'..sell is eo*eted With. lime.. and ,." '• Of: school • children in up-to-date Com- ..AinthOrities,, but the-Al:old of pre-school Most Children have 'a, "sweet tooth, of worm infection. Eggs of intestinal turned '41Ver, before retarning the • : age is ',allowed toe , often, to Weather but sweets Should net ba given in Worms are 'Very resistant to tita eom, birds.. • . ' '''. ,•,tbefliingeri 434 u: more or less hap- large ,quantities and. neVer -between mon agents Which in Meat eases,Would . • TEE DusT DOH. .. .'.haiardexistence during the Years in meals... . • ..'. '. • ,• ' ... • destroy ' • diPease-producing bacteria. ' This•is a most important adjunct to between "being *babytf.-end "going to • 'the best kinds of sweets are those The following are some of the require- the..comfort and good health of poul; . itheoI." ' ' '''':which give.the most pleasure with the ments .,that ever: :'. modern : poultry try... "Iii!4the, dust bath the birds find . plant should meet as;,far• as yards Are opportunity ,for ridding themselves of Tbe;ee• Years are' Of e*trenle lin,:. least amount el Sugar,,: Hard toirkies concerned:. The Yards mnet, be well. loose feathers, dead scales ' and scurfs • POrtaliee. in:a chili!if life, Develep- 'n°A•tain.'As Snlail amount of 'Sugar and: merit lis, very rapid •and -the character the. hard CheivY •Substance gives the:drained. •.Ther'P.'Sb&Old. he no pools of Of skin and , at least 'a considerable • teeth • geed; exerciae. If, the :cookiee stagnant, water, The • sell should be number external parasites. It ,also of, the , development , depends, tcr. a, large - -,,,/ , . ,. .• ,,. . • : wasted. It should not be forgotten .are cut • ' in interesting shapes, the light and there should., be safficient . is a great, aid to indivi up; c ea,n ' degree on. the 'health of the child. No 'child is encouraked.tonibble the cook- room so as to prevent crowding. Shade 'Tho • dust -both should- consist of (117, that .health is at. least to sorne exteat • health'Iiitbit is' Mere imPortant than ies slowly.. Hard candies that require. should •be 'available, , but owing to the light. sand and the addition of a little dependent On -proper feeding and that - -feed habitL- ,' - - • ' - • ' although a ration brings excellent• re- • .. , sucking are better than .'''.§9fi ones. „fact .that :•.direet.:-..surtlight.AS ,..an ex-, „cheap ..sritift will increase its useful.; .-• Nola 7.**.imusPebfgariLe Fem.,. , Dates, raisins and figs make .agreeable cellent - disinfectant. the ,shade.,: trees ness in combating parasites."-If'con•', sults as• far.aS production is .cOneern•;- • Milk ia. absolutely .. essential • for anbstitutes for .candy and are , I:19,0.re should not be •placod so that portions ditiona permit, the best piece fOr the ed, it. May nevertheless in time prove • • , ,• concern- - because it contains fcT674 . ele- ..x r. ,, - • ,•.• .. .. of -the yard-are-perritanently'peirel:#7-7dust-bath -Is---in-the-',,open:--It, ...May,- disastrous _to_health.___The,,,inner„_-_,se- reentatieeestary, for growth Which are ' The best time for sweets is at the ed from :being, exposed to the diked', however, ••be ,placed in ,a - convenient crets . of Proper feeding are SOW far end of"a-riteatqf children have sweets ,roy,;',Di the sun„ ,, ,, , , • .' • ' place in the house to 'almost equally •from being known, but we de .know' a between meals Or. during the. ether The 1 yards -should .be. divided' into a • . 'part Of the Meal, the appetite is satis- nuinbet of peps so. that the rotation • ' ..... good advantage. • 1fied before the body receives food nee- System: Of ,pens may be practiced and • TE.E.IANG, .essarer ...for growth ' and development. . frequent inspeetionamay befaCilitat , :It is net ,the .pUrplose of this ' para - FOOD 'll'aaris:... .. ,ed. ' • This is indispensable if certain graph to eyeful' instructions regard- 'ContagiOuS . diseaseel,:shotild make their . blancmange. Variety Variety in. serving 'will • Good food habits in..a child. require, appearanee beeause of Such .a system satre -.Many , a "child . from Ineeeining th hid co-operation of both the . parent. and. ' one May .move the 'flock to clean, , un; • tired of Milk. . - ., . . - . - . .• , • A' Child who Will • not drink ilk • Th "parent should endeavor th make' readily. 'linty he helped to de, So, bY •' m---,- meal -time,. ii:., 'happy , gathering and . . . s.erve. the Meal .punetnally. -When a ' the use..of;ra straw in the glass .6r bot, ',new food is sefved for the• first"tirrie tle.•,: A child who dislikesJe_drink a :it is best to serve only -a Sinal1.7qUan- glaris'of.:.ntilk•Will..often..CensuMe the, ii. bity ,and not to fritigge§t that it .be die- • .MAY, , 25.. . E.sainii, quantity through a straw. and, ' r liked. 'A child is interested: in .haying pronounce the "great :fun:" .A ' bet - child will often , enjoy • lb- mi.-- better 7it.ter if the chair is high enough to en- alloweddishes and to pont, it out of his ewii Pit, able ' the child to sit :.comfettably *at. .'chet .11Tti3.; bis, own Cup; ..: ' • • ...1.. .. . . - . . •• , , . • . . ... , . . table..,If necessary:use-cushions or a -7-76-AT'and-reoffee-shauld-nevet---ba-al;,-'-feet:Lrest. • ., .' • .' ' .. ' ' ''' .lowed to take the place of Milk, in .. 'The child should 'come- to the table . . fact, they should 'never'. be ' giyen • to with clean hands and with clean face,' - Children.. , Tea- and ;Coffee. are stimu, He. should learn to accept cheerfully '' The 'last century Of . the kingdom. of - and sought ,the.favor. of the Lord, .and lants.;.: thy 'Irave. .rio' food value, and. Suitable feed. that is set heel* him Judah . had. both • dark, and bright that is what the people shOuld.do.noW: their high.. flavor ,malies .it 'difficult .to and no to ask for •other kinds of food: 'pages. , Manasseh,. Son. and successor' With this incident in the Ministry persdada.a child • 't0 'thirik *ilk after Food „ , should , be eaten slowly and of Heiekiah, •was . unlike his father:', of Jet-el-oral-L.:should be compared' the •,, the taste is'acquited':for tea or coffee. chaWeethoroughly; • The. Meal' should The history declares hirri to have been speech reported in .7 :1;28,..and ., the • ' BAF,A•r... • ' .; '•• • be leisurely and the, child 'at table the .worst of the kinge- of.. JiidahLand :terrible ;indictment • of the I 'sins • of worse even than . the, Anioritesqlkho ' Judah . in '9:1-9: '.,• • • , ' - ' - • for a is len of eine 'The . • , • . I • 1 . . , Meat should be given to yeurigschil- ' • " • , '•'' had been driven:nut. by ;then-. fathers. , • ' .. ' -atrtforniolv• 1dren only in Small quantities and not skillful , handling ef .utensils ;••eitn, he " . . • He, Persednted to death l the followers The .1poet ' •• Browning says . some - mote frequently than once a day. •In ' • -:.: . -F - • .: . : . , ' Of the. prophets, introduced into Jettr- where, "Ho* hard. it is to be A'chrin- , ... made an interesting game to a child 'fact, a .child whii• : takes • a -quart ' of SAMPLE DIETS: •• salem•many of the worst practices of tian." Let, us inquire .what made it , milk a day with other suitable feeds; The following• are : samPle. 'diets, the surrounding ''' heathenism, .. and doubly • hard for , Jeremiah to be a does not -requite. meat, .. Meat. isliigh- suitable for .Children freni-tWe to 'six wrought vastly ,itiore.etril than his late. religious,' man, ,and keep his •faith •• . ly."fleVered. and a child does not net deSire years: ' . . ,. .. . , ' , ' ' • • 1 . ••• - repentance could undo. ' In: spite Of bright and untarnished. , ... , the --bland- milk : and. ,vegeableit., When • ..TItwo to' Three "keats--;Breakfast, 7, persecution, however, the teachings of .1. Thedifficult situation in which the prophets *, took deep foot . in . the he found himself. The people. of Judah . • Meat is.. common in the diet. „,. i2' .. ' a.m.•:,• Fruit, as: half an orange, 6 or 8 . . , hearts of the - people, '• and /01,4 :e2c-- and JertiSarent Wanted -a prophet •who Meat 'Should be roasted b* led' stewed' Pitines;' Pear :or peach •pulp. . pression in the refotma, instituted by would , fall in with, their ' own ideas,, .,.._ bailed; '•,Roast Or broiled meat should' :Cereal,: 3 . Or 4. tablespoonful With Josiah, the grandson of Manasseh, in One who would cheer them on,. and as- , roi or - inot•be•civerdOne• Young children should milk.; or egg, soft -cooked or Peached. the Yearr'1:B.C. 621. ...:;,:r. •• :' ' •• '• .. , mire Ihent'that! the Lord would 'bless. ••noVer, be• •giVeri',meat, chicken or ':fish Bread, 'White, or whole Wheat, Or 'Gra- : '' But reaction was not :dead. with the and deliver thein, Own all their perils that has been fried: . '. • ' • - • ham, :or toast, with butter.- Milk,.,1 visaing of , Manasseh. There" remaint, at the hands of any other enemy. . • ' Meat stews are, to be 1teCOMMencted; cup,. warrit• or co . unc , a.m.: ' ' Id L ' h i1 : • .. ed a strong party opposed to change • • 2. *IN: very setts:Wye .constitution. Previded 'theY. are thoroughly cooked Glass 0 mi with bieed and.bUtter, and 'attached t. the 'old order which He .shrank front incurring the eppesi- . -and. the fit ••reinoYed•" They May be or Graham or eatineal, crackers. Din- , away. ., " • .. Josiah's reformation was sweeping 'don of .;his fellows:, :lie was timid, y When . Jehomkim came. to •the shy, ,emotional, unhappy when he had made, from • the Chetiper, cuts of meat nero 2 p.M.: Broth Or .soup. Meat, is ,throne in , B.C. 'pc's, this. party came to contend with others.. (See ch: 1:7; _ • e , a es: • with and Other v get bl fine...cut beef, lamb or chicken; or fish again into 1power and , once mo re: tht 8:21; 9:1.) These two facts made' it .. • • _...aolirop. ,,, -..- boiled., Vegetables selected from :the prophets Were persecuted, ,•Tlio, story , • . ,...,..,_ , , . foregoing list. :Iijiread„.. and, butter. told in our 'printed lessen • silt .w. hoW Clear soups have no • feed ,value but Junket or custord, or ' blanc -mange. 'strinneitiV -'itiitt-, learleisly.•-•-•:',1,,. ri:ntali Meat 'soupcc.to which vegetables', and supper„.6 pa*: 4 ;eeresa or egg ...of stood for the right ' , . ' . , .. • • barley ,er, rice , are added, are • useful not taken for breakfast); orcustard •• Jet. 2618-11. -Had made on erul of food. ., Thick seuns • especially those or. milk Wept': Or macaroni. Bread and epeaking: ., A great calamity had te- •made 'lima peas. or beans With the ad: butter. Stewed' fruit.. Miik,1w.arkri or cently befallen the natiem Josiah the • ditiOn of :;milk, • are both Cheep .;and, cold; or•cciccia.•. • ; _.: ' . , •• .noiirialikiig. and may be used to re- , Three to •Six Yeats,--Breakf,ast, 7 place meat and eggs -in- the diet: - , e.,in:'.Friiito -as oranges, apples, "pears -:''. ': ' ''• ..: ' • VEGETABEEmi, , : -,-'"Or,..-peachei..•..Cereal,4. Egg,:, soft -cooked, •• ', Vegetables are Very , good .-for,chil. '''Poached,' • or scrambled with % Milk. :Ater): . A selection may be made from Bread Or toast and butter. -Milk at PetatOesonaShed'turnips&rnashed car- cocoa. ' Dinner, 12 neon: .• Broth . or .., rota, fresh beans, fresh peas, spinach, soup.':';;Meati,aii,lieefiiiamb; butteni'Ar ... .• . . , • Cooked celery' or sqttiSh• • 'Cern, Cab- chicken; or „firth boiled. . Vegetables, bage; • eueurnber,s, Or egg: plan"-, Should. 'selected, from the foregoing list. Bread . , , not' be given te young child ren. . ' and:butter:, simple ;puddings .or Cus- '. Firsh-Vegetables,-- should -be: used. tfird. Slipper, .0pini. :, Rice, Or, madar- ,1 • wheffevet• possible. . They should ;be -iiiii, soup, or Cereal, or milk toast, or 'cooked ,until,tender hut not allowed to thick soup or corn .bread, Fruit, or Soak it .Witet. Vegetables' are •most custard, or junket. -"Milk "..warirt or , , appetizing w . st,asoned, cal efu 1 ' • lien • . 1 y . . cold; or cocoa. n lartig -cans - OHNNY is, taking'a prescription -His careful her ' I' -the family health doctor -ordered it Her daily' ounce a prevention -Lifebuoy Soaplt-7works wonders in eurnbating-disease. Every day your children touch dirty, objects and cover . themselves.,with germ -laden dirt'. Give them LifebUoy _ „ . . , ' .-the health soap . - Lifebuoy- protects . . . . The rich creamy lather bf‘Lifebuoy carries a wonderful health' , element `deep .down into every pore. The, skin is completely . purified) and Cleansed-deligtitfully stimulated. ' . ._ .:11.1EALTH CIA FO, More than Soap -a Health H The odour vanishes after use, but the protection remains. • LEVER BROTNRRfiltIl4ITED TORONTO Lb -4.91 WI-JATYOLf$1-1,OULD EAT ' - I/ Some time ago public health experts inade study of the kind; quality and . quantity of food required to keep in' good condition the average family. It was based on a family of • husband, wife, and three children from three to twelve years of age, .and the sup- position was that they, would be 'a '-family-doingArnederately„..hard,work. trf-ST-WakiliWntiiPt•-littAT 6' Witch A:"'halr-1-r-liWnils414.or reit , Which would have the same feed Yalu as three pounds of wheat or rye flour. Less bread- would be needed if the, farnily substitnted ,Sorne. oatmeal,. ' cornmeal, hominy, rice, or. ate largely of potatoes. Slightly less than half .a- pound" Of fat daily WouM be ,desitable.' This 'might be bntter:beef drippings or any ,good animal fat., • . A little more than one cup 'of .sugar per day, based en a weekly, allowance • of •four pounds for, fhp. family; Seine other • sweet, such as maple syrup or,. honey might be substituted; *. Four pounds in all of fresh. fruit's • and fresh or root vegetables. Three quarts of milk., (Inc pound of meat feed or some o the meat substitute. , If you check • your foci • supply against this you. Nv 1 I probably find that- you do not use as much milk. This -may not be necessary in families . without young children, but if there are three children under twelve years 'you -need every drop of the prescribed( 'amount Popillily yon use More. then the'. high production, 'a. few rerna,rks' relit," ence Of •contagious -diseases this IS a • ;five to ' this matter. ,should . not • be .potent factor in the-gpread.of the in, at" lun°ulit °f sukar,' 4" i' is cltiite' - which likely that you do not take. your prep., " - f dust ' er proportion. of fresh fruits And vege,, „ • . .. . , ,• is raised during the ..time that. the , • • tables.. • '. , •' .. birds hunt for their'. grain. is Some; Your meat foods will include Meats,. times so ' grOat that it: may be .itijur- and .eggS, . • . .• _ ..," leusto,lhe-Mucous'inenibranes'-dithe 'fi4h?-5P0. 0. 47 •• nijoass4ailt4e7s,s, passages. • ' ' 7,7 1:7,t;er, should 1(5 :.. :: • '• therefore be asi free, fro*.L. , ---•:- •,. Summer dairying istobe 'made.. , • 7* --7-4?, DAIRY. Too , Much attention can scarcely be • profitable after the flush months of. I pasture 'have passed,. seine,' bs tgiven 'fldy. toithtlid Irris-itphl;asftctoo.f.s7;v1torlyvedhuit . sprilig: supplemental, feed must .be grown to Proper :feeding 'eaariot-' be controlled. help out the 'deelining pasture supply. ,pewer,7_0r.contrel Of'any poultryman , One thing; litiweyer, ' IS . within the ' 6I f ,fit:: t.lieaatr...4ins '4..7 1t'hi:nle. the supply 'ye.agiir F)134e: , depended Open for about three .metiths.; "and that is the . amount 'fed.. . Over, , feeding :la 'about.- as ' bad ..as tinder-''. . : • , . • . ... • .•, ii, ally declines:, . 7. ' ,- ' ; , . , feeding;.: .: .c., • , At Forest Grove Farm we• haye, • • about forty-five..acreS'of1.loW,land,Pes.- thrbances Of health, have been Iii*ed '.. •• '. -tare which !resists droUght. reinaric, feeding' of roughage .. in; the form of . . . , 'ably well and, under ordinary condi- .- • up with nutritional deficiency... The Tonica.for. Horses and Cattle. paper . pulp, or tissue -paper,' ground Fowler's , solution . of 'arsenic, 'dose of feed. until about the first. of Atigust • tions, will supply mycow'swith 'plenty • , . and Mixed with 'a wet mash, has been one tablespoonful arid merning„ , . • . . . •HOWever, i find it is not safe .to , ,• de - found 'beneficial .in certain foriniS ,Of sprinkled On:feed ,er: given. in a little iiend. open 'Ei, favorable' season, but ..rather prepare __or• the oppaiiteand-::,-----7-- 'tli-OT-1fals-e-Tvierries,' • T find , it hest :' • . completely green), bran; buttermilk. Cattle takaorie-tbird..larger ‘dcgoi A r,teyol:lalwatys,nbeer.eetaddYi,sfaopiptohinetweder:satn,:it,h; jent:,. and similar suhatances. have :proved, goadtorric .poWder__le-;-Composed'H).b-b-etter tonclitiona corne,• you 'are equal; • • • •'' :their-L-in-'prornotiag-liettlth7af'd7qual titiea'..of driecVaiiinhate.::of ly as well 'prepared.' ,.., .•• , .. • • their influence should not be lost sight ji-on•l(pothored•ceP.PeraS) and: Powdr. - • I find -.it 'pays' to •grow Plenty , of ,•': of. • • ' •• • ... 2 .• ' .-. ,- •'•.,„ 6 -ed.° saltpeter, , •gentiare .root,;, .inix 'green' feed for the cows...- The extra , . , • • , . . . . In order to keep the feed clean and Yonuci4Pand fenugreek. The icise. for time.And labor involved is Many' times '• .. free from Contamination with drop-: , a horse is: one tablespoonful night' and repaid in the increased. milk 'floW, . Al- : pings, hoppers should be used,.. • ... , . Morning, in daMpened• 'feed, ' for ,tWo falfa is'ene. of. the best supplemental ,. ,-.• It is 'a verY'Commeri Practice to feed Weeks: 1•1.Cattle take one-third: larger ,feeds the dairynnan, can • grow. Hit_ is ' .scratch feed in the litter. '.: This has doses. --Dr. A.: S. 'Alexander. . . • : denenciable, ; Ceines on , early. in • the • . . • , .. • . , . the • advantage , e . inducing the bird , . , •. -.--,-7--G---7--- summer and is ready for ,feeding ho - to - take".eptercise. • It has, however, one .•Most women would sooner. become fore othercrops can , be grown. In _ ,. rather • serious . _disadvantage, • namely; wives . than _angel -ST..' case it is not needed' for sUpplemental. ' . . _ . . feeding, it can be 'cured ,and stored. ••' .• that Of . forcing, as . it were; the fowls • . to pick .their feed out of .•a more or . Avoid self-pity, and you, will 'eacape I always plan to sow sweet Cern for , lees', Contaniinated, Mass.: In. the Pres., most, of your grief... , . . late summer and 'fall 'feeding. Sweet.. , corn sown thick in twenty-eight inch .,. , • •, rows will produce a large tonnage ,Of , • ' Yalnahle, green food and materially. - help out on pasture and inerease milk . Bring; your friends close .•.t0:.,You, production- ..z. ... .... ...-,._ ..,.._______,.... •A Model .Datry Station.'. -The pinch, Dairy Station in 'Stet- ,.-.• niont County, Ontario, wasxestahlished ---- in 1912 by the Dominion •Dairy and • Cold Storage Bitineh,te show the pos- sibilities Of it t onibined ,model;cheeSe . factory; .treeinery;• and . Milk . apd, cream shipping Station: to encOrtrago. the production Of Winter. milk; 'to. eon- ,. . duer experiments and. investigations . ... 'relating to the In4nideetare .of butter . ,--aiialTeWesilii-deiiiikettale'rie*:-Iii cesses and to try, out new ' appliances; • to demonstrate the 'value-, of ;the cool airing of ;Cheese, and to 'study the economies of dalry!factory, operation. . • In Paraphiet •NO, ; 44 of ; the •Depart- ' Depart- ment of Agriculture, ,reports on the Pulre,hig.prei;.y.i.:qt:meinSittioihtisae;,, 11.,t1;s4.40",.ri:1_1,_i.,4r.t;.:1"'', government 'eStabliehtnent-ean.he totiv ,•'•'"';'" .ducted at a 'profit, '-tha aineunt,'10;1;:: ceiy,ed . as . inainifactiiting conindstilett ,.. fiavnig -14 7,every ;ortc... of the twelve • ... yearri of operatien,..been -in excess of that paid patrons. In 1912 the total • money.. reCeited. Was, ;$26.,50.42 ancl 'the ainourit paid patrons $23,304.49, • leaving It balance of $2,28ii;93. In 1923 • . • • , . . .the amount received was $149,b98,14 : -.4rid the amount paid to patrena $.13a,,,. ' 539.37, "leaving_ a_ balance Of.. $1,.5,J, .. 400.36: It has been found AcceSsaty: . • • • to-tes.ttieLthe_n_ninber of 'pa titons the taiiiirrier. montlia, while in the w hi, :tet allitoniers are Welcome. As a (00 - sequence, the patrons last year wcre 119 in the summer and, 194 ' in the , : *inlet., . The report. else.; ehe,w4 that ,. In Seven years, ,fron-i 1917 to 192:1, both inclusive, .$93,929.62 vvas: paid , to . patrons over , and above' what they ' 7, -:woilid:have:reeeived it,teniuncrated at itirryiaverage•LprieeTaid-lortiibeese,milk . .. In Ontario. - •......-....;.-• ,o,....,...._-_, :Potatoes .End My itowt, . , I 'Ultra worked out A,'Plait, to Save,: broken and ttainped Corn at the to* ends when triprimningththee teuaiiiini.nagnd4,11caucle-. with •pOtitteeii: ...,Turningl•doesit't hurt, the potateeS fie inticii,Ita it does torn, and still the sell is raising a. crop. not found sufficient .quantity MY other food. .tveryehildAeeds a quart of milk a day but it is not necessary that this .be taken entirely as. a drink. rart.Of.the milk ration may be given : in other forms Such as. milk 'soups, inilk puddings; custards, junket and few things, which have a direct .rela- tion to the subject under discussion. Spoiled `feed, whether it of plant Or animal origin, should never be fed. Too' much beef scraps-7,ot :tankage ing fliieeadiningpuorfp6pseeultorfy. feHeodwiriegvetv,e, should net be .given.,_ Leg weakness the often seems to he that Of, ;Obtaining gether with •a nunther, of other dis. and diseases resembling reup, ie- . e Sunday School Le..$00' Jeremiah-and-the-l3abylonianCrisis,-Jeremiah174-1-26- 9=-1-- • 9; 15: 140; 18 :1-12; 25: 1-14; 26: 1-24; 36: 1-32; 38: 1-28. Golden Text -Amend your ways and your doings and obey-the-voice-of---the-Izord--your-God:= Jeremiah 26: 13. "hard"for.Jereadakto maintain his religious faith.' • ' ' , Jeremiah, one of the greatest saints in human history, was put on trial for his life, ..'Why?, .Because he Was charged: with heresy. The :.heresy :charge consisted .in the fact that he king, beloved by the people, and trust- declared that the temple would share ed for his :goodness and: his justice, the fate, of Shiloh; it would be otter - had fallen in battle with Egyptian in- thrown and destroyed. Those z who vaders. For a few years the 'Egyp, hated him exclaimed! This man is a tians.,-were-rnastel-5. of Palestine, and revolutionist, - He is 'laying . unholy they • made ''One''of the sons of Joeifili• handsonout'-sacred 4cligiiiir..-.Away. king, exacting of him •a heavy trilinte. with him." What Jeremiah was really What sort of •mani he was appears doing was the 'opposite. He WaS' en - both from the. history (2 Kings 23:36 deaVoring to, save their "sacred refl.- to".24f4) ararroni Lrjeteraiah's.inn-- giono4iut he deelared•-that one of the ments upon him; Jet.' 22:13-19. It outward things or institutions, of reli- was in the beginning of his'reign that glen would pass away. No doubt there the prophet made this speech in the was another reason why these who temple eourt,,r of which We have the posed as the guardians of the faith, substance only in .vs: 4-6. • His warn, demanded ..nothing less. than Jete- ing that continued disobedience' to Je- inigh's death. ,Ile did riot look beck hovah's laws Would end in thede, to the past is they did,' indeed he de- struction of the temple and the -city; iiied that, the watchword • of the Past brOUght upon him the anger of some wassufficientfor the crisis., with . of the priests and :of the other pro- which' they were faced in their new 15 hets,.--who---stirre&, tip-the_people. day. Ile.sAid in effeet, it was the against him. Hewas seized and religious duty of Iiiicalf,a -Ciiitiiiii brought : before a tribunal of the age, to maintain the -inviolability of ".princes of Judah." The charge Was Zion, but .now the situation is chang- that he had "prOPkesied against this ed, and it is Certain that the purposes city.". It was .hard fontherote,Ander- of: the -lord will. be:fulfilled,. though stand that, the naustsairie: Jer4Stileff,and• the temple- both.:f alt. times Speak against his city or his :- 3. Jereiniah is an-illustridils-e*-- country and warn the people of the anipte Of a man who • had - great . con - inevitable consequences of evil doing. victions, and was loyal to them at all - Vs. 12-16. Jereiniah's answer to the costs. Sometimes we have been told "OlniiteAszApirited.andj_ftillzototit- that the.. end of life is to -inaltiPlY age: "The Lord sent ;nte, vAiiiiiiir `pleasures; ' but the -best arid -noblest'ef- - your ways and your doings, and obeY our race have generally walked a hard the voice of the Lord." "Do what you and thOriiy•.path, and have counted it will with me." He ,promises deliver- joy that they were .privileged •to help lance nom the threatened evil. The mankind through their own hardships earnestness of his speech was convinc- and Sufferings, The Men - we esteem Ing and the princes pronounced him highest to -day, the Men and .women not guilty. "He hath spoken to ns," who, win the admiration of our young they. *d, "in the name of the Lond people, are such as Paul, Liither, Wes:. our,,aild."-• 'There ' Witeloine Who re- ley,'" Knox, Booth, Livingstone, Maci called that Micah (or Micaiith) had Kay of Uganda, McKay of Formosa, .made a similar prediction in the days Florence ,Nightingale, and a hot of ' of Hezeklab. (See Micah 3:12,) Ileze- others, who gave themselves in utter • Waif feared the Lord and repensed love for others. - , . leg Weakness; Food rich, minerals Water, is excellent tenic for a thin and vitarnines,- such as . temataeS, ,:r_hidehound_Aierse--or-One affected Sprouted oats (fed. before they! Win with clironie s disease or heaves. t. , ..HORSE7:7 usually- caused, by a bruise oP the Shoulder. •' The first symptom noted is a sWell- iiig just above And in front of the .itioulder blade, where the collar is at- tached. This rapidly groWs and re- sistS ail local treatment, . If at this period the trarellinfilie015- ' erated en, before the pus has a chance to burrow dowti into the backbone, a cure can usually be 'effected in a few Weeks. If tlie parts are blistered and lanced and all Sorts 'of ir, Lating. drugs poked -into i. a deep_' 1,4111 on tile other' aide, and a en5P r:f • fistu- loUs Withers may restil tha kinds of treatment, , . In 'one case et,'"hi AS it in commonly, called, was opened and ,alciont of pus' drain- ed out, It was then pocked with, ganza and iodine. •-•'Blood q.onics, vac- cines, and the wound, repacked .ivice a/ week, constituted the treatment, and in leas tan els, weeks it, was cured. • • HE isolation and loneliness of the farm have gone. Friends miles apart are now neighbors. Cities once the mecca for holidays and market days only, are now, only a few , minutes away. On the other hand, the country places, the ' beauty' spots of nature and the friends in the country are now , within,. easy reach- of the And in bringing, this service to Canadians, Chevrolet has gone beyond anyether car Mint. Chevrolet Offers quality, clepencl. bility comfort and full equipn2ent at a price Unapproached by any other quality car In -the world.- Moreover by, its low,prices and, easy payment plan, Chevrolet' has further enlarged the t „group of those' who can, agford to own this fine. quality esirrand bring to them the enjoy- - ments of motoring to s still greater degree. Before you buy a car at any price, see Chev- . rbletv Examine its fine quality r.thoroughly. • Ask for a demonstration. ' 0.6is Ask About' The G.Af.A.C. Deferred Payment .Plan itonemloal iiranspertettletw - 'Chevrolet Motor Company k ' fit of Canada, Limited Osha!+ya, Ontario Dealers an erv, ca a ons • • Everywhere. ,• „,