The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-17, Page 8r TUE LOCENtiw sENTINEL, THURSDAY, AfaRt 170., 1924, , xed..a wiso.Old gentleman, an -1n es, a, probJeniofsomethurg aiently-difficult,inrealitye 00 Co. know the answer to. this. I., it to our."Store--will Convince.-you.,that here,i0 a wonie• get their smart tlothing , , , , . epartm Displays ..its shimmering' Silks. zird „ supple Crepes'. There is nothing more - madeof beautiful uChess Silk or Canton Crepe: uarailtee4 Black Duchess Silk; wide width, at 14.95 a Yd. lack Canton Crepe, extra value; at.$3.75 a yd. epartment Is showing a wonderful'assortrnent.' sses' Covert Cloth Gloves, 3,-4, 5, 6, Valued at 60c.. Wainoisette Or Covert Clah GlOves, wrist length,'a v1r1ety-7 of, ors, at 75c. per pair: - - les, Gauntlet Gloves, in Covert Gloth,_in__Brown,_Beige-or--Grey---at a Pair. ilk Gloves, in Navy, White, 131ack:'Grey or Beige, extra value, up EN OF THIS DEPARTMENT Is a new Swiss SiIk, double-, Glove, fashioned with tapered wrist, and finished with a fancy auntlet top, a full range of sizes, Valued at $2.50- per pair. Y , y , WI your tail - :V. - This is the seaaon for Blouses you may need one with t 11 'Pred suit, Our Blouses are soft affairs, of Heavy Crepe de Chine rblouse Style and rOund neck, Flesh Pink, Tangerine, Navy or Beige, extra EO each.. - , pecial ft _Black Siik Hose, either -Plain, or Fancy Open Strip up the back., Saturday only 98c. '..MURDOCH a. 10 is it 'Your 'Service ;sell atepiper Then The Credit Storei ave just unloadetLa._cativad- Wires-Coiled; Barbed and Wo- ce. You will find our price's, quality first claes. use Cleaning Season is here and llovving will -be of interest to you: .. Sherwin Williams 'Paint 'for walis,*floors and, so,10 Flat ton -.0 uresco-;-the greatest Wall Finish --we have it Vety color made. Sherwillac--the Finish for Floors that wears Well ooks well. Lacqueret--ihe Dainty Decorator for Furuiture . • WI). Ladders. • Scrub Pails Scrub Brushes We have Paristone for Plastering- - Lime. for. White -washing. Mttrdie on SUccestors4to Lucknow Hardware SCCoal Co: - ANOTHER STYLE OF -.-CROOK.. The Retail. Merchants' ‘Asseciation. Canada has sent out a warning to itt'itienibers to beware of a,man who hys:',Iiiniself as representing' Val.- , Witlfirtns in the -Old onn,t,, ",:hose 1181.10:Method of ' telegram, signed by '• kerne in inerean. 41"-, for Ition0 to en acktlitatiot, ett iiiii4ttect. of 0 RTH 1 a_ WINGHAM, . , : ........ • , Word 'was received in ),Vinghain last vveek of .the death at .VanCouver, C. Of. lienjajiiin; Wilson, Who for many years was ' a leading citizen of Wingham,-4,nd-wh0-wa51- eeted mayor following the incorpor- ation,--of-Wingham as a town_After coming to. Wingham in the early seventies Mr. Wilson .opened a pri- vate. bank. 'Which he, conducted. for some Anne With great sacCess. He Jate becanie. mahager of the Bank, of yainilton when an office was op- ened here, and ,he continued with that .bank until it . recently was, ab- sorbed by the Bank Of Commerce. . rate for 1624- ;ill •be,47 mills on the dollar. KINCARDINE About a hundred dollars -worth of pipes, tobeeco,..,earettes, and choco- late bare was "stolen fromharles Flynn's store one night last Week. The thieves ..gained', ,entrance Jay breaking -a large -window- at the real of the building. Warrants were sworn out, and next clay •Constable Bloor and Farrel searched three houses where suspe t lived but no evidence was sieured. Thefts of Sim- ilar articles 'OCciir' here .periodically, 'A short tine ago cigars and cigar-, ettes were stolen from the PaVilion. Last Year there were thefts ef,simil.. er erticles ...,from. the -1;bleen'a Hote and the -Royal., " , There were blood ,niark's. on the windoW sill chewing that one of the thieves cut his hand- ini breaking the WindOw. '-"KINLOSS VIra,,„---Staniey '-'7'Spent-,.-the—week.L end with her daughter Mrs. •Georgt .. , . . Rich -el -deep' near 'Teeswater.. Aaamoseemeata,The marriage of• . A number.' from ' here attended the' ,. , . , play et iCingerf last Friday :night Anna Matilda, daughter a astr:and ,..N,.,, James .tali spent a few day' , . . Mrs. Robert pet!, _seoforth; Ontario, of last -week :With -his .father .in'''' Kin. .._ _ .. — to Mr. Roy Campbell Andeson, son of carditie.:' : , Mrs. Anderson and the late Thornae MiSs :kathleen. Huston has 'return I k Anderson, Hernilton . Ontario, Win4 ed home atter spending 'a few day.. take place gale0Y A. on 22ii`d:- 4ith her 'sister Mrs. Frank dolvver i . ' mi, Nvillio* 0, Sproat, Seaf.orth, c'f' BeiVie- ,•'-'` ' announces tho . engagement of his' Mr, and - Mrs. George Colvver datighter, AgneS, to Mr, Jain A, ePent Sunday at ghlk)ugh: Allen, i n' of M, and Mts. ' obert ..........-P-o-o -"•••=--= ' CO' 4 ii Wiliir'the '. " ' . o!,14. 0,500: hoile 'qua* that leen: e' lin,'Whit 'OXhibiting stocking bolo 'b6c;.-#41.00111Anfi . KINLOUGH NEWS 4•••••+-•••• morcroAoE. siota, • • . Mrs, -w-esiay Bayle was called. to . Of-intitinhie faint Prorier,t34 in Kin- Ltican aweek go owing to the ; loss Township. Pursuant to ,the Pliw- f: a dentir eft,lip r -sister. We extend our i Or of Sale which:is contained in a. hltiPati\:,f, certain mortgage- which vill be , ill ,12- ‘10 :--.4t,v. ;,1i,C-Oldf7jeirr,,,,,41. , tli7. 'Sil'ill,P'. t1;:7:2,-Iti-te:,7°, -i-111°.-11:66:4,1' 'f-51.74•--.-1-1 i-.1077-4-TIZin.0.3'.7.t.41'hi'0111)1Tilhille'ettie,i,,:h7e, keep a firm hand on. tie ' Wheel - at - glad tosee - Mr ,"."the-tirrie-Ot-Onie. there. -vv :Lizeknow on.'Saturday,- the 26th dair enelhIg 143r the 1-°th 01eer• Never of April. A. D. 1624, at.2 o'clock in -.rthe mind Biafternoon by John Purvis.. Aoc- b the hill is bacr tiOpeer. the followNg valuable pro - We noticed our Westford ewes- cne,eirlaYLirr,apniale.clp-.71:,0Aillira4nedt soinfdd givalnar tahnat,. tnh°en,-4-leallstt-- 7n4ed1.311' 46y- i.PtI;titeti'll 't7."1sW4take ii.1 -steed County „of. Bruce • and Proymee ot Lzfra._jaraes_tiocisionsaa was called -,Ontario and Oosed of .Lot -number 4.111fteen- .-411 -the.. Eighth tn: Lamicsn eiOlg,' le the ' eeneue iessie f thesaid Tovvnshin OfflOspltal Kiri' . af .isra.more or less. There are : on: Mr Vilbert -• Haida'ab3i 'spei:ii.Lsol_‘ the Pronerty a-cdmfdrable brick.4ren- .neas of her brother who is in the los. "containing one hundred! acres bottse. with :frame 'kitchen,attach.,. .014' 'eveeing. at and 141's• 'Waiter eerOtt and a frame 'thin obout 40 ft; in Nicholtion's. . 90 ft with stone stable: underneath Sermice will be held In the Artgli- About 90 acres Of the farm iS fit for canChurch here on. Goad Friday cultivation and the land is well wet,. . e..! ered by a spring creek and good well. ev'ening' at 7'3° P4e. Thereis about 25 acres if fall plow; V,re are pleased. to, report that nr- done on the preperty. The prop - Jas Johnston is improving ertv is situated about six and after being being setiouSly ill The Women's Institute held their "Term% 'of sale—Ten per cent. of April meeting at the home of Miss the purchase money' on the.' day of L. Purvis, a large nuirther being .•(itaoye, taiinedr,eathftrTheee13alapurchaserncewit within present Mrs. Will Percy gave a splendid .paper' on "How .to raise Chickens." 'Twentyfive dollars. -was donated to the -Armenian fund also twenty-five dollars- .to the Greek Famirr. Fund. It farasalso decided' to. have a "Cookie Shower”—the cook- ies to be ..:seat, to the' -sick _soldiers, - 'quarter miles' from the Village of Lucknow in a good farming locality I hurnorours plity, of three acts, with ,ten characters lasts about' two hours, 111.6, action- of the comedy. takes Place -in ,the home.- of the Pilling. ,hams, New Rochelle, during the -Montir,of May; Mr; Ruggles and his: 'son-,n7law My. 'Dillingham, the own-, er of "a new fishing Yacht take. if' 'mysterious : sail, -accompanied by an 'actress. Their -':.-wives; become •sus- picous of the.,trip,; through a pair of .-.gleyes found on theyeeht by a young cpilege- student; ..Robert-,Slo- cuni, a friend of the family. AS time passes : the . mystery of thegloves thickens, Mr. Dillinghath and Mrs. Ruggles., endeavour to deceive their wives with. excuses: but throligh the farsightedness of Mrs Ruggles they are fdand.ont and divorce is Sought by ,;,the ladies After, exciting times in which vidlence by the , actress's husband is 'almost used, gradually affair l are reconstructed again, This filitTe•hrmi-or----and-,=suspense,- is being initon under imapices of the Holyrood Women's Institute,in the TpWriehip Hatr, Ilolyrcio,d, by the kinlongh Dramatic Club, on April 21. Admission 35e Children 1.5c,.. Lunch servedBELFAST . • , • Mr, Sydney Ferguson left for Detroit !recently, - Mrs.; 'James COok-ls'visiting her sister Mrs; Toppe, of Toronto: Mr. Jim Henry has gone to:,,Flesh- ntonwhere he intends Spendingthe aimmer. . • M. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor Of -..ducknow Spent' Sunday with friends the burg. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Irwin spent 3.uriday, last with • Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, of Lucknew. - ,Mr. and Mrs. John, Bradley and :on Eldon of Laurier spent, Sunday Mrs .• Bradley's ft:timerhome here. Miss Irene Brunt'. has returned ionie after spending a few days with ,friends in LuCknow,„ A -large number from here ,-'etteri- led, .the play' held at Mafeking on • CREWE , and. MrS. Arthur' Culbert and family .of .Thingannon spent', Sun - lay i•With. friends.'at Crewe. Mr. Clifford ,and Colin Crozier ;pent the week end with their grand- ,...)arthits-4,at.:-"Westfield,„;_ • Mrs. A....MoQuoid. visited -with her laughter Mrs. Little for a few days. Mr, and Mrs.. John:. Savage, of Dungannon, spent. Sunday with Mr. ind Mrs. Percy Finnigan. , Mrs. Wilfred Drennan spent laYt;ree441.13..,with -ber;- sister Mrs Ewart Taylor -- Mrs. Wm. Crozier and daughter re --spending -0.-few—days-With---her- parents' ,Mr. • and Mrs. Wm, Camp - el! or Miss Ada Riett visited, her aunt Irs A. 'Culbert on Saturday, Mr. II, Hackett spent Sufiday with friends at Crevve. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett,,Mr. and Mrs Herb Stothers and deugh. , . ter spent Thursday at eBrt' Trelea- yen's. , The Zion Dramatic Club -intend putting on their popular Play "Safe - :)s, First is the best policy. We are sorry to report the ill- ness of Mrs. Matt 8.hackleton but hope to e0On Spil her up end Around 11.0111, iC entitled to possession forthwith The property will be .offered' subject to a reseive bid, , • - Further particulars and 'conditions if Stile my be had onapolicaton to . undersiened, ' .John • Purvis, R. Vanstoae, • Ifolyrood, Ont., Wineham.- Ont, ..4.lictioneer. ' -Vendor's Solicitor CHANGE -W. POINT '•CLARK Li6nTs EASTER",-OPENINGS-r The Term of the. Wine -ham Business College begins '11!tiesday,, 22nd, and a. new elass will a1ia be fornied Monday; April 28th Our --Graduate Stenographers. -are, beg_iph-. pur expetlenced stenographers 'are drawing:. twiee 'as ranch. Those who cannot enter colege: will have the college brought to them by. Home Study. .Cotirses. ,You.'may begin any day , -.and 'Instruction is iridiViatial, latest..:Male testimonial _Com.es- trent a 'young men who was eel-pl. ing $2,75 per ..clay. before and is now earffluig-e.$4:90n0s0c,..74p,eiw•-- hrit.clortc,'rnal elling to 4Wholesate.. What' we haire.. dam ' for „OtherS •we can 'do for you.; if you so. de:sire. l'Affillated with,: the Canada, Business 'College (College et Spacl.:2 iia), -Toronto. Write today for Part; GODERICH. Five of the nineteen cases in Pol- ice 'Court before.' Magistrate. C, A. Reid, during the 'month of March, were dismissed. The fines assessed totalled $156,,: of which $6 went to the town of Goderich. Magistrate's fees were $39; constables' fees, $18.- 41, and witness' fees, 15 cents,, Six ,of the informations were laid by 'Chief R. C. Postelethwaite, while ten others were laid by Inapeetor'.W. TPellow. -POOTECTING TOE.0iFIOMvEAS.D:f4iO4.., _tif.nuiggrahwtiiiitgiflarery_miptetwaiksybo,Ij,i_cile:t4iei:syr.a.41dia This is net a story. about fireatren • p. tetiii40741'413:1.n.,.',10.kt.C.C.tr4PAPerter all, kinds With '`g'Ood"' Paint: ',Apfinst the action of the weather, , XII every class of goods ihanufac- tared the inferior as -well as the best quality will 'be- found, and it has al- ways . proven the best is not Only the least- eXpensive;but the saf- est tp-pse. - :The 'picture !Tiatedting the Homes: of Canada" tells:in inter:a...t- ins-manner why good' paint should he Used to protect your -property, why you '-shOulch'avoid using infer:. ior paint and how good 'paint is made. • The subject of property protection viesra'siOttfgt today iatya win iiteetrheesrt toin helloyh tm,cf.eno,iv.on; Family Theatre, Tuesday April 22M1. " Man's first form of government as we recall it, was made from a rib Fable: After they had argued for an hour the wife finally shut up and let the husband have' his way.. , Love at first sight is possible but it is always best, to wipe Off Yet:1r glasses., and leek again. • ; • A lot of henpecked. husbands will' . tell you that "loved and lost" beats --"Wesitied "anr--tossed:"- ,• • An occhlting..light run by acelyene no takes :the*.place pf the.,pewerful revolving: light that 'shone .from • the, lighthouse it. Paint Clark: . 'the- old, lamps are to be removed to the ight, house .at Cove Island; The 'oceillting: lights -ran autednitiOally for three,. months:and therefore dliglitkeeirer, is not required. Mr. deeigef Ray bas therefore been notified that he •is te he !retired Under the Civil Service Retire/tent Act with'. a Sinall annuity' rtd.two .month'S Salary gratuity .in :leo •of potice. It pays to use D SCHOOL HOUSE PAIN ibr Barns' and Outbuildings „ 'it has, no aluat. . Write to Head Office. Meaireed for Free Booldei 2 • HOME PAINTING MADE .,eAS.e. SOLD BY PIE & YCY1LCUS , - Lu.cknow - • MMINIMMINNI inoleums atena Rugs,Beautiful New Patterns in the 16- 4 widths, at 4.10 and $4.50 the yard, 12-4 at $3. 10 the running_yard,8.4a_ Linoleum the moSt, service- able .. . . al,ale-1044(1,111e.1)4ttern0.. are.iieW-,..krid.,.'thek • h4ve.... the .:w4jced....finiSLi...: 4t,.1.7.5(2, t.. ,$. • 5,00,— Floor Oilcloth Rugs, 6x9 ft. at 5.25, 7 1-2x10•1-2at$7•5.0...., Floor Oilcloth,. by the at 55c. -per, square 4, 8-4 and 10-4 widths. rriscnin - .ungttr iilni4 • 950., Beautiful Nei,v,. Curtain Netts at 35, 45, 50, 75 8 1 and $1:40 the yd. Nottingham Lace Panels,_thellewest Curtain Mat eria,l-at; 1.75 and $2:50 the yard. NOTE --As jt onlytakes from 1 to 1 1-4 yds. of these for a window, they are very economical. • :Brussels Nett,' in .„Ecrii4Shade, sign, Priced at $i.35 per anel 'exclusive de - one I 2 " lortorleff sirg1.1140.11. toomt."11‘40•••••••0040‘hogill/Wite•••••.,4bollits• Niercu..17 Wides Ribbed Lisle Hose a,t 98c, Pair