The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-17, Page 1j44-9 tng APV411cFlelr...iTO • y, 9 • "..7" '" . „ . VETERINARY'. OURGE-01,4,-,- .0•• 7 W. . , , J Keleher Ripley Phone- -29 ' /' ,..... , .1 10iht, Oi:' 0.4Y.' -'- „U.:- LOCAL,.AND GisziERAL' li , . • . , ' i. DENTIST. ' •'', oyir.lor ,Easter.:"Titutors, . 's Dr,. 'MacLeod "wilk.,_visit .-Luslcagit l TeVerY, Tuesday 14 Dr; COMiell's 04ee. M.is. Mable Allid. is Spending the .. • . • . • ' • .. , Week in ,Toronto; ' , .DR.,, PARKER. ‘,STEOPATK,,. at' WH t Get 7Per ilekete,' early, for `.`PacidY. .tIong:I.,e,ge-7.M,Iy` 2nd.' TO-morroW will be • Good Friday and 'a ptiblic.•holiday, ' . &Ir.' , Gordon-::-Joieetris engaged 0 inechanist's . assistant at Sinith's garage. ." , Friends of Mfs, J. G. Anderson 4 . , ill be 'pleased to .know that she ... ateagilY impreviag., • . . .... .. .,, The. little daughter, of 'Mr. Milton Naylor has been very „aeriously ill for the Past week. Th4,snow drifts were not .long out, of., the .way when the dust driit 'be- gan :to inake trouble. All; aecounts due D. ', R. McIntosh for either'. dry.' goodS, or, groceriers . should be Pahron or .beforp„April.g6., Miss. Don.alda .MacDiarrnicLavho -is effjoying a , two weeks Vacation spent .the .week -end -with LUcknoW friends, At the 'Cain •:House!, LOCknow. Every . . Mr and'Mrs. Ashley;Blaifi Of Her - Wednesday Afternoon, anil Evening, risforl "-Visited; 4ucknow friends over . . , , - , the weeklend, Mrs;' Blair is spending the week w,itri. friends in the countrY, .. • . .; Lucknow I. O. , 0; . P. Will '''..a4enci Divine :.„.perviee' es e ...Ledge; at' the Angliean 'enaren • : On Sunciay, April 206h. MenidOrs • to .meet 'in ,' Leage reozn at 10:30, , , , . Plan of Hall open for "Daddy „ . . Long . Legs".=-MaY , 2nd... A I., .4i ,"•••-• ,_ ' :.Abont ,fifty friends Of Mrs. Price neving purchaSed •the .properti•• Naylor gathered:at the home of Mr ',.. , And Mrs., Joseph; ' Agnew' • Thuisda_Y- 4i -Cell -e ei: hiis,o..‘bvoenet"-:thEigee.firialt% tifid. MMAIY'S. ' evening 'oL„Iest--week'oid-T'ie-ient ' • ' • ' .. FERTILIZER—Order-Your-fertili che : recent bride with. a f'shoWer,', et er-noW.---A, car wili arrive soon— useful and Pretty, gifts. (.4unn's , ,Sure ''. Crop, 'See , G. S. Rob:t ? ertson and get 'prices. ' ' 3'0.:4 Mr. J. R. Andersonr, :Who 'cetnes from .,A1Viston 'i'S engaged as Ford expert at the Central Garage, Mr; Andereon has !nieved his. kaluilYAlke and • occupies ; Mr. a 'Macintosh's , +rouse 'on' 'Ross' ' Street. . vomit HO1nies,°, LticknoW„. every Wed-• neinlaY afternoon. ,,All!chronic .'dis- --..„sAteis..sriceesaftfily,' treated:, ' Osteo- pathy temovegi trie physidal causes of disease. Adjustinent of the • spine is more' quickly...secured: and with fewer• treatments by Osteo- PathY than by any. other method, • Toronto, prices paid for all kinds of *poultry., , • 1 A. Grospopf, Lucknow. D.R. MAUDE C. BRYANS Registered Optometrist " Graduate DePartnient Of Ophthalmol- MeCOimick Metlieal College, Chi- cago. IlL , • • lieadacheii..DrY Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated Eyelids, Watery Eyes; Pain in Eye I3alls, Inflamed Eyes.- Pus !or VVatery Discharge, from Eyes. and ' Dizziness caused' by Eye -strain re- lieved ; eYed through properly fitted 'Glasa- Cross Eyes t3traighterred threugh Properly fitted Lenses. Satisfaction Assured, FOR SALE.--Nordheimer Piano i good condition. Apply t�(.A, Sid- dall. Lucknow.8-11-tf, FARM FOR SALE 100 ,acres 314, rnPes., west of Luck- .now—ComfOrtable house. barn 5406. 8110 14x30 'fit., stabling for 40 head Of cattle."' cement .flooting4-farmsult. able for- grass or grain growing; plenty qf water.' School mile For further, information apply to Albert' Tow', Lucknow; ' 34-p. ON TRIP To SCOTLAND., , . , , ' Mr and. Nx* J..4, Giefinie 4'6t" • *•911t on Merida. .ft trip to tficir. be 'oWay. about !three' 'months:. • Mi.. Glennje as '19cal 'Manager, of, too, Benk .9f .flarniltan,: now the Bank; .of ComMerce,: bcon..:,giVing,:prettyfr close -fttentiori. to business for sointi years, and ,in appreciation' of, this the bank has given ..him th Ws* eave of absence, While he is away • -Mr. Williams', of the .13,ank 'of COmmerce, staff at Winghain WIlj be in •charge of the Lueknow:,13ran,a • 2,Ir. and Mrs, Glennie 'travel by wa, of Montreal, and Will sail. from New' York on one of the Canadian Na- tional ' Railway linera. l'hey ,• spend. a day at 'Montreal. , . • GIVES LIP BUSINESS " LUCKNOW AFTER LONG EXP.EltiENCE' • • ' ''" '`• . . • - . • • Mr, D, a. •mci,ntoeb„ tins we2k a long businesser cerein Luckihydisposing ofroi, 7the residue : ,Of hi 'grocery 'atock-to . W. . Steck 'taking was. Acme Monde:: night .and the .goods ransferted. ,to ' store. For 39 years ,Mr.' IVIOInto3h. ,been numbered . the. Substan, tini business; men, of the tom n, but at a dry goods 'merchant, not a•gro- ,cer. It Was less than two years ago that• he sold his dry •gotid&;'. busineSa anci- entered • the businets ' whieh •he, has just close4. out Mr.. McIntosh has not • only giyeo Up . his business . has so.d sidence. at, the • corner of ,Citinpbea And Havelock Streets,. Mr, Wm'. Con ll• he ., -will ge to Southampton, to be ' with their daughter, Mrs. Jack .Clark. , , the . change is .being made on ac- count . of Mrs, .McIntosh's health 'which has not been at all good of late. • Wall' Paper --I have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a number of the best wall -paper houses, and will be to she* them at my house. or will take them to your residence --R. J. Cameron, Box 174,. Luckriow, ' • TENDERS WANTED , Tenders will be received up till April 12th for the ipurchase of the buttermilk at Silverwood's Lucknow Creamery for a period of one or three years. ,Successful 'tenderer to be res- ponsible for entire output„ For part-- icuars • apply to Creamery., Lowest or any tender not !necessarily accepted ; Mr. And Mrs: Gorden Moore have the .synniathy of friends in the death of their, little son . William , Gorden io„ _led, �n Tuesday following two TENNIS CLUB ORGANIZED .' A Meeting. Of the ,Tennis Club 'was held in the ' Council 'Cheiriber on Tuesday: evening • April '15, and the following' officers were elected for 1 weeks . illness. with throat trouble •the coming season Prresidentizy 1V1./'hh little, :fellow.lras n. ot quite two.'" Connel; Vice Preside-nt-1F rd Alt - ears Old. ' 'Old,' The funeral NVill be on chisnril, Treasurer --.Martha MeeCal- ' 'r'ridaY,afteencion. - ' .lum; • • (l rounds Conunittee.' (71w (0l11t)--1Vlea5rs.. ".Reid, • McKim and, Ancleraori:;, -G1otinds.'..p.ontnittee'4Old ? -16-4 . , , , . . ...Jenfes„:-Lyens•-on" Monday „efterneon: "ciiirts)-4s'ilfredL_..and-,Lovel1'IMOr,-•. , . was Very target 'attended -The- Rev.'. 4, -"ch,;..;. .silboilltion._ ociiiii.l.iiii00_,..40,,: ,horn Bull; delves :ready for service: -r- FOR SALE—Two Registered - 'Short= R. :114-00*Siii4. 4.0„ cYond.iieted.--41-0... serVices. •Soine choice bacon ,type 'Yorkshires, ...at the: house and.''in the cemetery. IIPSsall, 'Elden. Reid.; , The individual - both Sexes., Eggs for hatehing from .Mrs, ',Carinieha'el; of 'Edmonton,' and' a fathily. fea, foi. High:, seh091 .sudents . ,s.nernbershiri fee was set •for $3 with ,W'hite Lighorns,: also .. Baby Chick- Quo were able to 'attend.i' ' Bred-tO-Iiiy• Barred' Rocks and S, C.. -.1r• Robert LYOns of Gra 'cl M ' n ere, 0.... $5.; Those wishing to. join' 'the Ten- .. , . . - , 1 • • • for May and June •delivery; Phone :Or • . • . ''''. .". .;!Cluh ate. recluested to .pay ti for write for particulars; J. .1. 'Parrish, . Mr., T. • A"... G. .Gordon, ' of 'Sarnia' fee,'" as soon as.possible ftS fttr.ds',Or... . ' phone Dungannon- 82,".13; 1 '' May '8 .Wes l_ir.itOwn , . t,Ol!,:„ a few:: tleyti this ' !leded. 'in conn'ection-;i?",,ii-lf.'-ifil bulid."::' I w'eek.- looking alter the , shipping of rig of the flew courts' in the 'Merrier- , .. sevetal ear loads of flax ,fihre-,Which al ' Park,',I'lie -offieers .t-ies ire. the 7 -he -had • bought; Ile is , taking- all oPk.'-','ation 'of all,til.,,‘ members 'of th&. there is here , and at Ripley; He 'says t;:db so that the neceSsarY. funds 'nay the flax busineSs ,ispicking up porne- ha raised ; frkr the ' Completion of •the what, but if Still has ,a long way to r.'cw ,courts. , , .ge before-, it •. gets, back 'to. its ..pre- • ,--L-O c-io--:-•-, War .stending. •. •GARDENING. ' ENTILIISiASTS .-- Howard,. the eldeat son ot:Mr: anti • ' MEET : AND , BE -ORGANIZE. ' . Pater. ' Johnston met.. ' With.. tr. rittlior, nestY accident on , ,Sattirday ...:eirekingasi.bei,arld -i'l,neighb:Oriiiglial were : about;',tlie. wood yard, 'An. axe which was being' uesil came too' close :',0 Ihis fade,' making; an ugly gash in, the .lower lin, , Three "stitches . 'were - required to: clbse the vv6iind;',.but,be- ing!.a healthy' boy .1re wilt ..nO ,,,doubt tectiVer hi a Short time. r. . , 61lverwood's Lucknow Creamery The funeral of the late Mrs, Small quantity of good oats for sale at the •F'arrner's Elevator, Luck - now. SEED PEAS -,A Minted quantity. for sale by Albert Gammie, Luck-' WANTIED—Girl or elderly woman for--,, light -housework no Children,. good. home for suitable- perton ••Iiiiiirinatien.„. at, The:, Sentin,.., et office, .," A Goderich, ;g9ed plain cook and to do general house work, no. Washing or ironing, two in family.' good wages . Write or apply • immediately ' t o Mrs. • MacDonald, M.O.:, Drawer 836; Gedetieh.' ' A• 5-5.. ,STRAYED—Froni 'the ' preniises of Harvey Treleaven, Con, 7, Ashfield, , on April ,12, a steel., 2 yrs., old; red, L;Avith-•e'lew•-white-sn'tit4:'1iff6rifiatidir, leading to its. recovery Will be grate- fully received arid any eximnae paid, Phone 73r3; Dungannon. . • • ' NOTICE ' .. • Lot 15, Conceseion "8, Kinloss will be offered.- for-- sale' on SadiftliV7 April 26th, If not rolif1 shall offer • the Property ,.fcir rent, ..For. all .part- 4cularts • FERTILIZER ' * First/ shipment has arrived and mere dinning, Get Your supply 1)0 - fore the rush of goring work. begins, I have alae ede,tikaa2.1ertilizes;': spce- int kit: frow:erl and garden plants. • G. S. Robertson _ AUCTION SALE•. ' ' Mr. Fred MileDenald will have an auction sale of hio horses, and 'farm imPlenients at the Cain House barn, Lueknow, on Saturday, April 19, ,commencing at 2.00 o'clock min. The linploments are alirniat now. Elliott Miller, Atte, ' Cards. Of Thanks s Alblinston-and 'trinity- wigh to thank thole many friends , • . and. neighhourS, 'for their; .kindness' during their reeent tad 'bereaVeinent: , 'AN OLD PAS.IlioNED MOTHER:, This popular 6 ect play will bd There' was good 'Attendance 1,•_cit •tho,,,Lticknow.i,flatticuttitral l'rSadiety'- iijeating held in the ,Cotincil chamber last., ThurSday: evening 'and :much, terest' WaS manifested; • Mt. Win. preSentative*:gave. a 1,nOStInStrictive.. talk 7 (...)h,-* T• he ..address W8 s illustreted: by, lentetn ,des •iwere verY. .beautiful as Well as 'adding ,greatlyAs,the,:'interr..: -`6"st.-4Of'llir 'Meeting.: ' • Following' .the addi'ess re -organiz- ation of ..the •Cocieby was taken Up., Officers ,'were elected '' as follows: President S. •RathWell; ist Vice Pres_ Miss, Ilenciersotto. 2ndice. yres.-.,R; , See'yqreaS.. 'Gee. Smith,•Atiditors..4.- A ne,c a. ton, ‘Itoht....ireCters for on AVe Johnston,Aneals klo "the tender ' eittothris for the country, John Webater, "Mr . , # y ..s. it is hobblitig over Witt., fun as well, W. Ilinniiton, Directors for one Year • ".)ome and hear it ' Admisjon °tie) 161 tow-11`"Con.- Decker, 8ani 'Vtir- Ohildi•en 20e,. ' :.for'..icourttrY7-,.1C;- .Camireti, • EN:GAGEllik,INTS• • • Mrs, Caruochan, • A -drive is to. be ,made Shortly for . . Pot , _ , .members, the foe to be •onISt $1,00i ? , bverynociy interested fo wers or• °nag., miney, unt- , ario, anneunces tne engageitent of . her daughter, Marniey, tO Elden Lear- g‘rirdening should •jOin th'e.:bene. eyed !Eend,erton) .yOtingett• son of .0f,s1? 4..111,..s,•"! ttilliPen"t6' in"cl, Mrs. Wesley. Hendersoi '111' ();• .Y' IitieknOW, Ont., ' the marriage to take place !taster Week,. • ' PUBLIC NOTICE 1%., and, AtflIi. Frederick G. Toon owher's :Ilene, in tnekilow ,are • tOoi.t MARtcktfA• Toiono, announce the ongligerterit. inhet be ot. their 4Mig4er, 'Matt to n'll""6" 6/1"68ureg " EttkA ' """' ' '" g26.46'''" Odrdon gweniei iiint tit and bism* . are toeffie4 ag`tailnt, •••utter 4 ,t ; 4 ,,884171000, ,David spioifei tho 1,4.1,411,:14,ic.." :to. tii,ko, 7g° 4tali aa nktIll ')/0...PtttOT.-14,Vt Arril4 „ . . N • ..r.kft.IRstpAy.i..A.R.R.:k:..11-.th, .1, critificri; *oTg.s . • . . • , .• .„ 1924 •• • "-- WAS gA,fixico Ifjooig . •FINED.:$200-r'AND COSTS . There wjII be •a , 41•1:eter's-T-chilreliTAirlo7Oicid."'FridaY: , itos„.0,4, iii Cr°4's.." Pn 14'4' Charge having. been leid•,.• the toils et the, law this, Weei, Cele!irntj011 of Holy co,inni:nniptr. .., O'oiock and 11: Andre* Pe r ter' re Vern.] Or of. under Revenue :44; 1/10.'8(4E0e4). L4r7 &6•1°el< .Gocieripki. Scott having "fallen'•Onder ' Presbyterian: Church •••° Hhis ...fetrn on the. 8th • or S'Pecial 44)11-1°IvrE10-71'vgs. h ,id olds Day, when'. the, ter, em,ista!:q'es G45('Ierieh pieach atthe hReteVir. 'llse'rvi4leeeesC;e1IMunlorr'iwini12., and Dle2u4'bl:aereisgfof tection." Evening 'subject. "Th Se- snbieet: "Th e Gospel of the liesur- fatnpdv.enn!,11e,1A' cetv•itre:se;.e "Ifattitlievi.olinnitaendd". .. • ' . ; cret . of a Deathlest.. Passion:" ' We invite You to attend. these Seqiees.' " . • . . -The ' . annual • meeting of the' 'EP' ,woith League. of the • Blethodist church :was •held last. MondaY . Rev Otterhout" presiding The „ ar Subject •"The:StorrQf,r4e report§ of' •the different departments `.sliewed a meat ::prosporons yeer's Work. The meetings bitve, been we'il; attended and mast helpful and 'nspir ing, The elecCen 9f officers reauleed. ';'follev.'s; • lien. exes. the Pastel,_ PCositien Treleoven 'ist viqe, Ainte Butten, Viee Airs, Rothwell, 31 d vice Gei tio Treleav'eti, 4th Vice Will Reid,. 5th vice "Mrs.' Aritstrong, SecretAity' Margaret Rivers,. ' Treasu,ter Austin • Pianist •Mrs.,` T. Assistant Pi en iS t Newton. A. vost te r-. esting• meeting will be . put on :by the M;ssionary Department next Mon.,,, Jay night: All welcome;. -2 Thes'inirjal meeting. Of, the W: 31 ,). . of the Methodist Lauren, INas held cF.Q. tly with 211..t,' OsterhOut Prcislc1-• • ent' in the •cheir.. The reports showed •,hat.' the :seciety had-hatilone,"-a• the it a history': • Substan:' tial gains were inacie in all depert-' nients , the Iveric of :the: soCietYz, The meetings' during • the year have, been Very, inspiring, and well, attend- ed,' The officers pleated•-fOr'the' next year. are Pres, t (until JOli,!:.1st) vite. 'Pre's; ,..Mrs, J. $rnith Recerding secreter?, ;Mrs"; Geo: Greer, 'Cor... Sep: . IVIrs, W. Titeid 'Treasurer 'Mrs' RathWell The I4tieknow. society :Will. entertain' „the annual 'convention. Of the Winghan. district:in the church :here, in May 8th. Mrs. 'Gordon Wright°, of London, will be one of the • speeker. •at the convention. ' . 2 e arrest of Stiett followed and he . . was brought before Magistrate. ' Johnston of Lucknow; Rather • than ;before 'County' Magistrate :MC - Nab', Scott admitted th. ele.,___t_ge; and )aid the,custoitary,firie of '3200„ end • The “Mesh'i was found in a, gravei• pit on the "fent,' •• - .TIIROWN •EItOMBUQGy. „ ' Mr.'. Rod :MacDougall 4Cirdast 'got badly:ahaken un and sustained :.a -broken arin, on •TuesdaY-. by being thrownfrom, his buggy While .driying ' On the !Boundary :road .west of Luck:. now ' The : horse' became frightened' and ran eweY and Mr. MaDougaii WAt'. ...thrown •..cnit 'and dragged lei. sorne.,distarice. along" the ground -Mr R J. MObre •whO• earne along with his car about the time, of .the accident took Mr. 1VIrteDotigall. to r4ueknow wheie Dr. Balfour ga‘;e. 'him- the 'ffeces.sety 'attention...arid took: 0. al-us...is quite 'a • mis-. feittizie• to .1gr',. ,MacDougall, at.. this, se:Asian,. ' ' • ' • • .. - • . ST: :HELENS': • Miss Josie. 'Cameron has returned, to ..Toronto° after .spending CouPle. of :weeks at home. 'Mrs. 1-lorece Woodley and .fanul left f'o.r. near „Grinisby,..Where . Mr, Woodley has einployinent. • • , Mrs!: Durnin Phillips is home 'after, Visiting . her parents andMis '. Ciitrie Gdderieb. Mrs.. „Clark has received :word' of the serious illness '.:of her brother - Mr. Roderick IVIcKen'ie at . Winiripeg.. Mr.' and „Mrs.' John Fortier of: ASHFIELD NOTES , The service in 'the Methodist' Stainsloy, Alberti, Were - meek, end church last Sunday night was .of Ain •visitors with Mr, „and Mrs, B.. Farr- Mr- and. Mrs. ;Charles Dickson, of made _tile • ...opening P'111Yeri"!'-- , ., • • unusual character. The service ' W•is' ler; on, .Laurier -,.,.friends • conducted :entirely .by. Laymen. Dr.- The: rIVIentbly theetin.g_of.....the-..:St.-- -eluting-the week .Newton_hod,--charge,---Joinr --Jo'!;Firf." --fro-rena women's I t' wille john. Barger' , 'of tothien has • ecials .'. SINGLE Co? 0 on tioriche , 'Doughnut Raisin, Whol6 Wheat and Home Li At EDGARHOLLYMAN LUCKfi -PHONE 36 Webster, of near' nowj vIsiting her Mrs ; 41'hoS. f 13/Ake* . and IVIrk _Ilorece ;‘,4,01'..tOn r.o1 Ho'itop, _Friday Saturday Of. Iasi Stothers TettiCied: home S.a.turda'y 'aeedinpanied Mr, and • oirs.. S, 'tothers'aild • little ...;,hteri, Of. Clinton, who stayedoverurie Week ...end; :Mrs, :StotherS ' had -Spent a ruinbnfr of elcs. in • Toronto, I-Iagarsville and Ahe play ;"An ,Old Fashioned Mo - her" given •,.by home, talent: in the Blake'S . Friday evening was a, success in every way. The weather. and 'read conditions' were that -7-crUld-be -T. The church' 'Was,' fil- led .to eapacity _air:appreciative , • • . , • • atidignee, The 'play N'a$ Well; given arid, between 'acts • there 'was ..a' num- er of solos by Messrs: John nentiry. -.Henry , Horton, and ;Paliter." Kilpat- rick and Quartettes by Messrs; Isaac Stothers,. hos. Glenn,. Geo. warn- .. - ley, and Harvey Anderson, of Which were heartily.. applauded and encored, The .;,LadieS Aid unco,e'l whose '•anspiies ,• the play • was pre- sented 'eengretulate themselves on „ the , financial succesS of the evening, , kr, Isaac Andrew • and kiss -sie. of . Zion,' -end Mr.„ John F. And- rew- Of London 'called • on,, friends, iere :during, the, week ena, • . at the home. of Mrs; Geo. Webb - Spence . read the . ••Scrintore leson op the ;afternoon:Of,' Thursday Api•il and an ;inspiring address was given' 24th, Rail call :"Little thingif, that: . „ . on Immigration and the chundi."s 'irake , Life. . Beautiful.", , Subject ' relation to' it ..bY ,D.:. C. Taylor. A "Making' the, 'Bei* Yard Beautiful Jag e 'choir. of .then furnished ,inspir, and/ Attractive" Mrs: 'W, A,.'Miller ing and -.routing.. rinisie ',.: T.!: s.. Reld . inobargo. oi'n'roaram...A. -cordial; in-.' iliad',.eliarge- .iit'llre'e'lloil'... Next Sun- vitation IS . extended' to all interest- . tiav morning is the Sunda Y' School ed .in the W. institute:'117.' • '''''-• ' • AnniverSarY 'when. the .Sundrr.,, , . , „ • Sehool will "put on an interesting Faster 'service. The 'orchestra. will • . • .. play: Special., Easter ninsic and a .special Easter sermon by the Pastor in the evening. All welceine, ' -The Presbyterian -Guild-'' ' . A helpful meeting Woe 'prepared tor the, ,Giiild, meeting- Moirda •" ', *-i ' WHIT E('Il liC11 1 etu rzi ed from , a , visit , to Toronto. Of n-montlr's 'iliiration. ' . • , - • Mr.:John NI, 11/IcKen zie.of .:Laurier I visited With :his. son -Roy in • RiTiley ' •Miss ',Bessie Blue' 'Of.Arnberley vis,- itedher sister 'gra. i3O-pakq-,•,..gacOiar- mid 'during, the week,. ,'' fer i.r„' few, days. Inst week. -''.'• • ICenneth Ji McKenzie, of Coder-. id],, inotereti, up and spentthe: weel: - end, wi,thds „ Aibffold' frien, ,.. , . Mr.., 1. -id Mrs.: H.Tteat :of Chicago , IVItt., ,. John : Clul,ib • is :visiting. st atte,nded ' the funeral of . the:. lete Bruce:field 'With bo• r. sistet.'mr \i/m., ,Ja„.;11ensw.JI:hiiGrstaennt.,_of,B1,4laietirierjohli.stin" ',1:c, i . . Dew. • 'i, • • , ..,. • • , • • ---;:Mig7§7•11•;TY'Ell,e.'.. F.'. edale,of „Muncey; .,and ::Albert.:Thein were. UP" froti ••:God is home •attending . her ' father who erich, to their reSpealve . homes;,' `oa• 'is.. Yery., ill.o.. - . . • ''' ' 'Sunday. , .3144.t:iiii ,...seen'' b '•••4.-• ''1" .4-m einhtra.:•;.;•g.;,M6 rosi7.:-P,41111pilPt.g.i.,igSratnelY6.:ciAtitt".";:i":hosiin4 li,Cg7:-M . ".".4r;•;;;`Pra`6(1.%•"Enli. neIS'''''':ii'ii!d•1•11.!iiY'.'lle 141`.' oVed ''' to Wiaghein , on Monday' 'Miss, Alutfl 'And 'Bessie., McKeiiiie ink' the opening hymn, ,Mr. 1)..,. G. ''‘'''Ijor 'Mr,. Kennedy .' has: 'secored Of ,;ICintail iqfurned, herne last week,,, . McKenzie iced in: prayer;•• followed '''.'°rIc• ": ' ' ••• ' . ' '' ' '. ' r ' ' ." ••13P•tsie ' is •:velr,'nineir . miprovtd, rn by .'the, Sc,ripture .. reading.. taken by .-„lifr& J.:1I0oi.or „ Mael,CaY.Y • ' visiting health 'After ' ,1!tel''.. 8e'v'°i'lliu4s ii , . Gordon Johnston. . A ,i Vocal duet , . • Wellesley .Hospital, 'Toronto, ' -Mrs; • •Doriglas ' 'and -WS' ' Murdo 1 ' ' __. , by,., '1.i:h frrerids in Teeswater Miss, Barbara Brown,' of Wingliain spent the week eml.,at thehome of !).1„rh.,11'1,,,an,..danMd i‘ii rsM..aec...4.'7..:i;,it6i1„.,tt:„. . . -tter arlfr T"O'6:Pa1caneil.a7 of alt.!' rooi on Sunday,. .1 Mr, 6-,irdort Mackay who has been working in--Chatliani. ,has', :returned ations beating on the, subject :were .. keine: •• . • •,. , ,, ' . was enjoyed, ' and also the, Solo by Miss Mary Aitcheson. A , tending' Wasgiven by Mis M G, ando Mist -A-;'...MCK arTeole-the-TORC- entitled , "Wholehearted'for Christ and the Church," which she handled in her .usual capable manner Quot- read' by several :GUilittes, 4111r,..ivrr, and; Mrs, ,Wes, Leggett and tmccanum 'dosed - the meeting ,WitIth'ehirdren7f 131trevele-;' visited Ati 'Xlr; ..,11tia,;•Riutail..:;.woni'en!'t-----.1-1114 t'l tail. e - held' its April. 'meeting .at ,tho' home. of: the president,. .11.1ru. . , . . .. - . Ort ROT , (zi000.-;•0fticlill'tr aut. what :it , ist•Oilld cost'. to'. ..iiistall ,, . . tWo,.,WaSti -bOWIS at ' out. tWo scbools: There WAS nls,o a , diSeuisiOn tif, the expected Plebiscite,. • PollOWing , t.1161. btisiliets,' pert . of, the' in.,.eeting . there., 1., a,:prograni -lof !nitinic, •teadings,l' , ,.... lin•it "`eontm"4111tr.,....10'.11.- -:17110'- ,theet•+.-,- Vfoni..86Teeleily,'1,iiiVY 'laying, „ore' , ------;---- .giV,„en-..4.1.extlIond.ey J'eVeriingw ;; ....: • --: !-: , h• Young People ''' a'r4 .-11:°1dhlg .4'„,. prayer. An ' Easter Prograrn .,1.111i. be • • I.°' tjtt IVI°w'.4rat'8 Ani"'""tiiitiliY; ' '''''.--- ' -7,,,,,f6,.... nibfr.itt...311:.6•,, horn 6:7 1.111111i11:15,0:11,ed'sspcys:i.;:ls,,v, if.•ititliea?tilicut,6tinkIrcioaiitiL: , . . -0.4.,.....,--7 ",.. - -SoCial-in •the- bosernentHef'tlirelitireT': ' tioLlrao?...0._ . 'on • WetineiciaY night' April:. ---28rik, There will 1)e .scshert programme in- of - gi,..' and MrS: Grant MeeDiarnini, , , i.n4'. doPed' AS iS Iispalt:,.uLitei•gy—.110;11,7„:";•.:$11..0::-.0..0 c aocp,--$4-6,6-ii• , ... ,' seeding:. - . ' .; , ;, ' ' . ' 4148,.4....-Anme.:./tim,rts,---,,of-,,..taokikit,; • -TWO'''..nek: tteiribets,-, wee"d..j01611-eit - Miltitafeee. Cnitoth' 'hatching, „deat, at vir... iiiiv?...iew.okfklso..ataedibee' inha‘svitebng04!e..Adnrmini; . N6s"r1111ill Int)go seg:,:i.ei.aP.1)Y. '11.1eli' Ltill4 e6-A'sfP.i'.1slin'tgh16tg"1:w. Beeeroft' ViS; VetY; :1101.1itith, A. 1 Pord going' Again) •sii -gTils*:'.ue on the ' of Jhe Week, ' , . ' . - 'Johnnie' tayS lie' Vill Soon,lieve the visitet ...at her; . tune ,for ,,a • .etv. -days. :rIcit'litot'lljaivrttl,i4Ohf j ::::: ,, ,, .1),iiii, ,a,t1, ii:%17.1rtelh.fitteilix,41311c; . ,Mr.'.4atlig:qtarrit, Who' hat been he'd. en ,.8uriii0 with friends at $eitt' iho,,tild, 12.,finteve obi' ,Seh.00t i,..'oolins.aild,,gtx,ots;-:--ot:.--.—„Lt'-------',.,H . werkiat for Itabett Enttent 'of, .:,f.iel,-..- fottli.. . • .' . i' ' • '. • - Gr6tthda4 . W'". •giV6ii iYS''''' SI - ' .1 ' .ruivvo. to,..15,01116 „alto lig, ,,speildiiii t we 10.1..6 ,o,l,ry to itoott,the,,d640, Piekering', giving .. some , 't plendid i :1,,:x16,6atd,ine 6,. il: ,A.ii,ot .16ttv . wiii!,,. "Don't Deceive' Your ta he '.I'vesdary• Of last we April- 8th, At:. ,the impre ..:niatit's auggoated. A '8616 feW . daYs' at his 'iliefire lei*. . Of Mrs, joiriC Itennedy, Of ,the . rst 'thongbte.,, ,s1V-Itit the' resillt, net ato118,,. '1,1 ' b yit ... ,,, ii. . . , . 'bell'i,' tarot the 'play entitled Concession Ctilrott. - who died' On , niaY" he taken te, .introduce. Sen:le of * :l'ea '''"),'"' xq6.8 ,i`16,1'8i0inH*,6 101, , 'presented' here. in the hall ..112Onday ter Ei,Vory., 'brief ilinett, :Mrt,' Ken- by " Ad Pk: ering, an 'InStrOMOntat. W611. 'Aqoilded. .4;4 iliel...,/iiiiiiinie ovg,;:- April 21st by die' YOtia 116dPid li6di '''":614' 4itOriti°111Y MilrY ' King, li. by Vena Vetha ' of kintatigit : , , . . thilton ail& ,t,aintnnnity. „fared yii00 fit4t‘aaii Oitiitatet:, t t , ,datighlt of .th. lrito •lqk ,Afitt m -rt',.. iiiriging, *Was: ottoxed by 4., :!piottoi4,, gaged' W'I'Llt Adkert terOS.. 04 ;neat tile. IS..,.%rityyrid...ljy•• t\htispifid. ,hitit, : ylk; .4., J. tio3fd who Ilea ;been eir.'+ PattlelOting. Mao ef '01C:1St .eori, ,girP,eit ti,0111:4', 1 11,.%tiritItti„' ,t1001#441P'' n a tt OW& kat, ail offendeira i- few' inontitel litiS '.giVen,10 ;Oak. vo 4, *la , )0 bitrideitte4r. . ' r 'lilac 04' ' 1- l'AtI('',otrollt,,l'' ‘. 6. - '10,4*„if. titi liiWit .., • '•';'v We: •., , , ,, . • ANJILY Luc n Ffiday and Sattir • . April 18th and -The' Eleventh Honr,". FOX Production to. be- th -'the Family Theatre -,-V one of the most .°cOlor.i.4„. fantastk filins ever shown a „screen., 'Thrills and .eover every square' inch ing:Cerefully *oven citing story, that star:s; ,Cherles'. Jones and Shirt Mason, dashing front' One net incident to 'another -- • ELE.VE:S: ;74 HooR WILLIAM FO)( SPECIAL PROC,012.7101 The story, contains such high:, y interesting' characters as a mysterious f ore ig ri prince a • -; weird, old chemist and "the wild- est ,Irishinan 111 the world." submarine, '` x torpedo, '..boat, a motor! boat .and an airplane—al- so •-figure, in various exciting Iva: „cues', and icaptures of • *, little , heiresa to a vast ,estate Friday, 8.00 o'clock Saturday, 7,30 and 9.30 Admission .25c, and 15e. • .491 Tuesday, April 22th, atik Wife Learned' AN., ALL-STAR CAST: IN ,A • DRA5IA OF NEW WOMEN ' AND 'AN AGE-OLD LOV! I. . 8..00 o'clock Big, Strong, Healthy Baby Chicks ij L,•';