The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-10, Page 81.. r 24, l�f� 1R�41fA►1A t0100AC. Valuable fanxr property xn Kine losa Townehi.p: Pursuant to the Porti'- pt of Sale which is cont_aiorA in..;a_ -cduertced ain,at ntothrtg•eue wlrie will be pro- , time .of .•sale,, there will be• offered for salb e -y ,public• auction. •,at `the•Cain House in, the Village of . Lucknow,.•on .Saturday the 4th day of April,, A D.r. 1924, at 2 o'elock the. afternoon by John Purvis, Auc etio'neer, ,the ` 01.1ow-'e• ` ab1e3 perry, namely A.0 sn singuiai�y that= cexk'ain ,parcel or tract of :land and' ,pre idsee: s'itnate, a1 'in^ and bt ing syn„ the` Township, ..of Kinloss; in the, County:of Bruce and Province of Ontario. and •being co• nosed; of, Lot number Fifteen; in the Eighth -,Con- cession of the said Township of Kin loss,' 'containing: one hundred. acres of Iand more or less. There are ori. -the. property a-. omfor-table-brie]. ven; eer 'house with game kitchen attach-;. ed' and a frame barn about 40 ft• b '60 ft with, stone, stable underneath About 9Q„acres of --the farnyis” fit, for,. cultivation', and .the land, is well , wet- ' a SurinVereek and good well., There'.is about: 25 acres,if fall plow- ,n ddne on the Property.. The prop- erty issituated about six and one- . quarter . miles from th'e_Villae'e ,of. Lucknow in a good farming locality, erme, of -sale--,Ten • per cent, .the Purchase nvoney on the daN sr1• end the balance within thirt: days thereafter. The, purchaser shall rid to r es onThe property willsbeS offeredrthwisubject 1' to •esk,i•ve bid, Further particulars' and conditions of sale my be had ,on applicaton- to.. the undersigned. John ]Purvis, R: Vanstone;` Fiolyrood, Ont.; , Windham, Ont, Auctioneer: • Vendor's solicitor st , .cry o fiion. f1L1ny versions• Of le in Standard On sale at our'. ed,lcs' et Pat , r 751-17.74 e i.e,igchine,inn4..ratine ,: and jersey, are, among the materials recommended for this slip-on frock ovitV for their` i�, • Le. 'Belled e1tiC106C��• tern'sh 0 Wa you P. x. Y A lwa Statidard.Desl� •n� . . er Patterns...,, � s with e...Belrobe 7531—The Belrobe shows you how • to attach the fixing, trimming band, a,i4 `how to make the bound ,button; .. holes -shown ori"the dress.' 7518. -Ori] s ards`o -inch plaid are needed for ; this, is dress in. A I nye 366, step by step how to' make your dress. the. Choose Choopattern you like • best andthen :Plait our' piece goods counter. Here you will`find' an, excellent assortment of all, the popular;: spring , nal- . . t ehals jai ds . prints, checks, ratine, ' crepe de Chine ' Canton, crepe, organdy anci pongee. ce.,, • 1821 dill i,,r, rilou'; 01,11111 an Garments rothy Dare dresses esday .. A pri.i15th StQre''ppen Until 9.30 p: m, We have'made arrangements. ' with the-Pullan Mfg. Co., of .Toron- to, makers -of the famous . LtPufiarir Garments a n d "Dorothy 'Dare" -Dresses,,to'give us another OneTSay Display of these garments. This will• II be a very complete range and will • afford an: opportunity to the Ladies of the town and vicinity to see the ' most complete and up-to-date :dis dis- play could be seen in any city. The :Displayniw'irl_l, bi -- in charge •of a Salesman front • Toronto and anyone desiring' a ' Spring uit :oil. Dress will.. make no-• mistake in "coming;o our store for thsspla nNIIIIIIIiIi111111111111111111111111111Nlllllllllllll • � •� � � � ii ii u�p _ �•i' l . Illll��lllll�llll�,111111,116111116111111„IIIb,1116�I,1,.I(IIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIII�llllllllllliillllllllllllllilllllll1=111111111116111111!!IIIIn�IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIDIilllll6� �IIIIII��IUIII�,�NII�IIIIIIIi� �l EveryGarment is Sub'ect to•` Sale, and can be. delivered from tlae .d �isplay. All possible attentiox will be given to the display of. these Man -Tailored Garmezlts, and featuring the' merits of the s n " .. ante. ... DO NOT FAIL TO COME 14111014 l pllil 111111111111.11111111.1111111111111 111111111111)110 11I111111111.111111111111111111111 i k 1111 1101,111.1111011040111. r' INMEMnRIAM 'hl o .._ R _ son for Caah We Sell Ch n r 7" * #. We Se g,Pa hab T e Ceetl3t kart bevel s SOL. .area, "'four Queen Incubators and, Brooders, prob h y.h01bekki-1e h a -...s- Sin g.. _have there :ih. stock in: .�ered•. few d a s. .Here "are some ' of the out stan in o g features ofmaohln'e--: -ALL COPPER' ]EATER ALL, 'COPPER HEATI. G' 'COIL,9, BRASS EXPANSION CUP;; ai NURSERY ;TRAYS,' IINSIDE AND OUTSIDE WALL.'OF'.CAL'IFORNIA RED' woo», 's 4 • VENTILATORS IN TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE MA.' CHINE; ALL CAST -'IRON LAMP SHELF; t' ONE-PIECE. LAMP' FOUNT WHICH CANNOT',LEAK, EGG TRAYS' , MESH WIRE. CO.VERE THESE' MACHNES' ARE ALL GUARANTEED AND ARE ALL POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO:HATCH EVERY,. HATCH- ABLE. EGG, IT •WILL PAY YOU TO SEE TRIS• INCU$ATOR. BEFORE PUCHASING 1n ]ovinm mel tory of my -dear wife Ca 'olive Webster ;'who _diedMa; _17th. 1923 • In' the graveyard softly asleep ing, where the,,flowers gently wave, lies, the one we loved so dearly, •lies in her lonely silent grave. We .shall •.meet, but we do miss her, there shall. be her va(rant .chair. We shall lin,tr tocaress her, when .we kneel in fam- ily prayer. Days• of: sadness • still comes o'er us; tears in silence Often, flow': ' memorykeeps her'ever• near us as it did one year av'o In the' silent. grave' we/laid •her, till the morn' when• Christ' appears,' there with ,joy we shell melt'to• part no' more far be, yond this ' vale of ` tears. Thos. Web;iter, Glamis And', still the cost- of .coal add to the winter! of our. discontent. .1114111,111,11. Murdie Successors-to-L--ucknow-Hardware &"Coal Co. HANOVER MAN DROWNED IN SAUGEEN 4 .'"'"*"T- • Wm "H; Hines, 40ear's y... of :ageand for the past twelve years.; electrician at' the plant of. the Hanover cement' and .Stove Co, was' accidentally drow- ned in the Saugeen River on • Satur day las' Assisted by other two men Hines was endeavoring to open' the Since gates at the.` company's'' dam,. 'and. 'while so 'engaged lost his bal- ance falling •baclowardinto the water. He was instantly ' curried over the i''ir.: and:=bio' n the liter which was' 'high and swift with ''fie ;'spring '•fresh- et, His. , can :nid'es saw Hines' beim: a�, could do swiftly 'carried •aw ' ` but o '�,othing to help h.rn„ I ,leaves ow: and six children, a • Sometim`es we live anti ; to be d tinguished . 'for our old ' age; A Allege ' is a place where a "dean up" refers to alleys and not influential, citizens , Avera We carry' the best in these lines the market has' to offer. KITCHEN'S Rail- Road Signal 'Shirts are the largest and :best madeshirt in tl> trade.' Prices4150, $1/.1.5 -and x ,::Men's -Khaki Work ''Pants, neatly made. and ' thematerial i$, good. Special Line; at $2.50 a .pair, •Haveltou ever more .any. of our SNAG -PROOF Overalls? They come in Plain Blue and B1ack, and. good generous'alzes up to: 46 • ' Guaranteed quality.' Priced at $2.25 a pair.. , .• t I vrP.. n _ �._•.'�. ..L. .., —,� _rt .. ,. A.. ..._4k�r.-s-,-r..r�e--J��7 weGxat_�=. - -., —"--A.:.. _ _ Little Boy's Overalls, 'in a Heavy -weight Khaki, at only NO. 81 Is a Special (Sulphur : Dyed) .Khaki Shirt for Men, ' $1.10a pair.:: It is: fast color and=s ,._plen .. did civallty,_Slzes. 14 tok.18=arid is priced at' $2;00 oiasiwasairiftimmitrosso V Auto :Only '4. Mercury Wide•: •isle Hose one 881 r io x