The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-03, Page 57 _4; P IN OM!, &==n . XW It T "M 11�v;, Mr is visiting friends, in. this *14ity'. miss 4�410 Me:Wd� I;$" Wq; Arpit for a short'irisit' MA N�MSE r off "n... i;�A jPE, YovNIG; J. ''W J. M offrl'' rQQ at" r; Thos. Culbert" _4 'is I OU -to Heiad ofr ii., mixg 0 Fr, ; � "" I or ree E16o y,-. Needhativ, was,, out In OM U TEAR$t WR, J�; PAINTING,,MA el pE� wou D L K�ncr Mr. 9 D ATt, - :$y , . LIKE,' 430.0ulbert 70, PF -190-N$1111 TO sep �.n ptL, ki ng_; jr)94� lit; X rE S PO TOV THAT, WE ARE, �.CIVINQ _7 E -BI.$T, Vj s. at present M'MAPE "Mrs—Thos. Haqis I THE' ALUESI, . I h, "" , 1, , - ". , OF. .,t e weat afid �suffering` TQ-ORDE C THIN y oI n all, of, sciatic 1'0�,h- yl� it �TQ . -7. 018, �DISTjgIcl! une............ b I I ig % REP011T ',RLUE. SERGES ARE A S'PECIa ic tent.jo n., te 'WITH W any. U, XY-E U. r eub. 1ed Ty '-US 46 Q *W L.k..Adnibbi, rolu" here-'att"on' S 0 n b ul t.hd ., 1 . g tyjgifln�g �.relatiVe$ Oa e`h,t-M!r Ziori,,' rs, I 1i if THEM' FROM' $30.901, ITO' ALL' 14 our,'burg hits- re-,. :�*, � , .'.. ..- I I .. . . �J4 unations' in. YOU Were to'ask the r., , s, -Webster bat rented' Mr Exan :jj fifty Si k . ; . i-:1 .1 pe Ing, road -in- Harvey, :Trel, 4.-'o0t,,,Ajgriculture master a bad a�Yweatheri" urned to big.' h0rile in as.,atoon oWners yo Aielaven is arm fo P OPERLY LIX91) AND: FIT U meet w h y, Tord h t e' a woman, driver res year Would W 'sor toLfre poncL refer F�j You�would get -a -r-'y- pori:7the'- Gei, nod Play il Aitchek Baker V giveill variety of Because, I it" so'e-a-ii Margare -wide illn of -M'i�i t �Uhe poAtpo he Rlake'�i Ch6rch'. Sr. I V-�,�, answep.� From the� fleet-oWners you Would was apparently Aufte well,\o)i,, ront page #a*,,. 5' Friday. e%enjn,g ertri4de Martin, �5 WOU141 "'OUR FANCY -TWEED. AND j- 11 11 t'h. ee, f Jr., IV-Dorih e ayj Becaus I e they use, I can -b two n�sd4y. evening hon retiring, but b, heari,Beca e Webs'fdi 84, Ruby *,6viler' 80 *Mar 14Y inorning Wqs'stii ei0eivid wordt St' Marle 7.4., 'IV RSTBD SUITINGS ARE CAT-, 0 three -,or four Fora. cks for the,' foi oken with par- iast wpok!of the death 6'f, hiis e S Seem never to wear out'." othe rs Tru: ortunately here, is rie 57, *Wil - in -law,. Mr. who aam Rin o P bo,' .-FANCOF THE e, g ruck. tial Paralysis. 'F biother� (""T�% Tff would answer,. �"B price of on bi t cause they quite Anoticeable ftn' t u Cost so fittk." provenient. away on Thu ay gar .27tk: -George P-TOITUL you Death 0ged-residept ,in 11.174ean Web'fbitr '100,,� ver You, might in4Uir6 U Y',- Where K4y W�ufd I re ence, 708--Wa�hlngton, St,,' N';eQl �0, N E DRESSER.' is. "Because I Can, get service ­in� - phe' person of. e;lje any At - �hii. sia any,, ..would hear e#res�ed these- basi' Pipley last '.. wee, , k ensb _�ree er,on, where."' � d rs Goo Swalwell 69d' , urg Y -Y 'fol 'Cincoul 86, Marie,83, T an ., just as .!owing t V* ita, 'St WE., AV9 PATTE91�13, .The'. depeased 'iodbl'd Onunates from IJ4 V I'd leol 0' Because it is t e� only"' ni'etieth yvar and had heart Go on reasons why. Ford pred s'in', her weeks .11nesx, h c n id SUIT 1'THE' DISCRIMI� ar. can Much sympathy, it� e,;t' herd for 'Mrs. 'VVilli-, Rinou �1, 1, 74, .'MOST ar4ftei -year, For, es! -in failing ealt I e am�JAilor 65 if iial It for' ifford4o own:' been, some ti McCorn�icli bi� sband is'to,be'reniember- jg,,Speiling,7�A NT NG TASTE, IN'MIX :- (neo4 Agn��s� Kilpatrick) I equal t0tal,sales -�f all other.-' Her aged u rith, and daily., URESI r..sa d� ereavemen, w YPU ' _,�o , I :� .1, , ... . I . An wouldiell 11$6cause the cars )mbined. ed with-gymoAthy.' H6 is" n be b" ork WS, -BLUE, y OF _�GRE 14 hz bet9 IN -LOS .-FOURTIF: CON.* K 1�ai� PROM $30,60 To"$45,60., Mrs. Jos. Culbert is a, daughter and 'S age'* 94t, . I , 1. .!�, I . I . . ETC!,. ee e -.faithful]�Aended her,every -want find' 1- Efta TAyl6r�; ''St. 4ny Ay�ho.rji�ed':F�rdi'.Dedl WE CAN, SAVE -You. MONEY care during - her (liltdilded f6i �Iast mweek) �arnes McGee. 7 n ueb'd iljnes& Tifei full �,Robb-�- is h,6 ie: after' rinter ilii*itn.� w h as cond by. er spening -Honfryn Alaife.-' o n ON'TH T 'SUIT. AND, WOULD D. , hikson' and --at the remalm ;Iaild Miss Catherine Biin. visite Pe'rf P d recent YO rest in. Riple cemete7 .'�Z-y da, Webster, Ge'it�. PRECjAT8 On'Siturday. �y l 'With, her friend kjst, Stl*tt'hdeb d -A A former, pastor and personal. frie"n-d ru e itcheton.,R�,by,T?ji-iieil.,Do�lne -'N W' Ull t�_- C 6ii h m e ebster, ordon 'I inoul. F, phemia' Mrs M-oirkso V - IL MiUod of London av dably det4hied,,by the. tra' being �rom 4 Vi"t,� in Kinc�ardjne. 01 in 'o of ays-.21 No- on'to 1 23 Av. late and was not able t t. k Boiling maple �nde��- Adverse '-N d, o, a epart..in '�ees. a 8 f rvic iat the ihouse ibut' *)'�abtent, -during 6xam- was Pre-! hb A. R S TRUCKS the' se e er, 0 'Our '�att- AC RS neig ! ors usy.; It ions. nu r of folkr ad -'a very plea--' teacher - A NNr TQ ipht foiAhe fund al.� h t HE -1 N -W t ne a ZION., to*, Mr. S. S. No', 5 Kihio -John, Thom� on 4th' of nd Mrs,� -Mr Alex cket of Belfast spent Huron. They. were.' ORING, Ha presented wifli'a The following.As he report for -the' 'tb. It Yfiday'.of last week wi is� bfotb6r' 'bqktiful, month M of arch, THE 7MAN WHO.— lave a h' Thomas, At Zioh. sr IV'MAigaiet WacKinnoa� 83 and that wbinen, *ould'ill S­� argaret a S -Rena, C�tru, hers r76, -Ruth Mae i _T PRRARY: ar: THE 'AWKWARD -DIFFICULTY 'WROTE R erAime; getting their hair back than, noy� 11 s 'M enteri ii- OVER TAXE.. mfon ..,DEPT t'ihg,: ed A fe�v� 'of her �girl. friends. 'fast get Paul dld�lt! b e a' lohg�hair&l -m joniged',to be Knet and%hd longed Friday afternoon :-Polie t t' s of the 'Village, 6Tr., 7 a jr A -few," weeks ago th uihor of Ii ieye, Ili,. or. bobbed- t e, rus ee 0 751 Icn+,' ''I :.RIP] .64Tipperary qm wan 67%, KathA'i-- LEY 0 IV ­4161: n 8" NT Nik. 'on Aied'' in, England A 'haired" w6men� for ilip ey,"and,,H r. ington on ur Township, Council ne Ma ll� wrote,,, to the, Well" eKinnbn 66, Alma Carillthers pd -they" laughed at him; s cripPle rom birth rshe'wr6td the song dorinthia*ns� a man ave v s again failed to. 'lie `$tudii6d. -bo' beLn, i'iting big�cou�in, JM. -'Garr' come to, an, -,,.2.. h .16litt, oks,bill h S'trained�hiS rs a sha'nie" unkto -him ut.,;f a h Rip, ago',for, a' vitildeville skite and: haft; it diner �Pent the'w' k "J" Charles 'Agreement - i ea ee, . ell , �wi-t n connee ion wit ed. Mqrray 45 'Jim �e 'eye Ri6bifiso t* ..... �j ley had. long, sinice. i6ahipd: his'. paltry womarf, ha n �of Aug�gti -eon�ri;bu ion to township taxes '91g hail it 1�;' a. glo cGil "M 9' 17 And the�'IAI:ighed at )hi I lwitry�: 43.*p, Stuart cGill' pe ' iary Pifits. It -'was no; t �' A kobd�. oj�l b6k�� f �j:j m. cun for Jher, h -ions to, �M th'e"r6iult', th to: ll�ei air is iv W� -exteii.4'congt7a.tulat at'the judge'will* -mare, A. cove u and Airs. Fx d Ritchie, WiSr in b lled`li�on fol 4juit so i . Hls't6figue'- was thick, b't,' -his,* will wary 25* h 01111 0 I was not even a good' h Aul was 'just e:C-a the matt A, Jr,_ 1.11 -Ruth MacLeod 68%, ring wtaS,rtt�ong el, ing. sonig,.,, But -At will.,ne er-,,be -fon- r influen�416 til'*fasioils..�f ji -Hj both arrhap'p'y An'd�prosperous hiar'ried- 'aA da Y.- date.'. Iiis�. Judge S sj spoken 3y. s ears, were oig a ary Belle Ma�L,eod' '8rl 'Engli It ii irls' say, they, ch"i'' their ir beq�use f zion' )f Wa -his, le�s w as itil , ere life e6ple o ong,, gotten as long ha amongst,'the jolly -,p lkertotr, ealt iifth Th-e­� ;-toon"a White 7�, J�h�jvlackinnon 74j siti'on hence,'collei it i� thin," aifd ok t Cfiah�� r stude�nt� . 1 0 "ca se It ago.,Aft,er.hearini­, 0 s,better b'bb6d A hunr d ion of so lie �mont David Henr ho. have, nev e I r -h ways y CArruth�'rs'- 65, Harold, plans..w tit who hits been, visiting� f e evilence th: wair- 64 eard of Ra n wlinso and� the girjs�.'*'ith' -hair r .h hir ck e. ge :adised, both Elizabet th 6 "get' wrong, ll,� Robinson.*�47 qj! Horne or. P umberj will be, able o bed, -for line and in iac parties -to enddavor. o �c6hlp .to - All- -lau m t, the same re- And they. know, �etlirned "to: T.0 -_LMA Car bell rbfrai' of CdTi, pt. onto.. on Tuesday .'to- �compi6f I i1derstahff seems was ry. Johfi�- Cafrdtbeis,�' or the'. n PPU1:":Uy. son. e 11s, U ng whidh je Sr. e lunseen,'At he auth" Pr -1r., Pearl: Swan�j Levi Ca . rter.. For Fam stood o 'o—, day' co.urse in, the !Heniohilf School..; impossible .: .. Hea held..'his cours;6 d Carter.' or's elbaw,�As h6- wrote it. Address- Ay Aftei they. laughed HE PRO: An' olm,,and Mr - Saffi- G'ili WILL BE SURP .,C At him;. p 0 AMPERS ing'.the. boxes and. balcony, -in th6 end "T HAMILT014. -went a -the boys wh have"'-done,r 60, .."No. oil roll'r 22, Av. Aft' in- 4, VETE RAN- KNIGHT OFT Will',11 son INJU ED' A e ackred hit, satchel -and 000.r! 'd 110; won big battalions. He -,sent -cl�tting, f e in, out tory.. Zio . n . (and . to give you an.L 'idp of. thq p diet es one or mor.e xams in sed milli marching to vic r And 'the� laughed -at hi!lli! people. Around' . Ripley'. corres oil e sA, not ean,, wellknpA n They'beArd �f, the l' made, -I. Scott'. teaerher e cu -1 ce giverrjh'd information that, own-: -0-0 0 a worn. "I hardware' travelle�� throughout West' ;ilT, own . od thr ey. It' y, �liey Or ]�BED FASHIO Ontarbr, s-, of c.ottade $1: "]Beach--,, and.- "S. S. Noi� 10 C' -gaAvs-r- are- this I ulrO.4s NABLE.' e 4011t :two �.,ndw: Mrig ;the s knob cet own! Ili r ir -%re-presvme-.at-,-6th `,-points we YOU. rop't o his home c ,R..Mi.__SaTi1 at Hamilton. oh a no r: IV-. Jean aldenby ran It's t 'b H k the e, days for, girls Rob Webster held a very �UCC:oSS'_ (ell":, 'notified by -the� s 'recent Sunday, as'he was-oli his way T9 �hemi, he a:,- ilfred- e the styl� Ontario Green, ' '' , , , D& C ti ed a Murray, Spence:.Me­ Farlan Phtri S clown�- ay� 'wais GovOrnment -th. b e was, mere fGV�!h_ tUl rsal a" , O'�cupying a -sit to haire their 0, �fi l'.YrId S to, ek C I I i� "d' re basin n. lArge t�row r. the' conditioh S lie air-; to church. As -Mr Dean is ov t' M0 e rinvmAg, in, he- by,Abe la-ke shore, yare t6nAnt years- d of he- o -ch city bobbed� 1600 heads f hair, fo' ic�ov roa s.Vere irri i!& - r his' er� e vipts almost. t- implements an. -d Stock 9 Sr. lll��Mar`garet Ruth" -and: 1 The dyerage. va 1 u* e to an annu fenta Tfiis illl!,(j Od r 1. so. ion t. -ohn an ay. :At:,fIfty cents; each that' was, ally. " pafalysred by: -06 ack Mr- The' p 'b Id well., arf Bell.-�(equlal), Ontario Quebde.- sh' ers 0 mention J qu te -large receipts foi Dean.-wbo was "a..'nibst affa The Dianimati bo'-::.bf Zi o'n,: sure 'ttjipj'asaq5t sui M Hodgin� 1qelen me Qs��ail Q farms is '$I Their I tfie hair-erut-� 61 e tfe! ,,.,..,name urray 0,000.' to cotta,&e-ownefs at the lakiz.,bdA, f Aeserve_,, grea , praise.. or,tbe huinor� hesi iVeraje­r- tin 17 'Will It' 'h �Popul. -his �- t f -iiie6me- facto en. M_j ad I , ­� ere 'prou 0 odi0b 1-'Edmuh�d. G ell Pr Air �lna.n, And ighly ir, in� call-- They- out, W cr., thou�htr they were occupying: over'. 1tobbied. before leaving" for: Palm Fng,4ravclle,d' for Valaicy, and He 'was, giett ng up, be play, aftey First," which.tbey, $2,000. Jr. III-Eza Stn ua ley, 'Wnitr C911j". 0 Ther 0 ire b rd 'ent" ,presented in ion-hal t winning f sit was of'Ha!)Iiilton,:forr lame, Z I ast Wea_ev:,�r �free, Whi fily'a: are 334 000 Beach- said, that long, .42 years,, witil I i ir migh t the f 9hion next ye opick out the stats' in the ydu we 0 -Wall,' Departm, stokes 'and ,be a ar, a few ago wbew he retir6d.i! The were d'; f h- akes the Go�ernmdt took -that View Goo y prqu 0 Jill woifld have t�'tako"the bunch; the Midf fit Is t"4 Go down�.gniong' them 'there to -day,- .0. a I , �geL,� Boll) Everett Stian wid6-awake M41140" roads,''bei�g nearly '.impas�4,ble.� Wed., 01, is eviden �ihat. such And' ybu'll hear his 'Wiselold neigh� "enye Pr- E Inter'. Wall, a r e , getting V ry small on - I o not �borSr say e onffig the crowd'wAs. vC an arrangement c uld =a: Stanley.� th go �t strip'alcmg, the E. n eac her',* e,su1iri'89ftheir1M ly those near at., hand beinz,�ble to whenr verni ber They "always k to: find how easy it i's to; in atte Tit ',cohimunity at large hope now6d he'd ake--hist N o.. 71AAfield , ........ for, r , I '%:':* .1. . If AnIn ...... ............. *ay." sell, these farminj fA i-. it llt'on in th6 near, future r p And they0' e, roud, 0 iec the., I -cou d., - b4 r dc du P, -Long ....... could 1� wr ell pe, Ias h '- the'r6ads' siia in-th , ............ .......... �l �e ooc pit -mahentl �ah 69, Con6ie H6�an. 41. V4 -y. I . " . I' '' , - , d ibrings us mo -o- wL u edr �ei Y. Come Ail d see the clown -Andfew Ritcbj,731,*��'Pte 0 U �jb t ari�er a - E moto. proof. HE--ORIGIN'�OV'�PAP R 7- a vortil u T iN AN ).A - FORDS,,: I �,C' _A�j '4' II'_ ffirriett Job t 1125 one. iv",r spipp'�attrctiv6 s'taple bar.;',' fellie `131 gains.,, Offer them -by Lon pet is one.o the most, important in Can d Inidr-l-'MA61,66 ' '' ' 'j I d, 74, - Tillie Ril a lohe� the' 'are odiaY re -i9gan 7 Frank e orenA I or Distance . to� six pto§pero G SERVICE REW 3 e that' camoifro ARP D - L us 'ther ilo� o�cry' !our' 60. Orient. LPN 250,000' Trd)�. dafs.i one' 37m; a in ablilies day; fur, T�hq lainaman' who made 06- fa is the proud-' possessor .6f a at week. Jildga the resiilts_ 1"6jrd,r s. �act*al d.prbves �the pot "1y Ahe peircenwt6, of salos, I-Marg�iei first, (The OiiifadWi t6ho WiLtrton), on it df p4per.,by 0vering a lattice Thoin' 81 dir . enry ton was in -topti all the Prae Sl K IIy; d t y of the p:. S` 14 e b 1..Iagtr Week. mongaf others, ()tr 'the UR of with lid fib. "A rhher�Glaydon Ritchie 87".0 IV t 4-titomobildr r - I I I I . r 11 ffi;ayli eliipl6yus he'llad 0 i'l" o, on r oil 13, fres'of 'silk. started an, industry f4at I, Xatjo�jl ga lias bdon one 'of the foun4aiions �� of 1 a that wit Mrs Matthews wheli I . �.,M, S. Long tmcheir,, 1 CIVI is��d,eniploymoiit �rho,atd not dieet- aCenturibg tv, when ihe rulers, of S. No, 0 - Athibld uropean na ions 'fully on'. the" 16 fok'90 Y�ears he" felt 'th the inamni;6th mot wi d, on a pe the E, Wer# -unable to ftere "wag noiliffig, tob:go'od-. for. h6i libbt'r C1ass_(Gbo.-,- C6mp.�, oe- car factory. f, the wd'ld c 0 ive' Kil rcAnd S" '11)�' -o' f JaV6 fi-a- igii their n4nles, tfie paii eful,, inhub- hir"' f Walidr.%ta'ne . ...... Was thote anythift he: eould d to 88 1' r IPA., chlivit ere niantifiicturing w ilalf�. pply� the hdNv, t1fo, conipAny"A Appreciatilon; of Bell Telepliptie it is 5tation. P .............. Enpajok; WAk the !of elgh't. gr6*n .. .. . .. Y, UP childrell Chl W , ell;' 'she A�'th whki'elf n112' are ein' loy- Long -Distance frbilt V696tablt fibre6 and. rAgo hgr,'Iong serviee wa ed to �Jlitlll to mlapopts or sllipg 011' and anNfarkaret -Philik Pos -on. 9,� - M4 c-hikd 4:. seasor Ad ft h' .0 S it 0 or 11r, AM it., Inore 11101 tin I 104d i WESTPOkID NV�WS adIV, 'd --M,earl � flle sixth 6611fUry, tho,, rm't j igh '50 Xiff� booliii' Ilk tj Inal 0 �be 0 ier _�W ixea Ifow the R_g6d. uAlity ch Pulp of VA i ry 0 el er !oil 7Gad4�­B­,V,­ U UI! Ahen And ChlneAe d' Pot; trAills li)I-t 'It 'to g, but :1 ay wid - � tag And, gave 6hig: -fgy6g, ijbilt.,fil 06th. aIn We, are very 9 -lad, tb­pblice that P Sill surts0e by 60 �hilit, r 'did 'Webster 69% at "ng t w%hr io �ht� ... th fe-pass over the in t _I J.,6, t e, miss RPRISE'loos'ens di eo I I or 94offig It,: Is oand this' ;V"eek, 'u -s matthdii§ U t r un b re golVes all nItwititS from fi No. 12 Ashfield nd itarch. f gejiW6 proq:utdd by, mitdll4n X46onai R way$ tft� %r ran' 49%.. is jnl�. Co By,- i6 0 Aand, 'Pets onat letter' from r r6vingiddelyi 10 flo;, Promoted p burning ot oth& phifiti ft 8 �- !V�� Jack. t 0 from Sit, Ir_" Bern,, 'Mr, Wvi - Bridge of Xini�ugh �ge arso fabrids, id, reatinetItEtrr h' Bloyd `601 Itobb, 4 u,,11 I ti Oro' 4tlUfa . . . 1 11 1 1 . I IV- trM a'ry nd th" oi'pdpbr in eture from 4,dhln�, R Spent �.uday at e., W 0 Hacketi 18, y Ar goo 't 0 1% A vq I 50� Ew I an, MAcLdan 46 Cje� 'and tfie OnS�ng the Patterh'0,,(:bl0i­' it Class lIt6nibt6d to 8r, Ii illredojh Poo g_ as ketUrnea" Dle -had Ne6hie' leadefs' i ll 96ss ghltlls �T. TI. Ande 0rdiary wopilftti 16, afr6ld, 4 la4 6 0% ay Gbr 0 , BoYd 60 or flie Art', niouse but not If,8116 'Ptoml&C4 'dulbo, lhst6if And Loltdoh lbr t6 to lovo e 10 t 111jured. apid hofief 'And oboy. hj,.fij Alv' t Mlord he Apelit the Past week. Thd AdvAntage 13oyd 36.' It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'6, *tjj4k,t �Ott'rdojj'tl our r4outh shut 'When 664 ile About it dd book.,', Ali u. ..... It% 'portlio4ljt SA 'far AS' &he 'rdjokd� Sha,*f 'no un A in njo 6U*�, Tli( prjlnlet-�4tai)i�8 Deveteauk'. �104 : MOD ybin �404 SuVe A VAMP 110 d0t Allehif d th 0#00 ilg9bd 6�a ()t Nd'r 61) roll gi4 Avomja Att AbOUt tho on1g, *0 tO 4s 00 FF t . . . . . . . . . .