The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-03, Page 1WFORIP, 7' 77777- 7 1711 011 4 n. ve pu e. resid.6t Miss ary meeting It PARKER,, %jZTEOPATH,, at. the am' M [1, RAisinBrea Miss Gw'e, 'Spin uidkly�- and To he week,�' through, a wit -ai ith It the, a ni On, then or all kinds of velrtiaed 'elsewhere in Jr. .,C h ties Stewart Collyeri fe anches 'of' the �ar to attend .'Orammar,, ",School rn, 6nvenienices. so el Hail DR., MAUDE Co For information, 'phone M i�e­ftiion by',- arg,4ret Rivers. .",Dr i enterprise mas dealt with-'arW 'it, -4 fro ­tbq�e ow, No. ton,'Isobel Dqug*ii Jean McMillan Brantford, an in or., write' Pal Ne"wton .9 lora t De -,Graduate partmint of ;Oplith4linob. The Keg s+e.r 'Billy' `Me.Ke'ffzie*­,,4argaret - I Bak, eAablisli e a -both ill oode H 11, -.gold. medallist in' now mMcCorfivick Medical Colleke., Chi. ook, the Law course at Ibk PRY ih cagoo At King - .7, Itchy Eyes. Grnu' Missionary 6venino.k Cu 1.9 ur latedl-E ry. � -Eyes. kiin in, 10tht,,at 2.,.30 q'cl ock, Debate reso�lve4 Finlayscip, Audrey Henair H e I cl; while,vq� yo, son, Ow-ual y good and, the pr6gtamme ar-' ung, came with his Eye 13sills. Inflamed Eyes. Pus ..or that Doctors shciiild be �upported by , Afd 4 re'niodellied at-ebmiderab ' -labor ents to :Canadfi,, wbere they sett Johnstone; an, Pat 'Community an not, Paid 6. Fafr-L-Rexford Ostrdnder Day')(' date and: expense; new an . up Act ed a an it It' rY pure ased And �'. 'installe& Individuhli' i adeis Mrs. A' c" ai& �eviitt hot e of so many sturdy: lieved­thvo�%�ch liroperly., fitted Glass- .44P Thftip�cin.` Inn; amoRp.,tin Ian dm n Mrs: D. and A"ll he yes The' )n 'the Sentinel hi-s� youngest- brcit er - pro] ense 1e. perly fitted L i. 'Stew , 7101. all the, ifferent �int6r6s6 Martin' ill 4ddrels the ' 'meeting n let, Roy P) And when I 'came, to, intere. 3 11-- ea(.. was given xoo� condition'.'Apply' tw G. A. Sid-' sppciAl* att6ntion to Good—Winifred Ari�sttong" 1) V. col plishe& in les th' 1e' the "Egg Po6l: Oil st.. firm' of' Beatty and FARM- F first half yearly' d i )at the' I' 100 acres' w, Miles. west of, Luck- des.'Who'jnfO­rm according e Mel, was, ate T C. Ro 'C - SACKIE c gd us; that H len eod, L.oreen, Naylor, the Lhdiesl en& wag ..paid iti clue course."and the i�iettb, 'and'. in 188 -bOGAN.-IN' 4st of last degrees bie -to take ­AtTRXC year gave us'.10 Vilgork, Ar April is the Arms onga Wil n.. The -9 Cl li�y, -Stew A M'�1(6nzie able,for, grass, o' below. zero.- with a'brbcze.-blowing�—' C', a�d :Fred:.-�C. j-�r�is;. Mr. Me' ekn O'im'Osa,, rl�h f Tgwl,, Lu lb rt. that Q911-yer; Mae. MeMilion; 'C are -'John iot I all', that". lad ve fono iar ow., ldon A Kay of''.F known ab,on'g 'the' h ii,,,! anize imniediat0y the teturn, of ­ of' fidultry'an Eggs fl,olli FERTiLIZER—Otclei.youi f*ilii enjoyed for some ti b in- an - er - now;,- A car .., will arrivb .'soon— d' t" wi, rig, manner .,,ory over c I.d points and-th-e1o,wering. 'of� prices i lie d 'for a' :Sure ' Crop. ,See 6. Sf Rob s ;!And r.'J , C Murdoch closed It h. -a patiefit?s On ition, nd ,that the di at '24� Samples, of,a--number of. the- best uEL x,411,�pap6r houses� and *ill be pleas t, was;, sati4fa4dry. y opse; or W1 od'to aho V0. tfi6m At' in 'h At The Family Theatre. ".Guni'. left on 'trade' ke�p6ft ','the' lai-jtiei�-s,. a'ad 'take them to your Yesideritee�R.. J, I wous o a IjL, has NoirnA Z ompson teacher. Mr': Horace Woodley. ]Oft; laqt,.Xeek e' corner- of ainp etI �and Stailfifer niembO ':of,je.Westn1 'FARM. FOR,.SALE- '11' Dumaa�, stories: h' '6 b Cinster Pres4, MUDS' *er being, Lois' on b6en William Fox for,6rimsby e, as .�said to.-. be', One, of, the 'most dramat' ork- Board' of' the' Li)rd!s ay tions the sere' ie,ft -M-ionda Tb6 ButtN­'-f 'hL -good: rosidence., barn 45x80 ff em6t produe k M-ackeniie*,�'.�,,Miirg�ret-.'AleAllister*j� for Leanfingtbii to seek his', fo'rtunei :up` -oinise., f outp4t 4i of sta-blIng also'..hay - barn - 3Ux5U. it; actor. Further information'-: ffom�. ."C. . W. to fl�&. -pi nee, upright chira:dte�,- and. withal Qf dut� -iw storied fhi.t the..,6 'Alex or Smith Herkley� Sask. 'Or b an 'last. Augii!ft hiid:; standing. a ility., An, older brot' uckn 4' eb'steri MA le The: Harris M'i8sion6*Band will be. x a ul eat, -.JuAge Alexa�d� b Vich o Olin Watsoh*- .. to ring him all known gems. QW., �O ilv'erw' 'd -haV . e`.', bou`gW the - t*is e. pecfed,'! that; with" -f I y re-. h6ld 'in' 6tivin Church -on' Saturday. a"' Wit $EED POI the-'oeorner­of Campbell-- 0. 7ATOES-­-4. li :Q'anleron'�yVera'Sher,'- April .'th'. spring as conw tl�,� 3f �th�e.,i,iritory. it' will. be �uite Lu them, ii4 he:'corn. titk, of Rid'iler 'Seed pothto6si'Apply� and. Stauffervgt.'. for... a nunii4er. of, �k �hdr- crushed p M nola Bswell;* Win,nifred' Preiiidcht -would Bk& t.q. j) e 1to output of half a, C1i -Bench.' hi imp ement- agency,,. from Mr.L e, Joynt The ed a all, yet est Fail,—, Mary Jewitt,.. She Ma:d-, the pDay 5%afety. In ii. it a. i.verwood's Luemow rental e W�' nosh will have ale orol - ct ai w aff7 on F ri ay, ev n- o t ij,� is -at t aby.-tow T "''It ill be lif�krrecl 'jn, 'yn; Pent and un Oenletery 0 u, Wednesday) April'Oth, convinencing d e r their- Creaul- n ilp He'�Spuke, And jo;� the -v or Allan 'Hur- have- bpeit-6.very --skicce W`ah this, officefs result&]. in.. JVYoung Cattle and -ko�d implentRilts— Ca Thanki—Mr; James H. -Pick' doch,�, Jack' p tlie:,return, of' E Ch�wall D tj S - 'titU:te. Th:6sp 'we. have, Mounted in:. u —0-0 0 plain and Fancy S' tti in et a T the farm' is rentdd. rantf6rd wishe �ough.- The Mynona j?,almer*i Ji tewart*, The. Woman' rt ,Murdie "and, D. U. a Vlol,, the. .61d e, uc now rim Good— Wh -ends%-who i�c kind -pathetic roer-,- "A' I ai,z%tjj, hit: a ce. r, a ne be and. syni C, a d' V. Rp Will 6ce vej till 'd -h -been' fecef�ed iiistit- 'the 'b Mrs ia Ow April 12th for the e i6d of bne:,or three AN FASHION D` MOTHER acco Hospital M y Obituiary�46e; death: 'occurred 'ea ewe er OptiCian icuars apply . to � Creamery., Lowest, or f . " Church. Fri4a eh'inp�: ar of� Silvetwood's peknow. Creamery 'April 11th -under the AuspicO o It e iarked"(';�) have been neith� ray ner St. .Hlenq' cl g- and extendin­,,11ic �A,as'ihb' youngest. r Iiidiei Aid. This ig: a -th 1A -briefill 'ess f I �el,,, it 'of. the: lat M" ours en er ainwent FOR ZALS of., fun throughout. 06me. an Joseph Raitelif fj pi-aptice -in' promoti g new i h d tis' tr, ie q Bra�tfoirdA6-- -for: zerlcQ� 'Some Choice, bAco-ii, d 'both, sexes tu r w en a, y, r. i verw6ofl� nioclo�,C'ieirn ex. -.r1i tons an -kindly t1 of 'HealthY,' G pre White .6f,. 'Phon met 82i 4. litz In 'since resu ray ha:d Jolig tbj§.,ijjar n )),Ara ion. d a atke ci,r�lo r.ion i ds Na rvi She rr �B(), D.- Webster,' 70., -N,, n 33�`�b a ,paten, A had. en14 'he a:skod tliat na'Amery was, act �h��ch-vM Fi�hcir and G4,4acinnes 10,F.' bright -and cheerfu fAbe eal aelifev March, 96thi"' *�eu iss Mary IM11 .0 *Mte Le�-hcirn. macinies ,,68 L, -Wirgi, go. in of all with daughter oso, d Rocks $18,00 he. Je IV one 'daughter two F O.B Whifechur' h' t6rs', Mrs. t abOim alio S, .-C.; Black Mindreas. Mile w h' If Murray of, W. Detipit, w pro' s e brothers: And one sis er.. rank, cif Watisfaeti teed. torn hatching' , done at Mrs, Cameron of, St. Heiens" rn 'At, Jhek Tuer-of' Vili-na spent, Luckno. 'Th r had eft.a V.Ory 'higbly� vlaluod mem- M. A. 11,� D.. The 1hride was drers�ed iii ylok 30-r, reagon4ble 'raeds." Phone: or write hot, M'ello , lqisiw P1 k -ill of Alib'd ad"d, 4y' h with l, and. -las one wee taffeta, After th6­: eerem6nY,' up ea le Iii of the dhbro ;.A" ad, 41 V' Vj' ta lie 1 e Word Mrk8,A&trk6Y -and dAugha ' 11 ast �jVe.6k, ive. The", bear rs: were, Th6 liction le Will in tuck�Pw, Their in Air 13BRI One owing t(I inr men'k, AM' n ftiehds ot Mi�§' it a b6,,, r cl ine a in," yalett e her a Inigee outher talent Mj W L niiift ty 0 ve. aunt dohditi defda-,lt reA, 4" 9. Lrnohof this Week,, April 5th,, 004- ie poured 'What 4iPteVi0iiI i .ccnVyf' He ink, ifid fire AM "sn' . I 1 pratter). ."Elliott Mill fuIr o14 to lhiistlo it I h one At, LOCAL MAkkift ult wAs, severe miss 't, 0A jakd m:an ' Aoki Ist, 104,, en*tdttain�d A hUmbdr,cif Itkilds tb�a read the lad668j' $6 11VO ithAt. the to Ili and. fiaildA MI& it 40 No held 1h Nd, Methodlit, chlitch il&., t6twttea 014t ging on he 6T, Mile atIenny tail" 01. be Aito tho, P etrohnichti 'of) 'thi's week intelfbielit fit Greonhill, wo '6m# to attend the Vekta�, damde4af tw o W64ks ago., gh 81401 ,