The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-20, Page 4imim70.0717711•=mimmi g0140ra00011iNBB 'AND: COMP&NIES and Washiug 4:irr000xii; 7im vgiDI rgA:Alfp..044:s ac nes TU ADVCE IN lrOV SOME 'MO24 NET 0.111BM W. ...„ . , • . . ••111111111111111111mosaaosi000moomm000aorioio., .1111111MOIlli • • • INCORP9R4TPD • 1855' and Reeer,ve $9,001)00,,:. '• Over 125 Drancbee 1 Special Saving Departments • are provided at every one of our branches, • and ;ssurc to our de9Oid tor a ProraPt and courteous attention. Deposits of $1.00 „and wrivards inyl REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH; )TICETOPAJIERS During the corning Summer, it b our intention'to give te ors the ,very .• best possible service in handling Cream, Ems and Pin4trY• FARMERS:-- Thia business is your own -Lock,' Stock' and Barrel! • GET BEHIND AND SilIOVlE1 'Highest Market 'Prices pitid in cash for produce at: all times. We, PaY"Toronto Market Prices and Express for all individual ship- ments,of Cream. Every can of cream and dozen of eggs sent here, helps -4o build up your own industry • and the more business...we do . the lotver our overhead expenieS will be, itatld, :naturallyi the more nioney we,will be ableten pay for your produce. . UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD. neon, Sec's.. • Crostini, Mgr. WRMBRANCR: Seaforth -Creamery, • CRPAM IIUMTG'STATION • Rightist mash prices paid for I • Cream and Eggs. We guarantee iservice and satisfaction to all our patrons: =Give. -118 a trial arid let as prove —to -you -that -we are a worth while • market. Cecil • Mgr. Lucknow Branch Phone 63, eedra Montinient oolb The '111ucknear 'a!ncl. Gran- it* 1Wailio has o huge :nod eon- ' pieta .tock -the 'Oast `beautiful deidnia. to elloose from in Mar; ondL Claudia!' Gran- ites: : rW• noske_a Specialty,of F'ssally • Mosnitents and invite , your la. • speetion. Inseriptioos neatly ond prompt.% • done; , Ind see us before placing 'oar order. R01111; A. SPIElfrow, Lueknow,, Ontario. tIntl we are permanettly setCed, ' see W. J. Dourclas Lucknow L. 0 L..- No:428, meets in their -iodoe-rootil- eVerriadfict day of the month at 8 o'clock:p.m,' W.M, H. M. Parker; Rec. Seey., Wm; No man is hopeless, The lqafer who causes many ,neople to wag- their tongues causes many dog to , wag hid' tail. , when she gasps with wonder and tells him he is so big and strong' all that remains is the job ofreeling in the line,• , Another creop'of ice may bp cat be. HYDRO COMMISSION LoSES WIT Y.4qAn4si COUNTY r • . The trirestien of 'the :right of the :Hydro Electric pOwPr. Commiibien" • use the -rniblia 'highways of Ontari�. for the.erection it-a:poles° and wires for the. puiptiSe .dietributing • tricitk to ihe..minrielPalities, had nev- er been doubted (Piestioned until the, Power Commission entered snit against the County: Of Grey„ claiming abont,'$3,000.00,,from the:County for :the cost of removing a number of its poles and 'Wires on the. highways of the County of "Grey, in order to .en- able the county t� carry out 'pol- icy ef. highway ,ingirevements. 'The county. its •,soligitor, W. 8. :Mitidlebro',.. K, ..; dispate&tha-the_ Hydro's, claiiii and Centencied, first: that; -even 'though the.cOunty • ba•cl 'or- dered the removii1,,of. the °poles, they had;rio right to Pay for such reinoVI. al; Second, that the Hydro had no le. ,gal right to place its poles and Wires' upon the public highway without: the conSent of • the miiiicipality; third. that if it had Such right, then such: right Was subject to the rinebsiruc't-. ed use of its !Id* for :higinrai •improveiments.-anetitirer-Purposca-!7-' At the last •S , Assizes Justice ROseupheld the contentlissof the county and dismissed the actiOr., 'on the ground •that the itycfro tric :0431inbiricli VAST its :a;zt.'of 'cOrporatiOrs but not ,bee v eren right to place its poles and iriret tap - on the highway -witliont the 0...tict of the municipalitiek' 'derir'krz Was n� doubt -a great shock tk9 xe Hydro ramistion lions of dollan its rav>erty iir,e highways throughout Ontario, sO Hydro- annealed' tbe decision ar4tbe • iai'et,IWiallieaid 'a" COgiae ago before' the Appellate Coart, Sos-,- sietirig Of Justice...02de; -Middletoie, Latchford and Masten, with, the re- tilat. the appeal -rat dismissed with ,costs, the county's contention .1Vai sustained and the only rexhurie now for the Hydro is to seek leglis- laticm from the'Ontario' giving them the right' to Maintain and kl!` thtir Poles and wirettorm the highways and making, these, pro- visions retroactive: • HOTI, X, B. Lucas, .4.,_s„..appeared on 'behalf of the Ilydro Elec.tric Pow- er Commission and Mr, W. B. Mid. dlehro',' it, C., appeared On belralf„ Of the County of ,.Gr*Y. James Beattie, . a' guest at the Queen's Rotel Brussels; was fond dead in his bed -last Saturday morn- ing. Ile, was a brother et Mts. Tim - 011 oti! 0•grow , ,• •0 Ow gook Torn* ' Lvf'MOW 130$11t4g 1111JR‘PAY• KARC1T ZOilLJ 1924, , • •- ' '.01:181,ted 000 1,1,44110#7:'''lloCrttittg; "Mt 410110.W• Pntenie, 11140,Fena1e! Prenrietor'.. .and Editor •THURSDAY, MARCH_ 29i11;o• 1924 •• ifir a ininill.er of Weeks ,the niO remarkable, thing about eggs ha at beed the taidd and steady decline i 97:'••,;-e.few'..nloill' 'ills.' ago, when _few egg 'were .being produced -the-price- wa such is •, to -make ope, think that th •-hen' Was the 'most profitable thin • one leol141, have about -3' hut' •nOw: the „eggs. are; plentiful .the 'price:has ;gen 'down to peint'which: suggests Ufa ;presently .evelt 0004 lays will. h ',"eating theirheads' off,",: itird:theiic - Aprofite which ;the- poultrylman felt .waS about to realize has again elud ed: his grasp? The steady decline in price keeping pace with:thel .seansoilal...inerease in prOdnetion ,natinally.stiggests manip- ulation! of the market by, those who deal in eggs. on, a 'brie,: scale.',At this time and. fot weeks' to come eggs .go into the storage vats' by the million, to be :brtnight out and sold' to consuniere! when ;production • falls off :arird'prices are rm.': • To .the predOrrs. this .suggests that the Packers' depress prices when they are storing the egga, and --boost the price wben' they take 'them out, APPaientlY , the: big dealers fix the price to „tsuit themselVes;' ,making. .trioneY. corning -and going, so' to lay• ,. ,while the producer helplessly takes - *hat ir-offered. to him: ' TherP ia,a large element of truth in this Within limits the' pankers•do . • . • , regulate :atio fix:we price; •brit, they haVen't.,get, full eentrel,„ ' If, they :had. .they would he buying .eggs now it ten.. cents 'instead Of twenty: cents. They are in the , business to • make' money; and sti• ;far as, they can they fix the buying; price and the priee: at the -points that will be -most • profitable. to them.' When storing the, eggs they will not 'depress; thp„ price so 'far as ;to discourage ; production; and when selling, they Will not vancethe price 'so..'as to stop: con- , sumption.. • This proceedute .iS norto • the piodueer nor for the general pub- lic as would • at -Brat ;appear. How else is the ptice to, be. regulated? 'Doesn't4everybody buy as cheaply as he can,and sell at the:highest, price it 'which he' Can get rid, of his: stock ? Suppo;e• there, Isere, no packing houseS;;W.ould conditions • be:better or worse than they ar'Woulde7 They 'Would be hifinitly woise. In fact •the egg bus- iness .' .dep.end ripcth. local de- mand,.. and there would:be no ; store 'eggs to meet the demand in the sea- son' of ,low production. , •, Besides the Packer's Profits May, not be as great as wonld at first ap- pear.Il ,e has a lot of money tied up • in his plant and stock and there will be Considerable loss due to spoiling an'd breaking„ , THE. GREGORY COMMISSION , --REPORTS UPON' HYDRO During the rise ,of tbe F-, 0, political party to power, one Of . the institutions whkh come in for much adverse criticism' was -the Hydro Electric ,'c011111•115Slori,41'„W•hich 'Sir 'Adam Beck was, and Chairman, The 'irhittril. vcre.9tefur ant in ffic ( e That't:ie rnf.p.,itt "franwn, the;,Drxry... Cnvernment arppo'',..n:ted inqs. of tint ',V,;dia.,..(41untittiti"gun an to, maker' -'oannir.t, tIte 4:4144 xfrfri 46, ,Tfrr, ,rtit.'c••• iv"..lfz'Ar. , `f* -:•Ax, ., it, • • WirOttrek 151411. 1.11,03V if*tifi*at* -cointinesnit.. lieen .at lAlet.*4° ttitleit* It40 Idit" ti( -5:1$ 1.41i4 ..!i•riakerTaiWk'Ir .ra .opz,t, 'The -c,ost ov, er." t*t 'bek pi,o• vird.* of•Ontario ' k,e body alrea41.'.koi441t toe toi • ..htt 04.iterior otitte 90 Beck, instead 41.,10.1jriVel, irk; t 1i:tote:int 1)%bri4.41, v:00 16e4115,. •••triOntbirat-in c,fted him at h.e4 140,i great F/eriiteit the...provii.^40 ' corniniation we appoit4fiA: a gr,werninent, Afyon Wat, iitirnoint' And h' • a-, fair, But •there Poethi,rg• oti.i3it nor teener/Anal abut the' nded eb$,,f the Cortiinisxioneri, Dots s if. wn the hest ejo, 6})t it7+:11ievator The$,'ha.ii their LOPpartunity and they took The frl .hocth 014 moOropr ,'•-.govortt; 'llaenta ntad to 4. Mr. '01'6004 306 'hid 104'been ,friend the..,failners nnivement; gets ,the snug little, ,fortmle, pf $28,320:, IL 4. Ross got 03,756, and 11.1r../4, 4440' gOt $22,00, ' LlOyd Harris and J.; A, li.paS the other two Com- missioners ;get $111,82,0- and $10,700 elighieer, 70 for his , services. Engineering• mu be a pretty •good business, if a in makesthat amountevery two year 41; and this likely: ..^as done. "On th side.'' Certainly no member of th Cianmission, nor any •of their assis tants. gave ali ofTtheir time to the in vestigation. ; Tholigh".'Mr. Gregory is ir, IaWye the CounniSsion ;appears to have re 'quired, the : assistance,. of , a mimbe 'of Other lawyers:.and even. latv firms To quote from ,the London ,Free Press The lawyer's,- as4usnal, got theii 'share 'lg.'. the `Pieking.i. The firm of IVfcAndreW, Janie's' & Evans were paid, $7,817.82. The firm headed by •Hon. N, W;Howelli had bills. totalling $4,7i5•25". "F. --W. Wagenast was paid for legal fees $2,915,39, Several oth- er legal firm; had ,bills totalling $2- the 456.67-8. 000 more, or a,total of, some $18,000 •for' legal 'fees."' '• ..It .1411 ponies out :of .the. tax -payer; and We" get nothing. for it, but .the niformetien that,:• the • Hydro' COM. :mission and •Sir Adam Beek have 'been 'doing good work.• • , • PLEB.Isorrk..AND REFERENDUMS As : • AS a -.result; pi a vote recently ta- ken^ in the Ontario Legislattire Plebiscite' Vote, anon' 'Some phase .of the ,teMPerancequestion' likely, will: be taken in this.prOVince. ' There isno' Saying. as to What sort • • • of question .the electors will be asked to 7'3:rote ppon; and' there iS. no saying what action the governinent-Will trike. after the plehiacite is taken. • '; places 'a government Under n� obligation. It results merely in• the.expression .oninioin and the government irier.recogiiize ,thet ,e- pressi,con of opinion Or, not asit isees fit. ' • ' -• Public money, and the: time of the should not " be, wasted Air tali:: ing_aplebiscite" vote: • - , If it is desirable' that 'the' Peonle shall` say .4hat..thev Want regarding • • Y t matter they shoal,' heigiyir an ppPortunitY. to vote on a law re - larding it -a law should.be prepared and the electors asked to vote fpr. againat..thelaw. That would:be a Re- ferenduin. • • .: By ; a Plebiscite the voter inerelY says ,to.•! tee gOvernment "We would ike you to do tis." lir; referendum the. voters say: "Yon shall do this." Usually the- taking of aplebiseite inefely„furnishes• a goVerninent,' with n -excuse for doing .a".. thing that it as decided -..to • do -perhaps - ledged itself toitssupporters to do - If the eiee.tor4. of" Ontario are to 'ref asked. to express "OpiniOn one: way' or another regarding the provin_ prohibition !law,. they. should be sked a •:eleaf-ciit • 'queitiPn• t� hethen-they, went the present act onthiiied - of if- they wO„uld : rather - ave some other. clearly defined,rpo:, hod of dealing With the 'liquor, traf-.. ic, And the answer of the niajork tight t� be -a C•omniand to the gOver- merit, ..The decision of the majority ay not be 'either best or just :but, a democracY, the majoritrmust le, Whetber-, -its ;rules be ,gopil •or ,a •••,,v 11 ' '.1••• ,f '3 Tu. it isnot..diffiecili to. understand the: •!ection prohB-sWonists 'to-to:kin& •t 44; fl.r.f.tt :is,. equally easy .1! :41-''n.rir*ltaaff, W.*" tf.1.••61,c; ro1:1;A1411:tr areure Pioudly• thq: 'rPflIge tiz; Oon'fesS * at the best price available, on the Wirld market.. •HoweVer, that is; just ;What any protected industry does, and the wheat -growers. mill justify their boinse by saying that they have all along been the victims:of the protect-, ed nit5'.' industries. -0-iftensiXte;ifiT4F•TfiRt7rEtiltes: b"rCteCt4i1)10.-sYaterrit:is to confinetta rfninititkr;,'athuillati.613' cutting off • the advantages of Im- proved •transportation methods The • United Stakes, however, is so large, so populous and so varied in climate and• productthat the, most, rigid • restricns--onf.oreign_ trade will_ not. inAire• the country as it would Bri- • tain or Canada. •••' TRICKS OF Itt gliciENAN The shoe,'tfadehas been ..having •annual' Meetings, ' the :wholesalers apart and:the retaileis apatt.,, Again: it the manufacturers• •the wholesalers, 'lave a complaint, namely, that''' bay - 'ng an . 'unforeseen :surplus L.st.o.ek, Iiey:. are selling to t}ie: retailers rect at prices at w}iich the whoIe selers-that., is What they call them- . -selves, outsiders call them •middle- inen• vannot live, • with the rEsult that 'n recent years there ,have been some thirty casualties in • the . •WhOleiale trade The : • Ties** why ;should the"- :The complaint is, confession that they: live bY , taking • nt,unnecessary profit out of the pub - ie; or, More immediately,. Mit .of the retailers, Who, in -good' times, 'knew: .how to pass - it on. Before the -war thiS-Well-pretected trade Seeina; to, iave been .flourishing and developed • this :tribe of ..niiiidienren teho-kneW hoW• to grab it, On the Principle:that' 'as riche increasethey are • increas- ed 'that, eat' them." And now they are ..i.ieniplaining that. on a Jailingmar-, thexe is no tooni..fet them The ,hiSterY this: Before the war,: .by• . means of rapid" Changes of `styleS the: • deniand was. • ivotked •up 'to high :pitch. tinting the, war pfiCes4donbled. ind at last'people: boggled at paying '.;herii," finding -an oversupply intheir which ' wOuld do well 'enough till prices came -down. The prodUction exceededthOdentrinct.•„Stocks had to be be •disposed Of. '•Hende. these ,tears The retailers als'P; have a' grievance., against:: '•the Manufacturers• The briek:, of changing the !style • works backnpon.'them,..lt forces *them to, buy 'from ...hired to mouth, pad% simply" ends te. Maintain the . And with it "alrtheit 'Shops get 'clut- Cred With all sorts .of stock:. it,isa utious • evidence of ..,hirmiin ; vanity hat Wonien•cannet'•Wear'.good:.Shoes •becauSe ,change (b. 'the eight or "•faShion Of stilt' on• whICh unseen power,: bids .them'.walk. v'en the laiph. T11 t; :haVe or Mit' aye .seme •cub -foot 'deferinity ef jike" decree: People so • Swayed ne would say, deserve to be .plunder - ask a sensible wo.nien......Wily_L orking' girls .Should wear Such mis'-: hievous foOtweei is: at times en rade, and ,:the answer. is, they can tly nothing else •and the hoot's 'Will Ast; As , long as the fashion :What a. ublime setiir,o•upen r.humen • fobles here the 'resolution:passed, by etaiiers,..-that the ',-.•-iirairtifactiifers-qte c-,motialize.d not .th change the sty; s.niore , than fent' year, hen -there . are plenty'•. Of -shiny hoes walking ..the .street • mit. lest . Iran ten. yeers, Thu s we ,see, the ort �f kingsdespotie, not deMci-. atic, we 'set Over -us-oncl-:•how-we are, 'Ade, to•; suffer'. for .their sake, •The., -e $afferingf that. there mast •be from .mpediments which force Women to ;:valk on their toes, bound into wedges must be -imagined- Smilingly they en - iweront them. Still thOs'e sufferings seem - •-' '", • , ^et,ST144144 4.406.41dr. let; a‘00,t '-o create:a fine for alleged • * 4 11 curex„ It ix not Only our politics ".•;fo,, *kw; 't4 Vgt •,y'rzyp.na,-/I. by the capitalistic 16 I 4,9 ',19voel„hp.1.4:1 4*.fopitt,--14npreal 'Pp:Strife-a, , 2f in z4.,i.* ' • ' "JAY W. LAM' '1.,,,EV-YEArii' (31O • • WOfet/AYS TitIrgo'R't .WOZ)0 • ' • 1./4 thin' 1r1,4 Feb,: 29 tO.'he the last eA,ol*e's. '$;ar- •'`e..°••P'5)44 1G`e°34`41 141W.; 44r-sirnool. al,holUtely t' f,r9r.t.1 Nave York- • 1,99.utthe 411.0.3t, ,40ilik4t1. • .1a;(0',:f • 4L9r..K -PkvOiiity ^tiia.c.' "it, becaibe ;1-nineasatt.' pritiection' -‘11. 1,160.g isf al9P S_Pc'-'cial .cena- ' •4-:reororrep41 tbe'' 54t6t 1.'4411 1:•(i /40s,/ 1:)-(-..r.as4- tot '°(;1-5-t4;^".°1"u5.-.0.1. j4kPYN3mitli f4e'Citien!,, , Jw,f1 TheY:„ax, like thf ki-P14}004414 ts'.1.t. Pjkad ak' -tX rth'y .orotel.,10 then ',I -.)•(,)•& -arch '.443""Yi4 . .1.10i1§ WIA-tat ;44in , .1444 . ;41,47S-1/i:0k Itti,441.4 -they. are 'urg- , ''err -tkof,4i1F'7419Air-)4714401441-i?-1..14t )7-r1: ;It :`,$t.44,110 —t1144.J*44 At' Vne UnP*1 4 5:41, other..);frYo- e • • '"" •• " to the ''Prod,n;t*rt,' L,at 44. r•Wi'14 ' °4t'Y 'AJY) IWV"/t *".k.d." fdt'oiAttleSer/4, 01.4- 04."•04ai.ualk,'t ,of 1'00(0 it041 41,1AC *,• • yiet Le•ar/1 f r9,4c t11.4! Yat)1.*, 1$41' A4Yile id that ft, 40144- fAtrYtiert sf:YR not i,444 0.egtt'54,4,14 ))4i34V0 b4'.! 1!,Oriet7 r)t thofr frite)749p „ 4*V" 0' At*• 4400 .40 Y *M.' 44 •1,,at;e' .(4,ten4lar i",;eage.e I:004)e>"• 40 IN 4.4 .4,su 40)44w, 'S.th,,s10,y in, the "week 14i Ihe nanled p.,i) far as OK, asti "thoy Akr4 '7,9** Vi* 407.$ , d?r,4744Y YRAA1.,` .ThieY hold uP 01* ontito;rt** tlulr o*r i'41; Oft 1/0,9/ #filk"k1f0 i4)9§00 rciantrf tor bigr s)14 if .14itt, #1.$,1 40.414411.i 4g4 tyohody' 10 0 04 WO t*rlii 44 -Ott iWortd • . ,40 #44,t '1 e; O.; ONT ^ IMPERIAL. WARE -THAT ..TWO4COAT: GOOD. °GRAY GRANi, . . --------i•-•"--1TE-;p0TATO 'POT, WHILE. THEY As'it....6,QTsizi% CANADA 'wA'RE-4nAT`THR;gp.,,..0,..„40..44,Nimg, 14 SPECKLED, WHITE LINING, 'ALWAYS .4DOKS- :mpk. ANO CLEAN, IN. THE., 6 -QT, ,sitZip,.wtnit., THEY LAST -$1.49, • :• • • ''• • • ,W,E• • AR -ALSO AGENTS FOR THE •B U, C.K g • • WORLD'S FOREMOST INCUBATORS „IND BRQODERS •': YOU ARE • THINKING- OF BUYING AN INOVDAToR OR BROODER THIS 'COMING SPRING, CONS,ULT " US • BEFORE PURCHASING., • • • • ' ' CROSSCUT SAWS -LEADER, ;PREMIER, IMPROVED .. -RACE, •.• AND • PHILADELPI A -LANCE,-WE 'AVE HAND ..• ALL. THE TIME.; • • • • • TRUE SET A X E.Lii.UL LY GUARANTEED GOO.D SELECTION 'OF. SECOND :GROWTH HICKORY, AXE •. '• . HANDLES.. F'ORTgOU The Store Where Your Money Goes the farthest , Phone 66. .Luck,now. .., -.a. Leap-Dayrio;$:i:.cie:;..to,,,w.o.r..ke:,ch.. .:. ..klir.'e.t .,birtt.e.i.:is,,. . ,q,OP.D.,e..rnO:t.?‘.. cI..v..sTernethng Winn:dup in'a:nrainetn7fked;ftryiis,ofpidieai.inrvotig.,ebeiepty,Buttee,iBetdo3el atnsi he FixedCalendar.League not guarantee an aytleie -a 11i11 Is ' members in the.different nations are are "sold to your .. customers • at '•such a,‘ convinced', that'. the office Work etC:., . high.:price as ' butter, ranging froin...• now done on Leap Da, could bebet forty to fifty ..cents a."Potindr.We'ob:-,•:,••' ter •done ,.en., the '., l'il,endaY fe1,16.win•; a,n/"2:1„;0ay:nte Joe. they. .are entitled . to 'is .'UTUrkera.:woutd then resume ,•duties .ee . , . 3, , . .., ,- .. ., e .. u.,,,ne,wspaper feT- ,nrrore.,L.Vigenronsly• ,after.. being- re, c up. -. len:caroli • . do 'Usabetter t..u: i!n, ' th A crated, ' by. the. .Saturday , afternoon, write.up . those who o. market ..vile but- Leap.,Dity :and, Sunday:' they 'eonld, ter:. it's :the.. nigh.trnare -Of..,.ont .bniiii;•••'; then mostly-spend:in the inVigerat-: eSs.". My friend's depression was gen- ing fresh air, during"that!mos:t gkir:-. nine ;and he poured out his. feelings - IOUs part OfIthe.Year..., ''', * . In-a.,t,Alriritteenrtoilf,',,i.n.i.v•veeet.oibvseesryt:dii°7;lutni,1;.. , '4'....Y.L'elkaPOLuDldabei.'s0;alrit:tilneitehfril'enaltfli6ti'i•Oaril h;eibi7... a9liii,e:..ia your own hands;'' why .sboidd' ' 29th when the ',weather .iS.,:. usually .Yeu Consider the, trade of ' the faint= 2, about the 'worst in the Year. The late e.es wife who leads'. you up knOW- i3ritiali•Kin-i-'EdWard'•VII -Usecr good ingly with had. bitter, ',as.. of ',greater • • 'sense ',when he . found_ that :he ,Was value than the viljak." customer, to born in November, .'Whea,Vreather for .Whom .. Top Sell the! 'trash?, '.$onye • .,, National' Celebration's .was, se., -bad ' years ago ago . at the ,. request , of thont ' IfIthi:t.biii.%:rWtloanyldi•iib.Lbeettoeof-viti,%;,cxieeleilber.aatlel • passed requiring iii!elintiirAii merchantstohf. • hpiaahil iitioei an 'onlifir throughout .'h'wtuabi was through his reign , ... . ,ter in; ic , ,t ,, b ; . tb ,.. . :Apparently. the reason •why Leap- a ers . p , e inscribedon e .. pey,..hapPened„.to be dumped 4.(*.n. .,liatter..:pitekage:-.7-:::,It'•%-was-.' a '•,geOcl'•14*.'"..: on Feb, '29th, by the Caesars and brought • prOteetion not', only. to ' Was, that. Feb 28th ended ordinary. you but •tcr. your engtomers, who bOu,; Years, 'SO Leap -Day heolted .on liii•beignliLeas, .gwell a,;)sutttliel.benest'w,hom,.a. u will 0,,,' 'the 206th day .4in.-1,04:0-yeitxt, as Feb. , . .., . ,.. What, ,appenec ,,,' . 29th' You •:. • .. .• • ." '.. .. ,,,, ..•., ., . • ';,'... : Yon Merelients ;got eold 'feet , hn w e- . . • • • ... .. . • . • , . , , , :Since their the; beginnin-g. :of yeers. Mrs. So -and -So .: Came With : butter , has changed to January' 1, and... ,nearlyitwnaPpe n ---in ..piaia, unprinted 'wrap , 2,000 years , have : elapsed since. .. o,-tlei , , s, , and while •., you .new .1twas Men .:.Caesars, made their 'crude , Mist. -wretched stuff and unfit '.forrise ',you: takes. in their basis: of forming our meekly,..: took, it ,ignit : Paid ' :her the :. 'calendar; The' Fixed Calender; Lee, :price paid to tWr.: J. for, her 'elegant .,--711e.'de%cliref..*,e'f,:riie0illtci.!!Titilprove-the.- 41Pair-inii---.mitty;"•"intiele:'.And-rtheli 'Oalendar• to ' meet, the requirements it „wrisn'ttilieendg,,d• •olrewfnotte.aoittottiie ilfoernii4.:.,,, .. sitir. g.ene-, ill. iiiiiT. Therefore ,the,ii: tatiO.nl Director, Moses' B.,:dotsiworth.,..is now reviSion 'of , the laWs.iti-ii17-SiTnriiit',it, drifted b kb * ' d ' ' : ' ' - ' inkiedin!g aerOss the Atlantic to Gen-,, You ac ,ae olio an .its -,up to yotn eva, to belp, the League of ,Nations • to talte.yoUr medicine .blit'it'ii.a inigh-,. . . Committee and .the .Standarditatitin tY-inean•deril , On the public;". We . .. Conimittee.e% in :ibeleading.'natiou'a- of.• semd,N,,o' iric., To catbrrtntli . . bet.P.:uttonpoo.teliit6inte: ortiti;:k,floonrailivilyitdoei:,liliiroc ,itt.ea. l'i.,Tli. tile' Tria,---tior no:•toh 7efitat.e .of wit,: 'relender, hy -ifiXitig' °E.,i'Ster• and all ' '• -----.. ." • 7--•'• ,..;•;:•Y.-naji.jes to. permanent ..dates;' ' ' tti:nriii.nTI:oelWe ,deautnet;1',0tfhne .:Tilocwe,enToeftirtiWe•ititert'::.. ,*<10• ;07t'ees;f:41'depf;111,,;SIX:a4;t,eaeli:**,:f...;i:::),'re:sy4tePul)h. a::t0P7.02:1,7Y6:10494:.„Oehy,s,s:,i:g.:ilie::1,:tor,n1: crt3d;614;ntiant8mitt!dli..thirSe'4„hbietitteelbt,Ywthilivuteanni. eth..Tatt ,outal,,,,yllwei:oz-7." '1,,•er:it'el:::: v.,,t,th7.,:vih' kee:a. ii).46;447,6: -Ceo.'-re. fainldvv4•,.1:7..satihr28. , iiN:00,voe':Ithu.dijr.„64d•-,,";t•Do ,',.0,,..'61:2:12":_bm:a:11".ptohor:st:pegrtilwaofinp:do:ii.,•.-•'' 41141:;ca-P'n4•Wi7:er th7' ••'i :•' ' "iirhaVing anY r i ' A , J. when the .-11. -days had:O.: be 'Wiatten, in the . Province. of Ontario. iii3O,0/1>ii • ;birthday from Feb. ,1•1• -1° raJi-irldelill'Ir lo'''h'8'e' a.titha4t:17aindh,eedf.'fil.‘cdt; Feb:, 22 On , which'We. Celebratc it, of Illiel.r13itisiCrl "1111!illilla'm Tiew, their mon-. .; That accumulatingerror i130rense4 'eii• and iiddreesek,iiiid full partintilarS; 1,,i)., 1$ • 4:1,4yi by j 08; IA the end of in ,writing of their 'Plainia; and State , ' • whiofri;,„.),4400;,„astioiis•E:if _.14$ win ,Eur..,., inents of their' hecotintS. and 'the iie- '••• . • - - ture of the seeuritieLif,anyi-held-by'-.---, 0.40 and Noltlien.,:•--A-ata-i,ril-t,;-ft :91";t---•-'11. thentr-d—nir ieriff‘,4 by' affidavit. .-' .. -ails when ifieY ottOlited;',the '14reg- -' And, take. notice 'that after the 22rict "Ornin Oalendar, ;Iii. 01040400n i' for ,day of .Aptil A. r 1, 1924, the said, Re., .' th.4' 11"1 414/44' in' 1928' ' '• ,pberOcteedh-thPdtt.itiribautile.fililitibTaatstisre'terionfl••A ,,-. • . • • the' said .deceaSed: Mining the nerstina ' , .• Alibt.17.1),,,...A717;,'Y lit,ITTER ' , trgi,:,,,,,,,,tezt,:, !rag, he ereisciatradi jOhnelny : .'•Beavertna A. fivan- W, c firo,P", ItObert 'llohitatOi; Will not be liable.. --* • . 'have 'had Petite'. And that the said - (it Due lOtni' kroOt#16A. 'hit th,e•APid assetg or any tart theta- ... GAt fooyinvm4rtszttift'llanga?vharn4tirilAilnindt,iii et,i1:iogurraci_e: t86:fanntitiOito,oliot,fiutioiytettihageennr:st:hsrli.tav'iopofbiveresohyilhe:figovouetd;iiinailltihmitie. eilt.60,.,,., %,vti4e;4:h9V}:, .\r°,41444;11.'1:iigi;7":6111)(1.0e4"f 4. 1!,.11:1:1::::.- .1r06,h;=:14:;0,-,174:,' ....'''' ' 44' .0, ' lat.'tsta. ., i ,"Sto*/* *hitt -4a you t nk *luta .144A iithuttor,',,Ludititov4 ontf, 9mott h ph4khith of uheoct buttor," fol. . -Dat:d ;at Lneknow th4la i'S.th .t,thY 4 . Now • :444 14 .00 Clti*itt 0401 Pm Om I to., k.hei0 wItithor