The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-20, Page 37 ":,e 7,� r T 00 J, $Pribg FieVer 'an ry. it thOTOugh!'limPtical. kn9w1Gd9P Along d' Pou!t thIos L , I �, � . � 1�1111� I — ;;;,= � , I , .1 1". 1� " 1 11. 'd IiPDO. 13y,8., W. Knipp .�spring!oomes upVa us. ey,wity,yea r ' t1lereL lirp,auaierd injde_�j ]Effect of Upfini he,&$tocke U 14 p� IdW hens Aid 'on the Market 9plp who, havo Wonder If, they ii�ld L, lgd� Intd thkf In 'Its review o� lij,e'stock niarL poultry bu'siness on a large sevile. ket,in thee firottonth ofthe Yost ill' Mu ell ragq persp M ch progres.ae., most -or ve is. Ilost, b U L -,rew- -dqs:,-a �a;, ra, 'end -told As the nionth, show 4 a large increase y �re*,w t ea. Fj, t- _i Ing. Aiigt, the 15 ptilf ts e got ias� I the markets* 1-y iiiVni T a Alip, st had laid 1,012 joggs during: in' D'AN i UC U no! - iih ues'. E PUIL the per6en�. age, of' unfinished Cattle T, Q.N.'BUSINESS on,,through� �wbiqkh r e NOpmb er,. Pecember 'and January, e, qne, of these. PA&I estits, prices 1,buying, associati a. condition 'Which invariably * d- purAlises, his, feeding stuffs, such, as and 'l6xtra is' re and' at same Of JaYing, 411AW1119 pkesses the market, therer, being prac- gqod a apt: excepted ff9m, the list. , Wide In, their forty years 0 rate f experience, corn oil - cakes d th 'fluctuations, both generally and an er ev through which he is. supplied Wit d;. three months. for kest and' rl�tolt4 they tically no old eVfor,suc s k: Jobal each in the win in ter �excdpt f i'slaug mar eting the, Danes have. I IInin ORANGE PE, ITiL �IRVP: bpen�, "n certai' 'fudnLn6nt.I' woul& aVerage,20,2.4 eggs Q �mulj: factor In the pr nel p:ion. recen 'their I , I . - _ --Of lle--total C -:export" . ...... .tos upon commercia, ferti.;7, twelve 'months. t t -of in t a ould'giv. v Ue P -aisoci s�-must attle. p certain, ciii es an'-pniq U 'My Job and go Into -italn,compated n -order tto be, successful' .(1) 1�, �oi�iiance that the 8,837,,went tOL rest I'LiOw, being"tried..'.Men qualified and, from" _ItN'L Ihnd, �la pterested- 'Ili, rea estate Danish. co- -�e assoei�tions inernbers,' W -associa; d es I a, 0 T. .4operati e Poll try?" he'sa d; to Wh c 1, repil6di'l itfi�'2'16. in January 923. 'Th6'fair Rhin' a,particular, Th He.h�a ble live -ket an , Abe cQmp are, strictly business org�nizations. to the: Miii Ar called upo to, ap-1, 'roots,*, iin c6m� tion hdridlig a:. sing e., commodity" 11 WOney- and'. ittereAba, in the atively, odi:ex�drt� mcfv operate idetical in atUt ement %�as i6-' '6f certain p , irdelis of d.tb game.' � Whaf more IS n prpi�se,the value, es. d 23 economic and -no pa rty r6a'. tion Purely 'al�ng­ buying, which is.needed In flected In the. pric' �or goq q MARC H C 'M, tell Ing eW chicks exfI' every of Ilfe� are e dityj whether, in ellipg ol� att e esta,teAfi oach.of the Importantr val, reduires special T4 all politic he, :employ, h OgSL' 8-hoWe in Tecel�t -:2 Chrbn'�'J -h. bf q,Igipus,' d anjncr�iie­ T-6 JR .d volo'p6d fred,'fro i , " *it , hesestate, r' 1, sections o a;,CI L. Y�' icial 'Class- fifflu. 'ling,,, which n ii hen in t'o c 'Of blbi� P gis chs. 3 t c are' ed forthe benefit or, sc ellar r�'-in a 'd decline cent , '' "l ' I � � , " ' L , . �­ . and e n a O'L s P P menti f,"skille segs.ibx� dn!bQxLIs-a vastly, differenth I Ing,.- 0- Goldeii feix'�of,:tbie Lord is'the gifip:ih' un Ili ya ue. on 'it -business basig is -not on y soun, ert #no* e ge of t at. one'domme, ity. 'Won v6'.fQ that to,b'i!iild. poi Th YAA I d than, hat' uple 9f thlistaxta agricul- but hi 0 ling a PoL lieceip'to of sheep. higher than knoW1.e4,e.--m­­PFovI, 1; idit not be.lielpful tQ as! it alwayi,PrQ-' , I'll- organizing along commo I, y eggs In, an incubator. The hen looks, turt -to have., to mi. Ar January, 1923', b appraisals, made., vmos -a common ground upon which lines, the Danish c -ope ativ'e ind'vemi 'after � L'Ut the prevalence t, turning, and c9pling ofd 6'the� kingdoin of f the, he, ONTINUATION'*OF THE STony—Thp enterAnt Of tYP Cal farms iii,varibus'. �arto to � a _s a -wi 'and wealth .:f Own L erB, , Uyo;rp,L Solom6n1s, .W ail b sellers, to the rnembersbjPL ray meet, ment is, c or' terizell by, a strong. the eggs, ob Of COmmon sto6k,.'espeel ally at Mo'nt:a latter p rt of Dhvi&s rteigrit w s, mark .. (;od??' All .1i , ac el.tero her Chick from th real, as, the -mo om e county af in the whole field of agricultural di-�elopment, the 1�cal', associa- stori nth. progressed, d8- ed by �very great1rdubles. Soya It I'f I e of, to make is. I e a b essing., The ants, t to�f Co L d those., :striving to. se N �n`inalik there Ip tioxi being usually formed in it'. ocal Taking the h he palaces, the beautiful'dity, learn what it co potatoes do -op'' L ps, protVp.ts tbexa% from, danger. pres �d vere )d;rect t' hmAlordo an erkion� 'in D !on; off for a, f cod at night, the, market the worp, 'the, e ?isp!w to qa to grow only on' !not.,. ce er" -oper putting her back oil he quences of his. own T 16 rod i corn-. or any other Crop would h e , an wh e co a- qoMmunity-L one puil lie u r,*orkSL and -torts, and pose wbic� again; of a., pqlyg4rnous live WN!" r eggst ti 'association IlOuseho I ritific literatu�e the defipit6 �intereft has. rece' dial with, simil r U k ld was his, meree?' the sdei InUilijieS ived, finan a ass6ciations J!orm6d for�, s pplyinik, the chic s with 44ra boiled f ull measure. gorgeous overriment,l similar purposes -in ot er c,om' -fh.en 9 Ili they Would n6t. support r aid rom the I, OM on(!' other. feed,, sat SoIO ritual etf'great feasts,,,wcre such -an appraisal -,alsb that being. the, co'operativ� lit mon upon the throne magnificent achievements. But %�hile eding, - will. tfederate, to form the celittral asso- are elbsed Vp . for. the L night is - Vastly "of David' his' father - and his'kingdom -weolth accumulated, men do dayed. aid in - stabilizing land va ues, an by .g ass6ciations i6r­,cattle, liors tion.'In practicilly: all Cases the meniii. dik rent'to caring'for' nubaiors d -was es ablished A great The poor were impoverished. Th avoiding, the Dry inash hoppers. of ten c t wide fiiCtUatioas'' -of swine.� e4 and 6 nchaiige'lld tit' ric'. AssociatioPsi are. un- bership of the central asso0ation, don. brooders. ncubating and brooding ken plad&injsradl since became - n otorioue. transfers th ugh such it. adoubtedly loked, upo !feed. ��cks in the corners n 'the the times of, Samuel 4fid 8 n, as of high edulif L Sist'i of , local: which. in onto to two, thousand, y Wen flye' $apt; 'The fear of the rd,fs not,only dard6 discout ai'ge fienzied throat' is'! no,t Ulatl6n L. nL , urther-ing' bette turn are made, up''of 1ndivid a mem-, hund e ' enough- e able t oligh chosen by a national, assembly,' theleginhing, cational value ,i f r red chicks in Chilly days of March,' It' . . ;, , of,*Isdom. it is.its life. ipec 0 enS WQr it 'the had'to.win itn'd make his king nion, Well L 'd n, e vement. They. may rather :than mem- a�ad April 61fortent- Viop 1 OSI. It 'd. o wnn doin, and "Solo h Alve, stock ifilprot is dhite,a t d A fully af ter. th' bers.:Lbeing tied to the central assoc be clat§'sifidd' - trough by coristan't forcei -to 'wage Ito Lord. -improvement rathe is. Ving it to th�e,bld. hen Ili the pecking. This,con-, with Ini as tion, to I". ng �Self-lndulgefice c6mi)leted thd 11 'associations. r wafin', dayg L of diti6n can be, avoided- in 'boffiep7made war against the v rs., wrecking of no e, aspirat ns.: Hthan bust ess, directly., June.- You, may think' iide bl io eo_o�q , L :David had the adva In these days., of hoer' is'. .(26e differenc wooden h6ppers. by. cuttinj a piece of ntage,of a military. golden "opportunity tochafigip riace', deg- and gir No ratlye'a4so6atiori -is That an associ�tion may be, as- e is so slight that It, doest or e op o, many tried :1 'human history -'is ated club, work, we' frdqderitiy find , ex" training, of tb * 11 1 f and gsknized in Denmark, *hoth us galvaiffie iiin the width 'of the-ih- dissip er be not list try. and 'and.of an army'.rei;, in selfish frivolites.' '..The unhappyd amples - of i 14 of sured of a, proper vo ume, of inessi prove adifficuttyl so,. I* national, id per.',... e irlends, j6ior member .-s le �6f 'the hopi But take U't BL.6f, Sa 3w -or -until -A �!suffi�j6fit edirtract agtements'are made between .,my advice and,do ron ad L L, . from the soldibir 61, 'ki new of - the , Ic' *Iri�, ou h ing,never vo ano' that the -h t in'farming, eon - 0 to mbers for. faround"the ba4e`of:the h6pp�r`a 'r&n ;t)I6 �subj.ugated- Phllis�' smoul&ered .'beneath th g�ld amount of patronage to' Without. the requlreo-experi6nee you n. and later .1 ed, gl6r �..assure t e assoc aiion: and its me ac .7 t.4sti�'with'fiither�-ihtouih'thp ulie ol ble the "sociitionu 0 this, delivery U their total t may— wa !k it down. The. mash strikes the -tines' bitt he had 6� figfit. many''battles:14 h kingdom. Yet his fail It dit perate in an production are apt, to m6et'w!th: s4d, disds,Ver. I L - i ' ' Pr met ods-adlap-ted-to-modern-con ions- -srnoot-h-curved-surf�-4ie�a-n-d-s -L Tor a -de n_1 v ­d ro er temperatbre early-digrOnTri- 11 �­ . , d , ! Whomic4l and. efficient manner In A ite,pefiod. The.same prin- M0 your ng peace to.'L'E 6-tnitw, ofthe ward rather thah.followink:'Oose pra:ctives., Just.fine at'llight' The. ni the fr6int mord'read-ily.- his People, arid, �estab th 'And't,his p;6rsonal'dissdtisfaction be' -xt morning, -vo-operative, baedn factory it was cip�e applies to the h em n a; .,purc asing asso- -in pipneer,,fArmiag. may'be almos useful. found, in* building� the plants in pro*- ciatidits. These ediltract,,ag'reepients re in bdash hoppk-'troughq Position bf pbmr6il 6-�Ciilthelr-:trouble- cornes irer - bitter. "As I your fl y war yeais'that such,:a ex fool, so it hap�ened'even imto out. Experiene will te:"h may'reiult 1h, the hens scratching out. Offied and warlike iieighb6is. ' goloindin to the Here, is an, illustmtioA, taken frbrn ist between b( one that ShuttL plani'could'hot ili the central asso- came'to �a kinkdom firmly . est 'therefore'I,hateA lif�, for all is life �. John and his son the- mash hn( wasting Win the litter. machines* arei 'not p-prfeelt anil,;weath6 r ablislidd, me ew po- efficiently unles'it, handled �at and, rich and PoWerful, hose ferniori t, haA abundant tatoe ciation and 'the local association It, ies vexa ion of Opirit" He I s last year =`adjoining "least 25,000 to 30' . ls Pos�. n four! inches. �x land, eanh�ot,he depilinded' Ujoii. rt stiff res� d.�;ry tended four or, five .'hundred' mildsi cause for. fegret L' He hadtalked'wis-' The father us ION pigs airinually. between the� local'association and, the SI.bl L to R ed the sarn6' type of seed -members. - The, period: co un-tbern, from theTr Conseqtiently,' 'bef gVe most of your eggs- n te ore, an' associkioa ilidividiial' v - per to the -b e north ways plan d', I e, applied bliiltti its' I hicubato* f6tUle; 'and even after othe 1,th 'of Egypt in'4he sduth. ont 'of. tli6 hop froorn'the river-Eiiplikatesl1ri th but practiced, folly, He had he, had,Al P Ants, sufficient member� Oed,�;.bj donirdet agreeir, roat. This to the border .:Preached righteousness,. but s6t:�an evil so enteen' Idado tents, Varies' �i106�ld test the,'greatc mfa I ke'�Ps 'the hens'. fror;i digging the. An ! n is of mal�pre and,. his necessary su�. with, th h ar or ty pro- out h I reign � VJudith - and Israel examp e. ship. gudrant;6e0ig t p nature of -t e commodity f b niSe to 'der , his - . d fertilizer. proil.uceji mash 'vAth their 'feet, or bill dwelt safety, every man, This study lends. itself to t e dhii. ply Pf h6gs'was subscribe� befiiiie the haiidled and in"many cases -varies with , ve chicks. Then at un conime I. Vintbi and4 whRh the critical The i7ciali4ed'Ary, in' under �his fig-tre The, son used s coin mment. a� litt e. fr6m:Dalfi, dussion of a, -;very vital isiue. Educe.; T associations, thel time rang- or lamp made of galvanize& ha even t6 ee'rc a religious e ucAti6n, a: Pen and 'sprout -the sanw �'agsocition hi pleW. :different le , n6gleCt ash hop In, attbiliding pers : , B tion,,and ei�e d Wai gr ed,. he 'Sam our may I are i d'.� . , , hi .. . principle is true, of' the Ing from one th t"ntv ild ears.. of m, ra ive crear mean. every chick 'chilld or 0 practitpal for, faim6rs wh� b solomion?p.-greatiwork.was' the bu shown' marked tendency' in, recOnt number oi,loAds antire A father. ayS (9) Po6l n 6omm6ri'practice. Ing. the temple of ;Jerusalern years', .'to !4sbeli to develop the - fiatur had put on,,and 475.,po co-ope pery..., In' pre-wir - i k ooked. d -lack scrap are usy, 4-8- Thet dozeni a a iy. would - iniinbers' '11 . L . .' lumber. - T d i no, communil The of "other' thfts .,he metal and L i I . 1. . Md prducts are shipped.to. . whiall go- t6 mztking -sucess hofp�m Will, la f .4:, lifetime bec' me'the 'national lianctuary, t�kin good, In., man, trust:to� edu"tion; fertilizer to the wi acre. a cci�operative ' re and environment for redemption.*", We - Th6 c amery, U L th associath;ii- where tht-y are Class' or failure', s and arii d. 'the oplend r an results were astonishin less van after'ypur S , FreCo once both. in, 0 it e chieks'are Out builf so th.e. masli. falls* ddwnL a onwas sure that the total.milic 'Ing- the ship, 6vL not L p1mice dan� Premium. 9,, p4rl� PrO7 fied according to'grade 'and, y, n the purity of its ir'the 'd6 ilairly' to the�f4th6r He secured d or," rong sort of, fekd* ampne 3 -and.cannot bevas,ted by. fhe� hens. At. old-,! high pla�es, w wfien 6" Ifiiist, that traini uctibn from: at leaSi 506.61! 606 cows which serves as vi, basis on wlildh here:: Jehovhh.,-had the a Tig fr6m drafta,. will als pi -ay in price' of three *o�-16ur algae can, never generate spiritual fe. hii flel'4,� art avera'ge, pf Ievpnty-; -tha ivi4ual.' enibe s e the� thab.� of -corAmunit-y-�Would-�be-delivdred- -InA cents �p�li`bOeh'-.wonfiipped ..It -fi�e-bushels-per-acre-alt�:ii,-cost-bf-$-J-.13-' -n-ough- e �representing 'etwe6n -p6und�-the-hen�-�wil�l-.soon-,iva'st'w'e' os es t- ago� 46� the eream6rY'for it' definite period b 146 biglifyi-fiv e between a Ia an an Alta ranginj fro -m Ill ten ortified per. bushdl.-�- The Plot planted by the Consid ri a VrUeLto f4eil -to" pay -the' f e, U& Vit would.'b d fferele' lace; way or' tWO or hopper ''and that is an ve. court and e I at . 27 s ie s per a"e L a ve to :e �trid ninety-five'per 4�ent.'bf 'eon e in a., small f -cheap 'scrap ;�cpensi lion.yidlded�,2 i6 bu h I eff�rt; howev6il,,has been -made among theac,tuid pried *'Ili�h: an t the product will th�eet Gett, a pr6perly, made In lio�pors'that, d hou�ehold,. and' lived luxuriously. a cost of.'thirty_s� cents: per bijibeL- ontrol' the return. t6 the'Prodtacei U 11cubstor and log the Danish farmers. io, years. carry on 18 great building -:en ib �4 vo um tl sipae e oss . le. for �e o r6duction urilm the. vol- prises.an to!..=4 the heav We find our'spare time this Into brid mari-to-46 nd anothoi;'to'm er. n s �4rtial,pay- yo -;a stick..every . I w r k are -delivered to th producii 'have Then, d se a f productis' show p t -em, on' the 11t to pok down the mash MW en br6odeir; is,made w is necessary This s how, st necessary n. ma, y kaies,,th yoif :are s with day.0r, d birdd y,"exptenpes fo'L'efhcient' opera- s- of'; his'kffigdolh- he�-Iovietl tax k and.,forC es, upon. employed In breaking a. spin- of. coltk a'-pi�fit under, identical s611 arid Wea- tion. Efh' iials needed', the peopl.e; 't ly it and still t4 e the "plufige., �re`so=-witbofit the'm ate, 'a . n.d: cd'4t16ns. T6 6e;p on' the'win-, oper- L ed labdir :in, the I like. to drive 'good hojSeS4. ther� ei6hey-and e'c'onomylii it a. ion and � noC in fiopoly, ii a 6a th duet. IlL of! e -on a me:1 comni6rs quarili49 e Ahe �co 'iflar Pro odetermine 9.�and­ihe gearing of burdeps, I am,going to drive. t" Artificial Ineilbating-and broodin ti, for egg p q(bletion,-, ]for6ts�of; Lebii�on and- 'the . st ' ' hat reason I like,id lireak t1le''ho hiiik of rm'ing ga s. go I r e, mar, et'*a1j;ie., the ihini porselbi one t ic pari the bill -'cannot Wheat lises ee de of 'the fa Th :structure of -opeia- tl omts hece ssary gure.. on' 'low what:c�al:Pla�&.. - CIticking hens to their gieat.-discontent. His'' I c ow because-ille weak.; no eat acreage'foe1k3,was'the-. in. the, ld�s Ive ork4nizations , dm the, I At to the partial pa'yfildnt 6ball & 01 es are. know "6f othei'doindi;tic nimal e6sts Per bifshel ojr'�ound, rather thitii 6, a "Qu'" ways be socurod when th ne s as'a i6 er resu, ted the'. a -ire Idi ntr I issociatiAn.. res s upqn dy s 'Llike befter to. han'dI6 than -�kcreage costs. t atii.tiop", service has -been established, quired,'ah61 in Lfa t, t of territory. north:azid. �so a well- on w, xnernhership. to. q ote es -as et -of keep all ri , age o oreign,.wiv uth- his maj�- rse�....E . v I Cry inan c , he cost, Jafgp�st on recor4and the _yiela, fo� anish u ng adiied Or more liens for'such,u countrie9I w t er- int6flikent The b, d rihined by'ma T f. 'eitiand'his to] broken; -in. gent'ho co I*ttq�r thAll ten per 0` * tion organization is" c"' lepreoentink' 'ra­purpoo'e Is 6ntfrely prolli -cent. ..-itnee",of their rel' Who , likes -Op ra e- ket:.. c6nditions godd �horse and, 'enj ra and bitive. Th,6r& above the average of-tho revl6u��:Lfi Igious worship,,�.a:nd''- 9`ys Da"'I nlmp�se upol UAL in P thd,,b.u.rdens` d the pt6optle, �taining them has �hji'way, of 6 .6pind' terized by, strong local drganizatibits price near the act' a�rket value. fore it, 11� absoln IT .1 . Profits Dd te necess;Lfy to hate reakink which possess airu, intelligent; '' ell-' At the'cl6tse -of the year the differ years. brought 'upon -him the r UL f a d -Meinbership, tit pric oduce prophet, .4i)d ih6ipient ipbellion,'. 'and To *ithholdL eral grain ..ration . a ebu in' ."I like, 6, teach Yiel J�;v w e the c6lts td..,Iead d Per C forme whdn they are quite Young: `:Thatian rod Cer e paid the� �ir r b formed, of 'the� activities 6f bot f the - 'pro' way for. a luedimsion f, ducts !.-and the i prepared "the 0 be, done, much elsslei than w ell ' ey mi ng cows is. the' northern, th poor,economy, h..the on delivery 0 easteril tribes after 16C 'r -E -and al -la d Central a p ice, is turne . over tor,ille, n Soociations. While' sgl�i d ro- 'get older. 7,e'6#8 m .,breaking even.thou feed IAS-to-be-purchssed.-' ... th D, f' 11 . ., . , __ ._, �_ j-. --.,p , . L.LC ­ his de thi- cer. LEBRATION' OF" r- wer( ex ' peflinen t Notes..2-C46n 6-"w- a few months OK ­but�—on -'account of a r for wisdom the Central Experimental Farm at. t a AGR being, bus� 1 haive eto: tbach Ott4*aV th' e anes. u y apprecia �_tfiis winte taught to load- when According. to is cofidiieW 77 of sound central' organizatio they "Ar has no special, co - e b cient 'co-6per Axpefience that real he had remained true. to' his, 69rlier 't6m othdi things they should kn ns CULURALCOL UGE ivag. grantiedI' and'if deal developmetit:QPLritivE,�-ii?iiilation,' -as �tihel- 'D.' HEON 10 essential to . effi - Lve found - 6 "rule 1is! higher t16 yield of. ativ6 June 9-43, Ow. the lesS-does it cost per iundredwolkli usiness op %rations. t of furthii led -operation is not promote by, pro-: I'd L d� !deals b' tier 1 .jeCe L ' and his earlier faith, the Those colte aieloiii y -'old, of f milk" and Pe sigaificanipe. Ionist; hiethods of last ears r pound -6f U to: find, th t ihii large No years of his rteigii.., and,th'e, jears which I- the same ake � and, *,eight, but Conti -Farm. herds a government On yjhe fo lirtb, 1924,,,the'On.- EveningL�-CS.T.A.--. sb -quite la the Was 'Da It Y f0lo*ed might have be'!'en' very. if. dift nis eq operative They pr6fer e treated tario, Agricultural- 'College will -reach: prominent 'agriculturists. erent in*. di that with -a associatibits fay.OKitisrn,. to b' di ispositign. Because -of y;el& of as ail business ageriby, relying upondt 4 now."b ':'k nnual which haive'' l' ' feret.. , Israel, might have beeft­ihore' their* Terent dispositions; find it 0 5"00 een,.opbrating sue- h Wf 'centiiry most use- Thursday, 4uhd-'12th,'i y 3,006't 0: pounds milk an nOss-meetings. g. coltst� U "d ence. i ' nbdOssary to h dle them differently. the cost for, feed,:'Wa n nite& cbssfuny fo;r.. twe :ty-five, t' their 'Own 'powers in. the business fu an d exist s Partners' s'trottlij o.,thirty d disti�giiishe —Bu I .�weldpd together as'a u s, $1.57L Day ad_-_oL b.e,in n rea in of% i-Mlk, -Cbiebratiofi'-is C.' en vor o an - for LJ at� 37.03,'' 6e,yeak ase� started S T A an d division. 'land' strife. s' havd,im world' A L eu in OWS 4. m teach the one thing at a ltimg�L I cents per olind.. W1th'C' va id''ity.': of dontrac s i existing and it, is proposed to celebrate mental 'U'ni' Af tZ�rnbdn�p .6ars"wer6 singulat C.S.G.A.' and', 'Exper'7 But Sold n :from, a' compiaEatively -,"small' begin The. t on. ageazit !arliei., y r1v xecor _h manag6m6.n't and :between , "co-operative,.2mio.clatioha and the .4 ep 4nd.,prosperous. Her -he . prays I it �-kl -t' thing-w6llr 00 U 9 00 taniversary 'fittinkly --'during -the an& '-pitradii :of d aftment- r 'me to, teac � that, one -ihg� troin 7,0 0 p6qV& mil,14'' meftibership'gairied w d ir experienje, their, embers is 'tiecognited by the -fulfilljr:lent of - 'God'b secondweek of"'June. floats and live stock. ln�spection of ro s ent,; but I the cost wa's reduced tb- $1.12 per evr% the I'believ6 in; being.p4tl' its It:; enlarged I Vities A committee, 'represent" Naillan. the probliet 'to .do 'not business.;. i eti courts. , Practically all' co-606rativer Ing the On- College.: 6xhibitsj; - buildin t k th * rough exPect.',,toia much. Xindn6s's' for milk. A�nd'27.9'cdritj,dpbt p,6 ines, 95, s OC , father David,- 2,Stin and or (4). In allL b cre: along'sound Ii ameryand bacon factories �� d' tarib D vartnient, of Agricultur�, the 'ch.-., 7. 1, Ile re- ruent arL- essentled butter -f�t.; I With' 'i8 006 to 16,060 lo, * ts, field t I LIL e e.Canadi op xind records," as,, aL further re -i i *, , and laboratories. Sports'gitilds Judgink of; tl4pe" �axl S. Vo -operative gs§o- butter. an&;Vad'on selling, ass c4a io a Alu jehe, as A u 66116t,6:', mni, Th' 4' ..P t an S oel y, progr�m. `�Evemrlg�CZ.T.A­ 'Ad-. great ta§k,. -for heL. Perform ante -of, 'P, her cl ions on'nian has one -vote. The are non -stock, unincorporhtd4L#qqo,.cIa7 of Technical Agriculturists notion Sai'd Ait'dompetition is the lif—e fo'r, milk. and '25.7,4 cent t* jnCo s for f at. associa jo nd l th' I With the, gre' of trade. We thoroughly be a -to the"highest d three cows �6tints as, 'much as the vote ' The 'P�iday, Ju Stet gift, of wisdorn ttdiikv� There are�a few.s stre-�stoc a Wor 0" e7 Varity progr in. ivealtk, ta�d 4046 ------ -dresses by..promin-eritL-L-ag.,-.ic�ltitristsi :which bc'n6ods�, and mst'havd, divineJ d cost to -92 cents r with't r -College f cult t - ----- ii. the.d a I belo,., Ridheit, and the S�iall farine" k' is a lis. kp6rated, �u C e - talls L of �the' celebration. 3 e a ers in li&ve that c md OL . . � " _: �­A od's-Promise- to him is that i ini c muc vi 'ers -19,00 -opera and ara e. a qVeVy tb;a-larg�rfariner,--ivith-200-,qr 00 --banish corporation law Afternoon ageant, co 'penshtion wo*uld- _t. nd� tjon�L oP- every 0 he esserL gor poun nAnteresting and'rather. ui ue tinent floats, _all' X llllsso, !a- and ever friend of the Ap -ienc� of Solomon. but it do6A not ;ents. er. �Cv. well Ias�4f ti ra 4asso- at, in t o eon tit n 9 thd7wee Me Y.;-t*O'­Pr­,ddh i"Min-- '- buildings) stoelt, Plots, fi 8 e - re- ifd I-Alons annot��Lb-,.,----���A�'�;�B�utteiL�tdoring�-�n- t C Dni 1 cows., A C' Ilege,, every farmer in th province,. Ulege� depar 66 ifts will go. This prOv0d -trueln' the* milk Cost amoun d toL (5) �The affairs,of the the sh�c Coll elex pei cia ions, is 94C S'§Ought. -t. of u er a, arded -as'' ns, are managed, rou a an 'laws f'practically. A i''the co� a., memorable one. ;a Ia-,Ar of life'. , Ft6r'he`-ivho. brings: ff'oni seveh,to.nino cents rhor' Throu t' e t 6e Idctatij)a per. d by '0 1' I , oratorieo. 8p,o`r-ts pkagra venin clloois�s wi'sdom must Often relinquish,� a POUnd than butter, sco' OP r�t� d4mociratic* Producersi, Ive r ring eight' iods� c&Vered., b "Ith I ­�-contr6t. ln� the I' Varlet wea Y 0 experiments menibership associations, provision Is Wo Icing edininitiecs, under the fol, r I.th and honor.. Nev6rth;6Iess, -m`s- n dofii, jtSeI,t,jLS ]owing �designation Pag�an Y,PrOg ine,per centt Why ot make bette we fed accoIrAing to a syst 'boarid 'of di and disagree, s cows re em deal associations, a made 'that all. disputes iry and gr6at'Wealth;,and rectors � is elected by the Exhibits, Publicity', RccePtion,�Rocre' 1�acli'.ftartmdnt of the Colle'ga, will session great , �a , , I u er.. ments arising ln�lnbers' and and, �enduring that has''been: proved' profifable.by'teii 'have on display during the'661ebra' ppjne�s, s monibers Thi; board appoints a beeh-' tion, , Farmer§1 , D drjill, fio 'sPeciaIIy'Pii6v.;'chi 8 and,c6m.; pe�tted' tests. L That is, to saY., the'usluaj the association's,are to'be settled L b c Ica Y ar to -.Finan strating''its par- -roughage of clover hayand trained', 'qualift ' d manage Y Alumni, and cc, are at work n an exhib' I pAre.1 Kfn�s, 3: 5-14: 16eftfo, r $1 age 'Was . f is 'the Ation,s c natitutiolt go Ing u e c opera ions, to case an( a board of rbitration. n In most load th t tt' nd Veftlar �,w6rk I influence, Rings' 11: 6-111. D id, cvil. It wao.g. keel C0011ty '13 110ted for f[A 0 er -Way tlkat.part 'of the �IdtiCe fed in the' winter and pasture'wl% u gr#4% ., , .1, 1. association In the centr I a" t omof th� great: fall indeed fom', so greaf.. a , on the agricult list PT, r a 880- 'an( y- aws - specifically state particularly concerns' pramlaon. out. 1, whiqli a,, soi Ing crops or si age e clifited tha 'pr ;,very kcntr$ of this district. , it h in tthe suhriniets tit clat Qns repreestitaiiv s, ate app ovinc6,1 height of wisdoi and 961itlihe good. c4 9upp, eme" :,dis ates �nd -disagreem6h s, can the m.,- .., f,� evil,. Of, Varlemated L �d bpeciai Alt:.:fa3, n ntet:i� �by gr�i�: lekd according .1 pie u s are eing pre - carried 'Into the -cou This Canadian Society 0 Tit of milk being given. riv m?4n turn.�pr�_ orts.,. The Of the UM�� ndAlfed tiiiinin by the biars'of each local asbocia, t6,film b I liess to the 'doing o' : Clovers, Alslitc, '19WOOt Clovers. Timothy. etc., vrhjai, to the, Aftiou M -tbd n the 8ight_ ire, sold d1rect to farmers. maj,'pirt. in Lcy,glo Agri�ulturists the e- evelopm g away -of nto t 'of Aililtration Canadian'r &ed I)ared''td illustrift nt Of his.heart fr6m the I] "the case -of -6d 'one- th amenibdrs of this board. writs at cn,ct toy Price 'not freshly. d6tv of directors for, . ce. the, CDI ege and, F drd. 'Pride, self ' ' ML BEER HOUtX Pdund:,of' ''LL"I , I" " ' (6) 'arms indtilgencet the 'lo, am Pion. gra n. in Auto 'a gJVenL association. are elboted, from, among 66 mernbeis 13rOwer's' A 'L -he -e of' luury land otitarle ssocia,tion, t - Ontario Sound, cap�ble business man- and ito relationship to; the'ageiculture ever' by the associationsi" The in baslAgrietilturaVand Exp6rimdiltAJ`Un� of, O'L pp"Ure 'the, of a -grea Y 3% 'pound's of milk yjel& This agembilt is kedolpiized ds! Work of feeding is giad' one of the C 0 - ion, 'Will .]held their anit III meetiliks. ntarl&' verC rate I ea out.'shtlsf�ctorily,-Ia�'th m'n harem of wivcs�and conkl�)fn6s, A tially decreased have, a symsm 6 cuPY.,a Po, ion, I tir' to corrupting n fl t) until the mixturo-is being fed at the' 'a 'factors for the'succesi on the arbitration boards nd oc rt' �is bLe-';,th' i most essenti I Oweekly A. 'souvenir nd d6Sti*0 iL rmor"' everj, f'* r,T0 -ratd`­of­--one­p6 a -Pat�petie n-det i jell, Uzi sooc atlowin,lben- st nt6' 4 :. not' mark, memb rs have come to ers ro�ju 6ii pellco't wilh t 1, 0 Lord 'd' Macdonald nstitute -Alumn'ac will u.-ites and others oarile.ularl Outidsl of id' y inter- -P I pro Uee "an S Coa.' __reciignize 'more. and more the value of also asseroble in CdIle his 'C'od"" kind he tinued Uail"the end.of thd�� c Ati .(Il The nqcps.sary aft'er. the _equipment:. torde'. meoit � is., e disduag t at is -bulletin -,Will be ent 'Out by The I . �U'Ild I ifig d. operatibn". pf6Vided "to" oE a th- interest e 8 of the ship 'of Chernor-h lind", WOI'- Votactin'bisysilthadvote. tile greatest -profit 'i� derived 6(s' flat fore Waite di ants. AIUMnf. that �rc Icnokvii. to 'the coin- please s6nie princcsg.of Nto-,,)) O�., with the'tradej to handle the business and guaranteed jomtl� by th6 inem.; of �Ag�rlculturo and Homo Economics usiness menT"'fitinfliar by a1ban ex cuted by ther "-sociatio 1heir.organizations I and the welfare May'- Ist,' to" the addresse of, Alo!ecil-to in as facturor at to .4 high yielding, cows fed ta the reaqO11- >nthelum ro a inon, n1ust, bave boen.b.§t�ociallv ,�hock are. P., of their: ciated ssbeiation it 11arge. rnittee. All' ek-stude'dilts w6' hav to: able maximum of their p duction to ers, of, he" on -t pit"Per- jn�L to, tlle� ollhet,. that only the',rh lit salary can attract s6hal credlt.�*-t In the local" as ' lation '..OuftiNE OV �PkoroSFD' ACtIVITIES. bdo Out 9 ;�Aho right ty f fij soc of totreh with the`CdI1Qc, Or and biiliin:ht upon no pe anager the., member ate usilhIly,i6intly An' d Monday; . 'June, 'flth-�--Afternoo* oirganimitibils foil a ntimber of t kitTg n The pLr (7) Daheii avid found it�'so a, L onll-(,s T� Kill Mutton Odo ncial ob r gA _gatio ut- 'b to 1� y und 66�oially'llsble for all fiha to r azid 9:3-9 ow The h � Regfstratfon delegates and Lll,umrii; years, e requested sefid 'in thei 41 ._'zCthefr�co�dpe f , , , rative re 7room De' prop Cts, as aiU lur ot or S are th� MeMago of :00, 1) 0 or 'S 14 mar king, a�hUseflihg ftaiiization-s However,, L. 'Stoveii ff'. M P .jj:7 ke w. en a oca a��Cfati6u In College, dormitories. C6 ill ra a UAIg co accuniL An the stomac -a central assoria io`the mount 'Oil of IZRS himbditY Undo.' "Tho1rdrid,of tA-hd ah to sh d -ration in Dolimark of this gu hriffity 1s always limited, Adyi1oldg, Honi4ohn Martin' Minisitee �,.'Tho following. sthe' lb." i� �'The t f1119 tilne ot dressed quick -l' 0 n Cal d formr Presidents c hely. As soor ' 1 89-11 sheep is kill6d for. �As'beeft, Both the 1 dividbat members in "the lo' �qtill f 1.1 n1entAti6n­-begjnL in, the digestive oann sigi g guar n the se"In of agrieultuital'.pr6'diict�,ilss(jcl$itio: liti antoo,-pledge Cilidlinan'aild Dr. kills., the bopt. Of Afrrl-' stood �or the)incient od - in,'the Lyng of 6tippli6s of the pco�ie, viid f6r th*o sole q staing the 'qedific am T`u'esdayj �Jund I'Oth, Alunin IL a Culture Meosr, 'Thi-,giv"i rise to ga�es whieh. 9. W. Xi Rciadh R POS - ousp-",. of ' ehovall, Yl it lsorbod by th6 m t for.special" pur- Ount for which their association Is..11. Memorial Day'a , Morningi-713usille, . Wado and J. A. butch sk-Ith, foll art, Tapi ea mnes a it�e, Armed, As regult Of able. these dertifidatotg,- are for' of' the, C," i E'Uh in hi's inipoition of h6a�,y t which is Of VOr ' loose flbrb and easily S,T.A, and the, C.S. Represbilting thet OvA, dent 14 x 21 Y organizing along Corn ' d' ill 'no, No MO Ity l` 69 It Is ed bYL the 166fil assoian'to­the O.A. thlinboh—Attifiltil reunions. RdY rpo'"Its" nth g;,n and dotnee This may bo 6verconio' Mot uncornindh 'in Denmark t&d&y.to R;A W' It. 'Orqhlitl tioif bf the worship of tlib godg-O,f, tat entrance., by dressin q 'to animal ra no)&, Professors 1 1 ri.: find labor, nnd I n 11 i's Ocj�atlo!njt, 41iiell 06 :turn Ceremony Of thO formal openin and 0. H, Unwhi. Pidly or by e I or Ond a farmer on a,16A g of otlie.r iiations, SolonlbnL -rtc 'a 1 -1 r -.tut -to opening tile pelt iind 'diaphragm find inciii d t-lim PAeiI Inelt4te I umb fit 'tract, who Is a thenit to to"i86t6uro Mem6rhil Hall, P.m, Alumnl' Representing the C.S.T.A;�Prof.idisple;lsurc, and they aride, hNirlor 'W Ing.-POCIAns" IrW. # I I ood*ork. aid member',of fwbIvC'or i'This it d6vra, dodri. TIAIntij iing cold' -oiind tl�o­digem. ,16ahs,.6tr d refit Orden Party, i.06 Plitt, A Messrs. �gfjd R; hi war#, Pour water at Moon, 0.6 -operative associatfonsi to�, 'th . Colle —L .. I r of God,d qnd'0iQl rend-' to6firiir, "Ith, cotlke inatruct find are*. tI4Vd tract, T, Hsdally, Danish' And' ;adapidd. Pitog 11 -'the kingdorn., llnlo'� Fr4orlit to your stAtloyi..perma eir, I �rqni by AltiMnl�,of the 90 91 Dundan, iiig� of'., lie wool sido.,d. tho pelt milk is, dlivred -to th"6 do Tiortsis-NOT ATITMILE. Many it and Macdoiiald Institute 6yu, to and hands Ishould,,n6t,touch f-- -rRV Meiiq- the nICat, gen P hO404' from Writs tod:ty Prot hf� ,thb co-6por'ativo Wednesday, June Iiiho C.S.T.A. Creolblan, �Iesqts, S. ID. Todd a,id J. Ric T sons ll�vo tut,they are not the c iti ronto. -0pretatil egg markdfi:�g'as�oclat'1'6n, ers ian'd city* �of Inxilry nild lbacoil factory, his'eggs to the, co� , The only dif�brollcc Vbtween to the purpleo" S'b 0 Thb Cahadlan, AlAddin, oa ni, Day: Morni sf�dSs moQttlif"' f B 0111 11 'Co., Um ��Ittoll haIntr an odor. Rug eaps� NVOI, ier of it t6.6perativo folksl;fCot 11 the C JOUSO8, t 6 C.S. IA, aiiP CAMA. 13, Roynolds',_ 'Itttlo Of lihi-dlilp and" It, A too! ana�'hls money art 9�a6n spot. he mit �d I a Mom. a a] 1. 06h top 110j I I_A�tnl6tlds and fio�ia�l a General Sodrotay I L. St6veasoa. hardly all they that 114VO _�._"14, No.- It nSE zm�