The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-13, Page 4pq­ pii - 7 ItA X 4 1A R" oam t4o, vnoocii the VxovOrii�ft64 .1il e iT ' i, to I.-Ok , o "'o $Ire Ile '01*36 V; 4 All Rt N 140A Cry Thursday, r C ishei" 9, PAP ",z ia 9,.. ave, ap��ed H A _qC�09W.�;o tarq�q�, to C07'og r4te, a. ''I Alk, T ES Axpi'�,i� some RON, "H A pri, or v ft., Iri V- a AW so 009 as OieY: Ao' #o, 'own ha .�aDpi`e� W -ho e, -w- it. itli�l _7 Itackenzj.. so ftlo' 'to r .9 L� fairly vl"W, bus -Ed t t 4 7 1;" 7. 14'. DA' 'MARCH 13th 1 24,. w- iie b DW p t et brov, ton us,, ipes.1-1 - it;yi, OwT W,­0P.,T ]p XAIQO people wb1:; c4rs u4q. vant4g%­'in­ mAnV _�111 1-- .. � -_11 - � i __1,_.tii:,, PUR AUSY thei great, wg ffAVt::A74F9 -RTA, COA ad a For', loi4tance; proba We W SI'm4mamp VA. r AID— A blyi one, ayg-, 'Z P, 90b A-lbert c"I 1' 0 ta r- n use� e, farm,, r. t fresh �n 'E " - W, L lowe ucce fuL, I Vill not be.' -wi P. TIO, Is bY, discUs0ing reform I, the 'H9 -h wilie 6 they &n - 96 of-,Qpmulpts. i This waa -done biv, way ei While: Pit 'the isame tiipeixei benefit, to AIr of""'gettint o h! the common spaci A jilig their, ypVh-,' Theii'llead of ':L fam­ 7 ers who ha�e, hid -the, audacitk to' tf;l 'I ' h' owng a car cail-takethe over. 4niprovenlient , 'POal CO ing ro.. reforming q "work 7 � — ii -;; gbqlisi4,� th 44�­ ed-iand.1ired mother, out for a� the.quglibi, Of the. e The, hawl f -and sun- th, P -9 t4o PeiinsylvAWA 14004_ d Inber.1 nt sh' OW 'fi6d",,by__-this;­dis- iOut 4 L, -coal nio §@fnc, §U' pli Id' r I'll" er be any r en years.. es,we may A ft6r a '11, life IE; eaugusIt A fei, *hqn 'the ''price fe an eiiii�ylng a ourney. I N C, 0 It P 0J iA T 6- 18 5 q w P c, � in Luckn VICMIFY is 01:0.1ni'quaity EiU 4i;,.Reiegive, $%Q00,005 ived 'io me ut not, I a. of Aollaris. h� W Of boy, to. : adj6u.rn d cents, leat, drin� at.d. the weks, to A the' deveWpmenii' of clothing, coal wi : at itOj quality' wai 6,6ple buying A ca�l buy Pin we shda, and ro* -con' -or hiiiiness. 1% bo viei�; will 4nq,­,hioa�0 -stitut d- al. t' ibialf 'te,b :d eCc64om1gi p W ulk, It W BAN Our " " i 0, S As 4 '101 -0 and bd pay,.. . t, midroas!�_ t even said t e. 'odinp!�.-4hp was e iroduc� in tu'n, reacts on indi. and This institution,, Qffiers� depositors safety for their's r I M IT" E IAL,-WARE=THAT TW0-COAT-,GOQ Q1 R -A Y CARiiiiiiiiiiiiA LIABIL V ­ 'HE eithor,' the tenenpy,, of Lhe ORAN -of b4 m loaded into cars T AT ITE POTAIro. POT NNIHILE 1111EY LAST .6- -_ Y. &1 .1 1 SIZEP -ingsi'reas6iiE!�le--iritgre�t,-.eo#ippgiided over. '01 -.to, y­pix—montihs �411 R AN, AS t SET 2, $1.19, i ape 'th Pro 11A O� W1 ers, than L U Id 'f , , - t eistuff- which pro4uced'niqrd foodOi -fr dthwals. bqit. erf plane of liv rig an WARE"7THAT THREE-COA11 GRANITE, 'B there., D, WITH' NVII ITE , LIN ING, OWAYS, LOQKS it, i -isaid that th (Prom Ca,n�di�li Mo Orist.) -S.MCKLE cit "Thre'is money in bus y liteEis,: and aving,'DepartimcintEi at every h qglers of this 'is. prbved b; NICE AND CLFAN, 1Y THE 6-Qy. SIZY, WHILE Til ir n OA�Inc.e c(,%p,.itute`i a y saying ­f.a bu-ii 9 qihe!�s mail cvnw- qqvet twice e irf ql influ'encb 'against the bringi- ajot 0` LAST? $ n of Alberta. do�l*.: Th :might,c9st, More money', o get alon,-� �6ositlio 0q,: apduw4rdsiuvi h money, as,it� the. ground in- alLy th a'c,ar, than tpd'� pow ing t 01a About, sai eyis .0 without. got two idays' 'work. itfavor of keeping V-1 an4 e ione, in one. Every eitii6n, ibould WE ARE ALSO, -,AGR�']'S�� I 0, ;'( It THE B 11 C W, Y E- T! H freight ra, es -Up.. to the piolliblitiv Maio'. Motor League,. collimenting AWER, e '-lave -to cash -Ah, 6n Ontario's WORLDiis v -UPATOkS 'ANO D )ffieial of. Ch T, S,. R I ;LUCKNON, ORAN a,chance TANC it -ys 'Ir- 'YOU ARE THINT101%; n Sr -own, profitable Ji,, 'Z. Fri "iandsomein Sii�inerlt i'*r point, so� tha their oil'ithe atta k.vihich bOl. ROODERS Cr OF BU�YING A Ni! INCUBATOR .0. o_Pp�rativte .;y e -mi; �and'ther y ivay the pan Olt 11110DIO, COMIN�d bgsineis shall not Witlj."'4 Ser' f her , T st �nl N US 'Of cou. expectr either"of. Conipaiiy, laqnc P4 '.ati'the'conlVany's, -et the full value q thai expenditure :jBP1FO1JE ptkCH'ASING. Ce against by getting. out on, the road the great,rai roads to' what b carry the Weqt_ annual in t e Ae� 0i :Th erri coal at a loss,-,ap�­t� rn- seribed D kACE Ae we, ian as the, 'In 6 bUg"' #ri. e gove� i tor, a poor. man needs LPJ A A,' R, WE., H A VE d .'t DE ON HAND r o easkeAi to do, o ber'. an eebil-L- -�ban the ri� 'ALL; T -rig' ment.' he' s n ofiAs 66uld n"t considere h. n an,, a 0 In disadv�nl& e t' hd:,,.Pe f u 'dred g So., t g TRUE, g 0' qpl6 q has a b n of ei reciii- n -Ontario. s t h t are reation to ope 0 SV LrxTION 0 F 'ONP GRO �Tfl admits that. the farmers )he poor,manr. 0; n A, GOOD y mmei r. it is.. When. out on the road 'HICKOR 0 a've a _farm ENSON: 'bl service in 874 ASE -a, ba if 6qUilij. sh Id hi possl e THE, B Utornoibiles and' -make everyone As on and is, concern d. d e o far a mot(iring f good use Of hmout th in E S M L� official' I�H' might have h.d- 0 .Controvdrsw*- still' ragep around,'th'e et, along with- -marketing UrfpArdonable mistakes arb.0'th -onthSr for? t Berison Cox who was'sent4 out them, hr lsine�SS i��, Ybilr� OWn Sto-*_and'Barrell, , - , " r: ded, that 'they cai case of sie AE 0 God6riph,Jail or 'two im h -prod Ving "til lice an ch, is ot,ers make. the lat6,:Chailie,: Ptilpitt. The StorO Whe assaul�lfig r�. Y h Qox-live$: 'ts,ki 'ptioduge at,all times.,' to the fai.mdr.. It - brings,, libin' Some nese or es pak�­ oalMuhity in' 'wh!6 T 'Or�to, Iiirket ce ' s ' and kpres, fifteen uliniltes to' an.';hour.of ig, &t 'te corn Chi h f 1�iduaiil ship- ..,p:,pay, or Cars o econiq. vio antly diV- on y e am s6uvenld� Ph ne 66.1, is c 'Of realin"' E a y 10he justice UJ yqpr� owwan u�stryti,and the more, business we 0 e 1) Ore.,., was _s 'to 11 "r, I,- " I , . .1 L ' ided -rei 'of "the'Cox 'i day' 0 rs ozen,_9 t have '0 app I is 11 t cream, And f eggs !sent' h iinglitet,.instead of,from an� hour d t trial An( sentence. Many letters for sf L will' be formerly the ease, Thid'accouilts for the l6wet our overlipad'expen, A dollar is wo an naturally rih- a e, va ue the 111ore 'it Cox have a'i' h money Wid an agains ppeared n, the:' f 5 cent be r ou -pro u a6i that, 75,000,:, di `2 6verywhere'ni t e- world C�xcept at the f home' t rl .-Stari' and there appea NITED: FARMERS CO.OPERATIV9:C b of V�rbal di .,of, -the -cars ri�egls, ered'inr. 0 o are =D si6 , b b o e n 'end §pUlte. aliq�rls ai th J, t 'to t 2 n-Acy s where You vo a - In t Aftbi_ e w %vh 'ha R N as sent t rien E; i C% d 'we i tha ' Lo will "ndlei`jobl�, 000 :of..Mr­ C. -!.-'On ario,, cars, in�t .5.�me:tbih ior n Irb ers tQ, -the,,, ow. common y GHAM,.B9 ANCH ox' eikeulaited o.w' miad IN h in are, owned, by wouldr the . _11L' -Af doctors Who to I - L i f ronit P i6 y sugg.qsf'tirat thV. �fi, s 0i'an Sh Ou ing itha�.ithe D�paitui6iftt Of !Sti'd' u e pr'r qn�r. el, i0heni "human life is at irav- to "the ihOrSe"*$knd'bUggy or interfere- and. rbl6ase, he.� ooly S, CASE' arita ta e can. are ovme asipyglit,t4at_.�j'Iftire thai ii� 6,000 "Ace,ounts. it'. h L'.� , k9e' erc 'd FARMER �WINS AGAINST Petition a arge giled;, an;d ake he a &eAIeTy f A f6rith, c c 11_� 6� st L AQ is ox, wouldr be, let out bfore" st:rv* d ic garages., and or some U RE&NI B W kS ri, j116 ca§6',6f his iferin by, ivepie After reser* Jud ment f, mg ju g full are- -at. the disp64ajr_e;f th6S' 6e I is ilikeen 'I- S :an pq it -who xeis, own- . exkn��,, in an ac- -A.- recent eve opm saip en, iof the coniii; jergy quireA em. r -is a Cha edt, r tion. o'coil" trol nge-itd,' ubliic�dib� r pa; 0 �tge 4,QOO cars, ail�e'owned' byL r ae . ssue t9waships- ciaim, and 'any needs" to athe Rev. Mr Allen' f6i Afflen had v Save, ime in tia elhilg -about om ra O&1)� L Miss IF-Yorence Porti s prices "d last, -week: uave us uediiil' dis P 86m 0" d written several letters iiii-defence of a I ndsaiki4acti' Ojecte ro-an 'as- - 'construed hi Job'to, ano a 0 ther, it. is on.to,a -our UOX s , one sessme t of Potter appears too b e" wh le L Mijg.' the conit, A ax........... scaLutiw -commuted e a whole�hearted champio ,of. the I lle.� po ice 0 0 e f Ontarl hav' 'jot 'be t Ong labor on ta n ground that. he had been.. g1V6hL dead Y, .4 . � L :. et thelii iQ. une his' tbeit�. ISPPSa ..'y u Opporrfu0ty-A-i --ork' Out. it �urio S 'hOw ar,-,- -go s con inua crit ave US nd lot 0 Pr_o*e statute labot, :a's (re d quire ,by: -whri, get goi fth IM a .;*a� - .,overseer u#icr -,of h'igbiiipo`�%r- s41 V U h t 'YOU' d -le -d --to at ��Vvv-areai,wo in ter is riot desery irf of ----------- ed- niiaebjpes� enable 416--auth cri i '-beeni M Zoettger tener�d­paiiiii__ jes to ecitively,.pprsue ar eL prop.ei thr- to the, bi rather.a sorry case a , ll'theil �ray. r travellers -a count fo�* 'A Int MoUntiof his _as .'on Dee ecil Mull* ihe 11 gh- bu re' little :to� 'be. gamed e ',while a iileal*_of- cars, D and, as a res�lt la,srt'da tfi by: argitir Y� ty-mirit before" hen at ts 'many as hall 'I Lueknow B nive pet, cent pe -be eh- iled, to'l visit _naLity 6ould ';d been'stir- elk, _ and i ing..day instead lore a Vitt *a.§ refbi n -towns in. c 0 red up - Phone, 63. the bank-. The "itoymiship then bri h. or as outd, be, the they, ha 0, wa -.0 U iik� 'of i t the it- railwak q in �,­mana ty, -a n $6.85 the, five -pet ,'cenL 'perialty.- �Jii.. -Without iiiV',_j1ppin haV .11 '' . . o! I loss, than 50,000 1potorr U-Netod. aL Monumen . ...... .. a nd the -case . WaS ried,,: ent -the ad, back to -he ea ret me, ICE are o u a P at the of,' the'. Division'Court d rio- merchii1t, 1-iort rade last.- tri, t' OW' MarbI& an gm,on. J47EF4M smen,, and. y are s,us 'On obher',b�nd "a cli fteld at to, lave bei of a me - it Gr�n BY 'L O� appi-ears -the Pitt it& Works ha� Iarg a4 per cent.,for business i act c lly- ....... ... er;.- an to th ,bank 'VnLs the - prdpek-�gffibunt anerholy r' temp d nurposes, e 'ill -sited by: �e, sto&—the ost U or' th C plot bea tifid owirig, and,should- have'been. acciept_ ta te . or - pliyisiqqe. f far �tolonet Praser and other qiiit- ed, the Judge iulnit that choose troin in itsit- the ,iC3 'would be . com6 inore spec in . e road ov rseer. 0 d' Ctiondian Gran - would the ir notice Was fatal: of generalizing, and sa, kh give� ead: FAftT u t e i cent, A -:::: ---. im,-..,.-an All - V, , bg ito th clai 'hat--clas-i- of'�'. people� at' its penalty. eou T OTTAWA -ii class, �hould ino'r have be', e 'As def end - We make S ecialty of d P Ant and_. e in-, ve 'Oor rnment a 4 q cez P*- t. not ap- ment into c;ourt the anio4ritr'teiiiiii ppears to, C ill0ection der6d he assessed e f, et biltarl f the rt 'be in for soiniCwhat ve of, th -that 7-100 t] c -h bk, e. W'ho reir-4s,. no', nea V an P eing argeU during ,the res'eht scssioin.'. The, pro- eass. labor, )i;t 'The deciiiion� estabiished 1) ly done. gMm s' of th 'Is in'those 'iriunicloAl- dent or* counca o 'm6t the: 'desire Call, and 'am as itieS Fro'gress ive Party, Vie sup- .1, n 6 take. statute labor, coM- "th'' jib ..... . 'al Govern bit f th- - : ; ikliu dl�e OP e . p"aA 61 po w lien ithe Li er Yetitr order. muted, t mumcipa offIcert to. 'eArr t -lot,lof* ground -uponA-whitill, he, ere-ts' RQBT. A. SPOTTON, ouhL e � "men cannot carry, on However, mo y th' that, Luekno' - Ontario ieoiiemiinti: Of the 'Act Orr nothl tbere, is. wrong, wi 'dWeljin�, a 'his li�iiii-law renderisi 'the �ti 'P WInd,i,or' station, YTposi on 'end(itlatrteth of We Canadian', Pa�l a e enabled toi'escap� i inaker totiarLe t)tit in ag 1i Wit 66'R A&I thO :013�W we perma. eeJy,', zettl*& in' iA4 cunninxiinin, rethe domm tatio Thei, rogregSI've. ;yrty 'is' fust the nj St.dy f ".f.(y n U tax 'illegal'. OW 'fruit 'a slum thei i a8viiihced� elerpent, of iaisL n rid veg- lficieni&y �ehglneer,-�as well as,,prap e- , M R. -I E. A. CU.&NING11AMr el "in t 'on' iiii'dustrial -hygiene,,, the SEED SELECTION.PAI-S' Pro*oresisive f s, of th eiiiabl" and bb in'a' much Vetter. Canadian, Paciflo Rail`i�-ay, ii�lhii 'i�� alSOL chaiiinlian; liiiievention gree Jon rom every,point, of the TrAffic , Sectio*nj� Prii�.ince., of Querbec - Safety 1110tiOn Pictuliel"thr, 1, P10licity,advertising,, and, ol Mw a country, 'while the Lib6t Piiriy reii.. n -lesson 'Of ir 428, in League, referring to the ,terrible toll of ideathg fr' t the Lu6know L. 0, i o �etis In: is! of seed 'Of various, clas- present 1� Were om and. avoidapi�,e. T,'icre. is n' Olt before ac,quirin-'a car. , good 7��p.:e P; J nta street acciddnts during late said that the' study Nvovk hot jp� their. lodre tooth� eirtriF second Tues-' S mbre. ponservat o reason, why this; da 'b isafety, is .. ..... . ses, Of griin haVe been caref�lly tegt� Mmt ge is, r of the Mbbih, -at. 8' o.cloe- mean Pit, i 'or- in Ustfl' JrME, n well-�as -in the- shop, .-Seey. wr&. a Oros, hoyvever ut s; as br6h,d -m*the iinatioti clu'lig', in th6 ry, iwanis, iher" gT, , lit'� 6' n tural Col-, The pinji,ed redliction, i th� itar- b r"', a �, WX, R xv ions, nd* o self. The practi-ce-of 'safety )First, �qil the `Jrge for -s Th3 us xailwa or 'Clisow yEt fat fArm implcmenEi' du6.'_.,tq said in,., "b ai ineces sa ri I ve lop e 1. here.' kho ands of citizens. Fn avei' yeiai cir-, on,:, C into tg- M pla nts, vie 'm 4b 4ed'- I rougi e ,,a OTO a rage res- a_6ven 6- e C G.ve, 21PPlidlices-i avef bodfi 1 plex--d6dy in-, which --each ndiVidilal --ffiu8t'j)Iay I fis led %if - h ip,of a car to, kesid * 6 t. f Ofseiegd-g'rain , has" holvey,er'llas '§tirred Call'adian -manu' -is 'th'(v-' be,,' aftr an emplJoyeir -k� C' u an Observance of for. sAfty., evekywhLre, A 'careful under' alfc(is, c4nceins tiot 6iily 6mplo mar ed influence on the the, cityi in the pur� fresh air of.tbe yers,11las done duty, to 0 tesulting factuilers,th strenu1OiA:6p1jositbn,,Or1 empldyeeij: and 6eir.-fmil'ini but the best ofi-h drojpii, Th e instance I anuntz eriii of knowledep by'the traf is; It the' laigi 'the grouild . that. for q iie Afrde - they:., a rid at tibe same'time exp s.n humane principles, and every e6psohler,of" 6(', pr 5.��ctiqn Of tile Ve a- gToi of b 'i , jence an ac ua . saving in 0- inesis at a I f with "ifety I'd' ave been ca hiii� bi:i bus' jiligl) ague Will dvOnitualI pa'y divt. plump., seed, gi-A t I cash out- dbcfs of industry. n- dend§ an'd Pay' health b grain per acre -than medium, 81 loss, Atly t4i lay ;If for instance, a fani jn� ta'& be in the. thoughts of ;avery.hodyi in th 0 Y escape. froi; aiard�. and on 'scale kr6 uted, I . il iE, cit� nd rgabizatioo t prQvi c agafn� r... , aecidentiE;, can save 'life And limb plum s "lit An 0 'Pay month, 97�. . I- e�., l'app sman nk4h, or � ead f ine $5q, per fi'e'. The heaviet the, rasua I ties; in nitinl�. as' compred 4es1_§,hopt,_ oa year;1n, rep ing a and- didniage bills - in zhe,average -the six--i-Olag- 6 oomp�ngater tb mhnufactu�ers safety coninii T arger e insur Ttle my otto �Owa. sibs of �grain, The large plump,surpa4 tbe city, bil'p!ace in the,.^6ii7ntr la.�,s Fillotild bil ho�t so rnuch "Safety First," but "Safety W farm irnp em.ents the Avernmen This is re4lected 'in' taxation nd; th the of at 'All Thd'kood work beiiii in' done by those "Id of is. goin to reduce also. the' dutie on on wiliieh, t e i tietest n who, have saildl�d themselves SIM` the small plump in, -yei the - invest- every manufactured artide, Tho.ie who have inaugli. lot in e i h such outsta'nding'y' With the labor of loval gra: POk atft bi 10 Per cent.j and, the, raw a I ment, depreeiifion a6d taxe'si arri- rat d, 4, 1 " guc&s,s,, of c6nskrving.the life and limb, o rin teiial used bV thern. it I LeagtiCq -tightly sum., f' the c4inhi the various Provincial, �qhould, �et' the po I u ISPring, is, aga:i� del 'ed, bfi'accouhit 'I o_v in the av raige, of' fhe s problem tot a Ay, $200 'a year and $200 mbn . eyet industrial. ",�du�atio Fe t1itnIcing, Wi th thiii net* re§jIl t hal and social of'declining, c, or $300 is expende Of" grain,, the,pltiinp seed gave a kellid nient to,handle. nthpi pe otganiiatipA t6,. co-operat Ag,and moro,contente e MWArds the prevehtion.,of 'The cl izens. Of the weath ovet. d iliio shithk 'soed of go 'per they have adid�ed the *mtt hwhani waste o6curs., We ar now dfide ent is also irolngy 'i . I nibre' 0 tbid r, envi ay. is il MO -'4t. and if it r werp robillont and -here �Js 'Very largie, ercentago carried' into effect, the; corksc� left ent.' Eqdil mirribers"of seed i on high atithority that t W pasAng 61 reyr. strong for; economy 'and is deternifil-' b6tt�,f - � could bi 11 1 1 prevekitable at All U1114 and under all circitim. its plel -used an o 9ting very -8t*.-,,es, by all blasses in thiis ekpieltment' the ul' nonsof sl�bE�tit6it �tobjins for. res they' hAd rijidly obiterved by. the C'iihadlati Pacif ic, people, whi'ch whh make d' kpeh J- ap W6 city� -i healthy place tl ta,h Sal nod i I's nletropolitilil,git f9ontreal �ro throughout show, that a large olump th hange uri Cook�dnei If thio'cah bb 'done, 0 c im nw ., cat, id besti exemplified by, the record- of "dressing" adej. be, 'arid what a' harvest of and 'at, sinailet outlay� of th6ney. donte'tor'tbe. 'last three �Car's in the� Quebec'digtflct, Would b6 gorn ed in by tile obA t' seed WM produce a 14rger, more vi%c- will� be wpfdome,� `jj6 evdi'k, i�tati Bnee itdctTy.!, beneficial 'foijiult in in 'Public ornius. - DkOft "The Wk ib6tot, c4rs- reo-� A0 ahalV818 which firoves that whilt t1i6te have,, er) or broke oot hiiis. seen a be de - 40414606i bf the 116siii their consequential unha Wssh�nk t4lit, dirty li�L And rbductlya �Jgnt t.b iq tr. g tarlo are usod b he attri. Tho railway Add' stert;d in On' xha4, reg'rettable acdid"ts,' thdse th'At fttA igi are cit�cr- ji,laundreiW t1m is pre4uce4.JraM a plump, tion to t$4 national debt monla, m6tto is exe loot 0,1101 "Ito uted to riegloct, or carelqgnese of allWhy ernployee, Aild blob indit ave boei 1811$ 61 $4fet 0 frola WM tho 1ridtfresil Via nartially, or ­enf1reIV '&r i6ugfi 4ollbt 0, AiW40A h ndglfgiblu, CAO)PA 4ro beig ddoroar 'of toponnib lity ir'l Thood With 411 Va n it t 4"o Mpf 0 Mi the il p4tpases, only,147 00 of.,t# carrled� out, -in. rilAby, W' V tA. Jht wlt'�t kk.