The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-13, Page 3• ' ,as Tr" Folki 4 -who wapt. theiileatltlie RED ROSE ORANGtypEKoE Bargams HI Beauty r f • FilANIC A, .AUS.T." " • . , "There, now:. denel When ; /. go to town I'll, get ,a few PaChages enzfials.' and 6 dollar'for , anilliala. • • , ' . . ' • of swede and we'll -see if we can't dress At the corners of the house; lasand .... -.. ' , up -this 4..yard a bit. Wife'll like that; of the' scarlet -runner bean on Ifs wig- s , , ,too..;,. ' ' ' , , ' ..... ' s a , ', '. : Want 'trelliswere. placed •splrea to. ' •:. • • The man in 'overalls straightened bri ng• 'graceful, 'eprays of white. 'flow: h.) • • • :,..irs 014,. tiv,41,7-cA4-7. „ . .__Actively ,''' _ The terra teM1/1`car hi the greeteet ' • .. • bJob 1 lessing .and einene,Patlie Oat,. jlos ,.. ,.... Railroad Man Attiibuiteli.:GQ0d .1115.114;ir.stoullich trouble of the, mest , . •Heaitir and ' Strength ' to fibic'etl4at.%.. ituirtle'ly.4.4:1Iff.wr-ecflitii44, ° 'fFill 7.1Z."-'mq71?tt:70. , . . . .; , --.------- - , . -------,,,,;-::- - ----;,:.--,:- --.:-,-,,,-----,----.-----, .,•. 71.-7;ii7."....-- - sagas:a- -..,.a.a.------ --'saa'ss.--a-;-...,...nearir•:tw41"eirs''SI-;::haitAM:enrirectitalisa-,o.werXAreOtl rea , aff .'theAlri)lle- -•:, - ‘• , :. 7TrEktt.-ir"-M.,:ikN, :C. iS'''''Viri..0-11'ffitbl,•:,-titi-r---0,s -rap1417- red:10:m >Of. 0.a/1.11,M...bar - --a:---aassaa--"a;.......... -.• ' • . • . getting worse, arta ma* :strisnatis.• Masi, therlave then'', beeaUSS Other fa/lasts ,....• ' ' :... , . a. . , . .. ...a.- : a The teat ng: el .seedas on athe. ...farm'. of Sena - available f• --liPtiOgi, --•-almi: - -SeYentYstwayeaas-of age. butatill4t, •VitalitYltad4got asolo•W It vias 'WM lea, iPiaTe•• 'Pit ;..5.0Pee..••even a' peer- farmer" , ''' ' '4 ' :• ; a _ is very esSehtial if one expects to have uncertainty . at havilig enough beaa Possession of the •priceless been' Ot• ..tiTeee:tde'eetnetetilipdettla.en'el, sr4ndohtie4e;r:voris:Bnigeesss'aA4 awiiii. a; 'gar, )40, 451.'..the. rest of hi tion, family . fled emee. way to keep it in ..'... ' ....,, ....,:s, matle. fife, mieerable..befora t found gas. and: rubber tired. It :las nee:Mesa: ' : ', . ' •' - 'TAN1rAC,. tut now ivy liaAltii, is per-. to say that pinert.enths. of farmerii .nsal . ands!, foa; happy ;ea a Wora; s:: have found u,ear,to be 'a necessity ilia' . . . ..,....._, 'that always be g,rittefUl.to 'rANLAc.r" 'well as .a luxury.. " •, • . . , . . ... a TANLA,.CLisaforaseleaaall,.geod..druga ...,......14tersthan-e-familyainsalmost.- arty.- .--a------a- - 'a &Ste. , Accept no Bil,4iitl,ife. Over 40. other line floe- Of 'b'neiness, ..P.,e' far* lam", : ''• ''',.', :a. Million.. hattlee sold. ' .. • ''. . ,.„ Ily ,-,fiede. was .of lea. 'slag, the f,,,n4y..:, --- . . • . - - ' car pay for its beard and keep. " • s • • • • - „, , . . , :Abeut 'a ;dozen ferMera, in .ntg neighborhood with :mien dairies haul . ........"', . money on things that proved worth. uniform suceesp in , grevsing pod broody 14 one time to have thechicks goodhealthand l actiVelY on the job crops. 4 We cannotiglways judge the of the 'Same age results in the grow-, with the Central Vernient Railroad, vitality, et the seedly lenha or color I ThC, 'labor in carlak •fer Where he has Worked for 40.years, •18 Each year before ordering new gar. several -different small broods le also. the remarkable ree,04,-ef H.H Moore den seeds we get out all the old seeds found greaterthan where the chicks 24 Messenger St.,;Alhans,'Vt, who at that were Iota everafrOm-the previous ,' are all one age axe; We then begin 'tea:tributes . Preeent health and •:year, as Well as all seeds .that had look afwny out and the foilowieg str.einghtehvenever n totheni use Tya,INitessa, Oven' saved from the :garden put ten selutions present themselves. seen the equal .of. TANLAC," lYfr.' Moore' tester and' let them.germinate in our (b). The. purchaseof baby ehicks. recently: "After sPeatlieg a lot of Tithe ll'aelae'Vegetable Pills. : • : • eorn..tesong2ont,flt, :forsiic to teit days, (d)• The purchase of ten -weeks' -old : • • • . and then read the resillts of the teet. ' • up, from the gravel well he had been ars in early summer. These were . smoothing with' hie hoe 'He leaned beught from the -nursery- and se were . • • , . __on .• the -handle- -anti 'frowned a» little -the -Wm -clematis- vines"' for - the- -cora to twenty sia Mete seeds, ()hit rag doll (a) The 1..ise•ist en'.incubator. • . shown S I f t crif t 1 t developing his own flock will have to 4. The Sunday 'School -Lesson .,Somc aurPrietng -thing's 'are' often The fernier - Who .is 'breeding And of the same kind a seed will shoW .have some meane of incubation which ' • • • ' • . ' MARCH 1.6 -matked-differencesainavitalitYaone-will-leayes him with a choice of operating . • 4 germinate quicker than another. •or his awn machine or getting spade in a . as he continued: "Have to do some ners of the porch. With the clematis the resits' of one may be conaideribly cominunitY 'hatchery. The Maier in- s ' • flower garden scheming, I guyess, to get much of a Were Planted netts% bittersweet vines . tit, "r . Bo-t,.7,,:weni.. from .the,wooda: .. ,,,,i,he ..hittersweets, longer and , healthier than andther. Cubators have now reached a state Of , , • ., , . soca , ., • ...saras. .. . were a moat attractive 'addition. and . Some 'may show bp completely dead, perfection where they can be relied on The low rottage..amorig the eutovers had cost .nothieg except a iittie , time It Is a geed idea when buying package and operated very successfully by an • , • „ seeds to • Pitt the date of purehaie on amateur. ,.• It Pars to bu. y. a ,good re - shone in the epring,sunsttine With pew 'and 'labor. ,. . . , .. • ., white paint. The tall befOreathe ::Thie. Year:in:steed of a cote:las:cheek 1 . , . , . . stamps had beeb ,Clearett*WaY, for a ,of yellow and white, tha:plaii Was to ' :fear acres .oe. all eide.S. *wings only have ai "border- of aniAed ;colors, Eight . se.seettering of trees to furnish Plied° Perennials Were •selected to be grown ., for the Ocier,yard. Otherwitie the plaCe, between the vines and thespireas. Of iyah as bare otatecornticirt as , a newly Perennial phlox ( Which: blooms, In a laid 'egg -sand.. quite as 'clean. ' variety.,of"coloie, tivo,,kinds.were used . , . Oil this Pleeeer. tarsi :for several on either side of the porch.' The fears to come, there Weald be but lit. .earlieSt of thesewasWhite, •Peatiaa. tle nion'ey' to spend' for luxuries but Maxima - and the other kind was loth he ,and • Mrs. 'Smith agreed' that delicate rose -white, palled SeasShell. ..a , .'• . "erne flowers. they.MUst,.heve. ‘ By biying these as his Ortit Perennialti ' : .:' . "We'll sea What...this dollar bill .veili David-Sinithafelt-thetaheaWas-getting buyi” were David's paiaing wor.ds to value received for his money, for they . las wife gig he waved the greenback' flowered Prete 'Y. at d sel both the fir an • at her and started for tirivn the next the edema years from. June until late ,day , • September. • ' Try to- get yellow and white AS• Pour . bellamosa larkspurs. ,cost Much as ,Yon can," Mrs.. Smith called „twentY 'cents apiece, were' else' /stirs •. oast. ham ., • . , .•chased.at.the nursery. These 'are also reliable perenniale' and their deep, blue When DaVid Sinith • rettirned, he : • had the • seeds F ba d ri. theshades are effective vrith 'Abe more delicate phlox.. a • ' - ..,gravel walk thete *ere two packages et sweet ,alysiiiina-:;'Thimie• seeds Were ,. The • annuals, aloWersg.'rewing.. . ; plasited quite thickly for a short dies the .perennials,: Were set; ins trent . of than , , . . . • . :s.•.:. tante along the:Weak: When,the•plants the others to complete the•bed.. There Were"- annual.. phloaTdrunirtiondi• in • ':.'.:!':' ./v0e large enough 't9 take up, :some of ' them *Etra,:_ 'transplanted. so.' that aarietts colors, Yetbenite. In pink and they *010 extend Airing both eidee. Of ;White; and .pettudas. Sweet -alyssum was used this- second year also, to , ... - - . • - . the entire Walk.' ' For two reasons this Waelattad:to.be,a-better:plan'thanio-.--edg6-4°Lib°1'derhed•--and-'-;theagravel „.„ . ..,.. •y . 'iv* the lands, tha. *halo length at, *Mica Nothing else was found to pica • .•, S. - • .: .4itit, . Tiny seeds..effer some Pretec- duce ,.snah 'admirable. 'results for so ... ._ ..., ... : . ,•,tien for each 'other...when. planted close. little' Money. : • , ,. . .... 4 s • , ,, -: - . In .. nialdng this ...beide! .floWer. gar- .:•, : . 'together; and theaaaatad;.in -this case .... ,• be 'mote easily. coaered 'andakeltereii dea': Seed*. 8bl:wit' lawaYs. be 'Pleated: :, .' . • ' .... fars• enough .away from the house • Po from hungry hens.. : ' : Sweet:lisseub furnished &Wealth Of ' that -when water drips: from 'the toot .. . , . , . white. bless'onas fer..the. colo. schenie: 'they Wilt nOt.,be washed: out, The 'ir011 . . ,. -; ...'And' .since; geld and - yellew-were the •ehtnild .40' 'Ou'aii4k7iiii416alci-A-CiirLz ether.. 'lades -preferred, .Mr. ''Smith Pared. as it: w°1141. be fcii• A vegetable ' . . 9 , had .baeught• two packages of 'marl- garden. The floWer. seeds, reap.' then be Bowe and raked inlightlys the•talc'. . :....as s . golds, one Of French and One 'ot. Afri- :can•. sthese Were planted 'east:border Ing being done lengthwise of a narrow border. bed., Brash will. protect „the ' '•• • ' ! elOSC to the house :and. were. inter-. - ... . siPer'aed With ..a nainbet, of white aster seeds trona the chickens 'arid the ts::•6 *arra .sial Until :the 'plantaSeppear, 'Plante and a few puiPle. ones WhiChs When' they bloomed,: relieved. the in-: .Then when the -plants. ate grown large ... tense orange orange et the:Marigolds, . Low;' p pawing, neturtiume ' edgeLflia-nrer.6 '----' -7 ---..goldalriTfrorit'jrid eentimied: the color • ' : -as • .sconibitlation .'...• ' .. '' ' ••. • , .. : ., • : . . Something... to. gave ' greater height . . . ...• :,. ,• ,' . then, the fle*ere could furnish 'Vas a ".' a ,..,.....;,, heeded' at the corners of the honse. To ....:":"•.•. ..• provide 'this accent, 1).ata4 made .rude: , -H •• trellises of 'three Poles. each placing .1... r. ..astsaathes•p7eleaelthaenrdia.,vtherSlitif).4..e.t.olai;eie h rah, kreound. One seldsLu7lneeda,to..bother --- g 'tering 'them, . ... The Reign of David, 1 Sam. Ch. 16 to 2 8am. Ch. 24. Gold- en Text-Idelight to do thy will, 0 my God. -Ps. 40:8. • CONTINIYATION, OF Tirs STORY- 'laws:. PomPare Ps. '18:2O-24; 835 't' 1 t • l's tra c and storm life ended in 89:14. liabk, well -tried machine ,even if the Sau Y _ , • the package. ayesee ' h fund s chi two defeat by his 'Philistine enemies. in , AppracATzoN• . and three years old•thatsgalfe Ana ger- 1 a' 'a -c's "IS- a little greater r . After the test place the date and Per ' hiniation s 'others were salmost dead. i. : relief!' .entiaely on the other fellow's. as. a haveder,.: Where chicks of 'sword. '• .. 'bats chicks oe against Saul." - Wounded and helpless Whir° and 'David's success is , in on the batikfield• he died:bolds OWT1 Saurs rejeCtion f wilful pride and Mount, Gilboa "the went sore - . In. the, put chase of .. y . , 1 H Tt ' Th • ' of S P ems s y. . e essence au s cent of .germinatiOn on the Package ability ' ' ., • .• "... .in David's acceptance for his humility. at once so that 'there will be no mia.,;:good quality can be procured it eliirisl ' . ..: . Teinperature, ineisture and smatiii- • . . • • : g • home in.•Bethlehens, who had served, P• . • pteducts, an always hauling, home in, • - 1 , since they cart be handled in broods David, 'had been chosen and Nathan's I hie .fam'ils•• car fiv'e :or 'six 1O1 -pound '.- ••- ..' ' take.; - • - '• : - • . ' - .- • : • ' • • .. 'anointed by Samuel at his father's • Quay'. s no made , -, our we, r n ng n fruit and„o • , • ence et his h 'i tthe oc to b I gi i thea" . " predictiop of the sperman- . . inatea the difficulties of hatching ted • who • • . • • . dikes the labor of raisin the ' chicks' - : ' • • cai esie.ote uonfw,retaiiiiionnet Yiritze, fTeoeeteee I! ity all influence the vigor Of see& Seeds . should not be :dried out 'toe' af' from 800 to 400 :instead of fifteen ea men, who had been 'driven into long i n SABI laitilfillly. as captain' of his arna-!Fr gh !sonar, marked success, and gravel (ha_s e et mill feeds; which 'bags ride ' • .' - : : • : to twenty with Old. hens. Thegrowing exile by .faise and cruel:suspicions responsibility is indication of innate. •quicicly by high temperatutes, nor is.. High.. places are dizzy Y' . eas end d - • t - • j ' ath ' ' •Ii" 1 o . no in ere e ap, o a , • :•:,.. . it well to • keep them in usroom where ,•-• , ..!4 _ . , .c findsu. there is An ' excess of. either 'heat or far ,-reaching and one now 'many.. Ieterest..1 the baby-thi k'b •sinese is 'wile had preserved,arigYertheless,ide greatness- - of spirit,.Pride goeth before a fall. David „was , itering.. , , - , • ,'.. .. .,. a. _a Isfatmers. buying chickichy parcel post'. earlier. grace and sweetnees. !ho saintibut-Ire-do-os-a-ppeafits a king, One of our near -neighbor boys runs- • .... .. tions influence seeds, we had'occasiola in preference to attempting to breed succeeded to the -throne, first of .1u-1 a hero; and a 'man. And neither his a, large, truck ' for a big dairyman •• .. .. • We:1state. ' :To show bow, these condi- end 'incubate their. own. must- dab .only, and after seven !years, of One year to purchase some new seed .all Israel... His reign' appears to have' great.personal' charm, his loyalty . to some tire Mites from his farm barest. • .:•:- : • his friendit; his' deep human affectiontal Tie' goes to and returns from his work ' ..-.. oafta and I ' went . to three ' neighbors.' • • . • : knowin nothing of hesource : One ' ---- extended 'Over about forty ,years; from • his simple, -pietia fait are more.aaery morning ' and evening in his ' not, however, buy... indiscrinsinately„ Who said they had some exCellent seed, , .about 13:C.' 1010 •to .970s. From the beL 'nor. • admirable than in the inciaent under' • , . • - - • g g t o r • • h Finning e faced great difficulties.: A. . their 'market Milk „to tewe in the family'ear• every morning for • city shipment.- - Thus -all -the- work- teams are: kept at Lorne and lasted for bet- ter field use. , • ' - One, farm girl living some 'three miles out of town la the clerk of our refrigerating company in thwn. She, boards at home, goes to her town wOrIS every morning; taking her father's milk cans for railroad shipments and brings, home the empties it night, be- •• sides groceries. and other tbiegs her ' mother needs. Her little touring car . • ntakes, Its -way for her as well as for , the, rest of her family. . • One 'diversified „farmer living son" • eight rniles out makes weekly'trips to but before 'buying fresh any of them origine . There are on the arge Section of the people of„Israal of the. tock ' treview, 'where he exhibits the rare! ,smalltouring cart neving. time and ' 'I took half-pint -samples' from each of their:161i and tested each . one sepa.riitely. -I found tate. las that it wohld not pay' to so*, 'one of whkh tested sixty 'pea -cent :and the ether • which,are hatched from inferior :stuldr. 'made his son kieg.iii Mahanaiineast and sold at a greatly reduced price 'of Jordak. • e ousande ef .cheap chicks adhered to the house. :.of: .Saul, and and beautiful spirit of 'heart search- atone. - •••• •' • •' •• : a . , • Ing in the hour of signill honor. David' ' Two of otir' own boys work out seir- :. This, price is ,made possible: by the Much of the land was etill had great human. •faults, .but he Melia .eral • weeks. of the. year, sometimes was 1 Sures up well Under' the iearchlight near to and sometimes far from Mir- ' .: • ' . 4 ' ': fast:that the flocks• front Which thew. overrun by the Philistirtes. There about seventy per cent., and yet each culled a. Point where a better el eggs, are taken. not develope , an iii•e n. . . rad d ween u a an . the other tribes,. an.df bitters and ..growing -•: antagonism 'be- 'ea:: 4, : tdilecii. h:mbxt ig,withtehs:Ot: iT:osttia; . fseacroinndh:amnde. ';‘,,,i...heili,Ithuesir.thweoyrkaries ,mteo:e Mile away they , go In .their t is. y, an eve mercy, than . aa of these farmers sewed the ••-grain P7-ce,government. But David had 'it small' no ,strong, well-orgaidaed system o ed *hen they striate for work.' 'd froin those bins putting it on :a little . • can be demanded. Thousands, Of' this band.of tried and fedthfill friend's who. The humble, grateful. heart was that ap aro, • , of which the Master, spoke. when he . . . . 4•'• , ' heavier, than usual'in order to insure a • good Stand. However, those 'teats also showed that the germination of many. seeds was 7 plower thanadthers; ssoine*hat datkAri color on the root's, foam flock is the purchase Of pullet:1.1.6"i 1.o t e people, to establish our house, and generallyaliewing _evidence of, lin= ...,everel Of the larger farms .are nowl overthrow of the .house of Saul, until••they are..eight or ten k he' was able .thawin over. by his' frez„ let ni pray' for' God'a grace" that we, meaty' and: fair dealing, . the tribes 2. More than human.. hi the career making a. specialty, of growing chicks may use• everythirig.,for his: glory." • maturity. , We ,botight .the • seed that. !rect. :. which at fliet had appased him, end I of to strengthen his army with the train- ! age, marketing the broilersthus far of the shepherd; outlaw, poet, gaye.' a high germleation.'test, andi who had warrior, and king, there are stue'h ele- 'threshing machine measures showed a difference of about fit, b - , , e lishels per Ing the pullets out for laying stack. fought Under ' Saul . . ' and sell- ed and experienced soldiers ' .., there grows imurizanssing. romance. ,that was • -,-----. - .-.- .. - • 'e • The pall t '-‘" This effete the line of least r I tr ' :d the ' '' ' this great ruler tht's acre in 'favor of thegoodseed wh' h a_s_e_e s_ancaa... Thenceforward growth of Da- ere ows. ' ' conviction•Of guidanee and-of-des,tiny. sown at a lower rate per'sica•e i e s arrive after' ,theaa'arsCild's power. was rapid. He subdied- ughathe brooding process s and -old --He sees clearlY, and trulO that it is t thro • -The ,price efatheadifferent seeds war; enough.to pht Out 'en rangewith 'littler ther-Ph. . wca,grea ..-battles.- ' ilistines inl t ' . tnot the manner oriiiinQiat "haat seeding of the peer seed larger.' ' I care.: :The cash outlay is; of necessit • . He drove the Jebusites. out of their .spoken also of thy servant's housafor the sanie, Making , the , cost of heavier larger with thismethod b' -: ff ' , but o ers the 14.reng4 la fortificatiorai and m 'd it hi ital - old' in Jerusalem, extended its' a great -while. to come" ' ' ' ' In .tekting 'various kinds of 'seed. we ' *Few. hves have. been More eventful.' There, for the-first:time, he • - g7ilithemst• busY farmer's l'ilfe a very: convenient' cItY.' .est.olished the: aticrent sauctuay. .of . But itt. all his 'Yarlecl difficultiee and eueesedoueorrnra, fgorderllciot:srtoert;s fitnhdaitn . method ef renewing her layingfl k . _ . ...,,oc : the, nation, the tent temple :of the m hie meal' great emergencies, David Converdent for: testing ' :k'* ' '' • out on d Thi ' ' see . s is made by laying' t ' . ' ' I '. - . ' ' . - . ' . a table a length Of pearl water fi- ' h . y m . , , 8 When ge--------Your Addres ' Wh Wilderness, Which had rested Success ive.s at .thigel, at Bethel, ,and, at , been able to secure his •' ' inyasien... He united divided groups Is never without resource' He has a countrysagainst 's g aey . Ind .of Chan - - 1 Shiloah, and r,esteresi sthe . priesthoOd ' grade go, eat to Our fermi everY' Year had. shared his -banishment and now. Made little, children .tyisical of 'the and .reeults in , no jinProyeriient In the became the staturick inisPerters of •his Lku.1,,ingtdeomln. ve:Itt ' it p jrase` uGed_ toexalt tur with authority and ht Gibee • (2 :Sam. ch. 2) and the fecT-Iihned-itthYirodf ou-ert fl°Sit°3! ------renewing the' I kaingdm.n-After -1.118,-def eat-,af-Abner-i IMF -lame, 'to gisa in the sight. d paper, such as , is. used in butcher enough; they can be .transplanth to .shoPs- for tYilig up 'Meat. Thie is • - extended his, power. by a friendly al_ It has -been'a far cry fr,om•the s epai ou -Move..• , which had been destaoyed or scatterg...ment nanndlijautsi°Unie Xifto‘'‘aelxlehenistepdeoi uldeg;-- -st. aerie' a rural in t ' by-the-insaneaviedesice of--Sa Isa the spaces Where .the El e'ed8 did not - safteirt -c ass post office" EaCh . twelve inches 'de 0 thi 'd - hence with Tyre, the great:phoe.nieian I herd tent to the Jerusalem palace. not fatigued on'returning'home at . n g ,•• Last but not leads.. anaeld_retired _•• farmer and. his wife were at a loss to kill time. At last they solved ,the • problem by 'investing in a light run- about Now. they are like real 'young, • - folks • again,' cheerful and happy jn • „ their play, which ••thei, have 'well . earned-- by a lifetime of hard work. They believe it is ' better to wza3te a little money on'a little "car than to , leave, a lot otamoney_to-their-hars , • to be quickly wasted on a big car, ore • perhaps an airplane. • - , , When the hens are fed_ for ego they obtain atifficient • material for ' . ' whitesa-and- lkss but the grain feed, they consume , cannot furnish , 'enough Hine to make strong shells on ,, . .. all. the eggs they can produce A'lack .P. of lime results In soft shelled eggs s'r" which 'are often broken in' the nests • come•up thicicly. Seed .p,aelcets-of an - ata . s al • a day after mail trains helP sort and seafaring nation, and by conquest of , And the ark of the Lord' is still 'in a i tent. But whether in 'tent or in, the double thitt amount of • space if the Spread in gr4elps on the-mm.31in beih way it s little kingdom of Saul under his: t length a muslin' the same Width and distribute the:mail, and thereby gee Moab and •Edoin and Skria as far as! lordly temple, fittin, and worthy , of seeds are- planted thickly and later • .... d , carefully labeled. ino muslin is damps g d ' g I t very, sel out that he -eaves his. new, strong hand. rew n a grea ems 4d h th dd • ' i t it' i t h' d't that: he ' • cats is God over Israel." And from t e ou of e vital message of Na - h h r th a : n -s e e eggs are also -Pro -- d - and this may lea to the egg -eating h b't Thi h 11 d mulles initially contain enough for a about fiftY inches long. The different au that comes in. Harnath on the rivet Orontes- e: ewer that has guided, "the Lor twenty -feet 1' raW, and . eneugh -for . samples et. p eds are. • counted out end , • whets -ass -farmer moes a • Th d of •47 ..511 *S. • tran P ante '• ' d 11 d h s • . .ene ro e up and kept in t e germ- a ress, or as e a ress of h s P All plants, annuals and perennials !magazines 'changed Hi 1 tte his ascribed all his greatness.te the grace u s o is cre , !than, arid the beautiful praYer a our duced and they often' break in the _a iniifor and examined fr rn ti t _ s e ra• • - d .f h. God (is .18 81§0) -; lesson the revelation that crates a d ° me ° smagazines--evep „his daily -come -inal_m for Is s• : - eke -18/1:7•klaass lar,ge I be weeded. ' ted unt4 "4. cti7tsliride t OY Wig"InsCarlet 'runner •13.ea1:1! tho Is can' ofteh ...be • ,trlained, heritriltinglY lilce shrubfitpl.taknetys waseeda of 'perennia.. s .wheri: coo does given as- much f yellow -and -white I' this' 'touch. o ' ave Smiths And.th9 twenty-five dollars. a .." . high widen. affordthe first year.. . ss • • effect Was,. smits had a . ed With great success 'the money for t -g6 lents. sP.end ng natorally much Seeds are 'MaitY-11i--63c;17easute AO' `a fa3rcost - ' ' • '• could. 'net garden h" n.(1)- tbeari'„er: than • Plaitts's and fipefite%naillatlos beauty g aback s• of, same t had covered the cost. be -grown aaseeriate:twtehae nYlirazerYece4dn- at" PafeichaKasla for tweb.. Yidc.alineedthl.,oir'.iatirl'sPaFs,!asns aailt Often 111°SS°11; alyssum for jaatatice,'W--eP'-!.1 Ins unfifinciinag forty cents lard% anal Ie-ehrtl a-parenniala 4 lents. `,.; ,P .Against- the house to..undationt they' beautifal flowering poppy, are to the fromaseed in tthefisvedooreeynatsrd.. the 115 two froni led been if thefrost comes 8131."1!ing; paekoalue.A...stfif.a-ren Ilheahd nrilten cente . and onoofp the Same , f .11f "r' that; ,theY e•t°Bitiunts was on t • oo earlyd over each Ont at ten • celitt3'haug eta and brid ' bought will biog. packet of nes. nand n Ito ewer the next spr mourn , (scabima)1ogther .-planted cosmos, ,Irent-of these May be raised in this way itacale: Is ..sesaa-;:_aa'is4*Pae larkspurs bine Arid whit.e With ' • phlex drumMondi to border thein. One • packet each Of these Was enough, or ' twenty -foot row, 80 the cost for • floaters Wee. only. thirty cents. •. wo peony plants,: therefore,..,of the gink variety' were .selected. at thirty-, ye cents.each-one fereither 'side of eteps...,..Theaa,...pereurriala5.are-met, itixtensive considering, the fact that they bloom 'year after . year 'while splantd shave -to; --beareplecedseaell year; Were :a Wise 'choke aa"a Part or the. • ' ‘d011at bargain: '• • • • • Th -second Year,,,the David Smiths did net 'have to limit their , plantings tO ,dolizik. Tintes.had been 'good and ii,flasadellar bill Vitee"to purchase the fer-- the h othe'greuil CIS.' 'TWO •dollastaef this they spent forpernian, ... ant phrirbS;.tWo dollars Went fin, 'per. , SaS ve.fammememumeresuememe F . -'EGOS and plenty of them ovety m,onth ill the year if You will'rear chicks, - feed and care for them as instruct ,ed in our inexpensive, 'effective Coldbelt Poultia, Course, given by mall underathe ditedtioe of the ex- pert poultrymen; Geo. N. Miller and Prof. C. K. Graham, Pattie:a lets gladly' mailed. - Write:Shaw ,oultrY,Catthool46 Sloor W., Toronto time for abentair`i-orIenAriys. - . time after time even p ra ure ourht .to Ise kept aboye "ouabother and his 'decided loss. . . , re.yerenee. ng line of descendants, Israel knew • .• I She. had a :mission in the wOrld. Here- , h a e o t Lor is to be,a liv- A h eggs. f nrith eiid he cl God's prop ets in honot an th have eggs with strong shell's or eggs - will. Ile brokerisunder the. setting hens. • ..› 4. It is mach easier to handle eggs In •, - ' 4.• artificial 'incubation wheri' they have - - t a_ • t etching time it ' - is ecessary to as. sixty degrees and thesmuslin moisten: '•• By no means are allapatrons se at,, Ch. 7:18. Before the Lord., The,king, after. this cohyietion never -died:, . ed freely if one has no germinating •f alt Th's I h h f went 'into _the tent Sanctuary which; These results cbuld never have been outfit; This IS splendid tv k f •b aere. are. fine virile, wide-awake peo- • there • • but for "the. raetica: a the preseace , or or• a emp asize, or was. now set up in Jerusalem and in' daya, and a di id d ' • IV lc was e sacred ark the ?1Lttt aa-aaara-y-a been the re_ flrm, strong shells. Oyster•shelle can Q fin. °Pe le on farms in this cou t f • • •• ' ' • CHICK CRO -13. • , rona fail to point out that new le_ca- ' -The'-groWing problem' in.theMan_ tion,When the-O:mOve. :1 humble place, . - •• to -:"the high. seat off but for 'David's God. • .1 who ,fonow. it.a.4. L. Justinee: P n riour.s, to the davout Israelite. of the presence cognition of the power of the super- ,i,se purchased in 10,0 -pound sacks at • s owe or -who are ,,going to of God: 'The, ouestien,"„Who am IT"Criatural that has led ordinary men to price.clota to one cent Per pound. ' A -• "a --, - own their pleads, who are not so care- is an expression of genuine humility.' do eXtraordinarY things. Arid to this dollar's worth of shell's will furnish • 'as , BETTER EQUIPMENT FOR •oisaf, less -a -never. But soniany, many pat- by ya tcha.enuhoet'nfdorogeft othoadt bfroonwiasara,tileseryd 'Whateur8h:tohueassnilePeysercahtauyreaLiesat;.d11(7Driagyhict .11,th.oerthhenSof wegifgsh.lj•niThe'aeareoa inis'anno_yedcoopnoarmyras. q:• than six years I have' Pc'wer• " • ,•• • '•• 1:Wri-OtiSM. David loved • his doing without .the vvell-filled.oystee , agement of our ferret poultra is the : For -more en , , .reiiewalsof thesfarat .laying-flocirsaaltss is" con -UM* knowledge that A . pullet given':'.eonsideFatiOn 40 ttris4aultaand'..`"avaal-fl•A .mall -,-- .., _ I jelawat•regarded 'Ale CleVatiOn to Ile a sought for, the reason. Now a farmer, ,'the kingdom as: a sinall thing, and had patriotism becarne the ideal for later give y„ will lar more eggs. than a' yearling a when he Mesas, finds himself topsy-, now promised, asgreater thing,' even timeii. His nitife hacame the` eymbol :to eoriatttzet 'theepackages. . ' alp's BS though :country.-•i:•,,,He ,rwas.gled • clean sanitary packageSabut we must• - Halt ahell,,,hopper , _Eggs .lare paodu .d H.• s 7 , s ma. a T"bered ter' the whole eat on. s , heav -laying. hens plenty et two -Year -Old hen; We also knew; that turvy, :both within: bis' cranitnn • and that hie sei•vant David's 'house should of the Messiah, the idettl, tiller. ,a;u.t, , ., - • /. ,,'• 't " Thie promise became - only the ,time. whee again'. a- righteous,. king ' ,,, ' • low ebb ha; productioe; due tosnioelts ge. n The' taurns from 'the 'farm flock Come e,s of the, ,publisbera, becatise • all the •liavid in. 1 ter ars, but at r , papers and magazine were used . in. decline andn'fall Y•oef 'the. Ishigdorns of age, tact and loyalty. When any lead; t..31ceuohmt Of the efee, t.enci_moguth, Israel and Judah, stinnilated the, hope er.or any Citizen brifigs any, et all of Peeking 'the' •dishes' and fruit jars., ,\.1 a a s•ealval of •Dayidaaheuse und 'of these ' kindred arifts ander the sway ,ease in ,England; and Wales".' amount. ' ' • , ' The patron should make a list'of hiS,U new era of 'still greatei POWer, and of a high moral PurPOsea hie life call- to onlyalal per. cent.. -of the cattle ' ,:... a ,; ,, pondents. He•should `prepare it weeke; he asks. papers endinagazines, and all dorres- glory.. als this the manner Of nw.n?".•hot fail. ; Not all good men are called population, `to 0.1.8, per' cent., of the • ' . Is this the sort -et thing that to be public men, but all good men are „sheep, 'and La per cent. of, the swine., ' . : s a money-maker, the pallet •;ie pros without. He , Says, "Let Ma do at," continue "for 'a, g-r,e,at'iOltile ta, Ionic."' great prophets looked • forward to a • AP 1 11* r t n u . , -, -I • I- y• clueing eggs duringahe petiod,of high And Ma says, "Sis, you az dawn and prices .while the ',el_Aer hens are at a tell our correspeaclenta where -we're bade of the loyalty of prophets an s pu a on e rone. ome o e in rig an 5. willing to, wait for the blesses* a very largely' from egg sales and the little longer than When the 'plants mine We can put On the Market dui - themselves are purchased. • • • Ing the months of November, 'Decent- . "Where there is a 'there, will bei, ' "Januaiy and February,. the, be a garden and beauty! Nature greeter our receipts 'are going to be 'Works with us, seeds are cheap, work Is OBI'S to give and neighbors are al- ways generous, .With rests and cut - Export of Live Stock and The aumber of cattle shipped t� Britain from Canada in January •was 3,837 dempared with 2,165 in the dor. responding ,month last year, ,and, to the United States 6,620 „ eolnpered with 4440. The beef shipped to Bri. lailf-was-41:8;500-lbtr.:tOrnplisfed- With 563,100 lbs., the baton 9;92g.,100 lbs. contpared with 10,824,800 lbs., and the pork 884,400 lbs. comPared with 523,- 100 lbs. To the United States went in the same nionth 822 calves doh -mated with:448; 22 Sheep, coil with 81; 559,900 'lbs. of beef compered -with 1320,000 lbs.; 21,600 lbs. of bacon dont- pared with 1d400 1be7; 65,700 lbs. of pork compared with 47,700 lbs, arid 900 lbs, of mutton compared with -'700. "Weil begun' Is half dens," can 'be applied to.the grOwihg 'Of crepe 'to adaantage A good Start Is neceisaty to got'a good erop-, I ' Sis•does not have the-addressa! PeoPle in Judah to the succe,ssors of .factorssin. a personal influence -so. far • te the reaching mere Patience, energy, cour. According to the Dominion Lira Must, endeavor o have a relatively the Xnowing these factors, to exist 'we 'before he moves and buy of his carrier Weak hurnanita has reason to eXType,t?, called to,be public spirited: , 't • est ' • By the question he 'shows his sense o`fl' reeded p cards. He should fill large proportion of our .layin' `f; .k them out some leisurely• t h oc quer er- our . the greatness of •the honor' done to ., It lies within t , pros nce of every he 1 ' • wattitrifi..,6t, ion,e-ts. , • Ilies6, .o..6,i3i,_...h..e. :pege-ibly-swheii its is •rainfh.g, ...an,,d sic. r-mni-1,,,,,this promisa-efaaradt•But tem- „man a by e simple .broui.ht. into Maturity . that .thes, raised d • watehhIg ' hungrily t.he-71.1' carrier is: P: avis. 12 g42.. Ftor :Hill:pi° rd,8 , soca. It ararmilii splash along with his ....... •, • hatched ht time and . so Chron. .17:17. • ' . means of pist being friendly; - is,.he aeliestea •te fulfil -God's avoid -to. sget•ifito production some time during rhe mail' them "nc't later' than hr stokeentl, licart Tit protphet Samuel Septembet or October; This presents the day before he Puts up hie 'Mails. the factors of time of•hatching, rate, laviiceeneSsieon t°onSeaul.illie°boeesiciontir in bex; if he Would' mall' them several of maturity, and rearing Method's,. , . days before, it Would be•bettetsstill.i confess the goodness and the glee:- - Early hatched His'publishers will net bein the least": ness -of God. chicks are. essential. breeds ally come into production ,for early prodtiction. The li • embarraes,ed, and 'h t ' ' V : ' 23 26. If/' ' : thatathe carrier and post-niaster. will e can res assured' s. - . tat, one nation? A similar question .is asked in Deqt. 4: when six months 'of age, the lighter be thithkful that he this fittlel 7,. 8.. Th4re le. eOnvietion in the breeds alittle earlier. We Mast plan chore. Then saentdaacidthienr mind of the Prophet tbet•Israel's. re- lation to God is unit:lies raid that God our hatches with this fact in minds it Ida neW quartewrehehnisiteptigpee6rs is. postable to ,rusli pullets' into preside': tioh, by. heavy lizetein feeding: but it tends to them info. laying' be-. fere they heasi attained ..thele full. growth, fa: egg and a greater ditriget.•or whiter Moult, . • Thelbreedy hen has bedoesp, a back. .number foC,ecopoinircal. padadetion of chicks. •Cataful tepidly the ,bietitly character from our faits. 'flocks; Hens 'Which iteist geing.repeatedly Meetly are :generally poor layers due tO their fit?, t had bestOWed upon Israel extraordin- mail 111 d It' ' '.0 ay nutaks of. favor. He has chosen steadfast, helpful friends thea are.' Israel to be his people, lie prays that -R. W,• Hart: - God will establish his Word of prom- , Ise -and will' do is he „has saids It mutt s hard, ee , to sell pro- Ch. 8: 14, 15..• The Lord presprved ducts that,°0 would 'net,eat himself. Dailid. The prophets who wrote mach 's • of this history, held 1)avid in high it *is everybody's buSinesS te. sed honor.. As he honored them and, ve.. Abet all, geed slaws are enforced, , celved their word to him as a vorY time tl oke well of him are tested, The farmer in partidulats GJ'to he his epaefeign Lord. TheY ,word of God, so they ,p II's§ is e " • m -mat', and' regarded him as a true theocratic as well as other Kinds f 9- batteriesjking, a king who' recognized. Israel's shOuld take pains now to at,ort up declared his rule' to haVe been Just .., • • 'oil• an. '• rea . Strap Chiotna :Lint or thee .fainon• Otictie . • ei 'nitrites Suntan et. • riwhrt,rnets;04,11,4.1attit raarniiry,' 421),51..tharit' 4.7.•11.6617 a/e1;111hiehirn(t;i0,744d*. atan1;61' 11,4)- Pothlt%11 fer arotririat..e, gigt , c,. , 60 Water` St. 'S,LStlifit19.•2sol Stratford', Ont. I Seeds for Sale Seel Conner le noted •• for its hCah.onallty aeedt , Vett Seed House, Brampton,. Ont„.. le loeate'cl 10 tt to;r1Ocrt1;n1 °IVatrttessitttelef etniere, Alstka, Serifit: TillnOtM 81,5844 Er. rte., *MO ire sold dIrcel „to:"tirmors. ant vitt. IS an) iito Iota: Writ* at cocc,tor Odes totai. 5110 HOUCK. " • mats ,qeetst yacatiohs, -for prodiidsaenergY. for _ftttur(!:ifii."_ and betiefleient„ obedient to Jets:Wahl. -T., . met.) E .tS,I e, k C missiOn r the ''slau hterin These figures indicate that tiler° is ' , ,,,- '• little likelihOod of the importation of . ' 4 . a , pleat -fronts overeeissabeing'ilfereased ' ' 1 , , 'on assoant of the deetructien of Brit.. ' ' "'• • 11 1 Cr3 t ti e, , • "rhe Reaper. tlad -Remember, boy the °las' erbe ) I you reap Is *hat is sown." ' Sen---"Veis father, t Mcrae( (4114 Of kale ,frous 'what you're grostn." Workathe highoet typo of persona activity, is thit best wily to tharect .happtres4 , - , : e . . • ' ' c ' P '' 41; • ( ''v '• r • P r .,. .. ' 1.4,, ot!' .' ' 7-41 1 , ,.., . , 4" , o , i ,,,' ''.. ...I 4.' * , \ *-..* :: . .•,,,e o.;., ,..,,', - ' "; ;:-• i ...:z; :,,,, ' , . , • .. : • ,,,„ ,.., • '' . .1,..4...., .,,,f .4.ir..'..alf..1.X1.,.' .. ' . ' ' .. t':-.''' t. IrilgreP400k4 ''"t400K•P7Z1 P. •••190. ' ' '4), 5P'..4`4,\.'4":'.' - ,,,:, , ,),,,, ...:,-oft ;;_a,,ti4o.;,...,..,..!-1,4v,„..1!„,,;;..,, ,,••.a.„.,. -.:,.,,,,,,...04 -ii....,..,,, ,.•••,.. 1it.13.:...v,a,.,itElt..7;:,.4..4 ,,, . ...,..,-,... r...,.., ,..• ..'..,-' ..,-'....,:..,,,,,A ,....k,..... . .^ • ,,,,, -•... ' ' ;. ... , , ............u......:...•••-•.' ...........;,,,........t.og.twAr. . . • , • - •