The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-06, Page 3:�Jhk� I Ism's .1, -"7-,W 11, ­­ I . 1, 'r,- =-I' �;'­ MR9 77,' �7 A 4 j, CouttDress for Labor Kirio, Qe�jg'e OrIll,-' ED Higg.. George. 4" 4elpod to, %modify A prjp�cr lreceije4 ry, fr* oh, what, a *Ild- anid ventures M* pk U r a,,,, 'y k 9" 7 FIT jvp%�! Af?P L , I �, 0 N e ;,(j,- d -e 1 Id s tt jD A Surgeon, w4o, wan04,44N, 4'oeveral`� you �7 Its thing thousand' jdIter-4ea4q1f `�4.10 1 Th�,ol.olqvful �cp;t, that leaps th, pi n t ture burst gradlef iih& it d �h Anted the' Th Out, It-rusli 'Ain -iss fortn:_Sxpeq*Ut of alIr thj�, Th67 prIpter I h", T Willed, with'the; "o I f- ljte� 11 bl' Wrote W14 -up, OVAL tlij� market. for, pne operatfork boun. UWjWht I equal.. P.040*1501, . two, �or five4lilph tric s- Into, th f _Q �J;Ate of, N400ndr e� reedom. It had T 'iq#' 'Rith tho6q .ether-.. -aw with M 9A I .:: . - r - ­ . 1";r" ­­ ­ 1�-, -­- 1 4-- :', .. . ". . . , . 'tan Ous. at., lum 'It7 out,*.nure6, � Qu 0- ,or...w a 04A Ue �'Labqr� as 't !F ?,01� 40, ecislon qeil, for �ti -days as'l expect ter t1ii: sixth k#*� ueed:not be e en or. -T Jac i Thiove& Ire 6. :eas. is, d d t t Wrn by ither in t oppL14, gA; abiiolutely unctions. Th' .',.ORANGE P"KOE­QU LITY'� an opera ton A to .,bq 131., the market for, ,4t the fellange -prom for gallstones and I Want'to save pro, wamto witluiut the suslitest 1110 fr edofn frok d 1It is. not Ing M-bont u- Sqqjilist not hesita e, To of- 046 le�aslonal nur�n dp extra cost of cutting. debutante to.WqAr,plumqs A44, A.Aprig 11, gay,l'cousider the, in t of- ,I had anotilir he 0 M, V. a" the, bQr M, -"dl�04i;iy tral tlip"'IA W 4th h ad and ta erect I s. ficient and natural, adh cou d X"got him tarteit, on -barzi, andtoilic toh-e'fidd, TA21LAC thAluire, h ud -do S1101 wn theroad, an y i oeir unga, -claw _U0kS �UVL, A beynd "tit d,-kne4,breee1;.ei' wff *tifi!ice' 9� requ, re . a. it A pr6per nderirtitildill f at reachint�gtaIemelit.given out' to r ly and had regained streng -nitid:n' Whiting to be., wo o publicatictfi"r tly by`Mrs� L Bor" 'brk. t Hovi Re;- Wr. s we as�the�., spelling den Sei leal of, adwln,. n, 1198 444ate of 'the, �`T nee are inean§'that the.Labotr 'MinisteraL Will, Hard. recp. of the. fact that the Al he world r etu: to� ave to ri mon, H. Citisim:in4 not in tliq� r,fs�k of bei 19'ef4 H P'rdw n, *. Hr tj rm-V6­ Lt(leiWash.,A gr g cq4! .W, 6 Injjt* sured, by Q,eIr t follower's, for A I suffe s I ubtle' Ref M .-,be: Obta* A -p bb 'National emperauce en I ce .. *tth­TANLA My Hermann,'I errman, rrranq.­ changetp, 14 the course,bf Waiting to see. how-ji e k ast it Is; of' My exprt C . . 1 .P. it jA,, ita forInstance, 'as 0 e t6s' ft todrgpy,,9n4'-croa BIG child" W. A And then, 'the young conn i r IT" R&CIal PriuIn77AngIq-SAkon o Gor� me., Chicago'.., title'li Ila an t a those days, and en.AQ-4a Man pedp[6 suffer fromneryQUA 111- 'T a., alone U�' C often -in. treat- 9 I..gqod dtur 'y I ed ve ou hAdeS of m6atilh9juto, 0190ptlou.� -*The commonest. catises� AM -patl6hts, and My. "peri- . -bottl gut: -S 66u,ci -$70 rench.. jf60 abd -one 'for _Sig d. W put*.yarl mprit of my BW e wo"d "Sonny, ot'exercise 'pr SOCIAlist, Labor host6s'ss and debii-, th r s son, And,biotliezr In. mot'ry,' over. Work,' lack frfh�own bn Ito 'own -res6fireex I . . I I � - "I I L . r . � I I � At' a. ence has , been. thatr,'for keeplpg, The family 7 -is un -e4r plume. neof Hal -man - -addressing pe a gpn bound,, #pf;es like to, w ople'rAolloquially. eral run dd�tvo 4pQpAIqqn Of the st4macb, livei, kidhey*. And bowels, f. Teat, number " of varla� All -of the foregoing,vartations, wifb: ystem. It: is a disialie'Lof tid nerves Around ihe'tum a. tift of discords, t. u Ile Prime, Miui,!jtcr Macdonlito th not. usual In t4o'.9 11 1. . ­ �. �i � .." � I - r , a ng fu q ning Take, Ta �e b t, properlyr and. for. toning 3 to lirnug,41. t ganol V -a Of it that an 'Reatifiz-and -sh -A" getz lo, _enniinz:.un,,.�s rtoriaI;YA.o --- I_ be,f6u a -the-exception-of ve or thertaill'S. He caused j littl flUfter*rOut 0rheru, guro ry and, w4lell '11aV0 e pe -common. 04- and iscorected by giving needed houn. Near draws --in. panic flees the -Which are, not Aearly�,s er' It ents 0 int6jIte"'Utitted'-States from,, Rev.. AO hat's Oo Chmi&4 A#Yer&m at the Pilgrims, dluner.to Amassadors QOm AS, bvloifs. fahment to the 'nervous system and COW y, have meaningo which Are o I I I I . Where urage, joyous I Management is as,vital a fac. r A different countries. Theord ".Pairn"i s to In Keliogg and S,iz, Esm6 by. prii I'- in"' U"r to -da . In, building up the b ood. i 'now Its" 6 ebull FOR AALIE� instead Y ' I . , , r I ;' 4 , .1 ing a black Waistcoat f. I As a faintly of qbitrse, lt'd� The tre deuce?. s Of: any Qther� busineos prganiiation- wea Q ly In r c tland,L th deicentant frbM �thb AIM n corlsigto,largq rW too of aVy other busllies�;,torgani�atlq#. -GROWERST-YOU white, a' all. the other guest. g. L Ban Itich give' rest,' reereAtion and the use, ei on, did But'l,.Oloped from a-, Iven nicins, that. of ib nglo-Sax6n of Aie* b4pf6m in'. throbb si defin Us ca Mr, Macdonald loug since has shWn nic,suq4 4S Dr. W411tairls" Pink Pills. Without good ma4gement they- wool manufactured: or n& -man.. At Ii H I Asti that, I Itely', us b n. 9 Or 'I, it means ."child 72M id for yarn or blinkets, Aok fttab][14 . and r ee i intolS,ranc'e, for the edicts of :fashion.: perain �so far -'as the Enf;Ilsh and th -en . call -Aheir. children I he r h r' aintaln. that.deii Pareuts� off, ri� addition, 'the patient should follow No'pense to turn &older Irom:,out I of confidence in the Mills, 0;6q�ioWp Ontarla� French. ormts re Bi�t the the saiindnese of A�t ChE;q erS Court- his - country h9p f con '"child '!f 116179th-er", afia-:tlie. reful, dltpt,� and, avoid, coff ee.and bich ie ibroillu. U 0 1 ft�= '.'son- road;.. perations w ­ be'se­ in peculiar: na-.�ufe of In. many -insianom' such. names stidt- ulants,. these b ng`unsu.ttable� for 'S rod little hlorOV,, a me, -day i un-* )-�D LA -I YOU a ind lij nam -leaVeS.rroom for -the fe mid- es ht. seirin -fours e� DossibIl within the fain. d4rat'and. at ho' wfiol his plus rsf thin 0 lly.at leapt. Inth o one a no" rely nervous POOP rilme Strdet-*ere h oi �a diffeto pare, tima;� good Pay, r Stu As Prigie -Alipister, her IS to en, stirn Y e0o f -4,w - u�dn-the-blood -the- -:mak46 c o8 flharges . -es 66, Munities:L*-Pre 0� 7.. see Stuart. Ore moved-lifto-J)dw- dle -tor-nOurishibLent- Utt. A.- friermi's.';gaiis You, n Any, -PA, S'6n Sul; devel -,wo sets -of g ilce ".N&U6 t Olt clubs." idAd '4 p;add pment in Germany. 1, formal. Ile lafter.'mis'Cbe linilt-up and made.r.l.ch eta an than your Own his Be mp for parti The two s regards the and.pure,,which In Jfist what n are also a 1 rge -number. of,his old Dr. Wil- -Me :t So Ot es stuck, eomplishmentai please you morie thbm Mailufacturig basic Teutonlc w 69r, a. word 'do: Pay, in, cbi 'favor ite bookaj, for In every, opare mor ords: einttre� unity, and., e' the b6itrr. IlabW Pihk*Pille. ItAliere '10, -loiss, F -C6 n Other Words, e�ementa; � irid the more s:Aeftotingr I In Oe-Chx1stlig.l.. ter'. ew up' and had ChIlAten lim Dr." Williams' your.own. a DespAir And confidence -both'binish, he red .d vinity. , s In turn�gr �Of -W,124ght'.and- pa tve,, AS xicliei fea.111.11 .,, I.— I., , , " , - riends, you ji� You. '4171% Ar6 especially h6lpf Ill.: Mrs. entor days� and "man Ignifying,humini Advance. the latter.cAme to be, known, as "Fair- Plnk4pflla� and- tl�e more you- can do�Amos R.' 't 'Thus the'word�dame to denote �idivine etc.1Ad6lj1ius Villeneuve. R.R No., 2 are likely to OF the royal housielibld -,hAve ur which wa's t Autonio.pile -, to Isti- W6118 some u the socidl world he .4eareot Eaier, ',shorteuIng influend6s,' elimi Apple -as follows how she zn�et'. -with ipeileilces, in pefturb�iii��,.i .,grauSing The n e S' a, Chain was so bad *ith their travels round*,the country. h ill to, n .: . I met�od the old t6tit6us had, ed t e endih d 11A .st g son, sit urly Wain. - Jolin A. ar cinso -roi6e "W-erVOUS'.14 igeSII6 family drovel-nTa—asmaiEwest- n;. An- or, gi� as been d n 459 -1 i -d �-!'Fift,:as h pfDlu.ted out bia- dog tited EYE�g man' -at a . Ine, is, cbp-� equ V'a-: digest anyt ud' as A..con nd 'ormin-FriarIA' 'I' ern, own. some A check, Weigh bublic,"' zi�. -used hills V t6ki"a t6e -ago, 74;,Y;un �!!guardfau 0,.,Zb, to trolj6r� of the'lloudebol He geiiti,. that a of. the! Anglo-Saxon-. "son;", and sequence was 4 grea sufferbr.'� 14ob- e,j;et, -'hotel to -night," said later, to'.'defl, 3 a. &J�eSfieS TjTej',EyeS b � �S -or "th, through� the, Iiored'ior�'four months,. btit.ieetried t6,r Bilij. "I'm too tired to get this tent �Ot Mortis' the em e e Pila,64 "staff do of he people. f was; ormed, nflu4ce of 'th6 Latin be'gett ligr-morse, Instead be. -used as a personal name. Th the r nd on cera;monial', occa (�, an nic tongues on off ond.ffe it.upt'! pours' ih' �Moirisl replied. w rec6dencd o ei, the ont-:"eor,i'Lrof' e, is e-� asts of'indeed,,eveti,�after the 'itmnjth io'. ent'lliat .0'.All iright," Air; stioas he takei P ormans. cam tjUSIl OL Ih& modern Oerman %ij-Herr,t; l " the 'Then: My' Aceoi Lord Chlef c of England.. His eaking to. c�iild,' d About -diujiy the. pBirty Sought out Beware, b'd linitat,40 ftS or., Imm6diiia) se fn§thad of.as they. proutobneed It. 9 d' One hotel- in'the town. "084 YOUAF-VO, nioi'ls�Tboniais riffitfiso 10 see urge me mot jet nameS is regarded poE isibl'e thoughot.'like- and Ble'aVU 'mean "'fair t6'Ltry'� Williams' nk 'Pills, and - I us t*0 djoininj 'rooms-?" Mr.'. Morris 'the �-o'rga who, is"jbe' king's ire�, a . in' some Instancs theiGerman r -advi, A" But,, they Are supply said � to Ilib pro ly as: family in: at one66 -Afti �'Yeah',- I giees I,.caq," was tlis.rePlY. ARNERS ly, th 't' ; iolIdWed he' Ce.',Andt jotr A' priotdr,- '%- * surer. As badgiptof office he ls'e�ntitled forms of ZI Wnames it taking a� fe W SAFE rrman and'He'rr :rate Y.je ffr W Y felt 'retukninj,;und I con -i to chrry' . hite *and.' mann developed'from tjiip� �.mth�pr th'ail this b. ry, 'd' dollars a�pte66, or four: 1v a e. two -the the g n'name. -end' of a dollars. -for the wo.". Ifonh E. Davison an. o, c al of United their"iise�f'untii-afthe k, 9 den with.baggase, r- few mon s' di In; 1, d - he,. French form irofifoundois,.S-6ciety; as vicb-zha i mile" Armap4 s I I ould eAt. ininute ater, la irest of the foregoi varlationg, are- all Al r e robes, 'healtir-Mr. Iwilzs af ng sfr�d,.hhd regained in.y*old tl&e o rip. and 'Billy' iet:ltered4h'e ter, the,. Stat 'CHILDHOO mgt j and was and strf u every, way ik jjo,tit. follow iaicen. t'once, for- gl sh" ed by. Mrs,. should be symdy rellef of bacluk�ba. trumpeters do -their Jobs right,. �jhoae' familiar with the FTRO­i—�a'� I -am,. -so thankful. for the-littlS Igirl. swelIl . ns,' dizzinna.' lack �i: sunbiilolL �,Nothlng I hmon In child-, 'Ai7-for g �udu ltuftsi a, witchful., 6y e oilit'litory regoogn ze the. Latinized s. more, ppix *h at Dr. Wllll;r�rs- Pf�k-71?ills� 'Mo rr a. S And form. Of tii6 �' given name in, Annillius., li d It in' indigestion. Nothing-, s', me. that 1, Always, advise ifietr use, 0 d was widesptioad in more. gorous n 0 li�- Tlieyll.'be Awo dollars. Fears. At yqur� i M itto I roper: growth;' Id Mr. The. given naM witteli tiny 1)f 6,lr6 trU 'd wu� ,y6q.� i ' . I , te.46. or! dtio�t� , , r or:illing. I."doilars'for the� two: of medieval- Eniland as iintyl:lf Uriny m6re weakening to he, -const tution 0 to'din, 'ec or. foUi WAkNEFj% i1AFE- REMEDIE6 you dan, p More Ilkelk to pa�e the: wa a get. pilli -from iny, a rnier', as itiell As, Ha�akj` themf�'thd proprietor repi ed. Cord et by S eroni So YOU See. 11 New Re" un Lifli: y niiie-tenths',of gealclue',Vealer or,. by mo,ll� at L 6OC' a know,' -Mr. - Morr s agreed. -"Bayer oronto�- Ont�, Wile t v. name. Canada. OF the milibir ills, 6f chIldhood,'ha*6 box from �'�M6 *jlIiaaq'-idtcIno, pay f,'I've got.mY handa*full now, n. or,. on talltleii 'you t r �AIRCHI LD h 0" thei, iobt in' lgt6t on. , Th6rei..Is no. you in e in r�jnj are Evidence of widei;pr1ead pirdsperl ot gettin I' Baker As Var Aloha �...Falrba'irn',' Oalrbroth ,Bro.c n g, the genu rio 05 medfelne for.�- little ones too answere r4he staiement, published --�priDved-,safe-by,-millibner.�a�nd Tr.6- ia:aff6rded�b� son.. Boattfix Peilifitz. Baby$ Own', Tablets n relieving this' All rij tor Oil 1!i!ll- h6w�,you.-t,Y scribed, 'by.--t,hrioiel.jil�,.�ier-�twen,t.*- vranoe Company. Ra a and.. Nor- tr6uble.� Thety have proved of benefit by the Sun.116 Ass 041 Origin n9lo-0 'k6 f I e morning 'then. 9 c s for . . '' I .' r 4 111 ree Yg&rk or. roorat its Iran'& tion' 6fr homes oncern ug ,Carl In illoui6and -rrench. Cold a' Headache the year 1923.. 'This. Coriipagy,' WhICh ou '-Tlt1I64'dr nick ames. the M mmacu a e rce n in rs Jos. Luriettef Toothahe LumbLago. mNeuritis 'ItheumatIOM' sinte'rilatt6nal in its c)iaracter, opek- Corteeptlofij Qfie., writes: b g'' In -"over' 'of a vance all. di are, but, the 'TAMeto Soon set her rig4f,'and:.' Itr "Bayer Tablets of. Aspirin!'-; ccel th.9 'Ones Which iirer1ounded words of, th 'z attri fifty eotintrl�sj ipofts .. The *10131; Illizz Ing names r to thoS of mes Was a great sufferer ftom�,Indlgestlou,' E Neuralgia p�ajn,, ain n a wn and WAIV 10. affile n wo, uld: not be without them. tion that' via, 4ave kin .package .'coh. sue6eadully ni 'Eacb. Unbro ip..- With'the excooption'.6f,' substantial, ad' modrnAl 0 0 Of j particular public interest is-Ihib' of relat,16nsh -breating* by mail and Our' offlegs 1 dr !" .. Baby's, Own Tablets' Are sold'.bym'Ai- Wfi*. provqn lre6tions..' Haridy boies bfiffing krite us� ex - n A�CY use 4L n -we wov[der here.for over zo,,Yissrs� if affllet&C WF6W�S.deh . -,L . 0 ra r y 'treat' At. home Of twelve tablets Cost fewreents. rug - 'Is n" d a at r : . % ' D :ine deale 6 b" at 25 . Onts. a ulzinins Four came fully; We also ­�holdera are assured ander ordinary words Chappb. othei bon-, b &i",66in e Dr— ms- dkine- A V Bloolt BIsAheads. and .11 b ttlev� of 24 and i0o., gigis etould be us Ont.L. Any,,- 'father tand,the I ed'-'�G �Aho' "Coulp fly -.11 - skin , tmubliis, suiiernuous Hair, BrckVille, ­ilout West �mbv-­emen -permanently eradleatfed! by As de�, mark, (registered whle In a dition*92,731 empl6j sign r tiate C -P. - Warts; etfa�,;;. M Moles; plyinAs thOt ate or ar 6n Ono- fa eas of de k6i "still con- the dnly' metlimd-Ftlectrolvdil. Ida) Manufacture' of hand., toward, the hIp-,pOc Caw anoth in'. er. �Aro pro- from for Booklet 'bylicaeld. er. U p p e'0 oir Loter diFti, 7 U sidered 'a hostile"Sign?! Monoac, tect d, nder,'Group Insiiiiue�. polibles. - 1. .. . I ..� : , , - , t, ;he' man,' p 'Graclous,''no, rolptead. icha HigCott­in:itittlt� 1� ited" Wbilp it s "ll knO*n, -that As� rin, Used, e-ce"lub' a saywthe E worty.H6rald, orce. D er " . . ... . I " I Assist informed the -agent that -he tba H scott Oat la e qu -h t ------- Ii16 bolicoe Zt. Tororito the publi6'vgdlnAt trilitattons, the Tab-'. 65 liert on the' rain., S1, , ayer Manu acture, to kk Lustmis Haw t reached ihe'irern nd total GIRLS 1 A GLEAMY.K&S; 4 t 'of j�03,7 243', showirij -an Increase OF BEAUTIFUL.HAIR "Upper' -or�!6i�-er?""In'qiu.led'�tho, aJgent.- -What die,.Pack n..Does, o yer a ed expert- a for the year -3, The now. neral'ttide' a ked, 'the Tea gio*ers have found�.from vith their "ge � k, t'So �y Cu -of $72,360j37 111, r Kep fic" C, -'business- Writ yeir roso. inten during the at's, the'differedee?" as 35;-QePi �"D�nderine" I., t� immedlat Mothe .':Give,. Sick,B*by. n. ely I %he --dI ble vi� � At night touch: ilpota,of dandruff. ence. tha ------ 'rnlarl rap th, Gjjjjj�ur ',OLI - tEd o,jjac� , e n enL, -7- Lif �JeSSr erence o 0.rov.eq g-lected, cilifo . Fij�Sy and'it;r ng a getually -issued and paid fqk,be(n9-'85,- Hai wer'' t prese havor and,good-, Next morni: cade,",r6plidd the agent' !'The Io, I h t o rve ng shi�inpbto with is sude -9.75j, -for Iotaf..Of �$107,391,255­ I)ur�. os, ilghbr.t an the u pen -The:hlgh6i'j . SS. Q f.r Lfb�ative'to Clean 'Llvdir'and �Utl=Ta; Sciap -and h6v waterI p Harm as jUg� .4 e 'yeai- tiI quq; y so,- sah"kif th t price ia� �or Id. �-Rlnaer tepid watt6t. Ke6p for!fhe lower.- If Ybu.*aht "It 1: tight pack . age, necessary, for� the Small BoWele ol'' Braby, Ch'r scalp cli 'holders and tbefr'b�insficlafitss In' re� An abund lide 0 rub- earl zid'hpalthy� and,'"our -16ti.j�f tea, for. individual'consurnption. colds. Avoid hills,. by e id.'.Death Claims, Matured.En- luxuriant bftlr full,'., I -ower;, You'll have, to 'jo hlgber.�.' We ;bIng with- Kinardlis.�Ljnlrnent. halt 'will, beluxurliht. pe an'the lov Bulk tea I's alwi hamounted to ofleams, sell -the -upper lower th ver iys-Interlortek,becausd Even, consittpa- great preventative. Soso Z15C. tutteat29"450c. Talitinn2gc. Sold sfever-,. er words, e h g er the lower it Is exposed to air. The "SALA A" edr Pot;: 022,149, 70 br1riging,t4p, total so pald'r Al shortly th I I, I throughout theDorniniom Cav�dianDe 'tight packake e 11 -W. Most people doWt like the upper,r,al: Air aluminum I, ",.or �IiA, collo Lfutans.Litmaitedj344ft-lPtialft. M@ntr;,jL -cu witlifout tti6iih is IGwer...on, , -'w, By. o preservin� Ig tea Babi6s-and child'. low ticuria S"p ithaves mus.. oiganization of the -Company- -follows: L ltneg- to $151,916,489. � This; amount exceeds higher. You'�occupy, a no III to take, Iticted pc4llls� With. being When renr ove total business, In force'with lle, on. ------ !Qat bed - C -depondab e 'Dan--- mpper,you hav;e%to get-up,to-g gen ine.i. oinpany 761ifi;een' Quick. Growing for tI;e.PraIr1q.! nia- yig Syrup.',' derine.."' and ket. down When ou got up. degree tta filli�tjon b oi# have � ih 6'1 pay.h cles, wWldh',' can be No other, n -which L -i Doing. M111114d. gher. lower -uied- -on are ­:v6ry the- upper -la - -than-the -low.er-lie6, sThi I n, gh r� Allotted :to '.Policy- -you! ar:��- wi fl-hij -do"Ittli-bo is I ds striking testimony to the qw4r if You Many of the sbe -.gro*en-­fo if -r-eNAml)l-e,'-cottom-wocid,-'w-il' koldera reached n Amount of, it nicely. It "corrected Immedi0tely. will belolwerf� w, .,Rusalan'. pbpla � and Manitoba, 3 500'000. for tc Ott) th .'Id It IS Safe to ffai that'Wo6d tild'stomach,aild,,,start as e lo 'NTHS'" vWy or fading'hair is�`(jutdkIrI11VfiO the Orman had faint d. maple. io MO on:, ri Bu 1 100 141'ei and bow lit actinS �-w Ut grip- "toreAeiin contingencies, the net Sur- 0 attid,. taking ew strength, 'dolor Iargo'.erlough for fue can be grown' v The cruelest lies are often told in from any,*of-these teds WI hift six A and Nervow, Made plus Q I AioibllitW :'and capital nd o lUthful beauty. "ba jbs.. Contains, no narcotics oi 600th, We yer a 1 8 uderive" ins drugs., Say., CaIjfofjj%,' *jtf ydur' b 'deiljh.t�ul on thi gran'ch Bu116 in N,* to. $Ii). ataYour Blod oll by Lk stimulating, Ionic.. W 97 ot stick druclit'and avoid, countorfeltbl In. Whiefir V 'ble "Cow- �e& Jr, The r600rd Is.one, In the Direct- grjm�oyt, Any,d tore. Keep 'Minardle I-InIment, In'the house. rup Thaafe way to send money,by inall alifornia OTA of the coi�pany. exprei� their- own 'Uofieyr Order. Tpat Th P Webbwood, Ont.- -was in a very s6t4afatIon-­-a 66uttinent which -will by,�,I)omlnlop Ex'r&g it Wjd8jY4 ' . .1 - . 1, ! . I How to Maka eakr be o ff And run-down nervous condition, .-It Is lriterfa�tfug to fmin the t Ij om r' Y, no Laellist Urtaxplored, Area. a' B tiredto 90 the, con quest f6r. �hew Sleep'did not: aiw, OtEr III, ajack of Strength and no Bt - All; One of A digpbsttior, ..My.'ibrter recommir. t h PALE fade, , a, nervous., 'irritable" untyl stantr in order to the largeit unexplored areas to that the pan endurance thesei are -the warnin ege Lydia IL Pinklipm.5 V table Com-; business, and.1d'maintiln the 'high In the, United 8tates lies In a,, irfangu- ayorn l# sig- nals that Nature gives, whell your pound I -WhIch thev b we and others told me about Y the San Xua t1A in-, iny,isis o oi�-,customed, thelt. pol cy olders,, h0e ern starting for;: Iran. Iron.19 congtahtlY "that I took'it. , It did' n ak 1071 "tal)JIhed 'AnuinWr-of new -divioWn Utah. Here an areads larid'fas �h6me tr I a n R ver,, In Aout tall t i d It efjongef'r 11tidaellea smp 6, body,, espec y owar Auring the past year, and havo, further oulff� earl of the &maller'Hisiern,statea till re- legy1tig th U fliepieriod 0 d�le age Angl',you mus md'sild "y-appetitei came bick td'M*.* of a similar character In, own' to .'*hite- M, is p racti call y- unkn d' 7 Board- is .so stroft9Lr�'tQjjgjt1 Mains,,L farlmer's'wife And 0, mant., brmq jer Want Mrs 0 queh Oq C, b man;or. AlseAse ana.te strong th* io"d outside tlie' 0112101*�' durable that a full -%M" gLftek th and well. 6 PoZi�j=- How f&, Protect goods from the runs J)thef&r'ei)s'1nL= 'il recommimid the t on I thoUt woman. can s an When 'the lron'In your blood y A lo�v signs of, ol& age croep' Into your.. veige to fill whotb veth tacks df worrns has filway� biei�n a table�Compourld doingr sgth-cases ordinary Iron- ggme tro Ub)d , I had for i the rugbing ivat�, or, any tis Abbe mtedi-6. eX coiltainfrig foods seldom, supply 'A. slif- cintef6tworrien.-Mrs1ouls F 'EtAks,� part of it the least harm! The enameled fruld And. cereals. A.ncw pr this iftiportant e e SE37, 11111crest Fam Webbwo Ont. f chip, Bake or -off. TMuk of dt�ni m6nftomake u0'. for the'Waste.' There- od, peel hausts the air in a atce wont Reqet�. , -for d �'t fhwfr ous bOArd the wedr t efe, fumliateh " ilie c6riteAts With 'carbon a concentrated form of orkanl'c troli- Port lauronj suffired.' wearing qualities in'AH -I � �ir I I .. 11 Afid Theire.49 the Saint diflulpthl4l gAi usiffig 'the, air s� -Ok" nvaUds, Iron -which contalta. iron fo t" roifli pairIsin my Side, Nuxated ' r irticles. in SMP Pearl WarC. TrY 0111t, the tends any living tissue that the y liki the trOn to yur. biood,i if' I wor0d vblry intio-h I WAR u4try to Ind board . '�e ' real, whethei Dell s you: as 1. 1 - AV clout, ; tiongthening beef-teft 'If you at# notIrsurd of r' hdl- and just tir6d in 'the morning as when hr Anil b,6 be In. the fruit or, d. jW&Srfj"P inth' d And- hav and -actiens bt other''t"ty or.4 tion, ko,to Your doctor e him I weht tz be e a n w.brm or 6gg. That' opens the �ori6i or, else make 'and didn't fiel Me doing., t - -& '' riourisliin� dishes may be easily takaryoUr bldod-coiint' nil ilb(I sepalrate& 'the 6116 so that whei n �tlI6 following test,yourself:� 8 itei�vous 'I would I e my 9112 OW4 e1110 and quici�ly prepared with 33811& One of 1jj fri6da told o long, you, can w6tk oi h far y0ii can 60. how was so for� kliihi's` Vegetable Com.'N ittid, ItZtleforia the, Iniedt or kills, the walk without becoming ffreM. next Lydit, E. Pul 1P V, take two five �'raln tjiblbt� I Of, NUxa tea jlOujA andit h d rg I " e times' pelf day after meals,' won filt fbie. Qiu*Lps ftztxv� Iron three iu& that t P 44th S., Port llui6n, Mich, Al otwo weeks. Then test youtjol Aft 6 Hollidays. AP �ftlarlr 6rigib. again an& see how much YOU At] Women who Buffer frOX11,1MI, gfembb* Ined" Allrgood d1ruggiRtS Bell' 11 ?dIss, Booker return. Mends far more *lMy eithek NEMM live ga III Pk0ikkl%' �" �. :, ',' * ' :0 h shd�ld try L5 bamIA, tfwe� or &pace., SILO X�axated Ironi on the distinct nd&� 4k to! Mr work'oftUdhiuZ, tokd#4T6 Witinii". SMONTON VANCOtMa' CALfittkaV Ilig,li School, air! 04y4w-41064 0 Itsilneo,114,10.5064100. I statidirig th.at'ifyou a�e not satuii 0& Ask for 'MItiard's and't4 1 0 1 1 lka,no other. 7 Ur money will, be refunded. No" 0��o. fV � ex a dL tel an iier in Comm T 7a -r rc. - d SPIR- 1. I QM a