The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-06, Page 1a • ' t _ ADTANCitit ;tilt VETERINARY 41-IRGEON.-7-, r. , 3 Keleher. gaipley, Phone, 29., night dr day.,-tk :P. DENTIST —Dr -MacLeod will-vi8it--Luknow every Tuesday in Dr. Connell's 01hee. Pg. PA1tKER,:-.ySTEOPATil, at, the Ifottec..- Lre:Itlhow..1 everY Wed.•• :neiday,'afternopn: All chronic .dis, uses successfully treated. Osteo, :Pathir talliove's tile physical cantles 'of- • ; disease. 7:.A4Ittilttuittit- of the .spine is more quickly secured. and 'With:-Iewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than -by any: other Method. Torento priesi paid for fl kinds of poulto. A:. GrosPopf, l; °O. LOCAL AND nonitAt, • _Jut LBPAitivand.:reallitereki"feetk.ef.. Mt_R. 3. Moore :.:14.hie to be down -towq again 'A VBennett' Of. Chicago Vitfr' • ited thjs weck With his Plater? Itro: ,Geo Pentland, Rosa St. ' '; 7 • f, 'Harold MeIntash has • •to -.LearningtOn where -heirs engaged. with, Mr. W. A Barnett in in fruit' Vegetable and „tobacco fanning. ; MrJohn Mildred, has cetne over freni-loreinci-to-nteet-h1s-4eteknOW- Lucknow. friends, He has been the guest of 1 Mr and Mra,..D, C. -Taylor., DR, MAUDE C. BRitANS Registered Optoinetrist I • ' Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy • iVfcCornaick Medical College Chi- cago. 111.' ' headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated Eyelids. Watery Eyes. Pain'in Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. ,Puis or Watery Discharge . from , Eyes and Diztiness caused by Eye -strain re- lieved through properly fitted Glass- Oross Eyes straightened through • nroperlY fitted Lenses. Satisfaction Airsured At-thef-Cain--Houser-Lucknow,-Evory- -Wednesday Afternoon • and Avail's, FOR SALE.—Norditeinaer Piano in good condition. Apply to G. A: Sad- den. LucknOw. , FARM FOR SALE. Lot 5, Lon. 11, Isanloss Tp.., Brace •Col T'arni situated 11/2 mile sweat ,of hiniougn, known 'as'uu.. kiayei teaci: comprising 'JOU aeres,i(mOre' or less,. riospeetive oWera 'please add- ress coingnunications, regarding price. r.dizabeth Hayes. 244 Beet Swan St. Buttelo„ N. Y. EE1) A.` C. variety. .won :Lucknow Agricultural, Society. 1st prize. 1923 . I FOR SALE—Pigs 5 weeks , old - choice quality ---,John MacDougall -2nd Cen..Kinloss. . FOR SALE—Seventy 'Barred -Rock Pidlets; now laYine.._ Also n',two-year. old Bronze Gobbler . and one Grade Durharn'Oovi, due to 'freshen in April ' an exceptionally -good animal. Mir quire.at The Kenn"e Farm. nolyrOOd. 1924 MOTOR LICENSES— Send application and P-; 0. nioneY order. with 10c extra for .postage•on inark- ers; A; CnniO, Walkerton 1 'STRAY HOUND—At the home of a Lucknow resident—Information at - The Sentinel Office • ' • NOTICE , Accounts •owing. at the Langside • • Blacksmith shop should be paid on or before Mardi 2,0th, 1924. ,1 • / Walter 3 Scott -TENDERS-FOR "WOOD'''' —Tenders --will-be received bythe undersigned -up to Mar. 12.5m -deliv- ery of 25 cords good maple and beech • wood. 18 inches, At the • Lucknow School T. S. Reid. Lucknow MARKETS Buiter 0,70, 1,..i•40•1..• el," 3608 The crow is here again. We ways have been puzzled to know 'just - .why... he: cotes So- oarivf innst heardthat, abeutthe early worm: . , • Mrs. Major Eintherion, ,Airs. Bo- bert Eddiet Mrs, Joe •Felton and Miss Margaret Maisel -in .of Kincardine via- , ite,d Mrs. Alex;Dm.rillon on Monday.: ' During the -Storni 'Tuesday night lightning Struck the Tendency of Mr. Peter Watson, Wewanoih, making neeessaryqhe buildingof a new chink- ney and 'other •repairs. ' A meeting of, the LifclurOw Horti- cultural ,Society will. be 'held in the Council chymber on Thursday evg. of next week—March 10, at 8 o'clock: Come, Be on '.tinte--•See. . "Special -Ladies Broad -Ribbed Mer- cerized Lrsle hose, in Brown, Mouse, Fawn and Black Sizes 8½ to 10. the Season's ;newest hosiery ,"Mercury Brand," only 98c pair. Brown's • The regular Meeting of the Wo-, . Men's Institute will be held in the Council ClieMber on -March 13th.. at .2.30 pm.; This s Grandmother'il Day, There wilr be a geed OrlfireounWAkhd -reireslunents-will-be-syr,ved, SOCIAL' EVENING - '•"""71- Inicknow Lodge ,L 0.• 0.: F.. will hold a ,s0eial eveningArt thy '• Lodge TOM on Friday Mar. 7th,•.,Gaines to commenceatil o'Clock, Ladies please,. bring luirolt.'•-•COra; " WOOD8Ttai-e"---ys. LUCKNOW . 27c-041+20 -•'-'Wheat Oats • • • .• • . • • • • 1.4 • 38e. ._Peas ... 13irleY ;•-. .100410c • • 1 CHURCH BURNED AT ',BRUSSELS' :The • _•Methodist -congregation at Brnssels ,,,Suffered a serious loss on Saturday . night of last week ,i When their church, e substantial brick stru-, .cturo was gutted by fire. Although the fire occurred after 'after ten, &deck Saturday night, it is thought.to heve :originated froth • hot aehei removed night • preVioue,, Aft is weed ashes Will holdPfire for a week or rnoreD the firs sIbwy working 'through a large „vile and tOMOtilitOO 'reaching" wood ,Which. 'is thought,to be. at,..a. safe dietanca; The .chni411.. Was insured' for ten Ahotiaand do1llrs thi.,Brittiels-Preaz. byteriat Congregation ,,iniiiiedittelty .•invited the Methocli•st to JOiti :them. hT'''War'shiprallowing—thetn--partJ.:-..o their building for Sunday• School tin - til ether arrangements are made • Aid if rug, talk .1Aain tense -few, 'underitand the trange tongue It is easy to be thin if. theisight of ictuals affect yeti as the eight 'sit thif Woodstock's • crack . hockey teeth comer 'here to -night (Thtireday) to test their skill and speed ,with, the local team, This will be a game in .the --semi-final •league Series, -end, should be one of the heat hockey games ever staged-in-Lucknow-.------ MARCIV'rHUNIIER STORM . • There was quite a lively display of celestial fireworks over this -section for an ,hOur Tuesday evening; and -the thUnderraminded one of a July - storm A thunder storm in March us- ually is followed by a rapid lowering of the teniPerature, .and is 'field to indicate a Continuation of winter con- ditions for_some week & The change in temperature however,' has been NOTICE - Owing to or good opportuni'ty pre- senting itself to open Mlllinery 'StereinnEiniardinetiOill-not return to Lnclenow this season as I expected I wish to - take this ,opportuhity to thank ' znanY friends for their ;patron- age and kindness to me thiring zny two yearas'.in .Lucknow. , ' M. Forrester. , AT THE COUNTY' TOWN THE CARNIVAL. PRIZE-VVINNERS THURSDAY ifitATICHAI6th , • Prizes: won at the masquerade gar- Mi Mabel, Woods was horn e from nivali held in the 'rink Tuesday ,might Stratford for the' -week -end. of last Week, were: ,nOw "awardhd in• Miss Florence Taylor of Toronto is -her sster-,Mra. -Will of winners in -.our ;last issue, They , ".1ffe.h.s.ter. r • '• • -Writ as- follows Jean. Gollan; Fancy-dressed'.:„girl, 'keen visiting friends hei-e-,7-lhe *tleat 44111 Fancy -dressed •gerkt,., Of Mrs. R• J. Woode. ' s 44 Johnston; Fancy -dressed boy, Mr:-. Alex 'Campbell; "of .Ripley. was Bobby Xlierripson•-'0oinie.dreseed lady . visiting, his Cousin Mr Neil'. Cainpbeil Marion Stewart;• dressecrgirl 'Week -end' • "•''' 41`elen -11/1eLeOct; Comic dressed Jahn- Webb:who •has•-.•speni the Johnston; Comic dressed boy, Past- few in9nths. -here ,,left for the Dave Horn; Couple- race, Winnifred West again 'last week,. Douglas and Wilfred, 'Murdoch; Far.; • The stork left' a little girl • at the '-mers---race-elare-Milne---Autograph- race,', Isabel Johnston; 'Gents race, Jr; on Friday last; Congratulations. Wilfred Murdoch; Boys race; Roht. lieeCalltnn; Gents =deal chairs, Will Reid- Ladies and Girls musical chairs, Rena _MacDonald. s .THE- GIRL GUIDES The annual ` meeting of the „-Girl Guides was held in the Council chain - here, The president Mrs. W, L:' Mac- Kenzie was, in the, chair. The attend - ace Was fair and the meeting provel quite a success, Encouraging reports Were' read by the :different commit- -•=teee ahowing-tli_e ociety to be in a thriving condition. The officers of Yra-g-rell-d-11y-Mrs7-eurannThe-fol lowing regolution, was drafted,' .404 ,year were all re-elected for the . coming term Committees wereThe Mon..GHoward Ferguson °qorm- ,. ed for owardineproficiency badge to the Mernbers who can qualify to re-' ceive same. These prizes cover such work as 'domestic Service, ,atheletics,. gardening,home malting and inany • other arts. The meeting closed with singing God Save the 'King. , REEVE JOHNSTON GETS.'- " APPOINTMENT Miss Caroline .Webb was home from NVingliarn on Monday, the High School being closed for repairs owing. to .the recent fire. ' --Mr.. 'and Mrs,' Snell and. Lorne ,of Westford were visitors, With MI'S,. Snell'p parents-, )Mr. and: Mrs, Neil Campbell On Sinday . The reenlist" in'eethig of the Wo- men's Institute was held •at ige home of 'Mrs, R. •IC. ;Milier on Thursday last with a fair attendanee. the„,„ absence of the Pi•(.,;3*(ient Mrs .p. Phillips presided. An:excellent paper -en ' the subject "„Living as You, Go" .Ceell Cairns .a .tad Of fourteen, brought te. the County Hospital, from SOuthsimPtolt to be treated for appen, diciiii .Menth' 810i last 'Oak; itis-,ease,,Was,,Coitsidered,batLfrout„,,the ' . Walter, lliehole, an imployet at the 1Cnechtel-lourniture Psetory had k1 hariff 'hadhr Mutilated in a machine' week.:‘ The knives .of a 'shaping machine Caught hisAngora"' tearing away the inatit huger and &tingeing the otisere, • ' The young, people 00 the Methodist Church recently Visited, the House of, 'Wage Mill—mt-coritoncert-tfor-the- old peoPle„ Mr; 43., 'Andersen, Prifielpal Of the 1t(h ,Sche61 gays a talk 4'1110r:biker Wiee Man," *kith Was 1114trated ,140taril and there*iie and inatiOnient, masic;All *hick ifiliiiettoited! . . Saturday's papers • 'Contained the annountement-that--iteoye_Johnston_ ot Lucknow had been elected a Dir- , eater Of the Ontario. Good Roads As- sociation. In this Position he succeeds -• Prime Minister of Ontario At the reg 'lar meeting Of"thoWri men's. In3titnte. held on the 28th In'st; The•fbilowing resolutionwasunanim- ;ously adopted.- We, the ino:ubers ,ef thc St Helens. Wornen's Institute de- airi'ag,to'suphold the inetto of our or--, ously: adopted; "We, the membera of ganization; Per • Home and Country; express our . hearty .-approval:of the Ontario TeMperanceAct. which. we *now to be a great blessing- and ri'eW With '.much.disfavour any attenipi, to seek another referedum; Yours,'res- '17Wct7iD 17...i:Sit7H-elens--:-Orit. Fob,' 29th, The W./ M. S. 'of.. Cahiri:Church,are holding their regular meetipg, on, Friday, afternoen .next,, March '7th. the /fate eit,Warden Wm. ,Brown ef 0040; Johntion *s., always :As this is the Internatiopal Women's ir been an 'enthusiastic advocates of FraYer Day. the ladies of the W, 11r, S. . , geed roads, and his election to the Association, no .donbt, eakalS by way of 'recognition of his interest along that, Bile. 0, , • „ LIBRARY ',BOARD litE7ORGANIZED. ". At .6 meeting of the Lucknow Li- . • brary 'Board held •••Tuesday! Mt. Murdoch Was elected chair- man, allieee-diiii-r1heTRev;--,--R-j--Mae- Pallum Who, occuPed the position the, past two years.. D. Mackenzie was re-elected secretary and s Mr,' Wilfred Andersen, 'a new imember, was, elected treasurer, sueceeding Mr.! who resigned recently . on acePutti of his appaitifinient- •Orthef lichool -Board, ' MAFEKING, We; Johnston of Fordwieh;. was home over the week -end, MiSS' What publishes if town newspatiera , . . _ _ . Johnston is Principal of the 'COntinu- have ekpeeted for -,son7le .time -atiOnT•achool-et,Fordivich this .terin.. -"abdtit 'OVei..; at 'Whi-gbini-i---the Fred Finlay is spending' this week -TiVli-iTeritirrg-off-icies_haVe'becorrieo-n.,;•• With ,liafeking friends. Ile, proposes' and Wingham has ,beeome ; one- ,s-paner.town,--alterLiaast4wo..Yeare ha will visit relatives' for a .few ....days seen quite a nulither of such amsi- 'before leaving for his *me ritilan-• ginfistionsl, aniVlane_lieve n.ot heard Of ley, Sisk, , ..• one netv 'office opining ip:a town or Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Anderson vis- village.: •• ' • , ted '.11r. and Mrs. Godfrey Hail on Mr, G. Colgate •who ' had, The - Mender:, - „• Wingharn for 'the two Miai JeissinStothetc .spent the week years found the going too hard; ina' end with Miss Ada -Helm Zion ' the business went back to Mr, B, • , , Mr PhIllips of Ationut, is `visiting Elliott from whombe "had bought it grandfather Mr, :Hugh Phillips But Mr, Elliott has a ,goad book and and other relativiii here: I stationery business, and to 'handle, the On Friday eveninglreb,19th sur- /APO* as an extra Was •out of the pries party consisting .of the •Young ,nuestion. • ' Itseplrof-thit-ciumitarritY-And!--Othera, from Lueknow, Zion' and Crewe, had "disposed tkaro4 it the. home of Mr, and Mrs. John Joint, of ,LuchnoW, w4io' in,turn .S;:•41, 101-pitticito their. 77184- being to help Mrs, Klipatriek colehrate her 41010, •Mrs, Kilpittlek thoroughly ap sNiktetl their thoughtfninesS and Itnpi$ enjoyable 'evening was Street.- : $14 ila Maize spent !!..everal days k with her eOudiri Bernied ir vie extend e cordial ihvitation 'to the la- dies of the Anglican: Chu.i.ch ,as .• well" as to 411 those , their own conge- . , ga inn. Rev. Chas: Ciiimming.,and Mr, -,Rob- inson Woods attended the PrisbYtery naee,ting In Winghain on Tuesday : Mr. Ed. Thoms, 'Made .bnsiness trip to GederijkonThursday. last. :7-;•Mr-;',.ana.,,,Mrs..-Gc.t.Tge4W-Lebb.,•wsit0; -with- Wingham.---friends--en-T-h,ursday • : • . Mr. Roy McGee held a very, sue: ;cessful sale of 'Term -s.cock on-Titeas; ds y last.. •. , • 6 Quite a ninnber attended the Con- signment,•Atock. Sale in Winghath .on Thursday': ,Mr. 'W 6-667 i.vUs 'am, ong.' thePtireliaSere; while Mi Fiank Todd disposed' et- two animals. s; • ' WINCMAM 'PAPERS 'AMALGAMATE . • fko., • CARO OF'.111ANKEI On balsa ,of ,myaelf,and t 'frientlehiti and, iitirtnos.tht: thank numerous fri, Qf tato aoe.a. , t 9 !I • d „;40.04ntr :recent ,.,1r.,40013411:ik awnit -se:nd • ICIVNG• TESF . ' the Presbyterian Church March 1.2th at .p,m. Rev, Dr.,Vininglwill 'speak on the Armenian :Relief; A' th-e-litket air-Of-DC- Vining's work. Farmers are particul.: nrily-,--invited as the: bop at George- town 7are liehig • titling farmeit- This ia.a. .Union'meetingYfnrther an- nouncernents • from:: the: pulpits •Ilta The Sacred Memory service in the was Very impressive and helpful, The Methodist church Iasi' 'Sunday night old Ilymn4 were sung heartilTh3e fhe congregation and the, old Musieal se- letions by the choir were very in- spiring The bed„tiMq hour scene was very, impressive. There was a large. congregation present,,_Next Sunday .night at the Methodist 'church, n talk on Japan will be given by the pastor and the address will be.ill'ustrzited by .abuot.100 lantern views. All weleorne . ••• .. • 1,7 ASIIFIELI) NOTES • • .SINGLE. QO 4 Jimmy Grant Was •111) from..qcider.., jOh COOPle ,Of .ch0 laat week • 'Miss. ;Tillie - Sherwood of Lanes NIP; 11.43,nerci.°Of sited-rwith-Mr: w Mrszt•'PlairitIrwin of :Paramount' during the week Mrl':and Mrs'. Robert Wchater of :Varna were :up to :ettend the 'funeral of,. theInte Mrs Jack Watti;: • Mr; and :"Mrs. •Wm. • .Kenipton"Of • Ripley Visited at the old •, home in; Laurier -during,. the. Week; • Miss Annie May Merionald of Kin - +tali .has, returned h,ome from, a, visit with friends in Wingharri, • • • . • 'Mk. Seanley Drennan, of Detroit, is spending a few days !with, his parents* at !Chitin' • , . , • Mr. -.John IVIehray; of Tuckerimith, is viaitingswith his P. R. McNey, ;.of Lothian , Miss Margaret Menary of Para- mount is visitin,g her sister IVIrs. Jas.. ' The Christian Endeavor depart, Pikering: °f Bulatf°rd• ment had charge of the • Epworth Mrs Wm- Martin John and Goldie' -League meeting on ,Monday ;night, S., of Para -mount spent the week end C Rathwell was in the chair, 'the with friends in Kincardine .Scripture lesson was read by Charlie. Miss May Davidson of •Luckeow, Webster A readin . Was iven Myrtle Palhaer, The tpic,"The Tree of ' Henderson of Paramount during the Life" was taken . hy. Harold Ackert week , Mrs. Neil J; McKenzie of Hemlock " , - City Visited with her patents Mr.. and Mrs Alex MeDiarmid• of, Lucknow during the week, • Mrs:: Jack Bradley who visited last Week. with her parents at Bel- fast has, returned to her herne in Lau- who gave a fine talk, were sung . by , Myrtle Bruce and Miss F'aieler. The meeting was closed by theS"Pai- tor There was a fine attend'ance. The , . W. M. S. will have 'charge of the En - worth League next Monday night and lantern views on, W M. S. Work Will he shown. •The 'Presbyterian Guild The peograin for Monday evening., was arranged by the Devotional Com- mittee.. • The meeting . opened.. with The Lord's Prayer; in unison, after: which Jack Beaton read the Scriptere. 'Readings' were given': by Jessie Mac, Kenzie, Helen McDonald, .,,Winifred Douglas and a .-readin,g by Bobby 'Thompson "You. Get Up," which Was. splendid. Mr Watson 'and Mrs Mur- doch, favored th3 Guildites with ,a vo,' cal duet, and Misses Illlcidorrae and Davidson with n couPle of se- lections. Miss Helen Thompson read 'an, interesting 'paper on the people, religion, and rulers of Formosa, the .• , rier-••. • • •. Miss (Selena Grant of. HernlOck City Visited -With .her friend Miss Ada' Pickering ;of ," Paraineunt during the .Mr. Reid of Seaforth visited • with his sister .Mrs. Jas. P. 7 ,,Webster of - Paramount last week, • Mrs M C 'McKenzie of Kintail, • • • . - -went to ,TdrOnto Mat Friday to be with-,,ber daughter _Beane who iinder- • went a•Critical operation in Wellesley Hospital .' Her many friends will he .!delighted, to know that. the operation .Wiia,sixeceseWill' and. that the .patient is. doing as well as can he expected, Women Organize On Friday Feb. 29th; the -ladies of ' beautiful Island ie,which the Presby- Paramount; met atthe home' of; Mrs. „ The • members ensWered Toll. .call, ganizirig a;Women's Club, Mrs, Geo. terian church is Veiry•ininch interestedi Wm. McGill,, for the purpose' of (T- aster which Rev; Mr. McCalluin cloa- Lane, District, organizer gave 'a Talk od -the meeg with -prayer, ' oBITuAity, •. Mrs. jack Wattion -We are once again 'rem. ci Of the ,uncertainty of life' and the final des- tiny of 'all. On--.24th•ef o'clock ..on Sunday morning Mrs, 'Jack Watson passed quietly and peace/411y, away after 'a lingering suffering :ill- neSs.., All, means for. her recovery .both- at home and iti: the hospital in London, tried; hilt the fight was hopeless. She seemed to hold her own for a time; but gradually greund., -If it-were-not-fer,her-strong:.constit, utprr-and-the-attentive--eare: she re- •ctived she could . not; have. stood so long the continued strain of severe - suffering. Her death. removes .from our midst a young vvernert!tif Cheer- ful disposition, one who always had a friendly greeting and smile for her friends; - She .always looked On the bright side of things and ihad a spee- ial liking for - young peop1e., The fun- eral serviCes were held on Wednes- day, in the Presbyterian -church where a .large natOer Of sorrowing friends who less than a short year ago would ,g4tt 1th e 11tte expected short year ass of one the- .vale so,soon. The' 'Oak 'hearera. were Mestere Philip McMillen, Elliott• inacle-it*Lover-Mr.r.A., il.h. ! Peter Watsen; -Sandy McPher- has had the AdVanee for, the , Pa's, t • 1,---C,"'MUrdoeh; -MCKeritie,•• nine yearg, Interment in Greenhill .ceinetOry, DO. The ..Whighsm impel,' will now be 'ceasas Maiden tiarndWria Anna Mac. 'The AdVance-TinieS,r and 86 ,far as Kenzie of Paramatiat,• ghw:litis lived nolities are Concerned it will pniatie, Lookaow • shied iler, fairriage to an Independent cOurSe., 'Ae Matter' jack: Watson 17 yellit aga. She is coaf,Lfape,ottittheettndsay.v.h:AarsOrtol sdurervni,vettdaebyagt hiussbAaanad aged twiie; aho vvit venduro :unfit for uccunntionittii ; are holding their week o Psaisk. cal. politicans' 'years of, "Serappin?" blotitelt-Petble-of lari,tistb.00101.--zattalf411n-'hinli,--After-L-the-fire_iwas ' f 4100, between Aowli newspapetS, meant Ina, Alex in Chicage and MesSere 120.. work wa§ karted, The ?ridaY.,1YlartitTatataftillr ' Saturday Sped s Russian Sandwich p ar._pit• ' • ilfraijek cC ha 1 cc ems at e e _withL_Whipped Cream_ :Whole Wheat Bread . Butter end -Eggs at Best Prieto at Home Made Bread , .Pbone361! eke*. FAMILY THEATRE Lucknow riday A• nd Satur44 March 7th and Stit. ALICE CALHOUN IN 'Me Angel Of Crook- ed Street" Comedy. 7-JimMY- -AUEIREYTIN7,HE.7-416* . , Friday, 8.00 o'clock gotoirday, 7,.30 and 4on the ,aim and Object Of the *Aeiety; followed, by--.A-'-report--Of-the-ooriven---1 -Hon held Toronto, by Mrs. Lannon 1. ..iroth-of-L-anes, Twentylfonr !members, enrolled, and, the following 'officers* were elected:•. President, 1VIrs, John lameison, Vice•Pres., Mrs. Jas. Stru- ' th,ers See:, Mrs. Wm; ,Treas., ,Mrs. Jack Henderson, Officers,' Mes- '-trallles',"MeiCeith.:„Hogan, Irwin, -11,1e•-' Diartnid, Cook, :McDonald; F'rograni Committee, . Greta -Campbell, Mrs Clair Irwin., ' Mrs; MeAtiley; Press, Corespondent, Mrs. 'Hamilton A hearty vote of. thanks was tendered to Mrs; Lane .and -,Mrs, 'Lannon for helpful talk and to Mrs„ , McGill for; giving her home for the • occasion.. .Lunehr-wns.-seryed-by the hostess and the-rheeting . was closed, by Singing the National Anthem, The - fitig'-ir":111be `held at:The':h,orne of 'Mrs:" Jack Henderson on Iviiior Jlth In Memorian" Tn loving'memory:cf dear !husband and father 'Sohn MacAnley, Who died on March ..1st 1923: : Sad 'and 'sudden. was All'e For him so dearly' loved. by all, Oft is shed the silent ',tear, ter one whose memory we held ••• dear, FIRE' AT ,WINGIIAM tire which did ahout, one . thou.' ahd 'done ts dair4fge. actiiitedin th - Winglinin High School on' Friday afternoon 6f last week.. Apparently the fire was due to oVerheated pipes" The firemen .assisted by some:of tila StudentS aeon got' the blaze undm. conteol,:but° not before the buildmv Wednesday, , ,March:12th TOM MIX IN Soft, Boiled" wurn "T6NY," THE WONDEZ HORSE.. • A Wm • Fe* Preduction FOX NEWS 800 .0'clock. ert Reid, Mgr. ember's Hair G FOR, LADIES AND 'GENTS B, paqaT Will.be at CAIN 'HOTEL edneday, Mai. Sole. makers of. the Dorwiarsiail ' Sanitary Patent Toupees alma • Wlis, New styles for the `1924„ tcMt ing the new, fleali sight proof watilsig„ Mr; Knight will denionstrati aM give' frees advice, on scalp iikossal‘ W. T, PEMBER, 129 Yonge-St,, Toronto' Ont. —. WJUFECHURCU Miss -.Irene. Moorehas Mti home from TOi.onto MiS's*Merle-Wilson left n-* to visit her Atint at E3( r. The Women's Idissionary , years of poVerty for both; G. Mseicetliiev 14'. MacKenzle 11111 ents,:hewever had' to::take a' few liolL laftmernr,°a"n.ci ',yin. Irina aii.d ameoes.. W. 1,,ivinciCerize• of towe., idays as the school will be closed tia- • , • • extended to 'the bertive'd husband is fully' coVered by' insurance, HerkrY's left ,h'n :Monday Ser‘.`, ' ''• •• • . The .8ynipiths7. eisintruintf* ill rePaitS are ionti)lete& The • loss. who..have been visiting -at Mr; The ,widow's mite is. the insurance• " h " *th"-NVielt`' • `.‘ 'money she bas left after taking the IS 4 advice of her 'friends, • •and mother ass ehil ten. • o ne m e , 4.; F',!•• •P' , telt