The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-21, Page 2„ • The T,I.eaheienkof P4 Plants• PAilie•TI sy •••••, started SlIfferreAolileatiekOMI*14..iwjighieet'" ' t house by =ing. a e wall; tothat tebnoxiotie and ceintagiens • box.. The be* shoutd leAthree or fieueeeege mangeeseabieseer itch, eays Dr. inches deep,, Should(beVe ;be* in the hilton, Che Veterinary:. Inspector of ''hOttottiAO-Iie<4iPit.clrain40.4144:1411.0.DorninionjieSetk- 91Anhnali .Period of be small . e-e2EseeRiPittrn.'k. enough so that ,PaA east! ne,ls; it bligetin'4 titigerTAICC24; . • t wiH he . -11 00! P ' t )(fie th. ange.bleVeit. ect.lY level 'Ulla' eretermart "Sergeene 'SpePecting . the CtsVrtlitleie oF 'rim STORY' • ifrt-on vett strw-, _ flee loam- • then &lei. 4ta0tY- •'-.i40.0141-Walle ese . PNTiNctr.AN: .0r. iinrniTnee-hirds, seldoill batch " free from' stones, Okla; orlupips, he- eedsteeee Of the clisease shall ileum- heeh a Judges cOntains both the Stoll tegY Med' With pleked. Beene .IIe choie - 4.INCURATO ay School, Lesson FEBRUARY ;4 e judg, es,Judgesarsta:igc ,lis t,worz.„ olde,n Teceixtyt„--.., the _ebieds, ur efo. re **sod, filentieg. N., aeke reri natifY, the -nenrest; yetetinal7 .tifte?perePta7tiritileaft: t,har ffjtO°rYS11.11' aiante, 114,)",#.4Witt.eaYCLt".: nd gig '14 .-"el-hte Atefere, il4C.4,4141/g Oge!hav.0 been' Pro012P. With a etraight etlek_tlia•t. is aS'slOng hlePeeter; " both w*),t, bappg4'01, and why it gvery oat, 1,04),peth.erh .iend-ohieAseeeeehiiteheeeieesie,ehe,pme., est,eyene.ehsrles P • „ .0 hex wide, seeking the Tows Mange is. caused by ,a minute par- penecie ireeesilse the hand of Gsed man :who, did: not ley eeide even - 'White Sild-thenesibeet oneefourth .lef an deep ewia *site, cerinneanly known ap Rve ie the hietory,:tli jeet and yet Merge,. pens, but Who '.stesesied. lifted the TTI4 W T'9 " %elle& ullets that as th • is ' • • • ; oteeaiseei..oryirooiTI:f eeeetneeie-efeeteeseespeeetealeeeenit.- The twoeineelieseaper‘_. on, or in the skine send reproduct eel. dealing of Go with -his. people. It, weter in the hollow Of hie; hand 'and .431hfeeteht:c. The hot.: operation vitas hatched, N'elgtfary, The "seed septa -11e covered eseee ing itselfeby-eseeeseeteeetiel_when,eig• long and changeful feeceord-ef•efil drahle was the'reen he' cheep ail& set vith bot te Set th* enachineeielfer' Ihiee'tiereellaere. ethegolletii-LigeSPringe PrOdSeedl end they should not be over- etated °Mt; the felnale ..can Pro- ffaiiilef-'oenrtinie• .44 ---en.11-1tict7MUt7lesieleeeeThe.:0ther wha-sprawleet 011 11 with a -1 ' kabl • -ood eggs lti.rlintehl*gr Waterelle''see7thatec 'Mises -weak -plants.. • in -the •'-iti`fie- n't les and that-. duce amillion and a, .heie deseeedente el res.teef defeat and of victeeee The foul's., bowing -tie' Iiii7leiests-eiiiidelireide eillie_amiedtiestas'Twege.ttohebsenieellettorwheriieaee...eeeervekieeeselorinee Wes .not raan forthe islun . eelz ir• p s nteteske-Herevisuld-be used la r • ff. enerriy elonleter Pellet be acceirate, te.) as-. lure eeeler*cY .iteshellid; be' teit,ed .iStlfeavY hreed' Ptillebi. hatched .In fdaYePlace the boX near a window prefer- '..; leeet.Onlles or better,twicederirig'the:halte Pre4nee51.'' the PenFeSt ',h00:iPgt.-billY, ele the -south side' of the bowie, ,.' year. -:TheleniPetatuesi. gieen. is .uguel eggs. I' 1 ‘ " - . 4tfid teen the box every two or ' three ' ally 'one' hundred .ancretileee degrees k 'Zgge, from 'hie& out Of ,Ceilditien., eked Botha Plenisevill'eSiteefliell ant' Faheinheit throughout the hatch. t whether • from feeding, hensing's orQur 'ountS Of Sunlight from all sides.- eigiirledge- •Ilas heen 'that it is neenegetrieet, produce eggs difficelt to .. , tisAter.. ., to, talie7-01-6-13-00tlfer- -of -nee- hietelle-P,p.:_plso.,e, that the hatch- 'Ilkdredeand,One or one hundred and ing Power of eggs -in il-d.al er-tVe-will . ,teeedegreee, and if the'naChine creeps' Yarn the cense of which at times is etip, to One:hundred and three degrees difficult to leetate' ' welnivet!0 caiese.foi Worry; but given • ' ' • -e'er' ' I a= temperature of one hundrecleane POTATO ' INSPECTION AND three degrees, when the machine peel C RTIFIC TIONe up to 0110 hundred end, four or above, .A.Itliougli, potato inspection and cer- , - uaPally, either the 'hatch is 'small oe tificetion " has rapidly increased in ' the thielet. hatched are hard ,to rear., scope and uStefulnees; since its incep- -,1-eilVetere_Peretturce are: not sii fatal as thin in Canada in 1915, there are na- are,nighternPeratures. ' , :. , . ,terally many potete growers through- Theammint•of .moisture reqiiired in out the country to whose attention it •-•„..an incubator depend; upon the -melte has not Yet been drewn. It is there - and the,,xdorn.,:', Generally' it is beet to fere. desired at thie time briefly to - follow the "ma" niefactureQs• directions; . Hatching by the Natuial, Method. Setting L the ,hen -It , is generally agreed that; in order to secure:n &Oa hatch, the lien must beeeilaeedewhere other hens. are not likely to ; diStUrli ..her; for, as a ,rule We seldoneget geed they &Werth .01f 'dead' animals to Jle deede, an their deliverance - as on in the pursuit „ . . . . „ in Wait forliving ones, it will he seen wrought by the divine comPaesiene'Al- ST the chosen three. hundred,„ and be 'kilo* terriigY raengiegtheelisease may .ways when in their distress they, cry, his filth in • Gest . Gideon' would and, 'become :•In his bulletin,Which can be, etas „Gm21,. be ;raises,- eli for thern se e, did conquer. ,.., . The time of p . . thiaodoseel3eeraonnch7trilg of the •Publice- e. ° . • AllsTCATToN. "Th t planting the seeds • . . Agriculture,' " NOTES: Ch. 2:16-18. The ,rierd rais-lis lit Tpehe Npealt mGaTteerantio: eVaintel faith summary_ e,alanation of ell that haP- on inherited. virtue.. The faith of tier uP 'indite& This is the writer s Pteaelintivartien"egtb-10°-• a- Tr g?-ce7e- ;et - date t et Ottawa, Dr. Hilton concisel;Ilut mire' ed Or cabbage. can be set, out of "doors nuteatiuYred'osfertibhees-dthis-eeaesrai,Taandrlripljrtetritriel wPealisida'ngeThe.e.seiPeri!thrt-niaintrneda,;g'atheee rheYmd-fthaethent 7-1.thaisa'aI,;fb-ehleiViiangd'iyaitdilul7a-iino'ea,da' oiff ed before tomatoes or, peppers; As or horsed and cattle, ' first 'Washing their distress they repented and criend the nation are not to decline. Rehm; very early and. therefore can be start- tr)tment, which inaludes, in the ease into the hand of their eneTmee. •T soon as the plants eeern crowded in - - with hot weter and castile soap, thor- to him for deliverance, He had com- maneddeNes deledper:ewimerperesPeoudpoinneltih' ewnha9- _ the box : they should, be transplanted . enumerate the aims of the work:. and the methods f011ewed, in Order that, all growers enteresthd in the produc- tion of seed potatoes reasonably free from disease ,meer be. kept informed agricul- .tural actierity and; if they desire to do Make . application ,for an insPec- hitches ,whee Other hens lay so, Hon 'cif their fields .during the coming ,nest "vdth-tlie Sozhe farmers eeaeon. • , ilts riot eset until bee°41es " The aims .of the above werleere: . (1.) To encimeage•the greeter pro- duction of • seed- potatoes free from. (2.) To make:known to the grow- ers the verities, diseases affecting po- tattiest; their. economic inipott.arice; and 'accepted Methods; . for , their con- trol. • (a.). To recornmend to, the, growers, in the event Of a change. of seed -being feediedenecesserysesourcesesef--disease-_ seethes -4e% 'straw-We:chaffs-and-then-a • fees, earthen , eggs.' 'otit l'egT"; free seed potatoes, ethus gradually .!‘f.hii.e4;:atie4idhe placed ill..13°P),e Pen eliminating undesirable stock. '• .wheeenothing- can disturb the hen, (4.) To assist ; the greveers, whose putheron• after dark. ' 'reed and-- :stick upon inspection is found lira- . eseterlfinetebe 'within easy reach, and sure. up to the standards set, in setur- •se dust bath should also be.'weverlient het favorable pikes for their seed, If thal hen, is ,sitting. quiet 'the, next by -the -issuance of efficial Certificates day, yeitesell, he elle ni . potting the vouching for its quality., eggS'enn'Orl.'li0"" In ' our exPO'ence The inetheda applied earning we get ninety Per 'cent. of the hens ont iiiipecdOei and certification of vo- te :sit by folloWie,g. this ineth011, '• . tateenare f011iswe: etioeldebe remembered that the , ..The fields are inspected .at, hen will be in condition °dust- blossoming time, and again about a ed with':irieteet '•powder when eee, and month subsequently, in order. to aseere ala° a few'da341"14'.4frefts'a hatch 'eamaS what diseases (if any) affecting off.. This will treeselleY keep the growing plants, are present. ; In- efisik,; es*IallY tansy or (b) Failure of any fields to measure mints leaves; are used in making the up to ,the. stenderds, gee for these two 'fies them for „any Selectidn' 'Eggs- further consideration for peses. • .1 " . ---Selecteforecelore-aildesbaPere eee-- hind 'Of eggs'. You went .,for market. c) The crops o e w • ce,ntheeoefeiseleeeion? yor after: year, the two field inspections ere inspected will els .reseesee, • Do not select diTt.t-3, at harvest .timeeor. subsequently, and eggs, nor do :ewe handle eggs iuu.eas if found reasonably free from disease 'erini'heridli are ,cleari. .The lir affecting the tubers, ,are passed as; porous, peseebee con,: worthy seI taolioe.cesrtjAe_a.tiell ,as Extra N, 0- 1, • tarninationd , • Ekgs deteriorate in hatching qUal- • (0-A fine/ i,espectielisis..readeeelf ,ity with age. When you hold egp for so reefeested leY the grower -of all ,batthing. Isf*p' thein: thee ieeee euch crop e when Bola; aria certificae habei7t 'Bfifetys.:utore sthieeeee_pi_ack.degeiseescieFia,ohroened- etiveent7tabggattaa.litedee htYieitheeolensePhajcptermentee .not musty, Eggs for hashingehould These tape are issued by the Dorein- • beekept-not-eongee-tlrnrs-tereedays • hie Defter-tree/In-le. Agriculture and all The, eege from late hatched pullets beer the, official 'steal of the Plant Dili- • ease InsPectiee Service. This seal en- , ee- sures the. validity of .any tag , ape?" ' 'which it appeees,' aid thould be looked for by all purchasers desiring to ses l'eure bona -fide Extra No. certified iSceelepotatees, eee'. "....feefeeee All groereil Of- potatoes intended .deeee'54- for seed purposes who have net Yet resee;eA'ael. reeeived a practieel demonstration of 'the wei-k and who desire to have their 0 arniers j fields inspeeite4'au'ring 15)23 are ,urged teecornehunigath with the Dothinion Beteriett, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, ass edrly in the steelier' as,pos- sihle irr., order that arrangements 'may' be rriade in gocid„ time meet ,their iequirements, 4,0 -broody ein'a._sieet Where no others lay, '..ehielf• often: necessitates late chicks. difficulty '.eeer be oeeteletitie be t•akinge new neat for the hivady, hen. .t hiex.ehont,ewelve inches Square and . inches deep;": Some. earth,. or an ;overturned sod in the bittern, with .cete t� have the corners eery fedi so that eggs; cane:oil' out from the - hen and get chilled;, next:, about two The ground .V1faa tov,Yitly.snoW • teeelle...;•441i.'•'"7-'-',,••1 • • 7., AltiftivfittWOlqej:9: btl:S Airtiose-, • • ' And •rnerrily-sinking...hik He had not been 'singi!ig, that so. very long • Ete Emily heard Mae, so Ieted. !yeah/ - "Oh sister,• look out.. of the Winilewe's • said she, • • 'Chick -se -dee -dee! ' -,"Poor .he t . and the; sleet, „ And has neither stoeltines. nor Shoes' ori his.feet.; :1_p4y him se; how cold he must be! Aed ee-t he 'keelideiiiigiti-e-eiichielt-a- deeldee. t• 'SnOW, ••• , • 'Oh, inother, do get hin. eoine stecic- °uglily drying and then applying a Passion uPoll t eel and. e veered them. ' tienal life that "the people served the " ' ings and shoes,*. ' ' • • The agents whom he emPlOyedewere Iord all the days of Joshua." Then A warm little hat and a coat, if he or thinned 'so that they will 11° , e- mixture -cornPosed. of two pounds . who were both -warriors followed great neglect of persona coilee spindly. In from six to eight .sulphur", eight ounces of oil of tar, these men weeks plants eeach the transPlanting and judges,'deading in war end ruling faith, family training; and family re - A d d• ' etably there • 4 - in peace. n , as wi ose n 'glom a ura y an inesi end one gallon of raw linseed oiL . ., „ size; '' ' " When the outbreak comprises e large with Joshua So now "the Lord leas soon developed "a „generation which k When it is necessary to Provide number of afieraels, dipping is recorn-ewith, the judge, and delivered them out knew not the Lord. more space for the growing seedlings -mended in a 'mixture composed of 24 of the hand of their enemies." 'Porn -1 2. The Salt of the E'arth. From the . , . they may be thinned Mit' in the box pounds of sulphurOten pounds of fresh Pare Ps. 73: 32-39. ' ' vantage ground of his farm, a middle - ii h' i to a ed iman observed the spiritual and • , • I wi01, he'd eome into," the parlor and • .• see • • • . How warm we Would make hint,poor chick-a-dee-dee.'t The bird had ficevh down for SOMQ in which they are grown, thinning unslaked lime, and a hundred ge onsi It may e argued one or two inches between platits. of water. The treatment must be ap-'1 mechanical and that it does not per- moral decline of his People. And true • pieces of bread , as th the And , f,Eandhesaaritc•ii: eeci,y, wore ii,tee a plied under the supervision .of vetLi ec Y reP f God The to type he pondered deeply erinary inspector,. A list of disinfec- nation that sins is not always punish- root causes of the nntional &genera- figUre 'I'd mad 'a that zior is the repeetant time They *ere prosperous enough. .4what a tants; with instructions. as to prepareZed-in this waY, • Early,plants can also be secured by planting seeds out of doers in a hot - Dig a pit.3x6 or 6x6 feet, two. feet deep, on the elinnee side of a building. Line inside of pit with old boatels, held in place by stakes.•Makeboards along' back. of pit extend six inches higher than ih front, so that sash. will slope when placed. on top. „Get' a load of fresh horse manure, let it heat a few days, fork it over, let heat again and put into the pit, tramping firmly, until manure la eighteen' inches' deep. Place tion and use, can ee•oetained free.oe nation always delivered. The people All retired him Esdraelor; were-wav- . „ • , . of Israel faced this fact themselves in ing wheat fields, laden orchards; fruit- dress," Theughe he . • charge on 'appliCation to•the- Veterinr, the. ilays-of--AssyriaiVand fel vineyards; olive groves, and lovelY. As, he "hopped about eingehg. „chick -a- • • ary Inspector •Genet'al, .Ottawa • oPpression. The book of Job strut- gardens, one of, the most heauttru.. qee-dee.. t I scenes in the world, but ss gles with its preblem ef the ,suffering pas ora ortho months Or years, let us pot,for- the wicked, and leaves it at last a literally "a land flowing with .milkeind In balancing the aebits end credits of the righteous and the prosperity of Gideon's' heart was heavy. It was get that the greatest assets of all are mystery in the, hand a ornniPotent Ilemeee' , But the independent courage :_epReEemee , ' ., ' " • ' wisdom. Furidamentally, however, , the and Iglory of the people. had dparted, " .-'-:..-----.40•-•--- Well with . the. eighteous: It does go of marau ing pirates. , __ ^ I 'solder an • Iiiverted tin Pale (which ill with the wicked. The signs of *Inuit' thresh his wheat in hiding. Mid- free. . • ' ' '• ' . ' • can be :bought for ten cents) be the God's ' wrath arenot ahvays present lanites, traveling merchantmen, Of the Than be bobblirig abobt sngirig chick.... sash oyer' pit, bank firmly with earth bottom of my lanterns. It preventS and visible, but his th against sin desert, had long coveted the riches of and a few days later pledge' four -inch upsetting just as well as a ' cement is inevitable. Nene, can escape it. And the rieh cern fields of Israel, -Watehingi ,,,rzier 1, One, me dear AN' thouh': ' layer of soil over the •niamire. Plant. base, andis'much lighter to carry As tr.ril:Itsyarelpats„'IrelisdWisistshs,'egoa:sudrethies .like vultures, the jealousies, dievi_usiroge.el . , i... wfesiceping iiiveralelin, faiihrig o I :eannoe•tell ,.t ti) • ' : teh 1 Ic;I:„7,as.,...titt: Has .elothed ' ine ' alisirdy - and wane seeds in this when temperature- gets it .preeente a ring •on the bottom it: clown to 90, deg. Pe and: etays theree I stands steady ' on • uneyen flow's.- - 1,4 77- Pe11111,ttlie VI ton 71.).;° faith Wig sjitYsee cf)or tleielP:%3' kli1114Intet • • „ ' • writer of this history is right. It is leaving them n we k and ile fear ' d' Even Gideon .`' ,l'el g 3,r.aetuef,eu..xl,p".rei.•;:si, lie; 'for the Wish But I have no occasion for such a fine • . I'd, .ratdhreetssrenee;;; with ''' in-ye-lirn' be all. . , . . in it everywhere the working . of the spoilers." In the endless fights and e •enough,. toce hand of -God ' • I skirmishes of tb.e peried, Gideons Good inorning-Qh, Who:are as •happy Gideon. We turn from Inc general times aee' troubled, but'here man And away.he went, eiriging, his chick: • PietY, and a -dee -dee. • ' • statement of God's way with Israel,: who still retains his deep tos• tery • of 'one of the judges.; the how courage of a true son „oft abouts. •. .17 • • ' Results of SprAy Expe • 2, 3. The Lord eaid unto brothers had lost their live.sl'he, as we?. runents in -1 3 p, RICULTURAL COLLEGE. • • Gideon is raised• up by God to dee! Abraliani. The spirit of Joshua see • • BY, L. CAESAR, •ONTARIO AG . • It should be kept in mind that the 16. The cheapest spray mieture th liver Israel from e Midiariites -elives, not, in the nation it is true; butl 0 est eve.. arieties o -iulphur, hydrat,ed hene. and Arab hordes from the eastern wilder -kiln the individeal. It is a sad time leis . e • :plants orchard -10 Acres -was Composed of ,was lizne„,... . „... ., ness, who had held the land in sub-' the nation's ,history, but it is tar from s , -- • • s - • .,• , alternate rows of Snow .arid. McIntosh arsenate of lime. This cost 25 eSer jectiori for seven years. Two of Gi- 'hopeless, for have we not the charnee , The Canadian -Horticultural Court - apples about 20 -years old. •• cent. less than lime -sulphur and, arsen- deon.s brothers had been slain bring stories of Ruth, and Elkanah, and cil has 'drawn up ruleseand regula------ The,following are the., most impor- ate of lead.' (The hydrated lime waS them. Called "'God to he the -nation's Hannah, and SainueLeand Gideon? I tions for the 'trial plots eirliere new, - . . . . . - i , . . , , tant results obtained: • added to prevent the arsenate of hnle deliverer, he hest" of' all, made •war onl, The. cause of the PeoPIe needs varieties Of ;sleets, submitted for ' - t Any. Isf the following built; , tins, gtv,ip..g, tiiriely infotmatic,n. • of %sine to 'farmers, will be • gladly 'Sent anYwhere free on request. No postage required. Simply tear out this advertise- _ ment„ checkebelletins you de- • :'-sire, and slip it -in 'envelope addressed to• -e e-----leobliseitiersit Menthe Dareferfeneerreeseereseelture, otral'ea, Canada. Stet Varletite at Orsifii. rea•Alfill $issf Cattle'in Onterte.' • , CO-oneratIon in Marketing Penn*" , Prothate. • ' Oraohair and meddler gees: • ' Weeding Influence on Type of nags. .wirt.i4lOshandlry In Canada. Dairyini In Se* Zeeland and Anetzslia., .111ilkint Itoses. ,Eltorage of Xee.. • 1116dtrn Orchard, Practices,. 04 Maple Sugar Industry, • • • . Fel Ban•chtng 'In (anada. 1)04 and Win to Karp Theta. Plabbits. ,* • The Strawberni In Canada, 1 "„ Poultry Kreptni: Town atld Ceentry.-: final Prnita. Weeds lkild Vrread • • reiOlizeirrt, for . Plaid Crops. ' lAst or 100 Publitattone. • 4 , Warne 1 .••••'•• •,/ 4: • • 4 • •1111,,• lowi ,r; ;• 4.4.4.• -i-r; #11 „ ik,.., x -est aoruee.,. . : .. *011,44 4.......L,4,:,,,,,,s4:-..6' .......« ; . . ,.. „ , R. R. R„ 001.00,144•44,,,i.W1,....44,,,.......;...,.....1:••••••......,.. . • t10 1. Check trees averaged 91 per cent. burning foliage.) The next cheapest the idol worship which had its seat in ichamPloning ,to-daY• There are- sPolle registeation will be tested, before be - Th . el e '11 ing _certificated.. , ese ga,t en. wi . was Bordeaux miiture and arsenate his own town eif Ophrah: ' Then he ers in-eur heritage. Canada is suffer. - I. , -2. Trees speayedoeler once, namely, of lime, which cost .2.5 per cept 'More iitilied.thhe,e111114ehthe nodrthebrni tribeeti;..idegt acutely frrnhevrong • beconfrnedeto gevernment institutions, .such as experimen a • ar s -an agr t f f• tn cl as liuds ,were hurstilig, 'esreraged 46 than lime sulphur,y a Naphtali - against the • enemy The maeipulations trade restrictions • ex- ,anasse an s er an e u un an u ion o he wea ar e li dr ted rine and Per cent. scab. s arsenateof lime and 25 per cent. less . • ' cultural colle e , t P Midianite army made its 'camp in the ploiting monopolies, degenerating am- g s. Hp o the end of • •-g• TreeS.SPraYed'onlY once but leter than Bordeaux mixture arsenate • 1923 'eight. new eaeleties of floWers. velley • of Jezreel. Its forces far out- I usemente, seLf-int,erested politics, and than iaboee, nernely, as bloesorn bild of 144 Theedearest sliraY Was -Dore*. nurnbere'cl! the forces whieh Gideonitrafeeking ire the blood-guiltinees 'of an4 one-, neW earleitt!eieiostfra: sttioranw. e,rry, clusters were, jUst, eppeaeirig.but were desalt, and. arsenate -of le id • In the led, and some Of his men Were afraid.' humen• weaknees apd; eice; beeh. aeeepted fOr',recording ivith isot---Yet-showing--Pitk. ailieeatife ie abiesteeiretiest-be-renienelyered-thatethe-Tbe-Lordes-viord-to-edin .vras neeereed, host of Midianites mete destructive? a view `to loth -nate. InoWti.-is..tite,pre-pinks_t_agef)-.; elfgth-OfT theelizeie-gulphuiefor rtheThe t.Ohe then a.•fliglat of. locuste, cheleenee-the it iiiThTheen ,decidiT.by the Hoardto• Advancement In Butter 'Results In 23 of the butter -scor- ing contest conducted for the past five Yk0",.S he the •Dorninion Dairy •,.an'd, Cold Storage Branch,' from may, to oetobe..t. in each year, show that but- ler -making in Canada e has greatly improved. The scoring, by the pro - was very .clOse, ranging from 53.68 by Ontario to 54:85 by Quebec tiedefee-gestorldePtace-*Ith--"-Neva-See'-r0-'40--gtvllonS-wat0r;---7----;-"----1-litittid-Aime-sulphur,---Sgme-Yaars---It-wh' 11 t b mit of 55 possible points. Manitolia incitase--of-M66--lbse sAih lereeeftf eeitiOsi.e.tice was feurth 'with :154,6i; New Bruns- t,.,13',,..4-1Ydrreastoi 'ilAnlii.estal.lveeijiminetinaSmSaakt.t",,Wfaivliorditohlbetlicosrf4 scab it it well,8eehmust in inferior Yr inoarr; irtolinfe li jtfellven I tie, With 54.80 each; British Columbia 'nx to sixth with ,..4,46 tee Bordeeux mixture and was, ofi (g) There is mi need Of tieing lime:: a and o'hers not until eight •or nine half fi; 'Gine aad 86'4 1b4?'' tat' • i Wick fifth with 54;501 Prince Edward,' ''se`e'r51 our and one-,. ve rhont , , oaie "o - -11On- toese..won-by....ifiene.*Iie Were ,_Y:eail.f4:-iiiiatstt.trdy-'-patriotiSrfr-,---and--con,sec-rtxt,ed-:retprd'"th-e origin7 aged .28.7 per cent. scab. "fir; app Ica lop was ga• Wheii perinission waghien, • commonsense, eand-Shrewd-hraver of - some -of thp standiar-Tfrtrielles of • a aafgarea number turned back, and Gi...inedern 4. Trees sprayed 'twice, na,mely,, at gallons water there. was no Scale either of the above times and again' Present. deon hadbut ten thouserid left. • 3. et• 'Call to Pe&ivol. !tie • -fTotts -originated in Capatla; :These was Will include. the "McIntosh" atiti 'Far as the blossoms ,wees reedy to leursti 17. Some dusting was done but 07.r,V-• -V. 4eleet too mane. We may fairly Weirk, to Which Gideon was called understand the story to mean that practicdlly a revitial of religion.; NO-' nleisse" epples, the, "Hilborne black' --the pink stage --averaged 16.8• per ing to, a breakdown of the duster no 5. Trees sprayed three times with . sel o e The sa;re thehneratioann.d Anndhi.onzily eisn s'o far 1tr',,'the ‘"t-J'osce"Iyit';''Igoo's' eberdr‘y, the .; . reliable results could be inferred as Gideon again an.d again sought coun- ot t g les ceuld• raS bertY, he .Hell,..ert re ,tasp- cent. scab. , h to its efficiency iime-sulphur and either arsenaOf 1.10ERENCE,, S FROM_THE BOVE, t•d was spoken In his mind and as people to -day car be brought to "Saunders" black ctirrent Inc"Ff • lead or arsenate otlime, averaged 2.6 (a) The best time to applY the first heart.- God --------- ugh•the mind ,the 'love and service of God is there „ • p 1 0Z- suliihur not soluble sulphur, „et the sgave good results too. , H then. h - • • • • ' ° :1° • • dens, .and by the . heed of, his 'chosen man, I ens,. --Pere7r0likitin inspires-ger41&-. -Pesch,' these"Virldioe.le . i cent scele spray, this year wag, at the' pre -P st e while •Gideop ascribed all his strategy ' seul, corrects the judgment, clears t, h Che.Brer8Y,d• th . es e ria rrde - Cun , sg land skill, anti his final victory, tct God. `Niel -one ennoble.s .the Motives 'lead , 6..Trees.• speayed with dry'. lime- 'stage, •theigh the serni-derrnant Here, en,. e was e to see. that; right decisions, and 'undies. vicitoreSuse cil will recognize .dernonstration glee h 1. eedmarn-arength-isecernmended_b b Eac ' of the t ree regll ar conflict with so owerful in enemy, faith. ••• • '' de tit b' ' • the ' trianiefeettirers; Ione apPlkations 'aprays helped in ' the control of Sen'. Profitable Cow Testink• . .apr,rov'ed. by the Council. , The dee '... , .,,, , , , , -7 . ------ . . . -the-public -se- h UI..I ; - . rise. e o ject being to-In-ing to the • varictie,s o' f horticultural pleas as ere ., beirig given.. apd ;all well' ,titrieir and ,Ne one can afford to emit any of these Cow testing has shovel an- ImPrev.e., monstration;gardens wiii'be-1.ce4ducted :-..• ',- thorough, averegea 18;g•Per eente*ele: ePraYs. ' •. , ...' , _ •, , ment in 4 three years in, one 'herd in b ' 's8." Wettable mile nee^ ;osiii•-•eiiii d The best combination of sii-rairi too late.te use-.en-anY- hut the tbir•-usedi i, for i nt g ;. yv:aryrthai ngeaisnti,o oale,cpck 4uunxt ..73a39si, ,in, the .first and second eiPray., Trees! 40 forinula) for the. fleet spree, ter. e • le-, . • - ' . • age per 'COW 'of 5 990 lb thifeete-' eatedeseveragede3pereeetiteseab4-deeerXellehe same strength and.larsen-...ly'owm.-- : inte_r,Ita, in,,tee .e•eees,..ge.;en, : 217,6 liii. • fat to 7,t8it. lbe. :mile . aed' ' e 7 1 • • ' e ,n, .: .r. CalYX; spray, lime-suleher being 9, Trees 'sprayed ,,,seitte" Bordeaux; ate ,ok li ni -e 1. pounCrefeiellie-ebeeriede the sectet,of getting eggs; rtieular- . . t . , .4p,c;•I'.,. sswiniii jks.. afnate.;ri e:iiireta.,ndin:a..insTliexp .0fT.IN,187:v.oeTni,,,d6iteiii:i.imoilue,ts_,, _eheme maeey,:odeo:ioje,f iaee,eedeian:: piteelieirsseeveilei,heiTaet, Pftroinmeeri',E4idtwiebri3d:InIs:liladiiiTia.fr:icm2e.:6_ai...iiii.),a;:v.et-,:;..010.Yur_nslit:cce:s(eiPilieoitic.82.41:1,:e0,709:e:•.111..t.vi°::.e.:11:itili -.-:1:,... ...' andei2eteee .112s.,.-:;fat.r.,and:.-•.40,',A.Motbei• . herd il v a'll'i6.P'' 'L'aA7 "'"Parts• 1923„31W- : throughout • showed •an eindeeirablei arid lime-pulpher 1 gallon tes4O gal- t ernount of russeting: of the fruit bet pleollus,p, dvtiriaanrd. hYdrated. lime 2 or 3 the whisie•Prehlene is in the breed or ,,t0.1.0gui, lbse,reile a berd in ,which,, the falliO iivaS geed: - The tussietede arstenetee of lime 1 pounde• Attain ; while' others think, that the Iii New' Brunswick the system, 'Was followed incieesede 63a16'n.(3, .fto,,f4 w•r h6iellibis7,1:80:toh2 151:7 3 5' 1 61: ' .fruit averaged 3e per cent. cab. , I for, ehe, third or calyx spray.. ' , e " • • (a) Arsenate of -lime on account of •"slag la these are irariOrtent, but thes.onivaein• ' reit- th bl . to '1 All e pro em lfbes°.71•minlnk latnv' del4a2g1e9;.0Pelbi.e.ciifwati 74:s "ii‘ 5i6,7_,!.1-:e'Sl'itti $312'.1491C)4. Intr..e'nf'•'''t'e dree)asi. Br 19. Where. Bordeaux was used •fora its cheapness, its making no precipi- eel, frir moor' i ult i a lack of care- t'he first two spray's; and lime -sulphur tate or black' sludge with lime -sulphur f-UT.w-e're-rne-outel:e, esefosee thiei ,,eggs are for" - 9 greener •'; and of its equal killing' value ,com- for the third, the 'foliage -wa pared with arsenate of lead should, so wanthd.e While .you are co ecti g ' should and • bolter than . where • -linie-gulphur : high-priced winter .eggetoyou , shouth,. was used in all three applications; the ,far as • one i can judge, be .substituted be making, carefu plans. t secure , e •fruit tee Was but little eustieted. , i foe arsenate,. elf, lead. ' It mist ,not,' , 11. Arsenate of lime gave as good however, be use'd with Water' alone' ceertta- °f pullets 'R• forGnehe toseason, .1so control of Worms as arsenate of lead, bet, only with . Bordeaux or lime-' --;-. .31.(if. W. A ' 17, l'ult7 the average for both plots being 4 per, suipliur' and With the latter 2 or 3'.Depte, Ontario . grieu,t ura -College.wtod „cee,e,eyorply,eippeese all b:eing due to Peende„Ofhydra, delone, should l'oe; Where eggs in evireer., are atp , side wernis Of *ficermortfivir.iihrf-a'ad" , •--e‘vi,i46ifF.::•.;,;--;;-.-,4.if, •,;p•r. ,the-earlY,...b...4,..eh.dEtant,.,7.,.!..,P,.fro,re.,:a0 ayeraggPf,fi..,?"0„ tbi, .T0 i Ili... aDd:. • -"'------00-•-7.-----.- . to. insure against huehing. ' ••, e • ' • . - i lin bens and those older are eery 0 le f, I, , 19..4 lbs. fat ,to 7,061 lh, mill( and , nue an er everanee , into. it ' It, ' ' 'el tuck id made only stirface. in es and ,did '. Juri' a . ' ''' '''' .." e ""' "'' "(1" " doubt the, ont te,deeend upon. Year- ,) • , _ _ .,, . _ _. , , I ' (e) Some hatie thought that stone • - ,ra gelv" good n oducers durin NoVem- -64.1 . a, a . In.,(Iniano an slyerage , pou ry .tepileg an- :wee.' e ' riot SUCCect, in . entering , the, fruit. 12. A. large excessof lime in mak- Iime 'was suPeitiot to hydrdted limnin-. 'r •'-- - r - • ; - g ineeeaseeper-eow wns,regiStered from' not eke corks .1 .e. , • idete• ' . Per and December. Ihey are uncer- e , ing Doedeaux 12 J\ seems desirable making Berdeaux but thete•ecems no • ' • J • • and Februar , '' . s, IT cnnd 218 lbs. tat to 40,1 Fi, . s e...,..., .7' i -(.. aii there' was almost no Yell° le f or * a h d l. • . tam, even in anuaiy . .. good reason why ,y reted • lint. shot's' • . died 'really. do ' not begin to ley ,*e11 - ' 235 lbs. milk and 346,4 lb fa .'• s... t, an 11 17110' of pieteree and rnirrork p c KB on get ana oronze leaf, drop 'this year . compared with 'a. not be used especially as, it is mucn. until March. 'Where the.egg produc- actual increase,through cow -testing of .• i also on- tho•eleetric' fixtures • are un - leaf ' heavy "drop last year when le se lithe eesier :to procure, store and hanale, _ e 4._ e t'on lane vele.* fifteen per cent, iltir- 3,803.lbs. milk and 128.4 lbs. fat!, Irl eightly. ' Scrubbie Syri u d '' 111' Wag 'lewd. The:formula this year was ' (f) It does not seen) eafe to '721) 11 .1 • th ' • mg c wi er n on . s,, is n rit. 4 th one ' ot' ere,iised from 4,59:3. lbs, milk and 10132 • Alhcets an average per cow. was 1P-1 clean theme ff .. , u ,tske the leequer or h te., Q .. po II, e W 3 lbs. bluestene, 9 lbs. ,hydrated lime,• Y ttite dr I'm ' 1 h f th ' (I' , i fetal p ur or e or inarY making mucli ptofit, " The .ege „at ihe, ,t, t t F.3.,,r( i - , . . ' finish oft 'too, A. saturated solut' f 6„ 0 m States an. ,6 = s. lbs. =ilk and 275.9 ,lbs. fat.' A worth' $75,936 to the -British West In - Scotts, herd recorded an increase from' an. average of 4,044 lbs, lbs.,. fat te 5,554,4116s.- milk and . fresh cream at $30,315, and levee ed from an av.erege per cow of ,6,682 gallons • of lbs.:fet. Quebee ,one,herd increas- lbS," rhilk and 25-4.2' lbs. fat to 8 104 milk . a -n(1%1294'71 iltiee(81j,'„s'Bt2ei.gdestootiche•21°7170g4inggaltitsUnoi''' df".16a6irtyl",prir7diu7ta; taken. by that country fresh milk valued. at $39,- - the total value of the lee: milk' and 324,3, ibs.• fat.. Anothc.re up to $1;134 085. - herd ' le' the saeie province' developed' , • ,o I 1S. TY111k, arid 254.6 h' 0'd "es1 tl t • stronger than 1 gallon to 35 PAX Wi 4 ; ag Lich moretconveelent to 'uso. sulphur , , an seventh with 5/1.:04,, and Alberta •in . 40 gallons of water for the el t f ty per dent. er,g v, ield is wanted m . November the pullets sheltie . ang114Three.• eaditio'n of 3 lbs. hydrated s°-Triray" unless ecale is present. . ; 000 to 100,000 workers, There shc,uid 'Of meat °linear' hang ever 200 potindii eigheh with 54.25. „ d•be hatch I &Insist of 070 selected queen and 75,- Y .Pu g • • good eolonyof bees rtt , For spoked meat,'we find, an effiPtY, . months of ageThis meen that, if al eine of the, main ,eesey flow, should e lean barrel an ideal storing Place. • 13 "ttin St.rings through all pices to liine-sulphur before' adding! In. conclusion it May, be o in e es ed tiering March or 'April, ay possible NO 'Use te go down in the hack' lot arsenate ef lead 'asserted greqly the te knoy,(1) th:at on an aVersta aeMie hatched, pullets will lay a little but Iew "'"' arse holler about the Koed thin gs 'You ,arnolint. of ltidge or blacl(isli precipl.+1 6 gallone Of'sprae per tree Was,fennd as a rule, not' forty Or More per'eent, have to sell, Get out, where Men will tate but seemed te make mule or no rieeessary, the trees heirm About 20 daily, ICOar :YOU*: .!ilt. it. in the Pene,r• , tl difference;„in the. ,efficeency '. f th 1 years old and capable of bear -1 . o e, 0 thrifty, . . .,•. • ' a ' ' ' . 'We •Psy .weeltlY eta offer. ;t:ei.ttly ern. SikLESMEN ,,--.. -_-„, . : Rtynt, .. „• --- -.----- - --1-.-ing . ithout-:-4-....bintrels...each;- and (2) ' , -Sotithern Italy c)tported. last year 16. Four sprays this year were no; that the Math infection period for scal4 Water rises in the soil by peans of Dieymbet , m .. . „. , . . . , . . .,.. be rig our coinvie.to end ex, , . , 611;890,0,00 Werth of 8111100413. In that better than three in Norfolk County this year in all 'pines of the,provinde;.cSpillerY aVaaction• . That is, the, eiestee linos of eeole,root freeeeleg. country certain varieties are ,picked where the xpertments were conduct_} Was, e ore e' ' t. Th .. i water asses trOrri each: particle of to -order trees .and plants. Bost stock green and -eaten as .fruit, ,The Muskeg .,ed, , Lae.t., eAr,, a fourth Spray Waill fore ally, eieestip Vtelo omitted the early, seii f.O. the ilOxt, the s."arne as kerosene (Ind BerVee. We teach and °clop, yeti spec° and no tws; pleeee need, toude temoved and the .stolt green shell and very valuable', ' especially' in .pro*vent.. sprays 'sliaitid: iiiitblititie'llie'aprittY'fo-r- in ' -'a lamP-Wick-rifiell-teoln-Alhie-1.0:1"e• A ,inonWitiAttltvg , oPe,ortenity, ,t0c111190 mold. eviler t(ghtly and i , , ,.. . .., . • Iritel are eaten with Salt. ° .. I ing scab. • in one barrel: drive two or three rows of nails 'around the barrel at different heights; for the baton to hang from, and let,the sausages and • 'llama hank on different ,length strings ' frotn rods (pr0ferahly metal) across the tope this, Wee the whole seine' - trier supply can hte kept in a smell not controlling scab., 1.11bro. • !Luke' ifirOthers.Kuraiortes, Montreal, ' ;flies can't get at it., • 5.41,